What is the normal temperature in early pregnancy. Change in body temperature. High fever treatment

New look life, a change in nutrition to a healthier diet and a responsible attitude to one's health - all this is a consequence of the birth of a small life in a woman's body. Thoughts about the baby and its well-being in the womb sometimes become manic, and even a slight deterioration in one's own health can cause panic in a pregnant woman.

A frequent occurrence during pregnancy is a slight increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees. The aches in the body that accompanies this phenomenon gives rise to fear, because in the event of a mother’s illness, the embryo can also get sick. Today we will try to figure out what to do if the temperature future mother increased, for what reason this happens, and how the child feels when the mother is sick.

Can a temperature of 37 be a sign of pregnancy?

This question may seem silly, because an elevated body temperature in the normal state indicates inflammatory process or the fight against the virus, which is unacceptable during gestation. In fact, the very fact of pregnancy is already the cause of the rise in the mercury column. This is due to the fact that a pregnant woman is going through rapid changes in the body and a drop in the level of heat transfer. At the same time, the rate of metabolic processes changes, and as a result, the release of energy. At an early stage, such a factor as fever is not considered a pathology; moreover, it is one of the signs of a conception that has occurred. Guided by numerous medical studies, experts say that a temperature of 37 is normal on early dates pregnancy. But, it is still necessary to pay attention to this factor, because the value of the thermometer at around 37 in the second and third trimester may indicate the presence of a viral disease.

In addition, everyone has their own body temperature, and even an indicator of 36.6 is not normal for every person. Therefore, about the fact elevated temperature the doctor conducting the pregnancy should find out, no matter how far along the pregnancy you are.

What is the normal body temperature during pregnancy

In order to understand what body temperature during gestation is normal, you need to remember such a thing as basal temperature. For those who do not know, we recall that basal temperature is considered to be measured in the morning, rectally. Value Graph basal body temperature throughout menstrual cycle not stable. It varies from 36.4 to 37 degrees and above. This is due to the effect on the body of the hormone progesterone. And it is this hormone that causes an increase in body temperature during pregnancy. Growth is also affected by the weakening of the immune system, which accompanies the onset of pregnancy of any woman. Thus, a slight increase in mercury values ​​\u200b\u200bduring pregnancy is normal, namely, a temperature of 37.2 to 37.4 degrees. This phenomenon can be observed in the second week and on the 37th. So if the expectant mother does not feel unwell and there are no other viral symptoms, then there is most likely no reason for alarm.

Cold during pregnancy

A decrease in immunity may be the reason that the body temperature of a pregnant woman rises slightly. But do not forget that a weakened body is vulnerable to different kind viruses floating in the air during epidemics. Pregnancy lasts 9 months, so it experiences all the seasonal features. In winter, the body is exposed to hypothermia and outbreaks of various colds, and in warm times year can overheat in the sun, which can also cause an increase in temperature. Especially dangerous in terms of epidemics is the period starting in September and ending in April. If all the factors of the disease are “obvious”: cough, fever, sore throat, then regardless of the period, you need to urgently visit a doctor or call him at home.

Many pregnant women experiencing fever and other symptoms colds, worries about how dangerous it can be for the baby. In the early stages, an increase in temperature due to a disease depends on the nature of the disease and the intensity of its course, therefore, everything here depends on the timely found cause and the correctly prescribed treatment.

In the second trimester, the virus caught is not so dangerous, because the fetus is now reliably protected by the planetary barrier. Nevertheless, the fact high temperature may still affect successful development. The fact is that this symptom provokes the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, which makes it difficult to penetrate nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. In addition, it is in the second trimester that the baby's nervous system actively develops and such negative factors as fever are extremely undesirable here.

To avoid the above negative phenomena, you should be more careful during the cold season and follow a few simple rules:

  • Avoid public places where large crowds are possible.
  • After the walk, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Use your own hygiene supplies.
  • Regularly clean the apartment.
  • Ventilate the room where you are most of the time.

Consequences of rising temperatures

Despite the fact that a slight increase in temperature is considered normal, the doctor should be aware that you observed this symptom during pregnancy. It is especially important to immediately go to the hospital if the readings have risen to 38.5 degrees. Regardless of whether you are in the 2nd week of pregnancy or in the 5th, a value exceeding 37 indicates a danger to the fetus. The consequences may be:

  • Placental abruption and, as a result, premature birth.
  • Intoxication of the mother's body.
  • Violations in the development of the organs of the central nervous system, brain, tissues and muscles of the child.
  • At the beginning of the term, in the first trimester, fever can cause a miscarriage, so you should never turn a blind eye to it.

