Serious acquaintances with wealthy men. Where and how to find a rich man: places with a good choice, dating tips

If you are a girl and you are looking for a man only for a material purpose - for him to provide for you, then this approach is fundamentally wrong. And most likely, you came to the wrong site.
We are approached by men who want to find a girl for a serious relationship, not a girl for maintenance. A self-sufficient man wants a companion who will not just be a beautiful picture (such people get bored quickly), but one who is fond of something, who has some interesting hobby or job.

And best of all: both. Attractive appearance is very important, but it only affects the first impression.
A successful man is looking for a girl equal to himself, a girl who takes care of herself: her figure, her face.
For everyone, something is fundamentally different - someone likes a girl to cook well, or, for example, love children and animals. Many seek to find a person who will share his own interests, views. In the process of communication, interests can become common. To be honest, a smart girl can sometimes keep silent or praise what she doesn't like.

Rich men love smart women

In general, the meaning is this: the more a person is happy with himself, the more he attracts other people into his life. The better a girl treats herself (nutrition, sports, education, mood), the more she is in demand among men, especially among smart and successful men, they appreciate it. Here we are not talking about arrogance and bitchiness, it is no longer in fashion. But upbringing and charm, for example, have not been canceled. You are attracted to a man who has been striving for perfection for years. So why should he be attracted to a girl who is only interested in shopping, TV shows and cafes with her friends?
The more a person values ​​himself, the more activities and interests he has, the more you want to know him and the more interesting it is to communicate with him. When a person lives the life of another, and not his own, this is a "one-sided game." Nobody is interested in such a person. Everyone wants to "receive" and not just give. Therefore, the responsibility for the relationship is always borne by both parties.

With rich partners - the goal of many men- and financially secure, and those who want to get a good job and live sweetly at the expense of another. And this becomes a way out for those young people who do not see prospects for a decent existence in the future, except for this one. Increasingly, young people indicate their external data in questionnaires and mark that they would like to meet a wealthy woman, they are even ready to move in with her if she lives alone.

"Gigolo", which we remember from the time of the work of Dumas, has undergone changes for a long time, and few people are now interested in whether an attractive young man who does not have wealthy parents and a well-paid job lives with a rich woman on the payroll? Many young "stars" from among the precocious ones do just that - having found themselves a rich older woman. It is expected that she will pay for their expensive clothes and the standard of living they aspire to. Time passes, priorities change, and for slender athletic men with beautiful faces, it is no longer shameful to look for a lady who will pay for all their whims for their sexual services, and they consciously take this step.

Moscow will be able to provide you with acquaintance with rich women, because whoever seeks will always find. In small towns it is difficult to find a rich woman who wants to have fun, or take a young man for permanent maintenance. Therefore, the probability of search increases in cities such as Moscow. Rich Muscovites for the most part will not be against such a novel.

Of course, some may also want a man who helps them around the house and with children, but now you can more often meet a man who wants a fairy tale brought to life in exchange for sexual services. This man does not hide his intentions, he speaks directly about them, because he is confident in his demand and is consciously focused on the fact that all his expensive toys will be paid for by a rich mistress. He's not shy about being contained. Having sex for him is also a job that he must do well, and this job should feed him ... if he considers himself a professional in it. After all, time is fleeting, and the quality of sexual services provided by a man may not be the same as a woman needs. While a man is young, he tries not to miss his chance.

Dating rich womenMoscow will provide you with us - and then act! Ultimately, this is an honest exchange, even if there are no feelings involved. And if it's love ... even more so! We wish that each of you get what you expect.

What girl does not want to arrange her life, to find a man with prosperity? If a guy earns well, his companion can afford a lot - at least not to think daily about how to feed his family. And that is worth a lot these days. Therefore, dating rich men is a very relevant topic, which we will talk about. But consider only aspects of establishing links on the Internet.

Wealthy men online

Why is it worth starting the search for a millionaire on websites, and not somewhere in the real world?

  1. Territorial boundaries are being erased. If, for example, a girl lives in a small town on a regional scale, it is difficult for her to find a rich groom in her locality. There may be 2-3 really successful people who are already doing well with their personal lives. And trying to recapture a man from his wife is difficult and unethical.
  2. A woman has the opportunity to show herself in all her glory and start communicating with a wealthy person. Imagine: the owner of a chain of stores and a simple girl from the factory. Where can they meet in everyday life? Finding a billionaire, or at least a millionaire, for a woman of low social status off the Internet is as difficult as flying to the moon.

These two advantages are quite enough to draw a conclusion: a lady who wants to marry a wealthy person needs to look for a dating site with rich and handsome men.

There are specialized services, which are not so many. But you can look for a husband who can provide, on the usual popular sites where all single young people sit. The logic here is simple: most likely, a man who wants to get acquainted will register on the most popular resource because there will be a large selection.

In addition, elite sites are created mainly to take money from successful guys for services. And on the same "Mamba" you can create your own profile absolutely free of charge. Successful people are always practical. They will not spend money on something that can be obtained for free.

