A child is able at 10. The tenth month of a child's life: bathing, hardening, physical exercises. The child stops breathing

A baby at the age of ten months is becoming more and more active, and that's it. free time devotes to the study of the world around him, constantly improves his skills and acquires new skills. When you have a child of 10 months in front of you, his development takes on a new round, his individuality is already beginning to appear, independence is born. It is already difficult for him to interfere when he is busy with his games or business, any attempt to do this can cause resentment.

If we talk about physical parameters, then by ten months the baby has about 6 teeth (four at the top and two at the bottom). The increase in height in a child for the tenth month of life is about 1.5 centimeters, and weight - up to 500 grams. Body weight gain faster less active kids, mobile children add no more than 300 grams.

Features of the daily routine

If you look at the daily routine recommended by experts for a child of 10 months, you can see that it differs little from the regime nine month old baby. It includes five meals, two walks, four hours of wakefulness and two daily naps. And if earlier some babies slept three times a day, by this time almost no one wants to sleep for so long.

The diet, rest and wakefulness should be observed because the baby needs a sufficient amount of rest and rational nutrition. Be sure to observe stability in the implementation of the regime, but taking into account individual characteristics baby. This will help not only him, but also reliably provide mom with the opportunity to get enough sleep at night and have free time.

Skills at ten months

What should a 10 month old baby know? As already mentioned, he has many skills, and already acquired skills are improved:

  1. The little man not only quickly sits down and feels confident in this position.
  2. He stands firmly, while holding on to the support with only one handle.
  3. If the baby suddenly sees an interesting toy for himself, then being distracted by it, he can throw a support, but then quickly grabs it again or sits down.
  4. If he is given a chair, then he is able to move around by holding on to it and pushing in front. In some cases, he walks holding onto the wall, and sometimes he already moves on his own legs completely independently, but since the coordination at ten months is imperfect, it is not recommended to leave him alone.
  5. Of the completely new achievements is the ability of a child to climb two or three steps up. It is still difficult for him to go down, and he will have such a skill a little later.

If the child is 10 months old and does not walk, then you should not worry too much about this. We must never forget that every person is an individual from birth, and has his own developmental characteristics. The absence of such a skill as walking by this time is not a deviation with other normal indicators.


The little one is trying her best to be like an adult. At the age of ten months, it can already be taught to eat normally with a spoon, and drink from a glass or cup. He may already ask to be emptied if necessary. bladder or intestines, per pot.

With pleasure, the child performs the simplest instructions of the parents. Therefore, as a game for a child of 10 months, you can invite him to bring this or that toy or object. It is recommended to allow him to make a choice in clothes that are intended for a walk in order to educate him in independence.

The kid can now pretty much get carried away with his own business, and perhaps, at this moment, wet himself. This should not cause criticism from parents and is not a cause for concern. Many mothers may have a question about how to teach 10 month old baby to the pot? The most important thing is to gradually accustom him to accuracy, cleanliness and attentiveness, but not by shouting.

Most experts in pediatrics believe that the baby should be planted on the potty only when he is already able to control his body in its natural functions. At normal development this happens only after a year, and in some cases, parents should start planting only at three years old, since babies all develop in different ways.

Socialization is also manifested in the fact that a small person shows a sincere desire to communicate and play with other children. But in the absence of such a skill, it is not easy for everyone and not always, and it is necessary to provide assistance.

It often happens that the child no longer wants to walk with a pacifier. If he is still dependent on it, then in this case it is necessary to gradually wean it, since the wrong bite will form.

emotional sphere

does not stand still and emotional sphere, and the child already declares itself not only in the form of screaming or crying:

  • he well understands prohibitions and refusals;
  • tries to play disobedient;
  • can laugh at some jokes and at himself;
  • gets upset when he is forced to do "boring" things - sleep, eat or dress for a walk, and in this case the task of parents becomes to turn an unpleasant procedure into a game, or to distract the baby.


Games for babies 10 months are becoming more meaningful, now they need some kind of story. The child begins to perceive the doll and rock it. The assembly of cubes or pyramids is quite successful (not without the participation and help of an adult). It also becomes interesting for the baby to roll the car and the ball. He knows how to lift small objects and put them in containers in the form of a basin or a children's bucket.

The game of hide and seek becomes more interesting, and now the baby is able to hide behind a chair or corner of the room on his own, and expresses delight when he “cannot be found”, and then, after a while, they find him and are surprised. A big role in the further development of the sense of tact and motor skills of playing in the palms.

