Birthday wishes for girlfriend. Best friend in your own words to tears. Beautiful congratulations in prose

Congratulating a friend on her birthday in your own words is perhaps the best reinforcement for any gift. Go to the store, buy a bouquet of flowers or some other gift, can, in fact, anyone who has money. But to come up with one that would reflect all those warm feelings that you have for your girlfriend is not an easy task.

You will not surprise anyone with banal congratulations, therefore, if you really want to surprise and please your dear person, you will have to think a little. Of course, the same unchanging things remain the subjects of wishes: health, well-being, luck and success. But it is one thing to simply wish all this on the forehead, and quite another to present it in the form of a beautiful congratulatory speech.

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in your own words can be announced aloud, or you can write in a letter. In any case, these words should be reasonable, balanced and sincere. And if you are not sure that you will be able to express yourself in this way, then you can take one of the congratulations below as a cheat sheet or source text. Believe me, upon hearing such pleasant words, your girlfriend will break into a satisfied smile, and your congratulations will become the most special for her.

My dear friend, close person, reliable assistant, keeper of my secrets! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, and I want to wish you to always remain beautiful, happy, kind and sincere. May there never be barriers to your happiness!

Dear friend, accept my best wishes on your birthday. I wish you good health and happiness, may troubles and worries bypass you. May the cuckoo fill you with a hundred years of life, may happiness bloom in your life like a spring garden. Be always loved and desired, may colleagues respect and appreciate you, may good luck settle in your house forever. Peace to you, joy and family warmth. May the good mood never leave you. Long life to you, friend, prosperity and well-being.

Dear friend! Today is your birthday, and once again I want to remind you that you are an amazing person. Caring, beautiful, wise, economic - yes, yes, it's all about you. I hasten to wish you all the very best, because you, like no one else, deserve happiness in life.

My best friend, let me wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. I wish everything in your life to come true in full, I wish you immense happiness, tender love, a radiant sun and a clear peaceful sky above your head. Let everything turn out perfectly in your life, let the bad be forgotten, and the good only multiply. Good health to you, dear, a clear conscience, well-being. Let your house be a full bowl, let love live in it and cheerful children's laughter sound. May the Lord always protect you.

I congratulate my dear friend from the bottom of my heart and wish you health and well-being. May longevity and joy never leave you, your family and your loved ones. May any wish made on your birthday come true as soon as possible and wait for you in all its glory.

Dear friend, you just glow with happiness. And this is not surprising, because today is your favorite holiday - your birthday. With all my heart I wish you good health, great happiness, long life. May you meet only good friends, may luck lie in wait for you at every step, may the guiding star illuminate your life path. May your smile bloom every day, and the melody of spring sound in your soul. Let the house be a full bowl, and cheerful laughter always sounds in it.

Today is the birthday of one of my closest friends. What do you wish? I thought for a long time and realized that every woman dreams of love and happiness. Therefore, I wish you to love and be loved, as well as happy and make happy those who are close to you. May every moment be filled with great success!

Birthday is the brightest, most beautiful, most children's holiday. We really feel like children, because since that distant time, the warmth and joy of the soul have been preserved. Dear friend, accept the most sincere wishes and congratulations on your personal holiday. May only good luck and luck accompany you on the path of life. Be always confident in yourself, just be the mistress of your destiny. May hope, faith and love never leave you, may the lucky star illuminate your life path.

My sweet and wonderful girlfriend, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday! I wish you the happiest life and long years. Let every day be special and bring you the most colorful impressions and a variety of emotions. I wish you to be the most beautiful, fashionable, kind and most desirable. ©

My dear friend, you were born today! I wish you never get sick and never be sad. I want to make all your dreams and fantasies come true. May life be amazing and wonderful. Never be afraid of anything. I wish you to boldly move forward towards your goal and not turn off the path. ©

Happy birthday to this charming and amazing girl! I wish you light, warmth, sunshine, success. I wish you joy, peace and prosperity. May today be a special and amazing day, may miracles happen. I wish you never know resentment, betrayal and disappointment. ©

The most dear to me people who are always next to me. They are like my family protect and help. Their list is not so great, but you are the head of it, my heart friend! On this day, I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to achieve everything that you have outlined and planned for yourself. Be the master of your destiny and let the stars shine brighter for you! May all your dreams that you so want to bring to life slowly but surely come true. Remember that I am always there. Happy birthday.

My dear and beloved friend. Another year of our friendship has flown by. You seem to have become even wiser, even more beautiful, even kinder. There are many words in the human lexicon, but not a single one can convey the feelings that I have now inside. I congratulate you on your birthday and wish from the bottom of my heart that everything works out for you, as if in a fairy tale and sorrows, so that there is no place in your destiny. I thank God for giving me such a good friend. Which will always come to the rescue and will not quit in difficult situations. Happy birthday friend.

Let on this birthday the plans coincide with the possibilities and dreams become a reality, let there be people nearby who can not only support in moments of misfortune, but also sincerely rejoice at success.

congratulations to best friend
I wish the most sympathetic, kind, tactful and best (!) girlfriend to have every reason to feel happy, loved and inspired! Let your kindness give only positive emotions!

My dear girl! Congratulations on your still 18th birthday. May your life always be fabulous and filled with bright colors. And you always remain the way I know and love you - cheerful, mischievous and never discouraged.

