What to do when pregnant with poisoning. Sources of food intoxication of the body. Foods that most often cause poisoning


During pregnancy, the well-being of a woman depends on the condition of her child. Naturally, the processes occurring in the mother's body during food poisoning cannot be called favorable for the child. Vomiting, diarrhea, persistent nausea, abdominal cramps are only superficial symptoms. In fact, much more dangerous processes occur in a woman's body: dehydration, intoxication, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. The body of a pregnant woman, and, consequently, her child, receives less oxygen and nutrients. One of the most pressing issues is how to treat food poisoning during pregnancy, because a woman should be selective about medicines, and the effect should be obtained as quickly as possible.

Features of poisoning during gestation

During pregnancy, as in any other period of a woman's life, food poisoning is the result of eating missing, expired, improperly stored foods. Poisoning can occur due to the ingestion of poisonous mushrooms, berries, fruits or fish into the stomach.

During the period of bearing a child, women often feel cravings for exotic fruits, which can be “stuffed” with harmful nitrates. Watermelons, grapes, strawberries and other fruits bought in the supermarket outside of their ripening season are dangerous for a pregnant woman and can cause poisoning.

The risk of poisoning is especially high in the summer. In case of violation of storage standards, products quickly deteriorate, pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply in them, and their toxins accumulate. Even half an hour of storage of a product without a refrigerator can lead to its deterioration, especially when it comes to sausages, salads with mayonnaise, fermented milk products, confectionery with cream.

Note: depending on what caused the poisoning, they are divided into microbial and non-microbial. Microbial poisoning occurs when eating foods contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses). Non-microbial are caused by the use of poisonous plants and animal tissues (shellfish, fish, offal).

The mechanism of development of food poisoning in a pregnant woman is the same as in other people: microbes and their toxins enter the gastrointestinal tract, when microorganisms die in the digestive tract, toxic substances are again released that irritate and damage the gastric and intestinal mucosa, disrupt their motility. As a result, a person develops abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. With the penetration of toxic substances into the blood, signs of intoxication appear. Due to diarrhea and vomiting, the body becomes dehydrated.

Food poisoning in pregnant women: what is the danger?

Poisoning is a strong stress for the body of a pregnant woman and can affect the health of her child. Symptoms of poisoning are unpleasant in themselves, but in addition to them, dehydration and intoxication are dangerous.

Due to dehydration, the volume of blood circulating in the body decreases. This leads to an increase in the level of oxytocin in the woman's blood, under the influence of the hormone, the contractility of the uterus increases, which can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. In addition, dehydration leads to an increase in blood pressure, a woman feels symptoms of hypertension, she is at increased risk of developing blood clots in her blood vessels. With the released fluid, vitamins and microelements are washed out of the body, which could be used to maintain vital processes. Dehydration poses a risk of miscarriage.

Intoxication of the body, which occurs with food poisoning, disrupts the functioning of many organs. The severity of the symptoms of intoxication depends on the amount of toxic substances in the blood. A woman may experience such symptoms of intoxication as:

  • headache;
  • impotence;
  • rise in temperature, chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • joint pain;
  • nausea;
  • lethargy, apathy.

With severe intoxication, the pulse and respiration may increase, convulsions of dizziness appear.

The symptoms of intoxication are especially severe when poisoned by poisonous mushrooms and fruits. During pregnancy, a woman should not eat mushrooms, even if they are collected by experienced mushroom pickers. Even seemingly edible mushrooms can be a source of botulism. If mushrooms grew near a roadway or in an industrial area, they most likely collected harmful substances from the soil and air. Such mushrooms will cause poisoning.

Attention! On the territory of Russia there are about 70 species of poisonous mushrooms, the use of 20 of which is especially dangerous for humans. During the year, cases of mushroom poisoning are recorded in every fifth Russian family. Some of them end in death.

Food poisoning during pregnancy is considered a dangerous condition. In the later stages, it can lead to premature birth, in the early stages - to a miscarriage. Among the dangerous consequences:

  • bleeding;
  • placental abruption;
  • slow fetal development;
  • fetal oxygen starvation.

The above consequences can develop with severe poisoning. In mild forms, when the woman's condition worsens slightly, poisoning does not pose a serious threat to the life of the child and the course of pregnancy. But the woman still needs treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

First aid

Pregnant women belong to the category of people who have a high risk of developing complications from poisoning. Therefore, the first thing to do if signs of food poisoning appear during pregnancy is to call an ambulance team.

