How to write a guy that he is good. Simple ways to get a guy interested. Bon appetit wishes

Modern technologies give us comfort and mobility. And we are no longer surprised that acquaintances can be made without leaving home. All you need to do is register on social networks. them on this moment numerous quantity. The most favorite among young people are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VKontakte. So, on a lonely evening, a girl slowly plays the keyboard with her fingers, as if on a piano, and holds her breath for a moment when she sees a photo of a handsome guy. “There is something in it ...” - a girl's intuition tells. What step will the girl take next?

Let's discard girlish doubts - is it convenient to get to know each other first? Outside the window is the 21st century, which hides its desire to laugh. Girls are so active nowadays that you should not hesitate. In addition, this is a virtual world in which refusal or lack of an answer is not perceived as painful as it would be in real life.

If you have already managed to evaluate not only the appearance young man in the photo, but also looked through his personal data and hobbies, then you can write: “Hello. How are you?" But imagine that 4 more girls wrote the same thing to the guy. On the one hand, psychologists advise not to be smart and act straightforward. On the other hand, you have to stand out. For example, you can find something interesting in the pictures of a guy.

If it seemed to you that you know the place that the photo displays, you can write a message: “Cool shot! Looks nice against the background of the tree. There's a river somewhere, isn't there?" Don't forget to rate the photo. Look at the pictures on his page and leave your feedback. You can briefly write your own on his wall pleasant impression about a guy. But this should not become your regular activity.

One girl found her way to meet a guy. She caught in his appearance resemblance to a famous film actor, found his photo and sent it to the guy with the words: “Hi. I love this actor. And you look just like him! Let's talk?" The answer was not long in coming. By the speed of the interlocutor's messages, our heroine realized that the guy was interested in her. But also the usual words: “Hello. Let's get acquainted, ”they may well come up, especially when the winning photo flaunts on your own avatar.

What to write stranger"In contact with"

How to build communication if you received a response? Keep in mind that not all young people have the ability to write on social media. Therefore, if you received a short answer: “Hello, come on” and you understand that this is not a complete victory, then turn on your fantasy further. Young guys love to focus on their hobbies on social networks. If you are knowledgeable about his hobby, then use it.

For example, if a guy is fond of dog breeding, then share knowledge about the characteristics of some breeds. Is it necessary to deceive the interlocutor, which is also crazy about such a hobby? Still, it's not worth it. You can note that you respect passionate people and would like to do something similar too.

Since many people turn their eyes to astrological topics, you can try to hook the interlocutor with such conversations. For example, note that your signs Leo and Scorpio are successfully compatible with him and suggest bright emotions. Usually everything secret, mystical and unknown attracts both guys and girls.

As soon as you understand what your interlocutor is interested in, you can "get hooked on his wave." Usually, in this situation, the guys themselves show a desire to continue their acquaintance.

Often, young women of the fair sex do not sleep at night, thinking about nice guy. She communicates with him on social networks at the level: “Hi. What are you doing?" Communication touches on nature, discussion of music videos, movies. They play the same virtual games. They have similar interests, but the guy appears only as a friend.

If you have a similar situation, then try to probe the situation. Rate by early reports whether the guy showed you signs of sympathy. Maybe you yourself did not pay attention to this? Did he write anything pleasant about your appearance? If not, then ask yourself: “Do you think they will suit me long hair? Any hint that you are as attractive to a guy as a girl is a great sign!
Your task is to try to turn a friendly conversation into a more intimate one. Or find out why the guy does not show his interest and does not take other steps. Finally, one more way.

Write about your feelings for young guy all the truth. If it turns out that you do not evoke reciprocal emotions or find out the reason why they are impossible, then at least safely get rid of illusions.

It would seem, what is so difficult in Internet communication? But experts have a different opinion. When communicating remotely, it is difficult for us to assess the interlocutor - his mimic expression, postures, and gestures are not visible. It is difficult to understand whether he writes the truth or is disingenuous. Before us is his photo on VKontakte, some of the information about him that he allowed to know about himself and messages.

