When is Road Transport Day celebrated? Day of the driver (chauffeur) in Russia - when to celebrate what to give the driver. A small digression into the history of the holiday

It is celebrated on the last Sunday of October

On the last Sunday of October, the professional holiday of road transport workers, the day of the motorist, is celebrated. Officially, it is called "The Day of the Road and Urban Passenger Transport Worker", however, in everyday life, a more concise name is most often used, and not only professional drivers, but also all car owners are often congratulated on it.

For the first time, the professional holiday of motorists was established in the USSR in 1976, and then it was called "The Day of Road Transport Workers", and in 1980, by decree "On Holidays and Memorable Days", it was prescribed to celebrate it on the last Sunday of October. Then the holiday was most often informally called "driver's day". After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the holiday was canceled or postponed in many countries, but in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus it is still celebrated on the same days as before. A feature of Russia can be called the fact that in it this holiday is not combined with the professional holiday of road workers - the latter was moved to the third Sunday of October. Military motorists in Russia also have a separate holiday, which is celebrated on May 29.

Automobile rallies or various competitions, as well as exhibitions of retro cars or modern transport, are often timed to coincide with the day of the motorist. People who have professional drivers among their acquaintances may ask about the subtleties that need to be considered when performing such work, and about the professional qualities required to perform it. Also on this day, many people remember people who, as drivers, were forced to risk their lives, taking children and women along the Road of Life in Leningrad.

This year the holiday fell on October 28th. Some mistakenly believe that it is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the month, and although it is the last of this year, such a mistake sometimes leads to confusion if there are five Sundays in October.

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1980 issued another Decree. According to him, on the first of October, a new holiday was established for the Russians. Since that day, professional (and not only) motorists have been able to officially celebrate their achievements and successes.

When is the day of road transport workers celebrated?

First of all, it is a celebration of specialists, managers and workers whose professional activities are directly related to machines. These are not only those who are behind the wheel, but also those who help them in everything. Often this day is arranged by transport, cargo and passenger companies. However, ordinary citizens who have a "four-wheeled friend" are not averse to celebrating this day.

For many years, the Day of Road Transport Workers has been celebrated annually in October. The last Sunday of this autumn month is officially recognized as a day off.

Who is a motorist

This profession has not been around for many years. The first car appeared only a little over a century ago. Meanwhile, the profession of a motorist today is very common. Every day, a huge number of people around the world make a lot of efforts to make motorized wheeled mechanisms work for the benefit of all mankind. It is they who have earned the right to celebrate the Day of Road Transport Workers once a year.

How can we imagine today's reality without cars? Of course not. It is these "iron horses" that transport goods, goods and products. Thanks to them, we can easily and quickly move long distances. No industry can do without cars.

Those who celebrate in Russia are well aware that road transport has played a significant role in our history as well. During the Second World War, it was thanks to the machines that it was possible to quickly deliver ammunition to the point, transport the wounded to the hospital, and more.

How it all started

In 1896 the Russian car was presented for the first time. Meanwhile, the production car was released only in 1909. From that moment began the history of domestic road transport.

The pioneer in the automotive industry is the Russian-Baltic Plant, which produces Russo-Balt cars. This transport was considered very reliable, and this quality allowed him to repeatedly win rallies and long-distance runs.

The legendary Pobeda car, known to everyone, is the pride of the Soviet automotive industry. The Russians first saw her in 1946.

However, for a long time there was no such holiday as the Day of Road Transport Workers. Motorist Day, as we wrote above, was officially established only in 1980. After that, in 1996, the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree according to which this holiday was renamed. Now it was called - the Day of workers of road transport and road facilities. However, the date of the celebration has not been changed. Thus, the state authorities wanted to combine two complementary industries. But the idea failed, and in 2000 it was decided that motorists would celebrate their professional holiday as before - on the last Sunday of October, and road workers a little earlier - on the third.

Where are they celebrating

Belarusians and Ukrainians continue to celebrate this holiday. However, in these states it is still combined with Road Worker's Day. Only Motorist Day in Russia is celebrated separately. In other former Soviet republics, this holiday was either postponed to other dates, or canceled altogether.