What to do if during pregnancy the temperature is above 37 degrees

Consider options for raising the temperature above 37 degrees separately.

If the body temperature of a pregnant woman has risen to 37.0, 37.1, 37.2, 37.3, 37.4, then in the absence of any cold symptoms, the condition can be regarded as normal. But, if there is at least one symptom, such as body aches, general malaise, sore throat and runny nose, you should observe the pastel regime and call a doctor.

With an increase in body temperature to 37.5, 37.6, we can talk about the disease, and if the symptom persists for several days, then there is a possibility of a chronic course of the disease. This must be known to the doctor, who will find out the cause and prescribe the appropriate therapy.

In the event of a fever and an increase in the body temperature of a pregnant woman to 37.7, 38.0, she must be knocked down as soon as possible, since this condition of the mother can affect normal development fetus. The algorithm of actions is described below.

First of all, you need to call a doctor. It is better not to take any medications, as many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy. Try to bring down the temperature folk ways listed below and wait for qualified assistance.

We note right away that it is the refusal of self-medication that can save the child's health. If the body temperature is 37.5 and above, you should not take any medication, but it is better to immediately consult a doctor. What matters is the urgency of help. If the fever occurs at night, then you need to call ambulance so that she takes you to the hospital, where all diagnostic measures will be carried out.

If you have visited a doctor and the cause of negative symptoms has been successfully found out, you can apply some approved methods to reduce the temperature. Doctors allow taking the following folk remedies during pregnancy:

1. Tea with lemon

There are practically no contraindications to such a drink, except that lemon in large quantities is a rather allergenic product. Therefore, even such a seemingly harmless remedy should be discussed with a doctor.

2. Compress on the head

A cool compress will help you relax and lower the temperature a little. You can do it with water or water vinegar solution in a ratio of 1:1.

Raspberries in fresh and dried form, as well as in the form of jam, are allowed for those who do not suffer from allergies. In all other cases this remedy can alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman.

Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor. Although, at high temperatures, it is allowed to take a paracetamol tablet until the doctor visits. This antipyretic is most effective and is acceptable for pregnant women.

It is strictly forbidden

Those who took aspirin as an antipyretic before pregnancy should be aware that it is absolutely impossible to take it when carrying a child. The fact is that this drug thins the blood, which can lead to irreversible consequences. The doctor, prescribing any medications, always weighs the risk to the fetus and the danger to the health of the mother. In this regard, any medications are prescribed with extreme caution and the scheme for taking them during pregnancy is specific. Therefore, you cannot take anything on your own.

Decrease in temperature in pregnant women

Expectant mothers can alert not only increased rates thermometer, but also a decrease in temperature values. reasons this phenomenon some.

Firstly, this may accompany a fairly common phenomenon in the early stages - toxicosis. Secondly, a decrease in temperature may indicate any endocrine disorders. In addition, a low temperature can manifest itself due to the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman's body, which did not manifest themselves before an interesting situation.

In the case of toxicosis, a decrease in temperature may be the result of dehydration of the body resulting from vomiting. This state is regarded by experts as serious, and serves as the basis for inpatient treatment.

A decrease in temperature may indicate immunodeficiency or infectious diseases, which is also a direct indication for contacting your doctor.

If the temperature is 37 for a long time

As we found out above, a temperature not exceeding 37.4 can be normal during pregnancy. Under the influence of progesterone, the body temperature of a pregnant woman rises naturally and it does not indicate pathological causes. The action of the hormone lasts throughout the entire gestation period, so the temperature of 37 can persist for several days, months, and even the entire gestation period.

So, we examined the main reasons for the temperature to rise to 37 degrees and above during pregnancy. All causes can be divided into natural and not dangerous, pathological and requiring urgent medical intervention. It is good if the temperature has risen due to the effects of hormonal changes or a natural decrease in immunity. In this case, the pregnant woman does not feel unwell and other painful symptoms. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to tell the doctor leading the pregnancy about this. Since this factor can be the beginning of the disease, and you will provide yourself timely diagnosis and treatment. If the temperature rises noticeably, and the condition worsens, then you should immediately call a doctor and ensure yourself bed rest with plenty of drink. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe inpatient treatment, where you and your child will be safe.

Author of the publication: Alexey Kulagin

For nine months of happy expectation of a baby, a woman should carefully monitor any changes in her own body. And such alarm bell, like the temperature during pregnancy in the early stages, definitely must be noticed. What can thermometer readings indicate?

Read in this article

Is temperature a sign of pregnancy?

