We use grape seed oil to improve facial skin. Grape seed oil for the face - the secret to beautiful skin

Grape oil is a unique tool for quickly restoring the normal tone of fading or problematic facial skin. On sale you can often find oil prepared by hot pressing dried grape seeds. But for facial skin care at home, we recommend using oil that is isolated from grape seeds using cold pressing (available at a pharmacy) - in this case, almost all the beneficial substances that actively penetrate the skin are preserved. These biologically active substances have antioxidant, cytoprotective and regenerating properties, thanks to which it is possible to significantly improve the condition of problem skin, tighten the oval of the face, and get rid of wrinkles. As a rule, grape seed oil is used as part of homemade masks prepared in accordance with selected recipes.

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A balanced combination of unsaturated fatty acids in the composition of grape oil helps to solve problems with the skin of absolutely any type. The composition of the oil mainly contains linoleic (72%) and oleic acids (16%). But there are also palmitic, palmitooleic, stearic acids, as well as vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP) and trace elements useful for facial skin.

One of the important distinguishing features of grape seed oil is that it is very quickly absorbed into the skin and does not clog pores at all. The agent is often added to the composition of anti-aging masks along with essential oils for faster transport of nourishing, regenerating and moisturizing substances into the deeper layers of the skin.

Already after 30 years, you can add a little grape oil to cosmetic creams and lotions to slow down age-related changes, and after 40 years, it is advisable to regularly use homemade masks with this fatty oil in the composition. Regular use of anti-aging masks will help you improve skin firmness and elasticity, smooth out fine wrinkles, achieve a healthy matte complexion, and accelerate skin regeneration. Many face mask recipes often include grapeseed oil along with olive, coconut, castor, or almond fatty oils.

If you have an oily skin type, then regular use of products with grape oil will help eliminate unpleasant greasy shine, normalize the secretion of sebaceous glands, tighten enlarged pores and prevent the appearance of new acne. Grape seed oil has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to get rid of comedones (black spots).

We also recommend using recipes for moisturizing homemade masks with grape oil to eliminate peeling, dryness, irritation for owners of dry sensitive facial skin. Fatty oil has a nourishing, tonic, softening effect on irritated skin, helps restore the water-lipid barrier to protect the epidermis from external factors. By the way, cold-pressed grape seed oil can be applied to the skin around the eyes in its pure form to eliminate mimic wrinkles, dark circles and small white wen (miliums).


Mask recipe:

Mix 1 tablespoon of grape and olive oils, slightly warm in a water bath. Add 2 teaspoons of baker's yeast to the mixture and combine with 1 teaspoon of neroli (or fennel) essential oil.

Apply a thin layer to cleansed face, then add another layer after 5 minutes. After 15 minutes, wash your face with clean warm water. Course: 3 times a week for a month. Before applying the mask, it is useful to do a comprehensive home massage (after 50 years, it is very useful to do acupressure shiatsu). In adulthood, it is advisable to do gymnastics for facial muscles at least 3 times a week.
Beneficial features: tightens the contour of the face, improves skin color, helps to get rid of mimic wrinkles and nasolabial folds.


Mask recipe:
Combine an egg yolk with 1 tablespoon of grape seed oil and 2 teaspoons of liquid honey (buckwheat or thyme is ideal). Add 4 drops of essential oil (ylang-ylang, sandalwood, or lavender) to the mixture.

Apply a thick layer on the skin and wash your face with warm water after 20 minutes. Then apply a nourishing cream to the skin. Course: 1 time in three for a month. It is useful to do a honey massage before the procedure, and 2-3 times a week - exercises using the face-building technique to strengthen the muscular frame of the face.
Beneficial features: restores the water-lipid protective barrier, eliminates irritation and flaking, slows down age-related changes and the appearance of mimic wrinkles.


Mask recipe:
Combine 1 tablespoon of white (or blue) clay with 1 tablespoon of grape oil and the same amount of avocado pulp. Add essential oil (bergamot, lemon, rosemary or geranium) to the mixture.

apply on the face in a thick layer and after 15 minutes cleanse the skin first with a cotton swab, and then wash with warm water. Course: 3 times a week for a month. Before using the mask, it is useful to do a home lymphatic drainage massage (you can alternate every other day with massage movements with vacuum jars). To lift the oval of the face, it is useful to do special exercises using the facebuilding technique.
Beneficial features: improves the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, relieves inflammation, evens out the color and relief of the face.


