Why do you need an oxygen mask for training. Running in an oxygen mask to increase endurance. How Running Mask works

Mask for running and endurance sports

Your endurance performance will increase many times over after just a few workouts, thanks to the expansion of the lungs and the work of the diaphragm. Strength indicators, reaction speed, mental endurance… You didn’t even imagine before that you can do much more!

What is a training mask?

This mask is a breath restrictor, thanks to which the lungs become stronger. A multi-level valve system increases the resistance to oxygen supply in different modes. Of course, it will be more difficult for you to engage in such an “aggressive environment” of mountain training. The strength of your diaphragm and other indicators will constantly improve, because without a mask you will be given any sport much easier. You will be able to realize all your dreams much faster, as well as set new goals that seemed unattainable just recently!

The effectiveness of a respiratory mask based on scientific research

  • Improved oxygen transport;
  • Strengthening the diaphragm and increasing overall muscle tone;
  • Improving blood circulation by increasing the number of oxygen molecules;
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of tachycardia.

The mask will become indispensable during running, fitness, crossfit, wrestling and any other areas in sports!

Secrets of using a mask for training

It is recommended to use the device no more than 1-2 times a week for half an hour. Do not exercise in a mask at temperatures below or above 30 degrees Celsius. You will find all the answers to your questions in the detailed instruction manual that comes with the mask.

Mask set 2.0

  • Mask;
  • 6 air resistance valves;
  • 3 load modes;
  • Neoprene "sleeve";
  • Manual.

Specifications of the training mask

  • Mask size: S (weight up to 68 kg), M (weight from 69 to 100 kg), L (weight from 101 kg);
  • Weight: 323 grams;
  • Number of modes: 3.

Training mask (Elevation Training Mask) is a type of sports equipment that many athletes use to simulate height. Many athletes specifically train at high altitude to increase their endurance and other physiological parameters that are very important for a mixed martial arts fighter. Does the training mask really allow you to simulate the conditions of being a person at an altitude of 3 km above sea level and improve physical performance? Let's find out!

Introduction to the training mask

Training in such a mask is far from being an innovation, but rather an improved and more accessible analogue of training military personnel in gas masks. In the armies of the whole world, marches using gas masks have been practiced for a long time, which significantly complicate the passage of oxygen into the lungs, thereby making running with all the fighter’s ammunition even more difficult, and the person himself more resilient. Naturally, sports equipment manufacturers did not lose sight of the potential gold mine, and the release of the training mask was not long in coming.

The endurance mask is both a fashionable and useful accessory for sports. What is a training mask, what is it for, how to use it and how useful is it? There are a lot of questions. If you want to be at the height of fashion and at the same time improve your physical condition, read how to do it in our article.

Hypoxic masks

A hypoxic mask is needed to train breathing and endurance. The mask is worn on the lower part of the face, covering the nose and mouth, that is, those organs through which air enters our body. The mask has a special system of valves that, using a certain mechanism, regulate the amount of air inhaled by the athlete.

What is the name of the endurance mask?

The so-called hypoxic masks, they are also training masks, they are also masks for endurance, created for the most effective training of professional athletes and fighters of military structures. But now this training technology has gone to the masses and is actively used by people all over the world.

When can you use a training mask?

From the name it is clear that training masks are used during sports. Which workouts are especially effective with the use of masks, we will analyze below.

Running mask

Training masks are often used by runners in their workouts. They are popular with both sprinters and marathon runners. For the latter, training masks are especially relevant for several points at once.

Firstly, a long run requires endurance, for which the mask was created. Secondly, such prolonged loads require better nutrition for the organs and tissues of the body, which is ensured by the stable use of an endurance mask.

For sprinters, the main focus of the mask is to maximize oxygen saturation. This means that training must be very intense in order to maximize the reserves of the body.

Strength training mask

In the gym, you can engage in both aerobic and power loads. In this paragraph, we will consider strength exercises in conjunction with a mask for endurance.

