What is the best way to lay down in the sun. Folk remedies for sunburn. Important features of sun tanning

Tanned body has long been considered attractive and beautiful, so people before the holidays are interested in how to quickly tan in the sun and, of course, safely. To get a smooth and spectacular tan under an open scorching light, it is necessary the right way prepare your body for sunbathing. And to achieve the best result, you need to resort to some tricks.

Preparing for the beach season

Human skin is so differently receptive to the sun that one can get good tan already in a few days, another will have to spend at least two weeks under the sun, that is, a good rest. But the reality is that we can not always count on a long pastime on the beach, so we should methodically prepare for it. In addition, it is quite laborious to quickly tan with white skin.

When you arrive at the place of rest, the main rules of a good tan are known to everyone:

  • Be closer to the water, as reflection occurs and the body will tan faster;
  • Stay more often in motion than at rest, so the tan more actively “sticks” to the skin.

To begin with, you can take care of purchasing vitamins intended for the skin in pharmacy chains and start using them. It must be remembered that being in the sun leads to a loss of moisture, free radicals accumulate in the skin, which contribute to aging and the appearance of new wrinkles. To reduce the harm from the sun to a minimum, it is worth drinking vitamin complexes.

How to quickly tan in the sun folk remedies and natural products. grown vitamins naturally also not to be ignored. Especially useful will be carrot juice, which contains beta-carotene, which helps to produce melanin, which is a tanning pigment. Some fats are absorbed very well together with provitamin A. Drink carrot juice can be combined with a small amount of sour cream or you can take vegetable oil.

Beta-carotene is also found in:

  • Watermelons;
  • apricots;
  • Peaches;
  • melons;
  • Pumpkins.

Amino acid - tyrosine in the production of melanin also plays an important role. It is included in animal products: meat and fish, in addition, in avocados, beans, almonds. This will help if you are interested in how fast the white to chocolate shade is.

Pre-tanning also includes the use of body and face scrubs. . Given the constant death of skin cells, without treatment, a tan can lie unevenly and unstable. If you regularly apply the scrub, the skin will look younger, and the tan will turn out to be beautiful and even. After scrubbing, the use of moisturizing creams or lotions is highly recommended.

If you can visit the solarium several times before a beach vacation, take advantage of this. You need to start with 1-2 minutes, bringing up to 5 - do not abuse. In this case, your skin will already be prepared for longer exposure to the sun and increases the chances for those who ask how to quickly tan with white skin and are looking for ways to realize their plans.

Rules for quick sun tanning

Arriving on vacation you can not be under the sun long time If you stress your skin on the first day, it will simply burn out and further exposure to the sun will become even more traumatic for the skin.

Therefore, follow some rules if you are wondering how to quickly tan:

  • The first days in the sun you can stay no more than 20 minutes;
  • Every day, the tanning session can be increased by 5-10 minutes, depending on the type of skin;
  • Remember, you can’t sunbathe between 12 and 16 hours - this is the most active solar time at which you can get badly burned;
  • Application sunscreen- necessarily - than lighter shade skin, the stronger the degree of protection should be;
  • Don't neglect sunglasses The sun dries and damages the retina.

natural cosmetical tools also contribute to the acquisition of a quick tan. By nourishing and moisturizing the skin, they increase the production of melanin, which protects the skin. How quickly white will be asked by representatives of a pale skin tone - you need to buy oils with UV filters; only swarthy people can afford products without sunscreens.

Summer is a unique time of the year when girls can show off their beauty to the fullest by choosing open and colorful outfits. IN this case tan is designed to emphasize all external advantages, because dark shade skin gives the figure more elegance and harmony.

This primarily applies to the legs, which everyone regrets to emphasize as much as possible. Unfortunately, often after a rest, girls notice that the tan on their legs turned out to be much lighter than on other parts of the body, so the question of how to make legs tan is very relevant.

Before you figure out what to do to tan your legs, you need to identify the main causes Not even tan. Determining the etiology of this phenomenon will help to avoid many mistakes. So, the provoking factors are presented:

  • The uneven production of melanin, which is extremely small in the skin of the legs. This becomes the main obstacle on the way to intense and fast tanning. As a rule, a significant difference is more noticeable on inside legs. In addition, the skin on the legs is more dense, so the formation of a tan in these areas of the body is a slower process. This feature can be easily explained. The fact is that the skin of the legs is more adapted to temperature changes, therefore it is more resistant to ultraviolet rays.
  • The level of circulation. So, it has long been noted that those parts of the body in which there is slow blood circulation are less susceptible to tanning.
  • Frequent feet in the water. In the upper part of the body, a more intense tan is noted due to the fact that this part is more often under direct sunbeams even when it comes to swimming in the water.