Your interlocutor is in a similar position. Therefore, psychologists in the field of human relationships highlight points that should be avoided in virtual communication:

If you and your interlocutor are close to each other, then real meeting will be a logical extension for you. But there are situations when a guy and a girl are cute to each other, but in the next 3-4 months they will not be able to see each other in reality due to geographical distance. In this case, how to maintain the interest of a guy?

Indeed, it will require some skill from you. For many, telephone communication can become a lifesaver. But if there is an inconvenience of talking on the phone, then sms and all the same communication on social networks can help out. If you have already planned with the interlocutor certain time for a meeting, then do not count the days each time you communicate. This will cause even more tedious waiting for a date.

So, if you are in similar situation, then we will tell you what the guy will like when communicating in virtual mode. It is desirable that he develops the habit of waking up and falling asleep with thoughts of you. Therefore, be sure to greet him with SMS messages by phone: “With Good morning! Have you already woken up? Have a good day you". For longer communication, go on the air using the Internet.

The terms will allow you to chat for as long as you both want. Of course, almost all young people ask girls to send their photos. Go towards his desires. Send him your pictures: this is you at a friend's birthday, and this is in grocery store. By this time, many virtual couples are already aware of each other's industrial employment, they are familiar with colleagues, friends and relatives in absentia.

Therefore, you can periodically write to a young person about humorous situations that arise with them. Finally, the question of the degree of intimacy between you and the manifestation of feelings about this. Agree, it will be a little strange if the guy writes: “I miss you and really look forward to the moment when I hug you,” and you ignore his answer. Therefore, do not hide your emotions. After all, virtual communication already deprives you of tactile perception and eye contact.

Therefore, this is just the case when it is important to express your feelings in the format social contacts and sms messages. By now you'll both be used to certain style correspondence. Unbeknownst to yourself, you will begin to use warm expressions in messages: “dear, my good.” How far can you go in such communication at a distance? It's up to the couple to decide.

All those moments that the guy and the girl consider acceptable for themselves will be positive. The most mysterious and romantic time for this virtual communication this is night time. The period when all boundaries are erased, all daily tasks are completed and there is time to think about the personal side of your life.

What phrases and words do guys like

During communication, you can exchange impressions about the past day. Of course, mention that your thoughts are mostly filled with a virtual partner. It's safe to say that this confession will make the guy smile. For example, you could write, “It's been a busy day. But when I re-read your SMS, it immediately became easier.

A little advice: if everything has been said within the framework of virtual communication today, then do not delay with the wish “ Good night". Later, you can also end the conversation via a telephone message by writing: “Sweet dreams to you! My thoughts are with you." Many girls underestimate poetic form, believing that young people are not great fans of rhyme.

But this is a common misconception! Choose short poems with a simple rhyme. You can compose a message yourself by inserting the name of the chosen one into the poem. Use books from your library or find suitable text on the Internet. Most importantly, do not turn poetry into everyday communication.

Otherwise, this can bore the guy and the feeling of novelty and delight will quickly disappear. Psychologists advise - whatever you bring to Internet communication, try to make the meeting in reality happen as quickly as possible. Already starting from a real acquaintance, you will better understand how to build further communication through social networks and phone sms.

Surely, almost every user noticed that messages can capture the mood of the interlocutor. Therefore, when exchanging electronic messages with a partner, pay attention to the energy of the semantic load that your post conceals. Be sure to pick Right words and expressions so that the guy understands you.

Try to write without grammatical errors, even if your educational partner is not a philologist. Psychologists assure that men, just like women, pay attention to the correct spelling of words and sentences that are logically built in meaning.

You can confirm your emotions with electronic emoticons and expressive punctuation marks. Agree that what is written: Good morning! Dear)))” and “Good morning, dear” are the same in meaning, but different in energy. In the first case, the phrase expresses spiritual uplift and a mixture of good-natured humor with tenderness. The second sentence is a bit dry with signs of sadness. Or it suggests that the girl might have written it in a hurry.

