The best for memory and brain function for schoolchildren: methods, products, preparations. Methods of memory development in children of different ages

smart, healthy and successful child who knows the answer to any question of adults is the dream of every loving mother. But what to do if at school your kid studies for only triples, and it takes you more than one hour to learn quatrains? You should not raise a panic and punish the student for his inattention and mistakes, it is necessary to develop his memory.

Seven Causes of Bad Memory

  • Extraneous irritants

In fact, parents rarely think about the conditions in which their children do their homework. Computer, bright toy above the table, TV - all this distracts and does not allow you to focus on the most important thing - the lessons. Try to get organized workplace your child: a minimum of things, a maximum of space.

  • Hunger or overeating

As soon as the student returns home, feed him first. By the way, you can’t force the baby to sit down for lessons immediately after eating, since a tired and satiated body needs to rest for at least an hour. Also, do not starve your child, even if the family is fasting or you are trying to punish him by depriving him of lunch or dinner. After all, for the development and functioning of the brain are necessary useful material, microelements and vitamins, without which memory, in principle, cannot be developed.

Do not forget to control school meals, and every day ask your child what they fed him, how much he ate, whether he liked the dishes. In the future, you can either give money for buns, or make sandwiches, buy fruits, chocolate. Of course, dry rations are not very useful, but it is naive to believe that an eighth grader who has already matured will buy the first, second and compote. Usually high school students are embarrassed to order a full meal, and you are unlikely to be able to influence this situation.

The student's diet should be as follows: for breakfast - porridge with vegetable salad, for lunch - borscht or soup, for dinner - mashed potatoes or pasta with meat. Every two hours it is recommended to give him yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, so that the stomach constantly works, and does not eat itself.

  • boring tasks

It is difficult even for an adult to remember boring, uninteresting information that cannot be put into practice. IN primary school it is recommended to carry out lessons with the child, while everything should take place in game form. If you put him at the table, and you yourself leave on business, then, most likely, after twenty to thirty minutes you will find the baby drawing in a notebook.

  • Wrong approach

Are you yelling at him to rewrite for the hundredth time a rule he can't remember? Perhaps your child has a phenomenal auditory memory and you should have read those unfortunate couple of lines once so that he would learn everything by heart. But you stubbornly force him to do something that will not help him, and get angry with him.

Next time try to experiment: ask him to repeat after you, and also tell him to read not only to himself, but also aloud. By the way, it is very useful from birth to tell the baby fairy tales and put on records. This is how you develop creative thinking which will come in handy in the future. But turning on the TV so that the child does not interfere with doing household chores is not worth it.

  • sleep deprivation

It is bad if the student constantly sits at the computer in the evenings and goes to bed later than ten or eleven o'clock. After all, the memory of both adults and children directly depends on the state in which they are in this moment are. Remember how difficult it is for you to work on Mondays after a fun weekend. The same thing happens with the body of babies.

If your child sleeps very anxiously, constantly tossing and turning or cannot fall asleep for a long time, you should contact a specialist. The matter may be increased anxiety, hyperactivity, this also occurs due to problems at school and at home. By the way, this is why you should not eat before bed, read or watch horror, sort things out with your husband (even with babies).

  • Fatigue

Of course, it's good when a child's day is scheduled by the clock. In the morning - school, in the afternoon - training in a circle, in the evening - lessons. But such a regime can lead to fatigue schoolchild, especially if such a load is immediately given to an unprepared first grader. Try to distribute everything evenly, do not write it down for dancing, and for chess, and for basketball.

Let the baby choose what he likes the most. Maximum - two or three classes per week, no more. And it is desirable that they be on weekdays, since on weekends the child must necessarily rest.

  • Lack of variety

Another point is the same type of tasks that will soon get bored. You should not force you to do written and then oral assignments first, try to dilute it all. Even if a student is madly in love with mathematics, he will not be interested in it after twenty or thirty minutes. Therefore, it is so important to take small breaks and alternate the lessons. But you don't need to do everything at once either.