Fine motor skills can be improved by drawing, sculpting, or picking up small objects. Since a child at this age continues to taste all objects, when handling him with small toys and things necessarily the presence of an adult.

Speech skills

A child's skills at 10 months also include improving speaking skills. At this age, the arsenal of words increases markedly. He constantly repeats the syllables denoting the people closest to him: “ma”, “pa”, but at the same time he listens very much to adults and tries to speak more complex words. Therefore, when he needs something, a small person can demand by saying the word “give” or “on”. In the latter case, he simply repeats after the adult when he gives the baby a toy or an object of interest to him.

For communication, many toddlers at this age invent new language which allows him to communicate. Despite the fact that it is difficult to understand him, you should not interrupt the child, you need to let him say whatever he wants. You need to answer him in the same intonation as if it were a completely adult person. This will help you not to lose contact with your son or daughter in adolescence in the future.

Massage and exercise

It is very important to do gymnastics with the baby and perform certain types of movements, first lying down, and then sitting and standing, combining them with a relaxing massage.

  1. The baby lies on his back, and his mother takes his hands and spreads them apart, and then crosses them on his chest.
  2. The boxing exercise consists in giving the child a ringlet in each handle, and then pulling them in turn towards you. After that, you need to massage his hands a little.
  3. For the legs, the exercise "bike" is performed. After it, you need to do stroking movements of the legs in the direction from the bottom up.
  4. Turns. With the help of mom, you need to turn the baby from the back to the tummy through the left, and then the right side.
  5. When a child is 10 months old, massage is carried out not only on the limbs, but also with the capture of the buttocks and back. First you need to carry out stroking movements up and down, then with the help of fingertips rub the skin in this area a little, and then do the same, but using the back of the fingers. It is useful to walk along the buttocks with light pinching movements.
  6. We raise our legs. They should be straight at the knees. To do this, you need to take a stick, and holding it at a certain level, ask the baby to get it with his legs. This will strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  7. The next movement is a squat. It is done with the support of an adult with both hands. And in the future we complicate the movement by giving only one hand, but it is recommended to do this only after the child begins to stand up confidently.
  8. It is useful to make inclinations several times. The kid becomes his back to the adult and is fixed with the help of his knees. After that, bends down at the request of the mother or father for an object lying on the floor.
  9. Crawling is also helpful. Even if the baby is already confidently standing, it is necessary to interest him in performing such a movement, as this will allow him to strengthen his muscles well. You can do crawling together with an adult in a race.
  10. Walking with holding the baby with both hands. It should be gradually complicated by doing squats, tilts, and also turns. After the child begins to perform all movements confidently, you can do the same movements, but only holding on to one mother's hand. This will not only increase muscle strength, but also keep the body in balance.
  11. By 10 months, you can begin to make a "bridge". H only under the condition of ease of its implementation and with the active support of an adult.
  12. It is useful to lay the baby on the tummy and ask him to sort out the handles (to be like hands), and at the same time hold him by the legs. To increase interest in the task, you can put the toy on the floor and ask him to get to it. This exercise helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and develops the entire muscular system.

All exercises can be performed lying down, sitting or standing with support. In the course of the lesson, you should constantly give commands to the child, pronouncing them in a soft tone and legibly. At the same time, the muscles should be strengthened not only in order to prepare for future confident walking, but also so that the baby can sit freely for a long time.

Purposeful exercises in combination with a speech command allow you to develop conditioned reflex movements, improve coordination and a clearer understanding of calls and requests.

You should not engage with the baby if he does not feel well or shows irritation. You need to start with minimum quantity repetitions (no more than 2-4 times).

It is also important to continue caring for the baby for 10 months in the form of daily hygiene procedures(bathing, cutting nails, cleaning ears, combing, etc.).


The child is already so fond of his game that sometimes he does not even notice those around him and what is happening around him. His moves are getting harder and harder. In addition, he likes joint games based on the transfer of objects to each other.

Physical development and motor activity of a child of ten months

The kid has mastered crawling so much that he easily overcomes small obstacles, quickly moving around the house. And if earlier he was afraid to lose his mother out of sight, now he can crawl even to where she is not visible. When traveling around the house, he takes his favorite toy, which provides him with a sense of security away from his mother.

