Crafts from cd dvd discs. Attractive crafts from CDs for the garden plot. Small wallet made from CDs

Nowadays, such information carriers as CDs are gradually fading into the background. Do not rush to throw away the iridescent circles that have become unnecessary, they can be an excellent material for creativity.

The second life of disks?

There are many ways to give a second life to old CDs, in this article you will see some of them. Crafts from CDs can be a great solution for interiors and cottages, or just help to have fun, while developing creative thinking along the way.

Creative people have long invented a huge number of options for beautiful crafts from disks for children and adults, you just have to reproduce their ideas, or maybe come up with your own.

Throwing away such wonderful and interesting material is a huge mistake. Using CDs, you can make unique interior items, original and stylish gifts are close, decorations for summer cottages and gardens: everything your heart desires and your imagination and perseverance are enough for.

Check out some ideas for creative uses for old computer discs and create wonderful new things with your own hands!

LED lamp

If you urgently need a new original lighting fixture, old discs will come to the rescue. This craft can be used both in the home interior and in the country.

You will not need special materials for this work: the main condition will only be to apply a little imagination and patience.

Be sure to follow our detailed step-by-step instructions:

You will need 12 scrap discs, a protractor, metal staples or paper clips, a lamp socket, and a thin drill.

To begin with, we divide one of the disks into five identical segments. For these purposes, use a protractor: the angle between the segments should be approximately 72 degrees. This disk will serve as a stencil for the rest.

On the line of segments, about 3-4 millimeters from the edge, we drill five small holes. Next step: put the rest of the disks in a stack and use the first disk (place it on the very top of the stack) to make exactly the same holes in the rest.

In order for the craft to be strong and hold well, support rods will be required. For this, rods from ballpoint pens are ideal: insert the rods necessary for the role of guides into the holes just made.

If you've used a really thin, correct drill, you won't even need to fix the holes: they'll fit perfectly.

The lamp is almost ready, now we attach the rest of the disks to the structure with brackets.

Now only work with light remains: the last step is to screw the desired lamp into the cartridge.


If you've been sorting through old drawers in the country and found a lot of unnecessary disks, there is a great way to use them for the benefit of the beauty of your site. Crafts from disks for the garden look very original and interesting, in addition, they are incredibly easy to make.

In this mini-lesson, I propose to make small flowers from discs to decorate a garden, vegetable garden or yard in the country.


The tools for this craft do not require anything unusual: the right number of disks (it all depends on how many flowers you are going to make), a candle, scissors and paints to make the flowers more vibrant.

The manufacturing process does not require special skills, it is very fast, but it will captivate you from the first second.

All you need to do is gently melt the discs over the candle (remember the safety precautions: this is best done outdoors and with some water nearby to put out the fire in case of danger), so that the plastic goes in beautiful waves, similar to flower petals.

I offer step-by-step instructions for making a beautiful rose from disks:

  • First you need to cut the disk evenly along the entire length of the radius and heat one edge of the cut over the candle.
  • When the plastic is hot and soft, take your pliers and use them to wrap the edge a little to the side.
  • Slowly turn the disk over the flame and continue to bend the melted fragments.
  • At the end, you should get a small spiral, which will become a rosebud.
  • You can paint it in any color, attach a wire stem, cut leaves from other leaves and form a whole flower bed! It all depends on your imagination.

So, today you learned how to make some simple crafts from old CDs. I hope that this lesson was useful for you and you learned a lot from it.


Photo crafts from disks


Over time, a lot of unnecessary things that take up extra space accumulate in the house. But not all of them need to rush to throw away during the next general cleaning. For example, old CDs, DVDs and even cotton pads can take on a new life and turn into a stylish element of the interior. We have collected the best craft ideas from this material: simple ones for children and more complex ones for adults.

Craft options for the New Year

With the long-awaited holiday approaching, children and adults tend to decorate the house with cozy crafts made by their own hands. Computer disks can be found in any home, and many interesting, beautiful Christmas decorations can be made from them.