Using a mask allows you to focus more on your breathing, which is important in strength training, but usually given little attention.

Oxygen deficiency activates additional blood vessels, first of all, in those tissues that are under the maximum load, respectively, the effectiveness of training increases significantly and the result of strength exercises is better seen.

The stress created by oxygen starvation, coupled with a large load, creates a favorable environment for muscle growth and endurance.

Aerobic mask

Aerobic activities in the gym, which include wrestling, sparring, boxing, jumping and other cardio exercises using a mask, will also increase the athlete's efficiency.

By improving tissue nutrition and accelerating metabolic processes in them, the training mask promotes active fat burning.

But this is available only for athletes and for people prepared for intense loads. That is, to dry out, reduce the percentage of fat for competitions, for example, in fitness or bodybuilding, using a mask is perfect.

But if you “started life on Monday”, decided to urgently lose weight and think that the training mask will bring you closer to the desired result, then you are mistaken.

First, we develop the level of endurance and physical fitness so that it would not be a shame to come to the gym and work out an hour and a half intensive, and only then we “open” hidden reserves with the help of a training mask.

Other sports for training mask

Training masks are used primarily in active endurance sports, where long workouts involve constant movement and minimal rest. These sports include:

  • athletics;
  • hockey, football, basketball, volleyball and other sports games;
  • martial arts, boxing;
  • crossfit;
  • power training;
  • skiing, cycling and other cardio loads;
  • mountaineering, climbing.

In the last paragraph, the use of a training mask is especially relevant, because it simulates the lack of oxygen in rarefied air conditions, which is typical for mountainous areas at high altitude.

Who needs a training mask?

The hypoxic mask is designed for people prepared for high physical exertion. Then the network if you have been playing sports recently or aerobic exercise is not your strong point, then the endurance mask will not suit you.

Professional athletes and fighters are the main users of endurance masks.

Where the result depends on endurance, where 100% is not enough and you need to give all your best to 200%, where you need to jump above your head, you can’t do without a training mask.

In addition to athletes, such masks are useful for people who are fond of hiking. Hiking, especially in the mountains, is a serious test for any person, you need to thoroughly prepare for it.

So that there is no doubt whether you can overcome all difficulties, whether you have enough strength and endurance for the transition, start introducing strength and cardio training into your life in advance, not forgetting to use a mask for endurance.

hypoxic mask trains the respiratory system of athletes

How does the stamina mask work?

It would seem that everything is simple, since the mask restricts the air flow, it trains breathing. But in reality, it develops much more mechanisms than just breathing. It’s not just that a training mask is in great demand among athletes, why you need it, now you will find out.

How do you feel after a workout with a mask?

On a gross physical level, an endurance mask can be compared to using weights. After training with them, exercises without shells are performed easily and at a higher quality level. It's like breaking a foam block if you're used to hitting boards and bricks. That is, training a skill is difficult, sometimes very difficult, but the result is visible after a fairly short time and it is such that without the use of additional simulators it would be much more difficult and longer to achieve it.

As a first approximation, the training mask increases the vital volume of the lungs, that is, the actively used volume of the lungs, involving all the lobes of this organ. At the same time, the muscles involved in breathing are also trained, and these are almost all the pectoral muscles of the deep layers, as well as the intercostal and diaphragm.

Long-term effect of the use of a hypoxic mask

Inhaling a smaller amount of air, we artificially create oxygen starvation in all our cells, organs and tissues. But we do not block oxygen at all, which means that the body has the opportunity to connect reserves that are not activated outside of such a stressful situation.

In order to provide adequate nutrition to the tissues, collateral vessels are included in the work, that is, additional ones that were not previously used, because there was no need for this. That is, now tissue nutrition is restored not due to a large amount of oxygen, but due to a large number of vessels that feed this tissue.

Now imagine how much oxygen will go to the tissues and organs when the restriction in the form of a mask is removed. This effect is achieved through long, hard training, taking additional vitamins and regularly undergoing massages.