The male part of the population still likes to receive more emotional messages. To do this, each Internet resource is equipped with numerous emoticons for every taste. Also, do not forget about punctuation marks so that force majeure does not arise, such as: “Execution cannot be pardoned”

You know the feeling when you just don't know what to write to a guy to make him happy and so that your correspondence does not go into a "dead corner", so that a carelessly dropped word or phrase does not become the last in your correspondence with him? Surely familiar. even good knowing friend other people often face the fact that they simply do not know what to talk about, and if you barely know a person or just want to get to know him?
It is generally accepted that the initiative should come from men: they should be the first to show interest, make an acquaintance, offer friendship, “win” and win your heart. Indeed, it’s nice when a guy seeks the girl’s favor, and she, the “mystery girl”, has some power over him - such is our female nature 🙂 But it also happens that you have to take the initiative yourself, without waiting for the first step from the guy - because he, because of his timidity or for some other reason, may never decide to write first. If you are interested in a person - do not be afraid to write first, the main thing is to know what to write to a guy so that he answers and shows a keen interest in you.

  • Try not to be banal. “Hi, how are you” is more like spam than an attempt to meet a guy you are interested in. There are many ways to intrigue a guy and it will be easier to do this by getting to know his interests. Take the trouble to first study his page in detail: hobbies, hobbies, favorite music, books, films, sports - it is quite possible that many of your interests will coincide. Express your admiration for the song, video, unobtrusively praise the guy, emphasize some of his abilities, ask for advice in matters in which he is strong. Add a little intrigue and flirting - and be sure, he will definitely answer!
  • Be mysterious. No need to write about studies, work, problems - they are not interesting to him. Do not reveal all your cards to him, remain a mystery - this will further warm up interest in your person.
  • A little flattery. Guys also “love with their ears”, let him understand that writing first is not at all in your rules and that you wrote only because there is something like that in him ... But limit yourself to this, you don’t need to sing praises to the guy - otherwise will start to become conceited 🙂
  • Give him the initiative. What you once wrote first should by no means become a habit. It was an exception! If you managed to interest a guy the first time, he will definitely answer. Only after that continue the correspondence. No need to write "Why are you not answering?" or "Where did you go?" - have pride. If he doesn’t answer, it means he doesn’t want to, don’t be intrusive, so on the contrary, you will scare him away. If he answered - well, then the initiative imperceptibly passed to him and now it depends on you whether you will continue to remain the same interesting interlocutor.
  • Be yourself. If you are counting on a long-term relationship, do not start your acquaintance with deceit. Everything secret eventually becomes clear, and the deceit that is revealed later can cause a break. How much more pleasant it is to be sincere, to be yourself: Real, Mysterious, Unique.
  • Have a sense of humor. Let the positive come from you, if the guy is all right with a sense of humor, he will appreciate your jokes. But do not try to joke with him at the beginning of your acquaintance, because you still do not know how he reacts to such jokes. But emoticons that display emotions will always come in handy. With them, the correspondence looks more "alive".
  • Show interest in the interlocutor. You do not need to write only about yourself, be interested in his life and hobbies, take part in them. But if you inadvertently hooked on something purely personal and the guy decided to “hush up” - don’t ask further, pretend that you didn’t notice his confusion and move the conversation in a different direction.
  • Down with commercialism. The topic of money is taboo, you are “not interested” in how much he earns, how many cars, apartments and country houses he has 🙂 Do not give a reason to think that the guy is interesting to you for selfish reasons.
  • Don't talk. Guys don't like it when they talk too sweetly to them, besides, you hardly know each other.
  • Be feminine. If you are counting on a relationship that goes beyond the friendly - do not be a "sidekick" for him, you're a girl, a little mysterious and almost impregnable.
  • Spelling. Of course, perhaps the object of your sympathy is itself capable of making four mistakes in the word “still”, but nevertheless, if you are not completely sure of your spelling, use the spell check of the messenger, social network or even “Word” so as not to look in the eyes of a guy " stupid blonde, ”who didn’t even learn how to write properly.

Remember that writing to a guy in order to interest him is only half the battle, it is important that his interest only increases every day, and for this you need to match the impression that you made on the guy when you met, be interesting, feminine and always unpredictable .

IN modern world Many girls prefer to meet guys on their own initiative. The times when a woman was decorated with modesty and silence are long gone. Progress has led to the fact that people spend more time on the Internet than in public institutions or on walks. Before taking the first step, the girls ask themselves: What can I write to a guy on VK so that he is interested? This article discusses this issue in as much detail as possible.

