Treatment of hypoxia in newborns drugs. It's about appearance. Chronic hypoxia can occur for a number of reasons.

Being one of the most common pathologies, cerebral hypoxia in newborns is a lack of oxygen that can be observed in the fetus throughout pregnancy (chronic form of the disease), and can occur directly during childbirth (acute form of the disease). It happens that such a condition of the baby leads to his disability and even death. Due to the lack of oxygen, the work of many systems of a small organism is disrupted, and the central nervous system, heart, lungs, kidneys or liver suffer first of all. Therefore, it is so important to do everything possible to first prevent and then treat this terrible disease in time.

To prevent the disease, you need to know about the causes that can cause such a condition. If the expectant mother can protect herself from them, there is a chance that this trouble will not affect the child. Many factors really depend on the behavior and health of a woman. The first two groups of causes lead to the chronic form of the disease, and it manifests itself during pregnancy. The last group of factors provokes an acute form of hypoxia, which is diagnosed only after childbirth.

health problems in future mother:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart disease, hypotension, hypertension,);
  • broncho-pulmonary diseases;
  • infectious infection of the genitourinary system;
  • age threshold below 18 or over 35;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine and right image life: frequent stress, lack of sleep, lack of fresh air, poor nutrition;
  • bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking);
  • violations at work endocrine system.

Pathologies of pregnancy:

  • placental pathology (abruption, early aging, presentation);
  • toxicosis in recent months pregnancy;
  • umbilical cord pathologists (nodes, entanglement);
  • early childbirth;
  • overwearing;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • oligohydramnios / polyhydramnios;
  • pathology in fetal development.

Problems during childbirth:

  • prolonged/difficult labor;
  • entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord;
  • early childbirth;
  • large fruit;
  • birth trauma;
  • usage various tools(for example, tongs);
  • the use of medical preparations.

An extensive list of reasons shows that hypoxia in a newborn may be to blame as a mother who did not comply with medical prescriptions for normal course pregnancy, and doctors who showed themselves unprofessionally during childbirth. In some cases, there is a confluence of circumstances, somewhere the mother's sickly organism cannot cope with such difficult processes as childbearing and childbirth.

Hypoxia can be detected already during pregnancy (read more about this in), and appropriate measures must be taken to properly treat the baby. However, very often the diagnosis is made after childbirth. How do you know if a child is developing oxygen deficiency?

Symptoms and signs

Hypoxia in a newborn most often has pronounced symptoms, which is not difficult to make an accurate, correct diagnosis immediately after the birth of the baby. This allows you to start treatment on time and cope with the disease. The main symptoms of hypoxia in newborns are:

  • tachycardia (heart contraction occurs at an increased frequency);
  • bradycardia (the reverse indicator is a significant decrease in the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle);
  • arrhythmia (violation of the rhythm of heart contractions);
  • availability in amniotic fluid meconium;
  • murmurs in the heart;
  • hypovolemia (small volume of blood);
  • the formation of blood clots in the vessels, which entail tissue hemorrhages.

Doctors distinguish between several degrees of hypoxia using a special Apgar scale. It evaluates how fully the systems of a small organism function:

  1. 8–10 points- excellent condition of the newborn, which is not threatened by any hypoxia;
  2. 7–6 points- hypoxia of the 1st degree, a mild form of the disease;
  3. 5–4 points- hypoxia of the 2nd degree, medium form;
  4. 3–0 points- hypoxia of the 3rd degree, severe form.

A mild degree is characterized by a gradual improvement in the condition of the newborn immediately, within a few minutes. The second degree may require several days to fully restore the normal functions of a small organism. The third requires full treatment, which includes measures to primary resuscitation and aftercare.

Treatment of hypoxia in infants

The further recovery of the baby will depend on the sequence of medical actions and the professionalism of doctors. Proper Treatment hypoxia in newborns involves the following set of measures:

  1. restoration of normal breathing: cleansing of the respiratory tract, oral and nasal cavities from mucus;
  2. warming the child with heating pads and a special table;
  3. the use of drugs to stimulate blood circulation and restore breathing;
  4. the use of an oxygen mask if the baby's breathing could not be restored;
  5. in a serious condition, the child is placed in a pressure chamber.

