Braxton uterine contractions. How painful are Braxton Hicks contractions? Feelings and symptoms

The process of establishing regular labor activity does not spontaneously begin. For unleashing childbirth, it is necessary that the cervix is ​​​​mature. It is this process that is provided by the so-called training bouts of Braxton Hicks. This article will talk about it.

What are Braxton Hicks training contractions?

Training contractions, which also have a second name - false contractions, provide the following processes:

  • shortening of the cervix, that is, a decrease in the length between the internal and external pharynx;
  • softening of the consistency of the cervix;
  • opening of the cervical canal;
  • the location of the cervix along the wire axis of the pelvis, that is, along the axis along which the baby's head will pass.

As a result, the cervix becomes "mature". This is achieved due to the special structure of the muscular layers of the uterus. In the neck there are mainly circular fibers, and in the body - longitudinal. False contractions lead to the fact that there is a contraction of the longitudinal muscle fibers, which lead to stretching of the circularly oriented smooth muscle fibers. In parallel, hydration processes are intensely occurring in the cervix, which provide defibration of connective tissue fibers.

If the cervix remains immature by the time of delivery, then certain complications may develop. It can be:

  • pathological preliminary period;
  • weakness of labor activity;
  • untimely departure amniotic fluid etc.

How to recognize Braxton Hicks contractions

What sensations does a woman experience during training bouts? The answer to this question will help a woman to correctly navigate the situation in order to know when it is necessary to go to the hospital.

The signs of Braxton Hicks contractions are as follows:

  • that do not violate normal rhythm sleep and wakefulness;
  • pains are regular, repeating after 30 minutes, several hours;
  • they usually appear by the end of 36-37 weeks.

Unlike labor pains, training contractions do not lead to structural changes in the cervix, that is, to a significant opening of the cervix. Therefore, in order to carry out differential diagnosis a vaginal examination is necessary.

It is also important to know what week training bouts start from. This will help to distinguish existing complaints from the symptoms of preterm labor, as they are very similar to Braxton Hicks contractions. The only difference is the gestational age when they appear.

Thus, answering the question of how to determine the contractions of Braxton-Hicks, it is necessary to evaluate:

  • complaints that a woman makes;
  • uterine tone;
  • perform a vaginal examination.

Pathological variants of Braxton-Hicks training contractions

In some cases, the symptoms of false contractions can disrupt the usual sleep and rest regimen, which leads to a woman's psycho-emotional instability, irritability, nervousness, etc. This situation occurs when the precursors of childbirth acquire a pathological orientation, which is characterized by the development of a pathological preliminary period. To distinguish it from the norm, you need to know how often Braxton-Hicks contractions occur. This is due to the fact that the pathological preliminary period is characterized by constant pain, in contrast to the precursors of childbirth, when pain occurs periodically. Palpation felt an increased tone of the uterus in the pathological preliminary period. However, this does not lead to structural changes in the cervix.

How to treat the pathological preliminary period? The main goal of treatment is to restore normal pacemaker activity and uterine contractility. Therefore, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • sedatives (soothing);
  • antispasmodic (relax the tone of the uterus);
  • narcotic analgesics.

The most commonly used methods are considered to be the appointment of obstetric sleep-rest and the use of GHB. Obstetric sleep-rest involves the use of no-shpy or papaverine, sibazon, promedol, that is, it allows a woman to completely reduce functional activity nervous system, which turned out to be pathologically elevated. This was the reason increased tone uterus, which is not accompanied by structural changes in the cervix against the background of a pathological preliminary period. Therefore, Braxton Hicks contractions, the symptoms of which are mainly manifested by minor pain, to pathological condition do not apply.

In doubtful diagnostic cases, a pregnant woman can take 2 no-shpa tablets on her own. If the pain stops, then this is not regarded as a pathology. If the pregnant woman does not feel relief, then we must think in favor of the pathological preliminary period. Therefore, in the latter case, a pregnant woman should contact maternity hospital for qualified help.