Development Exercises

In fact, there is no specific way to improve a child’s memory, since it all depends on the characteristics and abilities of your baby. But if you constantly engage with a student, train him and perform special exercises together, then in further problems with remembering the rules and numbers will not. And vice versa, if you let everything take its course, then even a child prodigy with the makings of a genius in two or three years will become an ordinary average high school student.

auditory memory

  • Memorize words

On a piece of paper, write ten completely unrelated words in a column, but so that the child does not see them. For example, a house, a horse, a wing, a car, a cat, a job, a shop, a computer, a bed, an airplane. Read everything in order in a slow and calm voice so that he has time to remember, and ask him to repeat it. From the first time he will be able to remember no more than five words.

Now advise him to mentally make up sentences or associate everything with surrounding objects. In the first case, he can come up with a story that a horse has settled in the house, which crushed the wing of the car. And so on in the same vein. The second option is a little more complicated, but more efficient. So, he must dream a little: the cat is like a figurine that stands on the table, Homework not yet completed, and the store is visible from the window. This exercise will develop associative memory, thinking and imagination of the child.

  • Remember sounds

Ask the child to close their eyes and tap on the table, while observing a certain rhythm. Your baby should repeat what he heard. The main thing is that the so-called melody should be simple and short. By the way, if he manages to reproduce the sounds the first time, then he has good hearing and he can play music. If you wish, you can try to make noise with different objects (newspaper, book, ball, etc.), and the student will have to do the same manipulations in the same order.

Visual memory

  • We arrange toys

Put ten objects in front of your child (let them be cars if you are working with your son, or dolls if you are with your daughter). Give your baby a minute to memorize the location of each item, then ask him to leave the room. Swap some items, then ask the child to arrange everything as it was. As in the previous case, teach him to associate things with the environment.

  • Looking for differences

Remember how you used to look for differences in pictures in children's magazines? It develops not only memory, but also logical thinking, attention to small details. Print two photos on the printer, adding a few items on the computer using special programs. Show the original first so that the baby remembers what and how is located in the picture, then give him the modified version. Allow peeping if necessary. And if at first he needs your tips, then in the future he will do just fine without your help.

Tactile memory

The next stage is the development of tactile memory, which, unfortunately, is forgotten in schools, kindergartens, and at home for some reason in our country. In fact, it helps to get used to the world, to form a character and attitude towards others. After all, it is after we touch the hot pot that we begin to understand that the next time the dishes from the stove should be taken only with the help of a pot holder. The same thing happens with children, who rarely understand why parents say no.

  • What is in the box

Cut out of fabric, different in texture, two identical squares. It is best if they are made of fur, leather, silk, linen, that is, they are completely different to the touch. Paste the first on a cardboard and sign the names, place the second in a box in which you should make a slot for your hands. Ask your child to touch, for example, terry cloth and let it be felt on the sample. At first, it will be difficult for the baby to find exactly the same piece without seeing it, but in the future, when you develop tactile memory, he will cope with the task in a jiffy.

  • Buttons

Place buttons of different sizes and shapes in the box, then ask your child to get out of there, for example, the one with a thin leg or with four rather than two holes. At the same time, the kid should not peep, his task is to rely on his feelings.

Olfactory memory

Despite the fact that a schoolchild does not need olfactory memory at all, it should also be developed in the primary grades, since it will be useful in the future to an adult and mature person. In addition, a first grader will be pleased to play such games. exciting games that involve all members of your family.

  • Whose smell

So, put all the perfume bottles in the house in front of the child, then ask them to determine which one belongs to you, and which one belongs to dad, grandfather, grandmother and other relatives. To prevent the baby from spilling the contents, hold the bubbles with your hands.

  • What vegetable and fruit

Have you just returned home from the store where you bought food for a whole month? Alright, time to play with your baby! Ask him to close his eyes and let's take turns smelling apples, oranges, cucumbers and other foods with a pronounced smell. In the future, you can switch to less fragrant cherries, apricots, cabbage and other similar vegetables and fruits.