Moving on all fours, the little one can raise one hand high up to take the object of interest to him, swing in different sides without losing balance. He has been sitting on his own for quite a long time, and when he reaches for a toy, he does not fall on his side and does not fall. Increasingly, during the game, he takes vertical position, kneeling or on the feet and leaning on pieces of furniture. Holding on to the support with one or two hands, he walks along it with a side step.

Can perform various actions with objects, both on its own initiative and at the request of an adult: opens and closes the lids of boxes, takes objects out of the container, puts them back, puts toys in one place, scatters everything in different directions, rolls a ball and etc. If earlier kid only emptied the contents of the drawers, now he is interested in putting the items back into the box, albeit in a completely different order. Also, the little one likes to watch the falling objects. And he can purposefully release toys from his hands, carefully watching their fall.

At this stage, the right- or left-handedness of the child begins to appear.

Useful tips for mothers of a ten-month-old baby

1. You can already bathe your baby by simply placing him in a baby bath.

2. For your child's activities, purchase a special high chair and a table that matches your height.

Neuropsychic development and upbringing of a child at 10 months

An important achievement of this age is the formation in the child of the concept of the constancy of the magnitudes and spatial arrangement of objects. He already understands that things are always the same size and do not become smaller when viewed from afar, although they seem so small. Also, the little one knows how objects should look. Therefore, he can recognize them by seeing only a part of them. In addition, he knows how things should be properly located in space - he puts the car on wheels, the cup on the bottom, the doll on its feet. Begins to understand that objects can be behind a barrier, even if he sees them through transparent glass. And in order to get them, you need to bypass the barrier.

The child can already expect certain sounds from certain people or items. If he hears other sounds, he is sincerely surprised. He understands forbidden words and freezes when he hears them. He can recognize people he knows by their voices.

At this age, a zealous attitude towards one's immediate environment appears. If one of the members of his family begins to pay attention to another child, then the little one can cause a real scandal. Although he is usually quite friendly and sociable.

Useful tips for mothers of a 10 month old baby

1. Try to diversify the environment in which the baby is and plays. Take it with you on a visit, for a walk, to the store, to the park.

2. All family members should set aside time to play with the baby.

3. If something does not work out for him, do not help immediately. Let's take some time to solve the problem on our own. And only when the baby's patience is at the limit, unobtrusively calmly explain.

4. Let him tear the paper. Give old magazines, notebooks or wallpaper to be “torn to pieces”, but do not let him put the pieces in his mouth.

5. Give the baby nesting dolls, nesting one into the other, pyramids, cubes as toys.

6. Play the game “do as I do” with the baby - the child repeats the simplest movements after you, accompanied by a verbal instruction, and you praise him when they are performed correctly.

7. Let your child draw with colored crayons on the board, wall, asphalt.


The kid became very energetic and quick. During the game, he quite briskly “drives” around the room on all fours. Quite successfully copes with the simplest tasks, executes many commands, remembers events well. His speech range also became wider.

Reading time: 6 minutes

The tenth month of a baby's life is the time of his rapid physical and mental formation, active knowledge of the world around him. The development of a child at 10 months depends on many circumstances, but the main place in the life of a baby is occupied by parents who must know the characteristics of growth, weight gain, and the upbringing of boys and girls. Toddlers are able to understand a lot, they can imitate adults, they show an active interest in everything around them, they gain new experience and knowledge every day.

Baby 10 months

The appearance of the baby at ten months is transformed. Due to increased physical activity its proportions change, the head no longer looks too big. Due to constant crawling, the stomach decreases. By ten months, from four to eight teeth already appear in the mouth, and the first curls are earing on the head. The baby is active, smiles and laughs more.

How much should a baby weigh at 10 months

Weight with the achievement of 10 months of age is no longer added so rapidly. A kid can gain 250-300 g in a month. Boys and girls are slightly different in terms of parameters. For male babies, the weight ranges from 7.3 kg to 11.5 kg. normal weight is 8.5-9.5 kg. The height of a child at 10 months varies from 69 to 79 cm, head circumference - from 43 to 47 cm. Girls can weigh from 6.5 to 11 kg, the norm is 7.5-8.5 kg, height is in the range of 66-76 cm , and head circumference - 41.5-47 cm.

What should a child be able to do at 10 months

Knowledge about the skills of children have great importance for parents. This information will help to choose the right educational games for the baby, thereby stimulating the development of the most important abilities. During this period, the foundations are laid mental activity, sense of humor chad. Classes with a child of 10 months contribute to his active development.

