Why does the lower abdomen hurt at 37 weeks. What causes abdominal pain in the last weeks before childbirth

Another week has passed, and now you are in full combat readiness. Things have already been collected for the hospital, everything is prepared for the meeting of the baby.

Childbirth at the 37th week of pregnancy ends safely, the baby is born full-term, its organs and systems are fully formed and function normally outside the mother's body.

The further period of pregnancy is accompanied by maturation nervous system, the final preparation of the respiratory apparatus for independent breathing, although enough surfactant has already formed at this time, the lungs fully open at the first breath.

How many months have passed? Week 37 is the beginning of the tenth obstetric month of pregnancy (one obstetric month has exactly 28 days, or 4 weeks).

The weight of a child at 37 weeks of gestation is about 2.9 - 3 kg, and his height is 47 centimeters.

What's happening?

Pregnancy 37, 38 weeks - the period of preparation for childbirth of both mother and baby. It has already become much easier for mom, because by this time usually the stomach has already dropped, it has become easier to breathe, heartburn has decreased, digestive problems have decreased, but you have to run to the toilet more and more often - on bladder the uterus now presses even harder.

The baby is actively gaining strength before birth, his weight is now increasing due to subcutaneous fat. Activity has become much lower, but the number of movements has great importance and mom still has to count them.

At this stage of pregnancy, the baby's body is fully formed and ready for extrauterine life. The pulmonary system is fully developed. Now it is turned off from the circulation, but immediately after birth, when the baby's first breath occurs, the blood will begin to flow into the lungs and be enriched with oxygen there. The amount of surfactant is sufficient for normal breathing.

On last dates During pregnancy, important changes occur in the child's nervous system - myelination of nerve fibers. A special myelin layer is formed around the neurons, which provides full-fledged nervous activity, coordination of movements. This process does not end with pregnancy, but occurs throughout the first year of a baby's life. And now the baby has already formed all the reflexes: grasping, sucking and others.

The baby's sleep already has not only a fast phase, during which fast movements of the eyeballs are recorded, but also a slow one, during which the baby relaxes and fully rests. The slow phase now occupies about forty to sixty percent of the entire duration of sleep, while in adults this figure is eighty percent.

The baby's skin gradually brightens, lanugo practically disappears. Now the color of the baby's hair and eyes is still different from the permanent one. Improvement of endocrine, immune system, sense organs.

Baby photo, ultrasound

In the photo below you will find several examples of ultrasound babies at 37 weeks of gestation.

Most expectant mothers note that already at the 37th week of pregnancy, the stomach dropped. And finally it becomes easier - shortness of breath is significantly reduced, it becomes easier to sleep, heartburn is less worried. But the volume of the abdomen is already large enough, and mommy should be as careful as possible. When you go out for a walk, try to do it with your spouse. Usually, mothers at this stage of pregnancy have an uncontrollable desire to redo the whole homework, do a general cleaning, prepare everything. Preparing for the meeting of the baby, of course, is very important, but now the mother must correctly assess her strength. Organize the help of relatives - they will gladly take part in such household chores.

Fetal movements at 37 weeks

The last weeks of pregnancy are accompanied by a decrease in the activity of the baby. There is too little space in the uterus now for active games. Mom still needs to periodically count the number of movements, especially if it seems to her that the activity has decreased sharply and significantly.

The baby continues to grow. His movements become stronger. Heel strikes in the hypochondrium can be very painful. And since the baby is usually in a head-down position, it is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hypochondrium that the maximum number of kicks falls. If this causes pain to the mother, you need to try to change the position of the body, stroke the tummy, calming the baby. Try to stand on all fours for a few minutes, so the stomach sags a little, and the load becomes less.

Mom's Feelings

The last month of pregnancy, mothers very often experience anxiety, because childbirth is very soon. Often during this period, training contractions intensify, often there is a feeling that the stomach is turning to stone. Don't be afraid to go to the doctor again. Go for a checkup if contractions are bothering you. The doctor will assess the condition of the cervix, the degree of softening, tell you when the birth is expected to begin, and if everything is in order, simply send you home.

Two or three weeks before the birth, the baby in the uterus descends, and mommy experiences significant relief, because the stomach now supports the insides less. But if that doesn't happen, don't worry. In primiparas, the belly may drop a few days before delivery.

37 weeks pregnant: signs of labor

All the thoughts of the expectant mother in the last weeks of pregnancy are busy upcoming birth. You have already taken training courses, read many books and seem to know absolutely everything about childbirth. But most mothers are still worried: how not to miss the onset of labor? In fact, this is simply not possible. In addition, there are certain signs that indicate that labor will begin in the next few days. These signs are called harbingers of childbirth. These include:

  • Lowering of the abdomen: the mother feels that breathing has become much easier, but the pain in the lower back has probably increased somewhat, there is a feeling of pressure on the perineum. All this indicates that the baby has already fixed the head in the birth canal and is preparing to be born.
  • Chair disorder. Under the influence of changes in hormonal balance, loose stools appear. So the body is cleansed of everything superfluous that can interfere with childbirth.
  • Removal of the mucous plug. A very characteristic feature that most mothers pay attention to. The mucus plug is a collection thick mucus in the cervix, which performs the function of protection. Immediately before childbirth, she departs, while the woman notes a single appearance in the secretions of thick mucus with streaks of blood.
  • Contractions become more frequent, acquire rhythm.