Mask recipe:
Mix grape and olive oils (1 tablespoon each). Combine the mixture with 1 tablespoon of rice (or barley) flour, mix thoroughly. Add 3-4 drops of essential oil (chamomile, ylang-ylang, sandalwood) to the mask.

apply a thin layer on the skin, and after 5 minutes - another layer. Wash your face after 20 minutes with cool clean water. Course: 2 times a week for a month. Before the procedure, it is useful to do a facial massage with tablespoons.
Beneficial features: has an anti-inflammatory effect, evens out the color and relief of the face, eliminates pimples and acne, prevents the appearance of new pimples.


Scrub mask recipe:
Heat a mixture of coconut and grape oils in a water bath (1 tablespoon each). Grind 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder and combine everything in a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to the mixture.

Application: Apply the mixture in circular motions (lightly massaging) on ​​the skin for several minutes. Then leave on the face as a mask for 15 minutes. Wash your face with warm water and apply a soothing nourishing cream.
Beneficial features: cleanses the skin of dead skin particles, improves regeneration, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin.


Mask recipe:
Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and mash the pulp. Chop a bunch of fresh parsley and combine with puree. Add 1 tablespoon of grape seed oil and the same amount of olive oil to the mixture, mix everything until smooth. Add 3 drops of essential oil (neroli, lime, tea tree or myrrh) to the mask.

Application: Apply the product with patting movements on the skin around the eyes, starting from the lower eyelids. After 10 minutes, clean the periorbital area with a cotton pad, gently blot with a damp cloth. Apply a moisturizing gel or night cream for the skin around the eyes.
Beneficial features: eliminates dark circles, bruises under the eyes, "crow's feet", makes the bags less pronounced.


photo: face before and after regular use of masks with grape oil


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In addition to the dietary value, grape oil many more, yet underestimated, cosmetic properties. First of all, it is unique in its ability to quickly and deeply penetrate the layers of the epidermis.

Oddly enough, they began to talk about oil obtained from grape seeds quite recently, and it is becoming more and more popular every day. Of course, first of all, people appreciated the dietary properties of this oil. Those who want to lose weight eat his food. But in addition to food, we gradually learned about the cosmetic benefits of oil. As in the case of nutrition, its main value lies in the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.

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Some facts about grapeseed oil:

  • Due to the small amount of oil in grape seeds, it is obtained mainly by hot pressing.
  • The oil has a light consistency, it is light and almost odorless.
  • Rich in vitamin E and linoleic acid.

  • Grape oil is divided into cosmetic and culinary. Before buying, make sure that it suits your purposes. The fact is that many manufacturers add various stabilizers to the oil for cosmetic purposes, making it unsuitable for adding to food.
  • Grape seed oil is best stored in the refrigerator.

Grape seed oil for the face - what are the benefits

For the skin, this oil is useful for the content of polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidants, fatty acids and a significant amount of vitamin E, which is necessary to prevent skin aging.

Benefits of grape seed oil for skin:

  • Contains "oligomeric procyanidins"- these are powerful antioxidants (50 times more powerful than vitamin E) due to which grape oil has such a pronounced anti-aging effect on the skin of the face. These substances are able to stimulate cell regeneration and improve the protective functions of the skin.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, it is useful in the treatment of acne and inflammation and dermatitis.
  • Unlike other oils, it does not form comedones and does not clog pores. Due to its light texture, it can also be used to care for oily skin.
  • Rejuvenates and tightens the skin, tones it, makes it more elastic and supple.
  • With regular use, the complexion improves, the skin acquires a healthy appearance.
  • It is rich in vitamins and minerals, perfectly moisturizes the skin and does not cause allergic reactions.
  • It can be used as protection against ultraviolet radiation, because sunbathing is the main cause of premature skin aging.
  • If every day for several weeks, use grape seed oil, you can get rid of dark circles under the eyes. This oil can easily replace any eye cream.

grape oil often added to creams, lotions, lip balms, and other beauty products for both the face and hair, but home-based uses have the advantage of being more natural and affordable.