When the symptoms of hypoxia in newborns disappear, they are discharged from the hospital. Recovery period requires constant monitoring not only by the local pediatrician, but also by a neuropathologist. You will have to protect the baby from the slightest stress, carefully monitor his diet and sleep patterns. Often appointed massotherapy, soothing baths and aromatherapy sessions.

In severe forms, the treatment of hypoxia in infants involves the appointment medications: sedatives and stimulants of the heart and brain activity. With late detection of the disease or untimely treatment, hypoxia can turn into terrible consequences for the health of the baby.

What is dangerous hypoxia in newborns

Most often, the consequences of hypoxia in newborns depend on the degree of the disease. The first passes quickly, without affecting the health of the baby at all. The second will be fraught with temporary slow and depressed reflexes, but these consequences will soon pass, also leaving no mark on the child's health. In the third degree, there may be:

  • anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • muscle cramps;
  • mental retardation and physical development;
  • disturbances in the work of the brain;
  • death.

Death with today's level of medicine is an exception. Chronic and acute hypoxia today is a very common problem that doctors quite successfully cope with, completely eliminating or minimizing its consequences.

It happens that newly-made mothers hear from doctors that the child has hypoxia.

However, they cannot always understand how dangerous such a condition can be, how important it is to follow all the recommendations of specialists, what the consequences may be.

Let's try to understand this issue.

What is hypoxia in newborns

The most common problem with health in newborns - this is hypoxia, that is. It occurs when cells receive insufficient amounts of oxygen.
Oxygen is a gas that is designed to provide human life processes. It is needed by cells in order to convert consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy. Oxygen is found in everything, including food, it enters through the skin and respiratory system.

Did you know? Of the total weight of a person, about 65% is oxygen.

When, for a number of reasons, the supply of oxygen is limited, the cells cease to perform their functions, die off, or may degenerate into cancer cells. In this case, the child's brain becomes the most affected organ, that is, the mental and physical development of the infant is inhibited.

Hypoxia can be:

  1. Chronic, when oxygen is supplied in a reduced amount for a long time.
  2. Acute - a sharp attack of suffocation.

There are such degrees of the disease:

  1. Light - characterized small deviations from normal due to a short-term lack of oxygen.
  2. Average - characterized by a change in skin color, obvious violations of movement and breathing.
  3. Severe - the baby cannot breathe and suck on his own.


Usually, the signs of hypoxia manifest themselves clearly, so there are no problems with making a diagnosis.

You can determine the lack of oxygen by the following symptoms:

  • disturbed heartbeat of the child - its acceleration, slowdown or irregularity;
  • the presence of extraneous sounds that are detected when listening to the heart;
  • water pollution with baby feces (meconium);
  • violation of the rhythm of breathing, its absence;
  • blue skin color or pale skin;
  • the baby often freezes;
  • lethargy, low physical activity;
  • whims, prolonged crying;
  • trembling of the chin, shuddering of the body, arms, legs;
  • the baby shudders when touched;
  • the child often wakes up, sleeps restlessly;
  • his muscles are tense.


All causes leading to a state of hypoxia can be classified into:

  • occurring during pregnancy;
  • formed during childbirth;
  • postpartum.


A lack of oxygen in the fetus can occur during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • Health problems in a pregnant woman - cardiovascular diseases, violation of pressure, diseases of the respiratory and endocrine systems, sexual infections, inflammation of the urinary system.
  • Too early or late pregnancy.
  • Addiction to alcohol, drugs, smoking.
  • Decreased maternal hemoglobin levels.
  • Stress.
  • Unhealthy food.
  • Prolonged stay in unventilated rooms, lack of walks.
  • Incomplete sleep.
  • Violations of the development of the placenta - detachment, aging, presentation.
  • Knots on the umbilical cord.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • or .
  • Violation of the formation of various organs and systems of the fetus, its infection, congenital diseases.
  • Uncontrolled intake of vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Tight clothes, shoes, wrong position body causing pressure on the blood vessels.
  • The pressure of the uterus on the blood vessels.
  • Harmful working conditions.
  • Inhalation of household chemicals, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, toxic substances.
  • The duration of pregnancy is more or less than the due date.

