Oil for tanning in the sun in the solarium. Using natural oils for an even and long-lasting tan

Many people have already written about the benefits of coconut oil, including myself.

Coconut oil- This universal remedy, which is good for everything: for hair, for skin .. you can read it in any review about this product. I decided to take everything apart and add one interesting application

I used to buy Dabur Anmol coconut oil, which I was very pleased with. But the jar there is wide and I was afraid that it might spill out in the bag.

This time the choice fell on Parachut oil.

The smell of the oil is slightly different from Daburovsky .. The aroma turns out to be a little "burnt" coconut. But, apparently, this is due to a different processing. On the packaging it says that the composition - 100% coconut oil. And I have no reason not to believe it.

Coconut oil for hair

Most popular application. And it’s not for nothing that everyone loves to smear coconut oil on their hair, there are a lot of pluses) The tool nourishes the hair, moisturizes, protects from UV rays, from any harmful external influences. Hair becomes stronger, healthier, more beautiful, grows faster .. Is it really so? Answer: YES

My hair loves this oil. It does not flow, it smells good, wearing it on your head is a real pleasure.

How to apply coconut oil to your hair:

When the room is warm, I squeeze the oil onto the handles, rub it there to melt the clumps, and apply required amount on the hair, rubbing into the scalp. You will understand how much money you need. If it's cold at home, the oil hardens and it's very difficult to squeeze it out, so I.... no, I don't do water baths like everyone else.. I use the microwave and the defrost function! It melts and I again put it on my hair. After holding, rinse in the usual way as you wash your hair. Oil washes off easily

How long should you keep coconut oil on your hair:

If you have greasy hair, then an hour is enough, if dry, you can leave it overnight. I have dry, but I do not have enough for the night. I wash it off in a couple of hours and the effect is still noticeable. But if you have scorched hair, then it is better to leave it overnight

Coconut oil for skin

Also very desired application, especially in winter. How to apply and a no-brainer) Effect - hydrated healthy smooth skin. Coconut oil will share with you the nutrients.

Coconut oil for tanning

I read a helpful article about coconut oil and found out that it is not only a moisturizing product, but you can also sunbathe with it! This pleasantly surprised me, since I had just bought a subscription to the solarium and protective agent I have no.

Fifth coconut oil is the best remedy BEFORE and AFTER sunburn. It provides excellent protection from the sun's rays.

On my first visit to the solarium, I took 3 minutes. Usually I burn out right away (the solarium is quite powerful with new lamps), so this time is plenty for the first time. What pleasantly surprised me, the oil protected me! I didn't even blush! I went to the solarium a day later and took 5 minutes already! The face is a little burnt. Such redness does not go away for me for about a day after I burn out. I was afraid that at work I would have to sit like an Indian. But, again, I woke up in the morning and the redness was gone!! (used oil before and after sunburn)

This is a wonderful result!! Since before with conventional means, the result was a little worse: I burned out more often and went longer than red!

It's really excellent tool for Tan! Tested by the most sun-sensitive skin!

True, it could not do without a "but" ... I did not calculate that the oil freezes at low temperatures. So you have to heat it up for a long time and press hard to squeeze out this oil not at home ..) I still had to take the product in a wide jar)))

Highlight: Cooking Coconut Oil

Many (including myself) believe that this is pure cosmetic product. However, as it turns out, Parachute Coconut Oil is an unrefined natural oil that is edible! Shock! It can even be used instead of butter for sandwiches, but I haven’t dared to try it yet)) But it really gives baked goods a delicate and delicate flavor!

It contains many vitamins and minerals that will make you healthier! Until I read one article, I was afraid to experiment. And in vain) This is just a discovery of the year for me, I even rewrote the review so that more people know that you can also eat your favorite body oil!

Thank you

Tanning in a solarium or studio

Characteristics of solarium lamps

Depending on the cabin design, modern solariums divided into 4 types:

  • Horizontal- the cabin is a bed with a cover, on which lamps are installed to evenly irradiate the human body from all sides;
  • Vertical- the cabin is similar to a shower room, only lamps are installed around its entire perimeter;
  • Solarium chair– an armchair in which it is possible to expose certain parts of the body to radiation, for example, the face, hands, neck, etc.;
  • Turbo solarium- equipped with a cooling system, as a result of which it works for hours without overheating. According to the type of construction, it can be both horizontal and vertical.
The basis of the work of any solarium is lamps, which are divided into two types, depending on the type of ultraviolet rays they produce. Thus, fluorescent lamps produce mainly UVA rays, and a little UVB, and metal halide lamps produce only UVA rays. Accordingly, in solariums with fluorescent lamps you can "burn out", but not with metal halide ones.