If you have found several of these signs in yourself, you should be prepared for the fact that labor activity will begin at any moment. Remember that the appearance of frequent painful contractions, discharge amniotic fluid- these are not harbingers, but the beginning labor activity. If this happens, you should immediately go to the hospital.

The 37th week of pregnancy, like its entire final stage, is characterized by many painful sensations. Very often the back hurts, especially the lumbar region. If the stomach has already dropped, the pain becomes severe. But decrease pain from kicks in the hypochondrium, because the baby is already a little lower.

The compression of the venous vessels by the uterus leads to the appearance of edema, pain in the legs. You need to rest more often with your legs horizontal or even slightly raised. It is also helpful to take warm baths for feet (but not hot), massage.

Often mothers note that at 37 weeks pregnant. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the pain is not strong and is associated with training fights, this is quite normal. But pain can be both a sign of incipient labor and a pathology of the course of pregnancy.

Discharge at 37 weeks pregnant

The expectant mother in the last weeks of pregnancy should carefully monitor the discharge so as not to miss the discharge of the mucous plug. It looks like a collection of thick mucus streaked with blood. If this happens - be prepared for the onset of labor!

breech presentation

If at this stage of pregnancy the baby is in breech presentation(that is, his ass is adjacent to the birth canal), then his position will remain so at the time of birth. Mom is hospitalized in the maternity hospital even before the onset of labor, in order to assess whether natural childbirth is possible, or whether a caesarean section is necessary.

Determining the tactics of delivery, experts evaluate the following factors:

  • age of the expectant mother;
  • the dimensions of the pelvis - are estimated by external measurement, in some cases - during X-ray pelviometry;
  • obstetric history;
  • the doctor during a vaginal examination assesses the condition of the cervix, amniotic sac to determine the general readiness of the body for the onset of labor;
  • size, weight of the fetus is a very important parameter, because sometimes when normal sizes the pelvic parameters of the baby can be large;
  • type of presentation: breech presentation can be pure when the pelvis is adjacent to the birth canal, mixed when both the pelvis and legs are adjacent, or foot. Foot presentation considered unfavorable;
  • head position: if the baby is in a position in which there is a threat of overextension of the head, a caesarean section is recommended.

Sex at 37 weeks pregnant.

Usually the last weeks of pregnancy are accompanied by a significant decrease sexual activity spouses, sometimes because of the feeling of the imminent appearance of the baby, sometimes it is simply inconvenient to choose a position. However, doctors say that during the normal course of pregnancy, sex at 37 weeks will not hurt, you just need to be careful, and leave sharper tricks for later. Sexual contact will not cause damage to the fetal bladder and will not cause any harm to the baby. And the orgasm helps better preparation to childbirth. Therefore, if you and your partner have a mutual desire, do not deny yourself pleasure.

Research and analyzes

At the 37th week of pregnancy, all standard studies are carried out:,. Be sure to visit a gynecologist. In the last stages, the doctor determines the size of the pelvis, their correspondence to the size of the baby, evaluates the presentation, the position of the fetus. If you notice that there are already signs of an impending labor, the doctor may perform a vaginal examination to determine the degree of readiness of the cervix for childbirth. Ultrasound at the 37th week of pregnancy is rarely performed, only for the purpose of diagnosing disorders on the part of the mother or baby.

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Questions - answers

I'm 37 weeks pregnant, my stomach is pulling more and more often. This is fine? Is this a sign of imminent labor?

An increase in the frequency of training contractions, which women usually describe as a feeling of tightness in the abdomen, may indicate an impending birth. But if you have the first childbirth, and there are no other precursors (prolapse of the abdomen, discharge of the mucous plug, and others), then childbirth can begin in two to three weeks. If the contractions become very frequent and painful, be sure to consult a doctor.

This is my first pregnancy, 37 weeks. My legs hurt more and more, and my lower back is very tight, sometimes the bones of the pelvis hurt. What is this?

Such sensations are quite normal for the last weeks of pregnancy. Pain in the legs is associated with compression of the uterus of venous vessels, nerve plexuses. They are not dangerous either for you or for the baby, but they do often cause anxiety. Try to get more rest, ask relatives to massage your feet, go only to comfortable shoes. Increased pain in the lumbar region, in the pelvis is probably due to the fact that the stomach has already fallen, and the baby’s head is now in the small pelvis, while the pelvic bones are moving apart, the sacrum is moving back a little, which causes pain.

