Quatrain with the birth of a son. Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a son

Oh yes mom, oh yes dad
You tried your best
For efforts - a reward -
Your joy is a dear son!
Don't be sorry for the baby
No love, no warmth
Let him know, little by little,
World of miracles and kindness!
Give happiness to the sea -
Let cheerful laughter ring,
And the son will soon say:
Mom and Dad are the best!

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Congratulations #2132

Congratulations on the birth of your son!
May he grow strong and healthy.
I wish you patience and strength
After all, the first year is the hardest.
I also want to sleep more often
Keep up with the baby everywhere
To deal with all matters without difficulty,
And also never lose heart!

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Congratulations #183

Let from joyful moments
The soul is filled with happiness!
Accept congratulations
In honor of the baby's birth!
Let the baby grow up happy
Curious, beautiful,
For everyone to love him
Admired and appreciated!

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Congratulations #474

Congratulations on the birth of your son
Let him grow up to be a real man.
May he be healthy and mighty
Unavailable for sadness and cool.
Let parents help
And talented will be from God.
Let it reach great heights
And in everything let him be lucky.

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Congratulation #31

Congratulations on the baby!
Let him already from the cradle,
Gaining strength
To have everything with him,
And so that he grows up a hero!

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Congratulations #656

What's the mess in the house?
This joy has come to you!
This happiness came
Now everything that was in the past!
The whole house is filled with light
Thoughts are all about him
Thoughts about him every hour
After all, now you have a son!
So you grow up quickly
There will be many bright days
The sun will shine
Watch out for your child!

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Congratulations #229

You have worked hard
The son appeared in the house.
He is over mom and over dad
Full ruler.
How much joy has fallen -
Open up and sing soul.
Happiness settled in the house
With the advent of the baby.
All relatives fuss,
Admiration - over the edge.
From an excess of feelings - crazy:
The son was born - know ours.
The son is God's dandelion,
Sees rainbow dreams.
And the dear boy does not know
That everyone is in love with him.
Let it grow marvelously to everyone,
Full of vigor and strength,
To be successful and happy
He conquered all the peaks.

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From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the birth of your child! Now your family has a small miracle and great happiness! Without a doubt, the baby will bring a lot of excitement, difficulties and anxieties, to overcome which you will need strength, patience and support from each other. But at the same time, together with your little one, endless joy will settle in the family, which will be brought by children's laughter, the tramp of little feet, the hugs of tiny hands!

You have recently had a charming toddler. So let this date become for you a kind of celebration of your love, let your baby never get sick, grow by leaps and bounds, and in a couple of years will begin to delight with his achievements. May the fate of the baby be easy, and life happy.

There is a new addition to your family - a son was born! This is great happiness! Your lives are now full of true meaning, and your hearts are full of unspeakable joy! Let only goodness knock on your doors and no problems violate the grace of the hearth. We wish the baby to actively comprehend life, develop, become a real man - to match his father and to the delight of his mother. May he be distinguished by good health, diligence and honesty. Be happy always and only together!

With the birth of your son - with the kindest and most sincere event that brings not only kind words, but also gives joyful parental feelings and impressions. Love to you - eternal, the sun - bright, the sky - cloudless, health - excellent, good luck - immeasurable!

There is no greater joy in life than the birth of a child! I want to congratulate the newly-made parents on this event, who are now not just a couple, but already a real family! Take care of your charming baby, she is your light in life, your blood, let everything work out for her in the future, and she will be happy, you will be happy too!

May your son meet only honest and good people on his life path, may his happiness be endless, may a smile shine on his and your face! I wish you an instant solution to all problems, patience and faith in yourself! Be happy!

From today, your newborn son has become an integral part of your life. Now his successes will be your successes, his achievements your achievements, his failures your failures. We wish that there will be as many happy events in his and your life as possible, and adversity - to a very minimum. We wish your son to grow up, like in a fairy tale, by leaps and bounds, to be obedient, smart, active, healthy!

Today we congratulate you on the birth of your son and want to wish that the love and the light that came into this world with your son will always be with him. There will be light - there will be peace and warmth, joy and good luck, good people and interesting work. May this light be stored in his heart, illuminate the path and point the right direction!

And now there is one more man in the world! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you only joyful events and amazing discoveries. Let him grow up as a strong, healthy and smart little boy, please his parents, bring happiness to this world and give light and warmth to those around him.