In solariums with metal halide lamps, people with all skin types can sunbathe, even very light and poorly tolerant to the sun. And in solariums with fluorescent lamps, not all people can sunbathe, but only those who normally tolerate the sun. For people with sensitive skin, the maximum allowable amount UVB rays, at which they can sunbathe in a solarium with fluorescent lamps, is only 0.7%. Sun tolerant people can also tan in tanning beds with up to 2.4% UVB.

The service life of fluorescent lamps is 500 - 600 hours, and metal halide - 800 hours. After the lamp has been used for this number of hours, it must be replaced, even if it is not broken and functioning, because its radiation becomes dangerous and may short time cause the development of skin cancer.

The newer the lamp, that is, than less hours she worked - the stronger her radiation. Accordingly, in such solariums you need to take a minimum session. sunburn. In addition, the duration of the session should also be reduced by 30-50% in solariums with a power of more than 160 kW and in those booths with more than 26 lamps.

How to sunbathe in a solarium?

In order to get a beautiful and even tan and not harm your health, you must observe the following rules for sunbathing in a solarium:
1. Do not go to sessions daily, take a break between two episodes of insolation lasting 2-3 days.
2. If the skin turns red after visiting the solarium, then the next session should be postponed for 7-10 days.
3. The general course for getting a tan is 5-6 sessions in the solarium.
4. To maintain the intensity of tanning, it is enough to visit the solarium once a week.
5. Before you start sunbathing, ask and read the documentation for the cabin.
6. Before starting the first tanning session, find the "stop" button, and immediately press it if you feel bad.
7. Before turning on the solarium, you should protect your hair with a cap, your eyes with glasses, and the nipples of your breasts with stikini. Lip balm should be applied.
8. Cover fresh wounds or abrasions with a plaster, as well as skin areas with spider veins.
9. If desired, to enhance the effect of a solarium, use special cosmetics.
10. During the day before and after a tanning session, you should wash only with shower gel or soap without a washcloth or scrub.
11. Before going to the solarium, you should wash yourself to remove cosmetics and perfumes from the skin, which can cause stains after a tanning session.
12. Always respect the length and frequency of tanning sessions.

The optimal frequency and duration of solarium sessions depends on the skin type. Currently, people with various types skin is recommended to visit the solarium according to the following schemes:

  • Light eyes, red hair, very bright skin, which easily “burns out” and turns red sharply - you can’t sunbathe in a solarium even for a few minutes.
  • Blond hair, blond or Brown eyes, White skin, which tans a little, but often "burns out" - the first session in the solarium is 3-5 minutes. Then you can spend another 4 - 5 sessions with an interval between them of 2 days, each subsequent time increasing the time spent in the solarium by 1 minute.
  • Dark eyes, dark blond or Brown hair, light skin that tans well and sometimes "burns out" - the first session in the solarium is 5 minutes. Then another 4-5 sessions are carried out with an interval between them of 2 days, lasting 10-12 minutes each.
  • Brown eyes, dark hair, dark skin, which tans well and almost never "burns out" - the first session in the solarium is 7 - 10 minutes. Then another 4-5 sessions are carried out with an interval between them of 2 days, lasting 12-15 minutes each.

How to sunbathe in a solarium for the first time?

The rules for tanning in a solarium for the first time are the same as in general. But in addition, you need to carefully monitor your subsequent state, fixing all the changes that occur, so that, if necessary, you can adjust the tanning program, making it as harmless as possible.

How to sunbathe in a vertical and horizontal solarium

Any specific rules about how to sunbathe in an upright and horizontal solariums, No. All rules are the same for any type of solarium.

Many people have heard about coconut oil. And no wonder! It has magical properties and that is why it is so popular and in demand. It is used to restore hair, nourish and moisturize the skin, and for tanning.

This article will provide information about how coconut oil is useful for sun tanning and in the solarium, how to use it and interesting recipes.

What are the benefits of coconut for the skin of the body

Coconut oil is made from copra, or the dried inner kernel of the coconut palm fruit. When it is heated, oil is released, which must go through a refining process for suitability for consumption.

First, it is bleached and deodorized. Fractionated coconut oil is used in medical and cosmetic purposes. And especially often coconut oil is used for tanning in the sun and in the solarium.

