How to develop the thinking of a child 2 years. Educational games for children of the younger group in kindergarten. Types of mental activity in preschoolers

Games for the development of thinking in preschoolers of the younger group of preschool educational institutions

The game "How the cockerel walks and fasts, how the dog runs and barks."

Target: to develop subject and game activities, horizons and imaginative thinking, speech apparatus and onomatopoeia.

: toy cockerel and dog.

Description: Children sit in a circle. The teacher shows a toy cockerel (dog), draws attention to how beautiful he is, shows how the cockerel walks (doggy runs), how he sings (barks). The “cockerel” approaches the child, the child reproduces the movements of the “cockerel” and imitates onomatopoeia.

Game "Nesting dolls".

Goals: to develop the ability to distinguish between the top and bottom of an object, to coordinate small movements of the hand; enrich vocabulary.

Game material and visual aids: double or triple matryoshka dolls with bright coloring.

Description: the teacher invites the children to consider two- or three-place nesting dolls and explains that they need to be disassembled and assembled correctly: put the smaller one into the larger one, observing the correct position (head up). Then, together with the children, consider nesting dolls and ask leading questions: “Show me where the head of the nesting doll is located? So this is the upper part of the matryoshka. Where is the bottom part of the matryoshka? Of course, where the pocket on the dress is. Etc.

The game "Wonderful bag".

Target: develop imaginative thinking, memory.

toys horse, bear, cat, bunny, bag, animal pictures.

Description: the teacher puts the toy animals in the bag. The child takes out a toy and reads a poem about this animal: if he finds it difficult to complete the task, then another child reads the poem. Etc.

The game "Toys ran away."

Target: develop memory, attention.

Game material and visual aids: toys.

Description: pick up a few items for the game, for example: a car, some cubes, doll furniture. Consider them with your child, determine how you want to play with them. Explain that you need to build a house for Katya's doll and put furniture there. Invite the child to go to another room. Arrange all selected items in different places. Call the child and tell him that all the toys have run away and you cannot find them. Let the child remember what they were going to play and find your toys:

Game tour of the house.

Target: develop speech, memory, attention.

Description: the teacher shows the doll, says that the Lyuba doll is tired of living in her dollhouse, she wants to go on a "journey" around the room.

Invite the child to show Luba everything that is in the group room, name each item and tell what it is for. Doll Lyuba is a curious girl and loves to ask questions. You can play for several days.

Game fix the mistake.

Target: develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Description: draw a child a picture with a deliberately incorrect detail in the plot, for example: a tree with green leaves, flowers, a rainbow and a snowman. Invite the child to find and show the mistake, justify his opinion.

The game "Pick up the cover."

Target: develop the skills of classifying and comparing objects.

Game material and visual aids: pans of various sizes with matching lids.

Description: the teacher tells the child that the lids from the pots are messed up, and offers to help pick up the lids by size.

Game "Find a house".

Target: develop matching skills.

Game material and visual aids: cards with images of hares: 3 with small hares and 3 with large ones; cards with images of houses: 3 small houses, 3 large ones.

Description: the teacher tells the child that the "bunnies" went out for a walk and got lost. Invites the child to help the "bunnies" find their "houses": small - small, large - large. (Lay out cards with images of houses in a chaotic order.)

The game "One is good, the other is here."

Target: to develop the skill of comparison, the ability to systematize objects according to their characteristics.

Game material and visual aids: 4 paper-cut circles 3 cm in diameter, 4 circles 6 cm in diameter, boxes for large and small circles.

Description: come up with a game plot, for example: grandmother baked pancakes - large (paper-cut circles with a diameter of 6 cm) and small (paper-cut circles with a diameter of 3 cm). Large ones for mom and dad, and small ones for kids. But all the pancakes are mixed up. It is necessary to help grandmother put them on plates: distribute large circles in a large box, small ones in a small one.

The game "Close the felt-tip pen."

Goals: develop the skill of systematizing objects by feature, fine motor skills; help remember colors.

Game material and visual aids: felt-tip pens with caps that repeat the color of the rod.

Description: remove the caps from the felt-tip pens, mix them. Invite the child to close each felt-tip pen with his own cap. Name the color of the cap and felt-tip pen. (The color of the cap matches the color of the rod.)

