Toenail fungus and bad smell: what causes the smell and how to deal with it? Unpleasant smell under toenails: causes and treatment

Onychomycosis is a pathology that is accompanied by damage to the nail plate. Most often, such an ailment develops when a fungus penetrates into the nail or the skin around it - dermatophyte. Anyone can become infected with it, but the risk of developing the disease increases with a weakened immune system. Mostly such a fungus affects the toenails, and there is an unpleasant smell from under the nails.

Experts identify some reasons that can provoke the appearance of a fungus under the toenail:

  • not carrying out elementary hygiene procedures for foot care;
  • disruption of the immune system and, as a result, the body is not able to resist fungal bacteria;
  • cuts, corns, wounds and abrasions on the legs;
  • taking antibiotics and other potent drugs for a long time;
  • increased sweating in the legs.

In addition, the risk of fungus under the toenails increases when wearing low-quality socks of their synthetic fabrics. Sweaty feet, in which there are problems with blood circulation, become an ideal environment for the reproduction of the fungus.

Onychomycosis is especially susceptible to people who prefer active water recreation. Those patients who suffer from diseases such as diabetes mellitus or psoriasis also fall into the risk group.

Infection with a fungus occurs completely imperceptibly, and a person notices the appearance of characteristic symptoms after some time. The first symptoms of pathology can be observed only when the disease already captures most of the nail platinum. First of all, the nail begins to change its color only in a small area. Depending on the type of infection that caused the development of the pathology, the color of the nail plate can be white, yellow, brown or gray.

Gradually, as the disease progresses, the patient begins to notice a change in the structure of the nail, that is, it begins to thicken. With further active spread of the fungus, the nail begins to exfoliate, its edges become uneven, and the surface loses its natural shine.

In the event that a person begins to clean his affected toenail, then a rather unpleasant odor emanates. Peeling of the skin and severe itching of the legs or hands is considered another characteristic sign of such a pathology as onychomycosis. In addition, a cavity forms between the nail and the skin, and the tips of the affected fingers begin to hurt badly. In the event that the disease goes into a neglected form, then the nail plate may completely fall off. In some cases, nail fungus can go in a latent form and worsen in the absence of effective therapy.

Treatment of pathology

Only a specialist can confirm the fact that the identified disease of the toenails is onychomycosis. It is imperative that you seek medical attention if you experience a sudden onset of foot odor, and especially if there has been no such problem in the past.

With a sharp smell from under the toenails, tests are prescribed and the patient's clinical picture is studied. Based on the results obtained, the specialist selects drugs whose action is aimed at combating the fungus.

In the event that the nail plate is not severely affected, then external methods of therapy can be used. To eliminate the disease, the use of various ointments is prescribed, thanks to which it is possible to soften the nails. In addition, the use of scrapers to clean the nail plate is shown, and the entire course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks.

It is possible to accelerate the growth of a healthy nail with the help of ointments such as Terbinafine and Intraconazole. Thanks to their use, rather slowly but surely, it is possible to get rid of the affected tissue and return a healthy nail. When using such medicines, it is necessary to ensure that the feet are always clean and dry, and not to provoke reproduction and re-infection of the fungus.

During treatment, you can use antifungal varnishes along with manicure. The most effective among them are varnishes such as Cyclopirox and Loceryl. Before starting the use of any drug in the treatment of fungus under the toenails, you should carefully study the attached instructions, since some of them can cause a number of side effects.

With the transition of onychomycosis to an advanced stage and the defeat of most of the nail plate, it will not be possible to manage with external means alone. In such a situation, a longer and more complex treatment will be required with the systematic use of special tablets, with the help of which it is possible to bring the necessary substances into the blood. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the degree of the disease and the recommendations of the specialist.

It should be remembered that the fungus is quite tenacious and if the full course of treatment is not carried out, it can return again. It is imperative to take into account such a property of it and not be irresponsible to the prescribed therapy.

The smell from under the nails on the hands and feet can be eliminated with the help of traditional medicine:

Folk remedies are popular because they have no contraindications to their use and do not cause the development of side effects. An unpleasant smell from under the toenails is often detected in patients and the fungus is considered the main cause of the development of such a pathology. When the first symptoms of the pathology appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible and start medical treatment.

Causes of unpleasant foot odor in adults and children. How to get rid of bad foot odor?

Unpleasant amber exhaled by the feet can bring a lot of inconvenience and worries to a person. People whose feet emit irritating nose odors often feel awkward at a party, in public locker rooms, are embarrassed to try on shoes in a store, and in general, try not to take off their shoes anywhere.

In addition, this problem is quite common among both men and women. Even small children sometimes fall into the category of people with foot odor. Therefore, we will try to figure out what is the reason for such inconveniences, and how we can deal with them.

Unpleasant foot odor causes

The only reason for the appearance of an unpleasant foot odor is the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and microbes on the soles of the feet. However, there are quite a few factors contributing to such a rapid spread:

  1. Shoes made of synthetic materials. Such shoes do not allow air to pass to the foot, which only improves the conditions for the growth of bacteria and increased odor.
  2. Socks and hosiery, sewn from low-quality materials. As with shoes, synthetic materials do not allow the foot to breathe.
  3. An individual feature of the body, consisting in profuse sweating
  4. Deviation from the rules of hygiene (wearing dirty socks, wet shoes, irregular removal of rough skin of the feet)
  5. Metabolic disorders due to malnutrition
  6. Certain diseases that cause excessive sweating (tuberculosis, menopause, diabetes, thyroid, circulatory, or nervous system problems)
  7. Stress and anxiety that cause sweating
  8. Excessively active lifestyle, sports
  9. Hormonal imbalance can increase sweat and odor
  10. Fungal infections
  11. Weakening of the immune system, disarming the body in the fight against bacteria

Unpleasant smell under the toenails, causes

  • The main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor under the nails are all the same microbes and bacteria. However, if the smell comes directly from under the nail, it could be a sign of nail fungus.
  • As a rule, the fungus is also accompanied by the appearance of a yellowish-greenish tint under the nail. Such a disease does not go away by itself - it must be treated.
  • To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist in a dermatological clinic. Only he can prescribe the necessary tests and treatment

There are several reasons for the appearance of fungus under the toenail:

  • Lack of hygiene and irregular foot washing
  • Weakened immunity, unable to overcome fungal bacteria
  • Wounds, abrasions, corns and cuts on the legs
  • Reaction to the use of antibiotics and other potent drugs
  • Excessive sweating in the legs

If the cause of the unpleasant smell under the toenails was not a fungus, then the factors that provoked its appearance can be called the same factors that contribute to the unpleasant smell of the feet themselves.

  • Oddly enough, but the legs of children emit an unpleasant odor much more often than the legs of adults. This disease is called bromhidrosis.
  • There are a lot of reasons for its occurrence in children - these are poor-quality shoes, and synthetic socks, and digestive problems, and fungal diseases of the feet.