Important! A pregnant woman needs to be prepared for hospitalization. Having called an ambulance, it is worth preparing the things necessary for a stay in the hospital: personal hygiene items, bedding, documents.

While waiting for the doctors or if for some reason the ambulance could not be called, it is necessary to provide first aid to the woman on her own.

To prevent the further spread of toxins throughout the body and remove the source of poisoning from it, it is necessary to wash the stomach. The most effective procedure is considered in the first hours after poisoning. Washing is carried out as follows:

  • in one gulp they drink a glass of clean water at a comfortable temperature (water should not be hot, so as not to increase the absorption of toxins in the stomach, or too cold, as this can lead to muscle spasm of the organ);
  • if, after drinking a liquid, vomiting does not begin on its own, vomiting is provoked by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon or finger;
  • after vomiting, drink 1-2 glasses of clean water again and induce vomiting again;
  • the procedure is repeated many times, 7-8 times, until all the contents come out of the stomach (up to clean washings).

Water can be replaced with one of the solutions for gastric lavage:

  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • saline solution (a tablespoon of salt per 2 liters of water);
  • soda solution (the proportions are the same as with salt).

Important! Provoking vomiting can lead to an increase in uterine tone. Therefore, for women who have uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy, washing is contraindicated. In no case is washing performed with the threat of placental abruption. It is necessary to wait until vomiting begins naturally.

After vomiting stops or after gastric lavage, it is necessary to take sorbents. It can be activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel. All these drugs are allowed for pregnant women, subject to dosages.

Next, you need to replenish the fluid lost by the body. For this, a woman is given clean water to drink, herbal decoctions, weak unsweetened tea, dried fruit compote. With normal tolerance, it is better to replenish the water balance with a solution of Oralita or Humana Electrolyte. You need to drink in small sips so as not to provoke repeated bouts of vomiting.

Important! All other medications (antispasmodics, antibiotics) for a pregnant woman should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor! You need to contact him as soon as possible!

Nutrition Features

In case of poisoning, it is recommended that on the first day you refuse to eat food and limit yourself to taking liquids. But for pregnant women, this recommendation is irrelevant. Even short-term fasting can negatively affect the well-being of the child. As soon as a woman feels better, she should eat some light food: vegetable broth, mashed potatoes, rice porridge on the water, tea with crackers.

Poisoning during lactation

Food poisoning can also occur during breastfeeding, despite the fact that many women follow a strict diet during lactation. With mild food poisoning, breastfeeding is not required to be canceled, the woman can continue to feed the baby. The likelihood of penetration into breast milk of toxins is low. In addition, with mother's milk, the child receives antibodies to the infection produced by the woman's immune system.

But with severe food poisoning, a nursing mother needs hospitalization. In this case, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed the baby will be negative. The child is temporarily transferred to the mixture. To support lactation, a woman should express milk. Of course, milk expressed in the infectious ward should not be transferred to feed the baby. When a woman returns home, she can continue breastfeeding if there are no other contraindications (taking antibiotics).

After the restoration and elimination of all symptoms of poisoning, a woman should discuss with the doctor observing the pregnancy the advisability of taking multivitamin complexes. It is also necessary for nursing young mothers to replenish the vitamin and mineral balance.

Food poisoning is not uncommon in today's world. Due to their busyness, many are used to having a snack somewhere on the run, or they try to take semi-finished products or ready-made products from the store or culinary (salads, meatballs, aspic, etc.) to work with them.

During pregnancy, your diet should be radically reviewed not only from the standpoint of fortification and usefulness of products, but also from the standpoint of danger for both mother and fetus.

In this article, we will analyze the causes of poisoning during pregnancy, the top most dangerous perishable foods, first aid during pregnancy, and a diet that does not overload the body in case of poisoning.

Causes of poisoning.

Before proceeding to describe the symptoms, I will explain that there are two types of food poisoning - food poisoning and bacterial intestinal infection.

In the first case, poisoning is caused by toxins, that is, waste products of bacteria. And the bacteria themselves may no longer even be present in the product. For example, during the secondary heat treatment of an already spoiled product, bacteria die under the influence of high temperatures, and toxins are thus not destroyed.

