The use of aloe juice for cosmetic purposes for the face. Aloe for the face - recipes for masks at home, use and benefits

With all the abundance of cosmetics, aloe juice continues to be used in the beauty and health industry. It contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins. The healing properties of the agave have been known for a long time, and today it is common in cosmetology and medicine. Aloe juice and pulp are also popular at home. The agave also has contraindications. How is aloe used for the face, what advantages does it have, who is strictly prohibited?

In biology, there are almost 3 hundred species of aloe. But on our windowsills you can find only 5-7: folded, spinous, brindle, tree-like (agave) and aloe vera. The last two are used for the purpose of healing and caring for the face and hair. The plant contains almost the entire periodic table, it is a storehouse of vitamins A, C, group B. Aloe juice contains iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, chromium, copper, as well as amino acids, lignins and enzymes. One ingredient is an aspirin-like ingredient that reduces fever and relieves pain. Agave juice also has an antiseptic effect, heals wounds, coagulates blood, and restores damaged skin.

Aloe vera is an ingredient in many pharmaceutical products that enhance immunity. The extract has the ability to resist viral infections, strengthen the body's defenses. Aloe contains components that improve metabolism, intestinal motility, therefore it is part of slag-removing preparations. The plant improves well-being, increases vitality. Aloe juice and pulp are used to make the skin supple and elastic. This is an effective way to fight acne at home. Masks are made from the pulp and juice of aloe vera, it is added to creams. They are suitable for allergy-prone skin. The benefits of "windowsill doctor" are obvious, but at the same time, each product has its own limitations.

To whom is juice contraindicated?

Conditions and diseases in which the use of aloe extract is undesirable:

  • plant allergy;
  • menstrual bleeding;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • prohibited for children under 14;
  • hepatitis;
  • insomnia;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • diseases of internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys);
  • brain inflammation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If you belong to one of the above groups, the use of any pharmaceutical, homeopathic, folk remedy containing aloe requires prior consultation with a doctor.

The use of aloe vera in cosmetology

For those who cannot afford expensive creams or prefer a 100% natural product, there are plenty of agave recipes. Those who prefer store-bought products will find many creams, masks, tonics with or based on aloe vera. This ingredient has a positive effect on the skin and hair.

  • It has a calming effect, relieves inflammation and softens the skin of the face.
  • Eliminates redness, itching and irritation.
  • Natural lignins help nourish the skin with nutrients.
  • Wounds, cuts and other mechanical damage to the skin heal faster if they are rubbed with agave juice.
  • With the help of aloe extract, they get rid of acne on the face, as well as eczema, psoriasis, pustular rashes.
  • Plant juice has a lifting effect. The skin soon becomes elastic and toned.
  • Stimulates metabolism, removing harmful substances from the body.
  • Aloe for the face is used to lighten pigmentation.
  • Products containing aloe extract prevent aging, leaving the skin supple and attractive for longer.
  • Moisturizes the face, has a regenerating effect.
  • Helps fight cellulite.
  • Used against dandruff and hair loss.

How to squeeze and store aloe juice?

To make juice at home, use aloe leaves slightly dried at the ends. In the reviews of Internet users, there is a recommendation not to water the plant for about two weeks before use. You can cut them at any time of the year, preferably from the lower, more fleshy tier, or from the middle one. It is recommended to store the washed and dried leaves no longer than three hours, so as not to lose their healing properties. For cosmetic purposes, on the contrary, it is advised to keep them in the refrigerator for at least a week, wrapped in a tube in dark paper.

There are two ways of squeezing juice from aloe - manual and mechanical. If there is enough strength in the hands, the cut leaves are squeezed out, after being wrapped in gauze. But it is easier to use a meat grinder, blender or other grinding technique. The resulting slurry is much easier to strain through gauze, a double layer is better. For the manufacture of facial skin care products, aged aloe leaves are crushed and placed for 2 hours in a cool dark place in boiled cold water. The dish is covered with a lid. Low temperature and lack of light have an impact on the production of biostimulants that maintain skin condition. The pure juice squeezed out in this way is used to wipe the face. Leaves are not required for masks.

Agave juice is stored in the refrigerator in a dark container for a maximum of three days, then its effect weakens and fresh must be squeezed out. For longer use of aloe extracts, you can dilute the juice with alcohol (2: 1). The extract is also stored frozen and in the form of an ointment (mixed with pork fat). If there is no time and patience for keeping the leaves, squeezing, you can buy aloe juice at the pharmacy.

Homemade recipes based on agave

Making an aloe vera mask at home is not difficult. Properly prepared juice should be combined with other ingredients depending on the type of skin and the desired result.