With the onset of pregnancy, the woman's body is rebuilt, which is manifested by a slight increase in body temperature during pregnancy in the early stages. Hormonal system women react sharply to the fertilization of the egg, the hormone is released in large quantities. It is a catalyst for temperature changes.

The functions of the immune system decline with the onset of pregnancy. Reaction natural character allows you to prevent the separation of a fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus in the early days. Any failures in the functioning of the immune system provoke an increase in body temperature by tenths of a degree.Often, in women, an indicator exceeding 36.6 C is present for the first 6 months of gestation. Excess optimal indicator on recent months indicates the presence of a disease.

All doctors say that a temperature of 37 C during pregnancy in the early stages is considered the norm. It does not provoke developmental defects internal organs child and does not affect the health of the mother. For safety reasons, during temperature fluctuations, you should discuss the issue with a gynecologist. From the second trimester, an overestimated indicator requires mandatory observation and testing.

Banal overheating - main reason elevated temperature. This is typical for the hot season or the choice of excessively warm clothing.

What do high temperatures indicate?

An increase in temperature during early pregnancy in excess of 37.5 C causes discomfort in a woman, signals the presence or a viral infection, and can also be a concomitant symptom. It is necessary to take urgent measures, since ARVI or a viral infection requires drug treatment. The choice of drugs should be approached carefully, since many of the usual tablets or syrups can not be used during the period of fetal formation. The doctor must prescribe drugs!

Fever during early pregnancy due to respiratory infection in a mild form, subject to treatment with folk remedies. Namely:

  • Rubbing it with a towel pre-dipped in cool water will help bring it down.
  • Alcohol wraps are not recommended. Alcohol is easily absorbed through the pores of the skin into the mother's body.
  • Do not forget diaphoretic teas based on linden and raspberry.

More serious diseases, for example, or impaired kidney function, cannot be cured without the participation of official medicine. To overcome the infection without medication is simply impossible.

Is it worth bringing down the temperature?

Requires acceptance urgent measures temperature 38 during early pregnancy. Her high performance threaten:

  • malfunctions of the heart and circulatory system;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • developmental disorders of the fetus;
  • irreversible changes in protein synthesis, premature birth;
  • deterioration of the placenta, which also provokes premature birth.

Drinking plenty of water will help reduce it. The choice of drinks is small: green or black tea, a decoction of linden or chamomile, berry fruit drinks, milk with butter and honey, liquid raspberry jam (can be diluted warm water). A prerequisite is the absence of boiling water. Drinks must be warm.

Remember that women who carry a baby under their hearts can drink herbal infusions not all herbs. When fever during early pregnancy is difficult to overcome, you can brew homemade herbal tea. Recipe: mix coltsfoot with plantain, raspberries and oregano in equal proportions and pour boiling water, you can hold it on the stove to herbal collection simmered a little. Infusion drink 1 spoon after meals, no more than 4 times.

Speaking of taking medication, remember that drinking aspirin in the first months is taboo. It causes and provokes irreversible. Medicines containing paracetamol are taken 1, maximum 2 times. Longer intake adversely affects the functioning of internal organs (kidneys and liver).

How to prevent temperature fluctuations during gestation

It is difficult to cure the disease, it is much easier to prevent it. In the first trimester of bearing a child is no different from general recommendations. Measures to prevent fever in early pregnancy include the following:

  • ventilation of all rooms in the house;
  • refusal to visit public places, in particular during an epidemic of SARS or influenza;
  • regular implementation of measures aimed at maintaining health (washing hands after the street, cleansing the nose and rinsing the mouth);
  • use .

Cause of low temperature

Low temperature during early pregnancy is a phenomenon familiar to many women. The reasons are hidden in:

  • specifics female body;
  • (intoxication);
  • overwork;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • insufficient amount of nutrients;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

A temperature below 36.6 for a long time can provoke general weakness, dizziness, and even. Failures in the thermoregulation of the body increase the already significant sweating, which often occurs in women who are carrying a fetus.

"What temperature during early pregnancy is considered the norm?" The question does not have a clear answer. It depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. One thing can be said: there is no cause for concern when fluctuations in indicators are not accompanied by other symptoms. But for the healthy development of the unborn child, you should seek comprehensive advice from a doctor. Hthe normal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages does not fall below 36 C and will not be higher than 37.6 C degrees. Any deviation from the norm requires a visit to a doctor!

Take care of yourself and your baby! Be healthy!

The body temperature of a person can rise for many reasons, this reaction of the body is normal. But temperature during pregnancy often becomes a cause for concern, because a fetus develops in the womb of a woman, which is very sensitive to everything that happens around.