Well, now you have become, my girlfriend, an old stick, a year older! What do you wish? Let wrinkles not be visible, cellulite will disappear, lips and boobs will become larger, and men will swallow saliva! In short, Happy Birthday, I love you!

I wish you, my interesting, beautiful, wise friend, not to change either externally or internally, because you are beautiful as you are! Live brightly and richly, beautifully and richly! And may your home always be full of love and comfort!

Girlfriend, happy birthday to you! I don’t even know what to wish you, so I won’t wish for absolutely anything! This, of course, is a stupid and unfunny joke, but you really have nothing to wish for ... You are beautiful, smart, go in for sports, do not smoke or drink, you have an apartment, a car and a fiancé, good job! After all, is there or am I confusing with someone? Even if I don’t confuse, I just wish you everything, everything and more, so much more so that not a single giant of the fairy-tale world could carry away all this goodness in his huge paws! Congratulations!

Girlfriend, open the ice champagne and put out the light, because now this room will sparkle with smiles and warm with warm words! We congratulate you on your personal holiday, which happens only once a year - on your birthday! On this day, all your innermost dreams will come true, or almost all, or half of them, it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that your friends are with you and you have nothing to be afraid of while we are around! We wish you boundless love, unbridled happiness, immeasurable health and great success in life!

My dear, today is your day in every sense of the word! Today is your birthday, and no one will dare to take it away from you! Just close your eyes and imagine yourself on the coast of the southern ocean, where you are sitting in an easy chair and drinking the most delicious cocktail in the world. Presented? Now open your eyes! So this will all be, but then, in some other time, and now you are one more year closer to this wonderful life! So I wish you the most pleasant dreams and dreams that will definitely come true in the near future! I also wish you love, health, happiness, prosperity and everything else that you yourself want to wish for yourself!

Today there is a great occasion for fun and joy, because the best friend is celebrating her birthday. From the bottom of my heart, accept the best congratulations and best wishes. Be always so cheerful, kind and attractive. May only pleasant compliments and good news always delight you. Dear friend, you deserve all the best. May mutual and beautiful love come to you, may a good angel cover you from troubles with his wing. May fate be kind to you.

I am very lucky in my life to have such a wonderful friend. Today is your birthday, this is a great occasion to get together with your group of friends and have fun from the heart. I wish, girlfriend, great happiness, good luck in everything, beautiful, bright love. May everything you have planned come true. Be always beautiful, smart and cheerful. May you be lucky in everything, always. Good health to you, excellent mood and a faithful companion in life. May the good angel always protect you.

I want to congratulate my relative, my beloved friend, with whom we have been connected by many years of friendship. Thanks to her, I learned to restrain my emotions, to truly enjoy this life. She knows how to inspire and empower. My love, I congratulate you on becoming another year older. But let's not talk about how old you really are, because after eighteen the girl stops saying her age. You are unrealistically cool, so cheerful and energetic that I always want to look at you and take an example from you. By the way, if you remember, today is the anniversary of our friendship, because we met on your birthday. My dear, I want to wish you the most important thing - health. Believe that everything else will have no meaning for a person if he does not have health.

I want to congratulate my crazy friend, who someday will really conquer this world, as she constantly wants to. I want to say that there are not even people like her, because she is insanely kind, sympathetic and sweet, but at the same time she is a little crazy and even crazy. But in a good sense of the word. She wants to conquer this world, she even had drawings somewhere, how she is going to arrange all this. I want to wish you the most necessary - health. You yourself know that everything else is within your power, but it’s better not to joke with health. In addition, you will need a lot of energy in order to conquer this world. You will be tired for the entire period of capture, so I wish you an unlimited supply of energy and strength. May everything in your life turn out the way you want. I congratulate you, my dear, on the holiday! ©

I am very glad that I was lucky to meet you one day, and this acquaintance grew into a strong friendship, about which they say: you just do not spill water. On this birthday, I sincerely want to wish you not to meet worries on your life path. May prosperity reign in your married life. May fate fully reward you for the warmth and kindness that you give to others!

My priceless friend, I wish you that not only on your birthday, but all 365 days a year, you will be showered with flowers and compliments! Let your husband not for a moment forget about that magnificent gift that was presented to him by fate in your face! May he always be ready to carry you in his arms, and in return you will give him your endless love and tenderness!

Happy birthday! With people like you, life is happier and easier! Let every day give you new discoveries, impressions and only pleasant surprises! Good luck to you, bright joy, fun and positive mood, despite all the little things that life sometimes bothers us with! rating: 32 ↓

Always remain as beautiful, smiling, sympathetic and in general, the best! Let love cover your life with a floral veil and give you magical happiness that will never leave your heart! 34 ↓

Happy birthday, with a wonderful holiday, on which we feel a little like children, because we expect some kind of miracle from him! So let this miracle happen, let everything work out for you and all obstacles disappear in your path. Happiness to you, great mutual love and always the most beautiful mood. May the good angel and fate always keep you! 22 ↓ - congratulations to a girlfriend in your own words

In this life, you deserve real bright happiness like no one else! So let it always go side by side, holding your hand! Happy birthday! 39 ↓

Congratulations, birthday girl! May your life always be filled with love, care, kindness, bright emotions, incredible travels and good interesting people. I wish to attract everything good, bright and kind, like a magnet) 45 ↓

Dear friend! Congratulations! You are the kindest, brightest and most cheerful! You warm us with your warmth and just a radiant smile! Let everything work out for you, let everything succeed, and all plans come true according to plan) Congratulations! 38 ↓