Skills and reactions

Children of this age, like little sponges, absorb not only good things, so it is important for parents to behave correctly. You can scold the baby for spilled juice, or you can calmly wipe it off and explain. A small person develops rapidly, understands a lot:

  • confidently sits and stands, holding on to a support with one hand, the ability to crawl is fixed;
  • walks with a walker or leans against a wall (some children can walk on their own);
  • in the crib can walk around the perimeter, squat, jump, throw toys out of bed;
  • works smoothly with both hands;
  • masters the tweezer grip - takes objects with the index and thumb;
  • can get off the bed - back up and lower the legs down (it is necessary to initially show him how to do it correctly);
  • breaks toys to study the smallest objects.

Psycho-emotional development

The emotional development of a baby at 10 months does not stand still. Children notice and adopt not only vivid behavioral reactions, but also react to the atmosphere of relationships in the family. Ten month old baby:

  • understands what adults say;
  • pronounces simple words, repeats sounds, syllables, points with a finger at familiar objects;
  • imitates the movements of adults - "talks" on the phone;
  • consciously throws toys;
  • shows interest in interacting with other children;
  • hand motor skills are developing, but the baby understood the basic principles - he holds the support firmly when he gets up and quickly opens his hand when he throws toys;
  • understands the words “no”, “no”, but does not obey;
  • a sense of humor appeared - he can make sounds, laugh at them.

Baby care at 10 months

For successful development a child at 10 months old must follow the rules for caring for him. All activities are best done while playing. Daytime sleep should take place in a calm environment so that the child has a good rest. Since the child is 10 months old. already confidently sitting, it would be advisable to accustom him to the potty. Children are actively developing, they perceive information well on the example of their parents. If the parents themselves set an example for the baby, cleaning up after themselves, then the baby will be happy to help.


In ten months the number breastfeeding reduced to three times a day. Other meals are almost adult food. Do not rush to feed the crumbs with sausage, it is better to include boiled vegetables cut into small pieces in the menu. It is necessary to teach the baby to take food with a spoon. The chewing reflex must be worked out on solid pieces of food - apples. For balanced nutrition, in the diet of the baby should be:

  1. fruits - apples, bananas;
  2. vegetables - cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli;
  3. meat - rabbit, turkey;
  4. dairy products;
  5. cereals.

Daily regime

For babies, it is useful to observe the daily routine. Each feeding is carried out at the same time, which applies to other procedures. morning toilet consists in washing, washing hands, combing, exercising. During this period of development, the time of wakefulness increases when you need to deal with the child. It is important to spend a lot of time on the street, fresh air has a positive effect on health.

How much sleep should a child

Daytime sleep in ten-month-old children lasts about two hours. The exception is walking fresh air or a long car trip, in which the baby can sleep for more than three hours. Sleep helps to restore the energy spent during the game. Night sleep lasts 10-11 hours. The total sleep time is 12-14 hours, wakefulness - 10-12 hours.

How to develop a child at 10 months

Raising children is better for both parents. To do this, you need to know what to teach a child at 10 months. Pediatricians and psychologists recommend the following actions:

  1. Conduct conversations as if a ten-month-old baby is already an adult, understands everything. Respond to his babble, don't overload the conversation difficult words don't speak fast.
  2. Sing songs - this helps to develop speech skills and improve mental health.
  3. Organize for the crumbs space for movement, but taking into account the fact that he will use it to achieve his goals.
  4. Tell about dangerous objects: there is current in the socket, the kettle is hot, the knife is sharp.
  5. Learn to show parts of the body on yourself - a nose, an eye, a pen.
  6. Introduce your baby to drawing and modeling, suitable for this Finger paint and salt dough.
  7. Read little books, show pictures and voice them.
  8. Develop fine motor skills- let the baby tear paper.
  9. Do physical exercises, it will stimulate motor skills.