A woman's body temperature is influenced by hormonal background and its fluctuations from 36.6 ° C to 37.2 ° C occur constantly, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Each organism is individual, therefore, temperature indicators may vary for several representatives of the fair sex, and a temperature of 36.6 ° C can be considered normal only conditionally.

The rise in temperature is associated with the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when the hormone progesterone is produced, which is responsible for maintaining gestational sac in the event of pregnancy, so the body temperature during pregnancy (in the first trimester) can reach 37.4 ° C, which is the norm.
Many women in position constantly feel hot, they want coolness, but they do not run after the thermometer, because they feel good, but there are no symptoms of the disease. However, the temperature may rise due to SARS, intestinal or genitourinary infections.

Temperature and diseases

Due to the fact that immunity decreases during pregnancy, a woman becomes more susceptible to infections of various kinds. The protective forces weaken due to the appearance in the body of a woman of a fetus alien to her, because half of it has a genetic set that is not characteristic of her (from her father). This reaction occurs to maintain the pregnancy.

The risk of "catching" the influenza virus increases greatly in the midst of epidemics. The course of the disease does not differ from the usual: high temperature (39-40 ° C), headache, drowsiness, body aches, runny nose, sore throat and cough. The insidiousness of SARS lies in its complications, such as pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis and otitis media. The virus is able to cross the placenta into the body of the fetus, infecting it and causing malformations or abortion.

The temperature during pregnancy can rise against the background of pyelonephritis, which is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys. Pregnant women are at risk for the development of pyelonephritis, because the fetus puts pressure on the ureters, which makes it difficult for urine to flow and leads to infection. The onset of the disease is manifested by symptoms of intoxication in the form of chills, fever, headache, pain throughout the body and weakness. May be disturbed by lower back pain radiating to the thigh, groin, as well as painful urination. Diagnosis of pyelonephritis in pregnant women is difficult due to weak pronounced signs kidney damage. However, the lack of therapeutic measures in this disease can cause the development of preeclampsia (toxicosis) on later dates pregnancy and abortion. The fetus has hypoxia and developmental delay.

Also, temperature during pregnancy can be a consequence food poisoning or intestinal infection. Of course, such phenomena as nausea and vomiting are common for the first trimester of pregnancy, but the addition liquid stool, pain or pain in the abdomen, as well as temperature should be the reason for going to the doctor.

Hidden danger

If the temperature in early pregnancy up to 37 ° C is considered the norm for women, then temperatures above 38 ° C can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

The laying of most body systems (digestive, nervous, reproductive, cardiovascular) occurs in the first weeks after fertilization, and the temperature in early pregnancy can cause malformations, including limbs. There may be defects on the side of the jaw, eyeballs, upper lip and the sky.

A temperature of more than 38.5°C during the day affects the development of the brain and facial skeleton in the first month of embryonic development.
High temperature during pregnancy disrupts protein synthesis, leads to poor blood supply to the placenta and premature birth (due to increased uterine contractility) in the later stages, while in the first half this may threaten the development of miscarriage.
However, science is still arguing about what has a greater impact on pregnancy: the temperature itself or the agents (bacteria and viruses) that provoke its increase.

What to do?

An increase in temperature during pregnancy up to 37.4 ° C is the norm in the first trimester. You don't need to knock her down. You should be worried if it exceeds the figure of 38 ° C.

The first thing to do is to see a doctor. It is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the pregnant woman in order to identify the cause of the fever. It is possible that consultations of narrow specialists will be required to make a correct diagnosis.
In no case should you self-medicate, it can harm the body of the mother and baby. Only a doctor can give sound advice how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy.

In the second half of pregnancy, the action of progesterone stops, which means that any increase in temperature (above 37 ° C) during this period indicates an infectious or inflammatory process in the woman's body.
It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance if there is sharp deterioration conditions, too rapid rise in temperature, the addition of vomiting and pain along the ureters.

How to reduce?

Temperature 37 ° C - no need to reduce.
The temperature is 38 ° C - it is necessary to reduce, but only with paracetamol.

It should not be taken more than 4 times per day (1 tablet). You also need a break between doses (at least 4 hours). Prolonged and uncontrolled use of paracetamol during pregnancy leads to the development of anemia and provokes bleeding.
You can use viburkol (plant-based).

It is forbidden to bring down the temperature during pregnancy with aspirin and other drugs based on it, because it is able to reduce blood clotting, which is fraught with bleeding in both the mother and the fetus. It also leads to malformations.

Some women try to fight diseases and other means, on the principle of "can and will help." This is not recommended, especially in interesting position. Do not use tetracycline during pregnancy (delays the development of the fetus), streptomycin (may cause deafness in a child) and chloramphenicol (disrupts the liver and causes anemia).