Important! Smoking causes a narrowing of the lumen of the vessels in a woman and a child, as a result, the blood cannot fully transport oxygen to the baby's organs.

Developing in childbirth

Some causes of hypoxia may occur during childbirth:

  1. Physicians using forceps to pull the baby.
  2. The use of painkillers and anesthesia in childbirth.
  3. Injuries received at birth.
  4. Prolonged or too fast delivery.
  5. Large child.
  6. A drop in blood pressure in a woman in labor.
  7. Oxytocin injections that do not correspond to the dosage.
  8. Childbirth with the help of .
  9. Breech presentation fetus.


Hypoxia in a child may occur after birth due to such reasons:

  • Bleeding.
  • Blood transfusion.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous or respiratory system in a child.
  • Diseases that cause the destruction of red blood cells.
  • The outpouring of blood from the vessels into the tissues.
  • Falling hemoglobin levels.
  • An overdose of drugs in a child.
  • Stay in stuffy rooms, lack of walks.

Diagnosis of hypoxia

The following methods are used to diagnose the disease:

  1. Amnioskopiya - research of waters.
  2. Cardiotocography, electrocardiography, phonography - study of the heart rate of the fetus during pregnancy and the child after birth.
  3. Fixing the frequency of fetal movement.
  4. Acid-alkaline blood test.
  5. Electroencephalogram, neurosonography - examination of the brain.
  6. External examination of the newborn.

Immediately after birth and after 5 minutes, doctors assess the condition of the child on the Virginia Apgar scale:

  • up to 3 points - severe degree of hypoxia;
  • up to 5 points - average degree;
  • up to 7 points - mild degree;
  • above is a healthy child.

Complications and consequences of hypoxia in newborns

Hypoxia can cause:

  1. Lagging behind in physical and mental development.
  2. Inability to concentrate on studies.
  3. Communication problems.
  4. Violation of the excretion of decay products.
  5. Decreased glucose levels, lack of energy.
  6. Accumulation of fluid in tissues or its deficiency.
  7. The death of brain cells, the formation of a cyst.
  8. Thinning of the walls of blood vessels, possibly hemorrhage.
  9. Weakening of the tone of muscles and blood vessels.
  10. Headaches - that is, the baby will be naughty, cry, his neck may bend.
  11. Death.


The following methods are used to treat the disease:

  • immediately after birth, clean the mucus from the mouth and nose of the baby;
  • warm the baby
  • put on a child oxygen mask or connect it to a breathing apparatus;
  • prescribe drugs to increase blood pressure - vitamin B, camphor, saline, dopamine;
  • transfuse blood;
  • ensure the removal of fluid from the brain and reduce intracranial pressure by using medicines("Veroshpiron", "Diakarb");
  • achieve improved blood circulation and metabolism (Vincamine, Vinpocetine, Encephabol, Cerebrolysin, Piracetam);
  • apply sedatives("Lorazepam", "Phenazepam");
  • regularly walk with the baby, massage, exercise physical therapy, swimming, bathe with the addition of herbs;
  • create a calm atmosphere.

Important! Timely treatment and compliance with all doctor's recommendations can eliminate the consequences of the disease, as well as stimulate other parts of the brain to perform the functions of dead ones.


