Synopsis of plot role-playing in the younger group. Summary of the role-playing game "Hospital" in the second junior group

Valentina Amelchenko
Summary of the role-playing game "Hospital" in the second junior group

Synopsis of a role-playing game« Hospital» in second junior group.

Target: To form in children the ability to play role-playing game« Hospital» .


Develop the ability to choose a role (doctor, nurse, patient);

Perform several interrelated actions in the game with toys (listens sick, prescribes treatment, makes an injection, puts a thermometer, etc.);

Learn to interact with stories with two characters (doctor - sick) ;

Form skill accompany their actions by verbal designations;

Develop a dialogic form of speech;

Help to communicate kindly with each other.

Equipment and materials:

For games"Magic Pouch" (inside: thermometer, bandage, syringe)

Children's set " Hospital" (thermometer, syringe, phonendoscope, bandage, cotton wool, etc.);

Chairs for patients;

Dressing gowns for the doctor and nurse;

Preliminary work with children:

Excursion to the medical office in order to observe the work of a nurse in kindergarten;

- conversations on the topic: "Going to the doctor in the clinic", etc.

- viewing illustrations: « Hospital» , "Pharmacy";

Reading fiction literature: K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", V. Suteev "About a hippo who was afraid of vaccinations";

Didactic games;:"Who is this?", "Who needs what, "What is he doing?".

Creation and playback game and problem situations;

Teaching game techniques.

Game roles and rules:

At the initial stage in the game, the educator takes the leading role - the role of a doctor, a nurse, and in the future, this role is played by the children themselves. (joint actions with an adult by imitation, by model).

Game progress:

Children go into group stand around the educator.

caregiver: Guess guys riddle:

Seryozha coughs loudly.

He seems to have bronchitis.

They call the clinic

And they say to Seryozha:

- Do not be afraid and do not cry -

Kind children are coming to you unanimously: (doctor)

caregiver: That's right, guys, this is a doctor.

caregiver: If someone gets sick, adults or children, where do we go?

Children: IN hospital, to the clinic.

caregiver Q: What is the job of a doctor?

Children: Inspect sick prescribe treatment.

caregiver Q: What should a doctor be like?

Children: Attentive, caring, kind.

caregiver: Well done boys! Well, our time has come, let's play now! Do you want to play?

Children: Yes!

caregiver: Guys, let's play the game “What does the doctor need? To do this, we will take our magic bag.

(children choose from the proposed items the doctor needs and tell why, in their opinion, this or that item is needed).

Syringe - inject.

Thermometer - measure temperature.

Vata - to lubricate wounds.

Bandage - bandage the wound.

caregiver: Children, someone in our corner is crying. Oh, yes, this is Katya's doll. Now I'll ask her what happened and I'll tell you.

caregiver: Katya's doll has a sore throat. She was walking on the street, got her feet wet and caught a cold. Something needs to be done urgently. I came up with!.

Now I will put on a white coat and I will treat her. I will be a doctor.

Here I have hospital, my office. Here are the medicines

thermometers, syringes for injections, bandages ...

I also need an assistant - a nurse. She will write prescriptions and do procedures. Who wants to help me? (we choose a nurse from children).

Well, Katyusha, let me examine you.

Now I'll take a phonendoscope and listen to you.

In the lungs clean, open mouth: but the neck is red.

Now the nurse will write to you recipe: It's cough syrup. And you will definitely get better.

caregiver: Goodbye Katyusha no more pain.

Guys, now let's one of you be a doctor.

open hospital for everyone Come get treated soon. Come see a doctor. In order not to push, not to interfere with each other, patients can sit on chairs and wait for their turn. Look how many patients are sitting on chairs and everyone is in pain, let's help them?

Children - come on!

We choose a doctor and a nurse among the guys. (Example: doctor - Gosha, nurse - Ksyusha).

The teacher acts as an observer and, if necessary, helps to correct the children's play actions.

Doctor (Gosh): Hello, sick! Come on, sit down! Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

Patient (child): Hello. I fell and my arm hurts.

Doctor: Let's see what you have with your hand. Which big wound, now we will process it well, grease it with iodine, like this. Please go to the nurse, she will give you pain medication (makes an injection with a syringe). Get well. Goodbye.

Patient: Hello.

