Wheelchair Convaid Cruiser CX for children with cerebral palsy. Wheelchair for children with cerebral palsy Cruiser Complete set and technical parameters

So, from December 13 to January 3, Vanya and I went to the Crimea with a CONVAID CRUISER wheelchair. The stroller passed with us such obstacles as the airport, transportation by car, dolphin therapy, hippotherapy, the beach in Yalta, a walk around Chersonesos, the absolutely "inaccessible" environment of Yalta and Sevastopol.

I can say that we are very satisfied and will draw up documents for the purchase and receive compensation.

But let's get it right.
Description of the stroller from the website:

  • Compact stroller with cane-type folding mechanism;

  • Fixed seat angle 30°;

  • Adjustment of depth of a seat and height of footboards;

  • H-shaped belt with 5 attachment points;

  • 3 fixed back positions;

  • Quick-release rear wheels with wide tires;

  • Self-tensioning system Self-Tensio;

  • Front fork locks;

  • Removable, washable upholstery with increased air exchange.

If you look at the American site adaptivemall.com, then this stroller is positioned as a transport stroller. we also considered it primarily as a stroller for trips to the Crimea or shopping in Moscow. Therefore, its main advantage is the compactness of folding and carrying/transportation.

Of course, a stroller of this size (we got the size CX-14. its weight is 18 kg) is a priori not small, and even when folded, it still takes up enough space in the trunk. However, for example, compared to our stroller (Thomashilfen Easys, 1 size, 20 kg), it folds much more compactly and faster: it does not need to be disassembled (remove the seat from the base), you do not need to remove the soft lining, hood and footboard (as, for example, at).
In the Crimea, we drove a nissan serena minivan, 2 of our strollers entered its trunk not folded.

Again, due to the fact that the stroller is transportable and folding like a cane, it does not have a mobile backrest angle adjustment (there is still a possibility of a slight adjustment, but it must be done in advance at home using a screwdriver - see photo)

NB If the backrest slope is still important to you and you are ready to sacrifice a little "compactness" - pay attention to the CONVAID RODEO model

We solved the tilt issue like this

We called it TILT-IN-SPACE A-LA RUSSE :-)

Other strollers, being transport, not pleasure (for example, we have one), have small wheels that are practically impassable on the street. The CRUISER has wheels like a stroller, so its cross-country ability is excellent, and it can be considered in this way as 2 in 1 - transport and walking, we walked with it everywhere and for our own pleasure. Unfortunately, she still doesn’t have a warm bag for her legs, but ours from Thomashilfen fit perfectly.

Overcoming various obstacles






In an Aeroport


On a walk on the Yalta embankment

6 7

ss sister - you can evaluate the size of the stroller and its appearance - it does not look like a "disabled person", I know for many, and this is important.



On Foros


At the dolphinarium


at the stable


On Chersonese


On the beach in Yalta. The stroller goes hard on the pebbles, like any other, for the beach you need other wheels, but we dragged it in reverse.


And now a few words about the shortcomings. There are two of them. The first is the brakes.
There is a separate brake on each wheel, so in order to put the wheelchair on the brake, you need to perform 2 times more movements than usual. On one brake, the stroller can start spinning and collapse.
But the most difficult thing is to remove the brakes from the stroller: they are quite tight (which is natural), but at the bottom the frame creates an angle, and the leg, especially in winter shoes, does not pass, which is why I never managed to move the lever the first time. And here I stand and hit 3-5 times on each brake with my foot. It sucks, to be honest. Hands - dirty and have to bend over. And in flip flops (read - in summer shoes), the husband broke his finger in general :-(

The second drawback is the pin at the rear right wheel. H It’s not very clear why the designer conceived it, but it greatly interferes with overcoming obstacles, of which we have plenty - stairs, curbs. We decided that when we get the stroller for ourselves for good, we ourselves will cut it down with a hacksaw.

But, despite these shortcomings, I personally think that the stroller has a lot more advantages, and it is optimal for our Vanya and our goals.

If you have any questions about the stroller - write to me, I will be happy to answer!

I also ask you to participate in the dissemination of information about the stroller, so that as many people as possible "interested" learn about it. For this - simple buttons below.
Thank you in advance!

A stroller in the design of a rough and clumsy low cart? As weird as it may sound, there are some.
Produced, among others, by a small American company Veer Gear. And declared as a universal vehicle for one or two babies from birth to three to five years old: with the ability to drive both on city streets and off-road.

The developers of Veer Gear describe their Veer Cruiser (Original All Terrain Cruiser) stroller as a hybrid of the best baby strollers - and a crude all-terrain cart for transporting essential loads. They note that it is both comfortable for kids and durable for country trips to the beach or a picnic on roads of not the best quality.

And if the comfort of children is provided by soft seats - and the safety for fidgets is the low landing of the structure, then the powerful body of the stroller is responsible for the strength. With a reinforced frame and wheels of different sizes in the front and rear.