My weight at 37 weeks pregnant increased by 17 kg. I try not to eat a lot, but I'm afraid that I still gained too much. This is not dangerous?

The normal weight of a woman in labor is very important for the course of childbirth. 17 kilograms is slightly higher than the permissible, but not critical. You still have 2-3 weeks ahead, and it depends on you how the birth will go. Limit all sweets, bread products, try to eat more vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, lactic acid products. It is important to know that weight is not gained due to edema. If you feel normal, and the weight was gaining gradually, there is no reason to panic. If you notice that the weight gained very quickly, literally in a week, be sure to consult a doctor.

Finally, the 37th obstetric week of pregnancy has come, at which the child is considered full-term for all medical indicators. Mom is overcome by conflicting feelings - the desire to pick up her baby as soon as possible and the excitement before the upcoming event. If a pregnant woman has not yet decided on a maternity hospital and has not packed a bag with necessary things, then you can’t pull it any further, because there are 3 weeks left before the expected date of birth.

Changes in a woman's body

At the 37th week of pregnancy, the woman's body is even more active than before, continues to prepare for labor.

The uterus contracts from time to time, Braxton-Hicks contractions become more frequent and intense. Sometimes expectant mothers can even confuse them with the onset of labor. You can distinguish a training fight from a real one, first of all, by their regularity. If the uterus began to contract at intervals of 10-15 minutes and the tone lasts at the same time intervals, it is quite possible that the long-awaited hour has come.

  • After 37 weeks of pregnancy, the cervix may begin to gradually dilate. To determine the degree of its disclosure, which is measured in points, the gynecologist at the 37th week will examine the chair. If after that he says that the dilatation is 0-1 points, this means that the cervix is ​​​​either completely closed or dilated by 1 cm (misses 1 finger). But even a small opening does not mean that childbirth will begin today or tomorrow - sometimes pregnant women walk with their uterus in this state for several more weeks. This does not threaten the baby, if the integrity of the fetal bladder is not broken.
  • Many mothers note that their digestion has improved: and they no longer suffer from diarrhea. This change is due to the fact that the descending uterus stops pressing on the stomach and intestines, allowing them to work at full or almost full strength.
  • The amount of colostrum secreted may increase, which causes some inconvenience to the expectant mother. To avoid the appearance of stains on underwear and clothes, you can use special disposable breast pads, which will come in handy after childbirth. Multiparous women are more likely to suffer from "leakage" of the nipples than those who bear the baby for the first time. In addition to pads, it is recommended to buy comfortable bras.

Weight at 37 weeks pregnant

At 37 obstetric week pregnancy from initial body weight, future mom gaining approximately 11-13 kg, but this is a very average indicator. Women who had a weight deficit before pregnancy can gain 8-10 kg for the entire period of gestation, and those who are inclined to be overweight - 15 or more. The main factor that the doctor focuses on in this matter is the development of the child. If its proportions are correct, and the ultrasound indicators correspond to the norms, there is no reason to worry.

At this time, some women report a slight weight loss. If it fluctuates between 300-500 g, this indicates a physiologically normal and timely process - a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid. But, like any other changes, this still needs to be reported to the doctor.


The height of the uterine fundus for a period of 37 weeks is 32-37 cm. The skin of the abdomen is very tense, a hyperpigmented dark line is clearly visible on it, rising from the pubis up to the navel, and sometimes to the ribs. The growth and weight of the child at 37 weeks of gestation is already so great that the expectant mother herself or with the help of a doctor can determine in which part of her abdomen his buttocks, back or thigh are located, and periodically probe them. True, there is no need to be zealous in this - the baby likes gentle strokes more.

If before this period the expectant mother did not have striae (stretch marks), then the likelihood of their appearance in the future is minimized, since the period intensive growth belly left behind. But despite this, you should not stop using oils and creams that soften and nourish the skin - they will allow you to quickly restore skin turgor after childbirth and bring your body into good shape.

The stomach has sunk so low that now it is noticeable even to others. On this basis, it is not difficult to determine that childbirth is approaching, so the expectant mother should be patient when answering the numerous questions of friends and relatives.

Feelings of a woman at 37 weeks

Despite some relief of well-being, caused by the lowering of the uterus lower and lower into the perineum, general state a pregnant woman can cause her considerable anxiety:

  • the feeling of clumsiness intensifies, a "duck walk" may appear;
  • pregnant women feel that at 37 weeks of pregnancy the stomach turns to stone. This is hypertonicity, which is most often painless and is accompanied only by an unpleasant sensation of sipping in the lower abdomen;
  • due to the fact that the uterus with the fetus presses on the hip bones, a woman may experience a frightening sensation at first electric current descending from the perineum down the legs. It arises due to slight infringement located in inguinal region genitofemoral nerve. In rare cases, it can be fraught with such troubles as leg numbness, decreased mobility, constant nagging pain.

