Wishes to a man in your own words, just like that. Happy birthday greetings to a man in your own words

Our dear, we congratulate you on your birthday! Let health be heroic, income - stable, house - cozy, friends - faithful, work - interesting. May love always surround you, good luck in everything! Remain in any situation as you are - courageous, reliable, self-confident!

Happy Birthday! May all your dreams come true and your goals be achieved, success accompanies your entire life path. Let health never fail, and the many smiles of children, loved ones and relatives warm your world every day and make you move forward!

Happy Birthday! Wish happy days, harmony and understanding in the family, faithful, reliable friends, well-being, love, stand firmly on your feet and confidently walk through life! Be strong and courageous. All earthly goods!

Happy Birthday. I want to always stay strong man, cheerful person. May there be failures and anxieties far from you, may there always be loving relatives and friends near you. I wish you health, stronger steel and confident big victories.

Let life please you with bright happy moments, and troubles bypass. Let the people around you appreciate and respect you. Always remain the same sweet, bright and wonderful person!

On your birthday I would like to wish you a bright life, delightful emotions, more reasons for joy and good mood. Be loved and loving, courageous and successful, kind and rich, brave and happy, healthy and fair. Good luck in your business, luck, prosperity and female attention! As well as stormy emotions and admiration of fans.

On your birthday, I want to sincerely congratulate you and wish that life gives many joyful events, always plays with new colors, there is a lot of health and strength, and very few problems!

Congratulations on your birthday! Let this day be for you a transition to a new step in your life. I wish you every year to become more courageous, luckier, stronger and, of course, healthier. May all your dreams come true soon and, at the same time, new ones appear. I also wish that there are always true friends nearby who will help and support at any moment. May all your family and friends be happy. Please us every day with your radiant smile and wonderful mood. We, in turn, promise to help you without fail.

I wish you to always remain as strong, courageous and self-confident. Reliable and faithful friends who will always understand and support, strong and sincere love, so that until old age, and work such that it pleases, inspires and brings good income. And also good health, so that long years stay rich. Happy birthday!

I wish that “Lady Luck” always remains on your side, and you easily conquer the highest goals. I wish you good health, strength and quick fulfillment of all your cherished dreams. Happy birthday!

Amazing hello everyone!

A sweet wish uttered in an affectionate tone will not only create good mood, but also inspire your man to heroic deeds.

Wishes to your beloved, "Good mood"

Nothing cheers a guy up like a sincere compliment from the lips. loved one. Passionate wishes whispered in your ear will pleasantly surprise your loved one and create a good atmosphere in communication.

The bright sun woke up
In a sweet languor stretched,
He shook himself, smiled cheerfully.
Now shines outside the window.
And you better wake up
Enjoy the bird trill.
With hot coffee at the table
Let a happy day into your home.

  • Let a good mood protect you from failures like an umbrella from the rain.

Come on, stop moping
Well, stop being sad.
If you sleep, wake up soon
Read all of this and smile.

  • I kiss you to the point of insanity. Just like that, to cheer up.
  • Read this SMS and get a positive charge for the whole day.
  • Remember: lady luck favors smiling people.
  • I want so much… I really want my knight to have a great mood all day long.

Be cheerful and playful.
If necessary, be obstinate.
This is your day, nothing else.
Luck awaits you today.

  • On the wings of joy I fly, I want to see you.

Good morning, sweet miracle.
I will be your talisman today.
I will keep from anxiety and excitement
And protect your mood from bad moods.

  • Eh, it's good when there is a mood. And if the mood is good, life is generally successful.
  • I wish you a positive ocean, and you, so that you swim in it like a fish.
  • And our life will have its own rules: no black and white stripes, only one solid rainbow.

Good wishes for a man, just like that

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are actually very emotional beings and love to hear in their address. Talk to a man just like that, without demanding anything in return. You will be pleasantly surprised by the changes that have taken place in your loved one.

I'll take watercolors
I will paint the days of summer.
Add bright colors
Your gray days.
And no matter where you are
You: with me or with someone,
I wish only one
To be loved.

  • Don't make the terrible mistake of leaving home without a smile!

Let's run away from evil people
Far away, over a hundred seas.
There we will rest
Sing, have fun and dance.