Of course, this does not mean that you can give up a healthy diet, stop taking vitamin complexes and not do massage. All this needs to be kept in your schedule, since all of the above items are not only aimed at opening blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the organs, but also many other health-promoting items.

Interestingly, thanks to restrictive training in an endurance mask, all organs, including the brain, are better fed. That is, by training the body, you allow your brain to develop.

Overview of training masks

Since training masks are a new element, and their cost is not cheap, there are not many manufacturers on the market that produce such a specific product. The most common are Elevation Training Mask and Phantom Training Mask, there is also an Elbrus mask from a Russian manufacturer. Below we will consider the differences between these masks, their advantages and disadvantages.

Elevation Training Mask

The Elevation Training Mask is made of neoprene and has a silicone part that fits snugly around the nose and mouth and does not let air through, even with a beard and mustache, which is important for men.

The kit includes three pairs of valves that regulate the degree of difficulty of the load. If you need to change it, then it is advisable to do this at the beginning of the workout, since there is a stepwise system of increasing the level of difficulty, that is, one workout - one level of difficulty, without increasing or decreasing during the training.

In terms of price-quality ratio, this is the best option, affordable for many and performing its function with high quality.

Phantom Training Mask

The Phantom Training Mask is significantly more expensive than the previous version of the mask we reviewed, and, as a result, has better characteristics.

Higher quality neoprene absorbs moisture well, which is important, because we are talking about heavy loads.

Softer silicone is more pleasant to the touch, because the skin of the face is delicate and sensitive and the negative effects of using anything on the face should be minimized. This is especially important for girls.

But the most important difference is 4 difficulty levels, which can be changed with one click right during the training process, increasing and decreasing the intensity of the air flow.


For the price, the Elbrus endurance mask, made in Russia, is comparable to the Phantom Training Mask.

It also has 4 modes with interchangeable valves, and the neoprene base fits snugly against the skin. High quality rubber is used instead of silicone, which is especially important for those who are allergic to latex.

In addition to all of the above, this mask has a characteristic Russian brutal design.

How to choose an endurance mask?

The choice of mask depends on your financial capabilities, as well as the training plan. That is, whether it is important for you to change the difficulty mode during one workout or not. There are not so many offers on the market, the main thing is to choose the right mask size.

The training mask size scale is based on the weight of the person exercising.

There are usually three sizes in the arsenal of training mask manufacturers: S, M and L. Size S is usually designed for weights up to 70 kg ± 2 kg.

The next size ranges from 70 kg to 100 kg or more, it all depends on the model chosen.

And finally, size L is for heavyweights, for people weighing over 100 kg (115 kg for the Elevation Training Mask).

Pay attention to the size chart of each manufacturer, as you can see, the ratio of weight and size may vary.

How to use the training mask?

Included with the training mask is a mandatory detailed instruction, which describes in detail not only the size, method of wearing, but also gives examples of training.

To give you an idea in advance of what you will encounter, we provide a summary of the main points regarding the use of the mask.

How to put on a mask correctly?

The great advantage of the training mask is that it is easy to use.

It is intuitively clear where she has the front, and where is the back, where is the top, and where is the bottom.

Put on the mask immediately before training, adjusting the desired degree of load, i.e. changing valves. The silicone part should fit snugly against the skin and you should be comfortable in it.

Fastened at the back of the head, the neoprene sleeve should not squeeze the head, but should not fall off with any unplanned movement of the head, comfort is your beacon to follow when putting on a training mask.

The neoprene sleeve has special slits for the ears, it is very convenient - it does not create discomfort and you can insert headphones with music.

How to breathe properly with a mask?

Breathing with and without a mask is very different, in the beginning it will be difficult for you to train in it even for a few minutes.

To facilitate the adaptation process, you can train breathing separately from running and other loads and without a mask. Just take a deep breath, and exhale only after a few seconds. Thus, holding the breath mimics the lack of air that occurs when wearing a mask.

Directly in the mask, you need to try to breathe, as in a normal workout: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, without delay.