The expectant mother is getting more and more tired of her condition and the unpleasant physiological sensations that accompany it and is looking forward to the day of childbirth. Help ease the last weeks various activities for pregnant women - it can be art therapy, during which a woman draws her feelings, relaxing muscles and relieving back pain, water aerobics for pregnant women or another suitable direction.

To the feelings of a woman, you can add symptoms that indicate the approach of childbirth.

Harbingers of childbirth in primiparas will include the following signs:

  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • discharge of the mucous plug;
  • diarrhea and nausea at 37 weeks may also indicate an upcoming birth process;
  • nesting syndrome, when a pregnant woman, thanks to a hormonal surge, has a huge amount of strength to equip a cozy “nest” for her baby;
  • weight loss of 1-2 kg, which is associated with the loss of excess fluid;
  • copious discharge;
  • Training bouts.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous at 37 weeks of gestation are exactly the same as in women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time. Distinctive feature is that all signs are more pronounced and can occur more rapidly.

fetus at 37 weeks

If the baby decides to be born a little ahead of time, doctors will no longer try to stop the process and make the pregnancy last until the classic 40 weeks, as the baby is completely ready to meet the outside world.

He continues to build muscle and fat mass: his weight is 2900-3100 g, and the length of the body with the head is 47 cm. The fetus tries to make respiratory movements in mother's belly- this suggests that the lungs are fully ripe and will open at the first breath of the baby.

In addition, the changes characteristic of the last trimester continue in the baby's body:

  • The circumference of the hips approaches the circumference of the head - with normal development these figures should be practically the same;
  • A baby at 37 weeks pregnant looks exactly the same as it will at birth. The baby's face already has eyebrows, eyelashes, and the fingernails can be so long that they have to be cut off immediately after birth so that he does not scratch his face;
  • The fontanel is clearly marked on the head - a physiological opening between the bones of the skull, allowing it to flatten slightly when the baby passes through the birth canal. After childbirth, the timely overgrowth of the fontanel will be one of the signs proper development nervous system;
  • And also the 37th week is characterized by the fact that the baby sees now in the same way as he will see for some time after the birth, the same can be said about the hearing organs. He learned long ago to open and close his eyes, and although the picture around him does not differ in variety, the baby is already able to distinguish daylight hours days from darkness.

During this period, the location of the umbilical cord is already quite clearly visible - often it can wrap around the arm, leg, baby's tummy, and his neck. This fact frightens the expectant mother and gives her uncertainty about the successful outcome of childbirth. Reinsurance in this case does not hurt, because not only the position of the fetus, but also the entanglement of the umbilical cord can change the doctor's decision and incline him towards a caesarean section. In such a matter, it is better to trust a specialist, since the life of a child is much more important than the ambition "I want to give birth myself."


An ultrasound examination at 37 weeks of gestation is not planned, because 3rd screening is long over. But the doctor may prescribe an examination to clarify some points at this time.

The main objectives of the study are to evaluate the following indicators:

  • fetal development and heartbeat;
  • amount of amniotic fluid. The sonologist also evaluates their composition, because in amniotic fluid should not contain meconium (original feces of the fetus);
  • the readiness of the cervix for the upcoming birth;
  • the location of the umbilical cord, in order to exclude its entanglement;
  • degree of maturity and location of the placenta;
  • The location of the fetus. If the baby is still in a transverse or pelvic presentation, then the doctor raises the question of a possible delivery by caesarean section.

And also the sonologist evaluates the uteroplacental blood flow to exclude pathologies.

Discharge from the genital tract

At the 37th week of pregnancy, there is an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge. They may look different - be white or white-yellow, sometimes a light brown shade- a sign of the presence of blood. There may be several reasons for this:

  • gradual discharge of the cork;
  • erosion bleeding, provoked by prenatal rush of blood to the genitals;
  • placental abruption, which often pulls the lower abdomen.

The last item is the only one listed that threatens the life and health of the mother and fetus, therefore, when brownish discharge you should notify your gynecologist about this.

Many women are concerned about how to identify a drain plug. To begin with, it should be remembered that it is absolutely not necessary to track this event, since the passage of a cork, unlike the discharge of water, does not mean the onset of labor and does not threaten the child in any way. As a rule, the cork is a clot of dense mucus of a transparent white color, it can come out all at once or in parts.

If the expectant mother leads healthy lifestyle life, then inflammatory processes in the vagina should not bother her at this time, since just a couple of weeks ago the gynecologist had to take a planned smear and, if a violation of the microflora was detected, prescribe treatment.

Possible problems at 37 weeks

Childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation is no longer a problem, because the baby is considered full-term. This can lead to other dangerous problems. For example, in the last stages of pregnancy may be complicated by eclampsia. This condition rarely occurs on its own, in most cases it is provoked by such factors:

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • excess weight;
  • diabetes;
  • swelling at 37 weeks of gestation, protein in the urine and high arterial pressure indicating preeclampsia ( late toxicosis). Eclampsia is a complication of preeclampsia;
  • late first pregnancy (after 35 years);
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • systemic autoimmune diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • various pathologies of the course of pregnancy.