How to use grape seed oil for beauty

So, grape oil is used in cosmetology quite widely - it is added to creams, lotions and masks. However, the use of this oil in its pure form at home is no less beneficial for the skin.

Due to the light texture and the absence of irritating components and strong odor, the oil is used in its pure form. That is, in masks it is not added with drops, but with spoons, just like olive oil. ??

Grape seed oil is suitable for literally all skin types:

  • dry skin moisturizes and nourishes;
  • Carefully cares for the normal;
  • oily skin moisturizes because she needs it no less, also fights acne, treats acne;
  • This is the best oil for problematic and sensitive skin.

The use of grape oil for beauty:

  • Massage

To massage, you need to take some oil and rub a little between the palms. Massage it not only on the face but also on the whole body, because it is an excellent moisturizer and will strengthen the skin, make it more elastic. Since the oil is absorbed very quickly, in order to achieve the sliding effect necessary for a full massage, you will have to use a little more, and then remove the excess with a tissue.

  • Warm moisturizing mask

When warm, grapeseed oil is better absorbed. Heat half a cup of oil in the microwave or over a water bath. Soak a piece of gauze or cotton cloth in oil, apply a mask on your face and lie down with it for about 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. You can make it even easier - soak a cotton pad in warm oil and wipe your face with it.

  • As a remedy for dark circles around the eyes

To get rid of dark circles under the eyes or just as a moisturizer for the skin around the eyes, you can use grapeseed oil. Every evening do a light eyelid massage with a few drops of oil.

  • Moisturizer Supplement

Adding oils to beauty products is a great way to enrich them and make them more effective. Before applying moisturizer, first take a little in a teaspoon, add a couple of drops of grape seed oil, mix, and only then apply to the skin.

  • Face masks with grape seed oil

You can add this oil to any recipes for homemade face masks, especially if it says that you can use any vegetable oil. For example, they can sometimes replace olive oil, avocado And jojoba. In general, face masks are a huge territory for fantasies. Come up with and share recipes from the ingredients that are at hand.

grape face oil definitely very useful and effective. In addition, it is quite affordable, so it will not be difficult to verify this for yourself. The main thing is that the product is natural and without additives.

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Women are increasingly using grape seed oil for personal care (for face, hair, eyelashes, etc.). It is hard to believe that such a small, almost imperceptible grape seed is a source of wonderful oil, which is widely in demand in cosmetology.

How grape essential oil is made

This wonderful tool is produced by two methods: cold and hot pressing. When grape seed oil is obtained by cold pressing dried and crushed seeds, all useful components are preserved in it. This gives the product a high cosmetic value. But to obtain 1 liter of such oil, it is necessary to press 50 kg of seeds, or more than 500 kg of grapes. It becomes clear that such production of grape oil is not cheap.
Hot pressing is used to obtain a larger quantity of the product and, accordingly, to reduce its cost. But do not forget that some of the valuable properties are lost in this case.
Externally, grape seed oil is a light yellow-green liquid. Its texture is quite light, absorbs well and does not clog pores.

Grape seed oil has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face

What cosmetologists say about the benefits for facial skin

The use of grape oil for the face is due to the large number of useful elements in its composition. It contains a large amount of vitamins E, C, A, B2, B3, B9, B6, B12. Vitamin E keeps the skin youthful. Unsaturated fatty acids help moisturize the epidermis, saturate it with oxygen. Also, these components have an anti-inflammatory effect and help other substances reach the deeper layers of the dermis due to their penetrating abilities. In addition, the oil includes iron, zinc, calcium, copper, sodium, potassium, selenium and many other biologically active components. Therefore, cosmetologists willingly use grape seed oil for the face. According to them, this tool has the following effect:

  • moisturizes dry skin and eliminates peeling;
  • normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands;
  • narrows pores;
  • tones aging skin;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles and smoothes deep ones;
  • helps to get rid of acne and acne;
  • removes dark circles under the eyes;
  • used for couperosis of the skin.