A bacterial intestinal infection develops when a product contaminated with bacteria enters the human body (Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria). In this case, the product can be absolutely normal in taste and smell. And infection can occur not only with food, but also with water, dirty hands.

A bacterial intestinal infection is much more dangerous, since it is already an infectious disease with all the ensuing consequences, which requires serious treatment.

The most common causative agents of poisoning are:

  • coli;
  • salmonella;
  • staphylococcus;
  • klebsiella;
  • citrobacter;
  • listeria.

Depending on the pathogen, there will be a different time of onset of the disease and a different clinic of poisoning.

It is worth noting that bacteria through the placental barrier are not able to penetrate to the fetus, the toxins of this bacterial infection are more fully possible.

Foods that most often cause poisoning.

1. Seafood and fish.

Seafood and fish (more often oysters, mussels, shrimp, tuna) most often cause food poisoning. Oysters are generally an insidious product, but many have already learned how to check the freshness of these mollusks. If a fresh, edible oyster is poured with lemon juice, its body shrinks.

However, such a test does not give a 100% answer that the oyster will not cause poisoning. And for pregnant women, in order not to take risks, it is better to refuse to eat marine life, especially those that do not undergo sufficient heat treatment.

Separately, I want to say about sushi. Products that contain raw fish should not be categorically in the diet of expectant mothers. Walking in supermarkets along the showcases littered with rolls, I understand with horror that in 6 hours of the expiration date they cannot sell all this stuff.

Exactly 6 hours is the shelf life of ready-made rolls and sushi. What they then do with them, I think, is not difficult to guess - they simply interrupt the expiration date on the labels. It is dangerous for everyone to consume such products, and even more so, pregnant women should be aware of the danger and avoid such products.

2. Dairy products.

Since many different products are grouped under this name, it is worth giving preference to pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized variations of these products. The pasteurization method (heating the product at temperatures of 60-80°C for 15-60 minutes) allows you to save most of the useful qualities of the product and at the same time disinfect it.

Soft cheeses (Roquefort, Adyghe, goat) pose a certain danger, since thermal disinfection of these products is impossible.

Heavy cream is a favorite habitat for many bacteria. Glazed cottage cheese curds in foil paper should also be avoided.

3. Melons.

Most often, the reason for departure is watermelon or melon. It takes a few hours for bacteria to develop in these foods. Their sweet juice is loved not only by us. Bacteria actively multiply in the pulp of watermelons and melons, especially those with damage on the surface of the peel.

You should not buy watermelons at the beginning of summer, wait until the harvest season for such crops. Artificial methods for their speedy maturation do not benefit the body, but they can cause serious harm.

Do not buy broken, rotten watermelons and melons. It's a breeding ground for infection. And they are not saved at all by storage in the refrigerator.

Another interesting point. Scientists have proven that melon cannot be combined with anything. It should be eaten separately a couple of hours after the main meal.

4. Undercooked meat.

5. Forest mushrooms.

Mushrooms have been on the list of dangerous products for a long time, and currently they still do not give up their leading positions for any region. But this is especially true in ecologically disadvantaged areas.

Mushrooms are natural accumulators of radiation, various toxins, salts of heavy metals, they literally suck it all up like a sponge. And then they generously give everything accumulated to our body. Do you need it, think for yourself.

Also with mushrooms, especially canned ones, it is easy to become infected with botulism. The botulism bacterium lives in the intestines of animals, is excreted with feces, remains in the ground, enters the human body with poorly washed products, primarily mushrooms. Poisoning by the toxin of these bacteria causes severe disease with muscle paralysis.

6. Canned food.

Here we continue the previous topic. If the canning rules are not followed, botulism bacteria can multiply inside the jar (regardless of the material of the container). A feature of these bacteria is the ability to live and develop in anoxic conditions and, under unfavorable conditions, transform into a spore form that is more resistant to external influences.

7. Meat products (pates, aspic, jelly, sausages).

These products may contain bacteria from the group of Escherichia coli, Listeria, Salmonella. It is a universal nutrient medium for various bacteria. And even in scientific laboratories, culture media based on meat broth (meat-peptone broth) in the form of jelly are used to cultivate bacteria.

This does not mean that you can not use such products. Just keep a close eye on when and from what they are prepared, in what conditions they were stored. At the slightest suspicion of poor quality, refuse to use them.

8. Chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are a very common source of salmonella. Salmonellosis is accompanied by common typical symptoms of food poisoning. The source of infection is dairy products and eggs, as well as products prepared from them (cakes, pastries).

Moreover, this infection is very easy to avoid, it is good enough to thermally process the eggs. That is why soft-boiled eggs, eggnog cocktail, whipped protein cream for pregnant women must be excluded from their diet.

9. Confectionery with cream.

As mentioned earlier, eggs and cream that have not undergone heat treatment are quite dangerous products. Accordingly, creams of whipped cream and proteins on confectionery can cause serious poisoning.

10. Salads with mayonnaise.

Take note that the whole salad you cut at once should not be seasoned with mayonnaise. It is better to fill only the portion that you intend to eat right now. Salad with potatoes and eggs, seasoned with mayonnaise, should not be stored at all. And in general, all salads should be consumed freshly prepared, as this is a very favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. If the salad has stood for 2-3 hours, it can already be dangerous for poisoning.

Clinic of poisoning.

The incubation period, that is, the time from the moment the body encounters a bacterium or its toxin to the onset of symptoms of the disease, depends on the causative agent of poisoning and on the resistance of the organism itself.

The main symptoms of poisoning:

  • nausea, profuse salivation;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen of varying intensity and nature (often sharp, spasmodic);
  • rumbling, intestinal noises;
  • frequent loose stools (even up to 20 times), frothy, with a sour or pungent odor;
  • impurities of mucus, greenery, sometimes blood in the stool;
  • fever (with food poisoning, it rarely rises above 39 ° C; with a bacterial infection, on the contrary, a persistent high temperature is observed);
  • headache;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • dry mucous membranes (the first sign of dehydration).

Why is poisoning dangerous for pregnant women?

The main danger of poisoning for the mother and fetus at any stage of pregnancy is dehydration. In connection with the loss of fluid, the body also loses trace elements and salts, which are involved in the work of many organs and systems in the human body.

For example, due to the loss of magnesium, which is involved in the normalization of muscle and vascular tone, blood pressure drops may occur, and the muscle tone of the uterus may increase. This, in turn, can lead to spontaneous abortion in the early stages or premature birth in late pregnancy.

With dehydration, the blood thickens and, thus, biologically active substances are found in the blood of a pregnant woman in an even greater concentration. An increase in the concentration of blood factors responsible for its coagulation can lead to thrombosis.

The concentration of female hormones, such as oxytocin, also increases. Oxytocin, in addition to the antidiuretic action (water retention in the body, a decrease in the volume of urine excreted), also stimulates the contraction of the muscles of the uterus. As a result, there is a risk of abortion.

It is worth noting that the very contraction of the diaphragm muscles and the tension of the abdominal muscles with repeated vomiting during poisoning can cause uterine contractions and lead to miscarriage.

With a pronounced administration, a lack of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins can affect the usefulness of the growth and development of the fetus.

When administered, the inflammation process, as a rule, is localized in the intestinal lumen and is not able to pass through the placental barrier to the fetus. That is, the causative agents of the poisoning process themselves do not come directly to the fetus.

However, the poisonous products of their vital activity accumulate in the mother's blood and can enter the child's body. In particular, when sent by mushrooms, toxins and toxic substances are able to overcome the utero-placental barrier and adversely affect the intrauterine development of the child.

What to do in case of poisoning?

As we have already said, during food administration during pregnancy, the main danger for a woman and a child is a violation of the water-mineral balance. Due to dehydration, the volume of the circulating blood of the mother decreases, which will also affect the blood supply to the placenta and fetus.

Together with the liquid, the body loses trace elements (salts). Therefore, in case of fluid loss (repeated vomiting, frequent loose stools), saline or glucose-salt solutions are prescribed for drinking such patients. These include Regidron, Hydrovit, Trisol, Acesol, Sorbilact, Ringer.

The saline solution nourishes the tissues of the body faster, since its composition is close to the composition of the interstitial fluid. Ordinary water will reach the cell in a longer time than saline. You need to drink such solutions in a warm form (body temperature), this is also necessary to achieve the fastest possible result.

During the period when any ingestion of food or liquid into the stomach provokes vomiting, the liquid should be drunk in small portions of 1-2 tablespoons every 3-4 minutes. Such a volume of liquid will not provoke vomiting, and this will allow water to be freely absorbed and enter the cells and tissues.