And also at this time, it is necessary to once again check the bag with the necessary things that the woman plans to take to the maternity hospital. It is recommended to put this bag in a conspicuous place so that you do not have to look for it when labor begins.

How many months at 37 weeks pregnant

Many women are concerned about the question of what month of pregnancy they are currently in.

There are several types of calculation, the terms for which will be completely different:

  • The obstetric technique involves calculating the period, starting from the first day of the last menstrual bleeding. One obstetric month contains 4 weeks or 28 days. Accordingly, the 37th week of pregnancy is equal to the full 9 obstetric months and 1 week. To avoid confusion, gynecologists consider this method;
  • If we take into account calendar days, where 1 month contains 30-31 days on average, then 37 weeks corresponds to 8 calendar months and 2 weeks;
  • The embryonic period begins from the moment of conception and lags behind the obstetric period by about 2 weeks. Therefore, the 37th week of pregnancy is equal to 35 weeks of the embryo's age.

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The final ninth month of pregnancy is not easy, it is difficult for a woman to move because of the weight gained, the fetus presses on all organs and the pregnant woman increasingly feels tired. At a period of 37 weeks, there is a high probability of childbirth, so a woman should constantly listen to her feelings.

The main reasons why the lower abdomen is pulled at 37 weeks of gestation

3 weeks before the full term of pregnancy, the baby is already quite large - there is not enough room for him to turn around without problems, so expectant mothers often feel strong shocks when the fetus moves.

If a woman is carrying twins or this is her second pregnancy, the chance of giving birth at 37 weeks is quite high.

The appearance of abdominal pain in the last weeks of pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. By themselves, these pains are considered normal course at this time, the belly of the pregnant woman begins to sink, which means that the baby is preparing to meet the outside world.

Rare aching pain, as with menstruation, are most often the main sign of early labor. When additional symptoms: chills, fever, spotting, dizziness, it is strongly recommended to consult a gynecologist or obstetrician.

Causes of pain:

  1. A spasm in the lower abdomen is a consequence of the fact that the uterus increases along with the growth of the fetus.
  2. Acute pulling pain can cause inflammation of the appendix, which is located at the bottom of the right side of the abdomen. Such pains are often accompanied by fever, nausea and lack of appetite.
  3. Due to the rapid growth of the uterus, there is pressure on the appendages, which can lead to rupture of the cyst. High fever, pain when urinating, and strong pain- a reason to consult a doctor for first aid.

If for a period of 37 weeks the lower back pulls, the back aches and the stomach hurts, you do not need to endure pain and self-medicate. This is very dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby in the tummy.

Pulling the stomach at 37 weeks of gestation: signs of impending labor

As a rule, pains similar to menstrual periods are the main sign of incipient labor. If this happens at 37 weeks, you need to pay special attention to these pains.

Braxton-Higgs training contractions are painless and episodic, while labor contractions are more pronounced, regular, and uncomfortable.

The closer the expected date of birth, the more woman wants to see her baby, take him in her arms.

Harbingers of preterm birth:

  1. The stomach dropped. As a rule, this happens at 37-38 weeks, but sometimes the stomach drops in the last week, and a day or two before the scheduled date of birth.
  2. Lack of appetite and slight weight loss. Before giving birth, a woman notices that the desire to eat is noticeably reduced, and she can also lose 1-2 kilograms.
  3. The plug came off. The cork may come off a few days, sometimes a few weeks before the birth.
  4. Energy uplift. Increases before childbirth vitality, as if the body is preparing for the upcoming "work".
  5. The waters have receded. The outflow of amniotic fluid is a sure sign of the onset of childbirth.
  6. Diarrhea. Often, diarrhea can indicate the onset of labor. But diarrhea can also be a sign of poisoning, so it's best to wait for other symptoms before calling 911.

The appearance of secretions in the last stages is quite acceptable. At the end of pregnancy, they should be transparent and without streaks. If blood clots appear, this may be a signal of placental abruption, so you should immediately see a doctor.

Why does my chest hurt at 37 weeks pregnant?

At 37-38 weeks of gestation, a woman may experience pain not only in the lower back, but also in the chest. As a rule, this is caused by a rush of blood to the mammary glands - the body is preparing for breastfeeding. Also, the chest can hurt due to hormonal changes and is not associated with dangerous consequences.

Painful processes with changes in the body of a woman and the growth of a child in the tummy.

Chest pain can be caused by heartburn, which often accompanies mommy in the third trimester. It is recommended to eat less fried, spicy and salty foods. Uncomfortable clothing, a tight bra - all this can cause chest pain.

What to do if your stomach hurts at 37 weeks pregnant

If there are pulling unpleasant pains in the lower abdomen for a period of 37 weeks, it is recommended not to stay at home, but to consult a doctor. Such pains can be both harbingers of childbirth, and a not entirely positive phenomenon.