  • Remember: you are the scriptwriter of your life. What will it be: drama, comedy or fantasy - it depends only on you.
  • You are my most safe place on the planet.

I want you to build your own house.
Most the best place in the world,
Where will they take care of your happiness
Pretty wife and lovely kids.

  • Do not be lazy to collect fond memories. They come in handy during the cold season.

To be in love means to suffer
And learn to fly without wings.
To be loved means to be dear
The most beautiful, smart, native.
What gives love: Hell or Heaven?
You answer this question yourself.

  • And who is sitting here so serious? Remember, dear, laughter is a powerful weapon against failure.

I want to always be by your side,
Ready to be your slave.
We are one. We are indivisible.
You are the warrior who has become my master.

May good morning
Gives a cheerful mood
The sun of warmth and bright colors,
True friends without vile masks.

There are many. A sincere compliment in any case will cheer up a man. And it doesn't matter if it sounds in or in prose.

  • I am not myself today. I laugh all the time like crazy. I hope you are in a good mood too.
  • Do you know that I can spell? Yes Yes. Now I'll take it and conjure you luck for the whole day.
  • Love you, kiss you, hug you. I look forward to our meeting and miss you.
  • Read the next word "smile" slowly. Can you feel it blossom on your face?
  • Already halfway to you. Your Happiness.
  • Do not frown, otherwise wrinkles will form. And you are beautiful without them, my knight, my man.
  • Today, nothing will overshadow your mood. After all, Luck and Luck will be side by side.
  • Do you know what they say: "Who gets up early, the Lord gives him"? I'll add: "Whoever laughs merrily succeeds in everything."
  • Let's take Happiness by the hand. Let's go with him to "you" for a minute. And breaking the locks of prohibitions, we will turn failures into a funny joke.
  • You know, there is no more attractive picture in the world than the smile of a happy man.
  • open little secret: you're the most loved one. There is no better you in the world.
  • Your aroma is steeper than wine intoxicates. Your gaze is a magnet for me. These feelings are like an obsession. They are stronger than earth's gravity.
  • I will not hesitate to shout loudly: “I want to be with you alone!”

Dear girls, do not be afraid to make formidable warriors, show love. Caring attitude will return to you a hundredfold. After all, men will not only be in a good mood, but also ready to fulfill all your wishes.

Happy birthday, I want to wish self-confidence, profitable, calm and beloved work, stable, strong, large and happy family, unforgettable impressions, an expensive car, a country cottage, a house full of friends, confidence in the future.
Happy birthday! Let there be more sharp turns in your life, the refrigerator is bursting at the seams, and money falls out of the bags. Lives in an aquarium gold fish, fulfilling your any desires, and in the bedroom your beloved kisser and hugging is sleeping.

Best wishes! Health, happiness, sea smiles and love the size of an ocean! And most importantly, always remain beautiful, smart and charming!

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what is possible and given. After all, you can't live life again. Love always and you will be loved. May this bright and high day bring you only joy, success and health.

Happy Birthday! May all your dreams come true and your goals be achieved, success accompanies your entire life path. Let health never fail, and the many smiles of children, loved ones and relatives warm your world every day and make you move forward!

On this beautiful birthday, I want to wish you success cherished desires, incredible happiness, sincere and true love, success and luck, all the best in life!

Happy Birthday. I wish you to always remain a strong man, a cheerful person. May there be failures and anxieties far from you, may there always be loving relatives and friends near you. I wish you health, stronger steel and confident big victories.

Happy Birthday. I wish that strength and endurance do not decrease, that desires and dreams do not disappear. So that not only a birthday, but every subsequent day bring satisfaction from life, inspiration for accomplishments and the desire to live, love, create.

Happy birthday! On this day I wish you to always be cheerful, positive, healthy, strong, courageous, lucky, happy, loved. To be surrounded by people who love you.

Today we have selected the most beautiful wishes With Good morning man. And it doesn't matter where he is, next to you or not. You can always wish good morning by phone. This will cheer him up for the whole day.

So wishes. Good morning beloved man in his own words are beautiful, what words to choose and how best to express your love - later in the article.

I wish you that your life be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like a glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

On your birthday, I would like to congratulate you, and wish you from the bottom of my heart - financial well-being and achieving goals, may work bring satisfaction and joy, may the most cherished dreams, desires so that yours all come true and friends are not forgotten.