Christmas toys

  • Old CDs.
  • Alcohol.
  • Cardboard.
  • Gouache white, blue or any other light color.
  • Paper napkin with a Christmas pattern (herringbone, Santa Claus, snowflakes).
  • PVA glue.
  • Glue gun.
  • Organza or satin ribbon 2-4 centimeters wide.
  • Lace or thin ribbon 0.5 cm wide.

Alternatively, instead of napkins, you can print any New Year's pattern on plain paper, but I recommend napkins, they fit better on the work surface.

  • First, degrease the surface of the CD with alcohol or cologne. After drying, apply several layers of gouache until it stops showing through. We glue a cardboard circle into the central part, which should be slightly larger than the hole in the disk.
  • From a napkin we cut out a pattern, drawing, or a circle a little smaller than a disk. We cover it with PVA glue, stick a napkin. To level the surface, apply a towel or soft cloth to the surface, smooth out the formed folds.
  • After drying, we open everything with varnish.
  • We repeat all the above steps with the surface on the reverse side.
  • We make a bow from a ribbon. We twist the lace into a loop, glue it with a glue gun along with a bow to the top of the craft.

Transformation of an old ball

This is a quick and easy way to update old Christmas balls. For crafts you will need:

  • Old Christmas toys.
  • Glue gun.
  • Computer disks.
  • Scissors.

We cut the disks with scissors into small fragments, triangular and diamond-shaped. We glue the cut objects to the surface of the New Year's toy with a glue gun. The craft is ready.

For cutting discs, you need to use only large, durable scissors, small ones can break, quickly become dull.


This is a simple and quick way to make a candlestick.

You will need:

  • CD.
  • 5-6 spruce cones.
  • Glue or glitter nail polish.
  • Aluminum candle holder.
  • A candle with a diameter of up to 3-4 centimeters.
  • Rhinestones, decorative stones.
  • rubber adhesive.

Before making crafts, you need to immediately prepare the cones, cover their upper branches with silver or shiny varnish, sparkles that will imitate snow. Optionally, you can also glue small pieces of cotton wool, New Year's rain.

Glue an aluminum tray under the candle in the center of the product with rubber glue. To it in a circle we attach spruce cones dried from varnish with the help of glue. We decorate the free surface of the craft with rhinestones, sparkles, decorative pebbles. The candlestick is ready, you can safely put a candle in it.

Underwater world from CDs

Children love to be creative, they can make many simple crafts from disks, decorate a children's room with them. They can make souvenirs on their own or with the help of their parents.


You will need:

  • Glue gun.
  • CDs.
  • Colored paper.
  • Gold leaf
  • Scissors.

We cut out the eyes for future fish from colored paper: a slightly smaller black circle for the pupil, a larger white circle, which will become the main part of the eye. We glue them together. From red paper, cut out lips of arbitrary shape. Let's also take care of the fins and tail, we will make them from gold foil of arbitrary shape.

Now you can proceed to the final stage. We begin to glue all the previously made parts. First, glue the eyes and lips, fins on top and bottom, glue the tail to the back.

The goldfish is ready, it remains only to attach a lace or thread to it, if desired, you can cover its surface with nail polish with gold sparkles.

sea ​​turtle

You will need:

  • Plastic bottle.
  • Simple pencil.
  • CD.
  • Stained glass paint and outline.
  • Glue gun.
  • Rhinestones, flat stones.

In addition, you will need convenient small scissors for work.

  • Cut out a piece of plastic from the bottle. On it we draw with a pencil the outline of the head of the future turtle, its paws and tail. Carefully cut out the selection.
  • Let's take a disk - this is the future tortoise shell. To begin with, we outline the shell using a decorative outline in a circle. Then, we draw stained-glass fragments around the entire circumference of the shell with a contour.
  • After the contour has dried, fill the selected fragments with stained glass paint. We apply paint in several layers. Try to use different colors, so much more beautiful, more colorful.
  • We glue the shell, head, paws and tail of the turtle with a glue gun. We decorate the shell with rhinestones, small pebbles, fixing them with glue with sparkles. Glue two pebbles to the head as eyes. The turtle is ready.

