What to do if a newborn has loose stools. Symptoms of intestinal infections. What should be the chair of the baby at different ages

Breastfeeding a baby is not an easy period and, frankly, it requires many abstinences so as not to provoke digestive problems in your crumbs. Recall that during the first two months of his life, the baby's digestive system is still continuing its formation.

Loose stools in a newborn do not always indicate a health problem and the onset of any disease. Inexperienced parents can be very puzzled by this, but we hasten to reassure, this is how the body matures, adapts to the world and new food. The frequency of stools in infants will increase after about the fourth day of life. Usually mushy stools light color practically odorless. It can be right after feeding or two or three times a day.

The less frequent bowel movements, the fewer calories the baby receives.

By the age of two months, the baby's stool will become more systematized and regular.

2. Causes of liquid stools in infants during breastfeeding

Do not worry about loose stools for a baby, let's try to figure out the main causes and problems together. The causes of loose stools can be:
1. Infection. One of the explanations for this problem is an intestinal infection. Unfortunately, even with very clean and hygienic parents, this is possible. The fact is that the body is still beginning to form in the baby, and the protective functions of the stomach are weak.

Often, microorganisms that are not dangerous for an adult cause significant damage to a newborn.

Infection happens abruptly, pain in the tummy, the baby cries a lot. Sometimes a high temperature rises;
2. Dysbacteriosis. A common cause of loose stools in children. Reaction to various drugs, antibiotics. The consistency of the stool may vary. And the treatment for this reason is the intake of probiotics in a return dosage. And which ones, of course, only a pediatrician will tell you;
3.Violation of proper nutrition of the mother.Not proper nutrition mother or child, can also cause diarrhea for the baby, the use of products that help thin the stool, such as cucumbers, beets, apples, pears, etc. There may also be a reaction to the introduction of new products that the baby’s body is not used to yet;
4. Intolerance to certain products. Separately, I would like to highlight the congenital intolerance of the child's body, specific components. This is due to pathology and enzyme deficiency, which is the cause of the violation of the digestive process of the intestine. Pathology manifests itself gradually. The medical name for this is malabsorption syndrome;
5. Teeth. Not always liquid stool, indicates intestinal diseases. When the first teeth appear in infancy, diarrhea frequent occurrence. This happens mainly after the age of six months, but it happens at four and even three months.
However, if something is still very alarming for you, contact a specialist and consult, only a competent doctor can identify the exact cause and prescribe a course of treatment or dispel your suspicions.

Proper treatment of loose stools is supported individually, depending on the causes. From general rules it is worth highlighting only that with loose stools, a lot of water is lost, dehydration may occur. To avoid this, give a saline solution - oralit or rehydron. Also in medicinal product enterodesis is part of Activated carbon, and he, as you know, has a suction effect of all toxins. Any of these funds, it is advised to have in the first-aid kit at home all the time. Give your baby water, both from a bottle and with a pipette, in small doses so as not to provoke vomiting. Ordinary boiled water is not enough, it is important to give salt-containing water in order to restore the water balance.

In addition to solutions, you can give smecta, polyphepan, enterosgel. These medicines like a sponge, they absorb toxins that have entered the stomach. However, this does not contribute to the complete destruction of bacteria. Also review your diet to exclude provoking foods from it, these include apples, cucumbers, etc. (a more detailed list is in our article: “Nutrition when breastfeeding».

Loose stools in newborns look like water and, as mentioned earlier, are quite common in the first days of life. But if the baby less than three months, and you are already changing the diaper for the fourth or even fifth time, then do not self-medicate and urgently call the pediatrician. You can heal on your own, best cases until constipation. Be careful!

What is suitable for an adult, in case of illness, can harm the baby.

Nutrition during infection must be continued, but in smaller volumes. Babies who are on artificial nutrition, it is advised to feed fermented milk mixtures. When feeding, you can add half a tablet of mezim-forte. Watch your child's reaction to the foods you eat, but it can change, so the baby adapts. Loose stools in a child, as we have already said, are due to intolerance to certain products, namely the enzymes that they contain. To identify which, you and your baby will have to go to the clinic and take tests.