Application in its purest form

Due to the fact that the oil has a light texture, it is quite possible to use it in its pure form for facial care. Moreover, it can be used instead of the usual creams, lotions, etc.
To do this, grape oil is applied to the skin of the face and around the eyes and distributed over the entire surface with patting movements. The tool can be applied in the evening before bedtime and in the morning as a base for make-up. The oil is well absorbed and leaves no residue. If, nevertheless, an unwanted shine remains on the skin, then it should simply be blotted with a paper towel.

In a heated state, the oil is better absorbed and absorbed. Before using it, it is recommended to lower the bottle into hot water for 1-2 minutes. The optimum heating temperature is 35–40 °C.

Adding to Ready Tools

You can enrich many cosmetics with useful components by adding grape oil to them. In a single dose of a day or night cream, add 2-3 drops of oil, stir and use as directed.

Eliminate dry skin problems

To prepare a grape seed oil mask for a face with dry skin, take 1 tbsp. l. grape oil and 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oil. The ingredients are mixed and the mixture is applied to the face. The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes. After that, it is recommended to wash with water. The procedure should be repeated 1-2 times a week. If desired, 2-3 drops of sandalwood, chamomile or orange essential oil can be added to the mask. Then the effect of its impact will be even greater.

How to use for oily

1 st. l. grape oil is combined with 1 tbsp. l. jojoba oils. The resulting product is applied to the skin of the face in a small layer and left for 15 minutes. After the expiration of the mask, the face should be washed with cool water. The procedure is recommended to be repeated 1-2 times a week.

An excellent way to combat oily skin is a mask with white clay. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. clay, 0.5 tsp. grape seed oil and 1 tbsp. l. water. All ingredients are mixed and the resulting mixture is applied to the face with a brush. The duration of the mask is 10-15 minutes, after which you should wash your face. You can repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

White clay - natural lifting for your face!

Slow down decay

For mature skin care, it is recommended to mix 1 tbsp. l. grape oil, 2 tbsp. l. fresh green table peas and 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt. The mask should be applied to the face and left for 10-15 minutes. After that, you need to wash with water at room temperature. The mask can be repeated every 2-3 days.

The use of a mask consisting of 1 tbsp has a good effect on the condition of aging skin. l. grape oil and 3 drops of sandalwood. The face is covered with the resulting mixture and washed off after 10-15 minutes. The mask can be applied 1-2 times a week.

Pampering normal skin

Normal skin also needs care. The ideal remedy for this is a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oil and 1 tbsp. l. almond oil. The face should be generously lubricated with a ready-made product and covered with a cloth for 20 minutes. Then the remnants of the product should be removed with a dry cloth and washed without the use of soap products. This mask can be used 1-2 times a week.

How to apply against wrinkles

An effective mask for deep wrinkles contains 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oils and 2-3 drops of peppermint or pine oils. The tool can be used daily, applying to the skin of the face for 10-15 minutes. After that, the remnants of the mask are washed off with water.

Pine essential oil perfectly soothes during the procedure

Getting rid of "crow's feet"

Wrinkles around the eyes will be significantly smoothed out if a mixture of 1 tbsp is applied to them. l. grape oil, 1 tbsp. l. avocado oil and 2-3 drops of essential rose oil or sandalwood ether. The mask should act for 15 minutes, after which its residues are removed with a dry cloth. The procedure is recommended to be repeated after 2 days.

Remove pimples and acne, treat problem skin

To dry acne and acne on the face, a disinfectant helps, which includes 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oil, 5 drops of tea tree ether. The mixture is applied to the face for 30 minutes. Then the skin needs to be slightly steamed over a steam bath for 2-3 minutes. After that, the face should be washed with warm water using tar soap and a moisturizer should be applied. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Tar soap has disinfectant properties, which helps fight acne and acne.

From rosacea

To prepare a remedy for a vascular pattern on the face, you must first prepare an oil tincture of calendula flowers and St. John's wort. You need to take 1 cup of a mixture of dry herbs (proportion 1 to 1), pour it with 2 cups of vegetable oil and insist for 20 days in a dry, cool place, shaking occasionally. With rosacea on the face, a mixture of 1 tsp is prepared. grape seed oil, 1 tsp. wheat germ oil and 1 tsp. prepared oil tincture. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin with problem areas and left for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week.