I wish you to laugh sincerely, jump from happiness, dream, and achieve what you want! And most importantly - believe in yourself, in your happy fate, in your strengths and capabilities! Well, if you love - then with all your heart! 39 ↓

At the mere thought of you, my soul becomes warm and cozy! And today there is still a reason to congratulate you on your birthday, and wish that in your life there is everything that you dream about and strive for! Let unlimited prospects and the most joyful events await you ahead! 33 ↓

Congratulations! Be healthy and happy! I hug you tightly and kiss you! I wish you harmony in life! May your innermost dreams and desires come true, may life be filled with inspiration, excellent mood and the brightest and most wonderful events! 44 ↓

Congratulations to the most wonderful friend in the world! I wish you all the best in life, because you, like no one else, deserve real happiness! May joy never leave you, family and loved ones. May any wish made today come true as soon as possible! 42 ↓

I wish you good health, love - comprehensive, career - dizzying! You deserve the best from us! I wish you to live in such a way that there are more reasons to smile, so that your heart beats joyfully with happiness. Happy birthday! 38 ↓

Someone has a birthday today, girlfriend, and you know who! I wish you more kindness and understanding around! May a series of continuous successes come in life, may obstacles disappear from your path! Let the mood always be wonderful, friends - true, love - bright, sensual and mutual! And for every day you - beautiful weather and only good news! 37 ↓

Congratulations! May life please you more often with unexpected gifts! I wish you to meet the coolest guys in your life, so that there is time for sweet dreams and for the realization of all your plans! A million of your favorite flowers, joy in your heart, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bbright positive in fate! 38 ↓

Congratulations to the closest, beloved and dear friend! I wish the day to sparkle, shine and conquer everyone around! Happiness to you, may your most cherished dreams and sweetest dreams come true. I wish you to meet your prince, and may he protect you, understand and appreciate you very much! 40 ↓

Today, I want to wish my wonderful friend a happy birthday. Dear, I want to wish you to always remain as beautiful and cheerful, lucky and happy. Also, I want to wish you to meet each new day positively - with a smile, and walk through life with your head held high. Today the whole world is in love with you. Be happy next to a loving and caring man! May all dreams come true!

Let everything be as you want! Good luck, happiness and luck to you! And most importantly, love! Love the one with whom the heart breathes and with whom thoughts are always occupied! Be happy!

You have no idea, dear, how happy I am today to congratulate you on your birthday! After all, if not for you, I would never have known what real, strong female friendship is! I wish you today that failure never gets in your way. To surround you, only good people. For you girlfriend, I'm ready for a lot. I am able to solve any problems, know that I am always there, and I will never give up. After all, our friendship, for me, is something more than just friendship. We seem to be connected by an invisible thread. Happy birthday friend! I wish bright colors in your life.

From year to year everyone congratulates you, wishes you wisdom, happiness and warmth. And this year I wish you love, patience, affection and kindness!

Dear friend, on this significant day, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you success in all your endeavors, so that all your dreams come true! Don't be afraid to try and fail! After all, you have one big adventure ahead of you, called life! You have always been for me sometimes. Today you shine like a rising star in the sky! Do not be afraid to make mistakes, because you know that I will always be there, and you and I will get out of any situation! After all, together we are strong! Happy birthday! Let your eyes burn like two diamonds today with happiness and inspiration!

The most dear to me people who are always next to me. They are like my family protect and help. Their list is not so great, but you are the head of it, my heart friend! On this day, I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to achieve everything that you have outlined and planned for yourself. Be the master of your destiny and let the stars shine brighter for you! May all your dreams that you so want to bring to life slowly but surely come true. Remember that I am always there. Happy birthday.

My dear and beloved friend. Another year of our friendship has flown by. You seem to have become even wiser, even more beautiful, even kinder. There are many words in the human lexicon, but not a single one can convey the feelings that I have now inside. I congratulate you on your birthday and wish from the bottom of my heart that everything works out for you, as if in a fairy tale and sorrows, so that there is no place in your destiny. I thank God for giving me such a good friend. Which will always come to the rescue and will not quit in difficult situations. Happy birthday friend.

I hasten to congratulate my dearest girlfriend on her significant birthday. I want to express my love, warmth and affection. And of course say thank you! For all those years that would be nearby, as if my guardian angel will always help and console! May heaven reward you the same! May your destiny be like a beautiful garden - always fragrant! I want you to always shine with happiness and never know disappointment. I want your clear eyes to never know tears. After all, you are my best friend. Happiness to you.

My beloved friend, my ray of light. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you happiness and luck throughout your life. I want your whole life to pass in joy and positive. So that no one will ever interfere with your dreams. So that you can be at your best all your life and conquer more and more new peaks. So that your victories are always worthy of reward. You are definitely going to achieve a lot in life! I wish you more happiness. So that in your eyes I see only happiness! And know that no one will ever deprive me of our friendship! Happy holiday dear friend!

From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely congratulate the dearest little man, my dear girlfriend, on his birthday! I wish you, in your life, never regret anything. Because you know, dear, everything that is not done, everything is done for the better. Everything that fate prepares for us, everything good and bad soon turns into an invaluable experience. May fate prepare you as many pleasant surprises as possible. And life becomes more beautiful and brighter for you. May your Guardian Angel always be with you! And protects you from all life's adversities. Happy birthday.