In conclusion, it should be noted that training contractions are needed in order to prepare the cervix for childbirth, that is, they are necessary to accelerate the maturation of the cervix. In the case of the pathological course of this process, certain complications arise at the stage of the formation of labor activity and during childbirth. Therefore, it is necessary to timely identify those conditions when false contractions become pathological. This will be a reserve for reducing the frequency caesarean section. Knowing what training contractions are, how often they happen and what sensations a woman experiences is necessary for a correct interpretation of the well-being of a pregnant woman and an explanation of the changes that are taking place.

Pregnancy is the most mysterious and exciting phase in the life of not only women, but also men. Especially while waiting for the first baby, dads try to be close to future mothers every minute, help them and take care of them. However, there is certain period when nothing can help a pregnant woman - contractions. In addition to labor pains, there are also training ones. It is to them that our article will be devoted.

Nature has provided for every little detail of women. To prepare for the last and most difficult stage of pregnancy, you need to survive Braxton-Hicks contractions. What are they and when should we expect them?

If at about the twentieth week of pregnancy in women the muscles of the uterus come into tone, the tummy hardens and seems to seize, and then the relaxation phase begins, then this is Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are sometimes also called false. Do not be afraid, because the pregnant woman does not feel any pain. There is no fixed period of time between contractions, they can occur in a minute or in a few hours. Their difference from the real ones is that they do not increase in strength, and sometimes they are not even noticed.

Why do you need Braxton Hicks contractions? It is in order to train the smooth muscles of the uterus, prepare the body for childbirth and once again remind the pregnant woman that long-awaited meeting with a baby soon. In addition, they are designed to improve blood circulation in the uterus and increase blood flow to the "shell" in which the baby lives - to the placenta. For the pregnant woman herself, false contractions of the uterus can be very useful. Although there is almost no pain, you can train breathing at this time with the help of special exercises which are indispensable during childbirth.

Braxton contractions are sometimes so subtle that women hardly remember them after pregnancy. If women in position live active life, then very often they do not focus on them. Of course, this is a normal physiological process that does not require any intervention. Braxton-Hicks contractions also do not act on the cervix, do not lead to its dilatation, so do not worry. In addition, they usually occur either at night or late in the evening, so if the intensity is low, then most often they are not noticed during sleep.

And yet there is a certain risk that false contractions of the uterus will cause discomfort to the pregnant woman, make the future dad a little worried. What should you do if Braxton Hicks contractions make you feel out of sorts? First, relax. Very often this leads to nervous disorders, unrest, emotional stress, as well as physical labor. In this case, you should lie down, think about something good and calm down. Remember that on recent months pregnancy, you should not rearrange furniture or lift something heavy. Second, drink a glass of water, warm or room temperature. This method is said to be very effective in spasms.

Never smoke or drink alcoholic drinks during pregnancy, it provokes and intensifies false contractions, you need to monitor your diet, do not diet, do not limit yourself to food.

How to distinguish from the real? The very first criterion is pain. Labor pains are accompanied by pain, which increases with each time. In addition, bleeding may begin. In any case, it won't hurt to see a doctor.

And remember, no matter how much pain you have to endure until the end of childbirth, as soon as you look into the eyes of your newborn baby, you will immediately forget about everything in the world!

Hello dear readers! Childbirth is a crucial stage in a woman's life, for which the body prepares in advance. AND future mom is not always ready for such “exercises” of her body, thinking that a real birth has begun. Training contractions are also known as Braxton-Higgs contractions. Let's figure out how to distinguish them from real ones, what the expectant mother feels and when they happen.

What it is?

Training contractions are a contraction of the muscles of the uterus. Unlike the real ones, they do not lead to the opening of the cervix and childbirth, but only prepare the body for the upcoming loads. This phenomenon was first described at the end of the 19th century by the physician John Bregston-Higgs, after whom the contractions were so named.

Some women have heard of them, but do not always know exactly when such uterine contractions occur. It is important to remember how many weeks you should expect this phenomenon, and not be afraid of it.

Starts around week 20. However, their absence does not indicate wrong course pregnancy. If this phenomenon nevertheless “caught up” with you, observe how long the contractions last. As a rule, their duration is no more than a minute, and the number per day varies from 1 to 10 times.

Most of the expectant mothers are worried about how not to confuse real contractions with training ones and miss premature birth when you need to go to the hospital urgently. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, and there is no reason for concern, then most likely you are dealing with Bregston-Higgs contractions.