How to relieve pain:

  1. walk on fresh air. Oxygenated blood helps to relieve the condition of the pregnant woman.
  2. More rest, reduce physical activity. Due to the grown belly, the load on the spine increases, so it is recommended to wear a special bandage, bend over less and lift weights.
  3. You can drink herbal teas, while remembering that some herbs are prohibited during pregnancy.
  4. Drugs that relieve spasm can be drunk only as directed by a doctor.

If a pregnant woman feels episodic pains in the lower abdomen at week 37, it is recommended to refrain from sex so as not to provoke early labor.

Any changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman in the last stages should be notified to the observing gynecologist.

At 37 weeks, it is best to treat infections and inflammatory diseases, which can also complicate the current condition and affect the delivery process.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen at 37 weeks of gestation (video)

At the 37th week of gestation, a woman should carefully monitor her health, listen to her feelings. Drawing pains may well be the cause of premature birth, so do not ignore cramps in the lower abdomen and lower back pain.

Pregnancy at the border of 36 and 37 weeks, whether it be the first, second or third birth, acquires new properties: the child is already ready for birth, and his body is still changing and preparing for childbirth. The amount of subcutaneous fat increases, the nervous system strengthens. The body creates a special shell to preserve the nervous system, which will be strengthened throughout the year.

Surfactant is produced in the lungs, which will allow him to freely breathe oxygen. Due to the rapid set of adipose tissue, the weight of the child increases, at 37 weeks he weighs approximately 3000 grams.

The woman will finally feel relief: breathing is getting better, food is digested without complications, but going to the toilet is still as frequent. This is due to the fact that the baby's head gradually descends into the pelvic area. Now you can be 100% sure that the baby will be born, and doctors will not state premature birth.

You need to think about the psychological aspect of childbirth and seriously think about who you want to see next to you during childbirth. The fact is that not every maternity hospital allows the presence of a husband, so you may be disappointed at the very last moment. The birth of a child is a very important day in the life of any woman, so take the time and prepare for the birth responsibly, especially if you are planning a birth with a father.

37 weeks pregnant is how many months?

Many women at 37 weeks pregnant are surprised to find out that they are in their tenth month, but not those who are on their second or third pregnancy. But, if you calculate everything correctly, you can understand what's going on. At normal course pregnancy carrying a child in the womb lasts 280 days. Nature allocates the same amount for the conception, growth and maturation of the fetus. One obstetric month is equal to 28 days or 4 weeks.

So it turns out that this is 10 gynecological months, which obstetricians consider the duration of the entire pregnancy, or a little more than 9 calendar months, as many women usually think.

So, 9 obstetric months have passed, but before the birth, as it is written in the book, one more is left to depart. 37 weeks of pregnancy - the first week of the tenth obstetric month. Actually, childbirth can begin at any time. But what about the baby? Is he ready to be born?


37 weeks of pregnancy is the time when the great news appears: the baby is already ready to be born and the birth will be soon! If they occur at this time, the birth will not be considered premature. By this time, the baby can already take, digest and assimilate food, because the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is lined with villous epithelium, which is able to absorb nutrients. The meconium or original feces of the baby has already formed, and the peristalsis is activated. A baby at 27 weeks pregnant will be able to suck maternal breast, because he is already quite strong and has well accumulated subcutaneous fat, due to which his skin is almost smoothed out. Heat exchange processes run smoothly, the baby is able to maintain and maintain the heat of his body at the level necessary for life.

The born baby will be able to breathe on its own, as the lungs have already matured. In addition, at the 37th week of pregnancy, a hormone is produced in the child's body, which brings the pulmonary system to perfection, that is, until the final maturation.

At birth, the baby will no longer have as much stress as he had before. This was facilitated by the adrenal glands, which greatly increased in size and produce a special hormone that helps to adapt to the life of the child outside the womb. As you can see, there is no need to be afraid of childbirth, although the development of the baby at the 37th week of pregnancy is still ongoing (the 37th week of pregnancy is shown in the photo and video below).

The baby's liver intensively accumulates iron - it is necessary for the production of blood cells that the baby will need in the first year of his life.

There is a process of coverage of neurons that are responsible for the coordination of movements. The formation of neural connections will continue until childbirth and after - for one year.

Your baby at 37 weeks of gestation is completely unique - he has individual facial features, an individual pattern has appeared on his skin, nails and hairs have grown (although it often happens that a baby is born bald), ear and nasal cartilages have hardened. The bones of the skull are still quite elastic and soft, because, during the passage through the maternal pelvis, the head will be deformed. The two fontanelles remain fully open and will only close for some time after delivery. The fluff of lanugo has almost left the body of the crumbs, as well as the generic lubricant, the remnants of which are now collected only in skin folds. The head and tummy of the child became equal in circumference. He has already grown to about 48-50 cm and is increasing by about 1 cm every week, and the weight has reached 2,900 grams, of course, in this sense, all children are different.