Today on this beautiful and sunny day, I congratulate my best friend on her birthday! You, my sun, deserve the best life. After all, there are few people like you. You remain an optimist in any situation! And you always cheer up even when the most bad! Let everything in your life turn out the way you want it! Do as your heart tells you! But there are situations where the head must make a decision. So my friend, I wish you never make mistakes in your decisions and always make the right choice. Happy Birthday to You!

My most beloved friend, my dear. I wish you a happy birthday today! I wish you, my dear, on this day, to remain as beautiful, gentle, sincere and romantic. I wish that no obstacles ever stand in your way. After all, you deserve the best, most beautiful life. After all, you always, in all situations, remain objective! May all your dreams come true on this birthday. May everything in your life be good. Your support is everything to me! Happy birthday.

All I want to say to you now, my friend, is thank you. Thank you for your friendship! Thank God for giving me such a true friend. Who never left me for a second of my life. Who was there even when I didn't ask. You feel like I need you. You always feel when my heart gets cold. And you know how to warm me with words. May your birthday bring you only joy, only happiness and only success! After all, you deserve all this more than anyone else. Thank you my dear friend.

Dear friend, you must have found the secret of eternal youth somewhere, because your jubilee age is completely invisible to you. Be also beautiful and always enjoy the attention of men, and also be athletic and hardworking as always. Happy Anniversary to you!

Happy birthday, my dear, although they talk about the Indian age, but I think that this in no way applies to you. I still have you as a beauty, which is still to be found in the world. God grant you many years, and together we will drive back the winter, I adore you.

You are my favorite friend! 20 (25, 30, etc.) years is a wonderful date, ahead is the happiness of a lifetime. I want to wish you to be beautiful in body and soul, healthy, cheerful and, of course, loved. So that adversity and bad weather do not meet on your long life path, so that the sun and good luck always smile at you!

A friend like you is the only one in the world! Your parents did their best, for which they have great respect! You are my best! Love you, honey! Happy holiday!

Friendship is stronger than ours! Let there have been quarrels and tears, but we remember only happy and joyful moments. Therefore, I wish you that there are as many such moments in your life as possible and that all of them will be remembered for a lifetime! Happy birthday!

The rocket of your life rapidly surfs the space of life, conquering more and more heights, conquering new stars. You yourself are bright as a star. Being next to you is a joy, it is always new impressions, new information, new adventures. I congratulate you on your birthday and thank fate for introducing me to you, my dear friend.

My friend, I have always envied your optimism. After all, he helps you get dry out of the water, cheerful out of any trouble, not to know anxiety and longing. I wish that I always envy you. So that more than all the others you have great victories.

I want to wish you that your life is bright in colors and fun. I wish you beautiful and fashionable outfits, glamorous parties so that you can dance there until you drop. Be the most cheerful and most blooming, as well as my best friend!

Today I want to wish my friend a happy birthday. What do you wish, dear? Let's start with female happiness, because it is so important for each of us. May only the most reliable hands of a beloved man always be by your side, which will shelter you from all troubles and sorrows, warm you even in the most severe frost and be able to console you in moments of despair. Let real spring and love bloom in your heart with all the colors of the rainbow. I also wish you good health, it will also come in handy for you, so do not get sick, dear. Of course, I wish you material prosperity so that you always have the opportunity to fulfill your dreams and never give up on anything. Let the house be a full bowl, in which troubles or sorrows simply cannot fit.

Happy birthday my dear friend!!! How many years have we been celebrating your holiday together? You have become the most precious person in my life, whom you will not exchange for anyone. We went through different moments together, but our friendship only became stronger from this. On this wonderful day, I want to wish you love, more money, good luck in business and just a great mood. Stay always so positive and cheerful. Remember that there are people who are waiting for your advice and shoulder from you at the right time. May your angels protect you and do not let you stumble. Happiness to you, smiles and all the best!!!

Hello honey! Please accept my best words and wishes on this wonderful birthday. First of all, I wish you strong and good health, and everything else depends on you. I wish you the ability to enjoy life, because it helps to overcome any troubles in life. I sincerely wish mutual love, because it is so important to meet exactly your person. I wish you happiness, because happy all the seas are knee-deep. Be as attractive and sweet as you are now. Bloom every day, like a rose, it suits you. I am happy that I know you, you light up my path, make it brighter. Know that I appreciate you, love, respect and insanely dearer than our friendship. All the best to you, dear friend!

To improve your mood, I will wish you a visit to the Prince of Denmark, a sea of ​​​​attention and seduction. So that you hear as many compliments as there is sand in the sea. Be cheerful, attractive and sexy, and let your phone not stop from the calls of enthusiastic fans.

Greetings, my best and most devoted friend! You bring a good mood to all your friends, giving your smile and your laughter, filling life with positive. I wish you financial well-being, beautiful love, true success and good health. May all your dreams come true! Simple female happiness, dear!

Dear friend! Our whole family congratulates you on another year of life on this planet! You are so kind, cheerful, bright, unusual, very touching and sincere! You warm us with your warmth and radiant smile! May everything work out for you, may everything succeed 🙂 Happy Birthday from our entire friendly family!

Dear, beloved, dear friend, on your birthday we congratulate you and wish you three things: love - huge, mutual, bottomless, money - countless mountains and infinite health to love and save. Flowers, gifts, smiles, sweets and perky laughter.