To avoid problems with providing the baby's tissues with oxygen, you must:

  1. , undergo an examination and take tests before conception for the timely detection and treatment of diseases in a woman.
  2. During pregnancy, regularly visit a gynecologist, follow his recommendations.
  3. Get rid of bad habits.
  4. Observe the sleep and nutrition regimen.
  5. Do not eat junk food, keep a balance of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the diet.
  6. Avoid contact with household chemicals and other harmful substances.
  7. Ventilate the room.
  8. Walk regularly away from traffic during and after pregnancy.
  9. Change working conditions.
  10. reduce physical exercise, take into account the state of pregnancy.
  11. Rest.
  12. Avoid stress.
  13. Wear loose-fitting clothing, without elastic bands and tight belts, choose comfortable shoes.
  14. Do not take medicines without a doctor's prescription.
  15. Don't swaddle your baby tightly.

Did you know? Our body consumes 1 ton of oxygen per year.

Thus, hypoxia can threaten the life and health of the baby, so take seriously all the examinations prescribed by the doctor during pregnancy, because they will allow you to detect the problem in its initial stage.

It is also necessary to follow healthy lifestyle life, more walk. If the problem still overtook you, pay attention to all signs of deterioration in the health of the newborn and do not self-medicate.

Allocate two kinds hypoxia:

  • acute(develops, as a rule, in childbirth);
  • chronic(develops over time during pregnancy).


The first sign the onset of hypoxia can be an increase in heart rate, which after a while becomes slow. Distinguishing heart sounds becomes difficult enough.

Enters the amniotic fluid meconium. A mild degree of hypoxia makes the baby move more actively, while severe course slows down movement.

Main symptoms occurrence of hypoxia

  • cloudy amniotic fluid. The culprit may be a hit in amniotic fluid baby's original feces (meconium);
  • violation of the heart rhythm of the baby, increased heart rate (tachycardia), diagnosis of murmurs in the heart area;
  • a sharp reduction in fetal movements, or their complete cessation;
  • small hemorrhages in soft tissues, on the surface of the skin;
  • a general decrease in the volume of the child's blood;
  • formation of blood clots.


The exact causes of hypoxia in a newborn do not exist. Most often the reason is a complex of factors, including not only the pathology of pregnancy, severe illness mother and child, but also the lifestyle of a pregnant woman.

More often infants are susceptible to hypoxia whose mothers:

  • suffer from severe congenital and acquired diseases (heart defects, tuberculosis, diabetes, leukemia and many others);
  • suffer from anemia of varying severity;
  • overwhelm the child;
  • suffered during pregnancy a state of preeclampsia, or any other pathologies of pregnancy;
  • have negative Rh factor, at positive value such in a child;
  • abuse during pregnancy alcohol, nicotine and narcotic substances.

In addition to the above points, some risk of developing hypoxia is observed in straparous mothers, as well as in very young ones.

Intrauterine causes:

  • placental abruption, impaired blood flow in the umbilical cord;
  • toxicosis of the second and third trimester;
  • cord entanglement;
  • long, as well as too fast childbirth;
  • gestation of the fetus more than the established time;
  • premature onset of labor;
  • the use of forceps in childbirth to extract the child;
  • the presence of an infectious disease in an infant;
  • the presence of intracranial injuries;
  • differences in the size of the birth canal of the mother and the volume of the body of the child.

For that, to better understand the degree of hypoxia, you need to pay attention to the Apgar scale which assess the condition of the child after childbirth.

It includes 10 points, of which 5-6 are placed during hypoxia. If the value is below these indicators, then the condition of the newborn is severe.

What consequences can be expected?

Hypoxia is not a disease in itself. But it is she who can cause the development of serious consequences.

Hypoxia can cause:

  • cerebral palsy;
  • mental retardation;
  • delays in speech development;
  • development of various hearing impairments;
  • development of strabismus and other visual impairments;
  • epilepsy;
  • disorders associated with sleep disturbance, learning, concentration, etc.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostic methods:

  • auscultation, or listening to the fetal heartbeat using a stethoscope;
  • cardiotocography, or CTG, fixing the heartbeat using a sensor on the mother's abdomen;
  • dopplerometry, which measures the speed of blood flow in the umbilical vessels, in the arteries of the mother and child;
  • other methods, allowing to detect violations of the supply of oxygen to the placenta.

