General and professional massage for newborns. When do newborns get massaged?

Every mother should be able to massage a baby. These are mandatory hygiene procedures that are carried out daily. The general importance of massage movements for the development of the baby is difficult to overestimate. At birth, the baby has full tactile sensitivity. But at the same time, many internal organs and systems are in a state of ongoing development. To help them develop correctly will help the correct methods of massaging the child.

These procedures are useful for relieving muscle hypertonicity, developing sensitivity, improving blood flow and lymph movement, preventing umbilical hernias, strengthening muscles, improving digestion, and hardening the baby.

General principles of massage for infants:

  • the procedure should begin with 10-15 minutes;
  • the child must be completely undressed;
  • massage is done on the hard surface of the changing table, which is covered;
  • hands should be lubricated with baby cream and remove all jewelry;
  • you need to monitor the child's body temperature - if the occipital region is warm, then cold fingers on the arms and legs are not taken into account;
  • talk during a massage with an infant;
  • increase the time of procedures gradually up to 30 minutes a day.

It is strictly forbidden to massage an infant if:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • digestive disorders;
  • immediately after feeding;
  • hernias around the umbilical ring;
  • irritations on the skin;
  • pustules;
  • colds.

Before you begin to constantly massage a baby, consult with a doctor who monitors his condition. Your baby may need special massage techniques to correct a particular condition.

Massage for newborns from what month can I start?

Many parents are wondering from what month you can start doing massage for newborns. In maternity wards, massage for healthy, full-term babies in combination with air baths is provided from the second day after birth. At home, after discharge, massage can be done as soon as the umbilical cord stump falls off. Until this time, it is not recommended to perform any manipulations with the child's body without sufficient experience. Wrong actions of parents can lead to the development of umbilical hernia in the future.

Therefore, wait until the umbilical wound is completely healed and start accustoming the baby to daily massage. In this case, the area around the umbilical ring should be massaged gradually, starting with the capture of the skin around it. Stimulation of skin nerve receptors will help increase the muscle tone of the white line of the abdomen and reduce the risk of umbilical hernia.

Practical techniques for massaging a child

Let's start massaging the baby. To do this, we warm the air in the room to 25-28 ° C. Be sure to wash your hands with baby soap, remove all jewelry. We warm our hands to body temperature. Carefully lay the baby on the changing table and gradually undress. It is best to do massage immediately after waking up the child from sleep and recovering his natural physiological needs.

When the child is undressed, begin to slowly stroke the feet in the direction from the big toe to the heel. It is recommended to carefully knead each finger. There are a large number of reflex points on the foot that stimulate the work of internal organs. Be sure to talk to the child during the procedures, tell him stories, go songs.

  • massage the legs with light stroking movements, in the direction from the foot to the inguinal region, avoiding touching the inner surface of the thigh and groin area;
  • straighten each leg of the child several times, lift the baby and try to put him on his legs, but at the same time keeping the weight of the body on your hands;
  • massage of the handles consists in stimulating the palms for unclenching and a grasping reflex - spread the child's palm, massage the fingers, provoke the child to grab your fingers. After that, by stroking and lightly patting, massage the inner and outer surfaces of the forearm, shoulder girdle;
  • turn the child on the tummy and massage the back, gluteal region with circular stroking movements clockwise and against it - avoid pressure on the spinal column and neck;
  • we complete the massage by turning the baby on its back and lightly stroking movements along the front chest wall, then place your palms on the baby’s tummy and gently knead it with soft circular motions.

How to massage the abdomen with colic?

In infants, at the time of birth, the digestive tract is in a state of ongoing development and restructuring for a new source of nutrition.

In this regard, specific problems can often arise, which are:

  • intestinal colic;
  • bloating;
  • violation of the act;
  • decrease in appetite.

You can help your baby with regular massage of the tummy. You can make a massage with colic only if you have accurate information about the absence of a congenital in a child. To do this, you need to consult a doctor.