Salt solution from a pharmacy should be diluted per liter of boiled cooled water. Now in the pharmacy network, saline and glucose-salt solutions of industrial production are very available. But many people do it themselves the old fashioned way. In this regard, modern medicine has given its recommendations to underdeveloped countries (recommendations of the World Health Organization).

To prepare a glucose-salt solution you need:

  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.

If you experience repeated vomiting and heavy loose stools, you should immediately seek medical help. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to start taking adsorbents, that is, substances that can absorb and remove toxic waste products of bacteria from the body.

The most common adsorbent available is activated carbon. There are finer adsorbents in powders - Smecta, Filtrum, Polysorb. Enterosgel, as the name implies, is available in the form of a gel. Thanks to this, he has found wider application in pediatric practice.

As a rule, drugs that stop vomiting and diarrhea (metoclopramide, loperamide) are not prescribed for food poisoning. Otherwise, by suppressing these symptoms, we leave toxins in the body for a longer time, which negatively affects the course and duration of the disease.

Not all intestinal infections require antibiotics. In each case, only a doctor will determine the need for antibiotic therapy with the help of tests.

What can you eat with poisoning?

Diet at departure is just as important as drug therapy. Compliance with some restrictions in food will help to gradually start all the processes of digestion and will make it possible to recover the mucosa of the digestive tract after inflammation.

During the infectious process in the gastrointestinal tract, the mucous membrane and the enzyme-forming cells located on its villi suffer. Therefore, eating forbidden foods will lead to the fact that the food is still not digested and absorbed. As a result, everything that is not in demand will be subjected to the processes of decay and fermentation.

As a result, even if the causative agent of the disease is not already in the body, then malnutrition can prolong the period of liquefied stools and poor health.

In the first days, upon departure, it is worth limiting yourself to sweet tea with crackers, cereals on the water, low-fat chicken broth. After a few days, you can add vegetable soups, cereals, biscuits, jelly to the diet. You need to exclude sweets, confectionery, pastries, fried, salty, marinades, smoked, raw fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit juices, milk and milk porridges and soups. Dairy products are allowed - kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat cottage cheese.

Meals should be fractional, in small portions, but frequent - every 2-3 hours.

You need to drink a lot during poisoning - 3-3.5 liters. It is worth drinking ordinary water, mineral water without gas, dried fruit compote or a decoction of raisins, which is rich in potassium, and this is so necessary to replenish lost minerals and salts. Compotes from fresh berries and fruits are not suitable in this case.

Adhering to a diet is worth 1-2 weeks after recovery, depending on the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Like many other diseases, poisoning is easier to prevent than to treat for a long time. Wash your hands before eating and after visiting public places, follow the rules for preparing and storing food. When buying them, always pay attention to expiration dates and storage conditions.

Following these simple rules will help you avoid the risk of food poisoning. After all, pregnancy is a period of the most attentive and careful attitude of the mother to her health, on which the health of her baby directly depends. Health to you and your children!

The body of a pregnant woman functions in an extreme mode, since its main task is to give life to a new person. Health during pregnancy is a fragile and vulnerable thing. Poisoning during pregnancy is a blow to both the woman's body and the health of the child. It is important to do everything to take urgent measures, get treatment and minimize possible negative consequences.

What are poisonings

Pregnant women are not in sterile conditions, they work, communicate with friends, use transport, buy food in shops and markets. Poisoning during pregnancy, as a rule, causes the same reasons as in all other people:

  • chemicals, both domestic and industrial;
  • poisonous gases;
  • medicines;
  • poisons and toxins that enter the body with food.

The most common and common is food poisoning. In addition to us, our food is also loved by microbes, including those quite dangerous to human health. You can get poisoned:

  • meat and dairy products, sausages, mayonnaise;
  • fish and seafood;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • canned meat and vegetables;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms.

It must be remembered that the digestive system of a pregnant woman is sensitive to the quality of products and has an increased susceptibility to food infection.

