Transportation of newborn children in a passenger car is a law. Choosing the right car seat Is there an age limit

You bought baby envelope and undershirts for the discharge of the baby from the hospital, notified all relatives about this and, it seems that they provided everything that is required for this important event. But as soon as you leave the hospital with a baby and get into the car, you understand, the most main question. In the past, it seemed to you that transporting a child in a car is not a difficult task.

Our grandparents did not worry about this, they held the newborn in their arms. But then there were only a few cars on the streets, and the speed of cars was not higher than 40 km / h. Today, without special devices for the baby, it is impossible to get into the car. And this is categorical, otherwise a fine is provided. If financial punishment does not scare someone, then you should think about the pressing issue - the safety of the baby.

How are newborns transported from the hospital?

The method of transporting a baby in her arms is dangerous because the baby is practically defenseless against a sharp movement of the car, and the most unforeseen can happen on the road. Hoping that everything horror stories about accidents involving babies, they will bypass you, it’s not worth it, it’s better to play it safe and do everything to safely transport the baby in the car.

  • Since the newborn's head is large enough, and the muscles do not yet have the strength to hold it, the head can tilt back in the mother's arms at the moment of danger and this will lead to serious injury. It has been proven that sudden braking, even at a speed of 40 km / h, will not allow the mother to hold the baby, and he flies to the windshield.
  • You can transport a small person using two types of devices: a cradle and a car seat. Many newborn envelopes and overalls are equipped with special straps that secure them in the devices. You should think about this even when you are just buying a dowry for a baby for discharge.
  • You need to understand the difference between carry cots that come with baby strollers and cradles that are specifically designed to be transported in a car. The first, although they are equipped with special belts for fastening in a car, to a lesser extent ensure the safe transportation of a child while driving.

Much more practical are those that are designed specifically for this purpose. True, they are bulky and are calculated only until the moment when the baby is about six months old. But it can be purchased from the hands, then the purchase will not be expensive. Such a device is installed on special skids, easily removed and transferred.

Another option for transporting a baby is a car seat. There are special ones designed for babies. In them, the baby feels protected, and parents with such a device are confident in the safety of the baby. Important to do right choice seat and secure it in the car.

How to transport a newborn baby in a car

If you decide to purchase a carrycot, you have made the right choice. Even if it lasts only a few months, the baby will feel comfortable in such a device. In it, he can lie in his natural horizontal position on his back.

If you baby born in winter, you can buy him a special jumpsuit, from which it is easy to take out the child if it is warm in the car, and you go on a trip for many kilometers.
A car seat is the most common way to transport a baby. Designed for the smallest passenger, it is installed in the direction of the car behind one of the front seats. It is important to properly strengthen the device, it is best to choose it by trying it on your car, since the seat mounts do not always match those that have seat belts in the car to which the seat is attached.

This device should be tilted at an angle of 40-45 degrees. If the degree is higher, its safety decreases. With a greater forward tilt, a baby who cannot hold his head will not be able to hold it. For better fixation of the head of the newborn, special rollers are provided. But it is strictly forbidden to use homemade rollers.

How to choose the right car seat

Choose a device should be based on the weight of the baby. There are chairs designed for newborns from three and a half kg. They can be different shapes, it is better to choose those that are deeper if you intend to use the device in winter time, because the child will have a fur envelope or overalls. Choose a device with a removable cover, it is easy to wash, but a child can get it dirty quite often. Well, if the chair is equipped with an orthopedic backrest, comfortable armrests. Mothers increasingly prefer chairs that have a protective table and a footrest.

The chair should not publish specific smell plastic. If you feel it, no matter how much you like the device, it is better to refuse the purchase. It is not known how this smell will affect the baby's sense of smell. As for the style and color of the armchair, this is the choice of the mother, however, it is better to give preference to calm tones.

