Urolithiasis in cats and cats. Types of kidney stones - classification, chemical composition, features of education and treatment

With urolithiasis, different types of uroliths are formed. Let's stop at one of them. Struvite in cats - what is it, how do they form, what methods of treatment are effective? We will talk about this in our new article.

If you see that your cat is having difficulty urinating, that trying to urinate is accompanied by pain, and there is blood in the litter box, you need to take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible. It is possible that your pet has urolithiasis, or urolithiasis. In KSD, urinary stones form due to a metabolic disorder in the kidneys, urinary tract, and/or bladder of the cat. With a different acid-base balance of urine, various salts can precipitate. Which salts are deposited determines what type of stone is formed in the cat's bladder.

Struvites - it is a phosphate stone. They can be hard or loose, the color of struvites is cream or yellow. Under a microscope, they look like an elongated prism with recognizable diamond-shaped edges. In cats, this is the most common type of stone, accounting for up to 80% of cases. Struvite is soluble, which is essential for the treatment of this disease in cats. These stones are also radiopaque, making them easy to visualize on an x-ray and make a diagnosis.

Symptoms of struvite formation in a cat

Your cat's symptoms of struvite mimic those of kidney stones in general. The main symptom is difficult urination or its absence. The number of urination may be more or less than usual, the volume of one urination is usually reduced, and blood may appear in the urine. Read more about the symptoms of urolithiasis in our article "Urolithiasis in Cats".

Establishing diagnosis

If your cat has been diagnosed with urolithiasis, the next step in the diagnosis is to determine the type of stones and their location. Determining the type of urinary stone is extremely important for further treatment. The main type of diagnosis in this case is a urinalysis. The nature of the change in acid-base balance and sediment can tell a lot about what kind of stones have formed in the cat's urinary tract.

Another type of examination is X-ray. Since struvites are radiopaque, they will show up well on x-rays. An ultrasound examination is also used to clarify the diagnosis.

Struvite treatment in cats

Since struvite is soluble, the main treatment is diet. To dissolve this type of stone, the cat's diet must contain a limited amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as maintain the pH of the urine at a certain level. It is quite difficult to prepare suitable food for a sick cat on your own, however, there are lines of therapeutic food for cats with urolithiasis on sale. Each type of stone has its own food, so before giving such food to a cat, be sure to consult a doctor. Prescribing the wrong food can exacerbate the problem.

Antibiotics are also commonly used to treat struvite stones in cats, as these stones are usually accompanied by a urinary tract infection.

More information about the treatment of different types of urolithiasis can be found on our website in the article "Urolithiasis in cats" mentioned above.

Prevention of struvite formation in cats

Prevention of struvite formation in particular and urolithiasis in general lies mainly in a balanced diet (it is better if it is a good ready-made food) and clean water. To monitor the condition of the cat every six months, you need to take a urine test.

The urine of warm-blooded animals contains about 5% of organic and inorganic salts - waste products of the body. These compounds are in dissolved form, but if for some reason their concentration increases, the salts crystallize. Then in the kidneys or urinary tract, solid conglomerates can form from them, and urolithiasis develops.

One of the elements of urine that can crystallize with the formation of conglomerates is magnesium or ammonium salts of phosphoric acid (struvites, or tripel phosphates). In cats, urolithiasis in 80% of cases is caused by a supersaturation of urine with these particular salts, and struvite stones are most often formed if the urine has a pH above 7, that is, it gives an alkaline reaction.

According to statistics, this urological syndrome occurs in every 10th feline under the age of 6 years.

The causes of struvite precipitation can be:

  • Lack of free access to water, due to which urine becomes more concentrated.
  • An excess in the cat's diet of foods containing a large amount of proteins or magnesium and phosphorus compounds (for example, fish or plant foods).
  • A sedentary lifestyle that contributes to the formation of conglomerates from salt crystals.
  • Obesity, which often results in metabolic disorders.
  • Early castration, almost always leading to hormonal imbalance.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary tract, accompanied by a delay or impaired urination (cystitis, nephritis, urethritis).

Good to know. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the urinary tract, cats suffer from struvite-type urolithiasis more often than cats. Siamese, Maine Coon, Burmese, Persian, Cartesian (Chartreuse) cats are more prone to the formation of tripelphosphate stones than others.