1. Mask for loose skin with a tightening effect.

2 tbsp. grind tablespoons of agave juice with a tablespoon of homemade cottage cheese, two teaspoons of honey (it should not be thick). Keep the mass on the face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water without using cleansers.

2. Using aloe for dry skin.

Mix the juice with vegetable oil (almond, apricot, olive, peach, etc.) or butter in a ratio of 2:1. Apply on face for half an hour. The mask not only nourishes the tissues, but also smoothes wrinkles, improves skin tone.

3. Toning mask.

Grind the aloe leaf on a grater to the consistency of gruel. Mix the resulting mass with fruit 1:1. For dry and normal skin types - with the pulp of persimmon, apricot, melon. With fatty - with chopped apple, orange, grapes, peach, kiwi. When making a mask for dry and aging skin, add two teaspoons of vegetable oil, for oily skin - the same amount of sour cream. On the face, the mixture is kept for 25 minutes.

4. The use of aloe for problem skin.

If the face is prone to acne, has enlarged pores, oily sheen and often becomes inflamed, a mask of agave and radish will do. In addition, prepare a decoction of sage. A tablespoon of grass pour 0.5 cups of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, cool and strain. Mix the same parts of finely grated radish, agave juice and prepared sage broth. After a 25-minute mask, you will feel fresh and rejuvenated. The tool is used to prevent acne.

5. For oily skin.

Mix aloe juice or gruel with grated raw potatoes in a ratio of 2: 1, dilute with kefir. The mask is kept on the face for 20-25 minutes. It removes oily sheen, evens out skin tone. If aloe is mixed in the same ratio with cucumber, the product will acquire a whitening property. Oily skin is well lubricated with juice or ice cubes of aloe and lemon juice, mixed in equal parts.

6. To moisturize the face.

2 tbsp. l. gruel from aloe (or juice) mixed with raw egg yolk and add 2 tbsp. l. milk or cream (for dry skin). The mask is applied for 20-25 minutes.

7. To soften the skin.

Dissolve 5 ml of pharmaceutical glycerin in 50 ml of water at room temperature. Add a teaspoon of thin honey, ground oatmeal or rice in a coffee grinder, 2 tbsp. spoons of agave juice. Warm water to bring the mass to a creamy state. Apply for 20 minutes.

8. Aloe Acne Treatments

Mix the juice of the plant with vodka 4: 1, wipe the face with the resulting lotion daily in the morning and evening. Agave extract is diluted with water one to one, the solution is applied to acne. Take 40 ml of aloe extract and calendula tincture for half a glass of water, wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab. Pimples are also removed with a mixture of juice with white or blue cosmetic clay (the components are diluted to a slurry consistency).

The aloe vera plant, popularly known as the agave, has an amazing set of beneficial properties for the human body, and is actively used in medicine and cosmetology. Dermatologists have long shown the use of aloe for the face due to its mineral and amino acid rich ingredients.

In contact with

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin

Numerous studies have confirmed that the use of aloe is very beneficial for the face. The centennial contains:

  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectin;
  • allantoin;
  • anthraquinic glycosides;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins.

Due to its composition, aloe vera for the skin is a universal remedy that can moisturize, smooth, accelerate the regeneration process, eliminate oily sheen, problem areas (peeling, acne, blackheads) and age spots.

What helps?

Aloe juice can affect the body both from the outside and from the inside. For external action, this plant is used for the following purposes:

  • healing of damaged skin (cracks, abrasions, scratches);
  • disinfection;
  • anesthesia;
  • fight against allergies.

Aloe vera can relieve the common cold, as well as the symptoms of sinusitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia; is a good helper in losing weight, improving the functioning of the digestive tract and speeding up the metabolism.

Moreover, the plant can also affect eye diseases such as glaucoma, conjunctivitis, cataracts and myopia. Beneficial aloe enzymes are not a panacea for all ills, but when used correctly, they can slightly improve vision by stimulating the work of nerves and muscles.

How to get juice at home?

Aloe juice for the face at home is quite simple to prepare yourself. In order to get the most useful "elixir", it is extremely necessary to follow simple rules:

  1. The minimum age of the plant should be 3 years.
  2. For the preparation of juice, pre-wiped, but not washed, lower leaves of aloe are used.
  3. After processing, the cut leaves must be placed in the refrigerator for 14 days.
  4. Chilled leaves with a meat grinder need to be crushed and then squeezed.
  5. It is most useful to use freshly made juice.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to the storage of the extract. In order to get a properly "canned" product, 80% of the juice must be mixed with 20% alcohol and placed in the refrigerator.

This recipe is for external use. It is not recommended to take it internally.

How to make aloe gel?

Aloe vera gel for face in cosmetology is very popular due to its soothing, moisturizing, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. Fans of natural products do not really trust commercially available concentrated aloe gels for the face, they prefer to prepare them on their own.