The baby in the tummy, there is less and less space, but it still continues to grow. It has become cramped, and the mother feels it very well, especially if the baby is trying to “dance”, the movements at the 37th week of pregnancy sometimes even become painful, most often when the baby pushes her legs in the hypochondrium.

WITHnimki ultrasound 37 weeks37 weeks of fetal development in the photo

At the 37th week of pregnancy, the pregnant woman's belly may begin to gradually drop, which the expectant mother will be very happy about: firstly, this means that the birth will begin soon (and she is already tired of carrying a heavier baby!), and secondly, she will finally be able to breathe Full breasts (she has not done this for a long time). True, at the 37th week of pregnancy, there will still be slight pains in the lower abdomen and a feeling of heaviness, and in the perineal region - this stomach presses down with its load.

It may also be that the stomach does not fall before childbirth and this is also considered the norm. But you can understand that childbirth will soon begin according to the sensations in the lower abdomen: it will begin to ache and pull.

Your tummy will itch due to the strong tension in the skin, and your belly button may turn outward. will appear dark stripe on the stomach, but all these changes after childbirth will disappear.

Now, it is necessary to constantly listen to training contractions: contractions can intensify and become more frequent, but if they differ in rhythm and become longer and more painful all the time, then the time for childbirth has come.

Thus, when the 37th week of pregnancy has begun and at the same time it pulls down or hurts and aches the stomach or it becomes a little stony - this is a normal and natural phenomenon. You just need to avoid heavy loads and overwork.


Most likely, you have already passed the last ultrasound examination, which finally established the expected date of delivery. But it happens that ultrasounds are also carried out at the 37th week of pregnancy in order to clarify a number of points. One of the primary issues is the location of the baby before the birth. In most cases, babies rush head down, as this position is considered the most physiological: during childbirth, it will be easiest and the uterus of the same shape, because the baby, turned upside down, repeats its shape, which is very convenient when there is not enough space . However, some babies can sit on their ass or lay across. Breech presentation, at present, is not considered an absolute indication for caesarean section, but it can be prescribed taking into account aggravating factors.

When conducting ultrasound at week 37, the specialist carefully examines the baby and its degree of development, fixes the main parameters and heartbeat, assesses the amount and condition of amniotic fluid, diagnoses the condition of the uterus, cervix, umbilical cord, and also determines the degree of maturity of the placenta. Most likely, they will also do dopplerography to check the uteroplacental blood flow.

You will have to upset mothers who want to find out the sex of their baby on an ultrasound scan at the 37th week of pregnancy. The baby almost does not spin in the stomach, it has taken all the space in the uterus and is no longer moving as actively as before. The possibility that he will show his genitals for public viewing is very low. So the sex of the heir may not be known until birth.

Sex at 37 weeks pregnant

The imminent onset of labor often causes a refusal to have sex at 37 weeks of gestation. Many parents already perceive sex at this time as a threesome, while others cannot pick up comfortable posture. It should be noted that none of these reasons is so serious as to deprive oneself of pleasure. By itself, big tummy it interferes a lot, but if there is a desire to adapt, then you can still, for example, try a pose on all fours or “dogi-style”.

Doctors only recently recommended giving up intimate relationships just before childbirth. But now they have a different opinion on this matter: good health parents, the integrity of the fetal bladder will not be violated, and if making love to a woman does not hurt, then they can be continued until the birth itself. And having sex is even useful - sperm increases the elasticity of the cervix, which makes it easier to open during childbirth.

Discharge at 37 weeks pregnant

Sexual life must be stopped if you have a watery discharge - in most cases this means that the water is breaking. They can stand out in small portions, wetting the laundry, or gush in a stream.

The discharge of amniotic fluid begins the birth process. Normally, they should be transparent in color, but if fetal hypoxia is present, they may be greenish.

Also, before childbirth, the mucous plug will depart along with the waters or independently of them. During the entire pregnancy, it clogs the entrance to the uterus and protects the baby from the action of pathogenic microorganisms. As soon as the cork departs, the path to the baby opens, so it will not be possible to have sex and be in stagnant water, as some kind of infection can be introduced.

The mucus plug looks like a clot of mucus, similar to silicone or jelly, and its total volume is about two tablespoons. In the event that the cork comes off in parts, the woman will notice lumps of thick mucus on the underwear. Cork is white, cream, translucent, and even bloody - you can immediately recognize it. However, women do not always see this object: often the cork leaves already during childbirth.

You should urgently go to the hospital if bleeding begins after the cork or water has passed. Bloody issues talking about malpresentation or location of the placenta.

We hope that you are no longer disturbed heavy discharge at 37 weeks pregnant. Thrush and other sexual diseases, if any, should have been cured by this time.


The 37th week of pregnancy may be characterized by the occurrence of pain as during menstruation. Often, a harbinger of the discharge of the mucous plug before the birth process is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Along with other signs, it can be used to determine the approaching date of birth. The child presses on the perineum, and pelvic bones soften and gradually begin to diverge, so in the lower abdomen (especially in the pubic region) the woman feels heaviness and pain. Often, pain at 37 weeks of gestation is felt in the legs when walking, sometimes one leg hurts.