I congratulate you on the most wonderful and long-awaited day of your life, on the birth of your son! I wish him to grow up to be the healthiest person in the world to your delight! May all the best and brightest that can be on the planet await him in life! Let him grow up happy and please with the first smile, first words and first steps!
I wish you that with the advent of such a dear person you will learn a new, hitherto unknown and happy facet of life, which will bring new meaning and new love! I wish your son that he grows up strong, healthy and in due time knows love and achieves his dream! May he always be guarded by an angel who will not allow his sadness and sorrow! I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your son, little angel!

My relatives, happiness comes with difficulty, well-being - with determination, continuation - with children. Let all of the above be in your life together, as well as the quivering heart of a little beloved man, the warm looks of a newborn, and the support of parents!
With the birth of your son - with the kindest and most sincere event that brings not only warm words, but also gives joyful parental feelings and impressions. Love to you - eternal, the sun - bright, the sky - cloudless, health - excellent, good luck - immeasurable!
May your son meet only honest and good people on his life path, may his happiness be endless, may a smile shine on his and your face! I wish you an instant solution to all problems, patience and faith in yourself! Be happy!

With the birth of a wonderful little boy! Let his shining eyes illuminate every day of your life, his sleep will be strong, and his appetite will be heroic! Happiness to him, his parents and all his relatives!

Congratulations on the addition! Let your baby grow up not as a sissy, but as a mother's protector, and for dad, become an heir in business and hobbies. To parental love, connect your mind and start educating from the first day!

Congratulations on your newborn son! We wish him to smile like a shining moon; rejoice like a rainbow; relax like a star, and glow with happiness like the sun!

A cute baby was born - your long-awaited son. We wish that magical good tales and funny stories will settle in your house with him. Become the wisest wizards for him!

Let my father's heir, mother's protector, favorite of grandparents grow up healthy and happy. May this future man always have a soft heart, a firm word and a hand.

A new life has sprouted in your family today - your baby has come into this world. May the vast world accept and love your son, rewarding him with a happy fate.

Here you will find both short and "full-length" congratulations to mom on the birth of her son. They are not intended for the mother whose son has already grown up, but for the one who "just" gave birth to a boy. These congratulations are simply necessary on the day of discharge from the hospital, and on the day of the festive feast in honor of the birth of a new person. They will also be useful to you to sign a postcard, a card for a bouquet, a gift or write a letter.

All words are written in prose (not in verse), for those who wish to congratulate in their own words. And this is the most correct decision, because words spoken from oneself are more expensive.

All names are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them. Recommendations for the use of texts are waiting for you at the end of the page.

Congratulations on the appearance in your life of the most loving, faithful, gentle and devoted man - a son! He will not only love, he will endure your mistakes, share your joys and sorrows, take care of you during illness, help with the housework. Not a man, but a dream! Well, you, too, don’t “let us down” - love him, appreciate him, protect him and help him. May you be happy!

Today your life has changed dramatically and I congratulate you on this event! Now you have become not just a wonderful woman, but a beloved mother! I wish you to receive only pleasure and joy from your new "position". I wish my newborn son happiness in life, good health, self-realization and many true friends.

Congratulations on the birth of your son! Now your family has become complete, and our world has become richer for one cool boy. Let the baby grow up healthy, let you always have peace and love in the house, and the rest will “grow” by itself.

Two new people were born today: a new mother and her son. Both of them saw this world for the first time today. And if my son still cannot influence him in any way, I wish him simply health and longevity. And I wish the new mother to easily and calmly go through the difficult period of her formation as a mother, without obstacles to master all the new skills and abilities that she will have to learn in the near future. May your patience and energy not run out on this path, and most importantly, may you be pleased with the results of your work. Very soon your child will tell you: “You are the best mother in the world. Thank you for life!". I congratulate you on one of the main events in your life!

Dear Tanya! Today you became a mother and I congratulate you, son - this is a real gift of fate. After all, he will become for you, without suspecting it, a real teacher and mentor ... Very soon he will teach you:

  • move silently in space while he sleeps;
  • see in the dark, in order to change his diaper at night;
  • manages almost without sleep;
  • determine body temperature "by eye";
  • rejoice at the suddenly appeared free minute;
  • stop talking on the phone for 3 hours in a row;
  • to enjoy ordinary, uncomplicated things;
  • look at the world differently and be endlessly surprised by the wonders around you;
  • fulfill his desires;
  • breathe fresh air much more often than you did before;
  • recalculate the number of milliliters of food he ate, the kilograms he gained and his vaccinations;
  • learn rhymes and counting rhymes for him;
  • get high from the first words spoken and the first steps taken by him;
  • and much more... much more.

