Distinctive features of platinum and white gold. Gold and platinum: which is more expensive


Gold, perhaps the most classic metal for making wedding rings, it is chosen by about 90% of all newlyweds. But every year platinum begins to gain momentum. Let's figure out why this happens, why platinum is better than white gold when choosing wedding rings, if outwardly these metals are almost impossible to distinguish

White gold in wedding rings

You should be aware that the gold used in jewelry is not a pure precious metal, but an alloy. Due to the softness and brittleness of pure gold, the production of jewelry is impossible without the addition of a sufficiently high percentage of other metals to the ligature - copper, silver, nickel, etc. In particular, gold of the 750th test will contain 25% of other metals, and 41.5% of the gold of the 585th test. The lower the gold fineness, the higher the percentage of other metals in the alloy.

Platinum, on the other hand, is a fairly durable metal, so platinum rings are almost entirely made up of the precious metal. For example, the ring of the most common 950th sample contains 95% pure precious metal and only 5% impurities of other metals, which give the alloy strength and wearability to the product.

What shines better white gold or platinum?

You may be disappointed, but the brilliance of two wedding rings - white gold and platinum - is almost impossible to distinguish from the outside. This is because each piece of jewelry is plated with rhodium after it is made, which is the metal that gives white gold and platinum jewelry their unique radiant sheen. Over time, they may fade with daily wear, but birthing can restore their former shine.

Why is platinum more expensive than gold?

Platinum is a rare element in nature. To extract one ounce of platinum, it is necessary to process an average of 10 tons of ore. In comparison, an ounce of gold can be mined from just 3 tons of gold ore. The cost of platinum mining is on average three times higher than gold mining.

The demand of jewelry manufacturers for platinum is growing every year. This is confirmed by the fact that even in Ukraine every year the number of couples choosing platinum wedding rings growing exponentially.

Platinum is a very difficult metal to recycle. It melts at much higher temperatures than gold and requires separate professional equipment and the skill of jewelers.

Although the market value of platinum may not differ much from that of gold, this difference will be much more noticeable in a piece of jewelry, since about 30% of the costs in the cost of a piece of jewelry is the difficult work of a jeweler who creates jewelry from platinum.

Now about the most pleasant - about the sensations when choosing platinum wedding rings. Due to the fact that this metal is much heavier and denser than gold, products of the same volume made of platinum weigh almost twice as much as similar gold ones. Therefore, trying on a platinum wedding ring, you will feel a pleasant heaviness, most couples choose this metal precisely for this unique sense of weight and value that they translate into their relationship.

Since platinum is stronger, platinum wedding bands are less prone to scratches than gold ones. This is also a strong practical argument in favor of platinum engagement rings to be worn on a daily basis.

Each couple must decide for themselves what metal they want their wedding rings to be in. Specialists of the ZBird Jewelery jewelry store can only help in choosing, advise and promise to make any of your chosen designs in any of the selected metals. It is not so important whether your wedding rings are gold or platinum, it is important that they add value to your feelings, make your family strong and happy.

You can spend a lot of time in search of a stylish and elegant piece of jewelry that favorably emphasizes the individuality of its owner. Silver, platinum, yellow and white gold… What should be preferred from this noble and very attractive assortment? It is especially difficult to decide when choosing between white gold and platinum, because it seems that they are very similar ... But this is not at all the case!


Platinum- a rare noble metal of beautiful silvery white shade, table element D.I. Mendeleev.

White gold is an alloy consisting of gold and other components (nickel, platinum, silver, palladium), which are able to color it white.


The main difference, of course, is that platinum itself is a noble metal, while white gold is an alloy of traditional yellow gold with silver, nickel, platinum or palladium. True, until recently quite widely used nickel has been increasingly actively replaced by palladium, since it was found that nickel often causes allergic reactions. So a piece of white gold can contribute to skin irritation, depending on what metal in the alloy the jeweler used and how sensitive you are to it. But platinum is absolutely hypoallergenic.

White gold 585

Platinum products, unlike gold ones, are made almost entirely from this precious metal - the content of platinum in the alloy is on average 95%. The jewelry made of white gold 750-carat contains 75% gold and 25% other metal from the above, which gives the product a white tint. By the way, the mark of assay for products made of platinum and gold is also different: platinum is 850, 900, 950, gold - 500, 585, 750.

Gold is one of the softest metals, while platinum is distinguished by its special density and strength, wear resistance. Platinum is also heavier than gold by weight. But, interestingly, platinum is a very ductile metal. Although gold deforms more easily than platinum, which is much more practical to wear.