The main symptom of struvite in the urine of a cat is problems with urination. It is difficult, due to constant irritation of the urethral mucosa, urinary incontinence develops (the cat often sits on the tray or urinates anywhere) or stranguria (painful urination, as evidenced by the unnatural tense posture of the animal when landing on the tray).

With the further development of KSD, the cat loses its appetite, often drinks water, deterioration in the general condition may also be manifested by rapid breathing and palpitations. Urine becomes cloudy and may contain urine sand or blood. If the stone clogged the ureter and urine is not excreted from the body for more than a day, toxins begin to accumulate in the blood of the animal, causing poisoning of the body. Without urgent care, the cat will die from a ruptured bladder or acute renal failure.

Important! When obturation (blockage) of the ureter with a stone, you should not try to expel it by giving the cat a diuretic. The result can be damage to the urinary ducts or rupture of the bladder.


The main method for detecting struvite in the urine of a cat is a urinalysis, which includes the study of physical properties, chemical composition, and the study of sediment under a microscope. The following indicators are considered normal for cats:

  • the degree of transparency is high;
  • color ― yellow in any variations;
  • density - 1.02÷1.03;
  • pH - 5.5÷7.

In the urine, protein, glucose, acetone bodies, hemoglobin, bilirubin should be absent (allowed in small quantities).

Microscopic examination of urine can detect struvite crystals, as well as pathogenic microflora (some microorganisms contribute to the formation of salt conglomerates). If necessary, radiography (struvites are radiopaque) and ultrasound examination are used to clarify the diagnosis.

Attention! If urine for analysis is taken at home, the tray must first be washed with clean water and poured over with boiling water. Urine is delivered to the laboratory in a sterile container. If it is not possible to collect urine at home, the doctor performs the manipulation using a catheter.

Treatment of struvite in cats

Salts of phosphoric acid are easily soluble, so it is often possible to get rid of struvite stones with the help of drugs. To soften the salt conglomerates, the veterinarian may prescribe medications or a course of herbal medicine to the cat. At the same time, mild diuretics are used, stimulating the muscles of the bladder and facilitating the excretion of salt residues.

An obligatory component of the treatment of struvite type KSD is a diet with a limited content of proteins, phosphorus and magnesium - the "building material" for tripel phosphates. If the disease is accompanied by inflammation or infection, antibiotics may be prescribed to the cat.

If the urethra is blocked, urine is evacuated with a catheter, this procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

If the stones are large, they are removed from the bladder by surgery. This can be a cavity operation of cystotomy, during which an incision is made on the peritoneum, or crushing of struvite with a laser or ultrasound, followed by the evacuation of small elements of stones with diuretics.


To prevent the formation of struvite in the urine of cats, veterinarians recommend following a number of simple rules. The most basic of them is the organization of a balanced diet and drinking regime of the animal.

If your pet eats homemade food, focus on boiled meat, fish and vegetables, periodically use ready-made medicinal foods to replenish the diet with the necessary minerals. It is not recommended to give cats sausages, fatty meat, strong broths, a lot of dairy products. When eating canned cat food or dry croquettes, you should choose premium or super premium food, they contain all the substances necessary for the cat's body, and they do not contain harmful preservatives, flavors and flavors. Fresh water for the cat should be available around the clock.

Measures to prevent the formation of struvite in the urine of cats also include a mobile lifestyle. Provide your pet with the opportunity to run, jump, play, even if he constantly lives in the house and does not go outside. A fat cat who spends all his time on the couch or rug is at a much greater risk of developing KSD than a playful, active cat.

Struvite stones form more easily if the animal infrequently empties the bladder. And since cats are clean, and avoid using a dirty toilet, do not forget to change the filler in the tray in time. To ensure that your pet is healthy, visit your veterinarian for a check-up twice a year, which includes a urine test.

You can also ask a question to our website staff veterinarian, who will answer them as soon as possible in the comments box below.