Is it possible to prevent hypoxia in a newborn?

Exists some simple tips , the implementation of which will help to avoid hypoxia:

  1. Regular long walks outdoors.
  2. Necessity cessation of nicotine use, alcohol for the entire duration of pregnancy.
  3. Organization healthy eating , a varied diet that includes all food groups. Particular emphasis should be placed on iron-containing fruits (apples, pomegranates), cereals (buckwheat), meat dishes(liver, tongue).
  4. careful observation for intrauterine fetal movements. At the slightest doubt, it is better to see a doctor in order to dispel disturbing thoughts, or to take the necessary measures.
  5. Good mood. A large number of positive emotions favorably affects the condition of the mother, and, therefore, the child.

How are the consequences treated?

First of all need to remove the cause that provoked the development of an acute condition. For example, to cure the disease of the mother.

It is better for a pregnant woman to observe bed rest , take drugs that normalize placental circulation.

Usually, drugs are prescribed, which reduce the viscosity of the blood, which helps prevent the appearance of blood clots. Reception possible hepatoprotectors, vitamins, drugs that have a positive effect on metabolism.

In cases of development acute hypoxia possible emergency delivery, most often this C-section. It is possible to place the child in special chambers that supply a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Upon reaching a stable state of the infant, as well as with a slight hypoxia of the newborn, constant monitoring by a neuropathologist is required. Individually assigned taking drugs that improve blood flow in the meninges, massages, physiotherapy.

With timely qualified medical assistance, it is possible to avoid any consequences of a lack of oxygen. Sometimes you need help speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist.

Hypoxia occurs in 10% of newborns. Enough big number in order to encourage expectant mothers to treat their condition with the necessary responsibility.

Necessary monitor your lifestyle, visit doctors regularly, listen to yourself and your child.

Pregnancy is such a long-awaited and happy event in a woman's life. At the same time, this is a very important period. The health and well-being of both the mother and the unborn baby depend on how these 9 months pass.

In some cases, there is a possibility of unpleasant circumstances that can overshadow the bright feelings and the first joys of motherhood. Basically, such situations are related to the health problems of the child.

What is hypoxia

Hypoxia is one of the most common pathologies that the baby's parents can learn about even before his birth or within the walls of the maternity hospital. This state is characterized lack of oxygen during the period of gestation or directly in the process of childbirth.

fabrics, internal organs, the central nervous system and the brain, against the background of poor oxygen supply, are damaged and cannot function fully, irreversible processes occur in some cells. This situation presents serious threat For normal development fetus. Severe cases can lead to disability and even a threat to the life of the child.

Causes of hypoxia

Hypoxia can occur as a result of intrauterine pathology and postpartum period, as well as directly in the process of childbirth.

Depending on the underlying cause of this condition, a distinction is made between chronic and acute form hypoxia. The chronic form develops throughout pregnancy. The main reasons for its occurrence are:

Various severe pathologies and diseases of the woman in labor. Such as:

  • Leukemia.
  • Violation of the heart muscle.
  • Intoxication.
  • Asthma.
  • Anemia.
  • Infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.

A serious risk of impaired child development occurs in women who smoke, abuse alcohol and drugs. Also at risk are expectant mothers under 18 and over 27 years old.

Pathologies of pregnancy:

  • in cases of serious trophic disorders in the placenta (abstraction, presentation, premature aging and thinning)
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Low water / polyhydramnios.
  • Rhesus conflict.
  • Pathology and genetic diseases fetus.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Infection of intrauterine waters.

An acute form of hypoxia develops in the case of:

  • Rapid childbirth.
  • Prolonged childbirth.
  • premature birth.
  • When entangled with the umbilical cord.
  • When extracting the fetus by applying forceps.