Dear (friend's name), happy birthday! It is very difficult to wish anything for a person who is whole, self-sufficient, living in harmony with himself and the world around him. You are bright, bright, you are a holiday person. Let every day give you a new discovery and surprises. May our friendship grow stronger every year. After all, with people like you, life becomes happier and easier!

Happy birthday, girlfriend! It's always fun and interesting with you. It's a pleasure talking to you. When we grow up, no one knows how our lives will turn out, but I will remember you and the funny things that happened to us. Still, I would like to hope that our paths will not diverge. After all, with a friend like you, going through life is much easier. Good luck, more joy, fun, good mood and all the best!

They say that true female friendship does not exist. Apparently, the one who said this did not have a friend like me. You and I have been together for so long that we have become almost sisters, only sisters quarrel much more often than you and I. Today is your birthday, and I wish you the fulfillment of all those cherished desires that only you and I know about!

Today, on this bright summer day, I congratulate you, my friend, on your birthday. I wish you to avoid losses in life, and remain as charming, beautiful and charming. May your life always be full of events that look like a miracle. I wish you happiness, joy, health.

A birthday is an occasion to come to a person and say what is in your heart. So, I declare with a clear conscience: I have joy in my heart because you, dear birthday man, are in the world. That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and just love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.

Today is your birthday, girlfriend, which means you leave another year behind you. What I want to tell you. I wish you wisdom and patience in every new day to find something good, to smile towards even strangers and never lose heart. I wish you strength with dignity and success to pass all the tests and tests that you will meet on the way to your dream. I want you to meet a truly worthy man on this road, in whom you see a reliable shoulder and a real support in life. I so want your eyes to sparkle only with happiness and love. May it fill your soul and never leave you again. You really deserve it. Be happy, friend.

I am happy on such a beautiful day to be with you, girlfriend, and wish you a happy birthday. Our years are running very fast, but don't be upset, today you leave all problems, illnesses and troubles in the past, because you are crossing the line of your new year. May these twelve months be different for you. Let good luck walk next to you, and confidently hold your hand so that all your plans and deeds come true. What else to wish. Love, of course, the most huge and real, I wish you, I am sure that you will meet a worthy man who will surround you with the care and attention for which you were created. I also want your whole family to be happy, because then you will definitely be fine. Do not be sad, but rather smile more often. Happy birthday.

Dear friend! I congratulate you on the holiday, which was special for me too. Know that your birthday is my personal holiday, which I celebrate as the birth of another good man with whom fate brought me together. I would like to wish you all the best, but is it possible to express what I feel in a few words? I wish you to persevere towards your goal, despite life's obstacles and the advice of ill-wishers, know that you can always count on my help and support. I wish that only positive and friendly people surround you, because you deserve it. I want to meet the one and only and be happy. All that you didn’t have time to wish for yourself, today all your desires should come true. Happy holiday, my dear!

My beloved friend has a birthday. My dear, I wish you many years of good luck, happiness and love. May all these components never leave you. Of course, you also need to remember about material prosperity, may your financial situation always be at a high level so that you can afford everything you want. I wish you great and mutual love, because without female happiness there is simply nowhere. Let the chosen one love, appreciate and carry in her arms, because such a beautiful, kind and open girl like you deserves only the best. Never be sad, my dear, all problems and troubles will surely end, and after them there will come a bright and bright streak that will give a lot of joy and happiness.

The phone has been ringing since this morning. Happy birthday to you in a hurry to congratulate friends, relatives and friends. Accept as soon as possible the wishes of good, great luck, warmth of soul, good health like Damascus steel and longevity dissolved in eternity. Soulful songs that flow like a river, a magnificent feast, boundless fun will bring a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy. May your house be filled with prosperity, the laughter of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren for many years. And they will all light one hundred candles together among the big cake at the centenary. Do not tire of loving life and always smiling at the sun, as it is now. Remain yourself everywhere: at home, at work, on the road among friends and enemies, and fortune will be a constant faithful companion of fate.

Happy birthday! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish you health and happiness! May you be lucky in life and work! Always stay the way you are. How much positive energy and human dignity you have! Your intuition and charm make you special. You have many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always remain the same sincere person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list is only replenished. I wish you LOVE, Love with a capital letter. Mutual love, Pure love, Beautiful love and, of course, happy!

Good morning! So the most important day of the year for you has come - your birthday. No matter how you prepare for it, for some reason it always comes unexpectedly, and it's great: surprises begin! There will be a lot of congratulations, warm words, delicious food and positive emotions. Even on your birthday, someone with whom you have not communicated for one reason or another for a long time will definitely call you, and you will be damn pleased to hear the voice of this person. In general, this day is really unique for you. Of course, it’s sad to count the numbers of your age, but no one forces you to do it today - it may well wait until tomorrow, then until the day after tomorrow, and then it will be forgotten. I wish you a happy birthday and, among other things, I wish you to think more about the good - so that there is no time to think about the bad.

My dear girlfriend, with you it’s not scary even in war, reliable and courageous. We are always happy and interested with you - stay like this forever. We wish you to be an excellent student in the science of life and may you not be alone in those moments when you are alone. Be healthy and pretty as you are. Happy birthday.

My dear best friend, today you celebrate a wonderful holiday - your birthday. Accept the warmest and most tender wishes. I wish you good health, joy and always a great mood. Let only reliable and faithful friends meet on your way. Let only good news please you. Be loved and desired. May there always be prosperity and love and respect reign in the house. May the Lord protect you from everything bad. All the best to you, long and happy years of life.