To prepare aloe vera gel for the face, you need:

  1. With a sharp knife, cut the lower leaves of the plant obliquely.
  2. Gently wipe them with a damp cloth (you can not wash, otherwise the collected ingredient will deteriorate).
  3. For 10-15 minutes, you need to vertically place the leaves in a container so that the juice can flow out, which is absolutely not needed to prepare the gel.
  4. Then, aloe must be removed and transferred to a flat, dry surface. After preliminary removal of the ends, the sheet should be cut evenly along.
  5. After completing all the preparatory work, with a clean spoon, slowly, without pressure, you need to collect transparent mucus and pulp.
  6. The resulting material should be beaten until smooth and transferred to a pre-prepared clean container.

You can store aloe face gel in the refrigerator for no more than three weeks.

How to use the plant for the face?

Numerous studies have identified the beneficial properties of aloe for the skin of the face, which served as an active use of this plant in modern cosmetology. The anti-inflammatory, tonic and nourishing effect exerted by the agave on the skin of the face instantly gained recognition among the fair sex. However, aloe must be used quite carefully and strictly for its intended purpose.

Aloe vera is a unique plant that is widely used in cosmetology.

For dry skin

Modern cosmetic companies are developing a variety of facial skin care products. However, they cannot be compared with natural natural products. Applying aloe juice to dry facial skin, you can successfully improve its color and elasticity. After several procedures, roughness will disappear, and the skin will become soft and smooth. Masks, tonics and gels based on aloe vera will help to achieve a similar effect.

You can prepare a moisturizing mask with aloe for the skin of the face at home. It is imperative to strictly observe the proportions and choose the right ingredients. Otherwise, you can significantly harm yourself and not achieve a good result.


Many modern manufacturing companies have long used aloe for wrinkles, including this plant in facial skin care products. Thanks to its components, especially allantoin, aloe juice delivers nutrients to the skin. Saturated with vitamins, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed and disappear.

Aloe juice for the face can be used for anti-aging purposes, not only to prevent sagging and aging of the skin. Agave easily copes with existing wrinkles. After nourishing with the unique nutritional components of the plant, stimulating collagen and elastin fibers, the skin becomes more toned and acquires a beautiful healthy look. The result will be smoothed, almost imperceptible wrinkles and a great mood.


The nutritional qualities of aloe have already been discussed above. It is worth paying special attention to its tonic property. During the day, the skin of the face suffers from ultraviolet rays, wind, cold, dust, cosmetics and other negative factors. By the evening, it is extremely important to relieve tension and fatigue, which is facilitated by facial skin preparations with aloe vera.

A thin layer of aloe vera facial cleanser applied before bed will restore normal pH levels and remove makeup residue.

The skin is disinfected, the normal level of moisture is restored in it. As a result, blood circulation improves, cell regeneration accelerates, and the skin of the face becomes firm, elastic and toned. This will ensure a healthy sound sleep and a great mood for the whole next day.

With essential oils

Aloe vera can be added to essential oils, the combination of which you can choose yourself, to your liking. For example, jojoba oil is perfect for saturating the skin with vitamins, and coconut oil is perfect as a tonic.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that aloe vera oil has a fairly wide range of effects on the body, both from the outside and from the inside. This is why aromatherapy is beneficial. It is very important not to abuse aromatic oils - this can disrupt the respiratory tract and lead to chronic diseases.


Thanks to the properties of the agave, it is possible to carry out different kind cleaning. Before using aloe for the face in order to rid the skin of age spots, black spots, allergic rashes and inflammatory processes, you should carefully study all possible options for these procedures and choose the most convenient for a specific diagnosis. These can be lotions, scrubs, tonics, masks and creams based on aloe vera. You can buy ready-made cosmetics or make them yourself at home. In any case, we must remember that everything is good in moderation. This product should not be overused. Does aloe vera help acne?

Usage feedback overview

Numerous reviews about aloe for the face are positive. Using their examples, patients confirm information about the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant and indicate that acne, inflammatory rashes, blackheads and herpes disappear in just a few days after its use. They also claim that the skin of the face becomes soft and elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.

In general, everyone is satisfied with the agave as a cosmetic product. Only sometimes its use can cause an allergic reaction, but this happens when there is an individual intolerance to the individual components of the plant.

Many women prefer to take care of themselves with the help of natural cosmetics and often wonder: how to use aloe for the face? The most common means are masks. Their advantages:

  • convenient to apply on the skin;
  • the possibility of using not only in the salon, but also at home;
  • The result is noticeable after the first procedure.

Other nutritious foods are often added to aloe vera masks.