Our grandmothers knew how to lower the temperature during pregnancy. And today you can use folk remedies.

First, you need to drink plenty of water. Suitable lime blossom with raspberries, green tea or cranberry juice. With a tendency to edema, you should not abuse the liquid, especially at the end of pregnancy.
You can try to bring down the temperature by wiping with vinegar or water with lemon juice.
During pregnancy, it is not recommended to take hot baths, even foot baths. This may cause bleeding.

For protection against viral infections during pregnancy, you need to take vitamin complexes and immunity boosters (short courses), but before that it is better to consult a doctor.

From the very first days of conception in the body of a woman, the process of restructuring begins. But future mothers are wary of any changes and almost every of the uncharacteristic signs is attributed to pathology.

The list of concerns includes indicators of body temperature. Any increase or decrease in body temperature induces panic in women.

What body temperature is considered normal during pregnancy?

Often, an increase in body temperature (up to 37.2 degrees) is observed in the first months of pregnancy. In some cases, such indicators can be maintained throughout the entire nine months of bearing a baby. Doctors do not attribute this phenomenon to pathology, but explain such deviations from the norm by a natural physiological process that occurs during pregnancy.

Two main reasons can affect the increase in temperature indicators:

  1. Active production of progesterone, which affects the thermoregulatory center.
  2. During pregnancy, the immune system weakens in all women, and immunosuppression occurs. Thus, the fetus is protected from unwanted rejection.

Increased body temperature during pregnancy

Unfortunately, women during pregnancy are not immune from various diseases and pathologies, therefore, it can signal any health problems and threaten the unborn child.

If a woman in position has a thermometer that shows no higher than 37.2 degrees, and there are no other symptoms, then the temperature increase does not pose a danger to the expectant mother and her baby. But with a significant increase in the pregnant woman, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo a clinical examination to find out the cause of such indicators. Do not forget that elevated temperature for several days can significantly harm the course of pregnancy and adversely affect the development of the fetus.

The following factors can provoke such a process:

  • elevated uterine tone, which can lead to termination of pregnancy;
  • placental damage, as a result of which pathological disorders in the development of the fetus may occur;
  • dysfunction of cardio-vascular system caused by intoxication of the female body;
  • development of malformations in the fetus (especially in the first trimester).

In any case, when a temperature symptom appears, a woman needs to seek qualified medical help to determine the cause of the increase in body temperature. The most common are:

  1. Flu, . The temperature can reach 39 degrees. In addition, there are accompanying symptoms: body aches, weakness, runny nose, pain in the eye area.
  2. Diseases of the respiratory system, in particular laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. In addition to fever, the patient has a cough of varying degrees (dry, wet) and sore throat.
  3. thyrotoxicosis. Illness associated with dysfunction thyroid gland. The main symptoms of pathology are increased appetite(but at the same time a sharp loss of body weight), irritability (even tearfulness), elevated body temperature (up to 38 degrees).
  4. Problems with the urinary system(kidney disease, inflammation Bladder). The main signs of the pathological process are pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, impaired urination, fever.

This list lists the most common causes of high temperatures, but there can be many more. However, if the future mother has more than 37.5 degrees on the thermometer, then urgent measures must be taken to stabilize the condition. To do this, you can use folk remedies:

  • plentiful drink (warm tea with lemon, cranberry drink, herbal decoctions);
  • wet rubdown;
  • acetic rubbing of the body (a tablespoon of vinegar, three tablespoons of water).

If such methods do not bring down the temperature, then you need drug therapy. However, do not forget that pharmaceutical drugs can only be taken after medical approval, because most of the antipyretic drugs have contraindications.

Low body temperature during pregnancy

ABOUT pathological process signals and the temperature is below 36.6 degrees. With hypothermia, the thermometer can show 36.0. If during pregnancy a woman has such a condition for several days, then it is urgent to consult a doctor, as such indicators indicate the presence of certain problems.

The lowering of the temperature itself does not have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy. But the diseases that caused such a symptom can significantly harm the pregnant woman and her baby.

The reasons for reduced thermoregulation can be:

  • decreased immunity, which often happens during pregnancy;
  • malnutrition, especially in the first trimester, when a woman has to deal with toxicosis;
  • anemia or decreased hemoglobin;
  • hypothyroidism, caused by thyroid dysfunction (drowsiness, weakness, swelling, low body temperature are the main signs of the disease);
  • past infectious diseases(influenza, SARS);
  • hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar caused by an unbalanced diet or diabetes;
  • chronic fatigue, provoked by physical or mental stress.