This is how many new skills you have to master ... But most importantly, it is with his help that you will become wiser, smarter, learn a lot about people in general and about yourself in particular, and it is with his support that you will become a quality mother. I congratulate you on such a valuable acquisition in your life. I wish you great joy that you now have each other. And yet, I wish you to easily overcome all the obstacles that arise. And most importantly: let this whole difficult process of becoming you as a mother become happy for you.

Today a new, most important person has appeared in your life - a son! This is a huge wealth, because with his appearance you will not only have more trouble, but he brought with him many joyful events that you did not have before and could not have appeared if he had not been born. Now, in addition to the child, you will have:

  • Mother's Day, and on this day, all your life, you will invariably receive congratulations;
  • On February 23, you will now congratulate not only dad and husband, but also your son;
  • On March 8, you will receive one more congratulation;
  • You will celebrate one more birthday every year;
  • You will be regularly invited to matinees in kindergarten, as an honored guest and spectator;
  • You have to give a lot of gifts for a variety of holidays;
  • You have a chance to retake the high school curriculum and finally make up for the missing in your head ... what you missed when you yourself were in school;
  • On New Year's Eve, there will be many more gifts under your Christmas tree ... and most of them are not for you;
  • You got a guardian angel next to you ... because now you will be less likely to be tempted to do stupid things and risk the well-being of your beloved baby;
  • In the coming years, Santa Claus and many other fairy-tale characters will practically become members of your family;
  • You will learn a lot about food, learn how to cook only healthy food, eat on a schedule and you will have a daily routine;
  • A little time will pass and you will learn in detail the children's repertoire of the nearest cinema, review many cartoons and, together with their heroes, experience many incredible adventures;
  • There will now be three of you in family photos, and with your husband you will have a common object of adoration.

In general, I can endlessly list new "colorful" events that are already waiting for you ... But I will not deprive you of pleasure. You'd be better off making a lot of new discoveries on your own. I congratulate you on your fallen wealth and thank you for listening to all this now and making me involved in how you are going into a new life full of bright events.

I congratulate you on the birth of your son and that with him you now have one more reason to be proud. And you can be proud of both yourself and your son at the same time. No brilliant career, no successes, acquired property (in fact, junk) can be compared with the happiness of motherhood. And, as smart economists say: a person receives the biggest dividends when he invests in his children.

I sincerely wish you that motherhood does not become a feat for you, that it goes easily and smoothly. And if there are difficulties, do not despair and remember what smart economists say.

The birth of a son is a true, genuine holiday. Because it is this person, along with his appearance, who will bring many bright events, joy, happiness, pleasant chores and pride in your life into your life. And best of all, it's guaranteed! You do not have to make any effort for this, except for the efforts to care for this bundle of happiness.

Very soon you will receive:

  • new skills and abilities:
  • new warm and vivid memories that will stay with you for a lifetime;
  • a new state of mind and new emotions;
  • new discoveries;
  • many new holidays that your son will share with you;

I congratulate you on the fact that not only a child was born today, but also a new you! I sincerely wish you happiness, mutual understanding and an easy life path.

Mom is the name of God in the hearts and minds of young children ... I congratulate you on the fact that from now on and forever you have received this high status and, in addition to it, your most devoted admirer, a person who deeply believes in you, for whom you are the only support and hope. Don't let him down and enjoy wonderful changes in your life. Congratulations on your new role as a mother, on your new love in your life, and on your new life. With the birth of your son, dear!

Today a new, wonderful person was born, and since you are now dividing everything into two and are still one, I wish both of you what you both need: good health, easy and joyful growing up, complete mutual understanding. And may each of you have the wisdom not to be offended by the other, the strength to apologize, the joy to bestow it on the other, the necessary words to console and support each other ... and so that none of you feel lonely.

Nastya, today you have acquired not only a best friend and a person who loves you disinterestedly, but also a “perpetual motion machine”. You haven’t realized it yet, but you will soon see… this “engine” will make you do 10 things at the same time, energize you, take care of many important issues, make you study with it, motivate you to exploits, teach you new ways to get life’s blessings, teach you new options solving problems, pouring wagons of joy on you and sharing moments of despondency with you ... And, you won’t believe it, you will be happy from all this fuss. And you will consider his birthday the best day of your life. I congratulate you on such a valuable "acquisition" as a son, and wish you both happiness and prosperity.