In order to help your baby not experience discomfort from the unpleasant smell of his feet, parents should adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is advisable to buy children only leather shoes or shoes that can let air in. Also, the child is recommended to have several pairs of shoes so that they have time to ventilate or dry out after wet weather.
  2. A child needs to buy socks only from natural materials - a combination of cotton and acrylic is perfect (acrylic will help to quickly remove moisture from the fabric). The rule of daily replacement of socks should also become mandatory. If the kid plays sports, then he should have two pairs of socks for the day - one for sports, and the other for everyday wear.
  3. The child must eat a balanced diet in order to avoid problems with the digestive tract. After all, it is precisely because of the imbalance in the child's body that intoxication occurs, which comes out with sweat. Toxins naturally never smell good. Therefore, the child’s diet should include only natural products (more vegetables and fruits)
  4. Be sure to observe the drinking regime - moisture actively removes harmful substances and toxins from the body
  5. The baby can be given active supplements, such as chlorophyll, to combat body toxicity.
  6. You can also give your child daily baths using aromatic oils and add droplets of such oils to children's shoes.
  7. With the help of aromatherapy, you can not only get rid of an unpleasant odor, but also provide excellent prevention of its occurrence.

In any case, you can’t let everything take its course, and leave the child alone with this rather difficult problem. If all of the above methods of dealing with bad breath in children did not help, it is advisable to contact a specialist. After all, the cause of its occurrence may be a more serious disease that requires immediate treatment.

Sour foot odor: causes and how to get rid of it

  • At times, a person's feet can spray an unpleasant sour smell into the air, or, as some still associate it, a "cheesy" smell. At the same time, shallow pits may appear on the surface of the skin of the feet.
  • Sometimes while walking, a person may experience some discomfort and tingling in the feet. This phenomenon is called keratolysis.
  • Keratolysis is caused by a number of bacteria that, with the help of sweat or moisture from the environment, corrode the surface of the skin and release volatile, acidic odors into the air.
  • If you or your child experience these symptoms, you should see a dermatologist. He will most likely advise you to take a series of tests and prescribe treatment.
  • As a rule, the treatment of keratolysis consists in the use of a variety of ointments, creams or talkers based on antibacterial agents.
  • Even if antibiotics do not give the desired result, doctors prescribe a course of taking erythromycin in the form of tablets lasting a month.

What should I do if my feet smell bad? How to treat foot odor?

Do not panic about the fact that there is an unpleasant smell of feet. If you follow some rules and tips, you can quickly get rid of it. This will require the following:

  1. Hygiene. Wash your feet regularly and thoroughly with a washcloth and antibacterial soap. Do not forget about the area between the fingers - this is the most convenient place for life and reproduction of microbes and fungi
  2. After washing your feet, be sure to wipe them with a towel, because it is moisture that is the best helper of bacteria.
  3. Disinfection. After bathing, you can apply an alcohol-based disinfectant to your feet. If such a tool is not available, you can use ordinary alcohol and vinegar. To do this, you need to mix all the named ingredients in equal proportions and use a spray bottle to apply them on the skin of the legs.
  4. Deodorants. It is also possible to use special antiperspirants and deodorants. Before dressing, you need to wait until such a tool dries. If there is no antiperspirant for the feet, you can use some improvised products that allow you to dry the skin well and kill bacteria. These products include baking soda, talc and cornstarch.
  5. Shoes. When choosing shoes, it is better to focus on leather models, or those options that are made of natural breathable textiles.
  6. It is best to avoid materials such as plastic and rubber as they only increase the smell of sweat. In summer it is better to wear open shoes - open toe must be
  7. In no case should you walk in wet shoes - they need to be given at least twenty-four hours to dry completely. Because it is better to have several pairs of shoes
  8. If this is not possible, then you can purchase a special foot dryer - it can dry shoes in just eight hours.
  9. Shoes also need to be washed or washed regularly - in some cases, you can even use a washing machine for this purpose.
  10. Socks. When wearing closed shoes, be sure to wear socks. They help absorb excess moisture.
  11. Socks should also be made from natural materials - nylon or other synthetic fabrics trap moisture inside, which only provokes the spread of unpleasant odors. Socks need to be changed every day, and sometimes several times a day - socks must be dry
  12. You need to wash socks inside out - this way there will be more chances for complete cleansing of them from dead skin particles of the legs, and, accordingly, bacteria
  13. Baths. You can regularly pamper your legs with a variety of baths. The simplest are baths with soda (it creates an alkaline environment, extremely negative for microbial growth), salt (preferably sea) and a small amount of vinegar (a good disinfectant)
  14. Traditional healers offer foot baths with the addition of a variety of natural ingredients (oak or willow bark, horsetail, nettle, sage, mint, walnut leaves, chamomile)

Preparations for foot odor: Teymurov's Paste, Formidron, Burnt alum, Boric acid, zinc ointment, lavender oil

To combat unpleasant foot odor, pharmaceutical companies offer a huge selection of various drugs and products:

  • Foot cream for bad breath. We'll talk about them a little later.
  • Powders for feet
  • Foot lotions. Such lotions have a disinfecting and deodorizing effect on the skin of the feet. Before applying the lotion, the feet must be thoroughly washed with soap and dried with a towel. After application, you must wait until the lotion is absorbed, and only then put on shoes. The most famous foot lotion from sweat is considered "5 days" from "Galeno Pharm"
  • Ointments for foot odor. Pasta Teymurova- one of the most popular drugs used in the fight against unpleasant foot odor. This tool has antibacterial and drying properties. It contains salicylic and boric acid, talc and zinc oxide.
  • Before applying the paste, the feet should be thoroughly washed and dried naturally (without the help of a towel). Then the paste must be rubbed into the skin of the legs for a couple of minutes. The procedure is performed four days in a row before going to bed.
  • Another popular and fairly budgetary ointment is zinc ointment. It is able to prevent excessive sweating, eliminate odor and soften the skin. Foot ointments based on natural ingredients include DEO control. This ointment consists of shea butter, lavender, tea tree and cocoa, as well as vitamins. These components make it possible to provide DEO-control with good antiseptic and emollient properties.
  • lavender oil. Lavender oil has an antibacterial, antifungal and refreshing effect on the skin of the feet. This oil is used as an additive to the bath. A few drops of lavender must be diluted in milk and added to the bath. The recommended exposure time is twenty minutes. It is advisable to do this kind of bath a couple of times a week.
  • Formidron- a preparation based on formaldehyde, which has an antibacterial and refreshing effect on the skin of the legs. Formidron must be applied and rubbed into the skin of the legs. Since the drug has an excellent drying effect, you need to monitor its dosage, otherwise you can greatly dry the skin.
  • Alum burnt- a preparation based on potassium-aluminum alum with a strong anti-inflammatory, sweat-absorbing and bacteria-blocking action. Burnt alum is produced in the form of a powder, therefore they are used as a powder in the morning. Applying the drug in the morning on clean, dry skin, in the evening it must be thoroughly washed off.
  • Boric acid- a drug with a good antiseptic effect. Boric acid is poured directly into the sock before dressing. These socks should be worn on dry, clean feet. After using the socks, they must be sent to the laundry, and the feet should be thoroughly washed.