This is a disease, which in common people is called intolerance to certain enzymes found in products, namely, not the ability to perceive them. It is divided into two types:
1. Lactase deficiency is an intolerance to milk and manifests itself from the very birth of a child while breastfeeding. Stool with insufficiency with foam, greenery, accompanied by colic and vomiting.
The baby must be transferred to a lactose-free diet and within a month the condition returns to normal.
2. Celiac disease is a disease of the damaged small intestine. With this disease, the body is not able to digest the cereal category of products, such as wheat, oats, rye. This problem manifests itself in the first four months after the introduction of these products into the diet. chair with foam and oily sheen, frequent. It is enough to exclude these products from the diet and the condition is restored.

Often, the protein found in artificial mixtures is foreign, for example, from cow's milk or soy. baby it is of little use, unlike breast milk. Allergic inflammation in the stomach may develop, lactase production will be disrupted. Such processes are rarely manifested by a skin rash and outwardly it is not noticeable. At the same time, there are failures in the absorption of many substances in the intestine, a violation of the digestion of lactase. And therefore, if a child has mixed feeding for a long time diarrhea continues, you need to be examined for allergens.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/13/2019

Why does a newborn have light yellow loose stools

Parents are always worried about their child. Especially when, when removing the diaper, they discover unusual stool. The first thought that is born in the head of a young mother is that the baby is sick. In fact, baby feces often change density and range. According to some doctors, the occurrence of mucous formations, as well as pieces undigested food And color variations, are caused by a change in the mother's diet and the introduction of new products for the baby.

In the first days of life, the baby's feces appear dark green or black, have a fairly high density. This is due to the fact that the processing of substances accumulated in the intestines of the baby takes place. prenatal development. After the start of feeding, around the 3rd day, the baby's feces contain milk or formula, so they become more watery with a light yellowish tint and often have a sour-milk smell. This can be observed until the 10th day of a baby's life. When the baby is about a year old, the stool becomes more homogeneous.

If the mother is breastfeeding and the newborn has more frequent golden or light green liquid stools, the problem may be an unbalanced diet. The baby consumes more anterior milk than fatty hind milk, saturated with the most nutrients, because of which food is digested much faster and loose stools occur. To avoid similar situations, it is necessary to feed the baby with one breast for a longer time.

Features of feces during natural and artificial feeding

The gamma and density of feces in a newborn varies depending on what the mother eats. Saturated light yellowish or greenish color scheme has loose stools in the baby, whom the mother feeds with milk. Parents often confuse such formations with diarrhea. If a nursing mother consumes mainly plant foods, then the excrement becomes greenish and has a sour smell.

If feeding occurs with the help of a mixture, then the shade of defecation changes. Over time, the discharge becomes more homogeneous and pasty, acquiring a pale golden or light brown shade and a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Many parents of children who are a year or less do not distinguish loose stools from a disorder and immediately run to the hospital. It is very easy to determine whether a child has diarrhea if you know some of the main signs of indigestion in children:

  • frequent defecation;
  • excrement became thinner;
  • the process of bowel movement is sharper than usual;
  • the smell became more sour;
  • a rich light green tone appeared;
  • blood, mucus or foam appeared.

When a child is a year or less, he still cannot explain his feelings. Therefore, in addition to bright pronounced signs it is necessary to observe the general condition of the child: insomnia, poor appetite, colitis, gas, fever and other deviations from the normal state of the crumbs.

What to do if your baby has watery stools

If the newborn has a sharp change in the consistency of feces, you need to pay attention to his behavior. If there is any deterioration general condition contact your local doctor. This rule also applies to children who are one year old or older.

Most often, a nursing woman simply needs to change the diet and start keeping a food diary so that you can track the slightest reactions of the baby to various foods.

You should try to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible, because milk is saturated with the antibodies and beneficial bacteria necessary for the crumbs. These substances will help his body overcome intestinal infections and allergic reactions. If the discharge becomes more frequent, then milk will prevent dehydration.

If the frequency of bowel movements has become more frequent, and they have become more watery, while the diet of the crumbs is limited to artificial mixtures, you should change the mixture and follow the changes. Also, the frequency of bowel movements can be affected by frequent change mixtures, so do not abuse it.