Once in the gastrointestinal tract, pathogenic microorganisms begin to feed, multiply and produce toxins that poison the body. Among the most famous and dangerous diseases are the following:

  • Salmonellosis. The source is contaminated eggs and products containing eggs. Salmonella are destroyed by careful heat treatment. Only boiled or well-fried eggs can be eaten. There is an opinion that only chicken eggs are dangerous, and quail eggs are safe. Yes, in the wild, quails do not suffer from salmonellosis, but quail eggs are sold from quail farms, where birds live in completely different conditions, their immunity decreases. Today, salmonellosis diseases of quails that live in captivity are already being recorded.
  • Staphylococcus. The most common infection. The source is dairy and meat products. Infection of products with staphylococcus occurs as a result of improper storage, violation of technological processes during processing or sanitary norms and rules. A possible reason is the contact of products with a sick employee of the enterprise (pustular diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, inflammatory infectious processes in the upper respiratory tract are especially dangerous).
  • Botulism. The causative agents of the disease are mobile and tenacious microorganisms, which are called botulinum clostridia. These sticks are able to live in the absence of oxygen and produce the strongest poison. May be found in canned food, vegetables, milk, sausage, fish products, mushrooms. It should be noted that mushrooms can become not just a source of poisoning, but cause irreparable harm, since the toxins they contain can penetrate the placenta into the child's body.

Food poisoning during pregnancy can be obtained by eating dairy products, sausages, fish and seafood, confectionery (cakes, pastries). Often vegetables and fruits of exotic origin are to blame, this can be explained by a significant period of time between harvest and their appearance on the counter. In addition, there are products containing chemicals that are used for its better storage. And if for someone the use of such products goes unnoticed, then a pregnant woman may well cause poisoning.

Signs of poisoning and possible consequences

Poisoning during pregnancy can be of varying severity: from mild to extremely severe. Do not confuse signs of poisoning with toxicosis in the early stages. Symptoms in pregnant women differ little from the usual signs inherent in food poisoning:

  • feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • nausea and lack of appetite, vomiting;
  • possible dizziness and headaches;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • a slight increase in temperature, a state of chills, cold sweat, etc .;
  • diarrhea;
  • with botulism, visual impairment is possible - the lines blur and jump before the eyes.

Poisoning during pregnancy, even in mild form, can cause negative consequences for the mother's body and the health of the unborn baby. In the early stages of pregnancy, poisoning can lead, due to dehydration, low blood pressure and intoxication, to the following consequences:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • delay in fetal development;
  • frozen pregnancy (developmental arrest and complete death of the fetus, which are not accompanied by miscarriage).

With a timely visit to the doctor and the appointment of optimal treatment, the prognosis for mother and baby in case of poisoning in the early stages is favorable.

If the mother was poisoned in the last trimester of pregnancy, then the situation is much more serious. Poisoning that occurred in pregnant women in the later stages is dangerous, and one cannot do without the help of a specialist. Negative consequences are possible:

  • placental insufficiency. The child does not receive the amount of oxygen and nutrition necessary for growth and development. This entails both underweight and developmental delays.
  • Untimely detachment of the placenta, accompanied by bleeding and pain. For a child, this is extremely dangerous, since his cardiac activity is disturbed, hypoxia develops, which can lead to the death of the baby without emergency intervention.
  • Violation of the fetal circulation caused by intoxication.
  • Threatened preterm birth or premature birth. The birth of a premature baby is a situation that all doctors want to avoid. The health of the future baby is laid by the mother, the child must be born full-term and healthy.

What measures need to be taken

Even mild symptoms require medical attention. Only a specialist will determine the nature of the disease, the severity and prescribe a comprehensive treatment. In severe cases, you can not do without calling an ambulance.

You can take emergency measures:

  • Cleansing of the stomach. In no case should a pregnant woman try to artificially induce vomiting. This can lead to a threatened miscarriage. It is recommended to drink a large amount of boiled water at room temperature, the stomach itself will react.
  • The intake of sorbents that will bind harmful substances that have entered the body and prevent them from being absorbed. The most famous and affordable remedy is activated charcoal, which can be taken at any stage of pregnancy. Dosage - 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight at a time. Drink at intervals of 2-3 hours. Drink plenty of water. In addition to activated charcoal, you can take Enterosgel or Polysorb. Detoxification of the body is carried out throughout the treatment.
  • Drink. Often and in small portions drink boiled water to avoid dehydration of the body and do this until complete recovery.