Video advice from the veterinarian: how to collect cat urine for analysis

    Alexey 21:46 | 08 Mar. 2019

    Hello. My cat (3 years old, neutered) had blood in his urine. Urinalysis showed protein - 1, leukocytes - 5-10, erythrocytes - a large number, salts - struvites. They pierced with a hemostatic, antispasmodic and antibiotic. During this period, they were fed for a month, according to the doctor's recommendation, with Hills s/d food. The blood disappeared, protein - 0.3, leukocytes - 3-5, erythrocytes - 2-4-6, struvite salts. Transferred, as recommended, to Hills c/d food. A month later, the tests were repeated, but the struvites did not disappear. They drank the drug "Stop cystitis" for 7 days, continuing to feed with the same food. They passed the urine test again: protein - 1, leukocytes - 1-3, erythrocytes - 20-30, salts - struvite. What else to do, how to remove salt?

  • Irina 16:32 | 07 Mar. 2019

    Hello. My piggy cat is 10 years old. Suffering microbial cb from 5 years. They ate the food of the medical line or urinary prophylaxis Hills or Royal Canin, but there was a rare and hard stool .. According to monthly analyzes, the acidity of urine is 6.5. There are no or very few struvite crystals. However, every two years, a strip operation to remove or flush the sand from the bladder. The last operation was on January 25, 2019. I switched to urinari sanabel for food. The stool improved to daily and soft, she drinks more water. According to the analysis of urine on March 6, everything is normal, and struvite crystals are 4 crosses! and transparency is not complete. The doctor said to feed Royal Canin Urinari s/o again, but problems with the stool will start again. What do you recommend?

    • Daria - veterinarian 23:38 | 08 Mar. 2019

      Hello! Switch to wet food. Wet food only, no dry food. Firstly, this is how you solve the problem with a hard stool, because. wet food - extra moisture, due to which the feces will be softer. Secondly, wet food allows the animal not to drink as much as with a dry diet, but urine is formed in larger quantities, less concentrated, which means that salts are excreted faster, do not accumulate and do not “knock” into stones. Biochemistry did not do blood? ultrasound? Has your kidney function been checked? No one at home indulges in feeding "goodies" in addition to the therapeutic diet? Did you give any medication to the animal?

      irina 17:25 | 12 Mar. 2019

      Biochemistry of the blood was done, the kidneys are normal. Ultrasound was done only after the operation after 10 days, i.e. February 10 urinary clean. Unfortunately, Sanabelle does not have a wet series. Can I switch to Farmina vet life? This company has a medical and everyday line, though only dry.

      no wet food

      Daria - veterinarian 21:29 | 12 Mar. 2019

      Hello! Is there struvite in the urine, and is the bladder empty and not even a hint of sand in it? Strange. Either they messed up something with the tests, or they didn’t consider it on the ultrasound. At the expense of feeding: I advised you to look for wet urinari food. And you already choose a good manufacturer yourself (you never know what assortment you have in stores). If you really want to feed dry, then make sure you drink clean filtered water. Water me at least once a day, in the summer it will be necessary more often. Understand, an animal with KSD needs to drink as much clean, filtered water as possible! It is advisable to put the filter in such a way that magnesium and phosphorus ions “settle” and do not fall into the water.

The classification of kidney stones according to various criteria is the main criterion for choosing a further method for treating urolithiasis.

Diagnosis of the chemical composition of solid formations, their number, shape helps the doctor to make an accurate picture of the pathology and prescribe the most effective course of therapy.

In addition, the belonging of a calculus to a certain group implies the appointment of a specific diet.


Stones are formed from a mixture of minerals and organic substances. Modern medicine offers four main groups of kidney stones:

Oxalates and phosphates. This is the most common category of education. Stones are diagnosed in 70% of patients diagnosed with urolithiasis. The basis of formations of inorganic origin is calcium salts.

Struvite and phosphate-ammonium-magnesium stones. This type of stone is formed in 20% of patients. The cause of the appearance of formations are diseases of the urinary tract of an infectious nature. That is why they are called infectious.

Urats. They are diagnosed in 10% of all patients. The cause of the appearance is an excess of uric acid and some pathologies of the digestive tract.

xanthine and cystine stones. Quite rare formations. Occurs in 5% of patients. Experts associate their appearance with congenital pathologies and genetic disorders.

It is quite difficult to detect stones that are pure in composition; mixed-type formations are diagnosed in half of the patients.

What are kidney stones

There are many classification criteria.

  1. By number: half of the patients are diagnosed with single stones, often one has to deal with the formation of two or three calculi in the kidneys, the least rare case is also multiple formations in the kidneys.
  2. By location in the body: unilateral and bilateral.
  3. In shape: round, flat, with edges, spikes, coral.
  4. In size: the size of the formation can vary from the eye of a needle to the size of the entire cavity of the kidney.
  5. At the place of dislocation: calculi are formed in the kidney, bladder or ureter.