In what situations it is necessary to consult a doctor

If more frequent watery discharge, parents should pay due attention to this, and if necessary, consult a doctor.

Loose stools in a child who is a year old or less is a normal physiological process. Much worse when the baby persistent constipation and colic accompanied by bloating. Exactly similar symptoms enable pre-diagnosis gastrointestinal tract in a newborn.

TO additional features, due to which you should consult a doctor, include dehydration, dysbacteriosis, lactose deficiency or intestinal infection. These diseases are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • restless behavior;
  • lack of appetite or bloating;
  • rapid weight loss or high fever;
  • sluggish state, weakness in the voice;
  • lack of tears during crying;
  • tight dry skin;
  • pronounced smell of putrefaction;
  • sunken spring.

Any changes in natural bowel movements in a newborn and a child who is one year old or younger are signs of a change in diet or some kind of disease. That is why the baby's feces should be carefully monitored. It is necessary to take into account the wateriness, smell and color of the discharge, and with the slightest changes that are accompanied by poor health of the child, you should immediately contact a pediatrician.

By monitoring the consistency of the bowel movements and their shade, you can easily regulate them by adding or removing certain types of foods from the mother's diet. When the baby begins to feed on its own, or consumes only artificial mixtures, adjusting or monitoring its secretions is quite difficult.

Although analyzing bowel movements is not a very pleasant procedure, it will help save your baby's health, and maybe even his life.

During breastfeeding, a woman is forced to change her usual diet. Otherwise, the risk of developing problems in the digestive system increases. Doctors say that the first two months is the end of the formation of the system. Loose stools in a newborn during breastfeeding are analyzed and considered in a complex of other symptoms. Only a pediatrician, on the basis of research, can draw a conclusion about the presence or absence of pathology.

Features of defecation in infants

Loose stools in breastfed babies do not always indicate the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. always carefully reviewed by responsible parents. You should not completely ignore the problems and write off everything on the adaptation of the body. The baby begins to go to the toilet often in a big way with fourth day life. Porridge-like is considered normal light feces. Must not be bad smell. Most often, the process occurs three times a day or each time after the end of feeding. If the baby rarely has a bowel movement, then he may not be getting enough calories from feeding. The regularity of the chair begins to be seen only from the age of two months.

Normal or should see a doctor

The composition of breast milk and formula differ. That is why the chair of children on different diets is not the same. Yellow, homogeneous feces are considered normal. Its sausage form is also allowed. The latter option can only be provided that the baby is fed with a mixture. On breastfeeding, small white lumps can be found periodically - undigested breast milk. Parents don't have to worry about this.

The baby's stool does not have to be yellow. Differences can also be observed in consistency. The point is that every child individual characteristics organism, so in some cases even green foamy stool not pathology.

You should not ask advice from experienced friends and even more so compare the results. Naturally, the baby receives only liquid food, so the feces must be of the appropriate consistency. Even if, for example, an adult is fed with milk alone, then his stool will instantly change.

To date, there are fashion trends in terms of food preparation and consumption. With a raw food and vegetarian diet, the stool is guaranteed to soften and not become hard. In some cases, you can even consider the signs characteristic of diarrhea. This is due to the fact that when processing any vegetables and fruits, it is impossible to get a hard stool.

Baby's stool depends on mother's diet

When breastfeeding, the feces should be liquid in the baby. In some cases, a mushy and dense consistency is allowed. In the total volume, there may be blotches of undigested breast milk. In some cases, even an admixture of green or yellow-orange is allowed.

The child has loose stools - you should not worry in the following cases if it is in the following states:

  • funny;
  • cheerful;
  • active;
  • smiles and laughs;
  • not capricious;
  • gaining weight well
  • body temperature is normal.

You should contact a specialist if there are deviations from normal state in behavior. For example, the child has become capricious, cries a lot, sleeps poorly. Otherwise, even white lumps, mucus and flagella only indicate the formation of a protective system of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doctors say that a child's stool can be considered normal if it has a yellow-orange color. White lumps are leftovers after the digestion of milk. If there are deviations, it is recommended to learn more about the procedure and breastfeeding itself.