Happy birthday! Today we will fulfill all your desires, and also wish you together to live happily ever after, because who, if not you, deserves the best? Perhaps it is impossible to find such a second wonderful person, and therefore - happiness to you, prosperity, good luck, indestructible health and true love!

I want to wish you on your birthday that you be simple like the wind, inexhaustible like the sea, and like the earth, full of memory. Be light on your feet, like the sail of a ship, be cheerful, like the songs of the waves rustling in the open. And may the whole thrill of life of all times and races always live in you!

Happy Birthday! Be healthy, strong successful person. We wish prosperity, love, happiness, good luck, good mood. May true friends always surround you, colleagues respect you at work, and relatives cherish and protect you at home.

Our native, good, clean, our man is charming, I will give you love and respect. May all your wishes come true at the pike command. I wish you to be healthy, successful and in love, even if not with me. Happiness to you!

I want to wish you that all adversity rushes away, and your future would fill the light of joyful happiness. So that in your family, where you are undoubtedly the head, advice and love reign, so that your health becomes stronger! And we, all your relatives, promise never to upset you!

My dear, I so want to fall asleep in your arms, I want to hear your gentle velvety voice, feel the touch of your strong hands. I so want to meet you in the land of fabulous dreams. Good night I fall asleep thinking only of you, my love.

Darling, if you only knew how I do not want to fall asleep alone, how I want to feel protected in your strong arms. You are my ray of sunshine, my weakness, my personal brand of heroin. Sweet and sweet dreams.

Beloved, I wish that all your best and brightest dreams come true. I wish that in a dream solutions to all problems come to you. My only one, I miss you, I'm waiting for you.

Today I felt very good and comfortable with you, and I would not want to part with you, but we need to rest, therefore, my dear, I would like to wish you the best, brightest and most tender dreams and a quiet night.

You are the most charming, incredible and amazing man. You gave me a lot of happiness, smiles and tenderness. I want us to turn into one ocean, I can't forget about you and I want to meet in a dream. Have a good and amazing night, my one and only.

In the morning, when you wake up, everything will be fine. Do not think about anything, because the guardian angel will protect your sleep. Candy dreams, adorable Bunny.

My cat, without you, every night seems too long to me, and I will try to fall asleep faster in order to wish you in the morning have a good day. Murky dreams to you.

My only one, when I close my eyes, I imagine that I am with you under the covers on such a cold winter night. I'm sorry I can't be with you right now. So for now, I can only wish you pleasant and warm dreams. Rest, my dear.

My gentle, affectionate, intelligent and most beloved man, I wish you dizzying sweet dreams. A soft and comfortable bed for you, my protector.

There are not enough words in the world to describe my feelings for you. It's a pity, honey, that I can't hug and kiss you right now. Being with you is happiness for me. Sweet dreams, my gentle Pupsy.

I hope I didn’t tire you with my chatter, because I really didn’t want to say goodbye to you. I want you to sleep well and go into battle tomorrow with renewed vigor. Adore you.

The only one, you, like a bright star in my life, light my way with yours. flawless radiance. And I want you to always shine brightly for me all my life. I love you and wish you the most fabulous and pleasant dreams.

My happiness, today is another night that I will spend without you. But the longer the separation, the happier the meeting will be. Good night, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.

I believe that soon we will fall asleep in the same bed. In the meantime, I will hug your shirt and imagine that it is you next to me. Sweet dreams, the only one, I send you my passionate kiss.

With all my heart I miss you madly every minute, and I look forward to when we fall asleep together again embracing. In the meantime, I wish you magical dreams and sincerely hope that we will meet in the land of fabulous dreams.

I still feel the taste of your kisses on my lips, and I look forward to the next meeting. But we need to gain strength before tomorrow's difficult day, so I go to sleep and wish you the strongest and sweetest dreams.

My sweet, already very late time and it's time for me to go to bed. And I want us to succumb to the charm of this beautiful night together. Dear and only, I wish you good and interesting dreams.

My sun, for tomorrow I ordered a good mood for you, and in order to get it, you need to go to bed now. So I wish you bright and romantic dreams.

My happiness, I look forward to when you will be there again, how you will hug me tightly and kiss me. Thank you for having you, and I will do everything to make you happy. Most good night you.