Having familiarized yourself with the features and being guided by some simple rules, it will be possible to achieve a uniform tan of the body.

How to make your legs tan quickly?

There are several universal rules for how to quickly tan in the sun. In this case, the legs will have the same shade as the skin color in other areas. It is recommended to pay attention to the following:

  • To form a quick tan on the legs, you must choose correct position staying on the beach. So, it is recommended to lie down in such a way that the sun's rays fall more on the legs, and not on upper part body.
  • An important aspect of a uniform tan is the normalization of blood circulation. In this case, the position in which the legs will be slightly lower than the level of the head is considered normal.
  • Leading beauticians also give professional advice on how to quickly tan your legs. It is noted that it is possible to speed up the process of tanning on the legs with the help of peeling procedures, which are recommended before going to the beach. Often, it is a large accumulation of dead particles that prevents the production of melanin in sufficient quantities, so cleansing procedures can bring an improvement in the situation. For peeling, you can use coffee grounds or sea salt.
  • In activating the tan, not the last role is assigned to activating creams, which can be purchased at almost any store for body care products.
  • The question of how to sunbathe in a solarium so that the legs are tanned should not bother women at all, because in these conditions the problem is easily solved by changing the direction of ultraviolet rays, which should be aimed directly at the legs.
  • For a quick tan, it is not recommended to wipe the body dry after leaving the water. Best results can be achieved by giving skin dry naturally. But this recommendation is applicable only when it comes to being in the sun at the right time. Otherwise, there is high risk get burnt.
  • To achieve a quick tan of the legs, as well as even out the shade, you can use natural tanning activators, represented by essential and natural vegetable oils.

In order to speed up the process of tan formation on the legs, it is not at all necessary to use expensive activators. Good results will help to achieve and folk recipes funds for natural basis. So, just before going to the beach, it is recommended that the skin on the legs be thoroughly cleaned and treated with one of the following products:

  • Vegetable oils with walnut or Brazil nuts, St. John's wort, coconut and sea buckthorn, which can be safely mixed with essential oils citrus or turmeric.
  • Oil walnut and wild rose, which must be mixed in proportions of 3 to 1, respectively.

Video on how to quickly get an even tan

Your dream is bronze smooth skin? To achieve such a result, it is not necessary to spend long hours under the exhausting sun. The most effective and simple solution available at any time of the year is tanning in a solarium. After several sessions, the skin acquires a chocolate tint, even if it is naturally pale. The main thing is to know how to sunbathe in a solarium.

Instillation of tanning in the solarium

First of all, a girl should visit a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications to tanning. It is not recommended in the presence of hypertension, dermatitis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the skin, liver, thyroid gland. Sunburn can be harmful if a woman undergoes hormonal therapy, drinks antibiotics, diuretics, psychotropic drugs.

In order for the skin to acquire a noble color, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Use only special cosmetics for the solarium, which has protective properties that activate the pigmentation process. Products intended for sun tanning are not suitable.
  2. Before the procedure, do not take a shower, do not use soap, so that the skin is not left without a protective fatty film. You also don't need to epilate.
  3. To get a good tan, wash off cosmetics from your face and skin, otherwise it can contribute to the formation of age spots.
  4. Remove contact lenses before the session. To protect the eyes, special goggles are offered everywhere, which you should definitely use.
  5. Panties should be left on the body, the bra should be removed, and it is recommended to protect the nipples with special stickers or cover them with your palms.
  6. After the procedure, rest, take a shower and use a moisturizer to replenish moisture.

How long does it take for a tan to show up after a tanning bed?

Dark color on the skin appears due to irradiation of the body long waves during the production of melanin. The intensity depends on the power of the lamps, the number of sessions and other factors. When does a tan appear after a solarium? The time depends on the type of skin and the amount of melanin content. In dark-skinned people, the result is visible after the first procedure, the rest require more sessions. If a girl is just starting to tan, a certain amount of pigment must first accumulate. After each procedure, the time of tanning is reduced, resistance is increased.

How best to sunbathe in the solarium for the first time

Start with minimum quantity time, taking into account the phototype. For example, owners fair skin, gray, green, blue eyes and blond hair for the first time should sunbathe for about 3-5 minutes. Don't be greedy - quick tan will do more harm than good. The safest solarium for the first time is considered to be vertical, in which the ultraviolet is distributed evenly. Before the procedure, drink mango or carrot juice to get better faster. beautiful tan.

