Technique for performing intimate erotic massage. How to massage your wife for maximum pleasure

Both men and women can enjoy themselves in different ways. But if you really want to elevate your partner to the pinnacle of bliss, you should learn how to give him an intimate erotic massage - as, in principle, to you. After all, these games, alternating

gentle strokes, give us no less pleasure than making love. It is no coincidence that various oriental methods of relaxing, exciting and simply intimate erotic massage are so wildly popular.

The inhabitants of the East always knew a lot about pleasures and knew how to receive them. Most men, caressing a woman, know that her most erogenous zones are: the clitoris, chest, mouth, vaginal opening, neck, inner thighs, ear. But what about them themselves?

Do you know his "hot spots"?

Indeed, without them, even the simplest intimate erotic massage is out of the question.

If not, try to start studying the technique of intimate erotic massage with us. Believe me, you will get mutual pleasure from the new trip.

First, help your partner relax properly. Lure him into a bath of warm water, rub his back, and then lightly massage the shampoo into his head. Don't overlook your neck. Not superfluous will be light circular movements in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis temples, the entire contour of the face.

Very relaxing hand and foot massage. Start with acupressure on his palms, and then move on to his toes, the area of ​​special attention. And after a while you will see how your friend's face becomes serene, while he himself is surprisingly submissive and supple.

It is even believed that if a woman can suck and caress a man's toes, then by doing so she ties him to her. But of course, this caress is purely psychologically suitable for far from every woman, nevertheless, the fact remains: toes are the strongest erogenous zone for many men.

You can even playfully turn him over on his stomach and offer to give him a massage, the beauty of which lies in the fact that he imperceptibly awakens a desire for intimacy for both of them. It seems that after what you have already done with him, even the most stubborn man will have nothing left to do but obey you with pleasure.

"Saddle" him and, moving from light hand movements to more intense ones, massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis back - this is where the important male erogenous zone is located (just above the coccyx). Approximately the same can be said about the so-called "cat" zone - between the shoulder blades.

And so that your partner does not fall asleep with pleasure (and this happens), change tactics - touch him with your lips, replacing the work of your hands with kisses. Moreover, many zones are really more susceptible to tongue caresses and kisses.

Take, for example, the neck and ears. Often the neck in men is sensitive to kisses and strokes, especially in the part that is closer to the back. Just do not tickle him in this area - by doing this you will achieve the exact opposite effect. As for the ears (lobe, auricle and the area behind the ear), then a lot depends on the individual man.

There are those in whom such touches do not cause the traditional pleasant shiver. Expand the boundaries of what you have known so far. With your fingertips, touch his stomach (although it is not an erogenous zone in itself), but rather a tiny area below the navel. It is enough to put your hand on it, touch it with your tongue or lips.

Caress his nipples (of course, a man's chest is not as sensitive as a woman's, but here you can achieve amazing results), and if you notice that your partner has begun to breathe faster, then you are on the right track.

Feel his buttocks (maybe you have never done this before), bite, pat, pinch them. And you will see a quick response to all your touches.

And when almost every millimeter of your partner's body will be caressed by you, pay special attention to his genitals, especially since almost all men love to touch these intimate places. There are a lot of nerve endings on the head of the penis, which is why this area almost never remains indifferent to caresses.

Most men are just crazy about if a woman touches their testicles and scrotum - the most powerful erogenous zone that requires an individual approach. Because some men like it when their testicles are squeezed harder, while others - on the contrary.

Nevertheless, one should still adhere to the golden mean - an extremely soft effect on the scrotum with the fingertips, lips and tongue. Below the testicles is a potential male erogenous zone - the perineum, under the skin of which is the prostate.

And many men incredibly like erotic massage in this area. By the way, if you go further, then the anus will be very close - the very part that many women try to avoid. Most likely due to ignorance of how you can powerfully influence your partner by caressing this particular area with your tongue or fingertips.

Caress, love him and remember at the same time that it is through touch that most men feel loved. And if you manage to convey to your partner the pleasure that you feel from touching his body, then you don’t have to worry - this will become an additional and quite significant incentive for his further arousal.

And do not stop there, break all sorts of traditions and explore new possibilities for your relationship with the help of an intimate erotic massage.

Look, because your man, in addition to all of the above, may have another thousand and one points of "pleasure" in completely different places of the body.

And the search for such points in itself turns into an exciting process for both partners.

Regardless of the type and purpose, massage is a procedure aimed at the interaction of bodies, contributing to the strengthening and distribution of energy from certain points throughout the body. It warms, relaxes and even satisfies.

How to switch from a regular massage to an exciting one?