In the absence of contraindications, massage of the tummy, laying the baby on the stomach will help normalize the process of intestinal development and prevent the development of negative symptoms. If problems have already arisen, try to make a mass of the abdomen with colic. In some cases, this technique helps. For this:

  • bare the tummy and legs of the baby;
  • put the child on his back on a hard surface;
  • bend the child's legs several times, pulling the knees to the front of the abdomen;
  • in circular motions clockwise, massage first the upper abdomen, then the lower ones;
  • with soft pressing movements, go along the entire course of the intestine - you should start from the right hypochondrium along the diaphragm, then going down and rising around the navel to the stomach area.

Repeat all these mass child techniques 3-5 times. Finish the procedure by laying the baby on the tummy for a few minutes. Combined with other treatments your doctor may suggest, this should help relieve colic and possible bloating.

Every experienced pediatrician and neurologist will tell you that a small child needs a massage. It is about the method of its implementation that will be discussed in the article. You will learn, babies. Also find out what tools are best to use for this.

newborn baby

When a child is born, he is not yet fully prepared for adulthood. Every second crumb has an increased or decreased muscle tone. All this is a consequence of a long stay in the mother's stomach and a feeling of weightlessness.

Many newborn babies are afraid of the movements of their body. They are frightened at a sharp appearance in the face of pens. In order to relieve the tone and teach the baby not to be afraid of their own movements, doctors recommend doing a relaxing massage for babies. Many clinics have special rooms where they offer such services. However, be aware that there are a lot of applicants, and there is a certain queue.

for babies at home

If you do not want to wait for the moment when your time for a massage in a specialized institution comes up, you can start the course yourself. In this case, certain conditions must always be observed:

  • the child should not be sick (measure the temperature and carefully examine the baby);
  • the baby should be full (it is better to feed the baby twenty to forty minutes before the manipulation);
  • the child should be alert (if a massage is done to a tired baby, then he will not like this procedure);
  • with a negative reaction of the crumbs, you need to stop massaging the baby and try again in a few days.

Remember that all your movements should be gentle and accurate. The baby still has very fragile bones, which are more like cartilage. It can be quite easy to damage the baby's arm or leg. What can we say about the neck and abdominal area, where there are no strong muscles yet.

What to do massage?

Baby massage at home should be done with the help of special tools. You can take any or oily cream. Your goal in this case is to make it easier for your fingers to slide over your body. Also, these compositions somewhat warm up the body of the child during the procedure. All this improves blood flow and relieves stress.

If the baby has an allergic reaction to the selected remedy, then it should be changed for a while. In this case, it is better to choose powder without fragrances. Remember that all products must be designed specifically for the child.

What surface to exercise on?

Breast massage is best done on a hard surface. However, you need to create the most comfortable conditions for the baby. In specialized offices are used with a soft coating.

If you have this device at home, it will be much easier. In case of its absence, use the most ordinary kitchen table. However, cover it with a blanket folded several times.

Where to begin?

Massage for babies (6 months or less) must begin with thorough cleansing and warming of the hands. Use antibacterial or baby soap. After that, hold your palms under a stream of warm water. Next, apply a cream or any other chosen remedy on them and rub quickly.

Undress your baby completely. Make sure it doesn't freeze. The optimal temperature in the massage room is 23-26 degrees.

We stretch the legs

Massage of the baby always begins with a warm-up of the feet. Take one leg of the crumbs in your hand. With your free fingers, go over each finger. Make them rotate. After that, go down to the area of ​​​​the pre-finger pad and knead it.

Special attention should be paid to the foot. Massage for a baby with hypertonicity (when the foot is in tension all the time) is done by drawing a figure eight or an infinity sign on the leg. Repeat this movement several times. Next, you need to lightly press on the heel and run your finger along the foot. You will see how the baby spreads his fingers. After that, press on the pad area between the third and fourth fingers. The baby will squeeze the foot intensely. Repeat the manipulation several times.