Life without dark circles under the eyes

To get rid of this problem, you need to massage the eyelids and skin around the eyes every evening with a few drops of grape oil.

Video "Rejuvenating vitamin mask with grape seed oil"

In the article we discuss grape oil for the face. You will learn about its beneficial properties and how to use it. We will look at several recipes for useful masks, as well as tell you how to make a homemade face cream.

The product is obtained by cold or hot pressing of grape seeds. The benefits of cold-pressed oil are much higher, since the composition retains a large amount of vitamins and trace elements.

Composition and useful properties:

  1. Vitamins A, E, PP, C and group B - soothe inflamed skin, have a lifting effect and increase the supply of nutrients. One tablespoon of oil contains the daily requirement of vitamin E.
  2. Chlorophyll - increases tissue regeneration, eliminates skin irritation.
  3. Antioxidants - cleanse and heal the skin, slow down the aging process.
  4. Fatty acids - smooth the skin and create a protective barrier that prevents moisture loss.
  5. Tannins - regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminate swelling around the eyes and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Trace elements calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and potassium - increase oxygen exchange between skin cells and relieve acne.

Grape seed oil has a light texture that allows it to be absorbed quickly.

Due to its antiseptic action, the oil prevents the development of skin inflammations and infections, and also narrows the pores, so the product is ideal for oily skin. It takes on a healthy look, becomes matte and velvety after applying the oil.

Application of grape oil for the face

Grape oil is used as a base before applying cosmetics, it is used to gently remove makeup, used for massage, and also care for the area around the eyes. The product is used separately, or added to face creams and masks, combining with other components.

The oil helps to eliminate dark circles under the eyes and cares for the delicate skin of the eyelids. Every day, with a couple of drops of oil, massage the area around the eyes, gently tapping the product with fingertips.

The product is often used instead of a cream, applying a little oil to clean facial skin. The use of oil instead of a day cream provides the skin with the necessary protection throughout the day. Night use provides enhanced nutrition and regenerates the skin.

Facial massage with the use of the product tightens and tones the skin, enhances regeneration processes. For this procedure, a few drops of essential tea tree essence are added to the oil. After the massage, the remnants of the product can be blotted with a dry cloth.

In its natural form, the product is used to remove cosmetics. To do this, it is heated for a couple to 34-36 degrees, then soaked with a cotton pad and wash off makeup. Along with cleansing the skin, the oil nourishes it.

Face masks with grape oil

To enhance the beneficial effect, other useful ingredients are added to the natural grape oil. Consider a few recipes for face masks.

Wrinkle mask


  1. Jojoba oil - 7 ml.
  2. Grape seed oil - 7 ml.
  3. Lemon oil - 2 drops.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until smooth. Steam up to 36 degrees. Make a blank for the mask from plastic film with holes for the eyes, nose and mouth.

How to use: Spread the mixture of oils over the face, put the prepared plastic wrap on top. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes. Apply an anti-wrinkle mask twice a week.

Result: Thanks to its rich composition, the mask effectively fights both mimic and deep wrinkles, tones the skin and gives a toned look to the face. The mask slows down the aging process and sagging of the skin.

For oily skin


  1. Grapeseed oil - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Camphor alcohol - 20 ml.
  3. Orange juice - 30 ml.
  4. Egg yolk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Whisk the egg yolk. Warm the orange juice and combine it with the beaten yolk. Add grapeseed oil and camphor alcohol, mix well.

How to use: Cleanse your face as usual, then apply the mask. Keep the product for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water. The mask is suitable for daily use.

Result: The use of the mask gives the skin a healthy look and makes it more matte, eliminating oily sheen. Grape oil narrows enlarged pores and regulates the sebaceous glands.

For dry skin


  1. Grape oil - 6 ml.
  2. Jojoba oil - 6 ml.
  3. Avocado oil - 6 ml.
  4. Wheat germ oil - 6 ml.
  5. Almond oil - 6 ml.