Natural coconut oil is used only in its pure form

It does not require additives, fragrances, dyes or chemical excipients that irritate the skin. Because it contains saturated fats, long time retaining their properties.

What is the use of coconut oil for tanning in the sun and in the solarium?

  • One of positive properties coconut oil - the presence of a UV filter in it with an index of 8. This circumstance allows it to be used as a tool that has the ability to protect the skin from negative impact sunlight.
  • When using oil, the harmful effect of the sun's rays is reduced and a beautiful and persistent sunburn.
  • It helps to tighten the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity. A hyaluronic acid moisturizes thoroughly.
  • The anti-aging property of the oil slows down the aging process of the skin, restores and accelerates its regeneration. At the same time, even relatively noticeable wrinkles are leveled due to the stimulation of the collagen production function.

  • Its natural organic compounds such as lauric acid and other fatty acids can significantly reduce inflammatory process and relieve redness, accelerating the healing of a sunburn.
  • This oil soothes the pain of burns and prevents the peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis, provides natural moisturizing skin care, and prevents scarring or wrinkles.

  • It also contains vitamins D, E and some vitamins necessary for the body and skin. nutrients that ensure the normal functioning of the skin.
  • Due to the presence of small chains of fatty acids in such an oil, when applied to the skin, it is more easily absorbed without clogging fine pores.
  • It also contains natural antibacterial and antifungal properties that help the skin cope with infection.

At a temperature of +25 degrees, coconut oil is in a frozen state, but when it is applied to the body, it begins to melt

Or you can just lower the jar or bottle into warm water, and soon the oil itself will melt and it will be possible to use it without problems.

This is a truly universal tool used by many women for personal care. Coconut oil is great not only for tanning, but also for hair, face skin, body and head.


Do not use this cold-pressed remedy for women with oily skin. For them, hot-pressed oil is preferable, since it has a lower density.

How to use coconut oil in the sun and in the tanning bed

As you have already learned, coconut oil is ideal for tanning in the tanning bed and in the sun. And how to use it correctly?

In the sun

1. It is smeared only on previously cleansed skin. It is advisable to cleanse the skin using a scrubbing agent the day before application. An hour and a half or one hour before sun exposure, you must take warm shower. Better without the use of detergents.

2. At the end of the procedure, the skin is rinsed with cool water to narrow the pores.

3. Then apply pre-sun coconut oil to your wet body with massaging movements. And wait for it to soak in.

Being absorbed, the coconut product does not have the effect of sticking sand grains to the skin, and also does not clog pores.

4. Before sunbathing, you must apply sunscreen.

5. After the session, the shower can be taken after about an hour. If it is not possible to take a shower a few hours after tanning, then at the end of the day, the remains of the product must be washed off using a gentle shower gel or cream soap.

6. And your skin will love it if you apply coconut oil after sunbathing and showering. This protects the skin from redness, discomfort and flaking.

Such processing does not preclude spectacular tan. At the same time, only harmless sun rays are “attracted”, providing the so-called “tropical” tan.

Coconut oil can (and even should) be used after sunburn. The skin will calm down, become velvety and soft

Coconut oil applied to the skin gives it the effect of a slight glow, and helps the upper layer of the epidermis to form melanin. As a result of its use, natural Tan turns out pretty smooth.

At the same time, such an unpleasant moment as exfoliation of tanned skin does not appear. Vitamin E prevents skin degeneration from the action of sea water and sunlight.

In the solarium

But first, it’s worth saying what are the recommendations before visiting the solarium:

  1. Approximately 2 hours before taking sunbathing in the solarium, you should wash yourself in the shower using soft detergents(or better without them).
  2. Immediately after bathing before a solarium, coconut oil is applied to all exposed areas of the body.
  3. Immediately before the start of the procedure, the body is lubricated with a mixture of coconut oil and suntan cream, which is prepared in advance.
  4. If the exposure to ultraviolet rays in the solarium was carried out for more than 10 minutes, then at the end, ordinary coconut oil is applied to the skin.
  5. You can wash yourself in the shower no earlier than 2 hours after the procedure.

Oil Features

It is worth noting that coconut oil is rarely found in conventional cosmetic stores. Yes, and in specialized it is not sold in all cities. However, it can be easily ordered online.

How to identify a quality product:

  1. A quality product has a slight coconut smell. A strong, rich smell should cause concern.
  2. If the packaging says that the product is suitable as food, then this indicates high quality product. You can safely use it for skin and hair!
  3. Most best oil- unrefined. It is it that stores many useful substances.