The game "Correct Carrot".

Goals: help to learn colors; develop the skill of classifying objects by color.

Game material and visual aids: figures of carrots of different colors, cut out of cardboard.

Description: cut the figures into two parts. Invite the child to “treat” the bunny with carrots. The child notes that green and blue carrots are not real, the bunny does not eat them. Therefore, it is necessary to collect all the orange figures.

Game "Green Sun".

Target: develop attention.

Description: draw a green sun. Show the picture to the child. Ask if you did everything right. When it turns out that the sun of this color does not look like the sun at all, invite the child to find and give the teacher a yellow pencil to correct the mistake.

The game "What kind of car - such a road."

Goals: develop attention; help to learn colors.

Description: draw some small cars of different colors. Invite the child to color the paths under them. (The color of the road must match the color of the car.)

The game "The ball is gone."

Target: develop color perception.

Game material and visual aids: multi-colored plastic balls.

Description: the teacher invites the child to play with colorful balls: examine them, name the color of each ball, roll it, throw it into a box, etc. Hide one of the balls imperceptibly. Draw the attention of the child to the fact that there are fewer toys. Ask if he remembers what color the lost ball was. "Find" the ball and show it to the child. If he correctly named the color, praise him, otherwise, name the color of each balloon again.

The game "Pick up clothes."

Target: develop color perception, fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: doll clothes, doll.

Description: the teacher demonstrates the doll, says that the doll has been naughty in the morning and cannot choose a dress for herself. Offers to help the doll get dressed. The doll is naughty: "I want a yellow dress!" Invite the child to find a yellow dress among the clothes. Looking at the dress, the doll changed her mind: “No, I don’t want a yellow dress, I want a blue sundress!” And so on. When the doll nevertheless chooses clothes for herself, invite the child to pick up socks and a handkerchief of the same color.

The game "Pick up the thread."

Target: develop the skill of matching objects.

Game material and visual aids: deflated multi-colored balls, threads of the same colors as the balls.

Description: show the child the balls and offer to pick up a thread of the same color for each of them. After successfully completed the task, inflate the balloons and play with them.

Correct me game.

Target: develop color perception, attention, memory.

Description: the teacher demonstrates a drawing in the color scheme of which a mistake was deliberately made, for example: a tree with blue leaves, a purple apple or a green sun. Invite the child to explain what is wrong in the picture. Draw the picture again without coloring it, let the child do it on his own.

Game "Drowned? We'll get it!"

Goals: develop observation, fine motor skills; to promote the development of the skills of classifying objects by properties.

Game material and visual aids: objects sinking in water (pebbles, spoons, screws, etc.); objects that do not sink in water (plastic toys, a ball, wooden planks, etc.); container with water; two empty buckets.

Description: put a container of water in front of the child and spread out all the items. Offer to observe how this or that object behaves in water. Throw objects into the water one by one. Ask the child, taking objects out of the water, put them in different buckets: those that sink - in one, those that do not sink - in another.

The game "Either sinking or not."

Goals: develop observation; learn about the properties of objects.

Game material and visual aids: different types of paper: notebook sheet, landscape sheet, paper napkin, cardboard, glossy magazine sheet, newspaper sheet, water container.

Description: put a container of water in front of the child. Recall how sinking and non-sinking objects were taken out and laid out. Offer to see how paper behaves in water. Alternately lower the prepared samples into the water, commenting on what is happening. Show the child how to “sculpt” figures from wet paper.

The game "Who is faster."

Target: to help master the category "long - short".

Description: tie ropes to two cars - short and long. Give the child a car with a short rope and offer to see whose car gets to the owner first if everyone winds their rope around a pencil. Change ropes and repeat the game. Putting the ropes side by side, clearly show what is “long” and what is “short”.

The game "Think and put."

Target: develop ideas about the location of objects in space (inside, above, below, below, above, between, left, right).

Description: invite the child to put an object in a certain place, for example: “Put this piece of paper under a large book. The book is on the table”, “Put the notebook between the coloring book and the album”, etc.

The game "Near, in front of, about."

Target: develop ideas about the location of objects in space, speech, imagination.

Game material and visual aids: several toys.