Doctor: Hello. Come on, sit down. Tell me what happened?

Patient: I have a stomach ache.

Doctor: Let's see, listen patient with a phonendoscope: "Breath! Do not breath"(doctor examines sick) . Nurse discharge sick pills.

caregiver: All people are examined, vaccinated, examined by a doctor. You see, guys, doctors help both adults and children. What are we going to tell them for this?

Children: Thank you!

caregiver: Always attentive, with love

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves

He most happy!

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Junior group


Target: Contribute to the enrichment of children's play experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline. To promote joint games of children and parents at home.

Previous work : Daily routine moments in kindergarten, didactic games with a doll, conducting a tour of the kindergarten, parents visiting the "We are a happy family" club (forming a certain behavior model with a child through a game).

Game material: dolls, toy dishes, furniture, substitute items, a nurse's kit (thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, vitamins).

Game roles: cook, nurse, educator, music worker.

Game progress:

Look how many groups there are in our kindergarten, there are a lot of children in them. Who is to take care that children live in kindergartens well and cheerfully? (children's answers).

First, the teacher himself shows the actions with objects.

For example, playing the role of a nurse, the educator prepares the necessary items: a thermometer, a syringe, cotton wool, vitamins, while using substitute items. After that, he invites one of the children to show what kind of work the nurse does (does vaccinations, massages, measures the temperature ...) so the teacher can play several roles.

Children distribute roles among themselves.

Alina: I will be a musician, I will teach dolls to sing songs and dance.

Educator: And who will Vika work for?

Vika: I'll be a nurse! (chooses his attributes).

Children begin actions with dolls, each performing its own role.

The teacher tells the children that it’s time for the dolls to go for a walk after class, and the Olya doll to go to the nurse for a massage, etc.

During the game, the teacher reminds about the regime moments of the kindergarten and helps to combine individual actions into a single storyline.

"New nurseries are open with us" There are beds in bright rooms "

Target: continue to educate children in cultural and hygienic skills.

Program content:

  1. Development of interest in the game.
  2. Consolidation of cultural and hygienic skills.
  3. Formation of positive relationships between children.
  4. Raising in children respect for the work of the laundress, respect for clean things.

Game material: Basins, baths, clothespins, buckets, irons, ironing boards, building materials, play bath accessories, substitute items, doll clothes, dolls.

Preparing for the game: excursion to the laundry of the kindergarten, conversations about cultural and hygienic skills, reading the fairy tale "Moydodyr".

Synopsis of a role-playing game
"Big Wash"
Second junior group

Game progress: a teacher in the form of Chistyuli runs into the group to the music, looks around and suddenly sees children sitting on chairs.

Educator (B) - Is this a kindergarten?

Well, I finally found you. Hello, my name is Chistyulya, and these are Pasha and Dasha dolls. We came to you from the country of Toys for help, and Moidodyr sent us. He says that there are the smartest and most skillful children in the kindergarten. They can help us. The fact is that the country of toys was captured by the evil sorcerer Gryaznulya and now all the toys there are dirty, untidy, in dirty clothes. Look at Pasha with Dasha. (the teacher shows dolls in dirty clothes, uncombed)

Gryaznul is afraid only of cleanliness, and in order to drive him out of the country of Toys, Pasha and Dasha must be taught the rules of self-care and clothing.

Well, can you help us?

- Let's help!

“Then first tell us what you need to do to be clean?”
- You need to wash, wash your hands, bathe, wash clothes.

- What do you need to wash?
- Soap, shampoo, washcloth.

What needs to be done to keep clothes clean?
- Wash it.

What do you need for laundry?
- Water, soap, powder, conditioner.

How are linens washed?
- By hand, in the washing machine.

- Tell me how to wash clothes, clothes?

Children say: pour water into a basin, pour powder or take soap, wash clothes, wring out, then rinse, wring out and hang to dry on a rope. We fix the linen on the rope with clothespins so that it does not fall. When the linen is dry, it needs to be ironed.

If you wash in the machine, then she does everything herself, only it is necessary to dry the linen and iron it.

— Do you have a washing machine in your group?
- No.

— Can you build it from building material?
Yes, we can.

“Then let the boys do it, and the girls will wash with their hands.”