Since transport companies most often arrange corporate parties for all employees and their wives on this day, we want to offer you a competition and an interesting scene for the holiday.

Competition "Woman in the garage"

Leading:Many women are unhappy that their husbands often disappear in the garage. But after all, pretty ladies can get carried away with cars, and then they celebrate the Day of Road Transport Workers with us. And to prove it to you, I want to invite our ladies to participate in the competition.

For this, two women's teams are formed. They are provided with boxes in which medium-sized parts of the car lie. These can be mirrors, thermostats, bearings, etc. Each team must identify the part faster than the rivals, name it and say what it is for.

You can also arrange a quiz with road signs.

Scene "Legally Blonde"

Leading:Our ladies, of course, can understand the men's business. But when we try to understand their female features, then everything becomes much more complicated. Imagine the situation - a traffic police inspector and a lovely violator of traffic rules.

A respectable traffic cop with a belly and a bright blonde in heels appear on the stage.

Traffic cop (G): Violating, then, citizen? What happened? Why are we flying at 170?

Blonde (B): Well, understand, sandals are my favorite ...

G: Did I ask you about sandals? Your rights, please!

B (rummages in a huge purse): Something I can’t find them! Help me please.

G (turns everything in the bag for a long time and grabs his head): How much do you have here?

B: Lacquer no. 46, 24, 57, 14, lipstick no. 317, 208, 65, 71 (etc. - the list goes on).

G: Yes! What is not here!

B: How is that not there? Varnish No. 43, 27, 54, 12 and lipstick No. 312, 210, 63 (we continue the list again).

G: Hmm .... And what is this?

B: Well, for the face it's a tonic.

G: Really? And how it pulls with alcohol! Don't you use it? Breathe! (girl breathing)

G (another jar appears from the bag): So! This is hairspray, right?

B: How clever you are! And also a good remedy against rapists.

G (pulls out nunchucks from bag): What's that?!

B: Well, also from rapists ... magic wands.

G: Where is the resolution?

B: I don't have it. Boris has it. But these sticks were not useful to him, so he decided to give them to me.

G (pulling out condoms): Girl! Well, it should be in the first aid kit!

B: But this is also from rapists!

G (looks into the bag with surprised eyes): What is this?!

B (giggles): It's to scare the rapists.

G: You are a dangerous lady, as I see it. Well, what is this (eyelash tweezers appear from a huge bag).

B: Oh, this is actually such a cool thing. The most brand. It can curl eyelashes. By the way, I can do it for you too! (trying to take away the accessory, but the traffic cop does not give it back and takes out the “Moment” glue packed in a plastic bag from the bag)

G: What is this? Do you still use it?

B: What are you talking about. I glued the heel on my favorite sandals. By the way, that's why my foot and stuck to the gas pedal!

At that moment, the girl's phone starts ringing and she answers.

B: Borenka. Well, do not swear, my teddy bear. It’s just that your guys detained me here (the traffic police inspector’s face changes, his knees tremble finely). To the phone? Well, of course, now I'll pass the pipe.

G (on the phone): Hello! Yes sir! Yes! Certainly!

B (picks up the phone and strokes the traffic cop on the shoulder): Relax. Everything already, at ease! (with difficulty lifts his leg off the floor) Exactly! Why didn't I think of it before! It is necessary to glue the second heel to the pedal in order to slow down too on time!


The car is considered to be one of the most useful human inventions. Love for cars became the key to the fact that this holiday appeared in the modern world - Motorist's Day. Over a hundred years, the car has changed a lot. Today it is irreplaceable in all spheres of our life.

The road is a kind of symbol of endless movement. Because it is the roads that can connect us with our loved ones, show the world and let us enjoy the feeling of complete freedom. The road is an essential attribute of any state. Most of the world's population travels on the roads of different countries every day, so the idea to create such a professional holiday as Motorist's Day did not arise by chance.