Any coconut oil used for tanning and skin has many positive feedback. Choose the best, and be wary of brands with negative reviews.

Recipes for tanning in the sun

You can make coconut oil for sun tanning even more effective and beneficial. There are several simple and convenient recipes:

Coconut + Shea + Olive Oil Blend

For these purposes, an equal amount of coconut and shea butters are mixed. After that, 3 tablespoons of olive oils are added to the mixture. The ingredients are melted and mixed. Apply the product 10-15 minutes before going out into the sun. The tool will have more high degree sun protection.

Coconut tanning oil spray

Spray is a very convenient format for using various cosmetics. Butter is no exception! For its preparation it is necessary:

  • 100 g of castor oil;
  • 20 g each of coconut and shea butter;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin E.

Castor oil is preheated to 30 degrees, and then the remaining components are added to the same container. The composition is mixed until the ingredients are dissolved and completely combined with castor oil. At the end of cooking, vitamin E is added to this composition and mixed again. Thus prepared, the agent is poured into a container with a spray bottle.

Just before using Coconut Body & Tan Oil, shake the bottle to re-blend the ingredients and eliminate separation. If the mixture thickens, then it is slightly heated.

If parts of the body are prone to unwanted growth hair, then Castor oil can be replaced with olive oil, as castor oil stimulates the activation of hair follicles

Vitamins or any other oils can be added to the spray if desired.

Recipes for tanning in the solarium

Many tan lovers have a logical question: can you use basic coconut oil in a tanning bed? It is possible, but this case has its own peculiarities. The solarium provides for a more intense exposure to ultraviolet rays on the client's skin than occurs under natural sunbeams. Therefore, protection with coconut oil for tanning in a tanning bed should be more effective.

To do this, you can mix the usual sunscreen with coconut oil. The optimal proportion is 3 parts of oil and 1 part of the finished product.

The use of coconut oil at the visit and after tanning in the solarium helps to achieve a tan with a chocolate tint. It also protects skin covering against possible burns and minimizes the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays. It helps to soften the skin, resist exfoliation of the epidermis and avoid the appearance of irritated areas on the body.

With regular application of coconut oil, you can experience maximum pleasure from sea or river recreation on the beach. The skin will be reliably protected from ultraviolet radiation. The tan will turn out even with a chocolate tint, and will last until the winter days.

Coconut oil for tanning in the solarium and in the sun, is popular and has many reviews. It is also used after sunbathing. You can see for yourself!

In contact with

It is very important to choose right time tan. It is calculated based on several factors, such as lamp power, skin type and degree of tan. The administrator of the solarium must help you with this.

Unfortunately, many of them are guided mercantile interests and do not give a damn about the health of customers, trying to sell more minutes than a person needs. If you are faced with such an attitude, it is best to refuse to visit this place.

There is also a common opinion among visitors to solariums: “If I didn’t blush, then I didn’t get tanned.” This is absolutely false! Redness of the skin after a tanning session is nothing more than a burn. Namely, burns represent greatest danger when sunbathing. To minimize the risk, you need to sunbathe little by little, gradually increasing the time of sessions.

Try not to increase your tanning time by more than two minutes compared to the last time. And if you have light, sensitive skin - then no more than one minute.

Seventh rule:

Do not forget to protect vulnerable parts of the body - genitals, chest, eyes, lips, as well as moles. Doctors recommend not taking underwear, but if you fundamentally sunbathe topless - use stikini (nipple protection). In addition, you need to wear special glasses that are in any self-respecting solarium.

Many people think that it is enough to close your eyes, but the skin of the eyelids is very thin and is not able to protect the retina from drying out. So you can ruin your eyesight and even get a cataract!

Eighth rule:

Be sure to use special tanning creams in the solarium. This rule is ignored by an incredibly large number of visitors, most often the argument is made that, they say, “I normally get a tan anyway.”

However, creams are needed not only to enhance tanning. Their the main task- moisturizing the skin before the session. After all, ultraviolet dries the skin, and from this it ages faster. Moisturized skin resists UV rays much better, remaining youthful and supple.

The question is natural: is it possible to use ordinary moisturizing face and body creams? They can and should be used, but they cannot replace professional cosmetics specially designed for solarium. The fact is that most moisturizers contain various bleaching agents (for example, fruit acids). And you do not go to the solarium to nullify the result, do you?

It makes sense not to use tanning creams in a solarium only for allergy sufferers, as well as for people with oily, problematic skin who specifically, on the recommendation of a doctor, visit a solarium to dry their skin. It is also widely believed that the use of tanning creams results in an unnatural skin color. Believe me, this does not apply to all creams!