How to cook: Combine oils and stir until smooth, then heat slightly.

How to use: Soak a washcloth with the resulting oil mixture and place on your face. Keep the mask on for 30-40 minutes. After the procedure, take a cotton pad, soak it in warm water and rinse off the mask.

Result: The mask tones and nourishes dry skin, relieves flaking and prevents fluid loss.

The tool provides reliable protection from the aggressive sun in the summer.

For problem skin


  1. Grape oil - 10 ml.
  2. Sandalwood oil - 3 drops.
  3. Chamomile oil - 2 drops.
  4. Ylang-ylang oil - 3 drops.

How to cook: Heat the grape oil in a water bath, then add the rest of the ingredients to it, mix.

How to use: Apply the mask on clean skin and leave on for 20-30 minutes. The mask soothes problematic skin without irritating it, suitable for daily use.

Result: The mask has an antibacterial and soothing effect, relieves redness and reduces inflammation on the skin. The product gently cleanses damaged skin, evens out the tone of the face and eliminates traces of post-acne.

For the skin around the eyes


  1. Avocado oil - 8 ml.
  2. Grape oil - 8 ml.
  3. Rosewood oil - 2 drops.
  4. Aloe juice - 10 ml.
  5. Rosemary essential oil - 2 drops.
  6. Essential oil of lemon - 1 drop.

How to cook: Mix rosewood, grape and avocado oils, add aloe juice to them. Steam the resulting mixture, add a few drops of rosemary and lemon and stir.

How to use: Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes with light patting movements. After half an hour, take a cotton pad, soak in warm water and remove the mixture of oils. The soft texture of the mask is suitable for frequent use.

Result: The product carefully cares for the delicate skin around the eyes, effectively nourishing and tightening it. Massage movements when applying the mask help improve blood circulation and eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

Acne mask


  1. Grape oil - 10 ml.
  2. - 2 ml.

How to cook: Mix oils and heat a little.

How to use: Use a tissue paper to apply the mask so that the oils do not spread. After half an hour, remove the fabric base, and wash off the oil with a warm, damp cotton pad. Use an acne mask 2-3 times a week.

Result: The tool effectively fights rashes on the skin, dries and relieves inflammation. After a week of applying the mask, a visible effect is noticeable.

Face cream with grape oil

An excellent alternative to professional products can be a homemade face cream with grape oil.

Anti-aging cream


  1. Beeswax - 10 gr.
  2. Grape oil - 10 ml.
  3. Olive oil - 10 ml.
  4. Sesame oil - 10 ml.
  5. Essential - 1 ml.
  6. Essential oil of lavender - 1 ml.

How to cook: With constant stirring, melt the beeswax in a water bath. As soon as the wax begins to melt, add the oils and mix until smooth, remove from heat. Place the container with the ingredients in cold water, while beating the mixture with a mixer at minimum speed, add essential oils and continue beating until the cream has completely cooled.

How to use: Apply the cream in a thin layer on the skin of the face. Light texture allows the product to be quickly absorbed. The product is suitable for day and night use. Ready cream is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Result: The cream has a lifting effect, tightening the skin of the face. The tool renews cells and evens out the surface of the skin, refreshes the complexion, tones and enhances blood circulation, preventing the appearance of spider veins.


Grape seed oil is contraindicated:

  • with hemophilia;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in case of individual intolerance.

Grape seed oil is used for weight loss. The results are achieved due to the dietary properties of the product. The pomace of grapes is light and non-greasy. This structure has found application in cosmetic and medicinal purposes. The product is quickly absorbed, does not leave a greasy sheen, does not lead to the formation of comedones. Due to the content of procyanidin, the product fights against skin aging. There are many recipes for using grape oil for the face. Consider the options for using natural extracts.

Properties of grape oil

The value of the product lies in the bones of the fruit, which are rich in useful minerals and substances. The extract of grapes is obtained by two methods: cold pressing or hot pressing. Initially, the bones are crushed, then the manufacturer chooses the cooking technology. The cold-pressed product is valued more because it retains the maximum set of components. Butter prepared using hot technology is cheaper and less healthy.