These are the procedures that you can do yourself, the rest of the treatment will be prescribed by the doctor. Depending on the microorganisms that caused the poisoning, treatment may vary:

  • In case of botulism, the following procedures may be indicated: intestinal dialysis, gastric drainage, the introduction of a special serum, the introduction of water-salt solutions to get rid of toxins and restore the balance of the body, oxygenation, antibiotics. Botulism is a dangerous disease that affects the internal organs and systems of the body, it is often accompanied by complications: pneumonia, visual impairment, parotitis, muscle diseases, etc. Treatment of complications is a difficult and lengthy process.
  • With salmonellosis: water-salt solutions, diet, antibiotics may be prescribed.
  • With staphylococcus: drinking, drugs for blood circulation, diet, antibiotic therapy is possible.

In any case, the doctor prescribes the treatment, and it is unreasonable and dangerous for the health of the woman and the unborn child to refuse his help.

Nutrition after poisoning

After the treatment is completed, do not load the stomach. Start with low-fat broths, vegetable puree soups. Replace bread with crackers. It is allowed to drink strong sweet tea in small quantities.

Gradually, dishes from stewed or boiled vegetables, as well as light cereals, can be introduced into the diet.

You can't drink carbonated drinks. It is forbidden to eat within 10 days after food poisoning:

  • fish and seafood;
  • meat and sausages;
  • raw fruits and vegetables;

After a full recovery, consult your doctor about prescribing vitamin complexes for you. After all, during the illness, not only toxins were removed from the body, but also useful substances that the body needs.

Poisoning is a phenomenon that is easier to prevent than to treat. This is especially important when it comes to the health of 2 people - a mother and an unborn baby. A woman has a huge responsibility during pregnancy. Don't take risks, be careful:

  • study the composition and expiration date of products before purchasing;
  • do not risk helping yourself with homemade canned food and pickles;
  • subject the products to thorough heat treatment;
  • wash fruits and vegetables most thoroughly;
  • do not eat if the taste of the product seemed suspicious to you.

And most importantly, at the first suspicion of poisoning, take urgent measures and seek medical help. This will help you maintain your health and not harm the baby.


No matter how much expectant mothers are told from all sides that during pregnancy you need to be extremely careful even in small things, at least once in nine months something unpleasant will happen. For example, food poisoning is not uncommon in pregnant women (of course, because there are so many new things to try, especially during the holidays!). But is it bad for the baby? How to treat such poisoning and how to avoid them? Let's try to figure this out together with you.

Why do pregnant women get food poisoning?

Any woman during pregnancy wants to eat more varied and nutritious than before. Often, expectant mothers during this period begin to use something that they have never tried in their lives. To some extent, this is facilitated not only by ordinary curiosity, but also by the so-called "pregnant whims".

Eating exotic fruits and vegetables brought from abroad, often unripe, or stuffed with nitrates and bought not in the season of their growth ... Frequent visits to catering places or watermelon and melon purchased near the highway ... Eating long-prepared foods, canned food and drinks that it’s a pity to throw it away, because they “do not seem to smell yet”, but they are already pretty “stuffed” with E. coli and the like ... And the body fails.

What are the signs of food poisoning?

Signs of food poisoning during pregnancy are no different from its typical symptoms:

Each of them, depending on how much you ate a dangerous dish, may appear to varying degrees or be completely absent. In addition, poisoning can be accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms: increased heart rate, fainting, dizziness, and a sharp drop in blood pressure.

How does poisoning affect the body of mom and baby?

Food poisoning is a rather dangerous condition for mother and fetus. And this is due to the following factors:

  • Loss of water and nutrients

Loss of fluid during vomiting and diarrhea contributes to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, an increase in the risk of thrombosis in the veins and blood vessels, as well as an increase in the concentration of the hormone oxytocin in the blood. As a result, blood pressure may rise and the contractile activity of the muscles of the uterus may increase - which means that there is a high risk of complications and a threat of abortion. In addition, vitamins and minerals come out with the liquid, so the whole body of the mother begins to suffer.

  • Intoxication

Poisoning with any product to one degree or another contributes to intoxication of the body. But experts consider mushrooms to be especially dangerous from this point of view, the poison of which can overcome the fetoplacental barrier. In addition to mushrooms, you also need to be careful with:

  • meat and sausage products
  • dairy products
  • fish and seafood
  • sweets with a short shelf life (for example, cakes or cakes with cottage cheese cream)
  • canned food (including homemade)

In case of improper or long-term storage, these products can develop and accumulate the most dangerous pathogens (for example, the spore-forming bacillus Clostridium botulinum), the waste products of which often cause serious damage to human organs and systems. However, in the vast majority of cases, infectious pathogens that enter the gastrointestinal tract of the expectant mother with food negatively affect only the female body.