  • 1. Various emoticons will help to make the message as casual as possible, but do not overdo it with them.
  • 2. Be sure to check the finished message for punctuation and grammatical errors, and also work on the style of presentation. Even a not very literate person will appreciate it.
  • 3. Don't send too long messages. It is better to divide them into several blocks and send one after another.

How to start a conversation with a guy on VKontate

Taking the first step is the most difficult, so many are interested in: what can I write to a guy on VK to start a conversation? The following clues will help you with this.

  • You have mutual friends. In this case, there will be common topics for conversation - you can discuss, without sinking to gossip, these very friends.
  • You have common interests. Dating in social networks is good because it allows you to get acquainted with your favorite books, music, communities and films of a person you like.
  • Once you worked or studied in one place. Each organization has its own unique atmosphere, which is enough reason to start a correspondence. You will definitely have topics for discussion.

Examples of what you can write to a guy on VK:

"Hello. I miss communication with interesting people. Judging by your page, we have a lot of common hobbies, so maybe we can try to chat? - By sincerely and honestly writing the purpose of acquaintance, you will disarm the interlocutor.

"Hello! I'm bored, please recommend some good comedy" - Yes, with such requests to strangers do not apply, but this will help intrigue the interlocutor.

"Hello. I read your post in which you write that "Listen to the song of the wind" - best book Haruki Murakami. But I think "Norwegian Forest" has a more exciting storyline. What exactly did you like about the book? - It is necessary to focus on specific person and try to understand if he wants to talk to serious topics. Otherwise, it is better to use the first two tips.

Questions to a guy by correspondence - a list in VK

There is a whole list of questions that are quite appropriate to ask a young person in the course of communication:

  • What is your hobby?
  • Where do you study / studied?
  • How do you spend your day?
  • What do you do for a living?
  • What cities and countries have you visited?
  • You're a night owl or an early bird?
  • Are you happy?

These simple phrases, questions and rules of correspondence will help you find mutual language with any guy! You just need to know who to send them to.

It's easy to guess what to write. But we will tell you not to rack your brains. First you need to start a virtual conversation. Start it banal. With a simple hello. Put a smiley face after the friendly word. He will surely charge the guy with positive and set him on the necessary wave!

The guy will answer as soon as he's free. Most likely, his answer will contain a greeting and the question “how are you doing?” or similar to it. Answer in detail and honestly. If you Bad mood or there are problems, then do not write about it.

Write to the guy about everything that he would be interested in reading about. Find out everything you can about his hobby. Many tips are "hidden" in social networks, as people often leave their thoughts, opinions, statements, stories, memories, photos, pictures in them.

Do you want to write something very personal? Don't rush it! Wait a bit! You need to get to know each other better. You need to wait for the most opportune moment to sort things out. It is possible that he will not have to wait long and the guy will take the first step. Then you will reveal to him the secret of your reciprocity.

From personal life...

I met my husband on Vkontakte. And I was the first to admit to him that I like him. I'm telling you everything from the beginning. I'll try not to miss important details.

We talked for almost a month and a half and almost around the clock. Igor "lived" in my mobile phone and in my virtual world. We rarely called each other, because we were shy, probably. But on the Internet between us there were no barriers, no barriers, no interference.

We talked about everything, joked, made fun. It was so great! We were sincerely glad that we had each other, but remained best friends. Often we joked so that you could see the whole truth ("I adore you", "I'm not jealous, but I warn you", "you are the best", "you are the best"). We hid the truth under "emoticons".

I found a young man. Everything was great with him, and I was so drawn to Igor that I went crazy! Igor was aware that I was dating someone else, but did not show that he was jealous and bored. And I thought he just didn't care.

I could not live without my beloved Igorka! I broke up with Oleg in order to remain free and continue to communicate with him. We confessed everything to each other and got married. Be bolder if you want even the slightest development of relations to occur.

What to write a guy in a mobile message?

Can you write beautiful quatrain. A joke or anecdote is perfect. I have to warn you again that you are not in a hurry to confess your sympathy for him.