Description: invite the child to ride in the “bus”. Let him choose a comfortable place for himself. Place toys around the child. Together with the child, come up with names for the stops or recall those familiar to him: “The one who is sitting behind you is interested in what the stop will be now? Look who's asking this? “Whoever sits next to you wants to know where this bus is going? And who is sitting next to you? Etc.

The game "Accommodate guests."

Target: develop ideas about the location of objects in space, speech, attention.

Description: The doll has a birthday. She invited guests, prepared a treat. Now we need to think about how to place the guests at the festive table. The teacher argues with the child: “The bunny cannot be planted next to the wolf, he will offend the bunny, let's put him next to the cockerel, they are friends, remember the fairy tale“ Zayushkina hut ”, where the rooster saved the hare from the fox? And we will place the wolf between the fox and the bear, because they are all predators. The chicken will sit next to its mother, the hen, and the hen will sit next to the rooster. On one side of the rooster there will be a hare, and on the other - a chicken, etc. Repeat the order again. When guests arrive, instruct the child to seat them correctly.

The game "Right hand, left foot."

Goals: develop attention, sensory sensations; introduce the concepts of "right - left".

Description: invite the child to tie a bell to his right hand and do fun exercises. If the phrase “Right hand” sounds, you need to raise your right hand with a bell and ring them. If the phrase “Left hand” sounds, you need to raise your free hand and wave it. Complicating the game, you can repeat the same phrase several times in a row, tie a bell to your left leg, while including the phrases “left leg”, “right leg” into the game.

The game "Based on the" Three Bears ".

Target: develop matching skills.

Game material and visual aids: toys that repeat the characters of the fairy tale (large, medium, small bears).

Description: Remind your child of the story of the three bears. Offer to invite the characters of the fairy tale to visit. "Coming" guests should be seated at the table. Remember who sat on which chair. Give the child three plates of different sizes, offer to distribute them to the bears, without indicating which of them is entitled to which plate. Watch the child. If he does not cope with the task, explain that the father-bear eats from a large plate, the mother - from the middle one, and the bear cub - from the small one. Let the child independently arrange the cups in front of the bears according to their size.

Greetings, dear readers!

My review today is about self-development and education of your child. Of course, now many are pinning their hopes on development centers, circles and kindergartens, but you should not rely on them, because we, parents, should be the first teachers of our children!

And in the education of my child, child benefits take up a lot of space. Today I will tell you about an interesting, varied series of methodologist Olga Nikolaevna Zemtsova "Smart books 2-3 years old". I started with this age group, since we had a complete set of "School of the Seven Dwarfs 0-1 year" and "School of the Seven Dwarfs 1-2 years".

So, let's begin.

Series "Smart books 2-3 years".

publishing house- "MACHAON".

Place of purchase- Internet hypermarket "Ozon".

This series includes the following tutorials:

Quite an impressive list, isn't it? I will tell you about our benefits so that you can assess the need for a specific benefit for your child.

And today I'm going to tell you about "THE PROBLEM FOR THE MIND". This is a mindset development tool.

Price- 45 rubles.

The sheets are thin, the cover is glossy.

There are only 16 pages in the manual.

When completing tasks, the child needs to think, reason, and speak.

Assignments are interesting and varied.

The tasks from this manual develop the attention and observation of the child, pushing him to reasoning. I would recommend purchasing this book.

My child could go through the whole book of 16 pages in one "lesson". Of course, you have to remove it for 2-3 weeks, and then go through it again. In this regard, of course, it is not convenient. But using ingenuity and imagination, you can diversify the tasks by inventing something of your own, thereby prolonging the child’s interest in it for a short while.

PS I purchased all the benefits in the Ozon online hypermarket, because in the shops of the city they sell literally 1-2 benefits. Therefore, when purchasing at Ozone, decide in advance what benefits you need, because there is paid delivery, and ordering 2 times is very expensive.

Everyone understands how reasonable behavior differs from unreasonable. Thinking means organizing purposeful activity, using your knowledge and skills, taking into account what is happening around, tracking the results obtained and correcting the mistakes made.

According to modern ideas, intelligence is not just one thing, which some people have more of, while others have less. On the one hand, this is a set of relatively independent abilities (linguistic, motor, logical-mathematical, visual, musical, and some others), on the basis of which the corresponding knowledge and skills are formed, on the other hand, working memory serving all types of thinking. Sufficient speed of mental actions is also important.