Having found out in more detail about how aloe helps for the face, we can safely say that this is not the only positive quality of the plant. Aloe is actively used for hair care, making them thick, silky and strong. Cosmetic companies offer a fairly wide range of agave-based products: shampoos, conditioners, lotions, masks, sprays, and more. The choice of means depends on the desires and preferences.

Useful video

Aloe juice for the face is a unique remedy. He can cope with many skin problems, in addition, he slows down the aging of cells. In this video, we will tell you how aloe juice is useful for the face, how to use it, and also share with you recipes for a face mask with aloe juice:


  1. Having found out how useful aloe is for the face, we can conclude that the agave has a number of positive effects on the skin: it rejuvenates, cleanses, tones, gives a healthy color and eliminates inflammation.
  2. Those who do not trust factory products can make aloe gel for the face, as well as masks, scrubs and tonics with agave at home.
  3. Using these preparations, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of wrinkles, moisturize dry skin and nourish it with essential oils.
  4. Aromatherapy will help improve your well-being and the functioning of the respiratory tract.
  5. According to numerous reviews, aloe vera not only has a positive effect on the skin of the face, but is also great for hair care.
  6. However, when using this truly miraculous remedy, you should remember that everything should be done in moderation!

Every woman wants to look young, have thick beautiful hair, a well-groomed face, a smaller aloe plant in this regard can be a godsend for each of you.

It's great if you have an agave growing on the window at home. You are just happy people! After all, the agave is both a pharmacy in the house and a great way to care for your appearance!

Aloe juice in cosmetology can be used for any type of skin. For oily people, this is an excellent remedy for acne. It moisturizes dry skin, and nourishes fading skin, makes it elastic and promotes collagen synthesis.

What you will learn from this article:

Useful and healing properties of agave for home cosmetology

The juice of this plant contains many wonderful ingredients that heal, heal and rejuvenate the skin. Use aloe at any age - the result will be the same! A well-groomed face, without the slightest flaws, clean and smooth skin, a minimum of age wrinkles.

The basis of the healing action of these leaves is a complete set of vitamins, mineral salts and a variety of substances that improve metabolic processes in cells. Only about two hundred unique components that, interacting with each other, have an incredibly beneficial effect on cleansing and nourishing the skin, as well as growing and strengthening hair.

Mucopolysaccharide acemanan attracts water and moisturizes dry, aging skin.

Vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium are the four knights, always ready to protect the skin from free radicals. The synthesis of collagen fibers that provide elasticity and protect against aging is the merit of antioxidant vitamins.

Various enzymes, phytoncides, resinous substances, salicylic acid and essential oils, wound healing saccharides and saponins have anti-inflammatory properties and perfectly help to care for oily, problem skin, especially if there is a tendency to acne and acne.

Aloe juice has biostimulating properties and smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, wrinkles in the forehead and décolleté. Creams containing plant components make our hands young and heal cracks. And using shampoos and hair masks on the same basis, you can grow amazingly thick and lush hair.

How to get juice from biostimulated leaves.

It is believed that the most pronounced anti-aging and healing properties have leaves processed by the method of biogenic stimulation.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, a plant of three to five years of age is suitable. Previously, the agave is not watered for two weeks. Such a shake-up causes the cells of the plant to produce special biogenic stimulants for protection.

After the resulting drought, the required number of the largest leaves are cut off, which usually grow at the very bottom of the bush. They even dry out at the ends. Then all the leaves are wrapped in parchment, leaving the ends open to allow the plant to breathe. And put it in the refrigerator for two weeks.

In such adverse conditions, the plant begins to lose its vitality. In order not to die, special biogenic stimulants are produced in it, which make the cells increase their vital activity and maintain viability.

After a two-week confinement, the leaves are washed, crushed, water is added in a ratio of 1:3 and mixed. The mixture is allowed to stand for a couple of hours, filtered and placed in a glass container. Stored in the refrigerator.

If the juice obtained in this way is taken by a person or treated with skin, then the plant will transfer these life-giving forces to him and will have a truly extraordinary healing effect.

Recipes for masks with agave juice for the face

In addition to juice prepared according to the biostimulation method, you can immediately use the pulp of cut leaves. Grind, mix with water or alcohol, freeze. An important condition is that you need to use cut leaves immediately for several hours. The longer you store, the less useful properties remain in the plant.

Aloe mask recipes for dry skin

Recipe 1. Mix in equal proportions a tablespoon of gruel of aloe and fatty sour cream. After that, you need to apply a mask on the face and décolleté for about 20 minutes. Then rinse everything off with water. Do this mask twice a week for at least a month.

Recipe 2. Mix aloe juice, oatmeal, linden honey and olive oil in equal proportions. Keep the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Agave Recipes for Oily Skin

Recipe 1. An aqueous solution of aloe juice (for 200 ml of boiling water, 5 tablespoons of chopped plant pulp) pour into cells and freeze in the freezer. Rub your face with an ice cube. The procedure should be carried out both in the morning and in the evening.