My gentle, dear, beloved, beloved, incredible, my sun, let all the most pleasant and beautiful dreams will be yours. I kiss and hug you tightly, I love you.

My dear, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most tender and restful sleep. So that you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your dream! Gently kiss, tightly hug and very very madly in love with you!

I wish you the best, calm and Good night! Let your dreams be only beautiful and filled with the most fantastic dreams. And may this night give you strength to turn every dream into reality!

My sweet, I really would not like to part with you now and continue to talk about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it's time to rest. Good night, my joy. I hope that we will meet in a dream, so as not to part even for a minute.

My love, I wish you good night. May you have wonderful dreams and cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give you a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

Good night my love. I wish you a good and wonderful dream, so that you sleep well and wake up in good mood and with soul inspiration. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and may the morning bring bright joy and rays of good luck.

I wish you this evening to be really kind, and the night to be truly calm. May you have the most beautiful and always colorful dreams!

Good and gentle, good night to you, my love! Let the moon gently whisper my words to you about how much I adore you, love and appreciate you, and shower the stars your face tender kisses that I send you! And then the night will pass fabulously, bringing you and me a new day and our love as a gift!

So the remnants of the day burned out, descended to the ground gray evening. Let the old day take away with it all disturbing thoughts and experiences. And you, wrapped in a blanket, close your eyes and surrender to a serene sleep. May you certainly dream of happiness. Good night.

So ended a long day full of events and vivid impressions. Close your tired eyes and you will be carried away night sleep- fabulous and unique. Let it be kind and colorful, and in the morning you will wake up in a great mood. In the meantime, good night!

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Let New Year won't be too strict with you
And fulfills all cherished dreams!
I wish you that always from a hundred roads,
You found one - yours, without delay!

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Wish for a man

Be, like Valuev, strong and fearless,
As if Medvedev is smart and rich.
Mil like Jude Law, only brighter and more beautiful,
And, like Yesenin, a skillful talent.

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Wish for a man

Be strong and healthy
Ready for exploits
Like a real man
Make girls fall in love
In your mind and romance
In a sparkling personality.

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Wish from February 23

I want to wish men
On your men's February day,
To happiness for no reason
It ran towards you like a deer!

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Erotic wish for a man

Let your lips whisper to me about love, your skillful hands do not get tired of caressing me and giving pleasure, your passion will never fade away.

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Poem - a wish for a man on his 60th birthday

The date is round of course
We hasten to congratulate you.
Be always successful
Cheerful, bright, young.
We wish you health
And a bean, so as not to count.
What more does a man need
Who has everything?

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Wishes to a beloved ex-man

The fire in you has already gone out,
Left to smolder in my soul.
It's so strange to know already that "EX",
And don't bring you back.
I wish you well
I want to leave without further ado.
Be happy, my dear, dear!
You took a part of your heart with you.

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Good morning wishes for a man

Here you are awake! First of all, I wish you safely find slippers, one in front of you, and the second behind the sofa. Secondly, I wish Bon appetit, I have already made coffee, fried eggs and a fatty piece of bacon to it, and there are also toasts with jam, because all men have a sweet tooth. I wish you don’t forget to kiss me before you go to work and also don’t tie your tie crookedly. Good morning!

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Happy birthday to a man, it’s good to wish to be strong like a bear, dexterous like a lion and fearless, like a real courageous man! And also, let the hero of the day be cheerful and witty, always surrounded true friends, beautiful ladies and loved ones. Good luck, let him go one step ahead of him, and ailments and enemies bypass him. Let things argue at work, colleagues respect, and wages grow by leaps and bounds! Let, when he meets his only one, she will be at least a princess from a fairy tale, and the mother-in-law will get the kindest. And yet, you should definitely wish the next birthday to be just as fun.

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Sms wishes for a beloved man

New Year is the time for new plans and fresh ideas! I wish in next year there were more fateful accidents!

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Happy New Year!

Another year of your life is coming! Promise to be good boy? Will you mind? Will you quit smoking? Will you do sports? For what? No promises, just enjoy life in the New Year!

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Happy birthday wishes for a man

Happy Birthday! You are a man and you should always remember this, I wish you to remain as courageous and confident. So that women can always find support and consolation in you, and friends reliable shoulder and help! In a word, happy birthday and be a real man!