Start with SMS-battle. You can chat for months. The main thing is that your communication is not in vain. It must bring some result. What will he be like? It depends on you! Not a million percent, of course, but you must act, and not sit and wait for everything to work itself out.

Guys get annoyed

Questions like: “Where have you gone?”, “Why are you not answering me for so long?”, “Who are you with now?”. No need to be too intrusive! This quality unnerves people (not just males).

Don't twist words. Do not make mistakes in the text. If you don't know the rules, you can learn them. Small mistakes are still forgivable and acceptable.

What to write to someone who has already become an ex?

Consider if you need it. Write down what is left unsaid. But don't start there. Gently ask him how he is doing. If the conversation goes well, then this is a sign that he still cares about you.

Don't pester your ex with questions. Leave your curiosity aside. Let the guy be interested in you. Write the truth, do not embellish anything. Do not refuse a meeting if he appoints one for you.

Draws on memories? No one forbids remembering the past. Try to do it delicately.

Want to write a letter to your ex but don't know what to write? You will see an example of a letter just below: “Hello! I remembered how we used to correspond, and I missed this tradition. How do you live? What has changed in your life? I really miss it, to be honest. I miss it so much that there is no longer any strength to be silent about it. Let's meet to talk about everything, looking into the eyes. Do you agree? I look forward to hearing. Answer when you can, I won't rush you." You can tweak this, of course. Save the letter as a draft so you can read it again.

Do you dream of texting a stranger you like?

Do it right now! Get his phone number first. Then find him on social media. "Punch" the email address, if possible.

Gradually build trust in him. Be yourself for him real girlfriend. Do your best to make the stranger trust you. The first sign of trust is that he himself will begin to write to you. Do not ignore. Answer right away, do not hesitate with the answer for a second!

Do not be angry at his bad mood and his state of depression. Help him come to his senses when you feel that the guy is "dying." Listen, give recommendations (friendly advice).

Write to the guy that he can always count on your help. The person will be grateful to you for such words. He will say that you kindest heart. Just answer for what you said! Help if you promise.

What if he has another? Rejoice for him, despite your own suffering. Stay close to him friendly relations. Support him as much as you can. And then "turn off" your conscience. The fact is that the guy will leave her for you. This may not happen, but there is such a possibility!

Write to the guy gentle, affectionate and polite words. He will definitely remember messages of such content, save and re-read them repeatedly. Do you like to know about it? Now imagine how pleased your young man is with your attitude. Don't worry if it's not yours yet. Everything will be cool! You will be his girlfriend, if fate so desires!

Continuation. . .

Write nice lines to him ... -

No matter how much time passes, there are no fewer followers of Pushkin's Tatyana Larina. Millions of girls around the world write romantic messages to their lovers. After all, it is often easier to express your thoughts in writing than in person: there is time to think and choose right words. In addition, today there are many ways to do this: SMS, social networks, Skype and mobile applications. But on initial stage relationship, a reasonable question may arise: what to write to a guy to interest him?

To write or not to write?

Sometimes relationships are very difficult: young ladies burning with love for a long time they only sigh, looking from afar at the object of their passion. It seems that one incorrectly spoken word - and the capricious bird of happiness will immediately fly away. All this time, classmates (colleagues, good friends) do not even know about the storm of feelings, main reason which they are. Delay in such a situation can be fatal - there is a high probability that you will soon see your beloved arm in arm with a more efficient rival.

Take matters into your own hands and improve your relationship new level It is the epistolary genre that will help, which, despite the changed forms of transmission, has not lost its former popularity at all. By exchanging written messages, it is much easier to overcome the feeling of constraint and insecurity, to show your strengths and at the same time get to know the interlocutor better. This does not mean that you need to be intrusive (this is unlikely to produce good impression on a young man), but it is not forbidden to announce its existence.

Where to begin?

Before deciding to correspond, you should tune in in a certain way, and the following psychologist's advice will come in handy here.

  1. Do not immediately start a conversation with passionate confessions. Such straightforwardness can only scare away a potential gentleman and reduce everything to zero.
  2. It is important to maintain a light, friendly tone, but avoid familiarity. Boredom and tediousness should be reserved for other occasions, young people are attracted to girls with good feeling humor, funny and able to keep up the conversation.
  3. Need to show sincere interest to the personality of the interlocutor. Everyone loves attention without exception, but you should avoid obsession and be more tactful.
  4. It is better not to neglect punctuality and grammar. Too long silence can be misunderstood, and an abundance of spelling errors can completely discourage the desire to communicate.