Types of kidney crystals

The most common classification of solid formations by chemical composition. If earlier doctors assumed that the formation of stones is associated with the quality of the water that the patient consumes, the climate and geographical features of the area where he lives, today there are many supporters of a different hypothesis among specialists. It is generally accepted that the process of urolithiasis begins in the body when the ratio of salts and urine colloids is disturbed.

The classification of stones by chemical composition is as follows:

  • oxalates - are formed from salts of oxalic acid;
  • phosphates - are formed from calcium phosphate;
  • urates - the main component is salts of uric acid;
  • carbonates - are formed from calcium salts of carbonic acid;
  • struvites are formed from ammonium phosphate.

Classification of stones by chemical composition

In addition, it is necessary to isolate stones of organic origin. These include:

  • cystine and xanthine;
  • cholesterol;
  • protein.

Did you know that open stone operations are being replaced by more gentle surgical treatments? , surgical and conservative treatment, as well as the causes of the formation of calculi.

You will find herbal recipes for various kidney diseases.


The main feature of urates is their ability to appear in various places of the urinary system.

The age of pathology varies from 20 to 55 years.

The age of the patient directly affects the localization of the stone in the body.

In children and elderly patients, urates are formed in the bladder, in middle-aged people, stones are diagnosed in the kidneys and ureter.

Among the main factors affecting the formation of urates, experts distinguish:

  • poor water quality;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • malnutrition: an excess of sour, salty foods, as well as fried foods;
  • lack of B vitamins.

The shape of the stones is round, the surface is smooth, the structure is loose. The color range varies from yellow to brown.

Treatment of stones is associated with the elimination of the inflammatory process. Also, therapy involves the appointment of therapeutic nutrition, taking medications.

Urates or uric acid kidney stones are distinguished by their ability to dissolve quickly, which is why patients are prescribed plenty of fluids and a course of treatment with medicinal herbs.

Considering that urates are a fairly common type of stones and pathology can appear at any age, experts recommend adhering to the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle: move and eat a balanced diet.

Such preventive measures will help to avoid problems with stones in the future.


These formations are classified as phosphate stones.

The formations contain ammonium-magnesium phosphate and carbonate apatite.

Struvites can form only in an alkaline environment affected by infection.

Thus, the main reasons for the formation of struvite stones are:

  • alkaline reaction of urine;
  • the presence of certain bacteria in the urinary tract.

Struvites are characterized by the ability to rapidly increase in size, filling the entire cavity of the kidney and provoking complications such as sepsis and acute renal failure. It is also worth noting that struvite tends to form in women.

During therapy, it is important that the smallest particles of stones leave the body. Otherwise, the disease will reappear.

cystine stones

A rather rare type of stones, the cause of the formation of which is a genetic pathology - cystinuria.

Children and people at a young age are most susceptible to the appearance of cystine stones.

The main component of the stone is an amino acid.

The main feature of the symptoms of the disease, doctors call constant pain, even after the administration of painkillers.

Treatment of pathology is as follows:

  • change in the acidity of urine with citrates;
  • special diet;
  • drug treatment;
  • crushing stones;
  • surgery if conservative therapy has failed.

In some cases, the only way to cure the patient is a kidney transplant.

mixed stones

They are formed mainly as a result of long-term use of certain drugs.

The stones combine the characteristics of salt and protein kidney formations.

Treatment in this case is determined individually in each clinical case, depending on the results of the tests and the severity of the course of the disease.

From the author

Five secrets of healthy kidneys.

  1. Movement and active lifestyle.
  2. Proper nutrition.
  3. Kidneys should be warm.
  4. Prevent the disease: drink kidney fees, brew half a palu.

And, of course, do not self-medicate. In this situation, any rash act can exacerbate the problem.

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    I had no idea there were so many different types of kidney stones. And each type of stone has its own reason. You need to contact a good doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that will help with a particular type of stones.

    • If you have not yet gone to the doctor with the question of what type of kami you have, then I warn you in advance that no one will determine this for you, the doctor will prescribe 2 or 3 drugs for good luck from different types of stones, so that during the reception you will guess which one to drink . And what kind of stones you have you will never know from a doctor. And the theory described above exists, only doctors do not use it in practice, at least in a simple clinic. Ha ha ha. ….. Thanks to the authors for the article, good.