Recipe 2. Pour the pulp with vodka in a ratio of 4: 1. Wash your face with lotion twice a day.

Recipe 3. Make lotions from an aqueous solution of plant pulp and water (proportions 1: 1). Just soak a gauze in this solution, put it on your face, shoulders, wherever there are pimples and hold on the inflamed areas for 15 minutes.

Recipe 4. You can mix 50 ml of water with alcohol tincture of calendula and aloe juice, taken in 20 ml. Wipe your face with this solution daily.

Recipe 5. Take a tablespoon of the crushed plant and mix with white or blue clay powder to a mushy state. Apply a face mask. Wash off with water after 20 minutes.

Recipe 6. Mix white or blue cosmetic clay with plant juice to make a thick slurry. Apply this paste all over the face. After twenty minutes, wash off with water.

Recipes for normal skin

Recipe 1. Mix fresh, crushed agave leaf and honey in equal proportions. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Recipe 2. You can take a tablespoon of cream or yogurt, mixed with the same amount of aloe juice. Apply to the face, after 15 minutes, rinse everything with water.

Recipe 3. Dissolve 100 grams of internal pork fat in a water bath (do not overheat!). In a slightly warm, but not frozen fat, add chopped aloe in the amount of two tbsp. spoons, as well as half a teaspoon of rose water or a few drops of essential rose oil. Stir thoroughly and place the finished cream in a glass jar in the refrigerator for storage. Use as a night cream.

Recipes for aging skin

Recipe 1. Mix with a blender 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat sour cream with a teaspoon of aloe juice and egg yolk. Apply the mask on the face with a brush, layer by layer as each layer dries. Wash it off with water after 20 minutes. Finish off with a nourishing cream.

Recipe 2. Wipe your face daily with fresh and undiluted aloe juice or plant pulp. Make lotions on the wrinkle area. If skin irritation occurs, dilute the juice with water. The duration of the course is usually 3-4 weeks.

Recipe 3. You can freeze in molds the crushed pulp of two large leaves mixed with a 200 ml cup of water. Wipe your face with ice in the morning.

Recipe 4. Prepare a mixture of aloe juice with yogurt, sour cream or egg yolk. Combine to your liking. Take the ingredients in equal proportions. Keep the masks on your face for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Carry out such procedures every other day. Already after the fifth procedure you will notice positive changes. The freshness of the face will appear, the color and velvety will improve. The skin will become smooth, without any roughness.

Aloe juice with an expanded capillary network and redness of the skin

Daily in the evenings, lubricate the skin of the face and décolleté with juice from a freshly cut leaf. Just cut it lengthwise and rub in the fleshy pulp. This process may take more than one month. Conduct a course for a month, then take a break, and after 2 weeks resume and repeat several courses. In the future, periodically carry out it preventively.

Whitening mask to remove traces of pigmentation on the face

Mix half a teaspoon of aloe and lemon juices. Add a whole teaspoon of flower honey with castor oil. Add oatmeal to make a thick porridge. Apply the mask to a cleansed face. Wash off with water after 20 minutes. This is a vitamin, whitening and pore-tightening mask with a biostimulating effect.

Recipes for masks to strengthen and stimulate hair growth

For hair make a mask with aloe. It enhances growth, helps get rid of dandruff. Such procedures are very good for weakened, split ends. Protect from falling out. Nourishes normal hair with vitamins and biogenic stimulants

Recipe 1. It's easier than ever, just before washing your hair, add a tablespoon of freshly chopped plant pulp to the shampoo. The shampoo washes away dirt and grease, improves the access of beneficial elements of the agave to the hair follicles.

Recipe 2. To strengthen falling hair, take Art. a spoonful of juice from the agave plant and mixed with egg yolks from two eggs. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of natural sour cream. Rubbed first into the skin of the entire head, then the hair is treated. The head is wrapped in polyethylene or cellophane, covered with a warm scarf. The exposure time is half an hour, then washed off with water, without any shampoo. The head is washed very well.

Recipe 3. Take under Art. a spoonful of squeezed onion juice, honey and aloe, as well as one egg. Add half a teaspoon of mustard. All this mixture is applied to the hair roots, covered with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. It is advisable to wait half an hour. Some people may experience an unbearable burning sensation. In this case, it is better to wash off the mask with water. Time after time, the burning sensation will decrease.

Recipe 4. If hair loss is severe, you can also make such a mask: mix honey with aloe juice, taking 1 tbsp. spoon. Add 1 teaspoon garlic juice and egg yolk. After rubbing into the scalp, it is necessary to wrap it with plastic wrap and warm with a towel. Hold for 30 minutes. Rinse with nettle decoction.