Dear friend, on your wonderful birthday, accept a lot of compliments and congratulations. May good luck be enough for you for the whole century, may joy warm your heart, may all problems bypass you, and may your health be strong. I wish you great success at work and in your personal life. Let the bird of happiness fly to you and help all your dreams come true. Be always loved and desired, never lose heart, and solve all problems easily and simply. May hope, faith and love accompany you through life.

On this beautiful day, I would like to wish you all the very best. Be happy, always beautiful and healthy! I wish that all your relatives do not know troubles and illnesses. So that loved ones are always with you and you never need support. So that there is peace outside the window, and joy, warmth and comfort in the house. I wish you success in your work and study, so that your plans go according to plan and everything works out. May true friends, joy and love surround you. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! All the best, be happy, loved, always remain such a sunny and wonderful person. I wish you loyal friends who will never leave you, as well as fun and smiles. Good health so that you don't get sick. Let there be no reason for sadness and loneliness, so that there is always a person who will give a helping hand. I wish that all your dreams come true and you shine with happiness.

My dear! Congratulations on your birthday. Thanks to your parents for being such a wonderful friend. I wish that in your life there were only white stripes, and people nearby were sincere and kind. Let luck accompany you in all your endeavors and career growth. Be happy, let your eyes shine with happiness, and tears will be only from joy. Big and strong love, so that feelings and emotions would like to fly. Spend this day unforgettable and may all your dreams come true.

Happy holiday! On this day, I would like to wish:
-health, because this is the most important thing in human life;
- love, strong and real. Love and be loved, because you deserve it. I want to see the joy on your face not only on this day, but on the other 365 days too;
- creative success, I wish you to find and engage in a business that will bring not only material pleasure, but also spiritual.
In general, be the most successful, beautiful and beloved person. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I would like to wish you a wonderful career, material prosperity and easy overcoming of difficulties on the path of life. I wish you success in your endeavors and heart affairs. Let your life be full of bright, colorful, interesting adventures, but at the same time as comfortable as possible. And so that everything goes sweet, like your birthday cake. I wish you health, success and victories, may there be pleasant and faithful friends around you.

I can't help but thank fate for a friend like you. On this day, I would like to give you all the beauty of our planet, to say all the beautiful words addressed to you. You are my support in difficult moments, you are the one with whom I share my joy, sadness, thoughts. Thank you for your clever advice, kind words, bold thoughts. Love you. May the rays of joy never disappear in your eyes. Happy birthday!

My dear! On this day, I wish you inexhaustible happiness, a constant feeling of inspiration, a lot of good. Always go boldly to your dreams, may all your intentions come true and please you. I really appreciate our friendship and I'm proud of you.

Life would not be so bright without friends. My dear friend, do not count how much we have been together. On this beautiful day, I wish you to remain yourself, the same bright personality, a sensitive little man with a kind and big heart. Thanks for being you.

I am so pleased to wish you a happy birthday today! Happiness is to have a friend like you. On this special day, I wish you all the brightest and purest that is in this world. May each of your new days be open to new meetings and successes. Let there be more bright and sunny moments.

If not for you, my life would not be so bright and interesting. On this special day, I wish that your every day begins only with positive thoughts, may the end of each of your undertakings be success, may you meet only kind people on the path of life. I'm proud of you.

This is the perfect day of the year. I am very grateful to this day that gave you. You are like the sun that illuminates this world with your kind smile. Let me wish you sincere female happiness, family well-being, a sea of ​​​​bright moments. I love you madly and appreciate you.

My best friend! I want to thank you for your endless optimism, reliability, sincerity. I wish that life brings you only joy, positive emotions. Always live life to the fullest and be yourself. It makes me happy to know that you are in my life.

One of the most wonderful things in this life is friendship. I am infinitely grateful to you, my friend, that you made me understand what it is. Let me wish you to bathe in the rays of happiness, so that interesting meetings and discoveries await you ahead, I wish you to reach professional heights, but most importantly, great female happiness.

My dear! I wish you dizzying happiness, many vivid impressions, so that love and a wonderful spring dominate in your heart. Let the flowers rush in armfuls more often for no reason. Stay the same kind and bright little man always. Thank you for your continued support.

On your birthday, I wish you daily good spirits, inexhaustible optimism, a lot of kindness and love. Thank you for being a vivid example of a brave person who is never afraid of difficulties, who purposefully moves towards his goals and dreams. I love and appreciate you.

Happy Birthday! I want the same for you that I want for myself. So that your loved one is always there, carried in his arms, massaged, cooked dinner, listened to your complaints about the injustice of the boss, wiped your tears and said that you are just super!

Material well-being, a loved one nearby, and also such devoted and faithful friends like me. Call me in the middle of the night and I'll come! I'll come to the rescue, drink a bottle of wine and have a little secret. And I also wish you that you do not need anything. And to always dream of something ... Dream on. This is the most beautiful thing that can be.

Happy birthday! Have fun, party, dance! Love, tenderness, piles of fans, rowing money with a shovel! The rest we buy, repair, throw away. Hearty congratulations, bright and cool surprises!

I wish you a joyful perception of life, a bunch of positive events, happy minutes of communication with all your inner circle! Be happy! And just be! Let bold dreams always overcome you, they will be replaced by new, bright, bold ones! After all, while we dream, we are young, we live!