Many parents prefer to purchase a universal car seat, motivating their decision by the fact that such a purchase will be cheaper than buying two devices for different ages baby. Indeed, a universal chair can be used for 3-4 years. But according to the safety criterion, they are much inferior to what is intended for children of a certain age, for example, for babies, on whose chair there is a “0+” mark.

An important factor is how often you are going to travel by car with a baby. If you do not intend to transport a newborn, fearing for his safety, the possibility of infection, then it is hardly advisable to purchase a car seat for the smallest category of children. It is better to wait until the baby grows up and, in accordance with his physical data, make a choice of a chair.

If a child is a passenger in the car, then this requires compliance additional measures security. In particular, transportation infants in the car requires the presence of special devices. in the language of rules traffic they are called holding devices.

In this article we will talk about how to transport a newborn and an infant up to a year in a car according to the rules of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation. You will learn about which devices can be used to transport babies and their comparative characteristics.

And also we will give explanations about the administrative responsibility for violation of these rules.

In this article:

Basic rules for transporting babies in a car

If we talk about legislation, then literally in July 2017, amendments to the rules of the road came into force, which regulated the procedure for transporting babies to road transport. So, how to transport a newborn in a car according to the rules of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation?

All motorists should carefully read Ch. 22 (paragraph 9) of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation. There is an emphasis on the transportation of children, depending on their age.

In particular, babies under 7 years of age cannot be transported without restraints. They can be placed both in the front seat and in the back row of passenger car seats.

Below we will look at the main types of restraints. Choosing them, you should rely not only on the age of the child, but also on his weight.

Depending on these parameters, infant carriers, car seats and boosters are distinguished from each other. These devices are distinguished by dimensions, design, as well as the method of attachment to the car seat.

Before the purchase necessary fixture ask if it has passed the certification procedure. Its absence will not only increase the risks for the child in the car. There may be questions from the traffic police.

Child restraint weight groups

So, we smoothly approached how to choose a car seat? There are as many as five groups of restraints, which are selected depending on the age and weight of the child, as well as the technical feasibility of mounting in the car.

In relation to babies, there is a cradle for newborns. This type of device is designed for babies up to six months of age. In this case, the weight of the child should not exceed 10 kilograms.

According to the standards, the cradle with the child should be installed sideways in the direction of the car. The cradle can be easily removed and taken home with the newborn.

Chairs are also allowed for children under one year old. They are included in the second type of holding devices.

Children under the age of one year can be transported in such chairs. The weight limit of the child is 13 kilograms, in such a chair the baby is facing against the movement. Therefore, usually the holding device is mounted on reverse side front seat or on a certain part of the rear.

The third group also includes car seats, but they are already designed for older children. The device is intended for transporting children from 9 months to 4 years of age. In this case, the weight of the child should be in the range from 9 to 18 kilograms.

The two remaining groups include not only car seats, but also boosters. Here the maximum weight limit is 36 kilograms.

Classification of child car seats

Child car seats differ depending on the design and method of attachment. Here are the main types that can be found on the market today.

We repeat that the design should be chosen depending on the age of the child. Now on the Internet there are many different offers for chairs from manufacturers from various countries. It is important, of course, not to make a mistake in the choice.

Newborns up to a year weighing up to 10 kg

The smallest should be transported in a cradle. The child lies in it, and is fastened with a special belt. From the point of view of safety, the cradle is placed in the back seat of the car. It is important that the child should be located sideways in the direction of travel.

There is another point of view, which says that the chair does not negative impact on the development of the baby's skeleton. Therefore, it is preferable to use it.

Newborns and toddlers up to one and a half years weighing up to 13 kg

As an alternative to the infant carrier, a specially designed seat can be used. It increases the orthopedic protection for the child. In addition, there is a special system of belts that increase the safety of the baby.

In this case, the child must be in a chair against the movement. Therefore, you should think about the fastening system in advance.

Children from nine months to four years weighing 9-18 kg

For them, car seats can be safely installed on front seat cars. They have five places for belts and an adjustable back.