Recipe 5. Alcohol tincture of aloe juice, which must be rubbed into the skin of the scalp 3 times a week, is excellent against dandruff.

Recipe 6. Incomparably beautiful hair will be after such a mask! Take one part of agave juice and castor oil, add 2 parts of kefir. (1 part corresponds to 1 tablespoon). Enter 10 ml of vitamin E and A. Apply to the head, hold for 30 minutes and rinse with water. The mask is done twice a week.

After hair care with masks with aloe juice, the condition of the hair improves quickly. They become shiny, silky, lush, the structure is strengthened, loss stops.

Aloe juice in cosmetology is a versatile and very effective remedy. The richness of vitamins, an exceptionally balanced mineral complex, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory components and much more has a beneficial effect on any type of facial skin and perfectly strengthens hair roots.

Of course, today you can buy any creams, tonics, cleansing milk, aloe-based shampoos, but a home-made product using exclusively natural ingredients does not contain any additives and is incomparable in price with expensive imported cosmetics.

If you don’t have an agave at home, it makes sense to get one! Ask your friends to give you a leaf of a plant. He's doing remarkably well. If you can’t get an agave in this way, buy it at a flower shop in your city.

Where to buy an aloe plant? The easiest way is to make a request through Yandex or Google “Where to buy an agave at your place of residence?” And no problem - there will be a lot of answers, and the price is trifling - from 100 rubles.

Aloe for the face is used by many women. In addition, almost all major cosmetic companies have in their assortment a line of products based on the juice of this useful plant. But why did an ordinary agave deserve such close attention of beauties and representatives of the beauty industry around the world?

Everything is very simple - the point is in the wonderful composition of aloe and in its effect on the skin.

Benefits of aloe for skin

Despite the fact that aloe vera came to us from dry deserts deprived of water and nutrient soil, this plant is a storehouse of useful trace elements.
As part of the agave there are:

  • aloin;
  • pectin;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • mineral layers;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, E;
  • trace elements;
  • organic acids.

All this makes aloe juice a wonderful elixir of youth and longevity. Not surprisingly, it is included in many industrial cosmetic creams and lotions.

Agave juice slows down skin aging, eliminates pustules and rashes, promotes rapid healing of cuts, burns and wounds, moisturizes the skin, saturates it with useful substances, improves complexion and normalizes sebum production.

These and many other properties of aloe and
long known to women. That is why many ladies grow this miracle plant on their windowsill and successfully use it in home cosmetology.

Indications and contraindications for use

Aloe vera juice is suitable for any type of skin: it moisturizes dry skin, dries oily skin, tightens fading skin, and soothes sensitive skin.

But aloe juice is most effective and effective if the skin has:

  1. rashes and acne;
  2. oily sheen:
  3. peeling and redness;
  4. various damages (for example, due to weathering or too long exposure to the sun);
  5. the consequences of the negative influence of external factors (use of bad cosmetics, polluted environment, visiting a solarium, etc.);
  6. wrinkles, folds, signs of wilting;
  7. dull unhealthy color.

The advantage of aloe is that the use of this plant has almost no contraindications. It should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is also undesirable to use agave during menstruation and in the presence of a vascular network on the face.

Agave has become so popular lately that many cosmetic companies have launched a new facial skin care product - aloe vera gel. It is condensed agave juice, the shelf life of which is extended by adding preservatives to it. Such a tool is absolutely natural and safe (useful!) For the dermis.

Some brands that sell aloe vera gel include:

  • Savonry (Russia);
  • "Spivak" (Russia);
  • Aromashka (Russia);
  • Aroma-Zone (France);
  • Equilibria (Italy);
  • Sea of ​​SPA (Israel);
  • GIGI (Israel).

These and many other companies are releasing aloe vera gel as a separate skin care product. Some manufacturers supplement the gel with other active ingredients: herbal extracts, plant extracts.

Read the ingredients carefully! In addition to aloe juice, a thickener (for example, locust bean gum) and a preservative, the product should not contain foreign components. The exception is herbal extracts, vitamins, plant esters.

The best gel is the one that is free of impurities and substances, but a gel with a low degree of purification can cause harm instead of good. Therefore, remember: often the more expensive the product, the higher its quality.

If you do not trust cosmetics manufacturers, then you can prepare a gel from agave juice at home. Of course, such a product can only be stored in the refrigerator, and its shelf life will be much less than that of a purchased gel, but you will be completely sure of the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the product.

You will need:

  • aloe leaves - 3-4 pieces;
  • vitamin E;
  • clean jar;
  • clean bowl;
  • mini mixer for making homemade cosmetics.

Dust the aloe leaves, remove the skin from them and put the pulp in a clean bowl. Using a mixer, beat the pulp into a homogeneous mass. Mix a few drops of vitamin E into the gel - it will serve as a preservative and extend the shelf life of the product.