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What to wish a man on his birthday? It depends on who you want to dedicate the wish to: your beloved, husband, friend, work colleague or boss.
Birthday wishes for men can be written in prose, in verse, sent in the form of SMS messages.
For example, a wish for a husband in prose:
Darling, I wish you stay the same a good husband, a caring son and a sensitive father and just an interesting and self-sufficient person. We are happy that we have you.
Or, for example, a wish for SMS from friends:
Despite life circumstances, always be the way we know and love you, a real man!
Or, for example, a birthday wish for a loved one:
My beloved, I wish you happiness, may luck always be on your side, at work you are respected and appreciated, and you will overcome all life's obstacles effortlessly.
And here is a wish for a man in verse:
You were lucky to be born a man
And we can't wait to wish today
Live to be proud
Your wife, your friends and mother.
We wish to be a support and a reward,
For those who can't live without you
And we say without superfluous, without bravado:
"To all men like you would be!"

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Farewell wishes

We're breaking up, it hurts
But there is no other way out.
You say: "Well, are you satisfied?",
And smile back.
As if I'm guilty of something
Yes! Couldn't forgive you
You changed and it hurts.
How do you want me to live with this?
I won't wish you much
I hope you are happy with her.
Go and good riddance
Forget me and hurry!

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Sms - a wish for a man

We want to wish you
never lose optimism
Appreciate every moment in life
And remember that you are a man!

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Wish for a man

We wish you to always remain as courageous, strong, decent, a man of your word and a real man! Be happy and make others happy!

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Happy birthday wishes to a military man

You are our protection and support! You are the first to face danger! You are a military man and it sounds proud! And on your birthday, I really want to wish you! Clear skies above your head and smiles of your neighbors! And that your profession would be required much less, although it is important!

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Happy birthday wishes for a man

Red lion cub, my tiger cub
Happy birthday to you, kisses dear.
I'll whisper in your ear, today I'm waiting at 5!
You will see how I will congratulate you.

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Good morning wishes for a man

I hope you slept well, you had wonderful dreams (or maybe you even dreamed of me???), and may your day be as pleasant as a warm blanket, from under which, alas, you will have to crawl out, because it's already morning .
Wake up! Good morning to you, Beloved!

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Happy birthday wishes for a man

Birthday is the day when it is customary to say pleasant words and birthday compliments. But you do not need compliments and flattery, because all I can tell you is that you are a REAL MAN. Briefly, without epithets, but it's true! Just be yourself! I am very glad that life gave me such happiness - to be familiar with you!

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Happy birthday wishes for a man

Happy Birthday to You! And on this significant day, I want to say! What is a man (if it is of course a real man) sounds proud! And you carry this title with honor! So, may you continue to be a support and support to your family and friends! In a word, stay a real man!

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Good night wishes for a man

A real man should work well and should rest well. And the dream is best holiday after a long day of work, so good night to you! Let the kingdom of Morpheus take you into its arms, and you will be carried away from there until the morning. A wake up in the morning rested and refreshed.

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Wishes for a man for 45 years

Our dear, you are 45 years old. You have become strong and seasoned, like excellent cognac! You got to know life, got to know its taste and aftertaste! And I want to wish you to continue to remain a noble wine and not turn into vinegar. And certainly, God forbid, it becomes Coca-Cola! Happy 45th birthday to you!

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Wish to a man (oriental wisdom)

Eastern wisdom says: "If you are looking for perfection, strive to change yourself, not others. It is easier to put on sandals yourself than to cover the whole earth with a carpet." I wish you to become perfect, without being offended by this imperfect world.

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Wishing a business man

A man, first of all, an earner, about 10,000 years ago you were a hunter, and now you are a businessman, a hunter of the 21st century. And I want to wish you to always remain a man, strong, firm and purposeful! And of course, I want to wish you success in all your affairs and undertakings.

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60th birthday wishes for a man

When you are young, inexperienced and stupid, sometimes it seems that life is over at 60. But when you are 60 you realize that at 60 life is just beginning. The main thing is not to lose good spirits and interest in life! What I, first of all, wish you, be cheerful, cheerful and know how to be surprised at life!