Educational games for children

A ten-month-old baby needs variety, so you need to change the environment - go to visit, to the store, to the playground. It is important that both parents play with children, dads play more actively and contribute physical development crumbs, and mothers pay more attention to intellectual education. You can use such simple games with a 10 month old baby like:

  1. "Baby blocks" - make some red and one green cube from cardboard. Put a bell in the green cube and check if the kid can distinguish the cubes by color during the lesson.
  2. "Box with holes" - children love to stick their fingers where they don't need to. To create such a toy, you need a minimum of cost and effort - you need to take cardboard box, make a few holes in it so that the baby can stick his finger through. Inside, you can glue the walls of the box with all kinds of materials (fur, foil).
  3. "Search and find" - you need to hide a ticking clock or player at home. Ask the baby to find an object by sound - his hearing and the ability to navigate by sound develop. For success, do not forget to praise the baby.
  4. "Balance" - put in front of the child rubber ring, show how to place toys on it. The kid will actually understand what balance is.
  5. "Telephone conversation" - children are interested in toys, like adults, talk to the baby using a toy phone, this contributes to the development of speech skills.

Frequent problems

The development of a child at 10 months cannot go smoothly. On thorny path right upbringing and the development of the baby may encounter problems:

  • Allergic reactions to the introduction of complementary foods. For this reason, pediatricians recommend introducing foods one at a time into the diet in order to quickly identify what a small person has a reaction to and eliminate the allergen.
  • Restless sleep. If the baby wakes up due to loud noises, then this is normal. If he starts and wakes up without apparent reason, it is recommended to consult a neurologist.
  • The child does not crawl. Some babies skip the active crawling phase and start walking right away.
  • Crushes and breaks toys, breaks dishes. Do not scold the baby about this - he studies objects and their properties.


Baby development at 10 months life goes on, he actively explores the world in which he lives so comfortably and calmly with loving parents ...


The weight gain is approximately 500 grams, the height has increased by 1.5 - 2 cm, the baby's weight is from 9.5 to 10.5 kilograms. Of course, these are average indicators, because each child develops according to his genetically programmed program.

On the tenth month sleep patterns change. Children now sleep only once a day. Such children must be put to bed early in the evening, otherwise whims will begin in the morning. If the baby, as before, sleeps twice a day, one should try to ensure that at least 4 hours pass before a night's sleep, which will help with falling asleep at night.

Just at this time, it is determined - the baby is left-handed or right-handed. Experts unanimously argue that teaching a left-hander to write, hold a spoon right hand it is definitely impossible, but in everyday life it is desirable to use both hands.

It is at this age that latent disorders may begin to appear. nervous system during sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to especially observe the baby when he sleeps. If the dream is calm, not interrupted, then everything is in order. If, if there is comfortable conditions, the child is worried and wakes up in a bad mood, it is better to go for a consultation with a pediatric neurologist.

Baby skills at 10 months.

  • The child has already learned to sit down, keeping the back straight. He easily crawls periodically rises to his feet, doing, To instill confidence in the baby, it is best for mom to cheer him up. affectionate word and a kind smile.
  • Useful use of both hands
  • Consciously throw everything that is at hand
  • Carry cars, push the ball, knock over tumblers
  • Play with bell, drum, xylophone
  • Many kids manage to build a tower from several cubes, but they derive more pleasure from destroying it.
  • At this time, children develop the ability to unclench their fingers. If earlier he grabbed the toy and dragged it into his mouth, now he starts throwing it. This is not an expression bad mood, this is a visible leap in development. And if the skills of a child at 10 months do not allow throwing toys, then it makes sense to visit a pediatric neurologist. Choose a toy for a child at 10 months.
  • The skills of a child at 10 months allow you to get objects from any containers. Taking them back is also not difficult. But putting one mold into another is quite difficult, because the baby still does not understand that you first need to take a large object and put a small one into it.
  • The new skills of a child at 10 months include the ability to tear paper. Therefore, it is better to remove valuable paper carriers higher and further away. And the baby can be given to practice on bright magazines. As long as he doesn't cut himself on the sharp paper edges.

Nutrition for a 10 month old baby.

At 10 months new foods appear in the child's diet. How to offer them to the baby, so as not to harm?
If in the past time the introduction of new products has been without problems and allergic reactions, then the baby is ready to taste the juices and fruit purees. It is known for certain that they provide the body with crumbs in vitamins by only 2%, and a lot of troubles can be caused - intestinal irritation, flatulence, pain in the abdomen.

On artificial feeding fruit purees can be introduced into the diet from the age of 4 months, because the ventricle of the artificial baby has already adapted to the new food. You need to start with 2-3 drops of apple juice, because it is well absorbed and has low acidity.
If the child liked the innovation, and there are no negative changes, then the portion can be increased to 1 teaspoon. Subsequently, the drink is increased to 100 ml. You can split one can of juice into two feedings.
After getting used to apple juice, the child can be offered to try juices from pears, plums, cherries, apricots, peaches, and from vegetables - from carrots, cabbage and beets. It is also necessary to gradually introduce fruit purees into the diet, bringing up to 100 g per day. And at the same time carefully monitoring the quality of the stool and skin.