The history of the holiday Motorist's Day

Every year the total number of cars, trolleybuses and buses is increasing at a tremendous rate. And all because the car has become an integral part of our lives. Thanks to the car, we have the opportunity to travel, while overcoming long distances and getting to the most secret corners of our planet. But if you look into the very depths of the history of the emergence of road transport and Motorist Day, you can find out that over the years, the car has gradually merged into a person’s life:

  • In 1885, the first test of a home-made car passed;
  • In 1894, the first automobile competitions were held;
  • And already in 1903, the first automobile company was founded, known throughout the world and now Ford Motor.

At present, no one, even with a small degree of certainty, is taken to calculate the scale of the automotive industry in terms of the number of produced ones. Although, according to some researchers, there is an average of one car per inhabitant of the planet in his life.

The creation of such a holiday as Motorist's Day is a kind of expression of people's respect and recognition. Why is that? Because the driver is often responsible for the lives of a large number of people, and not just for the delivery of various goods.

The history of the Day of the Motorist is rooted in the distant October 1, 1980. When the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a decree called "On Holidays and Memorable Dates", according to which the Day of the Soviet Motorist was celebrated on the last Sunday of October. In Ukraine, they decided to make this holiday common for both drivers and road builders. And in 1993, Leonid Kravchuk signed a decree on the establishment of such a holiday as the Day of the motorist and road builder.

Traditions of the Day of the motorist

Due to the rapid development of the automotive industry, the demand for professions related to the car is significantly increasing. The driver is one of the most widespread and mass professions. Accordingly, this holiday can not be called an unpopular holiday.

And yet, the Day of the motorist and road builder is a holiday that is dedicated not only to motorists and drivers, it is also a holiday for all workers and workers who have dedicated their lives to the road and vehicles.

If we talk about the traditions of the celebration that this day has for the road builder of Ukraine. First of all, it should be said that various organizations, clubs and movements of motorists, as well as various organizations whose professional activities are at least somehow connected with the car, celebrate it most actively. As part of the motorist's day, concerts are organized, the issuance of bonuses and incentives, etc. is timed. And, of course, which driver on Motorist's Day does not deny himself the pleasure of drinking a glass for the health of his work colleagues.

In autumn, a series of autumn holidays takes place, among which, in addition to church holidays, professional holidays are also celebrated. On October 28, 2018 in Russia, everyone who works professionally as a driver and also has a driver's license celebrates Motorist's Day. Today, the car has long ceased to be a luxury, it is a necessary means of transportation.

Congratulations to the driver on Motorist's Day in verse

The Day of the Motorist is officially called the Day of the Road and Urban Transport Worker. On this day, all professional drivers are congratulated: drivers of trucks, buses, trolleybuses, trams, taxis, etc.

Congratulations on Motorist's Day are accepted by those who have a driver's license and driving skills in their car, vehicle service specialists and their manufacture: tire fitters, car mechanics, mechanics, automotive engineers, as well as designers, managers and employees of a transport company. You can congratulate your loved one, relatives, friends, colleagues on their professional holiday with the help of original poems, funny and comic SMS.

All roads are submissive
Such a driver.
And tame the car
You can love.

I wish you a birthday
Health and luck
Be a road knight
Dream man.

Happy birthday.
You are a cool driver.
Let it be on the road
Your guardian angel.

I wish you well
Sincere big love.
I want you to meet
Only happiness is on the way.

Happy birthday driver!
May you be lucky in everything
Let there be a guardian angel
Behind your shoulder always.

Let the road wind like a ribbon
Without potholes and nails,
And let the soul laugh -
Be happy always, everywhere!

Happy Birthday!
Being a driver is not easy.
May good luck accompany
A fine so that not a single one.

Do not exceed the speed
Once again, do not overtake
Remember the main thing always:
You have a family at home!

Congratulations to the driver on Motorist's Day in prose

Traditionally, Motorist's Day is celebrated every year on the last Sunday of October. In 2018, the holiday falls on October 28. On this day, relatives, friends, colleagues gather at the festive table and beautiful congratulations on their professional holiday are heard, which are composed in prose or in their own words in a bright greeting card.