Before you start doing massage for woman, it is necessary to create favorable conditions:

  • The temperature in the room is over 23 degrees.
  • The object on which the action will take place (trestle bed, bed, blanket by the fireplace), covered with a sheet.
  • Terry towels.
  • Oils, milk, incense, light music for relaxation and comfort in the process.
  • Subdued lighting relieves stress.
  • Warm, well-groomed hands of the performer.

Any massage consists of a set of actions: stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, vibrations. These techniques should be alternated, and in no case should you rush - this, firstly, is fraught with consequences (overloading the lymphatic system), and secondly, the girl may not like it. Moving from one part of the body to another, the previous one must be covered with a towel so that it does not cool down, so your efforts will not be wasted.

The difference between the usual is in the psycho-emotional component, when female and male energies are intertwined.

What places should be massaged, how and why? What should not be touched?

Do exciting massage it is possible with the help of light strokes and squeezing along the vector of the lymphatic system of the pelvic part of the body, hips, ankles, but do not touch the genitals - this does not imply exciting. This is the main difference between exciting and intimate massage. A man should massage a woman not only in the prone position, but also in front (chest, abdomen, hips). Warm up by massaging, bring a touch of excitement by stroking, excite with a slight pinching. Areas that should not be touched:

  • Neck, front part - the effect of strangulation, not every girl likes it.
  • Armpits, hollow under the knee - ticklish.
  • Temporal region and heel - pain.
  • The kidney area is unpleasant.
  • Solar plexus - will take your breath away.

What movements and means can be used for an exciting massage?

During the massage, one of the most important roles is played by the environment, as well as the continuity of the process. The movements should be smooth, the lighter the touch, the higher the excitement, here you can use feathers, fingertips, fur. Creams and oils are also used, they reduce painful friction, relax, warm up, and if you take a couple of drops of jasmine or sandalwood oil, it will be an additional aphrodisiac.

In the process of massaging on the body, you can find areas of accumulation of sexual energy, these can be. The task of an exciting massage is to find them, relax a woman, redirect this energy throughout the body. They are easy to identify - when the hand touches, tension is felt, the nervous system is stretched, associating itself with painful, unpleasant memories (bad experience, childbirth, violence, stress). During the massage, there is an opportunity to take a fresh look at your body, and feel a long-term excitement different from that which a woman experiences during sex.

How to understand that the girl is already excited and ready to move on with the massage?

Massage can cause various effects: pleasure, relaxation, tears, the girl can even fall asleep (in this case, you should not disturb her).

VM solves a number of problems:

  • awakens sexual energy;
  • frees the body from negative emotions;
  • liberates a woman;
  • is a kind of foreplay.

A woman's positive reaction is easy to read in body language - relaxed shoulders, goose bumps on the back and hips, rapid breathing. If the role of the conductor is played directly by the partner (husband), then after the VM, you can move on to intimate massage or sex. A man, unlike a massage therapist, can be passionate in working with his lady, thereby providing sensual pleasure. After a quality procedure, a woman herself can seize the initiative.

How should a man behave so that everything works out as it should?

How to do VM is already clear, but what should a man do in order to move on to sex and not spoil the mood? Here you need to smoothly transfer her attention and energy to the intimate zone. The main role here is played not so much by the massage itself, but by the caress and care with which you touch your beloved.

All actions must be complex, you can not stop or give much attention to any particular part of the body, free your mind from everyday thoughts and think only about how to satisfy a woman. Making a massage to his beloved, a man himself is excited, and here it is necessary not to lose his composure during the transition to sex, he must also be gentle and sensual.

Exciting massage is a great way to get closer and understand the sensual nature of a woman.

VIDEO Erotic Massage for Women

VIDEO Massage - Wizards of the country OH - Ural Pelmeni)

Erotic massage helps to get rid of psychological and physical fatigue. Touching different parts of the body allows you to relax and enjoy. Intimate massage to the wife is a great opportunity to show tenderness to the second half and strengthen close relationships between partners. If the spouses have cooled off towards each other, then erotic massage is an effective way to kindle passion and sexual appetite.

What is erotic massage?

Classical massaging includes rubbing, pressing, kneading various parts of the body with your hands. Erotic or intimate massage is complemented by gentle stroking of the partner's whole body and kisses. This technique came to us from the East. So, for example, in China, the duration of sexual intercourse was controlled by stimulating certain points, and in India, exciting touches were accompanied by the application of aromatic oils.

Massage for wife at home is a pleasant surprise from a man who wants to strengthen emotional contact and awaken the sexual energy of a woman. The intimate nature of caresses will bring physical and emotional pleasure to the partner. Stroking various parts of the body will help to better determine the erogenous zones. Intimate massage at home has no clear rules, the main thing is to help your wife relax, switch attention from everyday problems and awaken sensuality.