What can a 10 month old baby eat?

Meat puree is best alternated with meatballs or meatballs, which can be purchased at special children's stores. They include chicken, turkey or veal meat, cooked without all kinds of spices and additives harmful to children.
Meat puree also introduced into the menu gradually with close observation for a reaction child's body for innovation.

Child development at 10 months.

  • For full development a child at 10 months, parents need to secure the area in the house where the baby may appear, i.e. remove everything sharp, piercing and beating, which the little explorer, standing on legs, will reach.
  • Class physical therapy() will greatly strengthen physical state child.
  • At the tenth month, the connection between the fingers and the brain becomes clear. The more hand movements of the little one are coordinated, the more harmoniously his intellectual abilities will develop.
  • The child is especially interested story games when you can feed, take a walk, ride a car. The baby needs to be prompted and shown - how to pull the machine by the cord so that it goes, how Teddy bear put to sleep. And the child will be happy to repeat the actions of adults.
  • Watching the uncertain steps of your child, you need to monitor his gait - is it comfortable for him in shoes, because now shoes will be of great importance in the life of a growing baby.
  • When forming the correct daily routine for your baby, take into account the child’s temperament and its features, and then such a regimen will help the physical and psychological development baby.
  • When mom is setting the table, you can ask the little one to help - put a spoon on the table, pick up a fallen napkin. And be sure to praise the child for the work done, then next time he will do it with even greater zeal.
  • If music will sometimes sound in your house, this will have a positive effect on the baby. Music can calm and comfort a child, relieve mental stress, relieve stress, and become a source of psychological health for a child. Musical classes contribute to the development of beautiful and competent speech in children. They help to overcome speech stiffness and lethargy.

Skills for the development of speech of a child at 10 months.

in babble 10 months old the baby is clearly heard "mother", "woman" and this is not a set of sounds, but words denoting specific people. In the process, it is important to understand whether the child understands the adult. If this is not the case, it is necessary to reinforce the words with gestures: for example, “give” and pull the object a little, “come here” - and stretch out your hands to the baby.

The development of oral speech of children is also influenced by the social and household factor. The child’s conversational skills are formed by imitating adults, the more competently the parents speak, the more competent the baby’s speech will be, which copies intonation, expressiveness and literacy.


By this age, the child already quite clearly understands what “no” means. Often, parents raise a cry before their child does something forbidden. For example, he picked up a bright piece of paper from the floor, but he is not going to put it in his mouth yet. And mom is already pulling: “It’s impossible!”.

A ten-month-old baby can already distinguish the mood of a person who communicates with him. And already now it is necessary to start accustoming the child to empathy: for example, to pat on the head and hug a tired mother, to pity the crying sister who hit her knee ... In a word, it is already now possible to teach humanity and kindness.

Start gradually accustoming your child to the potty, gradually completely eliminating diapers from life. Even if he wets his pants, there is nothing wrong with that, but the baby will feel the processes taking place with him, and will quickly learn to control his urges, and even begin to tell you that he wants to go to the toilet.

  1. The baby crawls confidently. Someone for short distances, others are simply impossible to catch up. The speed of movement of the baby especially increases if he managed to grab something forbidden and tries to hide.

    It happens that a 10-month-old child crawls very little, but immediately tries to walk. Moreover, it will be more characteristic of a boy than a girl.

  2. Babies at 10 months are doing well. Many people try to walk with their hands on the edge of a sofa or bed. And some babies are already learning to walk without any support.
  3. The child finally masters the pinch grip. Baby likes to hold small items If you give him a pencil or pen in his hands, the baby will try to draw, imitating the actions of his parents.
  4. A baby at 10 months is even more interesting in terms of communication. It is easy to teach him to wave goodbye or turn his head in agreement or disagreement. The child also responds to simple requests from an adult. The baby can take, bring, give or do something certain actions with toys (roll, close, open).
  5. The child improves control of his body. Due to the fact that weight gain is no longer as significant as before, it is easier for the baby to control his movements. The connection between thinking and motor skills is getting stronger. Hand manipulations, leg movements, head turns become even more conscious. And the more the baby plays with the help of hands, fingers, the sooner and stronger this connection will be fixed.
  6. The development of a child at 10 months already allows you to determine the leading hand.