After warming up the feet, you can move on to the hips. Remember that baby massage involves treating only the outer surface of the leg. There are very important arteries and veins on the inside of the thigh. They cannot be touched. Gently stroke the skin of your leg. Do a few from the bottom up. After that, massage the second leg in the same way.

Tummy massage

How to massage babies in the abdomen? Remember that this place is not yet protected by dense muscles and fat, as in adults. You can not press hard on the stomach and make sudden movements.

Stroke the skin by running your hand up and down. After that, make circular massage movements clockwise. Always avoid the liver area. With light pinching movements, treat the umbilical ring. Next, carry out collecting massage actions from the edges of the abdomen to its center.

Take one leg and, bending it at the knee, pull it up to the navel. After that, do the same manipulation with the second leg.

Arm warm-up

Start with gentle stroking movements from the shoulders to the elbows. In this case, only the outer zone of the hands should be massaged. Pay special attention to each finger and palm. Bend and unbend the handles at the joints. In doing so, always be careful. Remember that all the bones are still very fragile.

Take the baby by the wrists and bring his arms together. After that, lower them along the torso. The next step is to raise your palms up above your head. Repeat these manipulations several times.

If your baby is more than four months old and holds his head confidently, then the following activities can be included in the warm-up of this part. Put your thumbs in the baby's palms. Wait until the baby grabs them tightly. After that, pull your arms towards you and let the baby rise on his own. Such an exercise not only trains the muscles of the peritoneum, but also prepares the child for the first attempts to sit down on his own.

Do I need to stretch my neck?

Massage is carried out in specialized clinics and offices. If you do not have experience and medical education, then it is better not to touch this area at all. Otherwise, instead of benefiting, you can cause even more harm to the child.

You can stretch the neck only with soft stroking movements. At the same time, you should never put pressure on this place and make sharp jerks.

Back massage

After you have completed work with the front of the body, you need to turn the crumbs over. Put the baby on the tummy. If the child is already three months old, then give him the opportunity to roll on his own.

Lubricate the back area with a massage agent. Gently stroke the area of ​​the shoulder blades. At the same time, you can stretch and bend the handles at the joints. The collar area can be processed with light tweezers. Remember not to overdo it. From the lower back, draw a few lightly pressing movements upwards. At the same time, you will notice how the baby is trying to stretch out.

Massage of the hip joints in infants at home is carried out only when there is no pathology. Take one leg by the knee area and turn it so that you get the frog pose. Do the same with the second limb. Toddlers are very flexible, the child should easily take the position you have chosen.


When the massage is over, you need to do light gymnastics. Take the baby by the armpit area and lift it up. Let his feet lightly touch the support. Let your child take a few steps. At the same time, move it forward as if the baby were walking.

Fitball exercises

At the end of the massage, it is worth a little practice on a large ball. Place your baby on your tummy and hold your thigh with one hand. Place your other hand on your baby's back and rock back and forth.

Turn the baby over and repeat the procedure already on the back. Pay close attention to the reaction of the baby. On the first day, he might not like the idea. In this case, it is better to suspend the exercises and continue after a few days.


If you complete the massage of the baby with water procedures, then this will be ideal. Fill the bath with warm water - 33-35 degrees. Put a child in it. Remember that your hands, like your baby's body, can be slippery. That is why everything must be done very carefully.

Move the baby in the water first forward and then back. The bathing process should not take too long. Surely your baby is already tired after the massage. Bathe the baby for no more than five to ten minutes, then wrap it in a warm towel and feed. Most likely, in the process of eating, the child will fall asleep with a sweet dream.

Summing up and a small conclusion

The effect of massage can be noticeable after the first day of classes. The child becomes more calm and attentive. His hands begin to make more conscious, rather than chaotic movements. Sleep becomes strong and deep. The child's appetite improves, and digestion improves.

Many children after a course of training begin to show increased activity: raise their heads, try to sit down and crawl. Remember that massage is a very important stage in the development of every baby. Classes strengthen the immune system, improve mood and bring muscle tone to normal. Massage the baby in a course of ten days, then you will need a break for about two months.