How to give your wife a massage?

In order for the conceived erotic surprise to be pleasant and exciting, it is necessary to create an appropriate environment. For this you will need:

  • muffled light,
  • aroma candles,
  • pleasant music.

The surface on which you want to lay your wife should not be soft. The room should be warm, because during the massage the partners are naked, and the procedure lasts from half an hour to an hour.

A prerequisite is the application of oil or a special cream on the hands of a man and the body of a woman. If you are confident in the aromatic preferences of your partner, feel free to use the oil with her favorite scent.

Common options for creating an intimate setting:

  • jasmine,
  • ylang ylang,
  • vanilla,
  • orange,
  • patchouli.

Relaxation is facilitated by a warm bath, you can start an erotic massage from it. Before touching, be sure to warm up your hands and lubricate them with cream. This will make the skin of the palms softer, the fingers will gently glide over the body of your beloved.

Essential oils have a powerful effect on the psychological state of a woman. They make you completely relax or, conversely, awaken sexual desire. But if your partner is prone to allergies, use a hypoallergenic lotion.

The body of a woman is full of mysteries, making an erotic massage, you need to monitor her reaction, this will reveal new erogenous zones.

Sexual massage for the wife: technique

  • It is worth starting the procedure with the limbs - feet or hands. To do this, lay your beloved on your stomach. To make your wife comfortable, place a towel roll under her feet.

Gently knead each toe, foot, and between the toes. There are many nerve endings on the feet, and stimulating them will give your partner a lot of pleasure. From stroking, they move on to kneading with the edge of the palm or phalanges of the fingers. With the hands, follow the same pattern - first, gentle stroking, then more intense kneading.

  • From your feet, slowly work your way up to your calves, thighs, and buttocks. Movements are performed with fingertips or with the whole palm. To add intimacy will touch the lips and tongue.

Erotic massage of the buttocks or thighs in terms of the intensity of physical impact differs significantly from the procedure with hands or feet. These places are less sensitive, so they can be pinched and lightly patted. The inner thigh is very sensitive to touch. An energetic impact will make the partner aroused, but she should be calmed down with gentle strokes.

The peculiarity of erotic massage is the gradual increase in stimulating effect, which will end with passionate sex.

  • When starting to work on the back, remember that there is an erogenous zone between the shoulder blades, which should be given special attention.

Erotic massage takes place at a different pace. Their effect depends on the intensity of actions - gentle slow strokes relax the partner, and fast strokes stimulate. In this intimate moment, keep talking to a minimum, or rather be silent. Hands will speak for you, expressing love with the language of gentle strokes and touches.

  • Do not leave your neck and shoulders without a massage. This area is stressed and tight after a hard day's work. Pressing and rubbing will help the girl relax, relieve fatigue. A woman is unlikely to decide on an erotic massage session in the salon, but at home with her beloved man she will be able to get unforgettable pleasure.

Massage of the abdomen and chest of the wife

  • If you want to make the erotic massage of the chest and abdomen especially pleasant, generously lubricate your hands with oil.
  • The impact on the stomach should be especially delicate, it is enough to stroke the area around the navel in a clockwise circular motion. Touches of hands are complemented by kisses.
  • Next, pay attention to the waist, moving your hands up and down, slightly pulling the skin.
  • So that erotic massage does not seem like a hint of vulgarity, you should not crush a woman's breasts or twist her nipples. It is enough to gently draw along the perimeter of the roundness, it is easy to play with the most sensitive parts.
  • Do not disregard the neck, because many women have erogenous zones here. Careful touches of fingers, tongue and lips will make her tremble with pleasure.
  • The ears are no less sensitive organ, they are massaged with two fingers - thumb and forefinger. Gently knead the surface, especially the lobes.

Intimate organs massage

  • Having reached the most secret place, try to be extremely careful and gentle;
  • The intimate parts of the body are very sensitive, so touch with relaxed fingers, massaging with gentle but teasing movements;
  • The impact of lips and tongue will be very appropriate;
  • During the massage, mark areas that are especially responsive to touch, and be sure to return to them;
  • If you do not set goals to bring your wife to orgasm, then control the intensity of caresses;
  • When performing an intimate massage for a wife at home, not only theoretical knowledge is important, but also the fantasy of partners.

Of the five senses that nature has endowed us with, touch is the most intimate. Through touch we can get more information than verbally. Massage -

the art of touch. Its use will help to relax and tune in the right way, and if you do the massage correctly, it will also have a healing effect. There are quite a few varieties of this art of touching. One of the most gentle and exciting is the massage of intimate areas. If you want to surprise your soulmate and diversify your personal life, then this is just what you need. Intimate massage can be intended for both men and women. Its types will be discussed further.