    If the main one is left hand Under no circumstances should a baby be retrained. In this case, it is better to choose games in which both hands are involved.

  7. In reversed speech, the child easily guesses the intonation. If the speech has an approving tone, the baby rejoices, smiles. If the baby hears in the voice loved one disapproval, he gets upset.
  8. The kid is aware of the word "no". The main thing is not to abuse it. It should be prohibited in those situations where the child's actions can harm him or others. In other cases, it is better to distract him, transferring attention to something more interesting.

    The ban should be carried through to the end. There is no need to go on about the baby, who, with his cry, is trying to get permission for something threatening him, which was previously banned. Once again, gently tell the baby why it is impossible, and how this action or object threatens him.

  9. A child in the tenth month can say his first words. Or often and for a long time repeats the most popular syllables - “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “ba-ba”.

    But even if this does not happen, do not worry. The development of a child at ten months does not yet imply clear conscious speaking of words.

  10. The feelings of the baby and his emotional reactions become more diverse. So, for example, a 10-month-old baby may experience a feeling of jealousy. It manifests itself when another baby is in the center of attention of loved ones.
  11. Holds the mug firmly with both hands and drinks independently.

Height and weight of the child at 10 months

Due to the increasing motor activity the body weight of the child is no longer increasing at the same pace as before. For the tenth month, the baby is heavier by 400 - 450 grams and grows by 1 - 1.5 centimeters.

The baby still sleeps twice during the day and once at night. The total duration of sleep is 12 - 14 hours. Each child chooses their own mode. Some wake up earlier and, accordingly, go to bed earlier. Others sleep very little during the day, literally 30-40 minutes. If the baby sleeps twice during the day, make sure that the gap between daydreams was no more four hours. So you will avoid problems with laying down at night.

Parents should be very careful to observe the child and the signals that he gives. In this way, you can choose the optimal daily routine that is most suitable for the baby.


At 10 months, the child receives almost adult food. The exception is that it can be in a more crushed (ground) form.

Naturally, children should not be given fried or fatty foods. The same applies to canned food, smoked meats, semi-finished products and sweets.

Mix or breast milk the child receives at bedtime, at night or after the main meal as a drink.

Babies are usually applied to the chest more than is required to satisfy hunger or thirst. Don't worry. This is fine. Everything will fall into place when the baby and mother are ready to give up breastfeeding.

To instill a culture of nutrition in your baby, it is useful to organize joint meals. So the child will learn the skills of independent eating. In addition, a joint meal with the family is a great way to become even closer and kinder friend friend.

How to develop a child at 10 months?

At 10 months, the development of the crumbs, as before, occurs through the game. It is important for parents both to allocate separate time for this, and to weave game elements into the context. Everyday life families. It's just great if both mom and dad play with the baby, because their style of play is different.

  • in development motor skills it is important to help the baby improve in the skill of crawling and lay a strong foundation for subsequent walking.

Do not limit the baby outside the arena. Having secured the space in advance, let it float freely on the floor.

Spread toys on the floor to make it more interesting for the baby to crawl from one fun to another. To strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, it will be interesting to play catch-up. Of course, the child does not yet know how to walk well enough for this, but he is already crawling decently. The kid will be interested in both running away and catching up.

If the baby does not want to crawl at all, build a play tunnel at home. Show your child how to overcome it by crawling. A rare baby can resist such entertainment.

Show how it turns out to be easier to take the first steps if you hold on to a bed or sofa.

  • physical exercise. First of all, these are fitball exercises and exercises in the pool. This will strengthen the muscular frame of the baby and will serve to prevent umbilical hernia;
  • talk more to your child. Talk about the world around you and things. Accompany your actions with comments.

So you can learn the skill of joint cooking. Mom will cook on the stove in real dishes, and the baby, sitting on the floor, will repeat. It also has a positive effect on the motor skills of the hands.

At this age, the baby is easier to hear by ear. poetic forms, singsong speech. For a better understanding of fairy tales, you can use finger games.

Parents can make their own set finger toys for several stories. This great option family leisure.

  • role-playing games. Choose your favorite toy with your baby and show your baby how to take care of it - feed it, put it to bed, and so on. The baby will happily repeat these simple steps.

Young children are great imitators. And parents for them - best example to emulate.