How should temperature be measured?

Of course, all of the above reasons for changes in temperature indicators adversely affect the well-being of both mom and her child. Therefore, if any health problems appear, a woman needs to take her temperature. The following tips will help you do it right:

  1. It is not recommended to drink hot drinks before the procedure. Also, you can not measure immediately after physical exertion.
  2. You need to measure the temperature in a calm state.
  3. If you use an electronic device for measurement, then the procedure should be carried out for about five minutes, if with mercury - no more than 10 minutes.

If the indicators of the measuring device do not correspond to the norm, then do not hesitate to visit a doctor. The specialist will conduct a competent examination and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Thank you

body temperature at pregnancy may differ from the usual indicators of a woman. It can be associated both with the individual characteristics of the organism of the expectant mother, and be increased or decreased due to pathological causes.

The concept of basal temperature

Basal temperature called indicators obtained at rest in the mouth, in the vagina or rectum. According to these data, one can judge the menstrual function of a woman.

Basal temperature measurement is used for:

  • detecting the presence of ovulation;
  • determining the onset of pregnancy by temperature;
  • contraception;
  • assessment of the state and detection of deviations in the work of the endocrine system.
It is especially recommended to monitor the basal temperature for women who have been trying to get pregnant for a long time, who have previously experienced miscarriages or the threat of termination during current or previous pregnancies.

Measurement of basal temperature for the purpose of contraception is possible, since the most dangerous days are identified, on which the probability of becoming pregnant is highest. However, all modern contraceptives protect against unwanted conception much more effectively, and also prevent sexual transmission. infectious diseases. Therefore, at present, experts do not welcome contraception in this way.

Indicators of basal temperature in the absence of pregnancy

For those who only dream of motherhood, measuring basal temperature is simple and sufficient. authentic way to determine ovulation. This method can detect the onset auspicious days to conceive a child. By changing these data, pregnancy can be determined at the earliest possible time, almost immediately after conception.

Both with an increase and a decrease in basal temperature, you should immediately contact a specialist.

The temperature chart during pregnancy is compiled for visual observation of fluctuations in indicators in the first four months. At the same time, the obtained measurement results are entered in the table, and are also noted on the ready template, so as to obtain a temperature curve.

Fever during pregnancy: causes

During pregnancy, body temperature may rise various reasons. The change in its indicators can be both physiological, as a result of changes in the hormonal background and thermoregulation processes in the expectant mother, and be a manifestation of a variety of diseases.

Increased body temperature during pregnancy can have the following reasons:
1. Individual characteristics body of a pregnant woman.
2. Infectious diseases (ARVI, intestinal infections).
3. Others, more rare causes (allergic reactions, acute surgical pathology, non-infectious inflammatory processes).

Let's consider them in more detail:

Individual characteristics of the organism

Normal temperature during pregnancy may be slightly elevated. As mentioned earlier, in connection with the new state of the woman's body, the hormonal background and the processes of thermoregulation change. Many expectant mothers constantly feel hot, but they feel good at the same time, and there are no symptoms of any disease.

Distinctive features of this state:

  • usually temperature indicators fluctuate within small subfebrile figures (approximately 37-37.5 o C);
  • during pregnancy, this temperature lasts for a long time (sometimes until the very birth);
  • there are no symptoms of any diseases.
However, if the expectant mother finds herself elevated temperature, this should be reported to a specialist. Whether this is a variant of the norm, or a manifestation of any disease, can only be judged by a doctor after required examination. Only upon receipt negative results, a temperature of 37 o C or slightly higher during pregnancy can be considered physiological. When all causes of subfebrile condition are excluded, you should not worry or take any measures.

Infectious diseases

Often, fever during pregnancy is associated with the occurrence of SARS. Expectant mothers are generally more prone to infectious processes than women in their normal state. This is due to the additional load on immune system associated with childbearing. All this leads to a secondary immunodeficiency state.

Distinctive features of elevated temperature during infectious processes:
1. With SARS and other infectious diseases, the temperature during pregnancy can rise to 38 o C and above.
2. There are other symptoms of the disease, for example, a pregnant woman may have a sore throat, high fever, cough, runny nose.