When buying a hood, pay attention to the purpose of the product. For the face, choose cosmetic grape oil. The composition includes vitamins E, A, B, PP, fatty acids, polyphenols, proteins. The properties of grape oil help to solve problems with the skin of the face. The tool provides:

Rejuvenating and regenerating effect. The skin is covered with a protective film, the cells are stimulated, the facial contour is tightened.
Anti-inflammatory action. Grape oil is used for acne, blackheads and other rashes. The tool eliminates them and does not allow further education.
Tonic effect. The face acquires a healthy color, elasticity and firmness returns.
Therapeutic action. Grape oil relieves bruising under the eyes and dark circles.
protective function. An extract from grapes forms a film on the surface of the skin. It protects from the harmful effects of the environment: wind, sunlight.

The benefits of grape oil is to apply to any skin. The only contraindication is individual intolerance. The product is allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Application of grape oil for the face

The product stands out with a light structure and a pleasant smell. The oil is applied in its pure form, added to cosmetics, used for massage. The easiest option is to wipe the skin with cotton wool soaked in grape extract. This treatment is suitable for normal skin. The tool will support the natural shade of the face, share nutrients and moisturizing ingredients.

In everyday care, grape oil for the face is used in the following variations:

Massage. A few drops of grape oil are applied to the fingers. Then rub the product and apply in a circular motion on the face. The oil absorbs quickly, so lubricate your fingers several times if necessary. Such procedures are allowed to be carried out daily. Massage tones the skin, improves blood circulation, better conducts nutrients into the layers of the epidermis.
Basic tool. The oil is applied to the face before makeup. After absorption, the agent forms a protective layer. The film does not allow cosmetics to clog the pores of the face.
For make-up removal. A cotton pad is moistened with warm grape oil. First, the eyelashes are cleaned of mascara, then the foundation is removed from the face. Cosmetics are removed quickly, it is enough to hold the disk twice.

Grape oil masks

Many manufacturers add grape oil to creams, lotions and age-related cosmetics. You can buy ready-made products or make your own. The greatest effect is given by masks with grape oil. The compositions are made at home. We offer several recipes:

Warm mask. One component is used - grape oil, which is applied in a special way. First, the medium is heated. It should be enough to moisten a piece of gauze generously. A warm cloth is applied to the face. After 15 min. the gauze is removed, the face is washed with warm water. The mask is used to moisturize the skin.
Scrub mask. To exfoliate dead cells, oatmeal and coffee grounds are added to the composition. The ingredients are mixed with grape oil. Determine the amount yourself, the mass should be moderately thick so that it is conveniently applied. Distribute the mask on the face and neck. You can massage or leave the product for 10 minutes. The scrub moisturizes the skin, nourishes, smoothes, cleanses the pores.

Sour cream mask. Used for dry skin. For manufacturing, sour cream, egg yolk and grape extract are mixed. The mask works for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Extract of grapes is successfully combined with many oils. Suitable for red spots and inflammatory foci. Tea tree will help eliminate skin shine, remove oily secretions, get rid of rashes. Peppermint oil is used for dry skin.

Grape oil for problem skin

The tool is successfully used for everyday use. Suitable as masks and care products. Grape extract differs from other oils in its ability to deal with serious skin problems.

Products made from grape oil:

From bruises under the eyes. Apply to cleansed skin with fingers. For best results, it is recommended to accompany the procedure with a light massage.
From wrinkles. A warm mask is being prepared. Grapes are also used as a base component. All ingredients are heated and applied to the face. A cotton cloth and a towel are laid out on top. In 20 minutes. the grape mask for wrinkles is washed off.
From acne. Extract from grapes has a disinfecting effect. In combination with chamomile and sandalwood oil, the product effectively eliminates blackheads and pimples, fights acne. A mask with grape seed oil suppresses foci of inflammation.

Grapeseed oil is ideal for the face. The extract can improve the condition of any type of skin. The tool is versatile due to the various ways of using it. If the oil is used for medicinal purposes, then you will have to tinker with making the recipe. Daily care does not require complex efforts. Just add 2 drops of oil to a single dose of cream.

December 21, 2013, 11:42 am