Sea bottom

To make crafts, you will need a minimum of time and materials:

  • Paints.
  • Shells of different colors, sizes and shapes.
  • Colored beads (preferably transparent).
  • Old disk.
  • rubber adhesive.
  • Clear nail polish.

We paint the shells with paint, each in a different color. Leave them to dry, cover the surface with clear nail polish. Grind the remaining shells into small crumbs. We glue the shells to the disk, sprinkle it with shell crumbs, imitating the surface of the seabed. Additionally, we decorate the product with transparent pebbles, beads.

Decorating with fragments

This material shimmers colorfully in the sun, has a bright shiny surface. This property can be used to decorate various items: caskets, photo frames, vases, flower pots.

Picture frame

To make crafts you need:

  • rubber adhesive.
  • Old CDs.
  • Thick cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Gouache.
  • Ruler.
  • Simple pencil.

Before starting work, you need to measure the size of the desired photo for which the frame will be made. You can simply circle the photo on cardboard, and around it already create the outline of the future frame.

  • From cardboard, cut out a frame for the photo of the desired size. We paint it with gouache (you can use different colors) on both sides. We apply paint in several layers so that the cardboard does not shine through.
  • We cut the disks with scissors into fragments of different shapes and sizes. We glue them to the frame, after attaching them to the surface and estimating how they will look. If desired, with a thin brush we pass through the cracks, cracks between the fragments, painting them with white gouache.
  • Let the frame dry for 30 minutes. We cut out a stand from cardboard and glue it to the back of the frame.

flower pot sparkling in the sun

Turning an ordinary flower pot into a magical one is as easy as shelling pears. You will need old CDs, scissors, a glue gun and a little imagination.

To begin with, we wash the pot, if particles of earth remain on it, wipe it dry. We cut the disks with scissors into small fragments of different shapes. Glue them to the pot with a glue gun. The craft is ready.

From box to box

It's hard to believe, but an ordinary cardboard shoe box can turn into a beautiful and useful thing.

To make the box you will need:

  • Shoe box (it must be intact, it is advisable to use a new box).
  • Glue gun.
  • Old CDs.
  • Large scissors.
  • Furniture stapler.
  • A piece of cloth large enough to cover the box.
  • Decorative elements: stones, rhinestones, beads, beads.

CDs are made from 99% transparent material - polycarbonate. That is why they are used for various purposes. For example, you can make useful and interesting crafts for your home with your own hands from CDs.

There are many ideas for crafts from CDs that will diversify your interior or just help you to have fun.

7 creative uses for old CDs

Most often, CDs are used for simple crafts. For example, it is very easy to make a clock or a table lamp out of them. With children, you can make Christmas crafts from CDs and decorate the Christmas tree with them.

It is important that such figures and decorations look appropriate and beautiful. To do this, think over all the little things and details in advance. Check out our interesting DIY CD craft ideas.

Dreamcatcher from old CDs

An excellent use of unnecessary CDs is the manufacture of an unusual attribute for the home from them. Do you know about such a popular decoration and at the same time a talisman as a dream catcher? Its main task is to guard your sleep and "catch" only good and kind dreams.

To create a dream catcher, you will need multi-colored threads, beads and a CD, which must first be cleaned of shiny film.

Photo: do-it-yourself crafts from CDs

Take a CD and mark with a marker four points about 1 cm from the edge - three points from the bottom and one from the top so that the future dream catcher can be hung from the ceiling. Heat the awl and make holes in the marked places.

You can sew colored beads or feathers to the threads. On the disk, you can draw a beautiful ornament or decorate it with stickers. Thus, you will get a ready-made dream catcher from improvised means. It will look great in your bedroom or children's room.

Small wallet made from CDs

You can easily make a wallet with two whole CDs. To do this, you will need almost no additional materials, except for a zipper and two discs. With an adhesive suitable for working with plastic, you can join the two pieces together. An alternative option is to use adhesive tape with high adhesive characteristics.