It is difficult to assess the benefits that massage brings to a newborn baby. Touching and stroking stimulate the development and strengthening of the baby's muscles and joints. And tactile contact with the mother itself is a very important part of communication and learning about the world around us.

It is necessary to perform massage for a newborn baby correctly , so we have prepared a detailed step-by-step photo tutorial for you.

Hand massage

1. Stroking handles

Lay the baby on your back. Gently lift his handle, let the baby grab your fingers into a fist.

Make sliding movements from top to bottom (from the hand to the shoulder) and back along the inner and outer surfaces of the shoulders and forearms.

Then you need to alternately bend the arms at the elbows, bringing the fists closer to the chest.

Repeat the exercise on the other hand. Perform on each handle 6-7 times.

2. You should also pay attention to the fingers

Carefully open the baby's fists. Massage each finger separately, moving from the base to the tip.

Massage and chest exercises

1. Stroking the chest and shoulders

The baby lies on his back. We massage the chest, perform smooth movements from the center to the sides, without pressing on the chest.

2. Exercise "crossing arms"

In the supine position. Put your thumb in your palms, grab the baby’s fists with the rest and, slowly, spread your arms to the sides, then cross them on your chest.

Do the exercise 5-6 times.

4. Boxing (4-5 months)

Gently hold the baby's fists, and alternately straighten each handle up, slightly raising the shoulder.

We perform 5-6 times with each hand.

belly massage

1. Massage the tummy in the navel

We massage the tummy, making smooth circular movements around the navel, be sure to go clockwise, trying not to put pressure on the area of ​​the hypochondrium and liver.

Do 6-7 times.

2. Stroking the oblique muscles of the abdomen

Perform oncoming movements with both hands from the sides to the center.

Repeat 4-5 times.

3. Stroking the tummy and barrels

Carefully, without pressing, stroke your fingers from the baby's navel to the sides on both sides of the tummy.

4. Strengthen the press and back muscles

Putting your hands under the back and head of the baby, lift his body without lifting his elbows from the surface of the table. It is necessary to stimulate, let the baby rest on his legs and strain his muscles to rise and sit down.

Repeat 6-7 times at a slow pace.

Let's move on to the legs.

Foot massage

1. We stretch the muscles of the legs

Raise the baby's leg, slightly bend at the knee, with the palm of the other, stroke from the heel to the thigh from the side of the knees, calves, inner and outer sides.

With one hand, you need to hold the child’s leg by the ankle, with the other, grab the leg with your fingers and gently knead from the ankle to the thigh, from the knee to the groin area.

Repeat the exercise on the other leg 4-5 times.

When lifting your knee up, try to press it against your stomach - this movement additionally massages the abdominal organs and develops the hip joints.

Do 7-8 times.

3. Adduction of legs and arms

Take the baby's legs with one hand by the ankles, with the other, grab the handles by the wrists.

Bring the legs to the handles and then slowly take them away.

Do it several times.

It is necessary to stimulate the baby so that he does the stretching himself.

1. Feet should also be given special attention.

Hold the baby’s leg with one hand, stroke and lightly rub with the thumb of the other hand, you can draw a figure eight on the foot.

Then massage each finger separately.

Do the exercise 6-7 times.

Massage the point of the midfoot of the baby especially carefully.

2. Foot massage - reflex

With your thumb, lightly press on the foot at the base of the fingers (between the first and second), the baby reflexively squeezes the fingers.

Then swipe from the outside from the little finger to the heel, the baby reflexively opens his fingers.

3. Sliding steps are considered a very good leg workout.

We hold the baby by the shins, gently bend one leg at the knee. Without taking your feet off the table, we make a sliding movement up the surface, trying to press the lower leg to the buttock.

We perform 5-6 times with each leg in turn, at a smooth pace.

Turn the baby over on the tummy.

1. Back and buttocks massage

We perform strokes, moving from the baby's neck to the buttocks and back.

From top to bottom we stroke with the palms, and from the bottom up - with the outer side of the brush.

Massage the baby's lower back without strong pressure with your fingers.

Run your fingers several times along the spinal column, from the sacrum to the neck and back.

Then you can remove the diaper, and with the touch of your fingers, perform a gentle massage of the buttocks, lower back and hips of the baby.

2. We train the spine

Starting position - on the side. With one hand, hold the baby by the legs, with the fingers of the other hand, stroke the back from the bottom up and back, not forgetting to stroke the shoulder blades and shoulders.

Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Then, from the “lying on the back” position, also holding his legs, encourage the baby to turn on the side in one direction and the other 3-4 times.

Self-massage of the tummy and exercise for the back

1. Laying out on the tummy

After the massage, the child must be laid out on the tummy on the hard surface of the changing table, covered with a diaper.

It is important that the baby holds his chest high, resting his arms on the table, making attempts to crawl.

It is necessary to stimulate him to this by talking with him, showing him interesting toys. You can put your palms under the child's feet so that he rests on his legs - this additionally develops the muscles of the legs, back and tummy, preparing the child for crawling.

Big ball exercises

1. We massage the tummy and strengthen the back on the fitball

It is most convenient to massage the back of the baby on a fitball, and the crumbs themselves really like it.

To do this, you need to put the child on the fitball with his stomach down, spreading his legs with his knees to the sides, closing his feet.

Holding the legs by the ankles with one hand, with the other, you need to gently stroke and knead the muscles along the spine from the bottom up.

Slowly tilt the ball back and forth, then lean to the sides.

This exercise can be done by turning the baby on his back.

Movements should be smooth so that the child is not scared!

1. Perform stepping movements and massage the feet

Take the baby by the armpits and lift him vertically. Let the child firmly rest their feet on the table surface.

Then slowly move the baby, swaying slightly from side to side, so that he takes steps on the table.

Make sure that the baby steps on the entire foot, and not just on the toes.

Take your time! The child must himself push the next leg forward and rest it with his foot on the table.

Many mothers are faced with the fact that pediatricians prescribe or strongly recommend taking a course of massage procedures. Since this procedure is not cheap, besides, most often the little ones react to other people's touches and tantrums, parents question the appropriateness for the baby. Some prefer to learn elementary massage skills in order to avoid stress in the crumbs and maintain it on their own. Do I need a baby massage, at what age can it be done, and how to do it correctly - you will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Why do and what is useful massage for babies

Massage is indicated for all newborns because it:

  • promotes proper physical;
  • reduces the excitation of the nervous system;
  • soothes and relaxes;
  • has a strengthening effect on the muscles;
  • normalizes muscle tone and muscle contractility;
  • develops motor skills;
  • able to eliminate and improve the activity of the digestive tract;
  • improves metabolism;
  • improves blood circulation in the skin.

If the massage is carried out by the mother, then the procedure is also a great way for her to communicate with the baby.

Did you know? Massage is one of the most ancient medical procedures. The process of massaging was captured on images in the tomb of the ancient Egyptian dignitary and great sage Ptahhotep, who lived in the XXV-XXIV centuries BC. e.

He may not like touching the baby with other people's hands and provoke stressful situations. When a baby is stressed, cortisol levels rise at times. This hormone can significantly slow down all processes in the child's body, have a detrimental effect on the immune system and nervous system. Therefore, it is important that the massage is carried out by a loved one.

Important! If parents plan to carry out massage procedures on their own, then they should first of all familiarize themselves with the contraindications to their conduct. It is also necessary to master the correct massaging technique.

When to start massage

Of course, every parent of a newly born baby is interested in how many months you can massage a newborn. For a healthy, timely born baby, massage procedures can begin when he reaches five to six weeks. However, it is important to ask the pediatrician if your child is already ready for stroking and kneading during the next scheduled appointment.
The same applies to premature babies. Usually, massage is recommended for such a baby when he reaches a body weight of 2.5 kg. Permission to conduct massaging must be given by a pediatrician, neuropathologist and orthopedist.

Speaking of the first massage for a child who has not yet reached the age, we mean simple strokes. As for the more intensive techniques included in the complex of classic baby massage, they are not recommended to start before the age 1,5- .

When not to do: contraindications

So, any mother, after the permission of a pediatrician and a neuropathologist, can give her newborn child a massage consisting of the simplest techniques, if not contraindications. The latter include:

  • fever - massage increases blood circulation, which can provoke an additional increase in body temperature;
  • diseases of the skin caused by infections, fungi, accompanied by the release of pus - massaging the body can cause pustules and vesicles to burst and thus provoke the spread of infection;
  • rashes on the skin - additional exposure to the affected areas with hands can lead to pain and further damage to the skin;
  • congenital heart disease (CHD) - a massage procedure, which is an additional burden on a small body, can worsen the patient's condition;
  • blood diseases - massaging can provoke internal hemorrhages under the skin;
  • convulsions, - exposure to the body can provoke seizures;
  • acute stage - for the baby at this time, rest is recommended, and massage will excite him;
  • large - infringement may occur.

Important! Parents can independently conduct only a general strengthening massage. If the baby is shown therapeutic massage procedures, then they can only be carried out by a qualified medical professional..

How to prepare for the procedure

The massage procedure is best done in the morning, between the first and second. Since the thermoregulation of infants is not yet fully established, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the session, because you will have to massage a completely naked body. Therefore, the room should be warm enough, but not stuffy and hot. It is important to ensure that the baby does not sweat, as there is a risk that he will develop. The optimum air temperature in the room is considered to be + 20-22 ° С. Some time before the session, the room must be ventilated.

It is good to carry out the procedure on. In the absence of this, any one that needs to be covered with soft and warm, under which to put a blanket, will do.
In advance, you should worry about buying a special massage oil for babies.

The procedure should be started only in a good mood. Remember that even unintelligent babies clearly read the mood of their parents, especially their mothers. So, if she is annoyed, or her head is filled with thoughts about any problem, the baby will be uncomfortable, and he will let you know about it with crying and discontent.

You can pick up some fun quiet music. During the session, turn it on and sing along.

Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly and then warm them. The first session should last no more than five minutes. In the future, the time can be gradually increased, bringing up to 15-20 minutes.

How to do massage: technique

In order to learn how to conduct massage on their own, parents can contact a visiting nurse or pediatrician during an examination of the baby to show how to do it correctly.
It would be nice if the first procedure took place under the supervision of a medical professional.

Eat two doses which all parents can use without difficulty and special knowledge:

  • stroking;
  • trituration.


Back massage should begin with vertical strokes from the neck area to the buttocks. Then move on to horizontal strokes from the spine to the sides. With your middle and index fingers in a slightly bent position, walk along the spine. Movements should be smooth, light. Each technique should be repeated five to six times.

When massaging the back, be especially careful in the area of ​​​​the kidneys.


The kid will surely like light circular strokes around. It is important to know that this manipulation should be carried out strictly clockwise. It is performed to relax the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and improve intestinal motility. In this case, strong pressure should be avoided.

If the child has, then massaging from the ribs down will help first. Then the simultaneous lifting of the legs clasped by the right hand, and massaging the abdomen with the left hand. Next, you need to press the legs bent at the knees to the tummy. It is advisable to repeat these techniques three to four times a day.

Also on the abdomen, oblique strokes can be made downward from the posterolateral region of the chest to the junction of the hands above the navel. These manipulations are carried out with both palms.

Heads and necks

The neck massage is performed during the back massage. The neck is gently stroked with the inside of the hand, moving from the head to the buttocks. In no case should you press on the neck or make sharp jerks.

The baby will love light strokes of the face. Mom can gently touch her eyebrows, temples, forehead with her fingertips. Then stroke the cheeks in the direction of the ears. Rub your ears lightly.

You can gently stroke, but avoid touching the area.


When massaging the upper limbs, they must be slightly bent. The massage begins with the hand, first the back is stroked, and then the palm. Stroking is carried out from the fingers to the wrist joint.

After the brush, it is necessary to start massaging the hand, while the mother puts her thumb into the baby’s hand, which he grasps with force. The strokes run along the inside of the forearm and then along the outside.

From the hands it is necessary to return to the palms again. This time, rub them. Then do the rubbing of each finger. Finish the massage by rubbing the forearms and shoulders.

Legs and feet

The foot is taken into the palm. With the index finger of the other hand, a figure eight is drawn on it in the direction from the fingers to the heel.

Foot massage is carried out by stroking from the foot to the inguinal zone. The knee joints are bypassed. The legs are in a slightly bent state.

After stroking, you can move on to rubbing. They are held in the same direction - from the foot to the groin.

Both the first and second techniques are repeated four to five times on each leg and foot.

Parents who have decided to independently carry out massage procedures are offered to use several useful tipshow to massage babies:

  1. The procedure must be carried out only on a flat, hard surface, preferably on a table that is covered with something soft, such as a blanket or blanket. , sofa, chair for this purpose will not work. On a soft, springy surface, it will not be possible to achieve the necessary emphasis and pressure.
  2. In order for the child to be comfortable and in a good mood, it is necessary that he does not experience hunger, he is not cold, he does not want to sleep. Therefore, the optimal time for a massage will be 50-60 minutes after and half an hour before the next appointment.
  3. Do not forget to remove all jewelry from your hands before the session. This applies to both rings and bracelets, which can injure or hurt the baby.
  4. If the baby is not in the spirit and is naughty, then it is better to transfer the procedure to another time or another day.
  5. If the baby has a negative attitude to the manipulation of his body, you can try to gradually accustom him, conducting various techniques during the day.
  6. During massaging, it is necessary to constantly talk with the baby, praise him, sing songs to him, etc.
  7. Experts advise starting the massage from the legs, then moving to the arms, then to the stomach, chest and finishing with the back.
  8. All techniques are done from the periphery to the center. Massaging the upper limbs is carried out from the hand to the shoulder, the lower - from the foot to the groin.
  9. Up to three months, massaging is carried out with only one hand. Upon reaching this age, you can connect the second hand.
  10. You should not massage the inner part of the thigh, since there are many nerve endings in this area, as well as the front surface of the lower leg due to too thin skin.
  11. Jog movements are prohibited in the area of ​​the knee joints.
  12. In the abdominal area, the taboo for touching is the right hypochondrium. Here is the liver, touching it can provoke a poor condition of the crumbs.
  13. Taboo for massage - genitals, nipples, navel, fontanel.
  14. Start and end the procedure with strokes.

Important! If mom or dad does not have medical knowledge, then they should not carry out complex massage techniques so as not to harm the health of the child.

Massage is an important healing and restorative procedure that is necessary for babies from 1 month. Parents themselves can carry out simple forms of massage in the form of stroking and rubbing. A greater effect can be achieved if the massage is supplemented with elements.

Every mother should be able to massage a baby. These are mandatory hygiene procedures that are carried out daily. The general importance of massage movements for the development of the baby is difficult to overestimate. At birth, the baby has full tactile sensitivity. But at the same time, many internal organs and systems are in a state of ongoing development. To help them develop correctly will help the correct methods of massaging the child.

These procedures are useful for relieving muscle hypertonicity, developing sensitivity, improving blood flow and lymph movement, preventing umbilical hernias, strengthening muscles, improving digestion, and hardening the baby.

General principles of massage for infants:

  • the procedure should begin with 10-15 minutes;
  • the child must be completely undressed;
  • massage is done on the hard surface of the changing table, which is covered;
  • hands should be lubricated with baby cream and remove all jewelry;
  • you need to monitor the child's body temperature - if the occipital region is warm, then cold fingers on the arms and legs are not taken into account;
  • talk during a massage with an infant;
  • increase the time of procedures gradually up to 30 minutes a day.

It is strictly forbidden to massage an infant if:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • digestive disorders;
  • immediately after feeding;
  • hernias around the umbilical ring;
  • irritations on the skin;
  • pustules;
  • colds.

Before you begin to constantly massage a baby, consult with a doctor who monitors his condition. Your baby may need special massage techniques to correct a particular condition.

Massage for newborns from what month can I start?

Many parents are wondering from what month you can start doing massage for newborns. In maternity wards, massage for healthy, full-term babies in combination with air baths is provided from the second day after birth. At home, after discharge, massage can be done as soon as the umbilical cord stump falls off. Until this time, it is not recommended to perform any manipulations with the child's body without sufficient experience. Wrong actions of parents can lead to the development of umbilical hernia in the future.

Therefore, wait until the umbilical wound is completely healed and start accustoming the baby to daily massage. In this case, the area around the umbilical ring should be massaged gradually, starting with the capture of the skin around it. Stimulation of skin nerve receptors will help increase the muscle tone of the white line of the abdomen and reduce the risk of umbilical hernia.

Practical techniques for massaging a child

Let's start massaging the baby. To do this, we warm the air in the room to 25-28 ° C. Be sure to wash your hands with baby soap, remove all jewelry. We warm our hands to body temperature. Carefully lay the baby on the changing table and gradually undress. It is best to do massage immediately after waking up the child from sleep and recovering his natural physiological needs.

When the child is undressed, begin to slowly stroke the feet in the direction from the big toe to the heel. It is recommended to carefully knead each finger. There are a large number of reflex points on the foot that stimulate the work of internal organs. Be sure to talk to the child during the procedures, tell him stories, go songs.

  • massage the legs with light stroking movements, in the direction from the foot to the inguinal region, avoiding touching the inner surface of the thigh and groin area;
  • straighten each leg of the child several times, lift the baby and try to put him on his legs, but at the same time keeping the weight of the body on your hands;
  • massage of the handles consists in stimulating the palms for unclenching and a grasping reflex - spread the child's palm, massage the fingers, provoke the child to grab your fingers. After that, by stroking and lightly patting, massage the inner and outer surfaces of the forearm, shoulder girdle;
  • turn the child on the tummy and massage the back, gluteal region with circular stroking movements clockwise and against it - avoid pressure on the spinal column and neck;
  • we complete the massage by turning the baby on its back and lightly stroking movements along the front chest wall, then place your palms on the baby’s tummy and gently knead it with soft circular motions.

How to massage the abdomen with colic?

In infants, at the time of birth, the digestive tract is in a state of ongoing development and restructuring for a new source of nutrition.

In this regard, specific problems can often arise, which are:

  • intestinal colic;
  • bloating;
  • violation of the act;
  • decrease in appetite.

You can help your baby with regular massage of the tummy. You can make a massage with colic only if you have accurate information about the absence of a congenital in a child. To do this, you need to consult a doctor.

In the absence of contraindications, massage of the tummy, laying the baby on the stomach will help normalize the process of intestinal development and prevent the development of negative symptoms. If problems have already arisen, try to make a mass of the abdomen with colic. In some cases, this technique helps. For this:

  • bare the tummy and legs of the baby;
  • put the child on his back on a hard surface;
  • bend the child's legs several times, pulling the knees to the front of the abdomen;
  • in circular motions clockwise, massage first the upper abdomen, then the lower ones;
  • with soft pressing movements, go along the entire course of the intestine - you should start from the right hypochondrium along the diaphragm, then going down and rising around the navel to the stomach area.

Repeat all these mass child techniques 3-5 times. Finish the procedure by laying the baby on the tummy for a few minutes. Combined with other treatments your doctor may suggest, this should help relieve colic and possible bloating.