How to understand a man - psychology. How to immediately understand that a man is using you: we bring the manipulator to clean water

I'm sure you know firsthand that women are more likely to explicitly express feelings and emotions. Men, on the other hand, prefer to show their love in a slightly different way - with the help of actions and gestures.

How to understand that a man is in love and does not hide it?

When he kisses you, when he hugs you, when he looks at you - most often with all this he tries to say that he loves you. It is believed that men are straightforward creatures. But there are also more complex and, moreover, ambiguous moments that are not always noticeable and understandable.

So that you don't have to guess what your man's actions mean, I will tell you about 15 subtle signs that he is showing his love for you.

Passionate long kisses

When he becomes the initiator of kisses and at the same time every time you feel passion, this definitely indicates the presence of romantic feelings for you.

If, however, when he kisses you, it seems that for him this is akin to duty (after all, he is your boyfriend), it is worth doubting the presence of feelings.

His friends love you

By the company of your man's friends, you can always understand how he treats you.

If you feel that you are an object of adoration for them, it means that he tells them only good things about you.

Naturally, this forms an extremely positive attitude towards a woman who makes their friend happy.

He is always happy for your presence

I'm sure you know how unnerving it is sometimes when someone whose personality you don't particularly care for "wanders" into your personal space.

This feeling is exactly the opposite of what you feel when a loved one is on “your territory”.

Now remember how he reacts when you "impose" your presence? Like when he's doing something private like playing a video game console, rummaging around in the garage, or even just reading a book. Does he gladly accept your presence, or does he irritably let you know that it would be nice for you to go do something?

A man in love smiles after a kiss

When your partner has real feelings for you, every time after kissing a smile in one form or another (from a smirk to a beaming smile “from ear to ear”) will be present on his face.

This is due to the fact that kissing is associated with pleasure, which makes you a little happier.

A man in love listens attentively

While he may not speak out loud about his feelings often, the fact that he listens carefully when you speak is incredibly significant.

He can lean closer, periodically nod, in general, express in every possible way that your words do not fly into one ear and fly out into the other.

A man in love has a proud profile

No matter how strange it may sound, but a good posture and straightened shoulders in a man is a clear sign of having feelings for a woman who is next to him. Because that's how he tries to impress her. And quite often this happens unconsciously.

Admit it, you would like your boyfriend a little less slouched.

Hand in hand

Even if he does not like kissing and hugging in public, there is always the opportunity to hold hands.

This is the best way to silently and imperceptibly for others to say "I love you."

A man in love calls and writes for no reason

If he calls for no reason, writes SMS or messages through social networks during the day, then he constantly thinks about you.

Of course, not all lovers behave this way. A significant part, but not all. Therefore, you should not assume that he is not interested in you if he does not do this. Before drawing conclusions, pay attention to other signals.

If a man does not flood you with a stream of SMS and calls - perhaps he makes money))

He likes to work together

Has it ever happened that your man "tagged" you when you go shopping?

Usually men don't like it. But romantic feelings "make" fall in love with absolutely any activity that will give him the opportunity to spend some more time with you.

Cooking dinner together, cleaning the house, gardening, during which a happy and contented expression does not leave his face - all these are clear signs that he really enjoys being around you.

visual contact

Does he often look into your eyes? If often, and in different settings (both in private and in society), then this type of contact is important to him, as another way to communicate his feelings.

Well, if your views almost never meet - write wasted 🙂

A man often runs his hand through his hair

This action has two explanations.

First, he instinctively tries to look his best in front of you and therefore simply fixes his hair.

Second, romantic moments, especially in "fresh" relationships, are often accompanied by nervousness. In this case, he can unconsciously run his hand through his hair - at the behest of his nerves.

In any case, this gesture is another signal of the sincerity of his feelings.

Mirror behavior

Does he have a tendency to order the same thing in a cafe as you? Does he bite a sandwich at the same time as you, while looking into your eyes? Have there been elements in his behavior that are usually characteristic of you? Do you sometimes say the same phrases?

Unconscious copying of behavior, speech, mannerisms and facial expressions is a psychological phenomenon called isopraxism and often manifests itself in lovers.