Postpartum hypoxia may occur due to:

  1. Anemia of the newborn.
  2. Congenital malformation of the lungs or heart.
  3. As a result of extensive blood loss.
  4. With an overdose of anesthesia or drugs.
  5. With birth trauma.

Signs and symptoms

Most often, there is no difficulty in determining the presence or absence of hypoxia in a newborn, since given state has a clear and pronounced symptomatology.

The main signs of hypoxia include: tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, heart murmurs, hypovolemia, blood clots, tissue hemorrhages, the presence of meconium in the analysis of amniotic fluid.

Depending on how fully the child's body functions, using the Apgar scale, experts distinguish 4 degrees of severity of oxygen starvation:

  • 8-10 points - a state without signs of impaired body functions.
  • 7-6 points - 1st degree of hypoxia, mild form. In this case, the restoration of the normal functioning of the body occurs without outside interference within a few minutes after birth.
  • 5-4 points - 2nd degree, medium form (moderate). Full recovery will take from several days to several weeks.
  • 3-0 points - 3rd degree, severe form (). To improve the condition of the child, it is necessary to resuscitate him. In the subsequent recovery of such a baby requires full treatment and serious care.

Caring parents can determine that chronic intrauterine oxygen starvation led to the development of such a disease as encephalopathy with the naked eye.

In this case, the baby may experience a violation of thermoregulation. He behaves restlessly, often and (during crying, his chin trembles, it is difficult to calm him down). There is constant weakness and drowsiness. The child shudders during sleep (). With any sound or tactile impact, the baby shudders and gets scared.

Hypoxia can lead to the development of such serious illnesses like: delay psychomotor development, hyperactivity, vegetative-vascular dystonia, epilepsy, damage to cranial nerves, disorders mental development, hydroencephalopathy.

Treatment and recovery methods for hypoxia

In case of acute hypoxia, first of all get rid of mucus and meconium Airways child. Then with mask breathing or artificial ventilation lungs provide the proper level of oxygen supply to the body. After that, it is necessary to stabilize the body temperature and arterial pressure baby.

In case of blood loss, a blood or plasma transfusion procedure is performed. After all necessary procedures the child is under constant supervision (pulse, pressure, body temperature, heart rate are monitored). If necessary, drugs are introduced to improve the condition of the newborn.

When serious violations appointed drug therapy, which may include drugs that improve the blood supply to the brain, remove excess fluid from it, vasoconstrictors, and correct concomitant conditions.

Do not forget that a child whose body has suffered to some extent from oxygen starvation, requires heightened attention . To improve his condition, first of all, it is necessary to provide care. Good nutrition plays an important role.

A positive result is given by classes with specialists from rehabilitation centers, regular massages and developing physical exercises.

All procedures must be performed strictly in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. The sooner the rehabilitation process begins and the more regularly classes are held, the greater the chances of full recovery and recovery of the child.

Smirnova Olga Leonidovna

Neurologist, education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Work experience 20 years.

Articles written

Unfortunately, in newborns it occurs quite often these days. Parents heard terrible diagnosis refuse to believe it. How could it be, because the pregnancy proceeded normally and, as they say, nothing foreshadowed ... Meanwhile, practically not a single child is immune from this violation.

Medicine classifies hypoxia not as an independent disease, but as a pathology that is formed under the influence of certain provoking factors. The condition, which is characterized by acute, leads to the fact that the brain cannot perform its functions, and the central nervous system and vital important organs suffer seriously.

Oxygen plays essential role for a baby that has not yet been born, providing intensely flowing metabolic processes. The brain and nervous system need it most urgently. In children, oxygen enters the body through the work of the lungs, in the fetus - through the placenta. Receipt provides natural mechanism, which has compensatory capabilities:

  • high heart rate;
  • increased volume of blood entering the vessels from the heart;
  • fetal hemoglobin in the fetus, carrying oxygen.

If the mechanism fails, then little oxygen enters the blood of the fetus, which leads to hypoxia. The brain cells are the first to take the hit: their death is observed.