True, how comfortable it is to drive a Veer Cruiser, especially, is a big question. For this, only a handle with a crossbar is intended, for which adults are invited to pull the stroller structure. There are no means of control, maneuvering, or opportunities to lift the front or rear of the case conveniently, with a minimum load.

At the same time, the user can retrofit the stroller with a child seat, fixed on the lifting frame, with a special seat for the little ones with a 6-point harness system. Purchase suitable baskets for things, attached to the side or bottom of the stroller, a foldable hood from rain and sun, cup holders and other accessories presented in the online developer store.

The cost of accessories varies from $19 to $79. While the basic design of a stroller-cart will cost $599.
And, of course, the issue of portability, which is relevant for most travelers. According to the developers, the baby stroller-cart can be easily disassembled if necessary to place it in the car. The basket is removed, cast wheels, the handle is folded. And all this, together with a flat base, fits compactly into the trunk.

True, the stroller weighs about 15 kg - and this should also be taken into account. To wash the basket and other parts of the stroller, it is recommended to disassemble it in this way.

Based on materials: goveer.com; uncrat.com/article/veer-cruiser/

So, from December 13 to January 3, Vanya and I went to the Crimea with a CONVAID CRUISER wheelchair. The stroller passed with us such obstacles as the airport, transportation by car, dolphin therapy, hippotherapy, the beach in Yalta, a walk around Chersonesos, the absolutely “inaccessible” environment of Yalta and Sevastopol.

I can say that we are very satisfied and will draw up documents for the purchase and receive compensation.

But let's get it right.
Description of the stroller from the website:

  • Compact stroller with cane-type folding mechanism;

  • Fixed seat angle 30°;

  • Adjustment of depth of a seat and height of footboards;

  • H-shaped belt with 5 attachment points;

  • 3 fixed back positions;

  • Quick-release rear wheels with wide tires;

  • Self-tensioning system Self-Tensio;

  • Front fork locks;

  • Removable, washable upholstery with increased air exchange.

If you look at the American site adaptivemall.com, then this stroller is positioned as a transport stroller. we also considered it primarily as a stroller for trips to the Crimea or shopping in Moscow. Therefore, its main advantage is the compactness of folding and carrying/transportation.

Of course, a stroller of this size (we got the size CX-14. its weight is 18 kg) is a priori not small, and even when folded, it still takes up enough space in the trunk. However, for example, compared to our stroller (Thomashilfen Easys, 1 size, 20 kg), it folds much more compactly and faster: it does not need to be taken apart (remove the seat from the base), you do not need to remove the soft lining, hood and footboard (as, for example, in Pliko).
In the Crimea, we drove a nissan serena minivan, 2 of our strollers entered its trunk not folded.

Again, due to the fact that the stroller is transportable and folding like a cane, it does not have a mobile backrest angle adjustment (there is still a possibility of a slight adjustment, but it must be done in advance at home using a screwdriver - see photo)

NB If the backrest slope is still important to you and you are ready to sacrifice a little "compactness" - pay attention to the CONVAID RODEO model

We solved the tilt issue like this

We called it TILT-IN-SPACE A-LA RUSSE :-)

Other strollers, being transport, not pleasure (for example, we have one), have small wheels that are practically impassable on the street. The CRUISER has wheels like a stroller, so its cross-country ability is excellent, and it can be considered in this way as 2 in 1 - transport and walking, we walked with it everywhere and for our own pleasure. Unfortunately, she still doesn’t have a warm bag for her legs, but ours from Thomashilfen fit perfectly.

Overcoming various obstacles






In an Aeroport


On a walk on the Yalta embankment

6 7

SS sister - you can evaluate the size of the stroller and its appearance - it does not look like a "disabled person", I know for many, and this is important.



On Foros


At the dolphinarium


at the stable


On Chersonese


On the beach in Yalta. The stroller goes hard on the pebbles, like any other, for the beach you need other wheels, but we dragged it in reverse.


And now a few words about the shortcomings. There are two of them. The first is the brakes.
There is a separate brake on each wheel, so in order to put the wheelchair on the brake, you need to perform 2 times more movements than usual. On one brake, the stroller can start spinning and collapse.
But the most difficult thing is to remove the brakes from the stroller: they are quite tight (which is natural), but at the bottom the frame creates an angle, and the leg, especially in winter shoes, does not pass, which is why I never managed to move the lever the first time. And here I stand and hit 3-5 times on each brake with my foot. It sucks, to be honest. Hands - dirty and have to bend over. And in flip flops (read - in summer shoes), the husband broke his finger in general :-(

The second drawback is the pin at the rear right wheel. H It’s not very clear why the designer conceived it, but it greatly interferes with overcoming obstacles, of which we have plenty - stairs, curbs. We decided that when we get the stroller for ourselves for good, we ourselves will cut it down with a hacksaw.

But despite these shortcomings, I personally say that the stroller has a lot more advantages and it is optimal for our Vanya and our goals.

If you have any questions about the stroller - write to me, I will be happy to answer!

I also ask you to participate in the dissemination of information about the stroller, so that as many people as possible "interested" learn about it.
Thank you in advance!