The task of a woman who dreams of a serious relationship and marriage is to find the right profiles. And this is not a very easy task.

Revealing a millionaire

The first step is to select several profiles that can be created on behalf of a wealthy person. How to determine which page belongs to a successful person and which does not?

Let's look at the form first. Do you think that a rich man who wants to find himself a good bride should have some kind of exclusive profile? Most likely you are wrong. First, because wealthy people are very busy. They don’t have time to properly set up everything on their page, choose a beautiful design, etc. Secondly, they are always serious and practical people. They will not do anything that will not affect the success of the acquaintance. Surely the questionnaire will be filled out in some detail, but without "gags". It's just that all the necessary checkboxes will be put in the block templates.

As for paid services, they can be connected, but not all. Only those of them that allow you to realize the intention to successfully find a girl and start talking to her seriously. For example, the service of bringing the profile to the top can be activated.

A wealthy man on the page will not have a voluminous story about himself. Why waste time on unnecessary things?

Few rich people will indicate in the questionnaire that they have a high income.

Some men try to pretend to be ordinary guys. Classics of the genre! However, writing that he is a beggar, a successful guy will not. Therefore, in order to get acquainted with the hope of finding a rich potential spouse, one must look at both the pages of wealthy people and men with an average income.

A lot about a guy can tell his hobbies. A successful private entrepreneur, the owner of an international company, a bank shareholder - all these people are usually interested in something exquisite. Not the fact that they will write about it in the questionnaire. But if a guy indicates that he is interested in sports cars, you should pay attention to him. A worker from a factory will not be fond of horse polo. This is also obvious.

It can be issued by:

  • a rich interior in which he feels at home. It will be visible. People who try to take pictures in a posh place without having anything to do with it look unnatural;
  • good car. A wealthy man in most cases will not put his "iron horse" on public display. But there are also boasters;
  • expensive clothing. Even if the costume is not very interesting, you should pay attention to the details. Maybe the man, wishing to appear as a "working guy", put on a cheap shirt, but at the same time forgot to take off his expensive watch;
  • well-groomed appearance. Even if everything says: he is poor and cannot become a sponsor, pay attention to the hair, beard (if any), nails (if possible) and so on. The most important thing is always in the details.

Let's say you have selected several candidates who look like or are millionaires. How to proceed?


Before you get acquainted, your page also needs to be put in order:

  1. It is necessary to place the best photos on it. And not the most defiant and frank, as many might assume. The most attractive, but decent. Finding a serious woman for a man of this level is not so easy.
  2. The questionnaire should contain a lot of information that demonstrates the level of your intelligence.

Actually - everything, you can act!


It is worth writing to the man you like first. Do not wink or somehow hint at the desire to communicate with the prospect of getting married, namely to write.
Moreover, it is desirable to imagine what messages other girls send to the guy, to fill their messages with completely different content.

For everything to happen successfully, you need to show that you are not like everyone else. This is the secret of success.

Do not impose on a young man, do not be intrusive. Surely, he was tired of wanting to meet. You can even "play inaccessibility" a little. However, to offer communication in the real world, or at least take a phone number, is acceptable. The main thing is to do everything gradually.

Note that getting to know a wealthy person on a website or forum is half the task that needs to be completed. You also need to make a good impression on a date.

Remember that scammers often disguise themselves as rich people. Usually for foreigners, but they can also be for Russians. Numerous reviews testify to this. So, be careful!

Many wealthy women love to choose men for themselves, whom they, as it were, take under their wing. There are many names for such phenomena, but the essence of this does not change. And if you are tired of a deplorable existence, and you want luxury in exchange for certain services on your part, you should definitely try to find such a lady for yourself. To date, specialized services that help to start dating rich women all over the country, enjoy really serious popularity, often even replacing the traditional methods of finding sexual partners with well-filled wallets.

One of the main advantages of a specially designed site is that you definitely do not have to go anywhere to meet a VIP who is ready for such a relationship. And since most often such people are used to relaxing and having fun in fairly expensive places and spending a lot of money on their leisure time, you would also have to fork out quite a lot. On the Internet, everything is a little different, you just visit the resource you need and start looking through the profiles of those who want to find a lover for themselves with additional options. You will not need to humiliate yourself and hint about your special offer, because the users of these thematic sites are aware of the main purpose of dating.

Everyone can choose for themselves a rich person who can fulfill their dreams and fantasies today. To do this, you will need a mobile device or desktop computer to access the respective site. You yourself determine the time frame for communication, so this option is suitable for absolutely everyone: for students, employed and unemployed. As soon as you have a free minute, be sure to try your luck and, perhaps, soon your life will change for the better.

In order to make the most effective acquaintance with the generous and rich, you need to present yourself correctly. Create your personal profile and make it so that you want to get to know. Choose a photo that shows you from the most advantageous angle, share information about yourself, your appearance, interests and preferences, and be sure that dating will be really active and exciting.