Cystitis during pregnancy causes and treatment. Drug therapy, allowed pills in early pregnancy. Causes of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis is an inflammation of the inner (mucosal) lining of the bladder. Cystitis can be independent disease, and a complication of a number of conditions, most often - diseases of the genitourinary system. In the vast majority of cases, cystitis is caused by bacteria.

Cystitis is the most common disease of the urinary system. The occurrence of cystitis is the most common reason for visiting a urologist, especially among women!

Cystitis occurs in all age and gender groups, however, the incidence of cystitis in females is much higher than that in men: according to statistics, women suffer from cystitis 3-6 times more often. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the lower urinary tract and the less extended urethra in women, which contributes to the penetration of bacteria into the lumen of the bladder in an ascending way.

Among certain population groups, women of reproductive age are most susceptible to cystitis, leading an active sexual life. With age, the incidence of inflammation of the bladder becomes much less, and after 70 years it can be found with equal probability in both men and women. In addition, comorbid conditions and diseases also affect the incidence of cystitis, namely:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Congenital anomalies in the structure of the urinary system.
  3. Immunodeficiency.
  4. Pregnancy.

Cystitis among the population is considered to be a kind of fast-flowing disease that does not leave any consequences, the treatment of which does not present any particular difficulties. In fact, in addition to extremely unpleasant symptoms that reduce the quality of life, cystitis can lead to a number of adverse consequences and complications. In itself, the presence of inflammation of the bladder is a sign of a violation of the body's defense mechanisms against the introduction of infection: after all, it is normal for healthy person the urinary system is sterile. Repeated cases of cystitis lead to structural restructuring of the bladder and ureters, which may subsequently be accompanied by the development of ascending uroinfection, such as pyelonephritis, and this is already extremely dangerous state. In addition, the relationship between the frequency of inflammation of the bladder and the likelihood of developing cancer of this organ has now been proven!

The pathogenesis of cystitis

There are a lot of known causative factors for the development of cystitis, and in principle they can be divided into two large groups: infectious and non-infectious (see table).

infectious factorsNon-infectious factors
bacteriaChemical substances
Chlamydia and mycoplasmaEndocrine-metabolic disorders
Mycobacterium tuberculosisRadiation therapy
Poor treponema

However, despite a variety of factors, main reason development of cystitis are bacteria living in nearby organs: the rectum, vagina, large intestine, and also on the skin. Thus, the body's own flora - E. coli, Proteus or Klebsiella - is the most likely culprit in cystitis. According to what scenario does the disease develop?

The bladder is a hollow organ that communicates with the external environment through the urethra, or urethra. It is through the urethra in the vast majority of cases that microorganisms enter the bladder. Because women have a shorter urethra than men, they are much more likely to get a bladder infection.

However, acute cystitis does not occur in every woman. The thing is that normally the inner surface of the urethra has a very good resistance to bacteria. Substances released by epithelial cells, called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), prevent microorganisms from attaching to the walls of the urethra, and without fixing, microbes are not able to divide and multiply.

Thus, bacteria must overcome this protective barrier in order to enter the urethra. This is possible in the following cases:

  1. The hormonal background of a woman is changed, as a result of which thinning, wilting of the mucous membrane of the urethra and a decrease in its protective properties are observed. A similar mechanism underlies the so-called. postmenopausal cystitis - a chronic inflammation of the bladder that occurs in menopause and is difficult to treat.
  2. In the vagina, which is located in close proximity to the outer part of the urethra, an unusual microflora may develop. Normally, in women, vaginal microorganisms have a pronounced protective influence and do not allow the development of other, pathogenic microbes around them. However, in order for the species composition of the flora to be maintained at a satisfactory level, a good general condition of the organism is necessary, which creates conditions for the normal functioning of this very flora. In some cases, this balance is disturbed.

The most common reasons for this are:

In women, the occurrence of cystitis in the vast majority of cases is associated with inflammation of the cervix or bacterial vaginosis!

Separately, cystitis of pregnant women should be considered, the clinic and treatment of which has its own distinctive features.

Cystitis of pregnant women

About two out of a hundred pregnant women suffer from cystitis, which can be regarded as a fairly common occurrence. In this category of women, cystitis is a multifactorial disease, in the development of which the following are important:

  1. Hormonal reorganization.
  2. Mechanical compression of the pelvic vessels by the growing uterus.
  3. Systemic circulatory disorders.

In general, the mechanism for the development of cystitis in pregnant women is as follows: the growing pregnant uterus presses on the bladder in such a way that the normal evacuation of urine from the bladder is disturbed; in addition, blood stasis occurs, which together sharply reduces protective properties epithelium of the urethra and contributes to the development of infection. The hormonal background in pregnant women leads to the formation of soft tissue edema (which is visible to the naked eye and is one of the signs of pregnancy), including in the pelvic area. This maintains disturbed circulation throughout pregnancy.

In addition, during pregnancy, there is a violation of another phenomenon: the closure of the ureters at the time of urination. Normally, in a person during an attempt to urinate, the ureters contract in the part in which they communicate with bladder. This prevents backflow of urine and infection of the kidneys.

In pregnant women, due to mechanical reasons (compression of the bladder by the uterus), compression of the ureters does not occur. Therefore, urine infected with various pathogens can rise up the ureters to the kidney itself.

In pregnant women, the development of cystitis is dangerous due to the addition of pyelonephritis, so cystitis must be eliminated in a timely manner!

Video - Cystitis during early and late pregnancy

Clinical manifestations of cystitis in pregnant women

In general, the clinic of cystitis in pregnant women does not differ from that in non-pregnant women and consists of the following symptoms:

  1. Painful urination (dysuria). The pain is of a burning character.
  2. The appearance of blood in the last portion of urine (it can be colored brown) - the so-called. terminal hematuria.
  3. Frequent urination (pollakiuria).
  4. Persistent desire to urinate, even with an empty bladder. This symptom testifies to the developed inflammation in the area of ​​the cystic sphincter.
  5. Urination at night (nocturia).

This symptom complex is characteristic of any cystitis during its height. Confirmation of the diagnosis is a general urine test, which reveals a large number of leukocytes (pyuria), mucus, bacteria, altered and unchanged erythrocytes, as well as epithelial cells.

However, given the high likelihood of developing pyelonephritis during pregnancy, the current strategy for the treatment of pregnant women involves early diagnosis of the development of urinary tract infection, even before the development clinical symptoms. To do this, all women during pregnancy should regularly take a urine test to detect bacteria in it (bacteriuria).

If a pregnant woman has bacteriuria in the amount of more than 10 5 pathogens (even in the absence of clinical manifestations of urinary tract infections), this condition is subject to mandatory treatment!

Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women turns into pyelonephritis with a frequency of 20 to 40%, and pyelonephritis, unlike cystitis, can threaten the health of both the mother and the child and requires hospitalization in a therapeutic hospital. That's why early diagnosis asymptomatic bacteriuria so important.

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

If we are talking about cystitis of bacterial origin, then the treatment of this disease is based on antibiotics. At the same time, the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women has a number of features:

  1. The minimum duration of treatment for acute cystitis, according to current recommendations, should be 7 days.
  2. Asymptomatic bacteriuria also requires active antibiotic therapy lasting 3-5 days.
  3. Should be considered Negative influence drugs used on the fetus.

Inflammation of the lining of the bladder, called cystitis, is a very common condition among women. Almost one in five has been ill with it at any age, often more than once, and this is only official information. In fact, many ladies do not go to the doctor, preferring to be treated on their own, which can cause serious consequences.

The period of bearing a baby is very difficult and responsible, any disease at this time can affect the unborn child. Therefore, cystitis during pregnancy should not be ignored, regardless of the gestational age, it must be treated by a specialist using individual treatment regimens taking into account the interests of both the woman and the child.

If you suspect cystitis, you should consult a doctor

Why does inflammation of the bladder develop during pregnancy

The female body is generally more prone to cystitis than the male body. The main explanation for this is the anatomical structure of the urethra, short (3-5 cm) and wide. In addition, it opens directly on the perineum, in close proximity to the vagina and anus, which can be called a natural infectious reservoir.

During pregnancy, the entire body is tuned to bear a child, the hormonal background changes, the amount of secretion from the genital tract increases, later dates the growing uterus begins to squeeze and displace the bladder. In addition, the level of immunity also changes: it decreases, and the female body becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to adverse external factors.

The entrance to the urethra in women is located near the vagina and anus.

All causes of acute cystitis during pregnancy, the development of which is possible at any gestation period, are as follows:

  • invasion of infectious microflora through the urethra, as well as hematogenous (through the blood) or lymphogenous (through the lymphatic vessels) pathways into the bladder; E. coli is most often sown, staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, fungal flora also become pathogens;
  • suppression of immunity, which leads to the activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora;
  • allergic reactions, expressed in inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder (for food, cosmetics and hygiene products);
  • stagnation of urine in the bladder in the last months of pregnancy due to squeezing of the organ by the uterus;
  • prolonged hypothermia of a pregnant woman or, on the contrary, overheating (for example, in a hot bath);
  • insufficient compliance with hygiene measures.

Cystitis in pregnant women becomes more likely if a woman is exposed to negative influences: stress, overwork, the influence of tight underwear or clothes. In addition, if the patient already has a concomitant chronic disease, then the risk of inflammation of the bladder mucosa increases. Also, the possibility of getting sick with acute cystitis increases several times if negative factors act in a complex way during the gestation period.

Stress during pregnancy is an unfavorable factor

The same adverse factors are a provocation of exacerbations of chronic cystitis if a woman becomes pregnant against the background of this pathology. Such situations require heightened attention women to herself and strict adherence to preventive measures, promptly contacting a doctor when the slightest sign troubles, individual medical approach.

How does cystitis occur in pregnant women

The clinical picture of acute inflammation of the mucous membrane develops brightly, all signs of the disease are present immediately. Nerve endings located in the epithelial and submucosal layers react to irritation by forming pain syndrome, dysuric disorders, neuro-reflex failures of urination. Due to the swelling of the mucous membrane, the destruction of the walls of the capillaries and the release of blood cells and protein complexes into the cavity of the bladder, the properties of urine change. Infectious agents that caused the process of inflammation contribute to the activation of cellular mechanisms of immunity and a sharp increase in the number of leukocytes in the affected area. In addition, the process of vital activity of bacteria is accompanied by the production of so-called pyrogenic substances, which cause an increase in body temperature.

Pain with inflammation of the bladder has a characteristic localization

All these mechanisms, according to which cystitis develops during pregnancy and in other periods of a woman's life, determine a very characteristic clinical picture of the pathology. It should be noted that the state of the body of a woman carrying a child predisposes to a more rapid and violent manifestation of symptoms after exposure to adverse factors (from several hours to 1-2 days).

Signs of cystitis during pregnancy in acute course can be expressed as follows:

  • the appearance of sharp and rather intense pain in the lower abdomen, above the pubis;
  • pain worse during urination;
  • the formation of dysuria syndrome, which means a violation of the frequency of urination: they become more frequent many times, a woman is forced to visit the toilet every 20-40 minutes;
  • the amount of urine decreases sharply, sometimes with strong urges, only 20-30 ml of urine is released;
  • after urination, there is a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied;
  • many patients note burning, pain or discomfort in the urethra, which indicates the addition of urethritis;
  • not only the quantity, but also the characteristics of urine changes: it becomes cloudy, it can take on a pinkish tint, impurities of mucus, blood, and pus appear in it;
  • in all cases, the development of an intoxication syndrome is noted: fever (up to 38 degrees), severe weakness and malaise, irritability, drowsiness, loss of appetite.

Urine with cystitis contains various impurities

If the patient has chronic inflammation of the bladder mucosa, then during gestation, exacerbations may develop, and more than once. Symptoms of cystitis in pregnant women during exacerbation of the chronic process are the same as in the acute form of pathology. The only difference is the intensity of the intoxication syndrome. With an exacerbation of chronic inflammation, its signs are slightly smoothed out, and there may not be an increase in body temperature at all.

Features of chronic pathological process in the bladder also lie in the fact that not only the mucous and submucosal layers suffer, but also the muscular membrane. These morphological changes can be significantly aggravated during the gestation period, which is explained by the desire of the woman's body to form a healthy baby, first of all. Therefore, even periods of remission during chronic inflammation during gestation may have clinical manifestations. So, the symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy between exacerbations are noted in the form of discomfort in the lower abdomen and when urinating, a slight increase in going to the toilet compared to individual norm, mild manifestations of intoxication.

Intoxication can be expressed in varying degrees

As soon as a woman discovers the symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy at any time, she should immediately consult a doctor. Late treatment or self-treatment can only harm both the expectant mother and her baby, cause the risk of developing serious complications.

How is cystitis diagnosed during pregnancy?

The initial stage of diagnosis consists in asking a woman for help and studying her complaints by the attending physician: a gynecologist, a therapist (who are then referred, if necessary, to a urologist). At this stage, the nature of complaints, the localization and intensity of pain, the frequency of urination, general well-being, the amount and color of urine are specified. Also, during the appointment, a general examination is performed: the doctor specifies the localization of pain points, irradiation of pain, the condition of the external genitalia (in the gynecologist's office) for the presence of vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, colpitis, which can cause the development of cystitis.

The next diagnostic step is laboratory testing. Clinical Analysis blood will show the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, not only in the bladder. This will be evidenced by an increase in ESR, a sharp increase in the number of leukocytes with a shift towards young cell forms. A general urine test will allow you to find out the concentration and pH of urine, the presence of salts and impurities, the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelial cells, bacteria and protein. More accurately determine the content of bacteria and their type will help microscopic examination urine. In some cases, when antibiotic therapy is still planned during pregnancy (in severe cystitis), a microbiological study of urine is carried out and the sensitivity of the microflora to antibiotics is determined.

Microscopy of urine sediment is quite informative

Any instrumental diagnostic methods that can even slightly injure a woman's organs or adversely affect them are not used. This applies to cystoscopy, radiography, computed tomography, angiography with the use of contrast agents. During pregnancy, only ultrasound scanning is allowed, which is absolutely harmless to the baby and his mother. On the monitor of an ultrasound machine during acute cystitis or exacerbation of a chronic one, it is possible to diagnose thickening of the walls of the bladder, the presence of residual urine.

Is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy

Not a single woman is immune from the appearance of signs of acute inflammation of the bladder during the gestation period. Of course, you should strictly follow all preventive measures, do not overcool, do not contact with infectious patients, and observe hygiene. But the risk of developing cystitis always remains.

The combination of pregnancy and cystitis is very undesirable in any trimester, as it will require mandatory medical measures that will put an additional burden on the body of the mother and fetus. But the main thing that is dangerous for cystitis during pregnancy is the spread of infection to other internal organs and systems of a woman, as well as the effect on the body of the unborn child through the penetration of microflora through placental barrier.

Due to the fact that the infection affects the kidneys in an ascending way, the development of pyelitis, pyelonephritis is possible. And these pathologies, as you know, can lead to premature birth, slowing down the development of the child, the formation of intrauterine infection in him.

Of the instrumental methods during pregnancy, ultrasound is indicated

The situation is also dangerous if the inflammation of the bladder has a chronic or recurrent course. Many women who want to give birth to a baby are wondering if it is possible to get pregnant with cystitis and how cystitis affects pregnancy if it occurs in a chronic form. As for the possibility of getting pregnant, with cystitis it does not decrease at all. But it is very important to do pregnancy planning, which will ensure a more physiological course of the period of gestation and childbirth. It is necessary to try so that conception occurs 2-3 months after cystitis, or acute, or the last exacerbation chronic form pathology.

Despite the presence of a diagnosis of chronic cystitis in a pregnant woman, she is capable of normal timing give birth healthy child. To do this, you should be regularly observed and examined, as well as strictly follow all the prescriptions and prescriptions of the doctor.

Cystitis is not an obstacle to the birth of a healthy baby

How to treat pathology

The choice of a method for treating cystitis during pregnancy is difficult, compared with the possibilities of therapy in other periods of a woman's life. After all, it is necessary to choose methods and drugs that will not harm the baby. Very strict restrictions apply to antibiotics, they can only be used in the form of intravesical injections (but sometimes, in severe cases of the disease, the injection of these drugs is considered). There is also a dependence of treatment methods on symptoms and their severity. From general recommendations it is possible to note the observance of bed and drinking regime, as well as restrictions on the diet of a pregnant woman. For more information about the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy, you can
Besides, Special attention should be given different ways traditional medicine. A huge variety of means, their effectiveness proven for centuries, extremely rare side effects- Here strengths this treatment method. ABOUT folk recipes that help get rid of cystitis without harm to the mother and fetus, you can.

It is not only possible to cure cystitis during pregnancy, it is necessary to ensure normal development baby and physiological childbirth. Therefore, at the first sign of illness, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Urinary tract infections during pregnancy are not uncommon, as they affect about 10% of all women in the position. In addition, they are dangerous for the mother and fetus, can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Pregnancy is a definite physiological state, in which the body undergoes various anatomical, physiological and hormonal changes, which are the causes of an increased risk of infection for a woman.

What is cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder after harmful bacteria enter it, which causes frequent urination and other complications. Up to 1.3% of expectant mothers have this disease. Therefore very actual question: "what can be taken for cystitis in a pregnant woman"?

Approximately 75 to 80% of cystitis cases are caused by a single bacterium, E. coli. Other common pathogens are streptococci, enterococci, and staphylococci. These organisms are commonly found in the vagina, colon, and perineum. Problems begin when these infections enter the urethra. This can happen during intercourse. Infections can travel from the urethra to the bladder.

Some features can make a person more prone to cystitis:

  • sexual acts;
  • use of instruments in the urinary tract (catheterization during childbirth);
  • sickle cell disease;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • weak immunity.

Having this disease, every woman can become pregnant. Doing so is not recommended. First you need to undergo treatment, which does not last very long.

In addition, you should especially carefully monitor personal hygiene, drink enough water.


Hematuria (blood in the urine) may appear subfebrile temperature and pain in the pubic symphysis. Similar symptoms observed in urethritis.

As a rule, there are the following symptoms:

  • need for frequent urination;
  • the need to urinate immediately;
  • delay in starting the flow of urine;
  • painful urination.

In non-pregnant women, the disease is milder and rarely causes complications. However, during pregnancy, acute cystitis can quickly develop into pyelonephritis. This, in turn, can cause preterm labor and sepsis. Also, cystitis can be a consequence of exposure to liquids with high temperature on the mucous membrane of the bladder.


First episoded cystitis can usually be treated with a three-day course of antibiotics. If there are relapses, it will take 7 to 10 days to recover.

Treatment of urinary tract infections during pregnancy is very individual and depends on the type of infection that triggered the disease. These should be chosen antibacterial drugs, which do not cross the placental barrier and therefore do not harm the fetus. Usually, treatment is started immediately after urinalysis, and may be adjusted subsequently, according to bacteriological culture. It lasts from 3 to 10 days.


Perhaps treatment with candles during pregnancy. There are several advantages and disadvantages of such therapy. Their main advantage is the ability to be absorbed into the blood very quickly. This is achieved due to the fact that they do not pass through the liver. This makes the treatment most effective. And also from candles the work of the digestive system is not disturbed. They rarely contain such a large number of auxiliary components as tablets.

  • Hexicon is an antiseptic that is used on early dates;
  • Betadine has antibacterial properties and wide range actions;
  • Polygynax is a drug that can eliminate inflammation in the bladder. Recommended early.

Candles also have disadvantages. Some of their components can cause irritation of the mucous membranes. This is accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina or anus (depending on the area of ​​application). However, not all drugs have this side effect.


Tablets are often prescribed for cystitis. They are convenient to take, in addition, it is impossible to make a mistake in dosages.


A popular drug for the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women is kanefron. These are orange round biconvex tablets.

Each of them contains 18 mg of ground vegetable raw materials:

  • lovage root;
  • centaury;
  • rosemary leaves.

And also there are excipients in kanefron. It does not contain chemical elements, but rosemary and lovage in some cases can cause an increase in tone. Therefore, it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Kanefron can eliminate edema and inflammation in the bladder.


Cystone is also used to treat cystitis.

In their composition, the tablets have many extracts of medicinal herbs:

  • bicarp;
  • madder heart-leaved;
  • osma bracts;
  • basil;
  • mimosa bashful;
  • field horsetail and others.

And also in the composition of the drug there are some excipients. Cystone contributes to the normal outflow of urine, relieves spasms and inflammation.


Furagin is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis.

This is an antimicrobial agent. After taking the medicine, furagin is quickly absorbed into the blood, the active substance enters the lymphatic system and prevents the spread of harmful microorganisms. The tablets contain the active substance furazidin and excipients.


There are some antibiotics that may be prescribed during pregnancy. They can only be taken with a doctor's prescription.


A popular remedy for cystitis. Absorption of the drug occurs quite quickly, and side effects are minimized. The drug should be drunk only on an empty stomach (at least 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal). Simultaneous use with food impairs the absorption of the drug.

It is necessary to observe the number of doses and the duration of the course of therapy recommended by the doctor. No need to drink juice, tea, milk, lemonade. This can significantly reduce the activity of the active substance up to complete inactivation. If there is pain in the joints after taking the drug, the drug should be stopped immediately.

Side effects may occur, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and bitter taste in the mouth. They usually disappear after discontinuation of the drug. It has a wide spectrum of action, the course of treatment is usually 3 days.


Most often prescribed by doctors during pregnancy. The course of treatment consists of only one dose. The drug is able to relieve inflammation, effectively fight cystitis. However, it is completely harmless.

It is released in powder form. After ingestion, the active substances are rapidly absorbed into the human intestine. After a few hours, you can observe its highest concentration in the blood. Within 80 hours, the agent is contained in the urine, killing even very resistant bacteria.


It is a mixture of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, has antibacterial properties. It is acceptable to use the product during breastfeeding.

Amoxicillin prevents bacteria from forming cell walls, which are vital for their survival.


It is important to drink enough, during urination, the bladder must be completely emptied. As a preventive measure, drinking cranberry juice every day can be helpful. It is believed to prevent common bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls.

You should get rid of the habit of sitting on the toilet, leaning forward and reading while urinating. Better to sit up straight or lean against a wall. This posture is more suitable for ensuring complete emptying of the bladder.

People with a catheter are susceptible to the occurrence of the disease. Small damage during its change can increase the risk of infection. And also infection often occurs during sexual intercourse. It is recommended to empty the bladder immediately after it. If you plan to become pregnant, then you should first pass tests in order to pass necessary treatment until the moment of conception.

Cystitis is pretty unpleasant disease which is very common among pregnant women. Its treatment is not something archa-complex, but it requires a certain approach and consistent methods. And today we will tell you about how to treat cystitis during pregnancy. However, first, let's deal with the definition of cystitis.

Cystitis is an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the bladder.

There are many causes for cystitis. Here are the main and most common causes of inflammation of the bladder mucosa.

The main causes of cystitis during pregnancy:

  • hypothermia;

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, including STDs (sexually transmitted diseases);

  • Untreated urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);

  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder, stagnation of urine;

  • Cystoscopy (instrumental examination of the bladder);

  • Congenital pathologies of the bladder;

  • bladder injury;

  • Wearing tight underwear made of artificial materials;

  • Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene.

The main symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy
Very often, women do not attach due importance to the symptoms of cystitis, especially if they are short-lived. As a result, the sluggish inflammatory process turns into chronic cystitis which in turn can lead to serious kidney disease. It is necessary to consult a doctor, pass general blood and urine tests if you observe the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty urinating (sometimes or constantly);

  • Rezi, itching, burning during urination;

  • Chills, fever;

  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;

  • Urge to urinate when the bladder is empty.

You should be aware that the above symptoms can indicate both cystitis and inflammatory kidney disease, bladder pathology, STDs.

Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy

By self-medicating, we may be able (for a while) to remove painful symptoms, but the cause of the disease is not eliminated, and the disease will return again. Let's not risk our health, because only a urine and blood test (perhaps repeated) will help establish the correct diagnosis. This is especially true for expectant mothers, because for them regular monitoring of urine and blood tests throughout pregnancy is mandatory.

Pregnant women are often diagnosed with cystitis. This may be a consequence of chronic cystitis, acquired before pregnancy, or due to specific changes in the body of the expectant mother. Hormonal changes, daily increase in the pregnant uterus, hormonal exacerbation bacterial infections urinary tract - all this can cause acute or chronic exacerbation cystitis during pregnancy.

How to avoid cystitis during pregnancy? Here are some safe tips and tricks:

  • A disciplined visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist and other narrow specialists (upon recommendation), a planned ultrasound scan, delivery of all necessary analyzes.

  • Regular and immediate bladder emptying. Even if the urges happen every 15 minutes, in no case should you endure - the pregnant uterus presses on the bladder, the ureters also press, hence the frequent urges. With stagnation, urine becomes infected, and the inflammatory process will not take long.

  • Strictly follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Do not abuse panty liners which is quite common in women. Use them only when absolutely necessary, changing them at least every half hour.

  • Exclude from the diet fried, smoked, spicy. Surprisingly, but such food can provoke cystitis!

  • Visit the dentist for sanitation oral cavity. It is impossible to put fillings, crowns, remove a nerve during pregnancy (this should be taken care of before pregnancy). The dentist will treat the teeth with fluoride, silver, which will delay the development of caries.

  • Refuse during pregnancy from nylon tights and tight underwear made of synthetics. Just forget about thongs for 9 months! It is this narrow strip that carries microbes, bacteria, E. coli (!) to the bladder and birth canal, through which your baby will be born very soon!

  • Do not neglect the doctor's recommendations regarding physical education for pregnant women. The specialist will develop an individual program taking into account the duration of pregnancy, your physical fitness and existing diseases. But even if you are categorically against physical education for pregnant women, do one simple and safe exercise recommended by obstetrician-gynecologists and urologists. It's very simple: lean on your elbows and knees (knee-elbow position or, as urologists call it, the "broken birch pose") and stay in this position for 5 to 15 minutes 2-3 times a day. Already after the first attempt, you will feel significant relief in the spine, lower back, and abdomen. The whole secret is that the pregnant uterus, which squeezes the bladder, ureters, kidneys, spine and intestines as it grows, relaxes in this position. All organs of a pregnant woman in this position function normally: the kidneys eject portions of urine into the ureters, the focus passes freely into the bladder, there is no stagnation of urine, the kidneys breathe, and the spine is resting. As for the uterus itself, this position is also useful and comfortable for her - your baby is like in a cradle.

  • Avoid hypothermia. Take prenatal vitamins as advised by your doctor.

  • Avoid mass gatherings of people during the flu and SARS (and at any other time), as the future mother does not need too noisy and numerous society.

  • During sexual intercourse during pregnancy, it is advisable to protect yourself with a condom. Do not forget that a condom protects not only from pregnancy, but this case it doesn’t scare you, of course, but also from STDs, bacteria, fungi that can harm both the expectant mother and the child (up to termination of pregnancy). It should be noted that foreign microflora (even healthy) can cause irritation and inflammation in a pregnant woman.

What to do if you were diagnosed with cystitis during pregnancy?
Currently, there is a wide choice medicines for the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women. Basically, these are drugs based on medicinal plants. And yet, the most important thing here is not to miss the very First stage diseases in order to start treatment on time, to prevent complications and the development of a chronic form. Therefore, if a woman feels pain, pain, burning during urination, and, moreover, elevated temperature body, it is necessary to visit a doctor, not postponing it for a day.

The basic principles of treatment of cystitis detected in time are the removal of inflammation, cleansing the urinary tract and, if necessary, strengthening the immune system. Phytotherapeutic preparations, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic preparations based on medicinal herbs, as well as vitamin complexes, do an excellent job with all this.

Here is a list of some herbs that are safe to use during pregnancy:

  • Bearberry (bear ears) has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.

  • Lingonberry leaves, as well as birch leaves and buds, have anti-inflammatory, weak diuretic and antimicrobial effects. Contain essential vitamins and micronutrients.

  • Horsetail, has a similar effect as lingonberry leaf.

  • In tablet form, pregnant women are prescribed the drug "Kanefron" it consists of: lovage root, rosemary leaves and centaury herb. Kanefron not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also has an antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect.

  • With aching pains in the lower abdomen, along with the listed remedies, you can use papaverine in suppositories (rectally) up to 5 suppositories per day. Papaverine has an antispasmodic effect, relaxes smooth muscles internal organs Helps with mild constipation.

You need to know that some herbs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy.- parsley root leads to uterine hypertonicity, which can cause miscarriage, premature birth. Strawberries and juniper fruits lead to uterine contractions, which can also lead to miscarriage.

The drug "Fitolizan" is also based on medicinal herbs, but it includes parsley root. According to the doctor's indication, you can use it, but you need to make sure that there is no acute inflammation in the kidneys and uterine hypertonicity. Cowberry and cranberry fruit drinks are very useful and tasty, they also have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic effects.

Diet for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system (cystitis) in pregnant women limits the use of: salt, spices, fatty and smoked. Sometimes dairy products are limited (if protein is found in the urine). If you haven't ignored anxiety symptoms and turned to the doctor in time, starting treatment - you will defeat cystitis quite easily. Yes, it is possible that after a while, you will have to repeat the course of herbal medicine, but this will already be a consolidation of the result and prevention of inflammation.

If you have already been diagnosed chronic cystitis, it is advisable to plan a pregnancy, and at the same time prepare it in advance for gestation and childbirth. Visit a gynecologist, nephrologist and urologist. Check urine, blood, smear tests. For any identified pathologies, strictly follow the advice of doctors you trust. Drink a course of multivitamins "Complivit" and "Triovit". Your task is to remove the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, not to allow the infection to rise to the kidneys.

But even if the pregnancy came unexpectedly, and you did not have time to prepare the body with chronic diseases, not a single competent doctor will recommend that you terminate the pregnancy just because you have chronic cystitis. There are a sufficient number of drugs that can be used during pregnancy. The task of the doctor is to choose the drug that is right for you (taking into account the duration of pregnancy, tolerability and general condition body) to remove inflammatory processes and fixing the result (prevention of exacerbations) throughout the pregnancy.

Regular monitoring by an obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist and timely treatment of an exacerbation that has begun will allow you to cure cystitis during pregnancy at any stage!