DRY-DRY foot cream, Lavilin, "5 days", Deo-control, Chistostop Deo, Folk healer, 911 nepotin, foot cream from Green Pharmacy

Consider the most popular foot creams to help deal with bad breath:

  1. Foot cream DRY-DRY. This drug, produced by the Swedish company Scandi Line, contains aluminum chloride hydrate and denatured alcohol. These chemicals block sweat from escaping through the feet and redirect it to other parts of the body. The drug should be applied to washed and dried skin of the legs one hour before bedtime. In the morning, you can wash your feet - the cream has already been absorbed, and its effect will be noticeable for five days
  2. Foot cream Lavilin. The drug is produced by the Israeli company Hlavin based on simple ingredients: talc, potato starch, zinc oxide, ethylhexylglycerin, triethyl citrate, calendula, arnica and chamomile. Lavilin foot cream, like the previous drug, organizes a kind of plug for the sweat glands, while all the formed bacteria are destroyed with it.
    Apply the drug should be on clean, dry skin. After some time, the feet can be wetted and washed, however, the components of the drug will still remain in the skin. The action of Lavilin lasts about a week
  3. Cream "5 days" from Galeno Pharm. This preparation based on zinc oxide, cetyl alcohol, camphor and menthol is able to reduce sweating, disinfect, dry, cool and refresh the skin of the feet. Apply the cream before going to bed on clean, dried skin.
  4. Cream Deo-control. The preparation from the Kalina concern was created on the basis of natural ingredients: shea butter, lavender, tea tree, cocoa and vitamins. The cream fights existing bacteria on the skin of the feet and creates a protective layer that prevents their reproduction. Deo-control should be applied to dry, washed skin of the legs. Subsequent application is required only when the smell returns again.
  5. Foot cream from Green Pharmacy. Cream based on zinc oxide, menthol, camphor and tea tree has a refreshing, drying and antifungal effect. It is necessary to rub the cream after a shower on dry, clean feet. The effect is five days
  6. 911 nepotin cream
  7. Chistostop Deo
  8. folk healer

Baby powder for foot odor

The main function of foot powder is to dry the skin. On dry skin, it is much more difficult for bacteria to multiply. You can buy foot powder at the pharmacy.

You can also use regular baby powder for this purpose.

Folk remedies for foot odor: talc, starch, salt, boric acid

If neither option suits you, you can use natural products that have a drying effect:

  • Talc
  • Potato starch
  • Corn starch
  • Food salt
  • Boric acid powder

Benzoyl peroxide gel Baziron AC from Oxy Silverot foot odor

Foot gels generally work in the same way as creams, just with a slightly different texture. The most common gels include:

  • Benzoyl peroxide gel Baziron AC from Oxy Silver. This gel is usually prescribed for acne, but it is also great for treating bad foot odor. The active substances of the gel have a detrimental effect on microbes. Baziron AS should be applied once a day to dry, clean skin of the feet.
  • Formagel reduces sweating, prevents the appearance of fungus and disinfects the surface of the skin. It is enough to apply the gel once a week on clean and dry skin of the legs, and then wash it off after half an hour.

In addition to the above methods and means of dealing with unpleasant foot odor, it is advisable to follow a few more tips:

  1. During experiences and stress, the body produces many times more sweat than in a calm state. This should be taken into account when regularly trying to eliminate foot odor.
  2. Crystal-based aerosols perfectly protect the skin from uninvited bacteria and fungi
  3. If the smell caught outside the house, you can wipe your feet with wet antiseptic wipes or alcohol
  4. Proper metabolism and the absence of toxins are the key to normal sweating. Another very important is a sufficient dose of zinc in the human body. It is the lack of zinc that can provoke the appearance of an unpleasant body odor.
  5. It is advisable to wash your feet twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Doing sports means washing your feet after a workout.
  6. Socks need to be changed every day. Socks must be put on immediately before putting on shoes. Walking for a while in socks before putting on shoes, you run the risk of collecting excess bacteria.
  7. Trimming of toenails should be done regularly and carefully. After all, it is under them that microbes and fungi like to live most of all. And in the case of the formation of wounds or cuts during a pedicure, bacteria live even more fun
  8. Timely removal of keratinized skin on the soles of the feet allows you to deprive the bacteria of a convenient place of existence.

Video: How to get rid of bad foot odor?

A person's feet can smell, even if they are meticulous about personal hygiene and wash them daily. The reason for the smell in this case lies in the nails, namely in their disease - onychomycosis. If the toenails stink, first of all it is necessary to be examined for this fungal pathology, and then carry out the appropriate treatment.

What is onychomycosis

Why do toenails stink? The reason for this is most often not the dirt under them, but a fungal disease called onychomycosis. This disease is quite common, and anyone can face it. However, careful personal hygiene is almost not associated with the prevalence of onychomycosis.

This pathology is caused by microscopic fungi. The spores of these fungi live in the environment, love heat and high humidity. Therefore, infection with onychomycosis can occur in the following places:

  • Public baths, saunas;
  • Pools;
  • gyms;
  • Beaches;
  • Shower cabins.

Contribute to the penetration of the fungus into the nail tight hot shoes, synthetic socks, poor foot hygiene, reduced immunity. There is a higher risk of getting a fungus in people with diabetes, psoriasis, leg injuries.

What are the symptoms of the disease

Onychomycosis is not only an unpleasant smell from under the toenails, but also other changes in the condition of the nail plate:

  • Changing the color of the nail. In the presence of a fungus, the nail plate ceases to be transparent, becomes yellow or brown. This symptom appears very first, even before the appearance of the smell;
  • Shape change. The nail plate loses its correct shape. Bulges and pits appear on it, its edge crumbles. It can thicken significantly, causing discomfort;
  • Separation of the nail from the finger. Between the edge of the nail plate and the skin, a space appears where you can find a crumbly mass - colonies of fungi. This is where the bad smell comes from.

In the future, the fungus can spread to the fingers and foot.

The smell of nails with a fungal disease is a consequence of the vital activity of microorganisms. They secrete various strong-smelling substances that mix with sweat or water, making them smell even stronger.

Ways to eliminate odor

If your toenails smell, you should consult a dermatologist who will conduct the necessary studies and establish a diagnosis. After that, appropriate treatment is prescribed. You can get rid of the fungus on the legs only with the help of drugs, and folk remedies are an auxiliary method.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes are used to prepare nails for the effects of drugs. They help cleanse the nail plate and skin, making it more receptive to medications:

  • Iodine solution. It is an active antiseptic that destroys any fungi well. An alcoholic solution of iodine is used to wipe the nail plate, the space under it and the skin around the nail;
  • Vinegar bath. Under the action of vinegar, the vital activity of fungi slows down, as a result of which the intensity of the smell becomes less. Vinegar also softens the nail, making it easier for drugs to penetrate into it. To perform the procedure, they take ordinary table vinegar, dilute it in twice as much water. The foot is immersed in a container with a solution for 15-20 minutes, after which it is wiped dry;
  • Propolis tincture. The product has an antiseptic and softening effect. In the tincture, a cotton swab is moistened and the nails are thoroughly wiped, removing the crumbly mass;
  • Onion and garlic. Both vegetables have intense anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. A gruel of onion and garlic is applied to the affected finger, alternating them every day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days. The downside of this recipe is the strong smell.

It is allowed to combine several folk remedies, applying them alternately.


The main treatment for nail fungus is the use of medications. Antifungal drugs should be used not only locally, but also inside. The infection penetrates deep into the nail, and ointments or creams are not able to completely destroy it. Therefore, doctors prescribe complex treatment.