      • Nina, what kind of heresy are you talking about? The doctor sends the patient to a biochemical laboratory, where the composition of the stone will be determined. After that, an appropriate diet is prescribed. Doctors are not dumber than you, believe me))

These formations, which are often referred to as struvites, like calcium oxalates, belong to uroliths (stones that form in the organs of the genitourinary system), but unlike calcium oxalate formations, they have an absolutely smooth surface and mild symptoms.

Tripelphosphates in the urine are usually detected only when the owner decides on a complete examination of the pet, which is preceded by certain clinical manifestations of a negative nature. In most cases, struvite formations (triple phosphates) appear as a result of too long stagnation of urine or the development of a bacterial infection in the genitourinary system, and their growth rate is striking. So, in a matter of days, uroliths of this type can fill the entire kidney, forming kidney corals, which at the same time have a soft porous surface and a whitish or light gray hue, despite the fact that the animal will not experience any discomfort outwardly. Problems, as a rule, begin precisely when these minerals begin to pass through the ducts, getting into other organs of the genitourinary system, or rather, into the ureters, bladder, urethra, etc.

It is quite simple to detect tripelphosphates in the urine of a cat, and this can be done in two ways, which are not mutually exclusive. We are talking about diagnosis through the use of a microscope, or filtering urine through the finest sieve, in which crystals of urolithic formations settle. An indication for examination of a pet is any symptoms of urolithiasis (urolithiasis), which are primarily expressed in serious urination problems. And most often we are talking about frequent urge to urinate, its too small volumes, hematuria (bloody inclusions), as well as partial or complete retention of urine. It is quite natural that such symptoms tend to be accompanied by an acute pain syndrome, as a result of which the animal purrs plaintively, constantly sits down, hides and marks everywhere.

Complicated forms of urolithiasis are accompanied by even more severe manifestations - from bleeding from the urethra and complete refusal to eat in combination with lethargy and apathy to complete urinary retention (anuria), which tends to end in fever, vomiting, convulsions and coma with all the ensuing consequences. That is why any delay only exacerbates the development of the disease and hoping that everything will go away by itself is at least stupid and short-sighted.

In order to confirm urolithiasis in a cat, a urine test alone is not enough, and in order to obtain a complete information picture about the degree of damage to the organs of the genitourinary system of an animal, it is recommended to conduct an X-ray examination of it.

In addition, such a diagnostic method as palpation of the bladder through the abdominal wall of the animal should be immediately excluded, since it is only relevant when examining dogs. Certain limitations also exist when examining X-rays, since they tend to recognize only tripelphosphates that are opaque for radiation, the size of which in cross section exceeds 2 millimeters. To determine the presence of smaller crystals or formations, the transparency of which does not allow them to be recognized by the method indicated above, is realistic only with the help of contrasting color radiographs.

Among other things, the long-standing stereotype that cats can only have struvites should be dispelled, because recently there have been more cases when urolithiasis in this animal was provoked by the formation of uroliths such as calcium oxalates, which have a hard, uneven surface. Therefore, tripelphosphates found in the urine are not a reason to stop further examination of a pet, immediately starting its treatment. And all because for the high-quality therapy of both types of formations, a completely different approach is needed, which is subsequently combined into a single set of measures and manipulations. In addition, the placement of crystals, as well as the scale of these neoplasms, is of some importance. So, the most severe form of urolithiasis is considered to be the one that is caused by the accumulation of nephroliths in the kidneys, because in this case there is absolutely no possibility of their removal by surgery.

The only exception to the rule is the clinical picture in which only one kidney is affected. In this case, we can recommend its complete removal along with overgrown urolithic crystals. The mildest form of urolithiasis is considered to be that in which struvite or other uroliths accumulate in the ureters, since then they can be removed through surgery. At the same time, do not forget about possible complications that can develop into kidney failure, and in order to avoid such consequences, you will have to follow certain preventive recommendations.

Pretty good predictions are also given when tripelphosphates are removed from the bladder, which is carried out through cystostomy. This is a surgical intervention, which involves opening the organ with further extraction of crystals.