Platinum is a naturally white, light metal, while white gold, depending on the sample and the type of alloy (whether it is more present in the composition of palladium, silver or the not so popular nickel), has a gray, brownish or grayish-yellowish tint. In order to give a product made of white gold shine, special whiteness and additional hardness, it is very often coated with rhodium, a rare noble (and very fragile, so it is used only for coating) silver-colored metal. white color, similar in properties to platinum. Rhodium has the attractive properties of not tarnishing or changing color even over time, and it leaves fewer scratches than soft gold. The only disadvantage of rhodium plating is that it gradually wears out, and the white gold item begins to turn yellow. Therefore, after a few years, it is advisable to “update” the rhodium plating in a jewelry workshop. Platinum, on the other hand, does not need additional coating to give the product a white color: it already has a silvery-white tint. But for shine, platinum is still sometimes also coated with a layer of rhodium, since it can quickly fade.

Another difference between platinum and white gold is the cost. Moreover, surprisingly, a few centuries ago, platinum, which was then not used because of its infusibility, was valued half as much as silver. Today, a platinum ring will cost more than a similar piece made of white gold.


Findings site

  1. Platinum is a metal, white gold is an alloy of gold with silver, nickel, platinum or palladium.
  2. Platinum is hypoallergenic, white gold, depending on the metals present in the alloy (mainly nickel), can cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Platinum is 850, 900, 950, gold - 500, 585, 750.
  4. Platinum is heavier and stronger than white gold.
  5. Platinum is naturally a rich silvery-white color, white gold can be yellowish, brownish or grayish. To acquire strength and a beautiful white color, in most cases it is covered with rhodium. Rhodium is also occasionally applied to platinum, but only for brilliance, as it quickly becomes dull.
  6. Platinum is more expensive than white gold.

Jewelry made of white gold and platinum occupy a considerable part of the assortment. jewelry stores. Jewels made of white metals are valued for sophisticated look and soft sheen, thanks to which decorations become appropriate not only for solemn events but also in everyday life.


Platinum is an expensive and rare metal with a silvery white color. In the manufacture of jewelry, 85-95% platinum is used, the content of other additives in the alloy does not exceed 15%. Platinum products are distinguished by increased strength and wear resistance, the initial beautiful colour does not change over time, extraneous shades do not appear.

A definite plus - platinum (and hence the decorations from it) hypoallergenic, due to the absence of nickel in the composition. By the way, the same applies to . The disadvantages of platinum include insufficient natural luster, which is enhanced by manufacturers by applying top coat from .

White gold

White gold is not a metal, but an alloy of several metals. To give yellow gold of a noble white shade, nickel, silver, palladium, platinum are added to it. The quality and price of products largely depend on the type of additive.

It is preferable to purchase rings, earrings and chains made of white gold, which contains silver or palladium, since nickel can cause allergies. Depending on the content of gold in the alloy, white gold of 500, 585 and 750 samples is isolated. Gold jewelry, despite the content of white metals in the alloy, rarely has a pure silvery-white hue. To correct the natural yellowish-gray tint, a layer of rhodium is applied to the jewelry, which makes white gold visually indistinguishable from platinum.


Having studied the features of each of the metals, you can determine the basic principles for choosing jewelry from them:

  • Platinum products are the most durable and durable. If there is a goal to acquire jewelry that will become family and will be passed down through generations, then it is worth choosing platinum.
  • Platinum is very wear-resistant, so products made from it favorably endure daily mechanical stress. This factor should be taken into account when purchasing wedding rings and jewelry for every day.
  • White gold is a complex material whose quality depends on additives. People who are prone to allergies should avoid products with nickel. Jewelry made from an alloy of gold and palladium has the best combination of price and quality.
  • Gold jewelry is cheaper than platinum jewelry, so if your budget is limited, you should buy the first ones. Visually, both metals are almost the same, the main important differences begin to appear only over time.

Platinum has more benefits, however, the high price makes the purchase inaccessible for many jewelry lovers. In this case, you can buy golden decoration rhodium-plated and regularly, with a frequency of 12-18 months, renew the coating in a jewelry workshop. This measure will significantly extend the life of the jewelry and enjoy the original color and brilliance for many years.

Which is more expensive, platinum or gold? The cost of these two metals depends entirely on the production technology, the industry in which the substances are used, and the function in the economic process. On the basis of such noble elements, alloys are created that are used in completely different industries. But as a rule, they are most often used in jewelry.

The history of the discovery and use of noble metal

It should be noted interesting fact. In the 16th century, when gold was found in Colombia, along with loose metal, another type of “solar” element was mined, which resembled silver. It was impossible to clean these particles from platinum. In translation, this word means “bad silver”.

For a long time, this chemical element was difficult to find application, since it is impossible to process it due to the lack of special technologies. And only in 1780 this metal was named the most reliable and unchanged among those worthy of kings.