A man in love gives meaningful gifts

By this word, I do not mean expensive gifts. This means that he spends his time and energy trying to find a gift that really suits your desires and interests.

In addition, this is a continuation of paragraph 5 that he listens carefully - he also remembers what you are talking about, so that later he can use this information when choosing a gift.

A man in love often laughs

Does he think you're funny and can't help but giggle when you do something stupid?

Oddly enough, but the more often he laughs and shows that he has fun with you, the more serious the level of his interest in your person.

Spontaneous touches

Does he touch you when you are in a public place? He holds his hand, hugs his waist, strokes his head. Such casual touches usually indicate that he wants to maintain physical contact, even without sexual overtones.

When a relationship is just beginning, it can be quite difficult to determine if a man wants you. But sexual arousal is always accompanied by specific signs. They can help the girl understand the intentions of her chosen one. Some of these manifestations are even more eloquent than words.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

Quite often, you can understand that a guy wants you just by looking into his eyes. They can tell a lot, so even an intimate desire is unlikely to be hidden.

For example, a work colleague, sitting opposite, begins to stare at all parts of a woman's body. Most often, the gaze falls on the chest, buttocks, lips. If a colleague also squints, licks his lips, this means that he is already in full readiness for sex.

If the chosen one is very shy by nature, then there is another sign that will tell about his excitement. These are dilated pupils, as they are in a person who has taken alcohol. Even in ancient times, people who lived in caves determined the friendliness of others by their eyes. It was such pupils that said that the person was safe and came in peace. If, in addition, the guy squints romantically, then intimate contact cannot be avoided.

Touch and breath

Absolutely every normal man admires the female body. Therefore, when excited, he experiences a strong desire to touch. Here, a woman will be perfectly able to distinguish which touch was friendly, and which - with a hint of sexual contact.

A sign of sexual arousal are movements that are distinguished by tenderness, ease. More often, a man casually touches a woman's body. Usually guys' favorite places are legs, wrists, neck, face. Of course, all the representatives of the stronger sex love the chest and buttocks, but if a man is well-mannered, then he is unlikely to immediately grab these parts of the body.

Another partner can be strongly aroused by the smell that he feels from a companion. This can be seen in the way the guy reaches for the girl, trying to sniff her. At the same time, he can whisper something in his ear, trying to inhale the aroma of hair, give a light kiss.

In addition to touching parts of the female body, an aroused partner may instinctively touch his own face. It usually touches the chin, nose, ears. This speaks of the guy's nervousness, his attempts to hide sexual attraction.

Breath and voice

In addition to touching, breathing can tell that a man wants you. This sign is simply impossible not to notice. The aroused partner breathes quickly, intermittently, the breaths become deep, as if he is suffering from a lack of air. All this is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat.

Also, when excited, the male voice changes. The timbre becomes softer, there is a slight hoarseness. It means the guy wants you. This happens because during sexual arousal, the throat often dries up in guys, so he feels the squeezing of the vocal cords.

Clear signs

By themselves, men do not particularly try to hide their excitement. After all, usually only women want to be a mystery, to bring intrigue, to be modest, which makes men be in the dark. While the guys themselves are arranged somewhat differently. They prefer to be open and assertive.

If a partner wants a woman, then he will try to win her. To do this, he will begin to pay a lot of attention, give gifts, beautifully look after, say nice words. Moreover, the gifts of the word can be special, different from romantic ones, hinting at sexual attraction. Although not all guys decide on such surprises.

For example, he can give his girlfriend intimate underwear, a peignoir. This will no longer even be considered a hint, but will be a direct proposal to move on to a close relationship. True, such gifts are not presented by men so often. In most cases, soft toys, flowers, sweets and other romantic things are used.

Changes in appearance

If a man wants a woman, he is well aware that appearance plays a very big role in this. He simply has to be attractive so that the companion is fascinated by him and rushes into his arms. Therefore, the guys begin to actively adjust their image.

As a rule, the task of the partner is to bring his appearance in line with the ideal of the girl. His shoulders are straightened, his stomach is pulled in, his posture is even. With these signs, he tries to show his significance. This behavior is inherent in the nature of men.

They always come on dates in fresh and ironed shirts, from which there is a pleasant aroma of cologne. The skin is always clean-shaven, tender. Changes in appearance should be a signal for the girl that the man is breathing unevenly towards her.