Another place where these formations can accumulate is the urethra, and for the treatment of urolithiasis of this kind, several effective methods are used at once: massage, washing or urethrostomy, which involves the removal of the urination channel and the formation of a new one.

In the article I will talk about the formation of tripelphosphates and struvites in the urine of a cat. I will explain what it is, what methods are diagnosed and how to treat it. I will describe the main risk group of animals, the symptoms of the disease and preventive measures.

Tripelphosphates and struvites are uroliths - mineral polycrystalline formations. They contain magnesium, ammonium and phosphate. Crystallization of these compounds leads to the formation of urinary sand, and then larger stones in the cat's urinary system. This condition is called urolithiasis.

What do tripelphosphates and struvites mean in cat urine

The presence of tripelphate in the urine of a cat indicates development. Normally, the urine of a healthy animal contains about 5% of dissolved organic and inorganic salts.

If their concentration increases, the salts begin to crystallize and form solid (stone) compounds of a sufficiently large size. Deposits of formations occur in the urinary system of animals.

Why take an analysis

According to statistics, every tenth cat suffers from urolithiasis.

There are certain signs by which this disease is determined.

Symptoms of ICD:

  1. Difficulty painful urination.
  2. Urinary incontinence.
  3. Loss of appetite.
  4. Frequent drinking.
  5. Rapid breathing and heartbeat.
  6. Muddy and urinary sand.
  7. In severe cases, urinary retention (more than a day is dangerous for the life of the animal).

In case of urinary retention, it is forbidden to give a diuretic to a cat on your own. Dangerous damage to the urinary ducts and rupture of the bladder.

Detection of the development of KSD in the early stages, preventive measures and timely treatment will save the animal from severe forms of the disease.

Risk group

The risk group for the development of urolithiasis includes pets:

  1. Without free access to water. As a result, urine becomes more concentrated.
  2. Recipients in nutrition large amounts of proteins or minerals magnesium and phosphorus(when eating fish and vegetable feed).
  3. Leading sedentary Lifestyle.
  4. Obese due to metabolic disorders.
  5. Early castrated (due to hormonal failure).
  6. Suffering from genitourinary diseases (, urethritis, nephritis).


Based on the anamnesis collected from the words of the breeder and examination of the animal, the veterinarian prescribes:

  1. Analysis of urine. This is the main method for detecting struvites and tripel phosphates. This survey includes a study of:
    • physical properties (color, transparency, density, ph);
    • chemical composition (presence and amount of protein, glucose, acetone bodies, hemoglobin, bilirubin);
    • sediment under a microscope (presence of salts and microorganisms).
  2. ultrasound. The method allows to detect formed salt crystals.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the veterinarian prescribes treatment.


Stones are easily dissolved with medical treatment and herbal medicine.

The veterinarian may prescribe mild diuretics to stimulate the muscles of the bladder and remove residual salts.

This measure can lead to blockage of the passage of the ureter by stones. In the absence of surgical intervention, blockage of the excretory ducts will lead to rupture of the bladder.

With pain syndrome, the veterinarian will prescribe a cat and antispasmodics.

If a urinary tract infection is found, antibiotics or sulfonamides are prescribed, plus anti-inflammatory drugs.

If, as a result of ultrasound, a large accumulation of large stones was found in the cat's bladder, a cystotomy is performed. This is an abdominal operation to remove stones through an incision in the peritoneum and bladder.


Animal health in most cases depends on preventive measures:

  1. Necessary properly balanced diet cats. Veterinarians recommend feeding pets professionally prepared and. The composition of high-quality industrial feeds includes all useful substances necessary for the health and development of the animal. Most of the food on the human table can be harmful to a cat's health.
  2. Recommended twice a year take a urine test on tripelphosphates and struvites, for the timely detection of a developing disease.
  3. Important for prevention active lifestyle cats. Physical activity prevents the development of obesity and the crystallization of salts.
  4. Keeping the Tray Clean for the cat toilet. Many cats disdain to go to a dirty toilet and endure until the owner cleans it. Regular retention of urine also provokes an increase in the concentration of salts.

Be attentive to your animals. Follow the preventive measures and promptly seek qualified help from the veterinary services.

In the article, I talked about the formation of tripelphosphates and struvites in the urine of cats, leading to the development of urolithiasis. She described the symptoms of the disease, methods of diagnosis and treatment. Listed risk groups and measures to prevent the disease.