The more a person knows, the more intelligent he is considered. However, for mental activity, it is important whether the learned mass of information is organized into a single system or whether it consists of many unrelated “records”.

Some ways thinking absorbed by people naturally, without much effort. Others, such as reading, writing, counting, various types of professional thinking, etc., need to be specially trained.

In what area is your intelligence child will be the most obvious - it is difficult to predict. "Superhumans", i.e. gifted in all respects, people, if ever, are born, then very rarely. It remains to carefully observe what your baby is interested in and what he does best.

IN table the stages of development are given thinking child from 1 to 3 years.

1. Reactions

2. Approximate
(in months)

Performs actions with objects (comb, spoon, etc.) in accordance with their functional purpose

Finds a hidden toy under one of the 4 covers if it was hidden in front of him

Pulls a hidden object by a string

Shows 3-5 body parts on himself

Puts all (68) cubes in a box

Builds a tower of 3-4 cubes

Inserts blocks into shaped holes of the appropriate shape

Putting things back in their place

Sorts objects (pear - apple, top - cubes, etc.)

Builds a 3-dice bridge after showing

Among 5 pictures, he finds one “same” as shown by an adult

Among 10 pictures, he finds one “same” as shown by an adult

Among 4-5 objects he finds one that matches his drawing

Adds a cut picture from 2 parts

Arranges items by size (large - small) in two different boxes

Folds a picture of a person cut into 6-7 parts on a whole sample picture

Folds a cut picture into 4 parts

Among 4-5 objects finds one corresponding to the pattern of its characteristic part

12-18 months

More mature working memory, visual and auditory perception, voluntary movements make it possible to control entire processes consisting of 2-3 repetitive actions. Children learn to eat with a spoon, build a tower of cubes, insert curly blocks into the corresponding slots, repeat everyday actions with objects, etc. It is characteristic that this activity is controlled by the child - after being distracted, he continues what he started, corrects the mistakes and inaccuracies made. At the same time, a sense of humor appears.

18-36 months

The child increases the amount of knowledge, skills, vocabulary and working memory. As a result, thought processes acquire a new quality. Awareness of oneself and others generates role-playing games. For example, a child imagines himself in the role of "mom" or "dad" and begins to do something "pretend": cook food, drive a car, go to the store, etc.

Direct goal-directed activity is successfully developing: he can already dress himself (except for fastening buttons and tying shoelaces), correctly uses a fork and spoon, and builds structures from cubes.

By the end of the third year, you can talk with him on some topics: about him, about his relatives, about toys, etc. He understands the meanings of several prepositions, correctly assigns objects to certain classes (“food”, “clothing”, “animals”) and has an idea about people of different sex, age and professions. The beginning of logical thinking also belongs to this time. This is evidenced by his judgments and conclusions. In grammar, he is so oriented that sometimes he invents new words.


Two year olds love their toys. The more you come up with games that involve their toys, the more excited they are about it.
Sit on the floor with your baby and place more toys in front of you.
Start sorting them by color. "Let's choose all the red toys and put them in a separate pile."
You can also sort toys by size or other qualities (toys on wheels, animal toys, etc.).
Ask your child how he thinks the toys can be sorted. There are many ways you can think of, especially if you help the baby.


An adult invites the children to go through different "gates" - high or low. If the leader says that the gate is high, then you can go straight, and if it is low, you have to bend over.
Children walk in a circle, and whoever did not bend over in time, sits down to rest.
The game can be complicated, different shades can be introduced into it: very high (jump up), very low (crawl), etc.


(for the development of dialectical thinking)
A game similar to the previous one. Each child is given an empty bag or bag. Children are told: “Each of you carries a bag. The bag can be heavy or light. Show how to carry a light bag. Children show. “Now show me how to carry a heavy bag. So. And now you can play. You will seem to be carrying bags, and I will say what kind of bags you have: heavy or light. And you will carry your own bag.”
Here you can also enter shades: a very heavy bag (the bag is placed on the floor) and a very light one (the bag folds).
Similarly, you can build a large number of games: "fast-slow", "sad-fun", "hot-cold", "light-dark", etc.