The manifestation of physiology

The easiest way for a woman to understand that a man wants her is a special state of his manhood. Of course, the girl will not specifically look into her pants. It is possible to notice this if the lovers are in the same bed, the partner is dressed in spacious shorts.

If you want sex, and the man himself does not dare to take action, then you can take the initiative, thereby speeding up the process. You can make a slight hint by asking the whole chosen one if he thinks you are sexually attractive.

Sexual arousal is a sign that the companion attracted the gentleman with her sexuality, attractiveness, her appearance makes men show the most frank fantasies.

However, it is not worth talking about serious feelings and the desire to create a family life with a girl. Sex is not a sign of love. Perhaps the guy just wants to sleep, and then forget about everything.

If a woman has wisdom, then she will be able to turn the sexual desire of the gentleman so as to achieve a lot from him. If you give yourself to a man right away, then there is a high risk that, with the exception of a fleeting pleasure, the chosen one will not receive anything else.

Representatives of the stronger sex quickly lose interest in women who give themselves away in the first days of their acquaintance. No matter how painful it may be, but they love to conquer girls, adore their inaccessibility. Especially in a relationship, guys want to see modest and worthy companions.

Therefore, in such a matter, a woman needs to be reasonable, use her cunning and act in such a way that she can build a worthy and strong relationship with her partner. The only thing is that a married man is not interested in a serious relationship, realizing that this is only physiology and nothing more.

Thus, to understand that a man wants you is quite simple. All the signs described above will help a woman in this matter. But what to do next with this, it's up to the girl herself.

During the period of falling in love, women often do not notice a dismissive and consumerist attitude, and when they take off their “rose-colored glasses”, they are disappointed. To understand whether a girl will not receive deceit and betrayal in return for sincere feelings and loyalty, she should carefully look at the behavior of her chosen one. Special methods of psychologists will help to understand whether a man needs a girl or he only uses her.

Signs of indifference

There are a number of signs that indicate a man is not ready for a serious relationship. These include behaviors such as:

  1. 1. He appoints the place and time of the meeting himself, when it is convenient for him. The opinion and wishes of the girl partner do not care. The rest of the time, he does not pick up the phone, abruptly ends the conversation and refers to the workload at work. No matter how busy a man is, if he needs a person, he will always listen to his opinion.
  2. 2. At any time, he can change the plans of the girl without a good reason for this. He prefers to hold meetings at night on neutral territory. Men allow themselves to treat only their mistresses this way.
  3. 3. The partner says almost nothing about his life and does not introduce relatives, friends and colleagues. He does not want to start communication with the environment of the new passion and her parents.
  4. 4. A man is constantly dissatisfied with the behavior of the girl and expresses all the comments aloud. He may not be satisfied with the appearance, hobbies and preferences of his beloved, but he does not want to leave. The goal of a man is to lower a woman's self-esteem.
  5. 5. He can quarrel, and, without asking for forgiveness, not get in touch for several days, so that the girl feels guilty.

If a man does not need a woman, he does not follow his speech. Compliments are like a performance in a cheap theater. The partner does not need to choose words to address the interlocutor - the guy does not appreciate her and does not consider it necessary to waste time on such "trifles". If the girl is completely indifferent, the partner allows himself to insult her and use profanity in the vocabulary.

When a man needs only one thing - an intimate relationship, he completely changes and surrounds the girl with simulated attention and care. You need to understand that men are more in need of physical intimacy and are ready to play performances during the period of its lack. If a man reacts rudely and inadequately to a refusal, then the best option for developing relationships is to break them.

You can check the presence of sincere feelings in a man by his care. It is enough for a woman to be in a difficult situation at least once to find out why her lover stays with her. In the absence of reciprocity, the partner will not be interested in her health and bring medicines when she gets sick. He does not care about any problems of a woman, she will solve them herself.

If a man does not need a girl, he will not use the pronoun “we” in a conversation. A person can lie, writing various legends, thinking through all the details, but he does not consider this union as a couple that has prospects for the development of relations. A man can associate the pronoun “we” with upcoming events, for example, “Are we going to the cinema tomorrow? ”, but he will not say phrases such as “When will we go to rest on the sea? or “When are we planning to have a baby? ". He knows the answer to these questions is "never" and sees no point in asking them.