We develop memory correctly

If in the first grades memory and attention should be developed in a playful way, then older children will simply not be interested. That is why since early age you need to attract kids to more serious and complex hobbies that will definitely come in handy in the future. So, for example, be sure to teach your baby to play chess and checkers. If none of your family members are interested in this, take your child to a circle where he will be taught this.

Not bad if from the age of three or four you start learning simple rhymes. They are best remembered if they are repeated when you return home together. Start with four lines, each time adding a new one, this measure develops attention very, very quickly. In the first classes, you can begin to study Pushkin, Lermontov, in the older ones - Yesenin. By the way, in Soviet schools they often practiced the study of blank verses or even excerpts from books.

But most importantly, do not forget that when learning something new, you should always repeat the old. Otherwise, unnecessary information will simply be forgotten. But not even all adults will be able to remember in random order the multiplication table or the rule learned in the first grade.

The more your child knows at the moment, the easier it will be for him to master the material in the future. But be careful not to overstrain the student's brain, as too a large number of information will be difficult for him to perceive. If you think that he has memory problems, and his attention is scattered, be sure to consult with school teacher. After all, parents are not always aware of how children manifest themselves in an unusual environment. Perhaps the received deuce is not a sign of poor memory, but simply the kid was too shy to answer in front of the class. In this case, the problem will have to be solved in completely different ways.

Cognitive abilities for the accumulation, preservation and reproduction of information and skills - this is memory. It is very important to train it from the very beginning. early childhood. Even without an app special efforts every year the child improves this ability. This is due to the fact that in the process of growing up, he learns important and necessary skills for him: crawling, walking, memorizing words, etc. However, this does not mean that he does not need to train cognitive abilities. In this article, we will answer the question of how to develop memory in a child at 8 years old.

Types of cognitive abilities

Have you noticed that each person remembers this or that information differently? This is due to the cerebral cortex and its departments, which are involved in this. Allocate: motor, emotional, figurative. At the same time, it can be short-term, operational or long-term. On the other hand, memorization abilities also depend on one or another modality - auditory, visual, motor, tactile.

People with a visual-figurative type of memory find it easier to remember colors, sounds, faces, and any other visual images. Verbal-logical thinking is based on the basis of linguistic means, analysis of events and situations. It is difficult for such people to remember information that they do not understand. They tie it to certain events and skills. In order to find out, you need to find out what kinds of cognitive abilities he possesses. It is important to note that any of the above types can be improved throughout life.

What cognitive abilities need to be improved

There is an opinion that it is necessary to improve the type of memory that is poorly developed in a child. But this theory is not always confirmed. Suppose a child has verbal-logical thinking. All the information that he remembers can be analyzed. Is there a need in this case to develop figurative memory? In any case, it is necessary to adapt the child to his thinking and develop in this direction. So, it is best to train auditory, visual, motor and tactile memory. For each of the types, there are many ways. Let's consider them in more detail.

Reproduction of auditory images

How to develop memory in a child of 8 years? First you need to check how well the child masters this skill. So, name 10 words in a row that are not related to each other. For example: a table, a book, a crocodile, a cup, a telephone, a T-shirt, a carpet, a wardrobe, a kettle, a notebook. Now ask your child to repeat them. If more than half of the words are named, this is an excellent result. You can continue training until the child repeats 8-9 words.

Another interesting exercise is the continuation of the phrase. You say a simple phrase: "we went to the store." The child should repeat and add something from himself: "we went to the store and bought a banana." Now it's your turn, you repeat what he said and add something of your own. The one who makes a mistake and cannot repeat will lose.

Visual memory

Visual images are quite an important component, without which it is difficult to do in life. For children, this skill is also necessary. How to develop memory in a child of 8 years old, focusing specifically on visual images? First you need to test the ability. For this, there are special drawings "find the differences". If the child finds less than half, then his visual memory needs to be developed.