Old CDs are suitable for creating absolutely any crafts. If you like decorating your summer cottage, make some beautiful figurines that will decorate the trees in the garden. In addition, crafts for summer cottages can be useful. For example, if you decide to create an interesting little thing from CDs, birds and other pests will not touch your crop. The shine of the CDs will scare away the birds that love to eat fruits in the warm season.

The idea of ​​​​an unusual craft from cd disks

Create a unique little thing from broken into small pieces of CD-disks. Please note that the CDs should not have any markings or inscriptions. Use large scissors to cut pieces. Be sure to wear gloves and goggles as the sharp pieces can hurt you.

An original way to use CDs - a glowing collar

To make cutting the discs easier, soak them in hot water for a few minutes. Then take them out with tongs. The discs will become soft and you will quickly cut out pieces of the size that suits you.

Another option is to put the CDs in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Next, wrap the disk in a towel and use a hammer to break it into small pieces. Of course, you can cut the disc with scissors, but these two methods will greatly simplify your task. In any case, be careful not to injure yourself on the sharp edges of the CDs.

You can also decorate bags, hats or accessories with old CDs. As you know, a thing that has gone out of fashion can be transformed with the help of rhinestones, beads or crystals. Pastel-colored blouses are perfect for a collar decorated with geometric discs.

First, prepare your CDs and cut them into small pieces. Pre-lay out the cut-out parts on the collar and mark with dots the places to which they will be glued. Be sure to leave a little space between them, so they will not cling to each other and will not provoke peeling. Apply glue in small drops directly to the fabric and put shiny plates on top.

Photo: crafts from cd disks

A headdress decorated in this way is sure to attract the attention of others. To do this, you need to pre-cut pieces of the appropriate size from the CDs. This will help you to best transform a cap with a straight or curved brim.

Mosaic from CDs can give an ordinary clutch bag a whole new look

Such applications look very impressive on leather bags. A pattern that looks like a broken mirror, lined with large iridescent pieces, will look beautiful. Since you will be carrying the bag in your hands all the time, sharpen the sharp edges of the parts of the CDs a little. Glue, as described above, must be applied in a small amount immediately to the surface of the bag.

Crafts from CDs for the new year

From shiny plates you can make Christmas decorations. How about creating your own disco ball? To do this, you will need a blank for the ball (foam, plastic or glass), an old CD, scissors and glue. For a plastic ball, hot glue works best. You can decorate the ball in several ways - cover its entire surface or distribute pieces of CDs, leaving a small space between them.

As an example, the photo shows a transparent ball, which can also be filled with something. Put a satin ribbon, multi-colored beads or small chocolates in it.

Small flower pots made from CD boxes

Often, a lot of old CDs and DVDs accumulate in the computer desk - some are not readable, some are no longer relevant - waiting for their hands to reach them and take them to the trash. There is a more interesting application for obsolete disks. There are a lot of ideas of what to do with them, but it's never too late to throw them away. So, what use can be found for old discs?

Using scissors, an old CD is cut into triangles, rhombuses, squares, hearts - in a word, the figures should be neat and aesthetic. Then, using super glue, these figures are glued to the collar and - yes, a really shining collar!

A beautiful decorated New Year's candlestick can be made by gluing a cheap metal candlestick on a CD base, pine cones are glued to the same base, jewelry items can be attached, additionally decorated with rhinestones and sparkles at your discretion.

To make original Christmas decorations, the disk is cut with scissors into small pieces, which are then glued to Christmas tree decorations with superglue.

There are a great many options for various lamps from whole disks - you only need a fishing line or wire for the frame, the CDs themselves and a lamp around which an impromptu lampshade will be made. The easiest way is not to cut the CDs in order to thread the wire through the hole in the middle.

The idea is simple, like all ingenious. You can cut it, or you can simply smash old disks with a hammer, and stick the resulting fragments on a mirror frame. For ease of use, it is better to choose a mirror with a flat surface of the frame, although any one on which it is possible to stick fragments will do.