The sun is up, hooray!
And it's time for you to get up
wash, dress,
And gather for the holiday.
We will come to you soon
We will bring a mountain of gifts!
6. Good morning, cheerful morning,
Red morning, cool morning!
The morning is sonorous, the morning is brisk,
The morning is early and fun!
Both fun and open
Happy birthday, darling!

A cool holiday requires a cool incarnation! So, let's walk today to the fullest! Get ready, hero of the occasion, accept gifts and guests, have fun, have fun and dance!

Celebrating a birthday
Everyone, everyone, everyone is surprised.
Kebabs, guitar, songs,
What could be more interesting?
Birdsong, freedom, sky,
We'll all go far.
Rest, congratulations, drink,
We will call all our friends with us!

Another year has flown by and you are one year older. But this is only on the passport. And so you are always eighteen! Because I still don’t know girls who would be so young in their inner essence, their habits, lifestyle, following the latest fashion trends, burning eyes, genuine and lively interest in life, in everything that happens in it. You constantly work on yourself, learn new things, read, meditate. Dreaming! And so you never get bored. You are always positive! May it continue to be so! Don't change, stay yourself!

Today is a happy, joyful day. Sometime on this day, you were born. And then, many years later, we met and became friends. I thank fate for this meeting, for the fact that I have you!

Dear, beloved friend. On your bright birthday, I want to say “thank you” for our friendship for centuries, for help in difficult times, you will always give good advice. May happiness be forever near, love blooms in your own soul. I wish inspiration, health, joy to you!

Girlfriend, happy holiday to you! All wishes cannot be counted. Love, delight, beauty. And know that you deserve everything. Let life be filled with delight, your dreams come true. May our friendship not fade away. You will always be beautiful!

If they ask about a friend, I will say that I do not hide kind words. You alone are my reliable friend. I congratulate you today. On this day, I sincerely wish a heap of happiness, health, victories. May your enthusiasm not fade, be loved for a thousand years!

Girlfriend, I thought for a long time what to wish. Remain the same active, kind, courageous, always inspire. You are a ray of sunshine shining above us. Without you there is not enough heat. And I will say that I appreciate your friendship, and I hope it is forever.

Today, there are few real, faithful, devoted friends. I'm lucky. My friend is the best. With all my heart I want to wish crazy ideas, opportunities to implement them. Infinite creativity, mutual love, success in all areas. I know you will succeed!

A beautiful woman, loving mother, wife and good friend. Today is another reason to express admiration for you. May all that you have be preserved and multiplied. Stay forever young, healthy, energetic. May good luck follow you, your loved ones please you, and your cherished dreams come true!

I want to wish you pleasant surprises, gifts, moments on this day. Be always irresistible, bright, enchanting and beautiful. Hear compliments addressed to your own, congratulations for a dear friend. Confessions, joyful victories. There is no one like you in the world!

Everything in our life is natural. It is no coincidence that we are friends. I want our friendship to last forever, steadfastly passing the test. I'm not afraid to be with such a friend. You are always ready to help. From the bottom of my heart I wish you only happiness, positive, a sea of ​​kindness!

Girlfriend, you are wonderful. Be happy for many years. An incomparable, radiant muse for relatives, close friends and colleagues. Smile, I forbid to be sad. Follow your dream straight ahead. On the way, meet only luck, intended only for you. And then you will become happy, despite the hardships of fate. And today, accept congratulations, have fun, as always, from the heart!

If I live to the fullest, I need my girlfriend. Bold, active, very positive. I wish you good health, courage and expanse in everything. Prosperity, success, cheerful laughter!

Birthday is not a sad holiday at all, despite the fact that the opposite is sung in the song. There is nothing to be sad about here! Without too much pathos, I wish you to always look one hundred percent, and let your gaze confidently conquer all men without exception! Always be natural, the way you really are, because you are a truly beautiful, sincere and kind person.

Today is your holiday - your birthday, the day when such a wonderful and bright man like you was born. And I thank fate for giving me you. Never give up, be strong and patient. I wish that you are always surrounded only by your true friends and loved ones! You are beautiful and deserve the best in this life!

Happy birthday, my dear friend! Today is such a bright wonderful day. And the sun is so bright and warm - it rejoices and smiles at you from the clouds. I congratulate you on your Day and I want you to be happier than you are now. You are the most precious thing I have. I kiss you and hug you tightly! Happy holiday!

Here comes the long-awaited day. Your holiday is in full swing, and there are so many friends around. But I am not among them. There are so many gifts around, but mine is not among them. Cities have separated us, but with my heart and soul I am always with you, and today, on your birthday, I am closer to you than ever! Love and be loved, live and be happy!

My beloved friend! Congratulations on your birthday! Let the wish that you make today at a significant hour be sure and very soon come true. Always remain the same sweet and charming girl. May eternal youth and love of life reign in your soul.

Happy holiday! I wish you love, happiness and patience in everything. May all your undertakings always be crowned with success, and on your path only the kindest and most worthy of such a wonderful person as you, people will meet. Be incomprehensible and mysterious, become inaccessibly beautiful for everyone and at the same time beloved and desired. And also, may you never need anything, live in abundance, in pleasure and joy.

Happy birthday my dear friend! All the best, good and positive to you! I wish you to meet your soul mate and find true happiness! Go through life easily and joyfully, and may you always and in everything be accompanied by inspiration and faith in your dream!

Today is a holiday for the person dearest to me. I wish you never lose faith in yourself and always follow your dreams. Be strong and brave and you will overcome any difficulties. I know that our friendship with you will be able to overcome any obstacles and it will last for many, many years. Happy birthday!