As the theater begins with a hanger, so fascinating conversation starts with quite banal things. The stereotype that the fairer sex should not initiate contact has long since sunk into oblivion. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to start a conversation using Skype or social networks by writing the standard “Hi! How are you?".

Can be used more original greeting, tricks from the category are suitable - “In my ranking of the handsome men of the year, the first place is still empty”, “You beautiful eyes. That's it, now it's your turn to compliment, ”etc. But no matter what interesting phrases you meet on the Internet to start dating, it’s better to come up with something of your own. Firstly, it will sound much more sincere and natural, and secondly, there is a high probability that someone has already written something like this to the guy you are interested in (or one of his friends). The message should be friendly, without any aggressive overtones.

What's next?

If the dialogue is started, then the next step is to consolidate the result. Examples of what to write to a guy to interest him and push him to further communication.

  1. Describe your impressions. A rather non-trivial move is to offer to characterize each other. If you have imagination, there will be no problems, the basic principle is to note any detail and draw conclusions. The owner of a couple of colorful sweaters is the beloved grandson of a craftswoman grandmother, blond with nice tan- a metrosexual who loves a solarium, and the thin "Uncle Styopa" is probably swimming. Let not everything turn out to be true, but fun is guaranteed.
  2. Praise. Men love compliments just as much as beautiful ladies. Here, of course, it is important not to overdo it and proceed from the realities. The account of the prospective groom is replete with photographs where he diligently pulls weights with a naked torso? So you have to admire the biceps. Or is the object of love often seen walking the dog? Then actively touch your four-legged friend.
  3. Ask for help. Superman lives in every guy, and the task of the girl is to help him to reveal himself in all his glory. To begin with, you can ask for something completely unpretentious, for example, to advise on choosing a smartphone or explain tests according to the rules. traffic. In the end, you must definitely thank, not forgetting to emphasize your complete incompetence and helplessness in this issue;
  4. Let the fog go. You do not need to readily lay out all your ins and outs in the first ten messages. Some aspects of life can be deliberately not discussed, let it intrigue the interlocutor and stir up his interest. And wonderful facts from a biography like a love for motorcycles or the title of vice-miss of the city of Solnechnogorsk will become pleasant surprises if they open later.
  5. Discuss a common hobby. It will be just fine if some similar interests are found. Then many hours of conversations that bring pleasure to both parties are provided. It can be anything - rafting on the river, collecting tea bag tags, dancing the peoples of the world, Tolkien's work or breeding giant snails. The main thing is to find a theme and carefully develop it;
  6. Support. Problems in school or at work, poor health or just a bad mood - from time to time the stronger sex also needs words of consolation. Perhaps such moments will be rare, but nevertheless it is important to assure the young person of your readiness to listen and support in a difficult life period.

When thinking about what to write to a guy to interest him, phrases of a certain kind should be taken into account. Will have special effect words emphasizing the dignity of a young man as an interlocutor - "it's so interesting with you", "it's nice to talk with an erudite person" or "you have a great sense of humor." You can pay attention to his lifestyle - “traveling is great”, “I respect people who lead healthy lifestyle life" and "always wanted to talk to one of the volunteers."

Why not write in any case?

There are also phrases that can ruin a conversation in the bud. These include unpleasant comparisons: "You argue just like my ex-boyfriend / century-old grandfather / uncouth chump." All reproaches and accusations at first will also be inappropriate - “Why are you not answering for so long?”, “How rude!”, “I thought you were not like the others ...”. It is not recommended to discuss third parties and retell gossip in a conversation, this can create a negative impression.

There is a contact!

It is important to keep in order your own page in contact. Many girls don't realize how much depends on this. It is better to remove provocative photos and posts, as well as personal information that can be misinterpreted. It is necessary to place a nice, but not defiant photo on the avatar, because it is the young man who will see it every time he reads the next message. The whole page as a whole should evoke only pleasant associations and a desire to continue communication.