Happy birthday! Have a good trip at any hour. May your path always be easy and clean, may all life paths lead only to the fulfillment of your most secret desires. I wish that work always brings pleasure and prosperity, and that relatives always wait with love for home.

Happy birthday to a great driver, a man of an open soul and a kind heart. I would like to wish you to always steer in the right direction, where happiness and luck await, never give in to feelings of sadness and sadness, hit slopes on the roads and in life, be satisfied with every trip and be sure to get what you need and need.

Happy birthday to our driver, who traveled miles of roads and knows the taste of travel! We wish you a smooth journey, beautiful weather, excellent condition of your favorite transport and a constant desire to open new horizons. Prosperity, prosperity, harmony and love!

"For the first time, the Day of Road Transport Workers appeared by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 15, 1976. It was celebrated annually every last Sunday in October until 1996, when the holiday of road transport workers was combined with the day of road workers. Thus, on the last Sunday of October every year already celebrated the "Day of workers of road transport and road facilities." (from the site)

« Day of the motorist"- the professional holiday of road transport workers, which is celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on the last Sunday of October.

"The history of this professional holiday begins on October 1, 1980, when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics issued Decree N 3018-X" About holidays and memorable days", which, among other things, ordered the establishment in the USSR on the last Sunday of October of the "Motorist's Day" (which was better known as " Driver's Day"). On November 1, 1988, the USSR Armed Forces issued another Decree N 9724-XI " On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Commemorative Days", however, the changes made did not affect this holiday in any way." (Wikipedia)

"The Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker" (established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2012 No. 897) and is celebrated everywhere on the last Sunday of October.

On the last Sunday of October, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus celebrate Motorist Day.

Modern life is fast, you need to keep up with everything and never be late! In the conditions of urban life, this is only possible due to the availability of transport, with the help of which rapid movements are carried out. without any physical effort .

Our comment:

This often leads, unfortunately, to many diseases caused, so we advise in every way, then there will be less traffic jams.

Motorists - amateurs and drivers - professionals - treat their "iron horses" reverently and take care of them like family members! Cars need maintenance and repair.

Our comment:

Therefore, sometimes they forget that there is another life outside the car. Without fanaticism. And it is better to have service stations that are affordable for everyone, then there will be fewer accidents, more time, and safety, but so far this is just a dream.

If there is a profession, then there must be a holiday!

Our comment:

It is important that it does not end tragically. Unfortunately, while this is not uncommon, especially since the holiday falls just at the time of the beginning of the ice season, and it often becomes "tinker's day", or even worse. Don't forget that in Russia A huge number of people are killed and injured on the roads every year. These are hundreds of thousands from a variety of reasons, and you should always remember this when you get behind the wheel. Therefore, before celebrating the day of the motorist, it is worth noting.

We all want safety for ourselves and our loved ones.

This public recognition, of course, is not surprising, because roads connect cities and villages, and drivers are direct participants in the movement, and without them, cars simply will not budge! Without motor transport, the economy cannot survive either, because there are automobile and country roads everywhere and even where there will never be trams and trolleybuses, where electric trains and trains do not go, and, of course, planes do not fly!

On this festive day, we congratulate all those who are connected with the work of road transport. Our best wishes for drivers, auto mechanics, engineers, designers, testers, car manufacturers and car service workers. Congratulations to motorists - amateurs and teachers of driving schools and those who work as dispatchers and organize transportation. Congratulations to all employees of trolleybus depots and bus depots, all taxi drivers and truckers, ambulance drivers and employees of various car services in many sectors of the economy.

To everyone who is friendly with road transport, we wish you safe traffic, serviceable cars, excellent roads and wonderful fellow travelers! Let the car be a reliable assistant and never let its owner down!

Our comment:

And attentive pedestrians, high-quality roads, fair traffic inspectors, adequate road signs, competent city logistics who can develop optimal traffic patterns in existing conditions and create new ones (if there are any, and if not, then let there be new road networks and regulations for)

Good luck, positive and happy journey! Happy Motorist's Day!" (from the site)