In the absence of interest in a girl, a man will not get acquainted with her hobbies, family and friends. The experiences of the “beloved” are not important to him, and all conversations are connected only with what is happening at the moment. A guy can discuss a movie, but he never asks who her favorite director or actor is. If a woman starts a conversation herself, he will listen without reacting in any way, or he will change the subject. In such a situation, the girls begin to blame themselves, believing that they are overloading the man with their petty problems, but this is not so. The chosen one deceives and uses the woman.

How to understand that this is your person

How to understand that a woman needs a man?

If a girl needs a chosen one, she will feel it and the need to ask herself questions will disappear. She will be surrounded by attention and care, and no busy work schedule will become an obstacle to spending time together. A man will not behave suspiciously and secretly. Already at the beginning of the relationship, he will introduce his beloved to his parents and friends. The partner will not hide his personal life and will talk about hobbies and hobbies. The following signs indicate sincere feelings in a man:

  1. 1. He listens to the opinion of a woman. If he does not agree with the girl, then he does as she asked.
  2. 2. The presence of gifts indicates that the man is trying to win the chosen one, and she won his heart.
  3. 3. He began to change for the better - got rid of bad habits, found a well-paid job or bought a new car.
  4. 4. The guy says compliments, because he notices all the little things and details of the girl's appearance. He behaves politely and gallantly.
  5. 5. In relation to a woman, a man is gentle and affectionate.

Being in love makes a guy jealous. To do this, he does not have to make loud scandals and constantly find out with whom the girl spends time. When a woman interacts with young people, a man will hug her and provide other courtesies to demonstrate that she is a couple. Some people cannot restrain their emotions in a fit of jealousy, which often leads to scandals and quarrels. This behavior is unlikely to change.

A man who cherishes a woman will not spare her money, time and mental strength. A person tries to help her in case of any problems. And he will never allow himself to offend a woman. If he did this, he will definitely ask for forgiveness. In such a relationship, the girl feels desired and at any moment can rely on the chosen one.

Many believe that a man needs time to understand whether he needs a woman, and this justifies his coldness. In fact, it is impossible to hide sincere interest, and if the feelings are mutual, the girl will definitely notice it. A woman needs a family, children and stability, and if a man does not understand this, then it is better to end such a romance right away.

If a man wants a woman signs

Is there love in the distance?

When, at the moment of talking on the phone, a girl thinks about whether a guy really needs her, she needs to realistically assess the situation and draw the right conclusions. If the acquaintance happened during a vacation in another country or a visit to an entertainment venue, the chances of creating a real long-term relationship are very small.

Lovers can be separated by such circumstances as a business trip, study or service. If a man really needs a girl, then he will not call and write less often, but will constantly share his thoughts and feelings. He will find any ways to contact his beloved even for a minute, he will not make empty promises.

A woman needs to determine who is the initiator of communication. If a man does not write or call first, then the girl's life does not interest him. He may not answer SMS and phone calls, constantly refer to his employment and come up with a lot of excuses to keep communication to a minimum.

How to understand that a male work colleague likes you

How to test feelings?

If a woman doubts her partner, then the presence of feelings in him is easy enough to check. To do this, you must take the following steps:

  1. 1. Stop being interested in his life and affairs. All talk about how the man spent his time, where he was and why he didn’t call should be excluded. If a guy has feelings for a girl, he will notice such changes and start asking counter questions.
  2. 2. Change for the better. You can change your hairstyle, buy new underwear or high-heeled shoes. He will definitely notice such changes and begin to wonder for whom the woman started the transformation.
  3. 3. Cause feelings of jealousy. To do this, you need to ask a work colleague or friend to give you a lift home. During a conversation with a loved one, casually mention this without specifying the details - you need to give the man the opportunity to come up with the end of the story himself. It will also turn out to cause a feeling of jealousy by calls and SMS, which will constantly come to the woman's phone.
  4. 4. Imaginary pregnancy. You need to tell the guy about the pregnancy and follow his reaction. If he was frightened, then there can be no talk of any sincere feelings.