Issue of coins

Soon the first platinum coins were officially issued. Gold, copper and ligature were added to the alloy. Their proportion was quite large.

Due to the properties of both physical and chemical counterfeit coins were created, which could easily be passed off as the original. Platinum in real and counterfeit coins differs in density, which is easy to calculate using hydrostatic weighing. It should also be noted that such money, as a rule, can be magnetized.

The first issue of coins in the official mode took place in Russian Empire. They were in use from 1828 to 1845, they were minted from the Ural platinum. At that time, this material was not purified from iridium and palladium. At the same time, a new chemical element was discovered in Siberia, which made it possible to use an unrefined alloy. Simultaneously with the minting of coins, wire, medals, cups, and so on were created from platinum. However, at that time they were quite expensive, so they did not enter the life of people. But even then, the question arose of what is more expensive, platinum or gold, and why.

The main properties of jewelry platinum

In order to understand the cost of these materials, you need to learn about the properties of platinum. This item is used to make jewelry. It differs in that it can easily survive deformation, mechanical influences, as well as reagents. The material is extremely flexible and durable. Therefore, he found his place in the jewelry business.

On this moment Platinum is widely used in jewelry making. It is often used to add to alloys as a ligature component. The melting point of this element is about 1700 degrees Celsius, and if we talk about hardness, then on the Mohs scale it reaches 4.3.

Notable nuances

How much platinum more expensive than gold? It's pretty interest Ask, the answer depends on many factors. For example, sometimes about 5% given substance added to precious metal. Thanks to this decision, gold becomes white.

A similar composition refers to the 950 sample. It is highly valued and is also extremely durable. When a metal is mined, platinoids are extracted from it along the way. These include substances such as palladium, iridium, osmium, ruthenium and others.

At the moment, platinum jewelry is considered to be the most reliable. They give confidence and speak of good taste.

Accordingly, platinum is often used as a setting for diamonds. Due to this, the game of stones becomes simply magnificent. All the advantages of this metal are combined with the most important disadvantage. It's about the high price. A product made of platinum has no alternative both in terms of strength and beauty, respectively. financial side leaves much to be desired.

White gold

Trying to explain what is more expensive, platinum or gold, it should be highlighted: at the moment, popular products can be called those created from white metal. That is why platinum and similar gold, which has a palladium coating, are now in great demand on the market. Of course, if we are talking about precious metals, they will always find application in the financial side.

White gold is an alloy that is created from silver, nickel, palladium and other ligature components. It should be noted that some products containing nickel in the composition are allergens. That is why platinum often replaces them. This material does not cause any such reactions.

White gold can be produced under 500, 585 and 750 samples. It has a soft texture and warm color shade. The latter depends on the alloy. The cost per gram starts from 2 thousand rubles and ends at around 6500. Such a metal is more expensive than gold and platinum, as a rule, by several thousand.

To make such a product as similar as possible to platinum, it is covered with rhodium. Due to the fact that the jewel has a metal film, it is longer protected from damage, and the quality of the product itself remains at the same level. highest level long time. However, with active use, this coating is erased, respectively, the decoration looks worse. In order to get rid of this problem, it is necessary to re-apply this coating.

Applications of platinum

Enough actual question: which is more expensive, platinum or white gold? In order to answer it, you should also find out where exactly this material is used. Let's talk directly about platinum.

It is currently widely used in many areas, including the creation of jewelry, as well as automotive catalysts. Platinum and other elements of this chemical group are often used in technology. This is due to the strength indicator, which is quite high. Often, equipment and utensils are made from such metals. They are acid resistant. If we talk about chlorination, then platinum is often used as a catalyst. It is also often found in the pharmaceutical industry. In order to create paints and gasoline, the described material is also used. Due to the fact that the technique does not stand still and continues to develop, at the moment, prostheses and crowns are being created from platinum.

If we compare mirrors that have aluminum and noble metal coatings, then in principle it is impossible to visually notice the differences. However, due to platinum, you can create a product of a transparent type. Such mirrors are used in casinos and also by the police.


Accordingly, the scope of the precious metal is quite extensive. In the aviation industry, and even when creating power equipment, this material has no analogues. Therefore, when answering the question of why platinum is more expensive than gold, it is these aspects that should be highlighted. The uniqueness, complexity of production and beauty make this substance indispensable. However, it is worth noting that in institutions such as Sberbank, the cost of precious metals can be completely different. It all depends on the economic component.

Formation of the value of precious metals

And now we should talk about what is more expensive, gold or platinum. Sberbank and some other banks set a different rate of value, which is based on various characteristics. That is why the price in such institutions should be discussed separately.