How can you help yourself with poisoning?

Timely medical care help with food poisoning allows you to prevent the development of complications and avoid many negative consequences. Therefore, at the first signs of poisoning, a pregnant woman should consult her doctor, and in severe cases, call an ambulance.

If there is no opportunity to seek medical help, then the following rules should be observed during self-treatment:

After the acute symptoms subside, a pregnant woman needs to pay special attention to nutrition. Yes, you need to remember what to eat after food poisoning fried, spicy, smoked, fatty, canned foods are strictly prohibited. It is best to eat rice porridge, low-fat chicken broth with breadcrumbs, and drink strong tea in the first days of recovery after poisoning.

Then, to replenish trace elements and vitamins, it is recommended to use berry fruit drinks, the introduction of dishes from boiled or stewed vegetables, light cereals into the diet. Such a course of recovery should continue for several days. After eliminating all the consequences of food poisoning, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can start taking multivitamin complexes.

Is it possible to prevent such a nuisance?

  1. Of course you can. But for this you should be careful about your diet. So, it is recommended to give preference only to freshly prepared dishes, thoroughly wash vegetables, fruits, and also hands before eating. In addition, it should be remembered that during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to eat raw fish and seafood, meat, eggs, drink unboiled milk. In addition, it is necessary to visit public catering facilities as rarely as possible and not to experiment on your body by eating unfamiliar foods.
  2. Be careful! And happy pregnancy!

Not thoroughly washed vegetables and fruits, food not put in the refrigerator on time - all this can lead to poisoning.

Signs of poisoning

Most often, signs of poisoning in pregnant women and non-pregnant women do not differ. These include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased gas formation in the intestines;
  • chills;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dizziness.

In late pregnancy, not all of these signs indicate poisoning. For example, loose stools and vomiting may indicate the onset of labor. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should not self-medicate.

Treatment of poisoningduring late pregnancy

As a rule, the treatment of poisoning during pregnancy is standard. The first thing to do when signs of poisoning appear is to call the specialist who leads the pregnancy and discuss further actions with him. If it is not possible to consult over the phone, then you need to call a doctor and give yourself first aid:

  • take sorbents (the most affordable activated carbon, but it must be taken at the rate of 1 tablet for about 10 kg of weight);
  • drink plenty of fluids, but little by little. It is better to use special mixtures, such as rehydron;
  • in severe poisoning, there is a need to take antibiotics (only on the advice of a doctor).

After a few hours, after the vomiting stops, you can gradually start eating. Since it is extremely harmful for pregnant women to starve. You can start with tea with crackers. Then add rice without oil, boiled meat, baked apples. After the final recovery, it is advisable to drink a vitamin-mineral complex (you should first consult with a specialist).

What is the danger of poisoningduring late pregnancy

Despite the fact that when the expectant mother is poisoned, toxins cannot get to the child, yet the poor health of the pregnant woman cannot but affect the child. As a rule, poisoning is accompanied by dehydration of the body of a pregnant woman, which worsens blood flow to the placenta. That's why it's so important to drink plenty of fluids. Since the nutrition of the pregnant woman is disturbed, the child does not receive enough of the nutrients he needs. Spasms of the diaphragm during vomiting are dangerous if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, because they can lead to the onset of contractions.

Prevention of poisoningduring late pregnancy

In order not to get poisoned, it is quite enough to follow the usual hygienic rules for storing and preparing food. The finished dish must be put in the refrigerator immediately after it has cooled (maximum 60 minutes after cooking). Fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs should be thoroughly washed under warm running water. Finished products must not come into contact with products that have not been heat treated. For cutting meat products, boards specially designated for them should be used.

When buying products, you need to monitor the timing of their production. Products that deteriorate quickly must be immediately taken home and sent to the refrigerator (this is especially true in the summer). Any products that cause you concern should not be consumed (even after their repeated heat treatment).

Despite the fact that the consequences of poisoning can be very serious, you should not panic. Timely treatment and access to specialists will help minimize the risks.