No need to fight for relationships that are far from ideal. You should not be content with little when you can find a loving and caring man. All people are different, and in the modern world, the "consumer" attitude is becoming more common. Some women are satisfied with this state of affairs, and they are ready to spend the best years of their lives on a person who is completely indifferent. Successful and purposeful people immediately refuse such connections and create happy marriages.

After parting

Some girls want to get back together after breaking up with an ex-boyfriend. Before starting active actions, you should make sure that he has feelings. You can do this by following the signs:

  1. 1. Communication. If a man continues to communicate with an ex-girlfriend, she is dear to him at least as an interlocutor. If he writes SMS and calls at least once a week, he definitely cares, and he needs the company of a girl.
  2. 2. Meetings. After the termination of the relationship, men prefer to cut off all contact with their beloved. If a guy offers friendship and tries to see each other as often as possible, then he probably still loves the girl.
  3. 3. Statuses and music. In social networks in the period after the breakup on the page of the former lover, who still has feelings for the girl, you can notice sad statuses and music.
  4. 4. Active lifestyle. Trying to forget the chosen one, many guys suddenly start to lead an overly active lifestyle. This indicates a strong emotional shock that was inflicted by a breakup.
  5. 5. Lifestyle. If a person led a measured way of life, and after separation he went "in all serious ways", then he worries, and he cares.

Before resuming a relationship with an ex-boyfriend, it is worth remembering the reasons that provoked the breakup. Mental wounds do not heal for a long time, and, perhaps, the ex-boyfriend will not mind the relationship, but it is worth thinking about their expediency.

Features of the zodiac signs

To find out about the sincerity of a man's feelings, you can refer to the horoscope. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and expresses feelings in different ways:

  1. 1. Aries. They are impatient and cannot wait. They want to get everything at once and talk about their passions without hesitation. Aries persistently achieve what they want, but this does not mean love. This is how they treat all the women they like. In the absence of reciprocity, they will not suffer and worry, but will find a new object. In the presence of serious feelings, Aries does not rush things, but tries to create an atmosphere of silence and comfort. To conquer the chosen one, a man will be stories about how successful and strong he is.
  2. 2. Taurus. If the woman liked the representative of this, he will immediately let you know about it. The man will constantly call and write SMS. Seeing his beloved on the street, he will definitely call her and embrace her. Taurus loves and knows how to care for women. Such a man will invite the girl to various social events, give flowers and sweets. The more he spends on a girl, the more important she is for him, but because of his indecision, the “bouquet-and-candy” period may drag on.
  3. 3. Gemini. They are very fond of flirting, distinguished by ingenuity in courtship and unpredictability. With these men, such a feeling as boredom will be unfamiliar. They love to make fun of the girl and play pranks on her. But Gemini tend to idealize partners. After a closer acquaintance, they may be disappointed in the girl and start looking for a new perfection. In the presence of serious feelings, a man will not ridicule a person’s shortcomings and will treat weaknesses with tenderness.
  4. 4. Cancer. This is a practical homebody, whose priorities are family values. Before you start dating a girl, he will find out her attitude to the hearth and housekeeping. The representative of this sign evaluates women by their readiness to fulfill his requirements. If the feelings of a man are serious, he, on the contrary, will fulfill all the wishes of his beloved. It is very important for Cancer to have a devoted and faithful partner who can strengthen his inner world.
  5. 5. Lev. This is an ambitious man who does not like to hint, but speaks directly. He immediately makes it clear to the girl about his feelings. During the period of courtship, she prefers to go to expensive restaurants and surprise the chosen one with noble deeds, but this does not say anything about the sincerity of feelings. If Leo really needs a girl, then he will stop talking about his virtues and show a keen interest in her.
  6. 6. Virgo. You can rely on men of this sign in everything. They like to analyze the situation and give worthwhile advice. Virgos are difficult to call for a frank conversation, and they express their sympathy with hints. They will decide for a long time whether the girl is suitable for a serious relationship. If such a man is really passionate about a woman, he will immediately make a marriage proposal. Having heard the refusal, Virgo will try to get the attention of her partner for a long time.
  7. 7. Scales. These men have a changeable mood, do not like quarrels and conflicts. They charge everyone around them with their optimism. Libra men enjoy wooing a girl and they are in no hurry to move to the next level of relationship. Such guys are afraid of responsibility and obligations. If the partner is seriously passionate, then he will begin to take decisive steps - he will introduce him to his parents and friends, and make an offer.
  8. 8. Scorpio. Men of this sign have a special magnetism that attracts women to them. He is akin to a good psychologist who knows how to say words that hit right on target. He can surround a woman with attention and care, and his compliments cannot be forgotten, but this will in no way speak about the sincerity of his intentions. Scorpio really needs sex, and in order to get it, a man will go to any action. If he is set for a serious relationship, he will notify everyone that he is in a couple. Scorpio will begin to behave as if the girl completely belongs to him and will be very jealous.
  9. 9. Sagittarius. Men love adventure, independence, intimate relationships are important to them. Feelings are expressed by buying expensive gifts or going to restaurants. The chosen one must be ready for various adventures that attract Sagittarius so much. If he likes the girl and he is in the mood for a serious romance, then he will try to be with her all his free time. Sagittarius will constantly tell interesting stories, amaze with his mind and erudition.
  10. 10. Capricorn. This man is very distrustful of the rest and constantly seeks to double-check everything. He falls in love hard and, afraid to show his feelings, demonstrates complete indifference to the object of love. It is important for Capricorn to understand that he can completely trust the girl. If he has serious intentions, he will begin to consult with a partner and show other signs of loyalty.
  11. 11. Aquarius. They are smart and charming, but prefer to show feelings not with actions, but with words. They like to talk a lot and give the girl compliments. It is easier for Aquarius to first make a beloved best friend, and then move on to a more serious level of relationship.
  12. 12. Pisces. These are very sensual natures, which are difficult to unravel. If they fall in love, then for real. There will be violent quarrels and passionate reconciliations in the relationship. They are very touchy and in the absence of feelings of a partner they do not forgive and immediately leave. If Pisces has serious intentions, then he will be able to forgive almost everything, but his trust should not be abused.