At the moment, consider the cost in the jewelry industry. It should be noted that platinum is still more expensive. It depends on many factors that are most related to the economy. It should be noted that the activities carried out in the state still affect the cost of such metals. Therefore, platinum may be more expensive in one country and cheaper in another.

For example, when during the Moscow Olympiad special chervonets were produced from the described material, their price increased to the maximum, but all state reserves were created on the basis of gold, and, accordingly, the cost of this material is more expensive.

On the market, the position of platinum is unstable and uncertain, therefore, gold is used as a financial instrument that is considered stable.

The reasons why platinum will be more expensive should be highlighted separately. At a minimum, to get an ounce of the described element, you need to process about 10 tons of ore material. It should be noted that for gold this figure is 3 times less. The cost of production is the highest.

In order to process this material, it is necessary to create special temperature indicators. The density of jewelry is quite large, which is why the cost of jewelry will differ depending on the volume of material. It should also be noted that platinum is practically not found in mineral formations, it is not found in its native form.

Market value and price in the jewelry industry

In the jewelry field, the demand for this metal is gradually increasing, therefore, in this area, the described material is often more expensive than gold. Some samples have a high content of platinum in the alloy. It should be noted that such a product will differ in a large number of ligatures. If we talk about gold, then there are some compositions with similar components, and there are jewelry only with the content of such elements either in 20% or 40% form. If we talk about the sample, then these are 750 (1800 rubles per 1 gram) and 585 (1400 rubles per 1 gram), respectively.

Speaking about the market value, it is necessary to clarify why gold became more expensive than platinum. It depends not only on physical and technical parameters, but also on the economic characteristics of the entire state.

Jewelry, which is platinum 950 (for 1 gram from 5 thousand to 9 thousand rubles), and gold 985 do not differ at all in price. This is due to the characteristics and other indicators. These products are considered the most popular. Therefore, when answering the question of why gold is more expensive than platinum in Sberbank, you need to remember the economic nuances.

Platinum or gold: what to choose?

Platinum- rare a precious metal silver-white in color, the history of the discovery of which goes back to the 16th century. The value of this noble metal was not immediately recognized. Platinum began to gain particular popularity only in the 19th century. So, platinum wedding rings are becoming far from rare.
Gold- soft a precious metal yellow color mined by people since ancient times. The first acquaintance of a person with native gold took place around the 5th millennium BC. e. Needless to say, the popularity of this precious metal at the present time: gold rings and earrings, gold watches and crowns, gilded metals and even food…
What is the difference platinum And gold? Which similarities And differences in physical and chemical properties these precious metals?

Unique properties of platinum.

Rare. A little more than 200 tons of this noble metal are mined annually all over the world (for comparison, the average annual production gold is approximately 2.5 thousand tons).

Expensive . In view of the characteristics of the deposit and production, platinum - most expensive precious metal, after rhodium, of course (for comparison, a ring made of gold will cost about 2-3 times cheaper than platinum).

Noble. Thanks to physical properties, platinum products are made from an alloy that has a very high content of precious metal. Only 950 are currently distributed platinum assay, meaning that the alloy contains 950 parts of pure platinum and 50 parts of impurity metals (for comparison, due to the brittleness of pure gold common 750 and 585 ).

Heavy. The weight of a platinum ring will be much more than a gold one. This is due to the high density of platinum - 21.5 g / cm3 (for comparison, the density of pure gold is 19.32 g/cm3).

Durable . Platinum jewelry is difficult to deform, it is difficult to scratch and damage them. Platinum is a reliable setting for precious stones(for comparison - gold is a very soft metal, to give strength are used ).

Plastic . Platinum is a highly ductile metal. So, 1 gram platinum can be stretched into a wire, about 2 km long (for comparison - gold- more plastic, because the gold wire obtained from 1 gram stretches for almost 3 km).

Non-oxidizable. Platinum has a very high chemical resistance, for which it was classified as precious metals. Platinum is not destroyed by environment, acids and alkalis do not act on it, the only exception is aqua regia - a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids (for comparison - gold is also an inert metal, but relatively easily reacts with fluorine and bromine, dissolves in aqua regia and mercury).

Refractory. Platinum has almost the most high temperature melting among metals. The melting point of platinum is 1769oC (for comparison gold melts at 1339°C).

Hypoallergenic. Due to the high content of pure platinum in products - 950 test, jewelry made from this noble metal is suitable for absolutely everyone (for comparison - gold 750 sample includes 25% impurities, which may include nickel and copper, which cause allergies).

Silver white. Platinum is a real natural white metal. Ideally combined with diamonds (for comparison - is a jewelry alloy, may begin to turn yellow over time).

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