Dear girlfriend! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that everything you dream of comes true. May your friends always support you in all your undertakings and continuations! Live life and enjoy everything you do! Be confident, always walk with your head held high and never give up. I know you have so many fantasies and so many pipe dreams! that anyone will marvel at your boundless imagination. And let its fruits of yours not remain only an illusion, but they will come true in real life! Remember, thoughts materialize.

Today is the most wonderful day. My best friend is having the most beautiful holiday in the world. My sweet girlfriend! Strive for your dream and always achieve your goals, never look back. The past does not let us go, it does not allow us to move on. Try to forget all the troubles that happened to you once. After all, there is so much beauty and delight ahead! May life give you only joy and positive. I wish that all sorrows bypass you, because such a bright little man like you deserves all the best, bright and kind. Happy holiday!

You are like a sister to me and my biggest dream is to stay that way for as long as possible. My dear, dear and faithful friend, may God give you plenty of strength and inspiration to move forward and delight your loved ones with your successes and achievements.

Good health to you, sun! Illuminate everyone around with your radiance, give warmth to your loved ones and relatives, but most importantly - live happily, regardless of minor problems and troubles.

You and I have gone through a lot and I can proudly say that there is no person more faithful and devoted than you. I owe you so much and therefore I wish you to be always surrounded by kind and sympathetic people who are ready to help you.

Happy birthday! Love and be loved, because our world is built on love. May a strong and friendly family always be waiting for you at home, and no bad weather can destroy your unity!

Years pass, and the enthusiasm and energy in you is no less, you are still young, beautiful, self-confident and good-natured! I wish you only positive impressions, bright events, strong love and good health! Find your place in the sun and don't give it up to anyone.

In the life of every person it is important to find their own source of light energy and goodness. May your beloved family be yours. All your loved ones know how good a hostess, wife and mother you are. I wish you, my dear friend, that your work is appreciated and the gratitude of others becomes the inspiration that helps you move on and look forward. May love and mutual understanding, prosperity and happiness reign in your family.

Happy birthday, my dearest friend. You are bright, cheerful and positive. Many look to you as a role model and may it always remain so. Do not lose your positions either in your career, confidently overcoming one step after another, or on the personal front, becoming a muse for your beloved.

In nature, there are rare cases when intelligence and beauty, femininity and determination are combined in one girl. You are like a delicate rose, but if you are offended, you are always ready to show your thorns to the world. Being your friend is happiness, because you were able to teach me a lot. Dear, may well-being always reign in your family, in your career - one victory is replaced by another, and fate will always be favorable to you!

Dear friend! May your every morning begin with a smile, as bright and joyful as it is now. Go through life with a light heart, do not let negativity and doubts into your soul that something can go wrong, be sure that such a good person as you is worthy only of love and happiness.

Happy birthday, dear and closest friend! Even if there is no beloved man next to you now, I wish him to appear as soon as possible and make you happy. Let it fill your life with bright colors, light and warmth. You deserve happiness like no one else, I love you very much and I believe that Cupid has already sent his arrow in the right direction and you just need to wait a little.

Happy birthday my dear friend! Wonderful, kind and sincere man! A million of the warmest wishes, let it fly from me to you today! Let a small star fall into your palms today. And the most cherished desires will come true! Congratulations!

You are at the very beginning of your journey! May life be kind and kind to you. I wish you to smile, to overcome all difficulties with dignity. Go confidently towards your dream. To know that you are the most magnificent and wonderful! Good health and smiles!

Dear friend, accept a lot of congratulations on this day! Be always bright as a star! Successful independent! I want to wish you simple female happiness. Love - real and sincere, which will be with you all your life! To be carried in their arms, given flowers and adored! Believe in yourself and everything will work out!

My dearest friend, you are like a sister to me. I am happy to be with you on this day. You are so real, kind and sweet. Remain always the same sincere and reliable! May true friends always be around you. And your gorgeous smile never leaves your face!

On this day you were born. This is a wonderful holiday! Swim always in the ocean of love. Let the sun warm you - happiness. And the guardian angel protects from all troubles! Laugh out loud and charge everyone around you with your positive. You are amazing, congratulations!

Bright and creative, incendiary and unusual! I can talk about you for hours. You are my friend! On your wonderful day, accept a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcongratulations. You know, let at least half come true. I wish you to wake up one morning and realize - I am happy and loved!

I'll have a glass of champagne and make a wish. It will be about you. I just really want you to be joyful, happy and lucky. Always! Not only on your birthday. You deserve all the best in the world. I am sure you will achieve everything and you will succeed! Because you are extraordinary!

What to wish on your holiday, dear? Plunge headlong into the extravaganza of happiness. Let the whirlpool of amazing events swirl around you. Life will be like a rainbow, all events are colorful and bright. Health to you, happy future and extraordinary luck! For you!

Congratulations my friend, from the bottom of my heart! We have so much to do with you. You are always there when support is needed. I want you to know that I really appreciate our friendship. And I believe that we will carry it through the years! Be always delightful, loved and desired. And I'm always there when you need me!

I wish you a lot of care from loved ones. I wish to meet my only, desired man. So that he takes you far - far to the land of Love. Where you will be infinitely happy every day. But don't forget about me, I'll miss you! Happy Holidays, dear!

Happy birthday greetings to a girlfriend in your own words

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