You need to wash clothes for toys (shows a bag with doll clothes) and put Pasha and Dasha in order - wash, comb, put on clean clothes. Do you agree?
- Yes!

“Then get to work!”

(the teacher distributes who will do what work. During the game, he controls, prompts. When the children have “washed” the clothes and “washed” the dolls, he offers to rest a little while the laundry dries)

We tried our best,
We washed
And, of course, they were tired.
And now we'll rest
And we'll start work again.

(children with a teacher sit in a circle, and he makes riddles for them)

Smooth, fragrant
Washes clean.
It is necessary that everyone
It was… what, guys? (Soap)

Terry, fragrant,
Soft, fluffy.
Likes to get wet
Where to wipe wet. (towel)

Along with soap and water
I keep clean
Foam is not a pity for me,
I will crush you
I am ... a scourer.

“Maybe the clothes are already dry. The boys will go to take it off and put it in basins, and you girls guess:

Soap is different, different:
Blue, green, orange, red.
But why. I don't understand always
Is water black or black?

- Because when you wash your hands, the soap washes away all the dirt and the water turns black.

(the teacher invites the children to iron the linen, and those who washed the dolls to comb them and put them in clean clothes)

- Look at Pasha and Dasha, how clean and beautiful they have become.

And you taught them how to take care of themselves, wash clothes. Now they and other toys will teach this and the evil Dirty will run away.

Thank you very much guys. And now it's time for us to say goodbye and bring clean clothes to toys. And you put your toys in order. Goodbye!

The teacher leaves with the puppets.

Title: Synopsis of a role-playing game in the 2nd junior group "Big Wash"
Nomination: Kindergarten / Lesson notes, GCD / game lessons

Position: educator
Place of work: MADOU "CRR - DS No. 68 of Blagoveshchensk"
Location: Blagoveshchensk city, Amur region

Lana Ivakhina
Synopsis of the role-playing game "Hairdresser's" in the second junior group


To form the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions

Build the ability to interact stories with two characters

Learn to use while games hairdresser tools and call them

Develop dialogic speech, enrich vocabulary

Cultivate polite treatment, respect for work hairdresser

Cultivate friendships

game material: doll, aprons, cape, mirror, bottles, combs, hairpins, bows, a set of special toys "Children's hairdresser» .

vocabulary work: Hairdresser, master, hairdryer, apron, cape, women's salon, men's salon.

preliminary work: Work Talk hairdresser using illustrations, viewing plot pictures on the topic, recommendations for parents to visit barbershop, didactic games: "Choose a hairstyle for the doll", "What the artist messed up".

Children go into group stand around the educator.

Listen, I will give you a riddle, and you try to guess what we will play today.

We'll take the scissors from mom.

We will trim ourselves.

Cut off the hair from the crown

And open our ears.

The teacher draws the attention of children to drawings depicting a beauty salon.

Guys, I suggest you take a look at barbershop, it's light and Interesting: mirrors, perfume armchairs, large hall. IN barbershop a female master works who does hair for whom? (girls) And the male master? Who does the boys' hair. But before entering barbershop You can sit and wait your turn.

Katya doll came to me. Katya, what do you want to do with your hair? Haircut, hairstyle?

Hairstyle? Then sit back (does hair)

The hairstyle is ready. Look in the mirror. Like? Goodbye. Who's next for me? Hello Ilyusha, can I cut your hair? Sit down. Here are the scissors, here is the comb. The haircut is ready. Come again.

And now, Anya will hairdresser. She will put on an apron, and we will tie Dasha a cape so that her hair does not get on her clothes, and she will comb her hair. Anya is a master, this is her workplace.

Look what's on her table (children's answers)

Dasha sits down in a chair, Anya looks at how to comb her hair.

Anya will have lunch. Dasha, come on now you will hairdresser in women's salon, and Dima in the men's salon.

Invite visitors and ask what hairstyles they should do.

Hello! Come on, sit down! How to cut your hair? (with scissors or a typewriter, sprinkle with water)

And now Dasha will have lunch. Another will take her place hairdresser. (The game continues)

Outcome games: Did you enjoy barbershop? What did the workshop like the most? hairdresser?

Related publications:

Dear Colleagues! I want to show you the didactic game "Do your hair" and the manual "Braid the pigtail" for the role-playing game "Barbershop".