Systemic antifungal agents - Orungal, Terbizil, Nizoral. They are prescribed for oral administration in the morning and evening, the course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Contraindicated in children and pregnant women.

Local treatment of the fungus, and hence the smell of nails, consists in the use of special varnishes and solutions. The most famous and effective are Lamisil Uno, Lotseril, Nitrofungin. If varnish is used, it is applied to the entire affected nail plate using an applicator. The procedure is performed once a week, the duration of treatment is 10-15 applications. If a solution is used, it is applied with a drop to the cleaned nail, then gently rubbed with a cotton pad. The procedure should be performed once a day before going to bed. The duration of treatment is at least a month.

To eliminate the smell, it is necessary not only to cure the fungus, but also to treat the shoes, since fungal spores can persist in them for several years. For processing, special sprays and solutions are used, which are sold in pharmacies. If possible, it is better to replace the shoes with a new one.

Prevention of nail fungus

To prevent an unpleasant odor from appearing, you need to follow preventive measures:

  • Daily foot washing and foot treatment with antiseptics;
  • Use of foot creams with lavender and tea tree extracts;
  • Wearing only your own shoes;
  • The use of individual slippers when visiting baths, saunas, pools, beaches;
  • Regular washing of socks, use of cotton socks;
  • Thorough drying of shoes;
  • Change insoles every two months.

Thanks to these simple measures, the nails will be healthy and there will be no unpleasant odor.

Onychomycosis is the main cause of nail odor. It's easy to avoid this. It is enough to adhere to the rules of hygiene and shoe care. If the disease has arisen, it can be treated with drugs. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

People experience great discomfort if their feet smell and sweat. Most of them do not even know what to do in such a situation and where to turn. You should not panic, because there are simple and quite affordable options for getting rid of such a scourge. Below it will be told if the feet stink, what to do and what means to use for this.

Causes of the problem

The first step is to understand what caused the unpleasant odor and excessive sweating.

  1. Most often this is due to a fungus, both nails and skin. Until this disease is completely cured, the smell, and with it the discomfort, will not pass.

  2. The second position in popularity is occupied by possible diseases that a person suffers from. Diabetes mellitus can cause not only smell, but also non-healing sores that appear on the legs. In addition, there are many other diseases that contribute to sweating and the formation of stench. For example, the resulting bacteria that actively multiply. In this case, it is necessary to be observed by specialists who will help develop the necessary treatment plan.

However, even healthy people often have problems with bad foot odor. This is due to intense sweating. Sweat glands located on the feet secrete a sufficient amount of sweat, the volume of which increases with active human movements. This environment is also favorable for bacteria.

Changing the way we look at shoes

We must not forget that many citizens choose far from the highest quality shoes, and wear socks made of synthetic materials. Thanks to these factors, the smell is noticeably enhanced. Materials created from non-natural components do not allow oxygen to pass through, and also poorly absorb perspiration. These reasons serve as a favorable environment for the abundant reproduction of bacteria, whose emissions have an extremely strong stench.

How to get rid of the smell?

There are a lot of tips, each of which is suitable under certain circumstances and for a particular person. Therefore, the first step is to identify the source, which is the carrier of the stench.

So, if it turns out that a person is sick, it is necessary to take measures for more productive treatment. No sickness, no smell. However, this is not as easy as it might seem, because not all diseases are treated. Then you need to refer to the following tips.

Proper hygiene

  • It will be useful from time to time to use special foot baths that will help get rid of sweating.

  • It is very important to dry the feet and the area between the toes every time after washing, since it is these places, even with a small amount of lag, that become a haven for bacteria.
  • For the implementation of high-quality fight against microbes, antibacterial soap is ideal.
  • It is useful while washing the feet to produce a gradual decrease in temperature, starting with a fairly warm and approaching cold.
  • If the feet have excessive sweating, they need to wash their feet daily using cosmetic products with antibacterial properties.

Foot baths

One or two treatments per week will suffice. This will help dry the skin, narrow the pores, and make sweating less abundant. There are several time-tested recipes:

Foot products

Once all hygiene procedures are completed, a few more tips can be applied. They will help to provide the legs with freshness for a longer period and will help in the fight against sweating.

Lavender oil. It is necessary to rub their legs, and then insulate with socks. The procedure is ideal for night time. However, before proceeding, it is necessary to do a test for the presence of an allergic reaction.

Cosmetic treatment cream to help reduce perspiration.

It is known that alcohol is excellent at fighting bacteria, so the legs can wipe with alcohol and tinctures on it.

Vinegar can help get rid of not only an unpleasant odor, but also a fungus at an early stage. Without diluting it, you should type it into a pipette and apply a couple of drops to the nails and problem areas of the skin of the legs.

Deodorant. Like the armpit area, the legs emit a lot of sweat, therefore, it is important to enjoy the benefits of civilization and use special cosmetics for the legs.

You can use talc. As soon as the moisture from the skin has been completely removed, it is necessary to sprinkle the legs, as well as the space between the fingers, with powder. If you don't have it on hand, potato starch or even baking soda is a good substitute.

There are opinions that liquid clotrimazole and brilliant green solution help well, they wipe the skin of the legs. However, it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Main reasons

Medical studies of the problem have accurately established that the unpleasant smell of the feet is the result of the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria on the skin. It is this factor that causes so much inconvenience, forcing them to limit their movements to public places, to refuse invitations to visit and wherever it is required to take off their shoes.

Pathogenic bacteria are always present in some quantity on the skin and no treatment is able to completely get rid of them. It is enough to touch any surface - and the colony of microbes again begins its reproduction at the point of contact.

The immunity of a healthy body and regular hygiene do not allow bacteria to cause disease, so the number of the colony is always kept within acceptable limits. In the course of their life, they also provoke the release of odor. But its concentration is quite small and does not cause inconvenience.

But, if a factor that creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria begins to act on the skin, their number increases exponentially. Accordingly, the intensity of the breakdown of biological products secreted by the skin increases. As a result, the feet stink noticeably after activities that in a healthy person can provoke only a slight increase in bad smell, which is removed by a simple foot washing. The first task in this case is to find the cause that caused the rapid growth of the microbial population. Some of them can cause discomfort and create favorable conditions for skin diseases. And others pose a great risk to a person, because the nasty smell is already one of the symptoms of a dermatological disease.

The problem of unpleasant odors from shoes and feet is equally inherent in women, men and children. This is explained by the fact that a number of factors act as a provocateur, from which not a single person is immune.

When Your Feet Cause Discomfort

Persistent aesthetic discomfort in a person, when his soles smell unpleasant, is very often the result of his own decisions and actions. The skin is the body's first defense against infection. She has her own margin of "biological strength", which allows her to keep bacteria outside, but it is not infinite. Some factors that are not particularly dangerous can reduce it even more, causing disturbances at the cellular level. These include:

  • Hyperhidrosis - increased sweating of the epidermis. The moisture released by the body is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, in order not to experience discomfort and prevent the development of a dangerous dermatological disease, enhanced hygiene is required.
  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Regular foot washing not only cleanses the skin and eliminates odor, but also destroys the bacteria that cause it. Fewer bacteria means fewer breakdown products.
  • Wearing synthetic shoes. Artificial materials cause increased sweating, do not allow the skin to "breathe", improve the conditions for the reproduction of infection. In other words, synthetic shoes are a strong hyperhidrosis activator with all the ensuing consequences.