Children from three to seven years old weighing 15-25 kg

In them, the child is located in the direction of movement. In addition to the seat systems, the child is also fastened with the vehicle's seat belt. Similarly, the chair has an adjustable backrest.

The design of the chair should be selected not only taking into account the height and weight of the child, but also his height. After all, children during this period of time grow very quickly.

Children from six to twelve years old weighing 22-36 kg

The car seat for them is fastened with a seat belt. lower part chairs can then be separated and used independently. This type of restraint is called a booster.

It is a support for the child to be fastened to the seat comfortably and properly. The booster does not have armrests and additional orthopedic systems. Therefore, it is used for older children.

What is better to choose: a cradle or a chair

There is no universal answer to this question. Each parent selects a child restraint based on several criteria, and financial opportunities not the main one.

If the child has grown enough, then the chair wins with its functionality. It also does not need to be constantly taken out and brought into the car, as is usually the case with a car seat.

On the other hand, if the child is frequently transported to cold weather, it may be warmer for him in the infant carrier.

Well, do not forget that after the car seat you still have to buy a chair, so the parents of the child should not discount this moment. In addition, the decision can be influenced by the space in the car.

In a word, everyone should make the choice between a car seat and a chair for himself, but in no case at the expense of the safety of the child.

Features and installation of child restraints for newborns

Placement of the baby in the car should take place according to strict rules. If a car seat for newborns is installed, then all the rules that are prescribed in the manufacturer's manual should be followed.

After all, the correct installation of the chair can also become an object of attention from the traffic police crew. As a result, it is possible that if there is the slightest suspicion, the inspector will try to issue a fine. You can appeal it later, but it will be an extra waste of time.

Where is the best place to install

From a safety point of view, placing a car seat in the back seat is the best option.

However, situations are different, and often there is no other way out than to put the child in front. In this case, you should additionally check the functioning of the seat belts.

You also need to take into account the requirements for the location of the child in space. As we have already said, the baby can be located facing sideways to the movement, in its direction, or vice versa.

Carrying babies in a car seat

It should be taken into account that absolutely Small child must be facing backwards. Therefore, it is better to fix the car seat securely in the back seat. In this case, all instructions from the manufacturer must be observed.

If the instructions are for foreign language(which is now, however, a rarity), then you should take care of its translation. And here it is best to order a service from a specialist.

Carrycot for newborns

It is allowed to be placed in front. However, from a safety point of view, it is desirable to have a place for a child in the back seat behind the driver. At the same time, you need to take care of the reliable fastening of this type of car seat.

Before installing it, check the condition of the seats and seat belts. In addition, the number of rows of seats in the car should be taken into account.

Carrying small children in the front seat

SDA allow transporting children of any age in the front seat. But as for newborns, there are certain requirements.

If the child is in a car seat, then he must additionally be fastened. In addition, the airbag option should be disabled. In case of emergency operation, the child may be injured.

In the front seat, children are transported in a car seat or booster seat up to 12 years old. Once this age is reached, the car seat will no longer be needed. It is enough to simply fasten the child (this is a mandatory order of traffic rules).

How to transport a baby in a taxi

The rules of the road do not make separate exceptions for transporting a child by taxi. Of course, there are a few things to keep in mind when doing this. It is clear that not all cars are equipped with restraints. Therefore, you should take care of purchasing a portable car seat in advance.

At the same time, in some cities there is already such a service as a “baby taxi”. On request, a car will be delivered to you already equipped with devices for transporting children. It is only important to find the coordinates of the corresponding service in advance.

Also, when ordering, please indicate the age of the child. After all, cars can be equipped with seats for children of different age groups.

Penalty for violation of the rules for transporting children

Since the rules for the transportation of children are now clearly stipulated, it is natural that there should also be responsibility for their non-compliance. In particular, Art. 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine of 3,000 rubles is prescribed for violating the procedure for transporting children.