There are a lot of exercises. Of course, they are all associated with visual images. You can give your child a picture every day. Let him carefully look at it for 5 minutes. Then take the picture and let the child name what he remembered in the smallest details. You will be surprised, but every day he will become more attentive and remember more images. If the child has the ability to draw, let him depict what he remembers.

motor memory

This cognitive ability corresponds to labor skills. It is at the age of eight that it is very important to develop a child's memory and attention. How to do it? At this age, the child is very interested in visiting various sections. This will be best workout motor memory. Memorization, preservation and reproduction of motor operations will help the child improve his skills. It can be: swimming, dancing, volleyball, football and other popular sports.

Tactile memory

Sensations and touches are called by one very well-known term - motor skills. Such physical activity very closely associated with thought processes. Not without reason, for the development of speech, young children are offered to sort out small items. How to develop a child's memory and attention with the help of tactile sensations? Eat special exercises. For example, the most different materials(paper, metal, fabric). The child's eyes are closed and offered to feel them. He must guess which of the boards has which material.

Another great exercise: "feel me." Close your child's eyes and offer to touch any figurine. After that, take it away, untie your eyes and ask to draw what he just held in his hands. This exercise develops not only tactile memory, but also imagination.

Many parents are interested in the question of how to develop memory in a child from birth. It is tactile cognitive abilities that will help the baby in this matter. V. And Sukhomlinsky argued that "the mind of a child is at the fingertips." So, with the development fine motor skills certain parts of the brain are activated, including those responsible for speech.

Development of attention

This quality characterizes the process of filtering incoming information. A child with well-developed attention is able to single out specific objects and processes and better remember their essence. The problem of many schoolchildren lies not only in poor memory, but also in inattention. These two qualities should always be developed in the same way.

Take, for example, a school subject that many children do not particularly like - literature. The teacher now and then makes me learn verses, and it is so difficult for a child to remember them. The whole secret lies in the fact that the student not only bad memory but he is also inattentive. In order to more easily remember a work, a verse, or even a rule, it must be understood. In turn, it is necessary to select the main object. It is very easy for attentive children to analyze a work or verse. They quickly grasp the essence, and then memorizing by heart is not difficult.

Attention Development Exercises

Games for the development of attention and memory in children are quite interesting and exciting. With their help, you can not only improve the skills of the child, but also have a good time with the whole family.

So, for example, such a game is quite interesting. For her, you will need cards with pictures (in last resort you can get by with ordinary playing games if the child is familiar with them). So, choose 5 cards and arrange them in a row. Let the child look and remember them. Now put them away with the others and ask him to arrange everything in the same way as before. Such an exercise trains memory and attention, because the child needs not only to remember the cards, but also to put them in the same order.

How to develop a child's memory and attention? Another exciting and popular game is "Beetle". To do this, you need to draw a field of 6 x 6 cells. In one of them draw a small beetle. Your job is to say "where the insect goes". For example: the beetle moves 2 cells up, then one to the left and one down.

The child must mentally follow the movements without using a finger or a pen for this. After 4-5 moves, ask him where the bug is now. This memory trainer is great for children from 5-6 years old. This game can be played by the whole family. One person is the host, who says the moves, and the rest mentally follow the movements. The one who gets lost first loses.

Secrets of a good memory

An overview of the methods described above can be useful in daily training, but what if something needs to be remembered urgently? There are tricks and secrets.

Have you ever wondered why some children literally grasp information on the fly, while others, in turn, cannot remember even one sentence? The thing is that in most children at the age of 8, figurative and "What to do and how to develop a child's memory in this case" prevails? - you ask. The answer lies on the surface. Try to interest the child. In the information that needs to be learned, let him find something interesting for himself. Of course, first of all, you need to ask if everything is clear to him from what you want to learn. Agree, it is difficult to remember something for which there is no logical explanation.

Asked to learn a poem about birds? No problem. Sit with your child in front of the computer and open the Internet. Show and tell him about these birds. Then start learning the verse. Did you read the first line? Well, let the child voice it himself and, closing his eyes, imagine it in front of him. Then the second, third, etc. The visual images that arise in his head will consolidate the lines that he read, and it will be much easier to learn.