  • Socks, stockings and similar clothing, of synthetics. The effect of wearing it is similar to the previous paragraph.
  • Active lifestyle. Physical exercise causes hyperhydration of the skin throughout the body, so immediately after a workout it always smells bad or just unpleasant. Persistence of "aromas" depends on the area of ​​the body and materials of sportswear. The most "fragrant" areas are usually the armpits and legs.

It is not too often that a situation occurs when the cause of heavy sweating is reduced resistance to stress. In this case, any nervous strain causes sweating and the need to visit the shower. If such a situation is chronic, it is recommended to visit a neurologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Personal hygiene rules are an effective remedy against a huge number of skin diseases. Everyone can follow them, the costs for this are minimal. And most importantly, any disease, even after it is defeated, will still leave traces of its negative impact in the body. And if there is a chance to prevent the development of the disease - why not take advantage of it?

Possible diseases

A separate group of factors that do not allow you to get rid of the smell of feet on your own are various diseases.
In this case, the nasty aroma acts as a symptom and is considered in conjunction with the rest of the body's signals indicating an illness. Treatment is carried out only on the basis of the results of the patient's medical tests. Any forecasts are given only by a specialist, self-treatment usually does not bring results, and it is quite clear why. The fact is that some of the ailments that cause hyperhidrosis are classified as very serious. Increased sweating in these cases is usually observed not only in the legs, but throughout the body.

The choice of how to treat the symptom of a foul odor should be made and agreed with the appropriate medical professional. This is explained by the fact that untidiness can be caused by:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • changes in hormonal balance;
  • various dermatological diseases;
  • systemic acute or chronic diseases.

The cause of hyperhidrosis can be one of the very serious diseases, including tuberculosis, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system and the thyroid gland.

Despite the fact that hyperhidrosis is mistakenly considered a problem that is not customary to consult a doctor, it is better to visit a specialist dermatologist. Sometimes health can be the price of embarrassment. In addition, there is another very common ailment that can affect the feet and significantly affect the life of the patient, as well as his environment - a fungus.

fungal infection

Bad breath from any toe can be a symptom of a fungal infection. Many types of fungus are constantly on human skin and any weakening of the immune system can become a catalyst for the development of the disease. In this case, hyperhidrosis is not always observed, but many patients complain of a feeling of a "slippery" sole of the foot, as if always wet.

Persistent “ambre” from toenails, along with a noticeable change in the structure and color of the nail plate, is an almost one hundred percent symptom of onychomycosis. The nail acquires a yellowish or whitish hue, then becomes brittle, and finally, if until this moment the patient has not taken measures to treat the fungus, it exfoliates. But this is not the only threat to be wary of.

The process of destruction and subsequent exfoliation is accompanied by itching, pain, and the main danger lies in the possibility of spores to grow deep into the soft tissues. As a result, they enter the blood vessels and spread throughout the body, infecting the internal organs.

Various dirt, pathogenic bacteria, infectious agents dangerous to health tend to accumulate under the nails. The fungus, germinating in soft tissues, gives them access to the inside of the body, provoking various diseases. In this case, the need to simply get rid of the smell is relegated to the background. Taking care of the patient's health comes to the fore, as an infectious focus is created in the infected area, which can noticeably undermine it. Treatment of advanced stages of the fungus in itself is quite lengthy, dangerous and has a number of contraindications.

Onychomycosis is an unpleasant infectious fungal disease that threatens everyone. According to statistics, almost every person on the planet once encounters it. Considering that the fungus never goes away on its own and threatens everyone who comes into contact with the sick, the danger should not be underestimated.

Unpleasant foot odor causes

The only reason for the appearance of an unpleasant foot odor is the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and microbes on the soles of the feet. However, there are quite a few factors contributing to such a rapid spread:

  1. Shoes made of synthetic materials. Such shoes do not allow air to pass to the foot, which only improves the conditions for the growth of bacteria and increased odor.
  2. Socks and hosiery, sewn from low-quality materials. As with shoes, synthetic materials do not allow the foot to breathe.
  3. An individual feature of the body, consisting in profuse sweating
  4. Deviation from the rules of hygiene (wearing dirty socks, wet shoes, irregular removal of rough skin of the feet)
  5. Metabolic disorders due to malnutrition
  6. Certain diseases that cause excessive sweating (tuberculosis, menopause, diabetes, thyroid, circulatory, or nervous system problems)
  7. Stress and anxiety that cause sweating
  8. Excessively active lifestyle, sports
  9. Hormonal imbalance can increase sweat and odor
  10. Fungal infections
  11. Weakening of the immune system, disarming the body in the fight against bacteria

Unpleasant smell under the toenails, causes

  • The main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor under the nails are all the same microbes and bacteria. However, if the smell comes directly from under the nail, it could be a sign of nail fungus.
  • As a rule, the fungus is also accompanied by the appearance of a yellowish-greenish tint under the nail. Such a disease does not go away by itself - it must be treated.
  • To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist in a dermatological clinic. Only he can prescribe the necessary tests and treatment

There are several reasons for the appearance of fungus under the toenail:

  • Lack of hygiene and irregular foot washing
  • Weakened immunity, unable to overcome fungal bacteria
  • Wounds, abrasions, corns and cuts on the legs
  • Reaction to the use of antibiotics and other potent drugs
  • Excessive sweating in the legs

If the cause of the unpleasant smell under the toenails was not a fungus, then the factors that provoked its appearance can be called the same factors that contribute to the unpleasant smell of the feet themselves.

  • Oddly enough, but the legs of children emit an unpleasant odor much more often than the legs of adults. This disease is called bromhidrosis.
  • There are a lot of reasons for its occurrence in children - these are poor-quality shoes, and synthetic socks, and digestive problems, and fungal diseases of the feet.

In order to help your baby not experience discomfort from the unpleasant smell of his feet, parents should adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is advisable to buy children only leather shoes or shoes that can let air in. Also, the child is recommended to have several pairs of shoes so that they have time to ventilate or dry out after wet weather.
  2. A child needs to buy socks only from natural materials - a combination of cotton and acrylic is perfect (acrylic will help to quickly remove moisture from the fabric). The rule of daily replacement of socks should also become mandatory. If the kid plays sports, then he should have two pairs of socks for the day - one for sports, and the other for everyday wear.
  3. The child must eat a balanced diet in order to avoid problems with the digestive tract. After all, it is precisely because of the imbalance in the child's body that intoxication occurs, which comes out with sweat. Toxins naturally never smell good. Therefore, the child’s diet should include only natural products (more vegetables and fruits)
  4. Be sure to observe the drinking regime - moisture actively removes harmful substances and toxins from the body
  5. The baby can be given active supplements, such as chlorophyll, to combat body toxicity.
  6. You can also give your child daily baths using aromatic oils and add droplets of such oils to children's shoes.
  7. With the help of aromatherapy, you can not only get rid of an unpleasant odor, but also provide excellent prevention of its occurrence.