Lost breath will be difficult to recover with a barrier in the form of a mask, so concentrate on breathing and do not miss.

How to take care of the mask?

Since the mask is designed for harsh, intense workouts, it is unpretentious in care.

Before you start washing the mask, be sure to remove the valves.

Mask body

As a care, it is enough to periodically rinse the silicone part (mask body), it is advisable to use Okteniman, it has an antibacterial effect, which is important, since the mask body is literally an intermediary between your respiratory system and the environment. Anything that settles on the mask can penetrate the body and cause undesirable consequences.


The neoprene sleeve can and should also be laundered for hygiene purposes, neoprene cannot absorb your bodily fluids indefinitely.

hypoxic mask helps to adapt to complex physical activities

The benefits and harms of a training mask

So much has been said about who needs a training mask and why, what is it really good for?

Mask Benefits

Summing up all of the above, we list the advantages of the training mask and the beneficial effects that it causes in the body:

  • respiratory muscle training;
  • better saturation of tissues and organs with oxygen;
  • inclusion in the work of light previously passive shares;
  • acceleration of metabolism in tissues;
  • adaptation of the body to the harsh conditions of oxygen starvation without prejudice to the functioning of organs and systems. These conditions include not only highlands, but also a gassed metropolis.
  • a general increase in body endurance and an increase in the effectiveness of training;
  • against the background of concentration on breathing, a meditative effect can be observed.

All of the above points work only with regular, correct use of the hypoxic mask.

Disadvantages of the mask

Every medal has two sides. Let's analyze what side effects can be after using the mask.

Firstly, if you have respiratory or cardiovascular diseases, it is dangerous for you to train in an endurance mask. If you have an urgent desire, consult your doctor.

In your case, wearing a mask is possible only separately from physical exertion, that is, the usual breathing training in conditions of lack of air. Hypoxia for your body is already stress that cannot be aggravated.

Secondly, if you are new to sports, then, as has been said more than once in this article, do not use a mask. It is designed for professionals and serious amateurs.

Thirdly, if you have a tendency to squeeze the maximum out of yourself and fight for the result to the last drop of blood (sweat), then you can overdo it and not notice how you cross the threshold of oxygen deficiency that the body is able to cope with.

This may be followed by loss of consciousness and, if no one helps you, death by suffocation will occur.

The opinion of doctors about training masks

Sports doctors speak out in favor of training masks. However, they do not promote their widespread use and do not insist on mandatory use. They are more likely not against their use, rather than all hands "for".

Doctors note the beneficial properties of hypoxic masks and do not dispute the presence of a real result after their regular use.

Although they emphasize that non-professional athletes need to use the mask with caution and take into account the conditions of their body, not expecting miraculous results despite the low level of physical fitness.

In addition, as doctors note, having read the instructions and the principle of operation of endurance masks, training in it should not be intense if you are not preparing for the Olympic Games. It is enough to train endurance and breathing by performing simple exercises in a slow mode in order to prevent a critical level of oxygen in the cells.

Training masks are a very curious thing and it is clear that it is useful. But, in the pursuit of super results, remember that it will be easy only after you overcome something that is very, very difficult. Take care of your health, listen to your body, it will always tell you the right way.

Modern training systems are often based on overloading the athlete's body in order to adapt it to more severe conditions. Special running masks are one of the options for such a workout.

The idea is to mimic the hypoxic state that occurs at or above 1500 meters above sea level. Some masks include a "breathing resistance" feature that also makes breathing cycles more difficult.

Such an unusual simulator is used by triathlon participants, cyclists and, of course, runners. So let's take a closer look at the science of this method of training.

How the mask works

Most of the masks available on the market are based on the principle of breath restriction. In such a mask, you cannot inhale air as quickly as usual. This means that the lack of oxygen will begin to occur at lower loads and exercise intensity. The body will accumulate CO2 in the blood faster. At the same time, the composition of the air that you have to breathe in a mask is no different from the usual one.