Women are used to looking for excuses for men's "mistakes". Do not blame yourself for the fact that the partner is cold and completely indifferent. It is better to look for a person who will appreciate the girl and will not give her a reason to think about the expediency of the union.

The editorial office of AiF received a letter from a frustrated 35-year-old Irene N. from Nizhny Novgorod: “Amazing! Men themselves persuade a woman to have sex almost on the first date, saying: “We are adults, it will end with this anyway”, “Let's not think in standards”, “We are so drawn to each other, in life and there is so little good, why deprive yourself of joy?

And then they shed after the first night! And my friend, having achieved intimacy from me, now declares: “If you are with me like that, it means that you go to bed with everyone, having barely met!” Why was he in such a hurry to have sex with me then?!”

Despite the seeming frivolity of the question for many couples, he nevertheless became a stumbling block.

- A whole chapter in my book is devoted to the inconsistency of male desires! - says "aif" psychologist Anetta Orlova. - Most representatives of the stronger sex believe that they have a clear image of the ideal woman they are looking for in their head. But in fact, these are ... two images! The first ideal: a virtuous keeper of the hearth, a caring mother, a woman with a lot of moral values ​​who takes care of herself. When a man meets such a woman, it would seem that he should marry her as soon as possible! But ah! He quickly gets bored with such a lady. Because it turns out that another ideal woman "lives" in the man's head! This is a priestess of love, bright and sexy. Which is devoid of complexes, is in harmony with its body, is ready to give love and is open to sexual pleasures and experiments.

In the depths of his soul, a man dreams of meeting one that combines both holiness and depravity. Remember the saying: "The ideal woman: in bed - a prostitute, in the kitchen - a hostess, in society - a lady." And we, knowing these conflicting desires of a man, need to learn how to competently maneuver between them. For one thing, don't give up too quickly. On the other hand - do not overdo it, do not overdo the man. Because sex is still not an end in itself, not a prize, but one of the many ways in which adult men and women interact.

Pay off... with yourself?

So, what should the ladies do when the representatives of the stronger sex behave with them in the way that the reader Irina described ?!

When a man only meets an attractive woman, his natural mechanism immediately works: to get in touch with her as soon as possible, to master, to know completely. During this period, he absolutely sincerely believes: physical intimacy is exactly what he needs now! He does not think then "leave" the woman and "accused of debauchery."