The main causes of incorrect stool

Watery stools in a baby do not always indicate the presence of pathologies. However, in some cases, the cause of the condition may be different:

  • The presence of an infection in the body of the baby. Most often, the cause lies in the presence of intestinal irritants. In this case, parents are advised to pay attention to the rules of personal hygiene. An infant has a sensitive body that is more responsive to external stimuli. Some microbes are absolutely harmless to adults, but can cause significant harm to the functioning of the child's body. The infection is most often accompanied by pain and pain in the abdomen, so the baby has irritable behavior and fever.
  • Often watery stools are observed due to dysbacteriosis. Such a reaction in the body is a response to taking certain drugs, and especially antibiotics. In this case, the density can also be different. When taking probiotics, you should be extremely careful and correctly calculate the dosage. Follow all the recommendations and instructions of the pediatrician exactly.
  • Mom doesn't eat well. The concentration and composition of breast milk depends on the diet of a woman. Diarrhea can be caused by irritation due to cucumbers, beets, apples and pears. A negative reaction is often the result of introducing new foods into the diet.
  • Individual intolerance. Each person is at risk of developing indigestion for a particular ingredient. Pathology develops against the background of an insufficient amount of the enzyme, which is responsible for its digestion. In science, the process is known as malabsorption.
  • Not only intestinal diseases may cause stool changes. Diarrhea often appears when the first teeth appear. For this characteristic period after reaching the age of six months. In some cases, the symptom begins to be noticeable at 3-4 months.

If parents suspect the presence of deviations in the state of health of the baby, then you should immediately seek advice from your doctor. He will be able to conduct a detailed examination and identify the cause of the pathology.

Various treatment options

Loose stools are eliminated by analyzing all external and internal factors. The situation is dangerous because of the possibility of complete dehydration of the body. To do this, in order to avoid the occurrence of such a situation, oralit or rehydron should be given. Among the ingredients of enterodesis there is activated carbon, which contributes to the rapid removal of toxins from the body. All parents should have such an arsenal of resources at the ready. The baby must be given water with a pipette or bottle. Do not overdose as this may cause severe vomiting. To restore the water balance, use water with salt.

Additionally, you can also use smecta, polyphepan or enterosgel

The action of enterosorbents is similar to a sponge, which absorbs all toxins and kills harmful bacteria. As a result, the walls of the stomach are cleared of harmful components. The drug, unfortunately, cannot completely destroy all microbes.

In no case should you take antibiotics without prior approval from your doctor.

Loose stools are considered normal only in the first days of a child's life. You should contact a specialist if you are already changing a diaper for the fifth day and observe signs of watery feces in it. You should not self-medicate, as this can lead to an aggravation of the situation. For a child, the use of drugs that are intended exclusively for adults is unacceptable.

Features of the mother's nutrition to eliminate the problem

If there is an infection in the body, it is necessary to reduce the dose of food consumed. If the child is bottle-fed, then it must include fermented milk mixtures. If necessary, add half a tablet of mezim-forte. Mom should carefully monitor the reaction of the baby to any product.

Over time, his body will be able to adapt to the changes as much as possible. Loose stools are a consequence of the lack of the necessary enzymes for the digestion of a certain component. To identify it is simple - just pass all the necessary tests.

To determine the cause of loose stools, it is necessary to take tests

The concept of malabsorption

The disease is caused by a lack of enzymes. It is popularly known as individual intolerance. specific product. Types of malabsorption:

  • lactase variant associated with the inability to digest milk, which manifests itself from birth. In this case, the baby has a chair green chair, with an admixture of foam. The child behaves extremely irritably due to colic and vomiting.
  • Celiac disease occurs due to violations of the integrity of the small intestine. Because of this, all cereal crops cannot be digested. The problem may appear at four months. It is during this period that products of this sample begin to be introduced into the diet. At the same time, the child has loose stools with foam and shine. With the exclusion of ingredients, the symptom disappears completely.

Most mixtures include a protein of foreign origin in their composition. It is derived from milk or soy. They lead to the development of lactase and inflammation of the stomach. As additional symptoms of the disease, a rash can be distinguished. There are frequent failures in the work of the stomach or intestines. The child suffers from prolonged diarrhea. In this case, it is advisable to take an analysis for allergens.