In simple terms, the body receives less oxygen, because it inhales less air.

The impact is different from being at a real height. At altitude, air pressure is lower, oxygen molecules are farther apart. You inhale the same volume of air, but there is less oxygen in it. In a similar way, special height tents work, which are constructed in athlete training centers. They lower the oxygen content of the air, so even a deep breath does not completely fill the need for oxygen.

The fact is that the mask is not able to fully mimic the same type of hypoxia experienced by athletes at altitude. And this is a very important difference!

Fatal disadvantages of endurance masks

The short answer to the question of whether you should spend money on an endurance training mask is no. But, as with many things in sports science, there is something in history that will refute my answer. Some exercises are logical to do in a hypoxic environment, but not to do a whole workout.

I will call several reasons why you don't need a running mask.

Breath restriction ruins your workout

As an athlete looking to improve, your goal is to maximize your body's ability to deliver oxygen to your muscles. The more oxygen you can breathe in per minute, the more muscle work you can do.

When you restrict your breathing with a mask, you literally lose strength and run slower. You pay attention to how you breathe, not how you run. To improve endurance performance, you need to accumulate enough workload to create a training stimulus. But you won't be able to work as hard in a workout when your breathing is restricted. Ironically, the mask makes your workout difficult and tiring, and ultimately less effective.

Strengthening the respiratory muscles does not improve athletic performance

Resistance breathing does not increase the amount of oxygen you can inhale per minute. Even later, when you take off the mask. In other words, the strength of your intercostal muscles and diaphragm is not a factor in your ability to fill your lungs with oxygen.

When people say they feel like they can breathe deeper, it is most likely because the powerful and deep breathing helped the muscles relax and increase the mobility of the ribs. You will notice the same thing if you practice it for several weeks; after a workout or two, you will feel like you can take a big breath because your chest is relaxed.

Even elite athletes do not want to train in a mask

Athletes who live and train at altitude get more red blood cells. This means they can train effectively even in low oxygen conditions.

The advantage of living at altitude is the ability to descend to lower levels, have a full workout and return to the previous height. Athletes do not go up to 3,000 meters for training and then go down to 1,500 meters to rest. Everything is the opposite.

Even if the idea was good, the implementation is too complicated

Another significant drawback of the mask over the real height is that in order to achieve a training effect and increase the number of red blood cells, the body must first adapt. That is, it is necessary to be from 2 weeks to several months at an altitude of 1500 meters in order to achieve the desired effect.

Therefore, running in a mask is not effective. The duration of such a workout is too short for any result.

When will the oxygen mask be effective?

If masks are not suitable for endurance training, then where can they come in handy? As an example, when studying the body's response to a load at high altitude.

Research is carried out as follows:

The athlete is put on a vest or any other load. The subject gets on the treadmill and starts walking. Researchers record the reaction of the body with the help of special sensors on the athlete's body. Over time, from stage to stage, the expiratory resistance in the mask will increase, which allows you to simulate an increase in height.

The subject's performance will begin to change, and the researchers will be able to draw certain conclusions. The convenience of this method is that there is no need to lift the subject high into the mountains. It is enough to set the resistance for breathing in the mask, which will correspond to the desired height.

Did you think that masks help improve the result? It turned out that they are just an accessory for beautiful photos. For athletes, the practical use of their use is extremely small.

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

For many athletes, standard training programs do not provide this effect. Therefore, athletes resort to the help of a new exotic accessory. running mask. This is a kind of simulator increasing the coefficient of aerobic load. What are the benefits, what influences, what are the disadvantages of these issues, we will consider in the article.

Running Endurance Oxygen Mask

The advantages of using a respiratory sports respirator are as follows. Perfectly trains the main and auxiliary respirator. When you work with a simulator on your face, the body best perceives oxygen, absorbs more. A stressful situation is created, you have to use new cells that do not work under normal conditions. Anaerobic productivity increases, the so-called high heart rate, the anaerobic threshold is easier to tolerate by athletes.