The human brain has an amazing ability to adapt to environment and change. This is called neuroplasticity. In children, this ability is especially well developed. So take advantage of this! To improve memory, you need to constantly learn something new. Therefore, teaching your child only one “craft” (for example, only music or only drawing) is not always justified. Let the child's hobbies and hobbies follow each other. And it is important: choose an activity for the child according to the principle: “this is new - this is difficult - this is interesting”!

Food for good memory: fish (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, herring); walnuts; pumpkin; beans; leafy green vegetables (spinach, broccoli); bananas; apricots; melon; green tea.

We do not save on physical education and sleep

Daily body workouts increase the brain's ability to process and reproduce information. The secret is simple: physical exercise increase the supply of oxygen to the brain, the cells of the "gray matter" begin to work more actively. And at the same time, the risk of diseases leading to a weakening of the brain is reduced.

The importance of following a regimen for children is undeniable. Indeed, among other things, after a good sleep, the skills of critical thinking and memory processes are restored.

Hugs and kisses

Numerous studies show that a child who grows up in a strong, friendly family, learn school knowledge better. Why? Yes, just support and strong emotional connections are important not only for mental health, but also for brain health! Therefore, give love, hug the child, take care of him and engage with him. This will be the key to his successful studies.

We laugh from the heart

Unlike emotional responses that are limited to certain areas of the brain, laughter activates different areas. When a child jokes, laughs and listens funny stories, the areas responsible for learning processes and creativity begin to work faster. No wonder they say that laughter helps to think wider and freer. Teach your child self-irony - instead of being sad over failure, you can also laugh at yourself. Learn to see in everything only positive side. Make him laugh more often and provoke him to jokes.

Learning tricks

There are a number of memorization techniques that are easy and convenient to use in study and Everyday life. Here are some of them.

visual image. Advise to associate the word to be remembered with a pleasant familiar object, phenomenon, person. The image is best presented as bright, colorful and three-dimensional. It can be a favorite character, a cartoon character.

Acrostic. Teach your child to memorize sentences in the following way: “keep in mind” the first letters of each word in this sentence. It becomes an abbreviation. By the way, for example, there are books with poems and acrostic riddles for children. Great workout!

Acronym. And this is a common abbreviation. For example, in order to memorize the names of lakes or rivers in geography, we will learn the first letters of their names in a certain sequence. And when the time will come reproduce - the abbreviation will pop up! And the rivers will rise behind her.

loci method. A great way to remember information (such as historical dates and battles) is to “locate” it in your imagination in a well-known place. For example, in the nursery. On the bed - the Baptism of Rus', at the table - the Battle on the Ice and so on.

Rhymes and alliterations. Repeating sounds and syllables make it easy to remember difficult facts and numbers.

Try to make a funny counting rhyme out of the multiplication table.

By the way

We cannot remember something if we do not pay due attention to this knowledge. Any "encoding" of information takes about 8 seconds.

When memorizing, you need to involve all your senses - hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste.

You can try to connect the information that you want to remember with the one that the child already knows.

To memorize complex material, you need to be able to focus on understanding the main ideas - and easily, clearly explain them to yourself.

Encourage your child to rehearse what they are trying to remember in front of a mirror. Maybe he'll say it with expression or pretend he's speaking to a class.

Children's memory can and should be developed! Teachers and scientists tirelessly repeat this: the child's brain grows up to 7 years, and by this time the kids are already able to learn and remember a lot of information. The more the child learns, the easier it will be for him. And the easier it will be for him to study at school and university.

Therefore, it is so important to train the memory of children, and this can be done almost from the cradle ...

From birth to one year

memory games

Communicate more with the child and train his tactile memory - let him touch various subjects and remember feelings.

"Magic words". You need to come up with 7-10 pairs of words related in meaning: body - leg, river - fish, apple - pear, etc. Repeat several times, highlighting the pairs with intonation. Then call the child the first words of the pair, and let him remember the second.

"Shop". Send the child to the "shop" to buy bread, kefir, potatoes (10 products in total). And then turn into a seller: let the little buyer remember as many words as possible.

"Know the subject!" It is necessary to blindfold the baby and alternately put various things in his hand. Let him guess what it is. After 3-5 studies, ask them to name the items in the order in which he touched them.