But, if almost at the second meeting he satisfies a deep need for rapprochement, he has doubts: “Somehow everything turned out too quickly ...” And he even experiences some disappointment: civilization is civilization, but no one canceled the hunter's instinct .. .

Today, the so-called "morning syndrome" is widespread: two almost strangers wake up in bed after a stormy night and, looking at each other, experience not yesterday's passion, but ... some kind of awkwardness. In terms of numbers, on a 10-point scale, their physical closeness has already reached 10, and emotional closeness - only 2-3 points. In such cases, it is difficult for a man to cope with embarrassment and he wants to run away. Therefore, after sex, a woman does not need to call first, and even more so blame him for "getting his own and gone." By doing this, you will not only not help the cause, but will further exacerbate men's doubts about continuing the relationship with you. Remember: if he took a break, your pressure can push him even more. But, if you already decide to call, communicate without any claims and anguish.

- It is desirable that a man invest something in a woman before he gets sex,- says Anetta Orlova. - In the biological environment, everything is clear: for a young male to receive the location of the female, he must bring her food. In our case, investments are not monetary investments, but emotional, temporary ones. A man should feel that he is conquering a woman.

By the way, it's a big problem when a girl enters into sexual relations not because she wants a man, but because she is uncomfortable to refuse. It seems to many that if a man invited her to a restaurant, she should pay with something. This is complete nonsense. And women also go for quick sex for fear of losing a fan. Hearing "I want you! Why postpone?”, the woman wants to please the man so that he does not go to another. This is also complete nonsense - you need to have sex when BOTH want it.

■ Don't take the masculine words "we like each other so much, why put it off" so literally. In fact, by offering sex, he doesn't count on it at all!

- Masculinity and sexuality are closely related, according to the representatives of the stronger sex, - says Anetta Orlova. - A man believes that if he goes on a date with a woman, it is simply his gallant duty to demonstrate that he wants intimacy. This rule is sacred in all cultures. So the man seems to say: “I want and I can. You're awesome, I like it." At the same time, a man, hinting at a woman about sex on a first date, does not at all think that he must get it today. He persuades just in case, suddenly it will work out. No - no big deal either.

Use improvised and often funny methods to prolong the courtship period.

- The easiest and, in addition, a win-win way is to make sure that under no circumstances will you yourself want to sleep with him says the psychologist. - How? For example, put on simple and diverse (from different sets) underwear! Or trousers, and under them - torn tights ... In such a situation, not a single self-respecting woman, even at the peak of arousal, would never allow physical intimacy, so as not to lose face. Or, going on a first date, you need to deliberately limit the time, they say, you have to go somewhere later. It is desirable to say something pleasant for male ears. Not "I'm going to pull out a tooth," but "on Fridays I have classes - belly dancing." Do not agree to "come for a minute to visit." Answer with humor: “Listen, we are adults and we understand what it means to “drink tea”. I like you, but I need time to get to know you."

And the last thing: if you did not follow all these recommendations and nevertheless rushed into the abyss of passion, then please, relax! No need to say in the middle of the process: "I'm not like that." Have fun. Men appreciate such women. ( See ideal #2.) Well, we'll talk about sexual experiments in one of the following issues.

Falling in love ... Finally, you met the very man you dreamed about. You met quite recently and still cannot understand whether a serious relationship can arise between you, or is it just a passer-by who will leave only light memories. Is it possible to determine for sure how interested he is in continuing a relationship with you? Perhaps he fell in love with you at first sight, or maybe he just decided to pass the time next to a pretty girl, and will leave your life without regrets? I would like to know ... I would not even just like to know, but it is very important to know this!

After all, you don’t want to end up with a broken trough, or rather, with a broken heart, when you open up to a man, like a morning flower, he plucks you and ... immediately forgets. In order not to tear the hair on the chest out of despair later, let's not be fools, first we will make sure that he is in love, and then we'll see how much we can open up to him and whether it's worth giving into our hands ahead of time.