Today an event has come that later you will consider the best thing that happened to you in life. I am sincerely happy for you and congratulations on the birth of your baby. The son is both a support in life and a devoted admirer, and an assistant, protector, hope and joy. You now have it all, dear "freshly baked" mother. Be happy!

With the birth of an heir to you! Let him give you his bright smile, pure love, inexhaustible energy and push you to new achievements. Let his appetite be wolf, strength - heroic, health - strong. And I wish you to become wise parents who will give their son a strong start, reveal many talents in him and help him manage them.

Today you became a mother and it means that now you are the guardian angel of this new person whom you brought into this world! I wish you inexhaustible love and respect for him, endless patience and will, strength to protect him, energy, health and insight. All this you will need to fulfill your new duties. It is not easy to be a guardian angel... But the reward will be - generous. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the addition to your family. I wish her (family) to grow and increase the number of members. Be friendly and happy. So that my son grows according to the schedule, in accordance with the expectations of the doctors ... Let his desires coincide with your capabilities, and his abilities exceed your expectations. Happiness to you, love and health!

Today is the most long-awaited day in your life! I congratulate you, young mother. I wish you to know a new side of life called motherhood ... to make many discoveries and successfully master a new life role. But I will not wish it, because all this is guaranteed to happen anyway. Absolutely all of the above and much more your child has already brought into your life, even if you have not noticed it yet. Therefore, I wish:

  • so that the responsibility that has fallen on you is pleasant and brings only joy;
  • so that everything and always be only in your hands;
  • so that your painstaking daily work and efforts invested in the family bring a worthy result;
  • so that you get the paradise life at the lowest price;
  • so that even if you turn the wrong way, you still get where you need to;
  • and that in the eyes of your beloved man you always remain a dream.

I congratulate you on the sacred day in your life! A day from which, in your head, the question will never again arise: “Does anyone need me!”

The answer to this question is obvious and you will not have to break your head from now on. Your child needs you forever and this is not discussed. Be happy, now there will be one less question in your head!

The birth of a son to a man whom I consider the greatest success in my life is a great joy for me. I congratulate you and wish you to regularly give birth to such wonderful little ones, and we would celebrate their birthday every year. Because, their birth is not only your family, but also a personal holiday for each of us.

I congratulate you on the birth of your son ... judging by how you and your spouse were waiting for him, you will be zealous parents, perhaps even fanatics of your child. Wishing you happiness is irrelevant - you already have it ... I wish you to grow wiser as your child grows up and not bring your guardianship to the point of absurdity, give air to your child and allow him to realize himself the way he wants it, and not the way you do it yourself dreamed. Then he will be happy. It will take a lot of will and self-control to keep your parental ambitions in check, and I wish you all of them from the bottom of my heart.

You will also need humility when your child's choices do not match your expectations... and I wish you great humility. But even more, I wish you that when he becomes a separate, independent unit (personality), this does not alienate you from each other, but rather brings you closer, and that you have the wisdom to enjoy all this.

Starting today, your whole life will become richer in events and brighter. After all, now you will share all your joys with your son, and hide all your sorrows from him, wanting to make his life bright and comfortable. He will also share his joys and sorrows with you. I wish you that in your common life there will be only joys, without sorrows. Congratulations on the birth of your new family member!

Dear friend, do you think that the birth of your son is happiness for you ... I want to tell you that this is exactly the same happiness for me! After all, my son will now have a friend and partner for games. We waited for him no less than you and constantly dreamed, made plans for the future. I sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful event, I promise to help and support. And remember that your son has already become a member of our family. We love him in advance, appreciate, respect and always look forward to visiting. And, yes, tell him as soon as possible that he already has the best and most devoted friends.

I congratulate you on a new miracle in your life and wish you and your baby to have calm nights, vigorous days, eternal happiness, and a smooth life path.

Now, finally, you have a complete family. I congratulate you on this achievement and wish that new worries are pleasant, that love lives forever in the family, that the crises of growing up and adolescence rush past you unnoticed, and that you run to the pharmacy only for toothpaste.

Marina, very soon you will be surprised to realize that it was with the advent of the baby that your life really acquired meaning. I am happy that I have witnessed your new life and I congratulate you on it.