Both in small and late pregnancy, fever and the infectious diseases that cause it can lead to miscarriages and premature births, the occurrence of various malformations in the child, and become the cause of intrauterine infection of the fetus. Therefore, when fever and other symptoms of the disease appear, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

When the temperature rises, the expectant mother should follow a number of rules:

  • Seek medical attention promptly. Therapist together with an obstetrician-gynecologist should deal with the treatment and diagnosis of diseases in a pregnant woman.
  • Even if the signs of the disease are not pronounced (for example, a temperature of 37 o C and a runny nose during pregnancy), they must be reported to a specialist.
  • It is better to avoid visiting clinics, especially during epidemics - call a doctor at home.
  • In no case should you take medications on your own, since most of them are contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • It is also better not to abuse "home" methods of therapy. So, drinking plenty of water in the later stages can contribute to the occurrence of edema, and many medicinal herbs contraindicated.
In addition to SARS, fever in a pregnant woman may be associated with other infectious diseases. Fever and upset stool can be a manifestation of an intestinal infection. In some cases, it even becomes necessary to treat the disease in a hospital, using infusion (i.e. intravenous) administration medicines. At the same time, nausea, vomiting and slight subfebrile temperature may be the norm in the early stages, and indicate toxicosis.

Frequent targets for pathogenic microorganisms are urinary tract and kidneys. There are diseases such as pyelonephritis, cystitis. Their appearance is especially characteristic of later periods, when the enlarged uterus presses on the nearby urinary tract. As a result, there may be a violation of the outflow of urine, and favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of microorganisms. Therefore, an increase in body temperature during pregnancy may well be associated, for example, with an exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, or an acute process. In addition to fever, this disease is accompanied by pulling sensations in the lower back, painful urination and some other symptoms.

We should not forget about such a cause of temperature in pregnant women as childhood infectious diseases. Expectant mothers, like everyone else, are susceptible to diseases such as chickenpox, measles and others. Moreover, some of them (for example, rubella) can pose a serious danger to the fetus. All these infections are accompanied by a high fever (there may be a temperature of 38.5 o C and above) and the appearance of rashes on the skin. Therefore, women in position, especially those who, due to their personal desire or for some other reason, were not given preventive vaccination, should avoid sick people, as well as places of quarantine for these diseases.

Other reasons

Fever can be caused by various diseases. This may include allergic conditions, exacerbation of systemic inflammatory diseases (rheumatic fever, systemic lupus erythematosus and others), acute surgical pathology.

Fever during pregnancy: treatment

Of course, it would be best if you do not have to take drugs for fever and other manifestations of the disease during pregnancy. However, very often there is a need to prescribe medications.

To bring down the fever during pregnancy, you can use the following means:
1. Folk methods treatment.
2. Medicines.
3. Other helper methods therapy (for example, physiotherapy procedures).

Folk methods

Non-drug measures for elevated temperature in a pregnant woman include:
  • Plentiful warm drinking, usually recommended during infectious diseases, during pregnancy often has to be limited. This is especially true in the later stages, when excess fluid can contribute to the occurrence of edema. You should also limit fluid intake when a high temperature in a pregnant woman is associated with pyelonephritis or other diseases of the urinary tract.
  • For drinking, you can use warm herbal teas (chamomile, linden) with raspberries, milk with honey and butter. The liquid must not be too hot.
  • You should not unnecessarily wrap up and dress, install a heater near you, otherwise a slight fever can rise to febrile numbers (38 o C and above).
  • If the temperature has risen to subfebrile numbers, then use physical methods cooling. However, you should not get carried away with them - hypothermia during pregnancy is also useless. You can apply compresses on the forehead from towels moistened with water. room temperature. As they dry or heat up, they can be rewetted.
  • Hot baths, including foot baths, are contraindicated, as they can reflexively increase the tone of the uterus, contributing to bleeding and premature birth, lack of oxygen to the fetus. Also hot water can contribute to a rush of blood into the venous vessels and the occurrence of edema.
You should be very careful with folk remedies from the temperature during pregnancy, recipes for which can be found on the Internet, reference books, or from familiar grandmothers. They may contain herbs and other substances that are not currently used in expectant mothers. Therefore, before asking for advice on the Internet, you should first consult with your doctor. Under no circumstances should you treat yourself. Remember: we are talking not only about the health of the mother, but also the fetus.

If the increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman is insignificant, then the listed methods will be enough to reduce it. If the fever has reached high numbers or lasts for a long time (more than 3 days), drug therapy is prescribed.

In cases where the temperature has not risen much, but there are other signs of a serious condition of the pregnant woman (for example, intense headache, a feeling of heaviness in the frontal region, raids in the throat, thick purulent or bloody issues from the nose, the appearance of cloudy or dark urine and others) - an immediate consultation with a doctor is indicated.


Temperature pills during pregnancy, as well as other forms of antipyretics medicines(syrups, suppositories, powders) are prescribed for fever above 38.5 o C.