Undoubtedly, creams with bronzers (an analogue of self-tanning, which manifests itself under ultraviolet radiation) can cause such an effect if they are applied to untanned skin. If we are talking about high-quality activator creams, they are able to make the tan even and natural, enhancing the production of melanin. In any case, a competent solarium administrator should tell you in detail about all the creams available and warn you about possible side effects.

Any questions related to tanning, you can personally ask our expert Ksenia Pogoreltseva.

A visit to the solarium has become a fairly frequent event for many women and men. Such a love for artificial tan is easy to explain: with their help, you can always look like you just returned from a vacation in hot countries. Solarium cosmetics are an obligatory component in the process of regular obtaining fake tan. It is simply necessary to obtain an even and rich tan, as well as protect the skin from overdrying and premature aging.

Why do you need such cosmetics.
Disputes about the dangers and safety of the solarium are ongoing to this day. Despite all the advantages and disadvantages of artificial tanning, everyone chooses whether to sunbathe in this way or not. However, today's topic will be devoted to solarium cosmetics, its properties and necessity. Very often, many women neglect tanning cosmetics, citing the fact that there is no need to spend extra on expensive products, the need for which is greatly inflated. However, it is not. Artificial tanning is considered not as harmful, unlike tanning on open sun, since the UV (ultraviolet) B-rays emitted by it, which are especially harmful to the skin, in the solarium, the lamps create optimal ratio radiation of UV rays of type A and B. In addition, the lamps used for artificial tanning are not considered to pose any danger to the skin. And, nevertheless, if you have decided to sunbathe in a solarium, you should not do this without cosmetics specially designed for this.

In general, cosmetics are used when it is necessary to accelerate or prolong the tan. "Solar" cosmetics and a great tan are two components of one whole, which simply cannot exist without each other. Fake tan products are hypoallergenic, therefore absolutely safe for the skin, and they are also designed with each type of skin in mind. Such funds have significant differences in principle of action with conventional cosmetic products that we use daily in skin care. This type means does not prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the body, and also does not have a negative effect on solarium lamps (which, as a rule, have acrylic surface). Due to the absence of whitening components in its composition, such cosmetics contribute to the rapid achievement of even tan. In addition, various components are included in tanning products, such as bronzers (increase melanin production), seaweed, aloe, oil tea tree, formic acid(Tingle), Coenzyme Q10, Coolants (Menthol, Peppermint Oil), Vitamins (A, E, C, B, K, F), Eliminators specific smell after sun, as well as many other components.

I’ll make a reservation right away that even in a solarium you can get burned, therefore special creams and lotions will help to avoid burns. In addition, such cosmetics are aimed at increased skin hydration, since dry skin practically does not hold a tan and quickly fades, unlike moisturized skin, to increase the amount of melanin produced and to improve the attraction of UV rays falling on the skin.

Solarium cosmetics should not be used for tanning in the open sun, as well as products with protective properties it is forbidden to use for artificial tanning - it increases the risk of burns.

Properly selected cosmetics guarantee a successful result and a beautiful even shade a tan that lasts for a long time. Besides right choice halving the time needed to achieve results, while the skin acquires a healthier appearance.

Thanks to unique composition cosmetics for use in the solarium protects the skin from premature aging. Every time you visit a sun cabin, you should have face cream, body cream, protective lip balm, and skin cream after a shower.

In order to achieve perfect tan, it is also necessary to alternate cosmetics correctly. In the process of achieving desired shade tan, products should be changed, as the products you started with may not suit you, depending on the shade of the tan.

Types of cosmetics for solarium.
There are three types of products intended for use in solariums:

  • Prolongers - products prolong the tan, make it more stable, and also moisturize and soften the skin.
  • Developers - means that increase the production of melanin by the body.
  • Activators - increase the effect obtained from tanning, and also allow you to get more dark shade.
Composition of cosmetics for solarium.
In addition to vitamins, coenzymes and caring components, such cosmetics may include:
  • Bronzers - substances that increase the production of melanin by the body and accelerate the achievement of desired shade tan.
  • Double bronzers are substances thanks to which you can get a beautiful shade of tan in two to four hours, after a day the effect is fully manifested and lasts up to seven days.
  • Triple bronzers - the shade is much darker than when using a double bronzer. The effect lasts from five to eight days.
  • 5 Bronzers - Contains 5 bronzers for a very dark tan.
  • Celltox - improves skin firmness and elasticity.
  • Plant DNA - contributes to the removal from the body of excess anions of oxides that occur due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Hemp oil - improves the perception of UV rays, promotes better absorption of nutrients and improves tanning.
  • Sepilift - prevents the formation of wrinkles.
  • Biosin is a multi-complex containing tea tree oil, panthenol, olive oil.
  • Ederline-L - apple extract, moisturizing and softening the skin makes the connective tissue strong.
  • Bodi Blush - improves the effect of tanning.
  • PureLift - prevents skin aging.
  • Peptides M.A.P. - increase the amount of melanin and gives a wonderful tanning effect.
  • SOD - eliminates Negative influence free radicals.
Recommendations regarding the choice of means for solarium.
I want to say right away that the assurances of solarium cosmetics manufacturers do not always correspond to reality. Therefore, in order to achieve quick effect you should use cosmetics that contain tyrosine, an amino acid that accelerates the synthesis of melanin in the skin. More dark tan obtained by using bronzers. Only in this case it is worth considering the fact that bronzers actually stain the surface layer of the skin, that is, the effect is the same as when using self-tanning with dihydroacetone. It is a pigment that the skin absorbs, so it cannot be called a real tan.

When choosing cosmetics for artificial tanning, preference should be given to a professional series. Be sure to carefully study the purpose of the product on the package. A lot of people confuse sunscreen with sunscreen. This different means with different purposes. Sun cream and ultraviolet, when combined, can cause severe allergic reaction. You will also need a skin moisturizer. In the compositions of professional cosmetics for tanning in a solarium, coconut oil, aloe vera, shea butter and others are often added as moisturizing ingredients. Such cosmetics not only moisturize the skin, but also remain in its deep layers, thanks to which natural moisture is preserved, and the skin is protected from dehydration and photoaging. In addition, the tan appears much faster and lasts for a long time.

For owners sensitive skin it is recommended to use a cream that contains natural oils (shea butter, olive, sandalwood). Oil from grape seeds perfectly softens the skin. It should be noted that the products for the face and body used in the solarium should be different.

If artificial tanning cosmetics contain agave nectar, vitamin D or watermelon extract, then such a product will prolong the effect tanned skin for a longer period.

Means for accelerating tanning in the solarium.
To accelerate the tanning use means that give the so-called tingle effect (tingle effect). Basically, formic acid is present in such cosmetics. These funds contribute to the expansion of the vessels of the upper layer of the skin, increasing blood microcirculation. Due to this, the supply of oxygen to the cells improves, metabolic processes are accelerated, and, therefore, the production of melanin also increases. The use of such funds may be accompanied by slight tingling or burning, which for many is associated with the natural process of tanning. Let me remind you that such products are strictly contraindicated for use by people with sensitive skin.

Moisturizers for the solarium, prolonging the effect of tanning.
Solarium products that moisturize the skin for a long time retain the achieved shade of tan. As mentioned earlier, tanning on wet skin lasts longer. If the skin is overdried, then the tan disappears quickly enough, the skin begins to peel off, in general, the consequences of normal sunburn are observed. Moisturizers prevent photoaging of the skin, so such products are applied both before and after going to the sun cabin. The composition of such cosmetics usually includes vitamins, panthenol and moisturizers. To enhance the tan, the moisturizers included in the product accelerate the synthesis of melanin, which provides a dark skin tone.

There is another group of solarium products, the use of which is controversial. This is a cosmetic product with a cooling effect. As a rule, it is used to extend the time spent in the booth. However, it is worth remembering that the skin cooled in this way becomes less sensitive, therefore, the risk of burning increases.

In the production of solarium cosmetics, such leading lines as Emerald Bay, Devoted Creations, Soleo, Supre, Australian Gold, Supertan, Tannymax, Star, Aloha and some others have proven themselves well.

Tips for tanning in the solarium.

  • A trip to the solarium should be carried out without makeup on the face and “knick-knacks” on the body.
  • Before visiting the solar cabin, it is necessary to take a shower with soap, because after that it is not recommended to do this in order to avoid overdrying the skin.
  • If you are taking any medications, you should consult your doctor about the presence of contraindications to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Use only quality means for solarium.
  • Before using this kind of funds, you should make sure that there is no allergy to them, for which a little product should be applied to small plot body.
In conclusion, I note that tanning cosmetics, when used correctly, are good for the skin. It not only contributes to the achievement of the desired shade of tan, but also cares for the skin, preventing it. premature aging. The only drawback of such products for the skin is enough high price. But, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice!