What do you need to wash your baby? The initial stage of bathing. Water temperature and quality

Sometimes you can hear the bewildered question of a young mother about what is the purpose of bathing a newborn if he almost does not get dirty. Water procedures for the baby have a slightly different meaning - they contribute to the physical and psychological development are beneficial and good mood. Bathing in the bath before bedtime helps the baby relax and calm down, despite a short time held in water.

Bathing vs Bathing - What's the difference?

With bathing a newborn, ordinary hygiene has nothing to do, except for the presence of water in both procedures. Hygiene includes:

  • washing away;
  • washing;
  • washing baby.

All this is necessary in order to make the baby cleaner. Parents will need:

Bathing a baby is not just a cleansing procedure, but also a relaxing one that improves the tone of the whole body.

The process takes only 5 minutes in the morning, and much more time is needed to bathe a newborn baby. You need to bathe a little one for several reasons:

  1. In a mini bath or big bath the baby has a feeling of calm and comfort, because swimming reminds him of his own recent existence in his mother's tummy.
  2. Due to the low pressure of the water during bathing, the child receives the necessary physical activity.
  3. The newborn develops new skills: emotional, tactile, communicative.
  4. Improves metabolism and appetite.
  5. Bathing a baby can be turned into a hardening procedure if the temperature is set correctly.

Regular water procedures are an excellent prevention. colds. This is what distinguishes bathing from daily washing.

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It is possible and necessary to wash a child from the first days after his birth. It is important to monitor the condition of the eyes, ears and nose, and also to prevent diaper rash under the diaper. Bathing the baby in running water and a large bath is prohibited until the umbilical wound is completely healed.

It usually heals 2 weeks after the baby is born. Until then, parents should stick to the alternative:

  1. Bathing a newborn is carried out in a special bath using chilled boiled water (we recommend reading:).
  2. You can not bathe the little one, but wipe the contaminated places every day with gentle wet wipes.

It is advisable to boil water long before bathing the baby, so that it has time to cool. It is better to measure the temperature not with the elbow, but with a special thermometer, since the baby's skin is thin and sensitive.

After final healing umbilical wound bathing a newborn can be carried out as usual. Do not confuse the concepts of "wash" and "bath". Water procedures can become fun and useful occupation if you follow the rules:

  1. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky recommends immediately let the child in a big swim in a spacious bath. For him, this will be a real adventure, because there you can flounder from the heart, grab toys and watch them. The water in the large tub cools down for a long time, so bathing a child can last for half an hour. The energy expended and exercise stress will allow the baby to fall asleep quickly and soundly, without disturbing the parents at night. The more space, the more intense the stimulation of work. internal organs and various muscles.
  2. For baby bathing no more need for boiled chilled water, because after the allotted 2 weeks, this is considered unreasonable and impractical. However, the water in the bath must be clean and without impurities that are visually noticeable. If the water quality is poor, it is advisable to install filters.
  3. If made from regular bathing newborn fascinating process, the baby will be happy to wait for the moment when it will be possible to swim. It is not easy to hold the head of a little one without a break for 30 minutes, so special swimming circles and caps will be wonderful helpers for parents. The circle is fastened around the neck, preventing the head from falling in and the mouth from accidentally swallowing water. Along the entire perimeter of the cap there are pieces of foam that hold the child's head well above the surface of the water.

Older babies love to swim with toys. Parents of such children can combine swimming with useful developmental activities.

Free swimming should not be feared, despite the admonitions of the older generation about the risk of water getting into the child's ears. Structure auricle does not allow water to penetrate too deep, it flows back freely without causing absolutely no harm. After the water procedure, it is enough to gently blot the ears.

Optimum temperature

The temperature regime must be changed gradually, depending on how long the baby has been swimming. At the first swim 33-34 C is considered the most suitable temperature. It should be borne in mind that the data are indicated for a large space in which the baby can swim, flounder and be active.

Convenient time for water procedures

It is necessary to introduce the tradition of bathing the baby before evening feeding, which precedes sleep. For adults, bathing a baby is fun, but for the participant himself, it is real sport. The calories expended and the load cause two main desires: to eat and rest.

For children under one year old, it is quite normal from the age of 4 months to sleep soundly throughout the night without disturbing the mother with a request to feed. The duration of bathing the baby in this case should be at least half an hour, and in the evening the little one should definitely eat tightly. Time for water procedures set by the parents themselves, based on their own schedule.

Is diving dangerous?

There is nothing wrong with bathing a newborn, even if he accidentally goes under water for a few seconds. Children in the first months of life have unique reflex: as soon as water enters Airways, the resulting spasm does not allow her to go further. There is absolutely no chance of choking. Blocked access to important bodies respiratory system, so the baby can not physically grab water. With a long stay under water, the baby is threatened with a lack of oxygen, and not an abundance of water.

The baby holds its breath when immersed reflexively, so do not be afraid to dip it into the water with your head. Being in the familiar element, the baby rejoices and swims with pleasure

In the process of bathing a child, it helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents the development of fear of water. In the absence of regular diving, the innate reflex of holding the breath disappears after 2-2.5 months from the moment the baby is born.


Suitable for bathing a newborn pure water, but if you want to diversify the process, you should add a herbal decoction:

  1. measure with a glass, pour into a clean glass liter container.
  2. Fill completely with boiling water and leave until the evening. Water should be at the top edge of the jar.
  3. Before bathing the baby, strain the broth through cheesecloth and add to the bath.

For relaxation and potassium permanganate do not have much therapeutic effect. Potassium permanganate crystals can cause skin burns, so it should be diluted to a slightly pink hue, but this solution is not anti-inflammatory. Composition over rich color can burn the mucous membrane of the eye, so it is undesirable to take risks.

Soothing fees, which are often prescribed by pediatricians, have a beneficial effect exclusively on mothers. Children's doctor Komarovsky sincerely does not understand why this is being done. So far, no one has canceled the placebo effect, so after bathing a newborn in such a decoction, many mothers sincerely consider their children to be calmer.

The main stages of the procedure

It is important to develop a plan and stick to it. The baby may not like the changes, and the regime will set you in a favorable mood:

  1. Everything needs to be prepared necessary items and means for bathing a child while he lies in a crib - this is much better than then rushing around the apartment with a toddler in his arms in search of a missing component.
  2. Before bathing the baby, it is advisable to wash it and only then immerse it in the bath.
  3. If the baby went on a big swim, it is enough to lightly hold his head, holding his chin and the back of his head. The ears can be in the water, and only the face remains on the surface. There is nothing dangerous in bathing a child, because there is a lot of fat in the baby’s body, hence the increased “buoyancy”. Children infancy they hold very well on the water, so a little support is enough.
  4. When bathing a child in a baby bath, it is necessary to hold him so that his head rests on the forearm of an adult. For convenience, it is desirable to use a fabric or plastic slide.
  5. First you should bathe the baby, and then wash it, starting from the upper body, moving towards the legs. The head is also washed last.

Among the rules for bathing a newborn there is a wonderful exercise that stimulates development:

  1. Holding the baby by the back of the head and chin, roll the “eights” on the water.
  2. Let him push off with his legs from the sides when he rests against them.
  3. Turn over on your tummy and swim in reverse side(We recommend reading:).

Such exercises can be seen on popular videos that young parents post on the Internet. It is desirable to bathe several times a week, not forgetting about hygiene rituals every day. It is not recommended to organize water procedures immediately after a meal, since the little one will be capricious, besides, it is harmful to health and the digestive system.

After bathing, the child must be removed from the water, wrapped in a warm towel and gently patted the body. Do not wear a hat or dry sparse hairs with a hairdryer. It is enough to feed the baby and put him to bed.

Probably, the biggest controversy, fears and concerns among young parents are caused by such a seemingly harmless process as bathing a newborn.

At the same time, disagreements arise literally at every stage of this procedure. To avoid debate, dissatisfaction and misunderstanding, let's look at the whole process in detail, trying to find a logical explanation for each postulate.

When to start swimming

First of all, it is very important to know when you can start bathing your newborn. Dates for the start of water procedures healthy child depend only on the date of the BCG vaccination. You can start bathing your baby no earlier than a day after vaccination.

What time of day to bathe

Bathing can take place at any time of the day. However, traditionally evening hours are chosen for this, when parents can give the process maximum attention.

In addition, evening bathing is also beneficial because the water "washes away" all the overexertion from the child, promotes relaxation, calms and significantly increases appetite before evening feeding. By the way, this is very important point- bathing the newborn should take place immediately before feeding.

How often to bathe

As for the frequency of bathing, it is unequivocally determined here that the baby should be bathed daily, since this is not only important, but also an element of the so-called "soft".

How long to bathe

Water procedures should be started from 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the bathing time to 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to continue water procedures longer if they take place in, because the small amount of water that is in it will cool down during this time.

What to bathe in

Another issue that should be resolved before bathing is where, in fact, to bathe a newborn: in a baby bath or in a large bath. The following arguments speak in favor of a baby bath:

  • it is easier to keep clean;
  • one parent can bathe the baby;
  • the bath can be marked on a stand in such a way that participants in the process do not have to lean low.

However, the baby bath is not without its drawbacks. Firstly, it takes up a lot of space, and secondly, the baby will grow out of it very quickly.

What to add to water

Further, when the "organizational" issues are resolved, we move on to more important and significant points. Pediatricians have not come to a consensus on the need to boil water for bathing and add a solution of potassium permanganate to the font.

Therefore, the conduct of these preparatory activities is at the mercy of the parents. If parents are calmer when the water in which their baby will bathe has gone through the boiling procedure, and the pale pink solution inspires confidence that the water is absolutely safe for the umbilical wound, then no one will convince them otherwise.

However, it should be remembered that a solution of potassium permanganate is prepared in a separate container and only then, through gauze folded several times, is added to the bath. This is necessary to avoid getting potassium permanganate crystals into the bath, which can cause burns to both the skin of the newborn and the mucous membrane of the eyes.

What to prepare for swimming

Before bathing, you should check that the room is warmed up to 22-24˚С, the water has a temperature of 37˚С, a jug with a volume of one and a half liters is prepared, there is baby soap, baby oil and cotton swabs.

How to bathe a newborn

We proceed directly to the bathing process itself. We undress the child in the room where the bathing will take place. We lower it into the water, holding the head and back with the left hand, and the legs and buttocks with the right hand.

We lower the newborn into the water carefully, holding it in such a way that the head and shoulders are above the surface of the water. We rinse the baby's hands and arms, then the feet and legs.

We pour water on the tummy, not forgetting to give Special attention cervical, axillary and inguinal folds. Once a week, wash the back of the baby with soap, turning it over on its stomach and lifting it above the water.

Use of soap and shampoo

It should be emphasized that one should not abuse chemicals. Two or three baths with soap per week are enough. In this case, you should choose a baby soap with a neutral pH level. Can be used instead of soap cereals, which are placed in a linen bag each time before bathing.

What to do after swimming

After bathing the newborn, rinse with water from a jug and lay on a diaper with terry towel, not wiping, but blotting (start from the head).

Then we process the folds with baby oil. If there , . Next, we dress the baby, also starting from the head.

Crib for moms

You can bathe the baby one day after the BCG vaccination.

Bathe your baby before feeding.

The air temperature in the room is 22-24˚С.

Water temperature - 37˚С.

The time of the first bathing is 2-3 minutes. Further 5-10 minutes.

Baby soap is used 2-3 times a week.

Shampoo is used from 3-4 months 1 time per week.

A young mother (especially if the child is the firstborn in the family) often does not know how to properly approach such a process as bathing a newborn baby.

In this article, we will try to figure out how bathing a baby properly what requirements to comply with and what means to use.

Usually, at the first and subsequent examinations, pediatricians give recommendations for bathing. But once again we repeat, from what time should water procedures be started.

If the child is healthy, the birth took place on time, and the baby is full-term, then bathing can be started immediately after arrival from the hospital. But with caution, because the umbilical wound has not yet healed. If the wound is very wide, then you should refrain from bathing for the first month. It is enough to wipe the baby's skin with a damp soft cloth.

Use baby soap with care. Be sure to look at the label for what age the detergent is intended for. If you are not sure, it is better to do with plain water. After all allergic reaction very dangerous at that age.

Bathing facilities and facilities

Conduct baby water treatments possible in any room. The main thing is that it is warm and no drafts. And there you can choose according to your convenience: in the bathroom, in the kitchen or right in the children's room. Moreover, the ambient temperature should not be less than 21 degrees.

Bathing water should be 37-38 degrees, no more and no less. IN cold water the child may freeze, and in the hot it will be uncomfortable for him.

Very often, young mothers are taught to check the temperature of the water with their elbow. It is not right. The elbow is not such a sensitive part of the body to determine exactly 37 or 38 degrees. Be sure to use a thermometer to avoid unnecessary problems and nerves. Let's say from experience that if the baby does not like bathing for the first time, then with each hygiene procedure the whole process will turn into a torment for both you and the baby.

It is better to bathe the baby in a specially purchased bath. But you can't use it for something else. Don't hesitate to wash clothes in it.

Some bathing a newborn in a large tub. But there are several significant drawbacks here:

  • A large bathtub will have to be very thoroughly washed and disinfected each time, even if the adults who use the shared bathroom are completely healthy (which happens infrequently). The slightest infection can cause big problems with health. After all, a small organism is not yet adapted to deal with serious threats.
  • You will have to bathe the child in a very uncomfortable position, bending low over the tub. It is good if dad or grandmother helps to bathe. But it will be problematic for one mother to do this: you need to keep the baby on weight, and even at the same time manage to lather and wash off the soap from the skin.
  • Large amounts of water can frighten a newborn.

After bathing, use moisturizers made specifically for newborns (creams, moisturizing gels, or milks). They are usually hypoallergenic and do not contain any harmful impurities.

How often should a newborn be bathed?

Traditionally, it is believed that bathing should be done daily. For example, before going to bed. But there are caveats in this issue: baby's skin is very sensitive, and daily water treatments can cause severe dryness and irritation. Is it that dirty infant? Yes, and with the condition that after a bowel movement you will wash it away.

Many doctors advise bathing a newborn 2-3 times a week, and the rest of the time, wipe the folds with a damp cloth dipped in warm water.

In summer, when it is hot, the number of bathing can be increased. After all, with more high temperature air, the baby can sweat a lot. Do not forget to wipe the places behind the ears, in the groin, under the arms - where sweat and sebum accumulate.

Can sometimes be used for bathing various additives based on herbs. But you need to use folk remedies (such as chamomile, lemon balm) only after talking with a pediatrician.

When and how long should a baby be bathed?

Immediately after returning from the hospital, bathing the child should not be delayed for more than 5 minutes. By three months, the duration of being in the water can be increased to 15 minutes.

Bath time is usually scheduled for the evening. But sometimes it happens that water procedures only invigorate the baby, and he does not want to fall asleep in any. Then transfer this process to the day, for example, after lunch.

How to wash a newborn?

Today, cosmetic companies offer wide range products intended for babies. These are means for bathing, and means for the skin after water procedures. You can also use decoctions of herbs, so to speak folk remedies. Once again, herbs should be used with great care after consulting a specialist.

  • To reduce inflammation or irritation, you can use decoctions of chamomile or calendula.
  • If the baby is too restless, then you can prepare a bath with lemon balm, mint or lavender. Valerian is sometimes used, but this herb has enough bad smell which the baby may not like.

Even if the child's hair is long, you should not get carried away with shampoos. Enough special detergents that are intended for the whole body. In any case, you need to monitor the condition of the skin and hair in order to opt for a particular remedy.

  • Bathe your baby in a special tub that you can't use for anything else. Disinfect the bathing container periodically.
  • Before the bathing process, prepare everything you need so that everything is at hand, and you are not distracted by extraneous things, but only watch the child.
  • After bathing, do not transfer wet baby to another room. Wrap in a towel and then take to the changing table.
  • Before swimming, cut your nails short and wash your hands with soap and water, remove rings, bracelets, watches.
  • Do not rub the baby with a towel, just pat it dry.
  • After wiping, lubricate the baby's skin with cream. With the help of moisturizing oil, you can make a relaxing massage. Just learn how to do it beforehand so as not to harm.
  • After that, dress the child in the clothes prepared in advance. Until the hair is dry, put on a thin cotton hat.
  • The whole process is accompanied by a conversation, gently talk to the baby. Mother's voice will calm the child.

When a baby appears in the house, parents have many questions related to bathing a child.

Why bathe a child? Is it not enough just to wash?

Most parents are sure that bathing a child is necessary, first of all, for cleanliness. However, in addition to the hygienic role, regular water procedures have a wide impact on the body and psycho-emotional state baby.

Bathing your baby is beneficial because:

  1. During bathing, the child hardens. Since the thermal conductivity of water is 30 times higher than the thermal conductivity of air, even a small one, 1-2 ° C, the difference between body temperature and water is enough to achieve a powerful hardening effect, exceeding that of hardening. air baths. This effect will be enhanced by dousing the baby at the end of the procedure with cool water with a temperature several degrees lower than that in which the bath was taken.
  2. Bathing a child has a positive effect on the nervous system of the child and his psycho-emotional development. Moving from air to water and vice versa leads to the stimulation of many nerve receptors located in the skin. At the same time, training and regulation of the activities of various departments takes place. nervous system, a certain balance and optimization of their work is achieved. In addition, bathing ensures that the child receives vivid emotions and impressions, which positively affects his intellectual development. The use of various toys according to the age of the baby and short sessions with them in the water enhance this effect.
  3. The movements of the child are improved. It is more difficult to move in water than in air, due to its increased resistance. Throwing arms and legs, the baby strengthens his muscles and trains his heart. The greatest effect can be achieved when bathing a baby in an "adult" bath, where he can move his arms and legs more freely and change his body position. Very useful to do with a baby small complexes water gymnastics.
  4. Helps to improve the condition of the chest. Being in water reduces or completely removes pain, which helps to calm the child, for example, when he is being tormented.
  5. Bathing for a baby is communication and a valuable experience. In the process of bathing the baby occurs emotional contact between the child and adults, which has a positive effect on the development of relationships between the baby and the people around him.

Bathing a newborn: questions from parents

It would seem that it is difficult to bathe a child? However, many young parents are afraid of this simple procedure, afraid to do something wrong, because the newborn baby is so tiny and defenseless. We have collected the most popular questions that parents ask about bathing.

When should you start bathing your newborn?

According to the recommendations of domestic pediatricians, you can bathe a newborn already on the day of discharge from the hospital - if the BCG vaccination was given the day before, or the next day - if the BCG was given on the day of discharge. Up to this point, the child is simply washed several times a day after each stool. Bathing is contraindicated for any acute diseases accompanied by fever, as well as in the presence of pustular skin lesions.

What is the best time to bathe a baby?

The answer to this question depends both on the characteristics of the child and on the rhythm of life of the whole family. As a rule, children calm down and sleep soundly after water procedures, and therefore bathing is often carried out before one of the evening feedings. For those babies for whom bathing is exciting, the time of taking a bath can be moved to daytime and even morning hours. It is important that the procedure begins no earlier than one hour after eating and no later than 30-40 minutes before the next feeding.

How to prepare a room and a bath for water procedures?

It is most convenient to bathe a child directly in the bathroom. Optimum temperature in the room where water procedures take place - 24–26 ° С. It is better to lay a rubber mat on a slippery tiled floor in advance, and set a clock on a shelf within sight in order to navigate in time.

The location of the baby bath should be, first of all, convenient for parents. It should be noted that there are many various models baths for bathing - for every taste and budget. For example, double-walled baby baths provide long-term maintenance of the water temperature at the initial level, and built-in temperature sensors help to monitor its level. "Slides" are designed to help keep the baby in the bath, they are built-in or removable. It can be convenient to have a drain hose in the bath, thanks to which it will not be necessary to turn it over to pour out the water - just open the drain. There are even changing tables or chests of drawers that have a built-in bathing container. So that during the procedure the adult does not have to be in a half-bent position, special coasters for baths have been invented. Some of them are installed on the floor, while the bath is approximately at the level of an adult's belt. Others are placed on the sides of an adult bath. In both cases, you need to make sure that the bath is firmly fixed on the stand.

The bath in which the baby bathes must be washed with hot water and soap immediately before each procedure. If a child bathes in an adult bath, it is recommended to clean it with soda. While bathing, the bathroom door can be kept slightly ajar, provided there is no draft, of course, so that too much steam does not accumulate in the bathroom. Then the subsequent transition of the child from the bathroom to the corridor will not be very abrupt.

Do you boil water for bathing?

Currently, subject to the availability of centralized water supply, there is no need to boil water for bathing the baby. However, if you live outside the city and water is not supplied from centralized sources, boiling water is mandatory at least in the first month of a child's life.

How to disinfect water?

Minimal disinfection of water is recommended until the umbilical wound is completely healed and the crust falls off: as a rule, this happens by the 2-3rd week of the baby's life. Potassium permanganate solution is usually used for disinfection. Potassium permanganate is diluted in a separate container until a saturated solution is obtained, which is then filtered through a three-layer gauze to prevent undissolved crystals from getting on the skin of the crumbs, which can lead to chemical burn. The filtered solution is added to a bath of water until a pale pink hue is obtained.

Bathing a baby with the addition of potassium permanganate causes dry skin, so it is no longer added as soon as the umbilical wound heals and the crust falls off.

Decoctions of herbs are also traditionally used as disinfectants - calendula, string, chamomile. To prepare the infusion, a glass of dry grass is poured with a liter of boiling water, after which it is infused for 3-4 hours. Then the resulting broth is filtered through a three-layer gauze and added to the bath. It is recommended to use decoctions of antiseptic herbs when prickly heat or diaper dermatitis appears on the skin of a child. If the baby's skin is healthy, there is no need to add herbs.

What should be the temperature of the water for bathing a baby?

The optimal water temperature for bathing a newborn is 36–37 °C. It is recommended to use a thermometer to measure the water temperature. The so-called elbow method, i.e. lowering the elbow of an adult into the water - while the water temperature should practically not differ from body temperature - is inaccurate due to the difference subjective feelings with changes in air temperature and humidity in the room.

In the "adult" bath, the water cools rather slowly. And when using a baby bath, it is better to control the temperature of the water with a thermometer throughout the entire process and, if necessary, add warm water. To obtain a hardening effect, the temperature of bathing water can be reduced by one degree within 7-10 days to 32-33 ° C.

It is useful to finish bathing the baby by pouring cool water from a jug, ladle, etc. The water temperature should be a couple of degrees lower than the one in which the child bathed: for example, 34-35 ° C, if bathing took place at a temperature of 37 ° C.

What should be the duration of water procedures?

The very first bathing of the baby should not take more than 5-7 minutes. By 2-3 months, this time increases to 15 minutes, and by six months - up to 20 minutes.

How often should a baby be bathed?

For normal psycho-emotional and motor development and to promote the health of the infant, it is necessary to bathe daily. In the hot season, water procedures can be carried out twice a day to prevent overheating of the body and prevent prickly heat.

What detergents are best used when bathing a child and how often can they be used?

When bathing a baby, it is better to use detergents designed specifically for infants - there should be a corresponding mark on the label. We list some of them:

Baby soap - liquid, in the form of a gel or solid. Its main difference from conventional soaps is the minimum alkali content - pH neutrality. In this regard, baby soap does not cause unwanted drying and irritation of the skin. Bathing a newborn with use should be no more than 1 time per week, not counting regular washings. In the second half of life, when the child begins to actively crawl around the apartment, you may have to bathe him with detergents more often.

Baby shampoo. It is used from 2-4 weeks of age to wash the baby's hair, as a rule, no more than 1 time per week. It should be noted that you can wash the baby's scalp with baby soap or bathing gel. To soften and remove gneiss - a seborrheic crust on the scalp - before using baby shampoo, you can use any natural vegetable oil.

How to bathe a baby?

The process of bathing a child should cause positive emotions: only in this case all the positive effects that we talked about at the beginning are achieved. If the baby does not like something, then, first of all, the adults themselves need to tune in to the positive and analyze the entire bathing process, trying to find out what upsets the baby. Maybe the time of the procedure or the temperature of the water is not suitable for the child, the light is too bright, or the sound of water from the tap scares him. It is necessary to understand this and create suitable bathing conditions for the baby.

One of the most exciting processes of caring for a newborn is bathing a child. For a child, being in warm water is reminiscent of the times when he swam in mother's belly and also delivers positive emotions, but there are situations when babies show fear of bathing and water in the future.

The reason for this behavior can be the careless actions of parents when introducing the baby to water procedures, too cold or vice versa, hot water, rapid immersion and a lot of factors that can spoil the baby’s first impressions and form negative attitude to the water. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully prepare for the first bathing of the baby.

Newborn's first bath

The first bathing of the child takes place on the 4th - 5th day of his life, before that the baby is only washed away and wiped with cotton swabs. Until recently, children were washed at birth, but now it has become known that the primordial mucus, which covers the body of a baby, perfectly protects him. skin from a million bacteria living in the walls of maternity hospitals and having strong immunity to any antibacterial agents.

So, the baby is already at home and the whole seed is preparing for the first bath in his life. What do you need to know to turn this ceremony into a pleasant process for everyone, and not a daily torture with screaming and crying?

  1. Bathing a newborn baby should take place in a separate bath, at least until the umbilical wound heals.
  2. For the same reasons, so that an infection does not get through the umbilical wound, bathing water is boiled in the first 2-3 weeks.
  3. The temperature of the water for bathing a child is measured with a special water thermometer and should be 36 - 38 degrees. It should also be borne in mind that if the bathtub for bathing a child is made of thin plastic, then the water in it cools down much faster than in a cast-iron bathtub, and the bathing time is reduced.
  4. The time of bathing must be chosen taking into account the fact that the child, most likely, will want to sleep after water procedures. Therefore, many experienced parents It is recommended to bathe babies at the same time before bed at night. This procedure helps to relax the tone, eliminate colic, which is important if the baby is less than 3 months old, and also sets you up for a long sleep.
  5. Children up to six months are bathed daily in approximately the same schedule - one day with soap, two days in plain water or with the addition of herbal decoctions. Bathing a child at 2 months old can be done in a large bath in warm unboiled water. After the baby is six months old, you can bathe him every other day, not counting the daily hygiene procedures with washing and rinsing after each stool.
  6. To disinfect water during the healing period of the umbilical wound, some old-fashioned add potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to the water, which dries the baby's skin very much, and if used ineptly can cause serious burns to the baby. It is better not to be too lazy and boil water, and also if the child does not have allergies, use decoctions from special herbal preparations once every three days, which help to normalize the nervous system and soften the water when bathing.
  7. If the baby has an allergy, accompanied by a skin rash, you can bathe the child in bay leaf baths, as well as wipe the skin with this decoction. How to brew a bay leaf for bathing a child - pour 6 - 7 leaves of a bay leaf with a liter of water and boil for at least 15 minutes. Strain and add to the main water in the bath. So in a simple way you can dry the rashes on the body and reduce allergic manifestations.

So, everything is ready for the procedure of the first ablution, now it's just a matter of learning how to hold the child when bathing or how to soften the water for bathing the child, the sequence of all actions. For young and inexperienced parents, it will be useful to read the process of bathing children step by step:

  1. Bring to a boil two containers of water at least 6 liters each. One container must be boiled long before the time appointed for bathing, since we will breed with it hot water to the desired temperature of 36 - 37 degrees.
  2. We install the bath in the room where it is planned to bathe the baby, it does not have to be a bathroom, it is better to choose a room that is more spacious. The temperature in the room should be 22 - 24 degrees without drafts.
  3. Pour the cooled, boiled water into the bath pre-rinsed with boiling water, and then dilute it hot to desired temperature. The height of the water in the bath should be at least 10 - 15 cm, this is enough so that when the crumbs are immersed, the water covers his torso.
  4. At the bottom of the bath, you can put a diaper folded four times or install a special bathing slide, which has anatomical curves that allow you to compactly place the baby, while there is no need to keep him in the crook of the elbow.
  5. We measure the temperature again with a water thermometer.
  6. We completely expose the baby and, supporting his head on the bend of the elbow of the left hand, and the lower back and buttocks with the palm of the right, we make the first immersion in water.
  7. It is necessary to lower the baby into the water gradually, starting from the legs, while calmly, without unnecessary jokes and emotions, talk with the baby.
  8. Then lower the ass and lower back into the water, the hand supporting them can be removed.
  9. When the baby is in the waist-deep water, we continue to support his head above the water with his left hand, placing it at an angle so that the palm is in the water under the waist, and the baby’s head lies on the elbow.
  10. With the second free hand, we pour the baby with some water or my soap. If baby soap is used for bathing, the baby should then be rinsed with clean boiled water of a suitable temperature. Take care of this in advance.
  11. After bathing the baby, we do not wipe it, but wrapping it in a terry diaper, let the moisture soak in
  12. Before putting on a diaper, you can soften his skin with a special lotion or body milk. There is a rule to prevent diaper rash and irritation from diapers using either powder or cosmetical tools in the form of a cream baby oil or milk, you can not combine them.
  13. If the baby has frequent liquid stool irritation on the buttocks, you need to make a cotton compress. To do this, use boiled sunflower oil and a layer of cotton wool, in which a small hole is made. I moisten cotton wool with oil, and put it in the form of a layer between the diaper and the skin of the buttocks. This will create a barrier to prevent liquid stool from coming into contact with the skin.

As a rule, after bathing, the baby gets hungry and is happy to attach to the chest. The parents set the further sequence of the evening ritual in accordance with the habits of the baby.

Useful innovations and devices for bathing babies

Today, there are many different gadgets that make bathing easier for parents, as well as making it safer and more fun for babies. So from the most popular, you can call a slide for bathing a baby, it can be plastic or inflatable. Also no less popular is the visor for bathing a child, using which you can wash your hair without fear that water will flow into the eyes and ears of the baby.

Bathing a baby at 1 month old can be transferred to a large adult bath, securing this process with a special inflatable ring that supports the baby's head above the water surface.

Bathing a child at 4 months is accompanied by active games and splashing, therefore, in order to secure this process, it is necessary to purchase a special non-slip mat for bathing a child.

Reasons why babies cry when bathing

Why does the child cry after bathing or in the process? There are reasons for this, which parents often do not consider:

Fright. Perhaps the child was very frightened when bathing, this could happen when a sharp sound sounded nearby, soap lying on the side of the bathroom fell into the water, or the child took a sip of water while bathing. The negative from this situation was fixed in the subconscious and now, without even remembering why the baby may feel fear at the sight of a bath or water in general.
Pain. Perhaps, when bathing a baby, parents do not take into account the constitution of his body, and rub the skin with a washcloth a little harder than they should. After bathing, the baby does not have a protective layer covering the skin and the epithelium is pulled together, causing pain, especially if the crumbs have diaper rash. For the same reasons, you should not rub the baby's skin with a terry towel, just blot it slightly.

Reluctance to part with water. If the child cries after bathing, but is quite cheerful and cheerful during the procedure, perhaps he is just naughty, not wanting to part with his favorite pastime. Often such problems arise in the process of bathing a child at 3 to 6 months.