Yellow mushy feces in an infant are the norm when they are excreted without third-party inclusions and with a slight sour smell. If the baby eats only mother's milk, the frequency of bowel movements during breastfeeding depends on the number of attachments to the breast per day. With artificial or mixed diet the stool looks thicker and browner. It is allocated 1 time in 1 - 2 days or the baby is emptied up to 4 times a day. Where does liquid stool come from in a newborn who eats exclusively healthy products? Experts give several answers to this question.

Why does feces liquefy?

Whether diarrhea will open in the baby, anatomical and physiological features his body. But excretion of liquid feces yellow color usually signals infection of the intestine or poor absorption of food masses. Sometimes liquefied yellowish masses indicate diseases of the biliary system.

The main cause of loose stools in children under 1 year of age is rotavirus infection. Additional symptoms the so-called "intestinal flu" are:

  • stable high temperature;
  • nasal congestion;
  • cough and sore throat.

Initially, liquid yellow stools are excreted for 2 days. Subsequently, the shade changes to a dirty gray. This condition is not treated with antibiotics because it is associated with viral activity.

Another answer to the question of why the baby began to empty loose stools with yellowness is the diet violated by the nursing mother. Eating forbidden foods and eating inflated portions leads to a change in the nature of children's poop. If the mother begins to monitor her diet, the services of a doctor can be abandoned. The diarrhea will stop on its own.

The third moment revealing the secret of selection watery stool, is a partial suction of breast milk. The appearance of liquid yellow stools in the baby suggests that the baby satisfies hunger only with fore milk. What does this lead to?

  1. A more fatty product remains in the mammary glands.
  2. The baby is not getting enough nutrients.
  3. The assimilation of milk is defective.
  4. Feces are very liquid, sometimes with foam and increased gas formation.

Danger of liquid emptying

With prolonged diarrhea, the child's body loses fluid and a lot useful substances, necessary for normal course metabolic processes. Each frequent bowel movement in a baby under the age of 2 years takes 50-100 ml of fluid, which leads to dehydration.

The following signs help to recognize this dangerous condition:

  • pronounced excitement on the first day;
  • weakness, lethargy and drowsiness in the following days;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • cracking of the lips;
  • the effect of sunken eyes and dark circles;
  • decrease in the amount of urine with a change in shade to dark saturated.

Dehydration affects the child's body so much that he refuses to eat, loses weight, and suffers from changes in body temperature. Specified symptoms require immediate medical attention. Very dangerous state stool is considered to be blood-streaked water.

How to treat a newborn with diarrhea

If a yellow liquefied stool is excreted in a child due to an illness, it helps to cleanse the body. Prolonged diarrhea with loss of salts, fluids and vitamins already requires intervention. Thus, the treatment is directed at restoring the losses. Parents can spend it on their own before the doctor arrives.

  1. Record in writing all changes in your own diet and the child’s, if the baby is at the stage of introducing complementary foods. Examine the gums for teething, see if the baby has symptoms of a cold. These factors can upset the bowels.
  2. Set the degree of dehydration. Fun mood, curious moistened eyes, a diaper soiled with urine and feces, and the absence of an emaciated look suggest that children's body controls the situation and does not need medication. Opposite cases signal the need for urgent medical intervention.
  3. Eliminate all food irritants and only breastfeed or formula feed your baby. Do not keep any intervals, apply as needed.
  4. Drink the "artificial" with a pharmacy electrolyte solution. Stick to the daily dosage of 130 ml / 1 kg of body weight.
  5. Restore bowel function gradually along with the diet. Add rehydration solution in half volume baby food. On the third day of home therapy, feed the baby the usual food often and in small portions. And so on until the stabilization of normal digestion.
  6. Give the child a sorbent - Smektu, Atoxil or Sorbeks. Do not use medicines for adults, because they have the opposite effect. If diarrhea is provoked by taking antibiotics, it is better to treat the baby with acidophilus powder. The drug will restore the intestinal microflora.