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Synopsis of the role-playing game "Hospital" in the second junior group Purpose: to form the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game action, unite again.

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Program content:

  • to teach children game skills, to promote the emergence of a game on the theme of a literary work;
  • to teach children to beat the plot, performing a certain role in the game;
  • to teach to interact with an adult as a game partner and with each other;
  • develop a game dialogue based on the plot of the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit";
  • to teach children to imitate the characteristic actions of characters and convey their emotional state;
  • to teach children, together with the teacher, to select attributes for the game, to use building material in the game;
  • give children initial ideas about the life of animals in Africa, develop coherent speech;
  • broaden horizons, enrich the vocabulary of children;
  • learn to read poems about animals loudly, emotionally, expressively; to replenish children's knowledge about the professions of a doctor, captain, sailor;
  • to cultivate a sense of empathy for the heroes of a literary work, a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Previous work:

  • Reading literary works: S. Marshak "Children in a cage"; K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"; V. Stepanov "Zoo"; V. Stepanov "Animal world of the Earth"; I. Turin “Who will the elephant tell about?”; E. Aksalintova "The Best Animals"; G. Gubanova "Riddles" for kids.
  • Examining illustrations. S. Nikolaeva and N. Meshkova from the series “The World Around Us. Animals"; N. Nishcheva from the series “The World of Nature. Animals”, from A.M. Head "Animal world of Africa".
  • Didactic games: "Guess the animals", "Zoological loto", "Animals of Africa", "Riddles about animals", "Cut pictures".
  • Conversations with children about the animals of Africa.
  • Viewing a literary work by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit".


  • Toys - Animals of Africa
  • Construction material
  • Palm trees decoration
  • African animal masks
  • Caps, binoculars, steering wheel


  • Host - traveler educator
  • Dr. Aibolit - junior educator
  • Barmaley is a child
  • The captain is a child
  • Sailors are a child
  • The postman is a child

During the classes

Leading: Hello children! They say that all the guys love to travel. This is true? Do you love? (Yes) That's good!

Today I invite you to take a fun trip to Africa.

You are ready? (Yes) Then, friends, let's go.

To the music, the children walk through the hall. Doctor Aibolit comes out to meet them.

Dr. Aibolit: Hello children!

Children: Hello!

Dr. Aibolit:

Which one of you is sick?
How do you live
How is the tummy?
Doesn't your head hurt?
I look from under the glasses
At the ends of the tongues
Everyone is healthy!
Then in order
Get on the charger!

(Charging to music)


He won't heal you
Good doctor Aibolit.

Dr. Aibolit:

Let's run and walk
Let's gather strength.
Our stomachs don't hurt
Like poor hippos.
We stretch our hands to the sun
And then sit down on the grass
Like eagles, we fly, soar,
We look in all directions.
Where is Africa - a country?
Maybe help is needed?

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text)

Postman: Dr. Aibolit! Dr. Aibolit! Here's a telegram from Hippo!

"Come, doctor,
Go to Africa soon
And save me doctor
Our babies!"

Dr. Aibolit:

What's happened? Really
Are your children sick?


Yes Yes Yes! They have angina
scarlet fever, cholera,
diphtheria, appendicitis,
Malaria and bronchitis!

Dr. Aibolit: What to do? do the same? I'm afraid I can't do it alone.

Leading: Doctor Aibolit, don't worry! Our guys are brave and courageous. They will help you.

Dr. Aibolit:

But on what, are we guys going to sail to Africa?
After all, off the coast of Africa the sea
Raging, noisy in space
And there is a high wave in the sea!

Leading: What are we guys going to sail to Africa on!

Children: On the ship.

Leading: Right. Our children will build a strong ship, and no

The waves won't scare us.

Music sounds. Children build a ship from large parts of the designer, set the helm, sail. The host distributes the roles - captain, sailors.

Leading: Today Kirill will be the captain, and Seryozha will manage the ship; all the rest are sailors.

The ship is ready! The team take their places! Raise the sails!

Captain: Got to raise the sails!

Leading: Full speed ahead! Captain: Full speed ahead!

The ship is on its way. Music sounds. The team raises the sail.


The wind blows the sail
And to distant shores
The ship is sailing on the waves.