How long to sunbathe in the solarium

Experts recommend up to 10 procedures, but sometimes 6-7 with a week interval is enough. Further, the resulting shade should be maintained by visiting the salon every 7 days. A quick tanning option is 2-3 visits per week for 14 days, then 8-10 minutes every week. It should be clarified with specialists what power the apparatus has, how much time can be spent in the solarium at a time.

Duration of one session

How long do you need to sunbathe in the solarium? It depends on the type and characteristics of the skin. The Celtic is considered the most sensitive, which is characterized by freckled skin, red or blonde hair, gray ( Blue eyes). In women of this type, the skin is prone to burns, and they should choose lamps with low power. The duration of one session is no more than 3 minutes. Dark-skinned, with brown, black hair, gray or brown eyes girls are allowed sessions lasting up to 10 minutes. To achieve the result, they need several procedures.

How often can you sunbathe in the solarium

Do not strive to be in the solarium every day in a row. There is a rule according to which there should be no more than 50 procedures per year, and the time interval between trips should be more than 48 hours. The optimal frequency is 1-2 visits per week. The course is about 10 procedures. The skin must have a rest, so do the courses no more than 2 times a year. To keep the shade longer, use special fixatives and moisturize the body daily.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the solarium every day

Schedule your visit appropriately. Every day you can not sunbathe under any circumstances, even if you smear the right cosmetics, use stikinis or choose a turbo tanning bed. If you always went to one place, you are familiar with the device, but there was a long break, be sure to check how your skin reacts to artificial ultraviolet. This recommendation is due to the fact that changes could occur in the body.

How to intensify your tan in the solarium

During tanning, the skin loses a lot of moisture due to the heating of tissues and increased sweating. In order to protect it from ultraviolet light, reach faster chocolate color, nessesary to use special cosmetics. If you ask experts about how to quickly tan in a solarium, they will definitely advise you to use stimulants and fixatives. Learn more about them.

Oil for quick tanning

Useful tool, which protects against ultraviolet radiation and activates the pigment responsible for skin color. After application, tanning oil in a solarium is absorbed through the pores, has a positive effect, forms a protective film on the outside. Popular cosmetics:

  1. Garnier. Designed to provide durable, beautiful color skin. Contains basic and apricot oil.
  2. Sun. Helps to enhance the noble color, intensively moisturizes the skin.
  3. Floresan. Like the previous products, it enhances the result of tanning. The result may appear after one application.

Suntan drops with beta-carotene

How to get a tan in a solarium, taking drops? These are products that can be drunk during active tanning and after it to maintain a chocolate shade. Our most affordable is Vetoron, which can help even girls with pale, very white skin. It should be taken by diluting 10 drops in a glass of water. In summer, the remedy can be drunk every day, but not more than 3 months. Beta-carotene, getting into the body, is converted into vitamin A, enhancing the tan.

Video: how to tan faster in a solarium

With the onset of hot sunny days, many women think about how to quickly tan. This is not at all surprising, since the bronze tan makes the skin incredibly beautiful. Many believe that the more time they spend on the beach, the faster they will tan. But that's not the case at all. You can get a tan in a short period of time only by following some rules and using special tools.

How to quickly get a tan in the summer?

In order to get a tan in the summer as quickly as possible, it is necessary to take baths only near water bodies: seas, rivers, lakes. This is due to the fact that the water surface has the ability to reflect UV rays, which greatly enhances their effect. But is that really all you can do to tan faster? No! Those who want to achieve a bronze skin tone should also:

  1. Actively spend time - swim a lot, run kites, play volleyball or do other beach sports.
  2. Take between 8 am and 11 am and between 3 pm and 6 pm.
  3. Constantly change the position of the body, lying on the sand, turning to the rays of the sun in different directions.
Tanning cosmetics

To quickly and beautifully tan, you should use products such as tanning prolongators. They should be applied before sunbathing. They enhance the color and retain the resulting shade for a long time. by the most effective means helping to tan as quickly as possible at sea are:

  1. Lotion Dark Tanning by Australian Gold- it has an SPF factor, so it activates the synthesis of melanin, which will allow you to tan quickly, and protects the skin from UV rays.
  2. Cream Cosmetics Tanning Accelerator by Eveline- it contains shea butter, ß-carotene and walnut extract, it enhances the bronze tan and prevents redness.
  3. Spray "Sunburn" by Niveathis remedy enhances the production of melatonin, and also perfectly softens the skin.
  4. Spray Caribbean Gold by Sex Kitten- it contains alfalfa extract, which literally attracts UV rays, a set of natural melanin synthesis activators and hemp oil, which has anti-aging and moisturizing properties.