The state of health of the child, especially in the first year of life, requires extremely close attention. Any anxiety symptoms and signs of distress baby require immediate medical consultation and necessary measures. How earlier baby will be provided health care, the lower the risk of complications and health problems in the future.

In the first year of life, the child and his parents most often encounter troubles from the gastrointestinal tract. One of the signals that digestive system baby something is wrong, is diarrhea, or diarrhea in infants.

A newborn baby is not yet able to describe in words the signs of his discomfort, so parents themselves need to be extremely careful, daily monitoring the condition of the crumbs.

How does diarrhea in babies manifest?

It would seem that the definition of diarrhea is quite simple - it is frequent loose stools. In fact, diarrhea in a child under one year old, especially in the first 6 months, can not be determined immediately. The stool in a child at this age, especially if the baby is breastfed, normally has a very soft, even watery, mushy consistency, which is why some inexperienced parents may start to sound the alarm.

In reality, the frequency appearance The child's stool changes throughout the first year of life, and the normal options may be as follows:

  • in the first month of life, a child can have a chair after each feeding, that is, up to 8 times a day. At the same time, he rich yellow color, may be a little liquid or resemble gruel with a sour-milk smell. Do not be afraid if the newborn's stool contains whitish lumps or a large number of mucus: the baby's stomach and intestines are adjusted - this is quite normal;
  • from 2 months, the frequency of stool in a child decreases. The baby can empty the intestines up to 5 times a day, the appearance and smell of the stool normally remain the same;
  • from the age of 3 months, the child's stool occurs 1-2 times a day, it becomes a little thicker, acquires a uniform consistency and a darker color.

As the baby is introduced to complementary foods and the baby becomes familiar with the new food, the baby's stool will continue to change, becoming darker and denser, and acquire a different smell.

It should be noted that the stool of formula-fed babies is normally more dense and thick, has a very light yellowish or brown tint and a specific smell.

What symptoms should alert parents in this case:

  • very frequent watery stools;
  • Strong smell;
  • discoloration (greenish, unpleasant brown);
  • the stool contains foreign inclusions: pus, blood, a large amount of mucus, particles of undigested food;
  • redness, irritation, rash on the skin around anus child.

As a rule, diarrhea is acute, occurs suddenly and disappears within 1 to 2 days. However, when the following symptoms appear, it is absolutely not necessary to wait until it "passes by itself" and you need to see a doctor immediately:

  • lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • stomach ache;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • high or low temperature;
  • nausea, vomiting, severe regurgitation.

Such conditions of the child require immediate qualified medical care.

Causes of diarrhea

The child's body is a very fragile and not fully balanced system. Therefore, any unpleasant factor from the outside can cause its negative reaction, one of the manifestations of which will be diarrhea. The causes of stool disorder in infants may be as follows.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis most often causes diarrhea in a child at 1 month. There is a debugging of the gastrointestinal tract, the intestinal flora is formed, and the slightest failure in this process causes digestive disorders.

Overfeeding the baby can also provoke diarrhea. Due to excess and too frequent feeding the stomach and intestines of the baby are forced to work faster and often fail, in some cases simply removing undigested food.

The introduction of complementary foods often accompanied by stool disorders in a child at 4 months. Therefore, when new foods are added to the baby's diet, his well-being and digestion must be carefully monitored.

Diarrhea in a child at 6 months often occurs as a reaction to cutting teeth. not considered too dangerous, however, if signs of dehydration appear, you should consult a doctor.

Intestinal infections, helminths, food poisoning often cause diarrhea in a child at 8 to 9 months. When children begin to sit and crawl, they begin active cognition environment: they grab various items, pull them into your mouth, taste everything they see. It can be difficult to keep track of the cleanliness of the baby’s hands, hence the various troubles with the intestines.

The baby may have diarrhea with a cold or inflammation(otitis, SARS, pneumonia, rhinitis). Diarrhea can also appear during the treatment of these diseases when taking antibiotics.

Loose stools in babies can be a symptom allergic reaction . In this case, irritation and a rash around the anus are most often observed.