This kind of massage is intended not only to satisfy sexual needs, but also to improve the general condition of the body. Let's look at the most common indications for the use of this procedure:

Long absence of a sexual partner. If a woman has no

sexual relations, then in the pelvic area there is an accumulation of female excess energy and there is a lack of male energy. It is the absence of such energy that can provoke anger, nervousness, and deterioration. To eliminate this kind of problem, experienced masseurs came up with a technique called "Intimate coverage". Put your hand on the woman's crotch, and then the excess energy will go away.

In men, poor-quality energy also accumulates and it needs to be “driven away” from the body. An intimate massage will help you do all this painlessly and, moreover, stimulate your partner, establish contact with him on an emotional level. So, a couple of simple rules for delivering pleasure to your loved one:

  1. Start from the back. To start, the movements should be light. Let your partner relax and trust you. So that he does not fall asleep, change your movements to more intense and sharp ones. Massage the area above the coccyx. It is this area that is considered erogenous in men.
  2. Do a massage with everything Mother Nature has given you: lips, tongue, chest. Gently kiss your partner, bite, run the tip of your tongue along the neck. Such movements will further provoke and increase arousal.
  3. Do not forget about Nipples, buttocks, penis - pay attention to them. These areas have a fairly large concentration of nerve endings. Do not skimp on all sorts of pinching, patting and stroking.

Tao of love

This is what they call massage of intimate zones in China. It appeared in the third millennium BC. Let's use this art! We will add variety to our intimate life and help our partners open up and feel freedom in the intimate sphere.

The service of erotic massage for a woman is gaining popularity among the fair sex. Complete relaxation, pleasant strokes, the feeling of gentle hands on the body and even an orgasm - all this a girl can get in an intimate massage session. Skillful hands of professionals are able to liberate and give pleasure no less strong than from intimacy with a man.

The erotic massage salon in Moscow offers women to experience the beauty of the procedure. No need to be ashamed of your desire to relax, feel the pleasure of touching and get a portion of pleasure. Vivid orgasms and erotic fantasies are peculiar to women in the same way as to the representatives of the stronger sex. There is nothing frightening or indecent in this.

Why does a woman need an erotic massage?

The roots of erotic massage come from Ancient India and China, where the cult of sensuality was very common. The ancients believed that such a massage has a beneficial effect on energy, restores strength and simply brings pleasure. Indeed, erotic massage allows a woman to take a different look at her sexual desires and restore harmony with her own body. After the session, the woman is waiting for:

  • burst of vivacity;
  • a feeling of complete freedom and emancipation;
  • knowledge of their new erogenous zones;
  • improving the quality of sex with a partner.

Thanks to the massage, you can feel calm, reduce stress, get rid of the accumulated negativity. Massage also has a positive effect on the psychological state, this has been proven by researchers. For example, after a hard break with a man, depression, stress, women feel much better after an erotic massage in Moscow. Intimate pleasure is also an important factor. What can we hide, a girl can not always reach a happy ending with a man, and in a massage parlor this happens in 98% of cases.

Stages of pleasure at eromassage

Intimate massage for a woman begins with some preparation

  1. First, the skillful hands of the masseuse gently stroke the body, rub the muscles and warm them up. At this stage, it is important to completely trust the master, because the reason for true female pleasure lies mostly in the head. Unlike men, female pleasure and arousal does not depend on some kind of physical manipulation, but on an emotional mood. At the same time, sweet languor can last for a girl much longer in time.
  2. During the main action of erotic massage, massaging becomes stronger. Some people like sharp pats on the hips and buttocks, they are the ones who are able to turn a girl on with a half turn. Back massage and light touches on the arms and spine also set the woman on the right wave. After sufficient relaxation and the beginning of excitement, the masseuse proceeds to the "hot".
  3. When a woman lies on her back and opens herself to meet the warm and gentle hands of a professional, her whole body burns with pleasure and desire. The combined massage of the chest, tummy, legs and pubis makes you languish with delight. You can not restrain your impulses and experience the effect of an intimate massage with an end!

Erotic massage salon for women 7×7 in Moscow

The popular 7×7 erotic massage salon is ready to open its doors for all lovers of hot pleasures. Our masters own the latest techniques of erotic intimate massage and successfully apply them in practice. Strict confidentiality is observed here, and the tact and courtesy of the staff immediately make you want to surrender yourself to capable hands. Be sure to visit our salon and experience all the available forms of pleasure!