In any case, you can’t let everything take its course, and leave the child alone with this rather difficult problem. If all of the above methods of dealing with bad breath in children did not help, it is advisable to contact a specialist. After all, the cause of its occurrence may be a more serious disease that requires immediate treatment.

Sour foot odor: causes and how to get rid of it

  • At times, a person's feet can spray an unpleasant sour smell into the air, or, as some still associate it, a "cheesy" smell. At the same time, shallow pits may appear on the surface of the skin of the feet.
  • Sometimes while walking, a person may experience some discomfort and tingling in the feet. This phenomenon is called keratolysis.
  • Keratolysis is caused by a number of bacteria that, with the help of sweat or moisture from the environment, corrode the surface of the skin and release volatile, acidic odors into the air.
  • If you or your child experience these symptoms, you should see a dermatologist. He will most likely advise you to take a series of tests and prescribe treatment.
  • As a rule, the treatment of keratolysis consists in the use of a variety of ointments, creams or talkers based on antibacterial agents.
  • Even if antibiotics do not give the desired result, doctors prescribe a course of taking erythromycin in the form of tablets lasting a month.

What should I do if my feet smell bad? How to treat foot odor?

Do not panic about the fact that there is an unpleasant smell of feet. If you follow some rules and tips, you can quickly get rid of it. This will require the following:

  1. Hygiene. Wash your feet regularly and thoroughly with a washcloth and antibacterial soap. Do not forget about the area between the fingers - this is the most convenient place for life and reproduction of microbes and fungi
  2. After washing your feet, be sure to wipe them with a towel, because it is moisture that is the best helper of bacteria.
  3. Disinfection. After bathing, you can apply an alcohol-based disinfectant to your feet. If such a tool is not available, you can use ordinary alcohol and vinegar. To do this, you need to mix all the named ingredients in equal proportions and use a spray bottle to apply them on the skin of the legs.
  4. Deodorants. It is also possible to use special antiperspirants and deodorants. Before dressing, you need to wait until such a tool dries. If there is no antiperspirant for the feet, you can use some improvised products that allow you to dry the skin well and kill bacteria. These products include baking soda, talc and cornstarch.
  5. Shoes. When choosing shoes, it is better to focus on leather models, or those options that are made of natural breathable textiles.
  6. It is best to avoid materials such as plastic and rubber as they only increase the smell of sweat. In summer it is better to wear open shoes - open toe must be
  7. In no case should you walk in wet shoes - they need to be given at least twenty-four hours to dry completely. Because it is better to have several pairs of shoes
  8. If this is not possible, then you can purchase a special foot dryer - it can dry shoes in just eight hours.
  9. Shoes also need to be washed or washed regularly - in some cases, you can even use a washing machine for this purpose.
  10. Socks. When wearing closed shoes, be sure to wear socks. They help absorb excess moisture.
  11. Socks should also be made from natural materials - nylon or other synthetic fabrics trap moisture inside, which only provokes the spread of unpleasant odors. Socks need to be changed every day, and sometimes several times a day - socks must be dry
  12. You need to wash socks inside out - this way there will be more chances for complete cleansing of them from dead skin particles of the legs, and, accordingly, bacteria
  13. Baths. You can regularly pamper your legs with a variety of baths. The simplest are baths with soda (it creates an alkaline environment, extremely negative for microbial growth), salt (preferably sea) and a small amount of vinegar (a good disinfectant)
  14. Traditional healers offer foot baths with the addition of a variety of natural ingredients (oak or willow bark, horsetail, nettle, sage, mint, walnut leaves, chamomile)

Preparations for foot odor: Teymurov's Paste, Formidron, Burnt alum, Boric acid, zinc ointment, lavender oil

To combat unpleasant foot odor, pharmaceutical companies offer a huge selection of various drugs and products:

  • Foot cream for bad breath. We'll talk about them a little later.
  • Powders for feet
  • Foot lotions. Such lotions have a disinfecting and deodorizing effect on the skin of the feet. Before applying the lotion, the feet must be thoroughly washed with soap and dried with a towel. After application, you must wait until the lotion is absorbed, and only then put on shoes. The most famous foot lotion from sweat is considered "5 days" from "Galeno Pharm"
  • Ointments for foot odor. Pasta Teymurova- one of the most popular drugs used in the fight against unpleasant foot odor. This tool has antibacterial and drying properties. It contains salicylic and boric acid, talc and zinc oxide.
  • Before applying the paste, the feet should be thoroughly washed and dried naturally (without the help of a towel). Then the paste must be rubbed into the skin of the legs for a couple of minutes. The procedure is performed four days in a row before going to bed.
  • Another popular and fairly budgetary ointment is zinc ointment. It is able to prevent excessive sweating, eliminate odor and soften the skin. Foot ointments based on natural ingredients include DEO control. This ointment consists of shea butter, lavender, tea tree and cocoa, as well as vitamins. These components make it possible to provide DEO-control with good antiseptic and emollient properties.
  • lavender oil. Lavender oil has an antibacterial, antifungal and refreshing effect on the skin of the feet. This oil is used as an additive to the bath. A few drops of lavender must be diluted in milk and added to the bath. The recommended exposure time is twenty minutes. It is advisable to do this kind of bath a couple of times a week.
  • Formidron- a preparation based on formaldehyde, which has an antibacterial and refreshing effect on the skin of the legs. Formidron must be applied and rubbed into the skin of the legs. Since the drug has an excellent drying effect, you need to monitor its dosage, otherwise you can greatly dry the skin.
  • Alum burnt- a preparation based on potassium-aluminum alum with a strong anti-inflammatory, sweat-absorbing and bacteria-blocking action. Burnt alum is produced in the form of a powder, therefore they are used as a powder in the morning. Applying the drug in the morning on clean, dry skin, in the evening it must be thoroughly washed off.
  • Boric acid- a drug with a good antiseptic effect. Boric acid is poured directly into the sock before dressing. These socks should be worn on dry, clean feet. After using the socks, they must be sent to the laundry, and the feet should be thoroughly washed.

DRY-DRY foot cream, Lavilin, "5 days", Deo-control, Chistostop Deo, Folk healer, 911 nepotin, foot cream from Green Pharmacy

Consider the most popular foot creams to help deal with bad breath:

  1. Foot cream DRY-DRY. This drug, produced by the Swedish company Scandi Line, contains aluminum chloride hydrate and denatured alcohol. These chemicals block sweat from escaping through the feet and redirect it to other parts of the body. The drug should be applied to washed and dried skin of the legs one hour before bedtime. In the morning, you can wash your feet - the cream has already been absorbed, and its effect will be noticeable for five days
  2. Foot cream Lavilin. The drug is produced by the Israeli company Hlavin based on simple ingredients: talc, potato starch, zinc oxide, ethylhexylglycerin, triethyl citrate, calendula, arnica and chamomile. Lavilin foot cream, like the previous drug, organizes a kind of plug for the sweat glands, while all the formed bacteria are destroyed with it.
    Apply the drug should be on clean, dry skin. After some time, the feet can be wetted and washed, however, the components of the drug will still remain in the skin. The action of Lavilin lasts about a week
  3. Cream "5 days" from Galeno Pharm. This preparation based on zinc oxide, cetyl alcohol, camphor and menthol is able to reduce sweating, disinfect, dry, cool and refresh the skin of the feet. Apply the cream before going to bed on clean, dried skin.
  4. Cream Deo-control. The preparation from the Kalina concern was created on the basis of natural ingredients: shea butter, lavender, tea tree, cocoa and vitamins. The cream fights existing bacteria on the skin of the feet and creates a protective layer that prevents their reproduction. Deo-control should be applied to dry, washed skin of the legs. Subsequent application is required only when the smell returns again.
  5. Foot cream from Green Pharmacy. Cream based on zinc oxide, menthol, camphor and tea tree has a refreshing, drying and antifungal effect. It is necessary to rub the cream after a shower on dry, clean feet. The effect is five days
  6. 911 nepotin cream
  7. Chistostop Deo
  8. folk healer

Baby powder for foot odor

The main function of foot powder is to dry the skin. On dry skin, it is much more difficult for bacteria to multiply. You can buy foot powder at the pharmacy.