By the way, in addition to love and lust between a man and a woman, there is another level of relationship - this is friendship. Maybe you are interested in your new acquaintance, but not as a woman, but as an interesting person. This is not the worst option, but quite acceptable, since unions in which there are common interests make quite strong families. Just in this case, you will have to try a little so that friendship grows into love. But this is no more difficult than a banal physiological passion that quickly arises in a man and just as quickly passes if the girl could not arouse a higher interest in him. Although here it is still necessary to take into account that love for a man does not mean the same thing as for a girl.

12 signs a man is in love

1. When he sees you he smiles. In general, a man may be embarrassed to openly express his feelings, especially in front of strangers. Therefore, it may not be an open wide smile, but a “smile with the eyes”, when the expression of his face changes when you appear - it becomes kinder, and a sparkle appears in his eyes.

2. You constantly catch his eye on you. A man in love cannot see enough of his beloved, "eats her with his eyes." He wants to admire every feature of his beloved face, every curve of the body. He may pretend to look away, but his gaze returns to you again and again, as if you are a magnet and he is a compass needle.

3. He listens to you as if the fate of all mankind depends on your every word.. By the way, do not flatter yourself, it is quite possible that he passes your words past his consciousness, enjoying your voice.

4. Instead of the words "I" and "you", he often uses "we". For example, he asks not “When will I see you?”, But “When will we meet again?”. Not "I want to see this movie", but "Let's watch this movie".

5. He sees you differently than you see yourself in the mirror. Heard, for sure, such an expression that lovers wear "rose-colored glasses." This is true. Let's say you didn't get enough sleep and say "I have dark circles under my eyes", if he is in love, he may well be surprised, because he really does not see them! As well as the shortcomings of your figure, and some skin problems, if any.

6. He is delicate in his statements and is afraid to offend you.. For example, if you have a weight problem, he will never say “you are fat” or “you need to lose weight.” Most likely, he will quietly slip you books about a healthy lifestyle, articles on how to lose weight, or offer to go to the gym together.

Although there are men who, in principle, do not know what delicacy is. In this case, he may be genuinely surprised that you are offended. But if he is in love, he will try his best to smooth over his mistake, for example, he will say that you are the most beautiful for him.

7. He misses when you are apart. Maybe he tells you this every time you call, or maybe he doesn't. In any case, a man in love is bored if he does not see his beloved for a long time. Some will call every day, others several times a day. He will send meaningless SMS, just to somehow keep in touch. He will count the days and hours until you meet.

8. He worries when you feel bad. A loving man perceives the pain of his beloved woman as his own, and tries to do everything so that his beloved is always well. If you have any trouble or get sick, the man will make every possible effort and find ways to fix it. He will protect you from any threat, he will help you deal with the problem and he will try to console you.

9. He worries about you. If your date ended late in the evening, a man in love will try to take you home, and if for some reason this is not possible, he will call you a taxi and pay for the fare. If it’s cold outside, he will ask: “Are you warm, girl?”.

10. He beautifies your life. Some cute trinkets, chocolates, flowers, balloons, cute postcards. Although, to be honest, most men do not understand why a girl needs this and they themselves rarely realize that a man should not come on a date empty-handed. In this case, the girl should hint about this, or even say it directly, since men usually do not understand hints. If he is in love, he will make the right conclusion and will come to every date with some kind of gift.

11. He likes to spend money on you. Of course, not immediately, but as your relationship develops, gifts will become more and more expensive, from to jewelry. The price of a gift depends only on its financial situation. But it's not about the price, it's about whether he feels pleasure when he gifts you, or does it in order to get your body for temporary use. Firstly, it can be seen in the eyes, and secondly, if this is not love, but lust, a man will drag you to bed immediately after you receive an expensive gift.

12. He trusts you. “Jealous means love”? This is only partly true. True love without trust is impossible. But there are men who are "in the blood." In such cases, the man suffers a lot, and still believes your explanations. At least he tries his best to believe it.

It was a barrel of honey, if your chosen one meets all these signs of a man in love. And now - a fly in the ointment.

With the development of the Internet, the man went very literate. If earlier, by these signs, it was possible to determine for sure that a man loves, today everyone who wants to please a woman for selfish motives can read a similar article, or even pretend to be in love.

So girls, be careful! If a man is too perfect, do not rush to jump into his bed. When he really loves, first he marries you.