The gel is ready, but it can only be used in a diluted state. To do this, before each use, dilute the gel with water and add other additional components.

You can store this product in the refrigerator for a month.

Homemade aloe vera gel can be used instead of store-bought face and body creams, as well as homemade masks and lotions.

Before making homemade gel, disinfect all utensils and mixer with alcohol.

Aloe alcohol tincture

This product is ideal for oily skin. A tincture is being prepared by analogy with a gel, but a stronger and more aggressive agent is used as a preservative - medical alcohol.

To prepare the tincture, you need to take one part of the pulp of the agave and two parts of alcohol. The mixture is infused in a dark place for about a week.

Such a tincture will be an excellent lotion for very oily and problematic skin, but for girls with a dry type it is better not to experiment and refuse to use this remedy.

Rubbing with aloe juice

This is the easiest way to use agave juice. It only requires a fresh cut aloe leaf. Remove the skin from it and wipe your face with it morning and evening. One leaf can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Then you should use a new one.

You can also make aloe juice by squeezing it from the leaves and rubbing your face with it. Juice keeps a little longer in the refrigerator.

Butter cream for normal skin

You will need:

  • homemade aloe juice - 1 spoon;
  • heavy cream - 1 tablespoon.

Mix the cream and juice and apply to the face with soft cloths, gauze or cotton pads. The cream can be used twice a day.

For applying liquid products, it is convenient to use a special blank mask. You can make it yourself (by cutting holes for the mouth and eyes in a piece of soft fabric) or use a purchased one.

Mask "Sour cream + aloe" for mature skin

You will need:

  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 spoon;
  • agave juice - 2 tablespoons.

Mix the ingredients and apply on cleansed face. Hold the mask for about 15 minutes and rinse with cool water. It would be useful after such a mask to arrange a contrast wash for the skin, alternating cold and warm water.

Aroma face mask

You will need:

  • aloe vera pulp - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • essential oils of lemon, rose, ylang-ylang - 1-2 drops each.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the mass on a clean face. Hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water. This mask has a rejuvenating and cleansing effect.

Oatmeal mask for oily skin

You will need:

  • oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder - 2 tablespoons;
  • agave juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • cucumber - 1 piece (or juice of one cucumber);
  • egg white - 1 piece.

Finely chop the cucumber, chop with a blender or squeeze the juice out of it. Add the rest of the ingredients to it and mix thoroughly.

Apply the finished composition on the face and wash off after 20 minutes. Such a mask will noticeably narrow the pores, eliminate oily sheen and heal acne.

Cosmetic ice with aloe juice

Aloe juice for the face can be used not only in liquid, but also in frozen form. To do this, you need to prepare a special cosmetic ice. It is easy to prepare - this procedure will take you no more than 15-20 minutes.

First of all, prepare a decoction of sage or any other herb of your choice. For oily skin, it is better to take calendula or oak bark, for dry skin - rose petals, linden or raspberry. Add a few tablespoons of aloe juice to the infusion and distribute the mixture into molds.

Send future ice to the freezer.

Instead of a decoction of herbs, you can use hydrolats (floral waters). They can be purchased in online stores of natural cosmetics.

Aloe juice for chapped lips

If you often lick or bite your lips in the cold, agave juice will help you unlearn this ugly and bad habit. It is enough just to lubricate their lips so that the desire to lick them disappears. It's all about the bitter taste of this plant.

The same tool is suitable in order to wean children to put their fingers in their mouths. The advantage of aloe juice is that it is absolutely harmless and will not cause poisoning if it enters the body.

Rules for using home remedies with aloe juice

  1. To prepare masks, lotions and gel, cut off the lower larger leaves of the plant.
  2. Before use, be sure to clean the leaves from dust and dirt.
  3. If you put the leaves wrapped in a damp cloth in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks, then the gel from such raw materials will turn out to be much richer and more effective.
  4. Before using any remedy made from agave juice or pulp, check to make sure there are no allergies. To do this, apply a drop of the product to the crook of your arm. If there is no reaction, the agent can be used.
  5. All additional components of the home mask are recommended to be mixed with warm aloe juice. To do this, heat cream, kefir, oils, honey and other components of the mask to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  6. For the preparation of cosmetics with juice and agave, it is better to use glass, ceramic or wooden utensils.
  7. Masks with aloe juice are applied to cleansed, slightly damp skin. Before applying the mixture, it is recommended to steam the face in a bath or using a steam bath. It will also be useful to use a scrub - it will cleanse the skin of impurities, and the effect of the mask will be several times stronger.
  8. A mask (gel, lotion) is applied from the agave along the main massage lines. Don't forget your neck and décolleté! They also require careful care. But it is better to bypass the eyelid area, for the area around the eyes there are special products with aloe.
  9. Skin treatment with agave juice should be carried out in courses of 3-4 weeks. For the best effect, it is recommended to take a special drinking aloe vera gel orally. It can be bought in health food stores, Ayurvedic shops and eco-shops.