For decorative purposes, an interior door with a smooth glass surface is suitable, since corrugated glass is not friendly with glue. Mosaic is made from small pieces of CD cut with scissors.

The chandelier is made like this - only a lamp is left on the upper lighting, and a chandelier of any shape you like is formed around it on a wire frame. With the help of scissors, the disks are given the necessary shape, but you should not cut them - it will be inconvenient to string them on the frame.

Various jewelry in the form of earrings, necklaces, bracelets and necklaces look quite original. With the help of scissors, fragments of a CD are cut out, in which holes are drilled for fastening to the base, and a wire or fishing line acts as a base for decoration.

For the spinning top you will need a Kinder Surprise box and an old CD. The box is disassembled and glued to the disk on both sides. Yula is ready, if desired, she can be decorated with sequins and rhinestones.

Picture frame

The principle is similar to decorating a frame for a mirror. The whole difference is that it is easier to stick an impromptu decor from a CD on a photo frame, PVA will be enough - the frame is made of cardboard.

Photo album

A round-shaped DVD box can be adapted under a photo album, discs pasted over with a photo will look great - carefully cut out a round-shaped photo of the appropriate size. In addition to the photo, if it is small, texts of good wishes, poems, songs, favorite sayings and phrases can be pasted onto the surface.

Depending on your taste, you can leave the disc as it is, or paste it over with napkins, cover it with acrylic paint or varnish, decorate - everything is limited by fantasy, in any case, the cup stand will perform its functions perfectly.

The original wall clock will turn out, but care must be taken when removing the dial hands before attaching the CDs glued together to the clock, and then putting them in place. With careless handling, the watch will begin to perform a purely decorative function.

Pencil glass

In old compacts, cuts are made with scissors to insert them one into the other at a right angle; a CD is also used as a bottom. Thus, from pieces in ¾ of the disk, several compartments are obtained for scissors, pencils, rulers and other accessories.

To make a napkin holder, you will need a couple of bottle caps and two CDs. Two CDs with the lower third cut off are glued vertically to the corks on both sides, the stand is additionally decorated at your discretion.

For the stand you will need a round CD box and a disk in which holes are drilled along the edges. Earrings are placed in the holes, they are always in sight and will not be lost.

Figures of animals, plants, people - this is the highest aerobatics of art. For creativity, you will need fragments of CDs of various sizes and shapes, glue and a lot of free time, and how to put together a figure from these fragments is a topic for a separate discussion.


A wall organizer made of CDs sewn into cases with pockets, placed on the wall, will allow you not to look for various small, but necessary things in the household for a long time.

The original bracelet will turn out if you decorate it with small pieces of a CD planted on glue.

In order for hot dishes not to spoil the varnished surface of the table, it is enough to paste over the CD with flat sea stones with smoothed edges. Due to the high heat capacity of the pebbles, the damage to the furniture will be minimized.

An original decorative curtain is obtained by connecting a CD with holes drilled along the edges into the canvas using wire rings or paper clips. The frequency, and accordingly the transparency of the curtain, is easily adjusted due to the size of the mount.

If the surface of the table has become unusable, and there are unnecessary compacts, then the table will still serve, and brilliantly in the truest sense of the word. The technology is the same - scissors, pieces, glue.


The necklace is made by pasting the existing jewelry with figures from the CD, or by stringing decorated fragments on a chain.

Disco ball

Here the principle of creation is the same as in decorating New Year's toys. Cut out squares from disks and glue them to the ball.

More ideas

There are a lot of ideas with old compacts - installations, pots, vases, dials, wall mosaics, pasting large surfaces, even swimwear. In a word, do not rush to throw away old discs!

If you have already tried all the previous options, then it's time to make an unusual craft from old CDs. Surely you have a dozen unnecessary disks lying around, which are a pity to throw away, and there is no need to use them anymore. Their finest hour has come! Turn on your imagination, take note of our master classes and go ahead to create new masterpieces!

Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest - the decor of the old disk with ordinary stained glass paint. In terms of manufacturing, such a craft is quite simple, but outwardly you can’t tell. You will need stained glass paints and imagination. You can draw both abstract ornaments or mandalas, as well as real story paintings. By the way, if there are no stained glass paints, a regular marker is quite suitable. You can download mandala drawing templates from the link below.

A little more complicated will be a New Year's craft made from disks, decorated with applications. The easiest option is an application made of colored paper.

If your children love the animated film "Smeshariki", then it's time to use your old CDs to make your favorite characters. All you need is to find out from the child which character he likes the most, cut out the Smeshariki templates from paper and stick them on the disk. New Year's craft Smeshariki is ready! You can draw application templates yourself, or you can download them from us for all cartoon characters.

#4 Christmas tree decoration from old CDs: do-it-yourself Christmas crafts from CDs

From an ordinary disk, you can make a rather unusual Christmas tree toy that looks like a ball, only this ball is flat. To make such a craft, you will need: an old disk, dark acrylic paint (if not, gouache will do), a pencil and a fountain pen or a flat screwdriver.

If there are a lot of discs, then you may well think about creating a New Year's garland. With the right lighting, the garland will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, resembling snow shining in the sun. By the way, from such a garland in the house it becomes warm and sunny!

There are not enough disks for the New Year's garland, but did you like the idea? See more ideas:

New Year is the most beloved holiday associated with miracles and magic. The celebration of the new year is characterized by folk festivals and joyful meetings. It is impossible not to love this time of the year, when everything around is transformed, and every house or shop window becomes like scenery for a fairy tale. Everyone wants to participate in this transformation, and therefore they try to decorate their homes […]

Perfectly round shape is perfect for snowmen. The technique for making snowmen from disks may be different, but you should be satisfied with the result. By the way, this craft is quite suitable for a competition in a school or kindergarten.

Do you want to make your own disco ball for decoration? Then you will need a blank for the ball (plastic, glass, foam), an old disk, scissors and glue.

Want more Christmas ball ideas? Then see:

Today, on the shelves of stores you can find a huge number of a wide variety of Christmas toys, so turning an ordinary Christmas tree into a real festive beauty is not difficult. However, the New Year is a special day! The day when the old year is left behind, and new adventures, new events, new victories await. But after all, the old year did not pass without a trace, […]

You will need: an old CD, cones, glue, an aluminum candle holder, beads, glitter or varnish for decoration.

On a regular disk, you can recreate New Year's landscapes using the decoupage technique. The disc decoupage process is standard, the result is amazing!

If, in addition to old disks, there are pieces of felt lying around in the house, then you can make such cool snowmen. Well, will any of the guests guess that the basis is an ordinary unnecessary disk?

See more ideas for Christmas felt decorations:

The New Year holidays are approaching, which means that very soon a forest guest will appear in almost every home in our country. Someone prefers to put up an artificial Christmas tree, someone is a real forest fir tree from the Christmas market, and someone is completely limited to pine branches. However, this is not so important, because the most important sign of the New Year tree is toys. Since ancient times, appeasing forest spirits, people in […]

A great idea for New Year's crafts from old disks will be decorating an ordinary mirror or photo frame. The disc must be cut into pieces, and then decorate the surface with these pieces. You can keep it for yourself, or you can make an original gift to someone close to you.

If you were once a big fan of CDs, and everyone had such a time, now is the time to give them a second life. What's the point of CDs that just gather dust on a shelf? You can now find the desired song or movie on the Internet. But you can make an unusual Christmas tree only once a year!

Still thinking what to give your friend for Christmas? The best gift is the one made with your own hands. Give your loved one a handmade bracelet that she will definitely appreciate! Well, if a gift for a friend has already been chosen, you can keep such an ornament for yourself!

If you want to shine the most dazzling at the New Year's party, then it's time to think about the New Year's outfit. You can decorate an ordinary collar with pieces of an unnecessary disk. Looks very cool!

An owl will be a great craft idea for the new year from old CDs. To create a night guard, you can use pieces of felt, colored paper, several discs and other materials at hand. Turn on your imagination and start creating.