The use of tanning prolongators after sunbathing is another quick and safe way get a tan. It is best to apply lotion on the skin "After Sun" by Garnier or after sun balm Clarins. These cosmetics soften the skin, enhance the manifestation of sunburn and smooth the relief.

Folk remedies for sunburn

To get a tan in the sun as quickly as possible, you can also use folk remedies. Great helpers in obtaining a beautiful bronze hue - carrots and carrot juice. These foods contain a huge amount of beta-carotene. This substance increases the production of melanin. Before leaving for open sun just drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or eat a salad of carrots, grated on a fine grater, with any vegetable oil.

For those who want to quickly tan, you can use such a folk remedy as coffee oil.

Oil Recipe



Mix coffee and oil. Pour the mixture into a glass container, close it tightly and place in a dark place. Shake the container periodically. After 10 days, strain the oil.

With the resulting product, you need to rub the body and face with massaging movements 30 minutes before visiting the beach. If you have sensitive skin, you can add a couple of teaspoons of cream to it. Use the rest of the coffee grounds as a scrub.

Every beautiful lady wants to become the happy owner of an even and tanned skin. This can be achieved in the solarium or while sunbathing. We are interested in the second option, so it makes sense to consider it in more detail. Thinking about how to tan in the sun quickly, you should consider some of the nuances. It is necessary to prepare the body and skin for the procedure in advance.

Important features of sun tanning

  1. Taking vitamins. Before you go on vacation, buy a multivitamin complex. The drug should be aimed at improving the condition of the skin. Start taking the composition 1-2 months before the holidays. If you neglect the recommendation, after a long stay under the scorching sun, the skin will begin to dry out and become flabby. Choose drugs that contain tocopherol, ascorbic acid, retinol, riboflavin. The listed vitamins are necessary for the epidermis to fully form. You will end up with an even, blemish-free tan.
  2. Scrubbing. It is known that the skin is renewed at the cellular level. From here, the epidermis begins to peel off, lose moisture and look unaesthetic. All this you will achieve if you neglect the advice. So, 7-10 hours before sunbathing, remove the keratinized particles of the dermis. This can be done using homemade or purchased scrubs, peelings with fruit acids. After the procedure, do depilation (epilation is prohibited if less than a day has passed before the start of tanning).
  3. Choice of place and time. To tan faster, choose an area near salty or fresh sources. It can be a river bank, a sea, a lake, any reservoirs. Some people practice sunbathing by the pool, as long as the water is free of bleach. This recommendation will allow you to tan quickly and evenly. For getting beautiful shade skin should choose the time period correctly. To avoid burns, go to the beach before 11.00 and after 16.00. These intervals are considered the safest for human health.
  4. Body position. A quick and even tan is obtained only if you lie strictly “in the sun”. Before spreading the covers, stand with your back to the sun and look at your shadow. You must place the bed at the same angle. After that, you can start sunbathing. Try to lie down on an incline so that your head is down and your legs are slightly higher.
  5. Usage protective equipment. Any tanning should be carried out only after the preliminary application of a cream or lotion with UV protection. Choose a product marked "for sunburn". It is considered effective special oil. It acts like a magnifying glass, allowing you to get a quick and beautiful tan. The use of protective equipment is mandatory, otherwise you risk burning or getting a patchy tan.

Doctors forbid pregnant girls from being in the sun and sunbathing. The ladies who are on breastfeeding, can accept sunbathing but with extreme caution. Do not allow burns or severe overheating of the body.

Newly made mothers should adhere to the following rules:

  • choose the right time for sunbathing (9.00-10.00 or 16.00-17.00 hours);
  • when choosing a cream, study the effect of the composition on the children's body;
  • take water with lemon juice with you;
  • the first tanning session lasts 15 minutes, gradually increase the duration up to 1 hour;
  • never sunbathe without special means protection;
  • try to stay in the shade more.