But after the tummy sank, the pain in the hypochondrium disappeared or noticeably decreased: the baby can no longer reach so high with its legs. But training contractions can become a little painful.

At the 37th week of pregnancy, the lower back still aches a lot, the back, sacrum and legs hurt. The baby is already heavy and is still gaining weight, and you have become heavier - the load on the musculoskeletal system and bones in last days pregnancies are just colossal!

Weight at 37 weeks pregnant

A heavier baby, amniotic fluid, a placenta and a large volume of blood, fat reserves and mommy's breasts, without a doubt, increase weight at 37 weeks of gestation. Since the beginning of pregnancy, you could already gain more than 13 kg. For each pregnant woman, weight gain will be different, as it depends on the physique and parameters of the woman, concomitant diseases as well as heredity. But a sharp difference from the norms of weight gain at 37 weeks of gestation, amounting to 10-17 kg, of course, is undesirable.

It happens that closer to the birth itself, the weight decreases slightly. In addition, in the past, weight loss was facilitated by the fact that in the last weeks of pregnancy, women adhered to a lean diet.

Feelings or movements

As mentioned above, at 37 weeks of gestation, the abdomen may drop and uterine tone may occur. In addition to making breathing easier, your heartburn and constipation will now be less frequent. However, you have to run to the toilet more often, as the uterus began to put even more pressure on the bladder. Frequent urination is especially annoying at night, when it is not always possible to sleep without it. This is how nature prepares a woman for sleepless nights after childbirth. You just need to overcome insomnia and try to get a good sleep now - in the future you will need strength.

To sleep better at night, you should move more, do light work during the day and reduce the time of daytime sleep. Be sure to take daily short walks in the fresh air, it is very useful to take a walk before going to bed. Do not overeat at night and reduce the amount of fluid you drink in the evening. Do not forget to ventilate the room before going to bed or you can leave the window open all night.

In the last days of pregnancy, a woman feels internal heat, she is stuffy all the time, there is a strong sweating. All this is due to a markedly increased blood volume.

The stirring of the child often brings discomfort, because it is catastrophically crowded there: there is less amniotic fluid, its weight and size increase, and therefore the uterus, as it were, clamps the baby. By the way, movements must be controlled even at the 37th week of pregnancy: there should be at least 10 per day. In the last days of pregnancy, the activity of the baby decreases and it calms down a bit.

In general, the inconvenience will not last very long. Very soon you will miss your native tummy and the funny movements of the baby. And do not forget to take a photo for the crumbs album at the 37th week of pregnancy.

During a routine examination, the doctor will assess the readiness of the cervix for dilatation and, most likely, after the examination, you will have the first harbingers of childbirth.


The 37th week of pregnancy does not exclude the possibility of childbirth, even if it is the second childbirth or 2.3 pregnancy. But other women can give birth at this time. Therefore, you need to be fully prepared to go to the hospital at any time: pack all your things, take it with you exchange card and others Required documents when you leave home and give directions to your loved ones.

Carefully observe the harbingers of childbirth and do not rush to the hospital ahead of time: you need to go to give birth only when the pains recur with a small frequency (less than 5 minutes) and become quite painful. At the same time, you can have a bite to eat something light. Start using breathing techniques, do not stand still and walk back and forth, thereby facilitating your condition.

At the 37th week of pregnancy, childbirth is considered timely and takes place naturally: by this time the placenta is aging and can no longer cope with its functions of providing the baby with vital substances, and it decides to be born. The mother's body begins to produce hormones that contribute to the onset of contractions and labor.

Immediately set yourself up for the fact that childbirth is not always hard, but still work. It must be done perfectly and at the same time remember that not only you, but also your baby will work hard! Let the realization of this not allow you to even falter or give up. You need to remain optimistic, listen and follow all the instructions of the medical staff: hours, or maybe minutes remain before the most desired and happy meeting ... Drive away all fears and doubts, and rush towards your little one.


1. At 37 weeks, childbirth is possible and the baby will be considered normal full-term.

2. In a pregnant woman, Braxton-Hicks training bouts become more frequent, appear small discharge from the vagina and possible rejection of the mucous plug. It becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe. Thus, the 37th week of pregnancy is characterized by the following: the first harbingers of childbirth appear and the child behaves very actively (stories and reviews on this topic You can read in the "Forum" section).

3. If a temperature of 37 and 5 appears during pregnancy, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this can be hazardous to health.

1. Be sure to tell your doctor about all changes in your condition. Find out from him answers to questions: for example, is this or that product possible for you at the 37th week of pregnancy or why does your body react that way. The physician draws conclusions from individual characteristics women.

2. By this time, you already need to choose a maternity hospital.

3. In connection with the approach of childbirth, take a test for streptococcus so that the child does not get an infection during childbirth.