You are finally a mother, my friend. I was waiting for this event and experienced with you. Because the birth of a child will not only change your life, but also decorate mine. Now you will understand me better, we will have even more new, common topics for discussion and I will be able to support you in a new format ... as a more experienced mother. This is cool and I congratulate you on the fact that you have overcome another step in life, becoming a mother. May motherhood be easy, the baby be calm and healthy, and the family strong.

Every normal girl is waiting for her prince... Then she finds a loving husband and thinks that he is her prince... She thinks so until her son is born. And then it becomes obvious that the world really appeared - your prince. I congratulate you, dear, on this key event in your life. I wish peace, longevity and prosperity to your entire family.

Today I am happy to congratulate you on the birth of you, but in a new capacity ... Now you have become a mother. It is usually customary to wish health to the child and prosperity to the family, but we all know how many healthy and rich people there are who are unhappy at the same time. Therefore, I wish this little man who was born to be always, forever and ever, happy no matter what. Immeasurably. Peremptory. Cynically. And to you, mommy, I want to wish that despite the troubles that you will have plenty of with the advent of the child, you always feel only happiness.

Lenochka! You have always been a very responsible person ... Now you have become a mother and a new, most important responsibility in life has fallen on you. Believe it or not, this biggest responsibility is also the most enjoyable of all responsibilities in the world. She is the one who will make you happy. Soon you will feel it too. I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your son and wish you both full understanding.

Today is the most important event in your life. I congratulate you and your entire family on the beginning of a new era, a new page in life. And I congratulate this world, in which a new wonderful person has come. I wish you the strength to cope with lack of sleep and gain experience in communicating with the baby. And I wish the little man to be reasonable and take care of mommy's sleep at night.

Today is the best day! You have your continuation, your change, your offspring. And now you have hope that if you do not have time to do something on this earth, then your child will be able to do it! I congratulate you on this great day and only wish that your little boy grows up strong, healthy, active, smart and happy. Well, you already have happiness.

Dear New Mom! You have the most wonderful chance in your life... The chance to go back to your childhood again and go all the way from diapers to graduating from university. Yes, not alone, but together with your baby! This is a chance to shake the rattle again, play hide-and-seek, learn the language, brush up on the multiplication table, and do a lot of creative tasks. I congratulate you on this return to the most beautiful period of your life - childhood. And I wish you to enjoy every day, your awakened memories and the development of your child.

Dear Natalia! I congratulate you on the bright birth of your angel. Everyone has already wished you everything that is possible ... I will not repeat myself. Your baby appeared on time, and I wish both of you (since now you divide everything by two) that everything comes on time for you:

  • teeth appeared on time;
  • took the first steps on time;
  • learned the first words in time;
  • found a calling in life for the baby in time;
  • love came to him in time;
  • self-realization in time;

In general, I want to say: let what should come true, and what you dream about. And for all this to happen - in a timely manner.

Happy newborn, my girl! I am sincerely happy for you and I am a little worried ... Because, in the near future you will have to master a new role for yourself and realize yourself in a new capacity as a mother. It's not the easiest thing to do, but I know you can do it. With all my heart I wish you faith in yourself, may optimism not leave you. And if so, please contact me. Always ready to provide support.

A miracle happened and you became a mother! I am glad no less than you and congratulate you on this wonderful magic - the birth of a wonderful son! As children, we all sometimes dreamed of the appearance of a good wizard, and now you and your spouse have the opportunity to become wizards yourself. Yes, you yourself are already clearly going to become them for your baby. Therefore, I wish you that you manage to be not only kind, but also wise wizards.

I congratulate you on the fact that a miracle happened in your life again, and now you have become the owner of two children. But even more, I congratulate you on the fact that your daughter has a brother, a true friend and close person for life. Now your house has become a full cup, it has a son and a daughter, and this is already a whole team, an invincible force. This strength will support you all, help you overcome obstacles, win, achieve new successes and serve as a support. I wish your team a fair wind, clear weather and easy sailing.

A son is a miracle for his mother. Congratulations! Today you have a person who will be both your highest court and your lawyer. Mom for a boy is the most beautiful, smartest, most beloved woman in the world. You have become the most iconic character in a person's life! It is worth a lot and it is impossible not to envy you. Enjoy your new role... And I wish you and your whole family that the atmosphere of comfort, peace, prosperity and love will always surround you and be impenetrably strong. So that not a single draft penetrates, not a single fly seeps in, not a single crack violates the integrity of your happiness.