Dr. Aibolit:

But the mountains get in my way.
And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper.
And the mountains go under the very clouds!
How to be?! What to do?! How do we get over the mountains?

Captain: To the right are the mountains.

Leading: Okay, we need to stop. We go to the coast.

Leading: Let's imagine that we are planes and fly over high mountains:

I pour gasoline into the tank,
I turn on the propeller.
“Motor to heaven, take it,
For the birds to sing"

Children perform movements in accordance with the text. Children represent airplanes. Music sounds.


No need to be afraid
neither rain nor hail
I'm flying around a cloud
Soaring like a white seagull
flew over the sea
without talking
I fly over the mountain.

Attention! Ahead on the course of Africa! We're landing!

During the "flight" scenery of palm trees and soft toys depicting African animals are exhibited.

Leading: Here we are in Africa! Guys, look how beautiful it is here!

See how beautiful palm trees are here? How many different animals are here.

Let's get to know them.

Children take animals and tell poems about them.

Leading: Vika! Who did you meet?

Vika: I met a hippo.

Meet the hippopotamus.
The hippopotamus lives in the water
All day he sleeps and sleeps,
Like a lazy fat whale.
He has four teeth
And just a huge mouth.
And it's a big miracle
Lives somewhere in Africa.

A lion.
The lion roars, frightening the echo:
The jungle is not funny at all
Everyone is afraid of the lion's roar
The lion hunts, used to.

Zebra wild horse
Runs away without looking back
Not given to people
And fights with hooves.

I am a big and kind elephant
Size Champion!
Ears are like blankets
Yes, I see a lot.

Easy to recognize a giraffe
It's easy to recognize him
He is tall
And sees far.

Everyone is afraid of the crocodile
We won't talk to him.
Teeth sharp as nails
We came here for a visit.

Turtle is just amazing!
Dish on top, dish on bottom
Walks quietly down the road
The head sticks out and the legs.

Tiger - a large predatory cat
The tiger lives in Africa
Striped like a mattress
He looks strictly at us
Hey don't get too close
I'm a tiger cub, not a pussycat! Rrr

wonderful bananas
In my homeland
monkeys live there
And there are no people at all.

Leading: Guys, let's let the animals go for a walk. And we will play with you and depict these animals.

(Children sing the song "I'm lying in the sun" and depict animals)

I'm lying in the sun
And I look at the sun
I'm lying
And I lie
And I look at the sun.
Crocodile - dil-dil
Only I'm lying
And I look at the sun.
A lion cub lies nearby
And wiggles his ears
Only me
I'm lying
And I look at the sun.

Disturbing music sounds. Barmaley appears.


Small children!
No way
Don't go to Africa
Walk in Africa!
Gorillas in Africa
In Africa, large
Angry crocodiles
They will bite you
Beat and offend -
Don't go kids
walk in Africa.

Leading: Wait, wait Barmaley! You won't scare us! We are brave guys and we know the fairy tale “Aibolit” well. That is why we are not afraid of you at all.

Barmaley: Aren't you afraid? Not a little? But maybe just a little?

Leading: You'd better show us the way to Mount Fernando Po, where sick animals are waiting for the doctor.

Barmaley: That's what life is like. No one is afraid of me, even small children. We'll have to help (addresses the guys). So I'll show you the way.

Barmaley leads the children along the path. At this time, the scenery of the mountain is exhibited.

Leading: Children, let's walk carefully so as not to go astray.

And here is Mount Fernando Po, and sick animals lie here. Guys, let's portray sick animals.

Children dress up African animal masks and pretend to be sick animals.


And Aibolit runs to the hippos,
And slaps them on the tummies
And all in order
Gives chocolate.
And puts and puts them thermometers!
So he cured them, Limpopo!
So he cured the sick, Limpopo!


Leading: And so our fun trip ended. It's time to go back to kindergarten. And in order for us to get to kindergarten, we need to close our eyes and say the magic words: “We will turn around ourselves and return to kindergarten.” Well, here we are in kindergarten.

Leading: Guys, where did we travel? (To Africa)

You enjoyed our trip. (Yes). What animals have you seen in Africa? (Elephant, giraffe, lion, tiger, etc.) And who treated sick animals? (Dr. Aibolit).

Dr. Aibolit: Guys, for your help, I want to reward you with chocolates. (Serves children)