You can also use regular baby powder for this purpose.

Folk remedies for foot odor: talc, starch, salt, boric acid

If neither option suits you, you can use natural products that have a drying effect:

  • Talc
  • Potato starch
  • Corn starch
  • Food salt
  • Boric acid powder

Benzoyl peroxide gel Baziron AC from Oxy Silverot foot odor

Foot gels generally work in the same way as creams, just with a slightly different texture. The most common gels include:

  • Benzoyl peroxide gel Baziron AC from Oxy Silver. This gel is usually prescribed for acne, but it is also great for treating bad foot odor. The active substances of the gel have a detrimental effect on microbes. Baziron AS should be applied once a day to dry, clean skin of the feet.
  • Formagel reduces sweating, prevents the appearance of fungus and disinfects the surface of the skin. It is enough to apply the gel once a week on clean and dry skin of the legs, and then wash it off after half an hour.

In addition to the above methods and means of dealing with unpleasant foot odor, it is advisable to follow a few more tips:

  1. During experiences and stress, the body produces many times more sweat than in a calm state. This should be taken into account when regularly trying to eliminate foot odor.
  2. Crystal-based aerosols perfectly protect the skin from uninvited bacteria and fungi
  3. If the smell caught outside the house, you can wipe your feet with wet antiseptic wipes or alcohol
  4. Proper metabolism and the absence of toxins are the key to normal sweating. Another very important is a sufficient dose of zinc in the human body. It is the lack of zinc that can provoke the appearance of an unpleasant body odor.
  5. It is advisable to wash your feet twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Doing sports means washing your feet after a workout.
  6. Socks need to be changed every day. Socks must be put on immediately before putting on shoes. Walking for a while in socks before putting on shoes, you run the risk of collecting excess bacteria.
  7. Trimming of toenails should be done regularly and carefully. After all, it is under them that microbes and fungi like to live most of all. And in the case of the formation of wounds or cuts during a pedicure, bacteria live even more fun
  8. Timely removal of keratinized skin on the soles of the feet allows you to deprive the bacteria of a convenient place of existence.

An abscess under the nail on the arm or leg - treatment with folk methods

However, not everyone knows the cause of this disease, what it is called and how to act in such cases. However, all this can be avoided if you have certain knowledge and know how to behave in each specific case.

An abscess under the nail - the main methods of treatment and preventive measures

As noted above, purulent inflammation under the toenail or toenail in the early stages is treated exclusively by conservative methods. In addition, local therapy can be supplemented with a complex one and consist in taking appropriate antibiotics in this case.

If a splinter has fallen under the nail, it must be removed as soon as possible, independently. In addition to traditional therapy, the treatment of panaritium can also be carried out with the help of traditional medicine, but it is better to do this under the supervision of a doctor or competently comparing traditional medicine and traditional medicine.

After such a procedure, the finger and nail should be treated with a solution of iodine or any other antiseptic and a slurry of finely grated raw beets should be applied to it. Recipe number 4. In the initial stages of the disease, when the pus under the fingernail or toe is just starting to accumulate, you can try to provide first aid as follows. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to well lubricate the nail and the skin of the finger around it with an iodine solution.

Preventive actions

In addition, propolis helps well against nail fungus and many other unpleasant diseases. If the snot smells strongly of pus, this is a signal from the body that an inflammatory bacterial process is going on in it. Coryza with purulent mucus occurs during an acute process of inflammation, while the amount of discharge from the nose is plentiful. In purulent sinusitis, mucous contents collect inside the sinuses, causing an odor that is stronger than in other cases.

So I live with a very hard and crooked nail. Good day, the smell may be due to microbial or fungal infection of the nails, according to the picture they look quite healthy and do not require intensive treatment.

Nail fungus (smell), how to treat with pharmaceutical preparations?

At the very beginning of infection, unpleasant symptoms in the form of stench, redness and itching can be stopped with external local remedies that the mycologist will select. It can be:

1 . Lucky:

  • Batrafen (effective for chronic nail fungus, as it can eliminate even intense unpleasant odors);
  • Lotseril, Mikozan, Aventis;
  • Belvedere is a budgetary representative who is prescribed for the complication of the course of onychomycosis with a bacterial infection, accompanied by suppuration, itching, and an unpleasant odor;

2 . Ointments, creams, sprays:

3 . Solutions:

  • clotrimazole,
  • Cyclopirox,
  • Bifonazole.

With an old nail fungus, the infection - the source of a specific smell from under the plate - can only be eliminated with systemic drugs, such as:

  • Flucostat,
  • orungal,
  • Irunin,
  • Fluconazole and others

The drug is toxic, prescribed by a mycologist and taken under his supervision.

Toenail fungus, how to eliminate the smell of folk recipes?

1 . Pour a couple of stalks of grass Veronica with a liter of boiling water and keep on fire for a quarter of an hour. A daily fifteen-minute foot bath can eliminate an unpleasant problem on the legs.

2 . Prepare a decoction for a foot bath: 4 large spoons of raw celandine + a liter of boiling water. The procedure against the unpleasant smell of feet with nail fungus is carried out daily for a quarter of an hour. The grass and celandine flowers remaining after the decoction can be used as a compress on the plate.

3 . A compress with onion juice (rub the plate before going to bed) and garlic ointment (butter and garlic passed through the press 1: 1) will help to avoid an unpleasant odor from your shoes.

4 . The smell of nail fungus can be eliminated with a compress of burdock leaves. Roll the sheet with a rolling pin until the juice separates. Wrap them around the phalanx and leave overnight. Therapeutic course: 21 days.

The most common cause of unpleasant foot odor is fungal infections of the nails or skin of the feet. Onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nail plates) or mycosis (general name for infection with fungal microflora) is a consequence of the penetration of micromycetes (fungal microorganisms) into the body.

Their favorite habitat is swimming pools, baths or saunas, gyms, shared showers. Fungi need heat and moisture to survive. But you can “catch” mycosis from a pedicure master or in a shoe store if you try on shoes, boots or sneakers without a sock.

Your feet began to smell unpleasant and the following symptoms appeared:

  • The skin on the foot becomes dry and flaky;
  • Heels crack;
  • The cuticle turns red;
  • The nail plate changes color, breaks, exfoliates;
  • There is itching or burning.