Congratulations on the arrival of a new man in your life. The son is a support in life, the successor of the family, a friend and pride for parents. I wish you that he makes you cry only from pride in his achievements and from happiness. And I wish him a magical, fabulous fate, unique memories, high-profile successes and, most importantly, that all this brings him complete satisfaction.

I congratulate you on the fact that a little sage has appeared in your family. He has not yet proved his uniqueness, but everyone already appreciates, protects, respects and loves him. I wish that all of the above accompanied him throughout his life, even when he ceases to be tiny and touching.

They say that the most valuable thing a mother can do for her son is to choose the most intelligent of all candidates for husbands... And the most important thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother forever... Half of you have already done and the father of the child smart enough. Now the only thing left is to love each other forever. I wish you to carry your love unchanged throughout your life, thereby guaranteeing the happiness of your newly born child. I congratulate you on his birth!

Daughter! You became a mother and I am happy. Because now you will understand me even better and ask many new questions. I finally became a happy grandmother and again I will feel needed and useful to you, I will help raise the baby, my grandson! You are a good girl! She gave birth to a great guy, strong. I congratulate you and wish you both harmonious development, patience and peace in the family.

  • Most of these texts can also be used as a toast. To do this, select the text you like, read it during the celebration and end with the words "That's what I propose to drink for ...".
  • Choose even shorter and wiser wishes (one sentence long) in a special one (there are 365 of them, for each day of the year).
  • If you decide to use a full-fledged congratulatory speech, but want to shorten it without losing its meaning, first select the text that has a bulleted list. Next, take the first and last sentence from this text and insert one bullet point (any one you like the most) between them. The rest of the items on the list can be excluded.
  • If you want to create your own, unique speech, work with several texts where there is a bulleted list. You need to do the same as described in the paragraph above, only select the first and last sentence from any (not from one) text and combine them in the combination you like. Between them, also include one (or more) items of any bulleted list (take it from those texts where there is such a list). "Play" with different combinations until you get the perfect speech for you.
  • If you decide to give a long speech, do not combine 2 (or more) voluminous texts into one. It will turn out too tiring for the listeners. The above voluminous texts have an optimal length. However, if you really want to use several texts, you can simply divide them: read one as a congratulatory one, and make toasts from the rest and, if possible, read them out (during the celebration). Thus, you will be able to shine with eloquence, and not tire the listeners.
  • If you want to make a long speech, but you are afraid that you won’t remember the whole text, write it down and read it from the sheet. Explain to the public that you carefully prepared for the holiday and recorded the speech, you do not trust your memory, and therefore you will read.

Congratulations to parents on the birth of a son

The son was born to everyone marvelously,
Dad is strong and handsome,
Mom is smart, mischievous,
Such a wonderful one.
We heartily congratulate
With the addition of a family
And with all our hearts we wish
You health and love!

congratulations on the birth of a beautiful son

What a wonderful holiday
The birth of a baby boy!
Let it be obedient, prankster,
Reading good books
May you be happy and healthy!
How will your son grow up?
Now without talking
Forward! For a beautiful daughter!

Congratulations on the birth of a son - poems

Morning has come -
light, clear,
Heaven sent
You have a beautiful son!
Will grow up soon
glorious miracle,
Strong, healthy
And be smart!
Will grow up soon
to your delight,
Daddy's pride
Mommy's joy.

Congratulations on the birth of a son from the heart

Dear Parents! We sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your son! We wish your baby health and joy! May only the best be in his life!

Congratulations to Marta on the birth of her son

You became a mother today
Let's just say - a cool lady!
Martha, congratulations on this,
Be the happiest in the world
So that your son is cheerful
Growing up beautiful and healthy
Loved you the most
Gave a lot of joy!

Congratulations on the birth of a son interesting

It is not an easy task for you to raise your firstborn, your son. May he grow up healthy and strong, smart and resourceful, able to overcome all obstacles in his path. And I want to wish you patience and skill in the matter of education. Happy Holidays to you.

Congratulations on the birth of a son from the bottom of my heart

Dear Parents! Congratulations on the birth of your son! May he grow up big, beautiful, kind and patient! Well, and most importantly, that he always remembers, respects and loves you!