It is very important how long you observe a contraction of the uterine muscles. If this happens at the end of the second - the beginning of the third trimester, then the likelihood that real labor has begun is very small. If contractions are felt after the 32-34th week, then you should go to the hospital and consult a doctor. It is much more difficult to distinguish the training of the body from labor activity at this time, so you should play it safe.

It is important for pregnant women to know how not to confuse real contractions with training ones. To do this, we recommend listening to own feelings and think about how they correspond to the properties of Bregston-Higgs contractions:

  • a feeling of constriction in the upper or lower abdomen, in the groin;
  • irregularity (contractions can be repeated after 6 hours);
  • irregularity, surprise;
  • with real contractions, the pain passes through the stomach and "leaves" in lower part backs, and during training they are concentrated in one area;
  • no strong pain, only slight discomfort;
  • if real contractions intensify over time, become more frequent, then training ones, on the contrary, gradually disappear.

The last property of training bouts is their main difference from regular ones. To find out what phenomenon you are dealing with, you need to wait a few hours and listen carefully to your body.

Why don't everyone get Bregston-Higgs contractions? There are a number of factors that can trigger their appearance:

  • excessive physical exercise mother or child's activity;
  • stresses and experiences of a woman;
  • dehydration;
  • overcrowding of the bladder;
  • orgasm during sex.

Even if you or someone else just put your hand on your stomach, this situation can also trigger uterine contractions. Of course, it is difficult to foresee all provoking factors, but some are better to avoid.

For example, do not abuse soda, empty yourself in a timely manner. If training contractions have already begun, be tolerant of them and try to reap the benefits. Practice breathing like during childbirth, try to distract yourself from the pain by thinking about something good. You will need this skill in the future.

Back in 1872, the English doctor John Braxton Hicks described the phenomenon of irregular contractions in pregnant women. Such contractions are a short-term muscle contraction for 30 seconds - 2 minutes. The pregnant woman feels this phenomenon as an increase uterine tone. Similar sensations manifest themselves in the 20th week and later. To be more precise, until this moment the woman does not distinguish between them.
The tone of the uterus often increases during the day. But usually a pregnant woman is engaged in household chores or work. Therefore, these short squeezes go unnoticed. Every day the number of training bouts is growing. However, their duration does not exceed a few minutes.

The uterus needs such training. If she is motionless like a bag for all 9 months, then it will be difficult for her to cope with the birth load. Therefore, the task of such training is to prepare the uterus and cervix for labor. On recent weeks the pharynx of the uterus can open by 1 cm, and in a mother who gives birth not for the first time - up to 4 cm.
Closer to childbirth, contractions, which can be called the first signs, contribute to the fact that the cervix softens and becomes shorter. In the past, when there was no ultrasound diagnostics, the appearance of preliminary contractions on last dates pregnancy was considered the most reliable sign upcoming due date.

At what time

Braxton Hicks contractions appear from the 30th week of pregnancy. These are uterine contractions that are not accompanied by pain. At first they rarely occur. The tummy seems to turn to stone for 5-10 seconds. This usually happens while lying down. Special treatment in such cases is not prescribed. So the uterus is preparing for the most serious work that lies ahead of her. Removes not very pleasant sensations warm bath with addition sea ​​salt. In addition, you can try to breathe in your stomach. Put your hand on your stomach, you need it to rise during inhalation. This makes it easier to control the process.

How does it feel

Braxton Hicks contractions are pulling sensations lower abdomen. Often they can be mistaken for the onset of labor. The reason for their appearance is the tension and relaxation of the uterus for better preparedness for delivery. It is important to remember that these contractions do not signal the onset of labor. Contractions may occur in the second trimester. However, most often, mothers feel them in the third trimester. Braxton Hicks contractions happen to every pregnant woman. But not everyone can feel them. These contractions increase in frequency and strength in the last stages. That's why they are easy to confuse with real ones.

Here are some tips for recognizing training contractions:

  • feeling of constriction in the lower abdomen;
  • no more than 6 contractions within an hour;
  • spontaneity;
  • concentration in any particular area (during non-training contractions, pain from the abdomen passes to the lower back);
  • bring inconvenience, but not pain;
  • gradually disappear, and then completely disappear.