Under this rule, the driver may be held liable not only for the lack of a car seat, but also for the use of non-standard products or violation of the installation procedure. Deprivation of rights for the considered violation of the Code of Administrative Offenses does not yet provide.

Amendments to the rules of the road from now on also prohibit leaving a child under 7 years old alone in a car (unaccompanied by adults). Such an offense will result in a fine of 500 rubles.

However, if the driver admits his fault, then he can pay a fine of half the amount. To do this, there are 20 days from the date of issuance of the traffic police decision. If you do not have time, you will have to pay the entire amount in full.

The choice of a car seat is a responsible step, because it is designed to serve long years keeping the child safe. Therefore, several useful tips.

They arise both from the requirements of the law and from the everyday experience of many car owners.

Decide on the type of fixture you need

In this case, you need to rely on the physical data of the child and the design of the car. Perhaps the advice of colleagues who can be found on the Internet at numerous automotive forums will help to make the right choice.

If you buy a chair on the Internet, then inquire in advance about the procedure for its delivery and payment. Also check the order possible return products in case of marriage.

Get all the necessary information from the seller before placing an order

In particular, it is worth finding out whether the chair is certified, what tests the vending restraint passed before receiving the documents. Do not forget to find out the individual features of its installation.

After all, there are chairs that are not suitable for every model of car. Don't forget to check the warranty as well. After all, it is important to give the chair in time for repair in the event of a breakdown.

Keep copies of documents on your device in the car

A particularly meticulous traffic police inspector may require a certificate for a seat to be presented to him for review. He does not have the right to do this, but the driver does not need a long conversation in the face of time constraints.

Therefore, just in case, keep a copy of the certificate in the car. She won't interfere.

Perform periodic preventive maintenance

Check periodically how the main elements of the chair function (belts, backrest mechanism, etc.). After all, safety will directly depend on this. own child.

Keep track of changes in traffic rules

The rules for transporting children in a car are reviewed periodically. Therefore, it is not surprising that some important innovations can be passed by. As a result, the likelihood of imposing penalties increases.

Read specialized websites, pay attention to news in newspapers, TV programs, and so on. In a word, try to be aware of all events.

In this article, we have given the main points that should be considered when choosing a car seat for your own child. Remember that his safety and health is paramount for parents.

Nowadays, parents also often have to travel with a newborn. But for this event you need to properly prepare and study all the recommendations. First of all, you need to know how to transport newborns correctly. The first trip from the maternity hospital is considered an important trip for a child.

First of all, the transportation of newborns in a car in accordance with the RRP must be observed. Be sure to install a place for the baby with safe means; this requires that an infant carrier or car seat be available. Be sure to follow all the rules for transporting a child in a car, then your trip will be safe.

We bring to your attention a video about the transportation of newborns.

Attention moms! To transport babies in a vehicle, it is recommended to purchase a cradle or car seat of the appropriate configuration.It is better to choose models from trademarks simple parenting, Cybex Solution X-fix or Britax Romer Primo. Safety belts are required.

Traveling by train or train with a newborn

First of all, it is worth noting that it is better to postpone a trip with a baby in such conditions for more late time for the little one. Since in the first days of life the baby is vulnerable to infections. After traveling to public transport the child can become infected with chickenpox, rubella and other respiratory diseases.

If, nevertheless, a trip with a newborn to such early age inevitable, it is better to order a separate compartment. It’s good if it is not far from the dining car so that parents can have a quick bite to eat and return to the compartment.

Important! Parents should not allow themselves to touch or pick up a child after contact with surfaces on a train. It is recommended to wash your hands and treat them with antibacterial gel.

You can transport children in public railway transport in a car cradle, equipped in accordance with all the rules. This design should be comfortable for the child. Don't forget to take it with you.

The kids are talking! In the morning, painted, I go out. Daughter Lizaveta (4 years old) saw me and said with admiration:
- Mom, how beautiful you are. Dressed up like a clown.