When performing strength exercises, even when running on the street, fitness, crossfit, bodybuilding, training in MMA boxing, walking, cycling, all sports where there is active movement, the volume of the lungs increases, thereby improving the work of the cardiovascular system. Due to ventilation of the lungs, blood circulation improves. More nutrients enter the cells after the oxygen restrictor is removed. Increased muscle activity. When muscle growth stagnates in the gym, there comes a time of disappointment. Since the increase in the volume of important muscle groups, chest, legs, shoulders, arms, is inhibited. Use the described object and the plateau will move forward.

If an athlete wants to increase the endurance of his physical performance, he may well use oxygen mask. The CrossFit program will be more effective. This will reduce exercise time. The standard training program lasts 1 hour, with a similar accessory it will take 20-25 minutes.

Why do you need a running mask?

The use of a breathing simulator with a healthy lifestyle is compared with jogging in high altitude conditions. How does such a device work?

Universal sports respirator includes headband. Frame, sleeves. Included with it are resistance caps in the amount of 7 pieces, 3 flow membranes. They allow you to adjust the air resistance. The material of manufacture does not cause an allergic reaction, at the same time it is dense, elastic and perfectly breathable. Fastened with straps and Velcro. Everything for a comfortable session. Please pay attention to the size before purchasing. Weight is taken into account here. The girl weighs less than 67 kg, then the sport mask size “S” is suitable. "M" is for people from 69 to 100 kg, it is better to take "L" from above. Depending on the creation of altitude conditions from 1 km to 5.5, different valves are used. At a height of one kilometer from sea level, the mask is adjusted, the membranes are opened and valves with 4 holes are attached, in the position of three kilometers a valve with two holes or with one. Height 5 km, one membrane of the running mask closes, use a valve with one hole. This is for professional athletes.

As before any undertaking of the training program, a warm-up is provided. So here it is necessary to prepare the body to work in unusual conditions. Put it on, set the minimum resistance, start inhaling deeply through your nose, exhaling through your mouth in a light movement on foot. How to breathe properly in bodybuilding. The lungs have to get used to it. Then, having equalized, with a steady pulse, the breath begins to move. We work intensively with our hands, jumping in place. We create a backlog for future comfortable training.

Before as

buy a running mask

Let's go over popular examples.

Bas Rutten 02 Trainer is one of the first options. But the inconvenience led to the creation of the next instance of Elevation Training Mask 1.0. But after all, a person always wants the best for himself. To date Elevation Training Mask 2.0 has a number of advantages over its predecessors. Aesthetic look. Black and white color for choice. Complete set as described above. Light weight of the item.

You can get a useful item for endurance in any sports shop in your city. If there is no time, turn to the worldwide network. The average price for ordering Training Mask 2.0 on the Internet from official manufacturers is 2990 rubles.

An important point, the use of such an instance is only suitable for more advanced athletes who need a progressive load. If you are a beginner then be sure to read the negative points of use.

Cons of a sports mask for running

Pathology of human health in the region

  • of cardio-vascular system
  • heart disorders
  • frequent fainting
  • brain hypoxia
  • negative respiratory system

In the absence of negative points, it would be best to consult a doctor before use. Having bought a sports respirator, be sure to read the instructions attached to the health product. The brochure describes which exercises are allowed, the combination of valve application. Described what is not recommended. Everything is accessible and understandable.

Equally important is the care of the simulator. Cleaning and washing after use is recommended in running water by hand or use a special spray. Do not dry on batteries or heat. Only in fresh air.

Today, along with you, you got acquainted in detail with the latest technological simulator running mask. With the help of the latter, improve your physical performance, increase endurance and performance in building a beautiful, slender figure. But for starters, beginners, start with an elementary set of exercises. If you want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, which you will find on. Exercise right and eat right. Watch your health and body. If you have any questions, write in the comments, share with friends, love sports. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Sincerely, Sergey. In conclusion, an introductory video on the topic.

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