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I wish you a beautiful day
May luck trample on you
Do not saw you, so that the authorities,
And you would lose count of money!

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Good day wishes in verse

I wish there was a lot of attention
And luckier than ever
Enough money for everything
And respected that the wife!

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Wishing you a good holiday in verse

Let the rest be first class
I wish women wonderful and beautiful,
And drink a lot of vodka - twenty liters,
So that you can safely relax!

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Good luck in business

Be smart, strong and skillful,
In deeds and conversations bold!
In business, let it be fabulously lucky,
And let the profit go into your pocket!

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Sms wish good morning in the army

Get up quickly already "rise",
I hasten to congratulate you on the new day!
Fell, wrung out - be healthy,
The army regime is harsh!

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What to wish a man

What do you wish for someone who has everything? Especially if he thinks so.
A man is created to be a leader, a hunter, a leader, a head, and it is not surprising if he does not admit that he is missing something. In material terms, yes, he can admit and confess, but in moral terms ....
Most the right way to please a man with a wish is a recognition and “emphasis” of those qualities that he possesses or is trying to possess:
- courage;
- resourcefulness;
- strength of mind;
- wisdom;
- masculinity;
After all, you must admit that, having these qualities, any man wants to improve them.
But the wishes don't end there. Given that men love not only themselves, but also women, then it would be quite logical to have a wish associated with victories on the love front as well. But here you need to be careful, because. if a man is married, then he will be uncomfortable in the team listening to wishes about his victories, even if he fully supports it. In this case, it is better to emphasize the fact that he is a good family man, a father (if he has children) and a reliable head of the family.
If congratulations occur at the workplace, in the work team, then it is also necessary to mention his working skills:
- good specialist;
- a master of his craft;
- "soul" of the team;
In this case, the man will simply have to be the way you painted him (for how long, it depends on you).
And so, as it turned out, congratulating a man is not so difficult, you just need to take into account those points that he would like to draw attention to.
And most importantly, wish with Love and Smile!

Today, many, waking up in the morning, completely forget that the first thing to do is to wish have a nice day to your loved one. Yes, he may not be nearby at this moment, but somewhere far away, but this is not an obstacle: it is enough to send him a message with some pleasant words.

If a loved one is nearby, then all the more you should not hesitate: a good morning wish to a guy in prose will certainly cheer him up before the coming day and motivate him to new successes and achievements.

Many women mistakenly think that guys don't need to talk at all. good words because they either do not hear them, or misperceive them.

This is not at all true: all people (including men) are very sensitive to the words of their loved ones, which means that every girl should please her boyfriend or man with pleasant words in the morning.

It is necessary to say pleasant words to your boyfriend in the morning not once a week, month or year, but every day: this will confirm your deep feelings for him and make the day a little more pleasant than it could be.

Pleasant words heard by a man in the morning will help him wake up faster and perceive reality in rainbow colors - he will not even pay attention to the fact that he woke up ahead of time, but will be completely and completely concentrated on that wish with good morning in prose, which he hear from the person closest to you.

It is certainly pleasant for every person to hear something pleasant in the morning: it warms and encourages very well before the coming day. It does not matter whether it is said personally or sent by message: a good morning wish to a guy in prose will be well received in both cases.

It doesn’t matter what exactly will be in your wish: the main thing is that it must contain words about the indispensability of a man and about your feelings for him. A good morning wish for a guy can be both serious and funny: each of the girls needs to independently choose the type of wish, depending on her young man.

One of the most original ideas good morning wishes for boyfriend is a song recorded or sung by his girlfriend.

If you have good vocal abilities or you just really want to surprise your boyfriend, feel free to come up with lyrics, search the Internet for a suitable song and show it to your young man- for sure he will be very surprised and delighted with such a gift.

Our website contains the most best words and wishes that can please a man even when he wakes up completely without a mood. Visit the site, choose the most best congratulations for his beloved, strong and worthy person - he will certainly be pleased.

No one will ever make your man happy for you - so do it more often so that he does not forget that he is loved and will always be met with love. We just want to help every woman in this difficult, but, of course, important matter - wishing a good morning to a guy and a good day. Visit our site more often and you will feel the effect - your loved one will wake up already with a smile on his lips, because he will know: now you will tell him something beautiful and pleasant.