What are the reasons

There are many factors that cause oxygen deficiency in a child. Experts divide them into three groups: health problems of the expectant mother, pathology of pregnancy, complications during childbirth.

The first group includes:

  • anemia;
  • age category up to 18 years and after 35;
  • bad habits;
  • chaotic daily routine;
  • poor nutrition, unbalanced diet;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • cardiac pathologies;
  • diseases of the lungs, bronchi.

The second group includes:

  • pathology of the placenta;
  • severe intoxication;
  • excessive or insufficient accumulation of amniotic fluid;
  • various abnormalities in the fetus.

And finally the third group:

  • operation of artificial delivery;
  • early, late birth;
  • too large fetus, its inconsistency with the birth canal;
  • uterine rupture;
  • birth trauma;
  • cord entanglement;
  • forceps delivery;
  • mother taking painkillers;
  • obstruction of the organs that provide the function of external respiration of the child, due to the ingress of amniotic fluid, mucous elements.

In the appearance of hypoxia in a baby, both the mother, who is frivolous about the condition, and the doctors who made mistakes during obstetrics, may be to blame. Well, of course, one cannot discount the coincidence of circumstances, due to which the child has cerebral hypoxia.


A baby experiencing oxygen starvation is born very weak, screams a lot or, conversely, cries barely audibly. He may have the following signs: pale skin, the nasolabial triangle acquires a bluish tint, the heart rhythm is disturbed, breathing is heavy, with wheezing, heart murmurs are heard. Often in the amniotic fluid there is original feces.

The condition of the child is assessed by doctors in the first and fifth minutes of his life. The Apgar scale, on which scores are given (from 0 to 2), has the following indicators:

  • breath;
  • skin tone;
  • heartbeat;
  • reflexes;
  • muscle tone.

Then there is a scoring for all indicators: 0-3 points mean a severe degree of hypoxia, 4-5 - an average degree, 6-7 - an easy stage, 8-10 - a norm.

If the baby has mild degree oxygen starvation, then nothing threatens his health, since the condition stabilizes in a few minutes without medical care. The average degree allows the body to recover after a few days with appropriate therapy. In a severe stage, the baby needs resuscitation and treatment.


If a child is diagnosed with a severe or moderate degree of hypoxia, then first he needs to take measures to normalize breathing (cleaning the cavities with a special aspirator). In severe cases, there is a need to supply oxygen with air through a mask or use a ventilator.

Depending on the severity of the condition, the baby is shown heating with radiant heat on a special changing table or being placed in a pressure chamber.

Based medical indications, the child is injected with drugs aimed at stimulating blood circulation and the work of the respiratory system, increasing blood pressure, as well as anticonvulsant, diuretic drugs. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent lung infections.

Today, medicine has great potential: effective treatment methods and modern equipment. If doctors immediately begin to eliminate the pathology, it is quite possible to improve the condition of the baby and prevent terrible consequences.

You can discharge the baby only after the complete disappearance of the symptoms characteristic of cerebral hypoxia.

Subsequently, the newborn is under medical supervision. In some cases, a specialist may prescribe a sedative to the child, as well as drugs to stimulate brain and heart activity.

A woman and her child need to eat well, have a good rest, walk. For speedy recovery, the baby will need professional massage(therapeutic and prophylactic). But the main thing, of course, is the care of parents for their baby.

Possible Complications

Hypoxia in a newborn, which manifests itself in a mild form, passes on its own and does not give complications. oxygen starvation medium degree often has consequences in the form of depressed reflexes, which disappear with appropriate treatment after a while. The prognosis for these stages is favorable.

The situation is much worse with the third stage, which is fraught with dangerous violations. The baby may lag behind in mental or physical development, suffer from pain in the head, he may be diagnosed with either dropsy of the brain, epilepsy, and so on.

Hypoxia of the brain in newborns in severe stages in the absence of timely treatment the consequences are extremely serious: the baby can become disabled or even die. That is why it is so important, if possible, to prevent or eliminate a terrible pathology in time.