Many women have been using aloe for their face for a long time and have already managed to feel its difference from purchased creams and lotions. Aloe almost never causes allergies, it is an absolutely natural remedy given to us by nature itself. That is why the use of this plant in home cosmetology is so popular and effective.

For skin care, you can use agave juice, homemade or purchased aloe vera gel - the result will not be long in coming: the face will be cleansed, the skin will be moisturized and acquire a healthy glow.

By secret

A younger face in just 11 days!

Even at 40, you can look 21 if you smear your face at night ...

To maintain facial skin in a toned and elastic state, it is useful to use aloe juice, which not only nourishes the skin with various vitamins (in particular, vitamins B, C, E and A), but also moisturizes it, making it soft and matte. It is also useful to use face masks with the addition of the juice of this plant. We talked in more detail about the use of aloe and which juice is better to choose for skin care - pharmacy or homemade, and you will find all the recipes for facial products that you can prepare at home.

Why is it useful?

The benefits of using aloe juice are undeniable:

Aloe juice has an antibacterial effect, it is a natural antiseptic.

Watch the video about the benefits of aloe:

What diseases does it prevent?

The healing effect of aloe has been known since ancient times. In addition to the healing, moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin, aloe is used in the treatment of the common cold, eye diseases, gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, enterocolitis. Also, the plant has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, cleanses the intestines from harmful substances. You can use aloe juice for weight loss.

Which is better - rubbing with a leaf or applying juice?

With regard to the use of aloe, it is advisable to use the juice squeezed from a medicinal aloe plant older than three years, and it is best to use the lower leaves, after cutting them off and holding them in the refrigerator, wrapping them in some kind of cloth. You can squeeze the juice with gauze, before passing the leaves through a meat grinder or squeezing them out by hand. But even a simple periodic wiping with a cut leaf will bring great benefits to the skin. In both cases, the leaves, after they have been cut, must not be forgotten to be washed.

Can this be done every day?

You can carry out the procedure of moisturizing and nourishing the face with aloe 2 times a week., but if there are any skin problems, then daily, applying aloe juice 15-20 minutes before using cream or makeup, and in the evening repeat this process on the skin prepared and cleaned of cosmetics and dust. The greatest effect will be from the use of freshly squeezed juice.

When and what to expect the result?

The result will not be long in coming - tangible changes in the skin will be visible after the first application, when you feel amazing softness, smoothness and dullness. The visual and therapeutic effect will become noticeable after a couple of procedures.

Step-by-step instruction

How to use aloe juice for facial skin step by step.

  1. We prepare the skin: we completely wash off all makeup, wash ourselves with warm water, blot our face with a towel.
  2. We apply aloe juice or simply wipe the skin with a peeled stem and leave to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water and, if necessary, apply a moisturizer (oily and oily-prone skin, as a rule, does not need this, but it is better to focus on your feelings).

Rinse off aloe juice should always be warm water without soap.

To care for dry, sensitive or chapped skin after using aloe, you may need to apply a moisturizer.

If any discomfort is found during or after wiping the face with aloe juice, the next time you should dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio or stop using it altogether due to individual intolerance.

Pharmacy funds

Pharmacy products with aloe are full of variety: they are for all skin types, for different parts of the body, for any age, all kinds of emulsions, products in the form of a cream, gel, various specially prepared juices, masks and much more. Let's consider some of them.

Gel Sea of ​​Spa Aloe Vera, made in Israel

Traditional method of application: Apply a thin layer to cleansed skin, leave for 15 minutes, then gently rub in the remains. Wash off with warm water. The disadvantage is that this gel is almost never found outside of Israel.

Gel Aroma-zone Gel d'aloe vera certifié BIO, made in France

Mode of application: Lightly moisten the face with water and immediately apply a thin layer of gel, lightly driving it into the skin until completely absorbed. When tightening, the gel should be washed off after 15 minutes, but if there are no such sensations, it is quite possible not to wash it off.

The disadvantage is that such a tool cannot be purchased offline yet.


Despite the high efficiency of use, one should be careful and do not forget about individual intolerance, which is a contraindication when using any means from this plant. Therefore, if after applying aloe juice or any of its products, there is a feeling of dryness, irritation, burning or redness of the skin, you should stop using it.

For thousands of years, this miraculous plant has been helping to maintain youthful skin and maintain a blooming appearance. However, it must be remembered that any remedy has contraindications, so aloe should be used with caution.