Traveling with a newborn by plane

When traveling by air, a newborn should feel confident and calm. To ensure the comfort of the baby, the following recommendations should be observed:

Prohibitions on the transportation of the baby

Is it possible to transport a newborn in a carrier, it is better to consult with specialists, sometimes a reclining position for a child is strictly contraindicated. This is usually associated with diagnosing a child or. Please note that transportation of children in any form with ARVI, acute respiratory infections, fever is prohibited due to the possibility of complication of the disease.

Attention! Choosing safe remedy to transport a baby in any of the modes of transport, you should build on your financial capabilities.Purchase a car seat with longevity in mind.

If your baby is not full-term or is somewhat behind in development, when it is possible to transport a newborn by a vehicle, the attending physician will advise.

The kids are talking! We argue among ourselves, in the end I say to my husband:
- Well, you in the bath!
Son (2 and a half years):
- WITH light steam, daddy!

Watch a video about the correct transportation of babies

You will need

  • - car seat;
  • - a car seat with the possibility of transporting babies;
  • - a stroller with the possibility of transformation into a car seat.


Take care of the safety of the child even before his birth by buying in advance or so that you can already go from the hospital in comfort. Try to get a device that can "grow" with the child, adjusting to his height, weight and needs.

If it is important to you that or infant lying horizontally, get a car cradle or crib. Position it on back seat, turning it perpendicular to the movement, so that the child's head is closer to the center, and not to the door.

Secure the crib with the rear seat straps following the instructions. In such a cradle, the child will lie on his back, which contributes to better breathing and a comfortable sleeping position, but, most often, the safety performance of such devices is inferior to car seats. Also, keep in mind that after a few months you will have to buy another chair in which the child can sit.

If you often walk with a stroller, and rarely drive a car, pay attention to strollers equipped with a removable and walking block, as well as folding chassis. Ask the seller if removable elements can be used as and, in case of a positive answer, buy just such a stroller. Despite the fact that they are more expensive, you will get many advantages, for example, you can take a child in a taxi: fold the chassis and place it in the trunk, and fasten the cradle with standard seat belts (you don’t even have to get the child).

In order to be able to carry the child for short distances, purchase a car seat-carrier. It is comfortable, but will serve the baby only up to of the year. If you are more practical, buy a universal chair suitable for both adults and adults. children.

Set the optimal inclination of the back of the chair, for this - 30-45⁰. If possible, turn the child with his back in the direction of travel, and fasten the seat with the car's standard belts or with special ISOFix brackets (depending on the design of the seat).

If the backrest seems too gentle or too steep for you, adjust the child's position with foam rollers or rolled towels. Too high a position will result in head will fall on the chest and breathing will be difficult, and too low is not safe enough. In addition, with the help of rollers, you can additionally fix the baby's head (they should be placed on the sides, and not placed under the head).

When transporting a child under one year old in a car, fasten it with special seat belts provided for by the design of the car seat. Please note that for the safety of the child, the trip should not exceed 1.5 hours.

According to the current traffic rules, transportation in a car of children under 12 years old, whose height and weight have not yet reached certain indicators, can only be carried out if special equipment is used. This is especially true for newly born babies. Therefore, the question is very relevant. He is especially interested in those who have recently had their first child.

Why newborns cannot be transported in a car without the use of special safety equipment

Infants who are not yet 4-5 weeks old are the most vulnerable category of passengers. Their skeleton is dominated by cartilage, and the bones are soft and flexible. At the same time, their neck is thin, the muscles are poorly developed, and the mass of the head of such a child relative to body weight is 25 percent (for comparison, in adults the same figure is only 6 percent). Given all of the above, it becomes clear that newborns are dangerous even just tossing or shaking vigorously. After all, with any sharp movement or with a push, their relatively large heads are sharply discarded, and the entire load falls on the neck area.