Diarrhea is one of the symptoms lack of any enzymes. In infants, most often it indicates lactase deficiency (the inability of the intestine to break down milk sugar), but it can be a sign of celiac disease (intolerance to cereal proteins) or a more formidable disease - cystic fibrosis.

Babies are very sensitive to the environment, so diarrhea as a response to stress or climate change also a common occurrence.

Close observation of the baby, analysis of his nutrition and activity in the days preceding the liquefaction of the stool can help determine the cause of the disease. However, the final diagnosis can only be established by consulting a doctor.

What should parents do?

If diarrhea occurs after the introduction of a new product into the diet, it must be immediately canceled. Be sure to continue breastfeeding, this will help the baby compensate for the lack of fluid.

For formula-fed babies with stool disorders, sour-milk, soy or lactase-free mixtures are recommended. Feed the child according to his appetite, in no case do not force-feed and do not supplement. Be sure to see a doctor.

Concerning medications from diarrhea, give them to children up to a year should be extremely careful. It is strictly forbidden to use fixing agents (Furazolidone, Loperamide, Imodium) for the treatment of diarrhea in infants.

It would be appropriate to take the following funds:

  • "Linex", "Hilak-forte" (contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora, can also be used for preventive purposes);
  • "Filtrum" (has an antimicrobial, sedative effect, is indicated for the treatment of diarrhea in infants);
  • Activated charcoal is a proven effective absorbent, but giving it infants pretty hard;
  • "Smecta", "Enterosgel" (remove allergens from the body, cleanse the body of toxins).

Before giving the baby medicine, you need to carefully study the instructions for use. The dosage of the drug should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Dehydration: signs and treatment

by the most severe consequence diarrhea in an infant is dehydration. With the loss of fluid in the body, metabolism is disturbed, immunity drops sharply, since the volume of useful electrolytes (salts) decreases. The following symptoms are worrisome:

  • extremely rare urination (urine is dark and concentrated) or its absence;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • dry lips and tongue, lack of tears;
  • dryness and inelasticity of the skin;
  • pallor, dark circles under the eyes;
  • retraction of the anterior fontanel;
  • lethargy, apathy, immobility.

Dehydration is an extremely dangerous condition for the body that requires immediate treatment. the main task in the treatment of dehydration - replenishment lost fluid and normalization of water-salt metabolism in the child's body. For this it is recommended:

  1. Be sure to take special saline solutions(Rehydron, Gastrolit, Oralit), which normalize the exchange of electrolytes in the body. Ready-made solutions are sold in a pharmacy and do not have age restrictions by application.
  2. To drink saline solutions to the child after each stool, the volume of a single dose of the solution is calculated by the doctor. It is necessary to take the solution slowly, in small sips, babies can drip through a pipette.
  3. Plentiful drink. For dehydration, ordinary boiled water, highly diluted juice, rice water, blueberry compote, special children's teas. They should be given in the intervals between taking solutions.
  4. Breastfeeding babies should be breastfed as often as possible, provided the diarrhea is not caused by overfeeding.

All must be accepted possible measures to restore the baby's water supply in the body, since prolonged dehydration can lead to extremely serious consequences.

Mom's nutrition

It is believed that children who are breastfed are less prone to intestinal disorders, because mother's milk differs in composition which is ideally balanced for the child. It contains all the substances necessary to maintain normal intestinal microflora and is completely sterile, which helps to avoid infections.

In fact, breastfed babies are not immune to intestinal problems. Most often, the reason for this is the diet of a nursing mother.

All the substances she receives with food pass into breast milk. Most often, they do not bring harm to the child, but some foods used by the mother can cause allergies and indigestion.

That is why a nursing mother should be strict about the type and quality of the food she eats. To protect your baby from trouble, it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • reduce to a minimum or exclude from the diet foods high in dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives;
  • limit the use of exotic products (tropical fruits, seafood, etc.);
  • refrain from food that causes unpleasant intestinal reactions or allergies in the mother herself (otherwise the child will experience the same symptoms);
  • reduce the consumption of foods high in gluten and sugar (confectionery and bakery products, sweets);
  • completely eliminate alcohol.

If a child develops diarrhea as a reaction to a new one tried by the mother, the product must be completely excluded from the diet for a while.