Braxton hicks training contractions

It's easy to spot when you're in prep contractions. The sensations are observed as follows: from time to time the muscles of the uterus are compressed, and this tension is paroxysmal in nature and lasts 30-60 seconds. The frequency of such contractions ranges from several times a day or an hour. During this period, the uterus tenses so much that a woman can feel and even feel the organ. Such contractions do not create an uncomfortable state. They do not change in intensity or frequency.

When to See a Doctor

In most cases, false Higgs contractions go away without medical intervention. Therefore, going to the maternity hospital does not make sense. However, there are symptoms when you need to get professional advice. What should alert the expectant mother? This:

  • vaginal discharge(mucous or bloody, in combination with training contractions may indicate the onset of early birth);
  • sharp pain in the abdomen, if it does not go away after a change of position and worries between uterine contractions);
  • you experience back pain or blood on your underwear (call an ambulance immediately!).

If the listed symptoms have manifested themselves, and you are at a period of 37 weeks or more, you should definitely see your doctor. Moreover, you can immediately go to the hospital, since there is a high probability of the onset of childbirth.
Don't worry, everything will be fine. easy childbirth and healthy babies to you!

A few weeks before the birth, the expectant mother may begin to feel slight stretching in the lower abdomen and lower back, as well as petrification of the entire abdomen. As a rule, these sensations are painless, but they cause some anxiety - what if childbirth has begun, and is it time to get ready for the hospital?

Such sensations really indicate the approach of childbirth, and are called false contractions of Braxton Hicks. However, while this is not the birth itself, which means that you do not need to go to the hospital. How Braxton Hicks contractions manifest themselves, the symptoms of which can be quite diverse, we will tell right now.

Signs of training fights

You can distinguish false contractions from real ones as follows:

  • false contractions do not have a certain frequency of occurrence;
  • false contractions last no more than a minute;
  • false contractions are almost painless and deliver a minimum discomfort;
  • false contractions are felt as a petrification of the uterus and light sips in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • Braxton Hicks contractions (training contractions) are easily relieved by a change of position, a walk, or a warm shower;
  • false contractions do not intensify and become more frequent over time, as is the case with real contractions;
  • false contractions are not accompanied by other symptoms of upcoming labor, such as cork discharge, bowel movements, and so on.

If these are Braxton Hicks contractions, the symptoms will be just that. False contractions can begin as early as the 20th week of pregnancy and even last for several months. During this time, you can easily learn how to evaluate how training contractions manifest themselves and, relying on familiar sensations, you will know that the time for childbirth has not yet come.

The exact reasons why false contractions occur have not yet been established, perhaps this is how the uterus is preparing in upcoming birth, possibly changing hormonal background, and possibly hypersensitivity associated with a significant increase in the size of the uterus and the activity of the baby.

False contractions can last long enough and exhaust the mother, who is already in tense expectation. However, sooner or later, training contractions before childbirth will turn into real ones. They also have several important symptoms which help to understand what generic activity already started.

How to recognize real contractions?

  • real contractions increase both in intensity of pain and in the duration of the contraction itself;
  • real contractions occur with the same frequency (from 20-30 to 10-15 minutes) and it is gradually reduced;
  • contractions are aggravated by active walking, and warm shower only slightly reduces sensitivity;
  • during real contractions, the mucous plug may come off and slight spotting may appear.

If the contractions have been going on for several hours, and correspond to all of the listed symptoms, then the harbingers of childbirth, false contractions, have turned into real ones, and you can go to the hospital. This is especially true for the second and subsequent births, since the period of contractions can be very short.

The signs of false contractions are quite transparent, and the intuition of the expectant mother can easily tell whether the birth has already begun, or before them for some time. However, the expectant mother may not feel the preliminary contractions at all.

Labor activity can begin immediately with intense and frequent, and most importantly, labor contractions that are productive in terms of opening the uterus. This does not mean that the uterus will not prepare for childbirth with the help of "training", so there is no need to worry about this. The body will be able to cope with the task of giving birth to a baby without prompting. Every pregnancy and every birth is different, so we recommend that you just enjoy the anticipation of meeting your baby.