(for the development of thinking and orientation in space)
Prepare a small hill. It can be any plank placed at an angle to the plane of the table.
Draw a line at some distance from the slide (you can put a thread). Give the child a small ball and ask him to roll the ball down the hill so that it stops near the line.
Naturally, at first the baby will make mistakes, but after a while he will learn to accurately find the ratio of the location of the ball on the hill and the range of its run. You can also play this game as a competition ("Whose ball will more accurately roll to the line?").
The same task can be offered to older children, somewhat complicating it. You can put a bar on the way of the ball, and a small gate to the side. The child is given the task of positioning the block in the path of the ball so that the ball, hitting it, hits the goal. This task can be varied many times by changing the angle of the slide and the location of the gate.


Together with the baby, start looking at his favorite book.
Ask him questions from the pictures that are incorrect.
If the picture shows cows grazing, ask: "Is this dog eating grass?"
If in the picture the bears found Masha sleeping in their bed, ask: “Is this bear called Masha?”.


Cut out rectangular tickets from colored paper. The paper must be strong enough. Cardboard is perfect for this purpose.
Ask your child if he wants to ride a cow. Ask him for a blue ticket.
After you get the right ticket from him (help the baby if he doesn’t understand colors well), put him on his knees and shake him up and down. Moo at the same time: "Moo, moo."
Keep up the good work: ask for a ticket of one color or another and make the sounds of various animals.
With a baby, limit yourself to 2-3 colors, and an older child will be able to cope with more names and colors and animals.
Soon the baby will tell you on whom he wants to ride.
Encourage your child to use plush animals in this game.


Thoroughly wash the tetrapack from under the dairy products (it looks very much like a house).
Provide the child with self-adhesive colored pieces of paper, and let him stick windows, doors and generally decorate the house.
Take a close look at your own home as you walk. Discuss with your child what doors, windows, pipes, steps, etc. look like and what they are for.
From this game, the baby will not be torn off.

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No one doubts that a good memory is an important advantage. Early age (before 3 years) is a good time for memory development. It is at this time that it develops best. What games for the development of memory are useful to play with children 2.5 - 3 years old?

Learning to compare objects.

For a good memory, we learn to compare objects. You may be surprised, but it is true. Therefore, we teach the child to look for similarities and differences, to be observant.

Children already know their toys, they are called somehow, for the most part they understand "the same - not the same." However, it is useful to make sure that the child understands you correctly: showing the picture, ask him "what (who) is this." If the baby still does not understand, show and tell yourself. When in doubt, start with the simplest.

Comparison game "Find a Pair"

Place three pictures in a row in front of the child. At first they are supposed to be very different so that the differences are conspicuous, obvious. "Couples" to the pictures in your hands. First for comparison, choose the last picture in the row, then you will have the opportunity to compare it with all the previous ones - training in observation.

Take a picture of a cat and, applying it to the dog from below, ask: is it the same? If the child is at a loss or answers incorrectly, give the correct answer and explain how they differ. Move the picture under the ball, repeat the comparison. Having reached the cat, I think you will get the correct answer. Discuss how the pictures are similar. Specify with a phrase like: the cat found the same girlfriend, the cats are the same.

Drawings can be colored or the same as ours - such as coloring pages. Not everyone has a color printer, printing somewhere is an expensive pleasure. Uncolored pictures can be printed on a regular printer and painted by hand, choosing the right color.

Pictures for kids, in our opinion, should not be made too colorful so that the shape is not lost behind the color.


1. Entrust the kid to lay out the pictures (each time a different set) on their own.

2. Increase the number of pictures when the child copes easily (each time by one). There are enough of these on the internet.

3. Take some balls, for example. How are all balls similar (round, the same size). And then the comparison procedure as above. Or some cars, mushrooms, etc.

4. Each time the set will increase, and the differences between the pictures will decrease. We give an example of options for comparison from Alina Zakrevskaya.

It must be taken into account that young children quickly become fed up with activities and lose interest in it. As soon as you see signs of satiety, stop the activity and remove the pictures so that they do not become habitual. Do not demand an exact repetition of your actions. Just show an example of the comparison yourself each time.

The ability to compare is a great thing, the main mental operation. It is often lacking in schoolchildren, even excellent students. The speed of thought processes and the so-called visual grasp depend on it. Meanwhile, memory and thinking are easily developed in the game.