There are a number of certain diseases, in the presence of which it is necessary to limit or completely exclude sunbathing. These include:

  • eye ailments;
  • varicose veins, vascular networks;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of moles with a size of 1.4 cm;
  • age restrictions (less than 5 years);
  • disruption of the genital organs;
  • melanoma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • precancerous diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • fever, fever body;
  • taking harsh antibiotics
  • a lot of birthmarks, moles and freckles on the body;
  • tuberculosis;
  • violations endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • infection;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • albino people (white hair and skin);
  • diabetes;
  • polycystic ovaries, mastopathy.

Many are interested in the question of at what body temperature you can visit the beach. The answer is obvious: you should feel healthy. If the temperature has risen to 37, only the duration of stay should be limited to 20 minutes. In the case where there are inflammatory processes, postpone sunbathing until the moment of recovery.

In addition to the obvious above contraindications, there are several more restrictions. So, you should not sunbathe when:

  • peeling and scrub performed less than 5 hours ago;
  • cleaning the skin of the face and body, performed less than a day ago;
  • the presence of Botox injections (consult a specialist);
  • tattoo ( Permanent makeup), tattoos - protect with sunscreen;
  • hair removal, from the moment of which 24 hours have not passed;
  • wraps based on essential oils;
  • recent removal of warts and moles.

Fast Tanning Foods

It is known that a beautiful even tan can be obtained only if the secretion of melanin is stimulated in sufficient quantities. To increase the effect of sunbathing, eat TOP 7 foods.

  1. Apricot - includes beta-carotene, which enhances the production of melanin and allows you to achieve even tan. Fruits also contain B-group vitamins, iron and phosphorus. All of these enzymes will retain the released hormone, thereby increasing the durability of the tan. To achieve the effect, you need to eat at least 0.2 kg. apricots daily.
  2. Carrot - a vegetable occupies a leading position among girls who seek to tan in the sun quickly. You can eat carrots pure form or prepare fresh squeezed juice from it. A huge amount of beta-carotene will contribute to the production of melanin, make the skin even and smooth, and reduce stretch marks (if any). It is enough to eat 2 grated carrots seasoned with oil before going to the beach. An alternative is a glass of freshly squeezed juice (at least 0.3 liters).
  3. Tomato - tomatoes are fragrant vegetables that will not only accelerate the tan, but also improve activity digestive system. Again, you can eat salad with tomatoes or drink freshly pressed tomato juice. Lycopene, which is part of the vegetable, will make your tan golden, even if you stay on the beach for a short time. Before sunbathing, eat 3 tomatoes or drink 300 ml. juice based on them.
  4. Citruses - oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes - all the listed citrus fruits can be used to make freshly squeezed juices. Add honey to enhance the effect. You will get a quick tan with minimal sun exposure. To do this, drink 150 ml. juice with honey in the morning and 200 ml. - in front of the direct access to the beach.
  5. Spinach - a vegetable is loved for its low calorie content and impressive chemical composition. Spinach gives the tan a bronze tint with a touch of gold. It is enough to take a vegetable with you to the beach and consume it during your vacation. Reception is limited to 300 gr.
  6. Oil with coffee - an amazing composition folk cosmetology, which has gained wide popularity among girls of all ages. To prepare the remedy, chop a handful coffee beans, mix with 100 ml. nut butter. Send the mass to a jar of dark glass, leave for 7 days. Then filter, apply to the skin and after half an hour go to sunbathe.
  7. Eggplant - vegetables take care of the skin, give it elasticity, help to obtain an even tan without spots and dark stripes. Eat eggplant boiled or stewed, but do not fry them. You can eat as much as you can per day. As a result, the sun will cover the skin with an even and soft tan in a short time.

What to do to get tanned legs too

  1. From year to year, girls ask themselves the question of how to cover the skin of their legs so that they also tan. The problem is that the legs take the longest to tan, and as a result, they are very different from the rest of the body.
  2. There are certain rules that must be followed in order to achieve the desired effect. Try to lie down in such a way that your legs are higher than your head. In this case, the lower limbs should be exposed to sunlight more often than other parts of the body.
  3. Exfoliate your feet before heading to the beach. After 7-12 hours, go sunbathing. It is advisable to use coffee grounds or scrub from apricot kernels. Some girls just rub their skin with a washcloth.
  4. To tan quickly, after bathing in a sea or freshwater source, wipe the skin of the body, and leave your feet wet. Drops of water will resemble a magnifying glass, thanks to which the sun will start to bake better.

Cosmetics manufacturers supply tanning products to the shelves for every taste and budget. It is advisable to choose products in the form of oil, they are more effective. Eat foods that promote melanin production. Choose correct clock, do not visit the beach during the highest solar activity.

Video: 8 rules for a perfect tan