Infant carrier for newborns in the car

There are several types of special equipment for transporting babies in vehicles. These include the infant car seat, which can be used for babies from birth up to six months. Such a device is installed on the back seat of a car perpendicular to the direction of travel, and it is fixed using ordinary car belts. For greater safety inside the infant carrier, the baby is fastened with built-in straps. main feature transporting a child in such a device lies in the fact that it is located in a horizontal position, which contributes to its normal breathing. In this case, it is forbidden to have the baby head to the door. At the same time, in some cases medical indications the infant carrier is the only way child transportation.

Is it worth it to use a "pram" cradle in the car

When deciding how a newborn should be transported in a car, parents often prefer to purchase a stroller instead of infant carriers, which has a removable cradle with special fasteners that can be used in a car. However, this is not the best choice, as they take up too much space in the car and are usually not strong enough to provide sufficient safety for an infant in a car. So if it is intended to transport a child frequently, this option should not be considered at all.

car seats

For those who decide how to transport a newborn in a car, experts advise using car seats. They, like infant carriers, can be used for children from birth until they reach six months of age. In car seats, babies are transported in a reclining position (tilt 30-45 degrees) and so that it is located with its back in the direction of travel.

The device itself is attached either with special brackets or with conventional car belts. In addition, inside the car seat, the child is fixed using internal belts.

There are several types of such devices. Among them, a special place is occupied by universal options which are suitable for children of all ages. In general, the main advantage of car seats is that they are able to provide better safety for the baby than infant carriers, as they hold the head of a newborn well in a frontal impact, while eliminating excessive stress on his neck that can lead to injury.

Car carriers

Those who are interested in how to carry a newborn in a car can also be recommended to pay attention to models with a special handle. This device, called "car carrier", is also a child car seat. However, it can also be used for manual transport. infants or while walking. At the same time, you should be aware that a newborn car carrier is only suitable for children who are not yet 6 months old, so when the baby grows up, parents will have to spend money again and purchase a car seat for older children.

Car seat or car seat?

Both of these options have a right to exist, but it should be understood that babies grow very quickly, so it is better to purchase a model that you would not have to part with after 3-4 months. From this point of view, the championship, of course, belongs to car seats.

How to choose an infant car carrier

If you already know how to transport a newborn in a car, then you need to go to the store to purchase an infant carrier or car seat. Today, there are many models on the market that are divided into groups depending on the height and weight of the baby, therefore, in order to make the right choice, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  • the car seat must fit the group recommended for children with the parameters of your child, therefore, before you go shopping, be sure to weigh the baby;
  • the answer to the question "How to carry newborns in the car?" it may also sound like this: “To make them feel comfortable”, - so go shopping with your child and do a “fitting”;
  • usually during trips, newborns sleep, which means that it is better to choose a chair that will be tilted;
  • the car seat must be equipped with five-point or toy-like belts in order to protect the child from spinal injury and abdominal damage in the event of an accident;
  • for boys, it is especially important that the fabric padding at the lock connecting the belts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis crotch be wide enough, since significant loads fall on this place during a frontal impact;
  • A newborn car seat should be easy to carry and install, so try it on in your car before buying.

To make the baby feel comfortable, it also makes sense to purchase a special collar under the head for sleeping. The fact is that during sleep, the baby's neck muscles relax, and his head falls forward. If the driver is forced to brake unexpectedly, then it deviates sharply back and the cervical vertebrae and ligaments may not withstand the load and be damaged. The collar is put on like a bib under the chin of a newborn, and fixes the head of a sleeping baby in a safe position.

Baby in the car: what is prohibited

Those who already know how to transport a newborn in a car to ensure their safety will agree with the following statements:

  • never transport the baby, holding him on your lap, as in the event of an accident, you most likely will not hold him or crush him;
  • do not leave heavy objects unsecured in the passenger compartment, as in a head-on collision they will turn into a dangerous projectile.
  • do not fasten, for example, mother and newborn with one belt;
  • Do not install a car seat between the seats, as this is the most dangerous place in the car.