Rules for prescribing drugs during pregnancy:

  • When choosing medicines, they stop at those that are safe for the fetus.
  • Most drugs can Negative influence on a child, or not have enough information about the use during pregnancy. Therefore, in no case should you take medicines without the advice of a doctor.
  • Antipyretic drugs are prescribed when the body temperature rises above 38 o C, and in the later stages - at 37.5 o C.
  • Often there is a need to prescribe several drugs (for fever, cough, nasal congestion and other symptoms of the disease), sometimes they resort to the use of antibiotics (for sore throat, pyelonephritis and a number of other serious infectious conditions).
  • Usually, along with drugs for the treatment of the underlying disease, the doctor prescribes drugs to stimulate the immune system (for example, Viferon) and vitamin preparations.
  • In some cases, if the disease is life-threatening for the mother or fetus, drugs that are not usually used in pregnant women may be prescribed. But this is done only for its intended purpose and under the supervision of a qualified specialist.
Most effective method lowering the temperature during pregnancy - taking antipyretic drugs. Currently the most safe means for expectant mothers, drugs based on paracetamol are considered. However, prolonged and uncontrolled intake is undesirable, since they can have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys, cause hematopoiesis and bleeding disorders. Paracetamol can be taken no more than every 6 hours (maximum 4 times a day).

It is possible to use homeopathic antipyretic drugs, such as Viburkol (release form - suppositories for rectal use). However, there is not enough data on its use in pregnant women, so it is better to refrain from self-medication.

Medicines containing aspirin, indomethacin, ibuprofen, metamizole sodium (Analgin) have a large amount side effects on the fetus, so pregnant women are prescribed in extreme cases(with intolerance to other drugs).

The ideal option is a single dose of paracetamol at a temperature above 38 o C, after which you should call a doctor to determine further treatment tactics.

If, against the background of the use of drugs, a pregnant woman has any adverse reactions, pain, pulling or discomfort in the area of ​​the uterus - you should immediately consult a doctor.

Other Methods

In some cases, with elevated temperatures during pregnancy, resort to other methods of treatment. For example, if the fever is associated with an acute surgical pathology, shown surgical intervention. Some physiotherapy procedures may also be prescribed.

Fever during pregnancy: consequences

Usually slight increase body temperature during pregnancy does not pose a danger to the fetus. It is also believed that a short-term elevated temperature of 1-1.5 o C (for example, as a result of overheating) also does not affect the child. But this applies only to cases where the temperature is not associated with severe pathology.

A fever above 38 o C is dangerous, especially if it arose due to the course of an infectious disease. A pathogenic microorganism can negatively affect the fetus, causing intrauterine infection, occurrence birth defects and even fetal death.

What is dangerous fever during pregnancy:

  • Elevated temperature can have a negative impact on the state of the placenta, causing its premature aging and detachment, increased tone and premature birth.
  • In conditions of high fever, protein metabolism can be disturbed, which leads to impaired development of organs and systems of the fetus, and the formation of congenital malformations, intrauterine growth retardation.
  • Intoxication of the body as a result of elevated temperature and the underlying disease can lead to pathology in the work of the cardiovascular system in the mother or fetus (thrombosis, DIC and other conditions).
  • Temperatures above 38 o C adversely affect nervous system fetus, may affect mental capacity child, the development of the facial skeleton.
Measures to prevent the occurrence of fever during pregnancy include:
  • avoid crowded places, especially such as a clinic, during the season of colds;
  • frequent airing and cleaning of the apartment;
  • washing hands with soap upon arrival home;
  • the use of individual dishes, towels, if there are patients in the house, infectious diseases;
  • in the season of colds - regular rinsing of the mouth and rinsing the nose with boiled water.

Low temperature during pregnancy

The change in body temperature during pregnancy does not always occur in the direction of its increase. Some expectant mothers may temperature drop.

Causes low temperature can be:
1. Individual characteristics of the body that are accidentally detected during pregnancy.
2. Some diseases (for example, endocrine pathology, toxicosis of a pregnant woman).

Pregnancy at a low temperature may not cause concern for the health of the child if it is physiological for the mother. However, in any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist to exclude possible pathological causes of this phenomenon.

Often low temperature associated with toxicosis during pregnancy. It usually appears in a serious condition of the expectant mother, associated with dehydration and electrolyte disturbances as a result of loss of fluid and trace elements with vomiting. Such a course of toxicosis requires therapy in a hospital setting.

Sometimes a decrease in body temperature during pregnancy can appear against the background of SARS and other infectious diseases. Such a reaction of the body may indicate the presence of an immunodeficiency state and the need to consult a specialist.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.