All this indicates the beginning of a fungal disease.

Infection with pathogenic microflora occurs when:

A favorite place for the localization of fungal defects is the areas between the toes, the plantar and upper part of the foot. The manifestations of the fungus are different - from banal white scales that peel off and fall off, to vesicles and ulcerative lesions. Despite severe itching, it is forbidden to comb the area of ​​​​skin affected by mycosis. This can cause fungal spores to get under the nail plates and provoke the spread of infection to healthy areas of the body.

How to get rid of fungus and odor

Do not try to cure athlete's foot on your own. To get rid of the smell and fungus should only be under the supervision of a specialist. This is due to the fact that there are more than fifty varieties of pathogens of fungal infections. Only a mycologist or dermatologist can determine the strain of the fungus after additional clinical studies.

It will take a lot of time and patience to completely kill the fungus. Usually, a complex treatment is prescribed, including taking antimycotics, local treatment and strengthening the immune system.

Systemic treatment

You can remove the fungus from the body with the help of such inexpensive Russian-made drugs as Irunin, Terbinafine or Griseofulvin. These oral medications (by mouth) have proven to be effective antifungals. However, it should be borne in mind that any antimycotic has a number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, antifungal therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician, who, if necessary, will replace one drug with another or adjust the treatment regimen.

Local therapy

Self-medication with antimycotics for general or local use can cause serious allergic reactions, mutation of micromycetes and the development of complications.

Apply the product to clean, dry skin. If there are bursting bubbles, a preparation in the form of a cream is suitable, an ointment is enough for the initial stage of the disease. If the inflammatory process is in full swing, you can use antifungal powder or talc.

Additional measures

To eliminate the smell of the fungus, conditions that are uncomfortable for pathogenic microorganisms should be created. Micromycetes prefer warmth and humidity. So, the first priority is the fight against the moisture of the feet. Replace your bath with a shower. Pay extra attention to foot hygiene. Be sure to dry your feet after every wash. You can do this with disposable paper towels or a hair dryer. Dry the skin between your fingers thoroughly.

If you notice scales on the floor, be sure to remove them. After hygiene procedures, the bathtub, shower stall and floor in the bathroom should be treated with a disinfectant. So you will avoid the spread of fungal infection throughout the apartment.

Antifungal talc should be treated with shoes daily. This will speed up the healing process and eliminate the smell.

During therapy, fresh socks should be worn daily. Opt for cotton socks. Socks should be washed daily, after soaking in whiteness or other stain remover containing chlorine for 10-15 minutes.

This will help remove micromycete spores from the tissue and prevent re-infection. Shoes should also be washed, dried and treated with an antifungal spray.

Why do feet smell bad?

Toxic waste products of the vital activity of fungal microorganisms remain on the skin. Over time, if you do not start mycosis therapy, the amount of such waste increases and a sharp unpleasant "fungal" smell appears.

Of course, on the basis of one symptom - an unpleasant odor, the diagnosis of mycosis is not made. It must be confirmed by other symptoms and clinical findings. A timely visit to the doctor will allow you to determine the disease at the initial stage, and timely proper treatment will allow you to get rid of the fungus once and for all.

We eliminate the smell

To get rid of an unpleasant odor, you should eliminate its cause - mycosis. Without therapy for the underlying disease, all additional measures are powerless.

In the course of therapy, the area of ​​fungal infection and the number of pathogenic microorganisms decrease. At the same time, the smell will disappear.

You can speed up recovery at home by regularly steaming your feet in a hot bath with soda, salt, vinegar and laundry soap.

Antifungal treatment of clothing and shoes will avoid re-infection and prevent the spread of infection.

Folk remedies

Simultaneously with the drug treatment of mycosis, you can use the recipes of traditional healers to eliminate the terrible aroma.


First you need to prepare a decoction. Four tablespoons of dried herbs are poured with one liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse for three to four hours.

The resulting broth is added to the bath or used to prepare a compress. In addition to the decoction of celandine, twenty grams of vinegar are added to the compress. It is put on at night. You can do baths or compresses with celandine daily until the smell completely disappears.


Acetic ointment lubricates the affected areas of the skin for ten to fourteen days. To prepare it, you will need 100 grams of table vinegar, one egg with a shell, 200 grams of butter. The resulting mixture is stored in the refrigerator. You can add fresh carrot juice. It promotes the regeneration of the epithelium and fights against unpleasant odors.


Well eliminates the unpleasant smell of garlic ointment. Peeled garlic cloves are crushed with a garlic press or rubbed on a fine grater. The resulting slurry is mixed with butter in a ratio of 1:1. Lubricate the legs should be twice a day.


The peeled onion head is crushed and the juice is squeezed out through gauze or a sterile bandage folded in several layers. The resulting juice is treated with the affected areas. You can make a compress with onion juice.


A large leaf of burdock is torn off, washed under a tap, rolled out with a rolling pin until juice appears. A leg is wrapped with such a sheet, fixed with a bandage and left until the morning. The duration of therapy is three to four weeks.

Hygiene rules

The key to successful treatment of the fungus is the implementation of hygiene procedures. If you do not take care of the cleanliness of the feet, wear dirty socks or shoes, you should not count on a positive result of therapy.

Proper hygiene care includes:

  • Water procedures at least twice a day;
  • Pouring feet with cold water;
  • Weekly use of special scrubs to exfoliate dead particles;
  • Drying the skin of the feet after a shower;
  • Wearing non-synthetic socks, stockings, tights;
  • Wearing shoes of your size made of genuine leather or suede;
  • Treatment of shoes with antiseptic solutions;
  • Regular replacement of socks (at least once a day).

Relapse prevention

The main rule of healthy feet is hygiene. Regular water procedures, shoe care will help your feet stay healthy and beautiful.

When visiting swimming pools, gyms or baths, do not forget about changeable shoes. When visiting a pedicure salon, give preference to an institution with a good reputation and qualified employees.

If you still happen to walk barefoot, treat your feet with an antifungal spray. It is inexpensive. But it can save you from long and expensive treatment of mycosis.

When trying on shoes at the store, purchase a new pair of socks or bring your own from home. Don't wear generic socks that vendors offer. So you are at risk of catching the fungus.

Always buy shoes by size. Tight, uncomfortable shoes not only rub your feet, but also create a "greenhouse effect" - an ideal environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Special foot products can solve the problem of increased sweating. They do not mask the smell, but prevent increased sweating. Available in the form of a cream, gel, talc or aerosol. Distinguish:

  • Antiperspirants - prevent sweating;
  • Deodorants to maintain a normal level of perspiration;
  • Medicines - fight pathogenic microflora, are used in courses for therapeutic purposes.

For preventive purposes, you can make foot baths with a decoction of oak bark, chamomile, celandine, sea salt or potassium permanganate.

The Dry Dry tool has proven itself well. Its action is aimed at removing sweat by the kidneys. Apply the remedy every three to four days. The drug is applied before going to bed on washed and dried feet. The next day, you can already apply the usual water procedures.

Duftafeet is suitable for disinfecting shoes. This bio-preparation eliminates unpleasant odors on both feet and shoes.

All preventive measures will help get rid of the discomfort associated with unpleasant foot odor and save your feet from such trouble as athlete's foot.

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