Congratulations to Nina on the birth of her first son

Congratulations, Nina
With the birth of the first son!
We want to be a great mom
Do not scold the little son!
Tolerate all his antics
From them, too, joy,
So that his little legs
Run fast along the path
So that his childish sonorous laughter
Bring you happiness and success!

Congratulations to Lina on the birth of her son

I congratulate you, Lina,
With the birth of a beloved son!
Many happy years,
Achievements and victories to him,
Let it grow big and strong
Mom loves and cares!

Congratulations to mom on the birth of a son

Mother! Congratulations on the birth of your little boy! Let the baby grow strong and healthy! And to you, mom, we wish you happiness, kindness, warmth, love and joy!

Congratulations to the father on the birth of his son

Today is a solemn, special day,
Great day for every man!
We are gathered together today to
Happy birthday to you SON!
Now everything will be different for you -
Football, bike, snowball fights.
After all, being a father means so much in life.
We wish you wisdom, peace, patience!

Congratulations to Regina on the birth of her son

Congratulations on the birth of your son
My dear Regina!
Happiness, love and health,
Good angels at the head,
Let his star shine bright
And light his way!

Young dad, congratulations, now your daughter has a brother. Let it grow strong and healthy, because over time, it will become your hope and support. Let it be cheerful, brave, smart, kind and skillful, courageous and athletic.

Warm congratulations on the birth of your son

Yesterday there were only two of you
Today, all of a sudden, there are three of us.
We congratulate you, heroes,
And we take patronage over the child!
We will make sure that he grows up healthy,
Beautiful, smart and funny
The girls stirred the imagination,
Would not bring grief to the ancestors.
And became a normal, honest kid,
Which your whole house was proud of!

Congratulations for a friend on the birth of a son

My friend, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. Now you will always be looked at by big, full of love, children's eyes, you will have the opportunity to teach someone to dig into cars. So I congratulate you on the birth of the heir and successor of the family.

Congratulations to Gleb on the birth of his son

Congratulations on the addition
And I, Gleb, wish you
To make the son happy
Respected mom and dad
To bring joy
Loved you very much!

Congratulations to Danil on the birth of his son

Accept our congratulations, Danila,
With an important event - the birth of a son!
Let the son grow strong
All the best from the parents will take!

Original congratulations on the birth of a son

Young dad, congratulations, now your daughter has a brother. You are our dear friend, today you are at the pinnacle of happiness, for the first time you saw and even managed to hold in your arms your continuation in life, a little man, your newborn son. Let it grow strong and healthy, because over time, it will become your hope and support. Let it be cheerful, brave, smart, kind and skillful, courageous and athletic.

Congratulations to Agrippina on the birth of her son

Congratulations, Agrippina,
With the birth of a baby son!
We wish you less sleepless nights
So that you have more fun with your son,
Let it be all the little pranks
Bring, Agrippina, a lot of joy!

Congratulations to Philemon on the birth of his son

Now your turn has come
So nice and happy
You have acquired a new status -
Dad, you're happy now!
Accept congratulations
Multiply your achievements
I wish you Phil
So that the son gives joy!

Congratulations to Nella on the birth of her son

We congratulate you, Nelly,
With the birth of a son, finally,
Here you are sitting by the cradle,
And next to you husband and father!
They can’t from crumbs of eyes
Neither withdraw nor blink,
Everyone is waiting for that moment
When he says "Agu"!
We wish you and your husband
So that the son grows up healthy,
So that grief and sorrow
He didn't have to know!
May he be happy
Lucky, beloved
And whatever he wishes
To receive immediately!

Aurelia's congratulations on the birth of her son

God sent you a son
Aurelia is beautiful!
Need another daughter
So that it is full, the bowl of life has become!
We heartily congratulate you
With this wonderful event,
With all our hearts we wish
So that the son becomes the first discovery!
We wish him to grow up brave,
Developed beyond his years
To be the most skillful
And he always loved his mother!

Congratulations to Yaroslav on the birth of his son

Yaroslav, let me congratulate you, finally
You with excellent status - father!
Let the son grow up for joy
Brings meaning and sweetness to life!
Let him become a real man
With the status of a noble and classy rank,
Let him not lose face
And will always be the pride of the father!

Congratulations to daughter Tsvetana on the birth of her son and grandson

What name to give the baby
So that he could love this name?
That's what my mom and I thought
When our family was replenished!
We named you Tsvetana
So that you bloom day by day
To decorate our lives
Like a star shining in the sky!
Tsvetanochka, beloved daughter,
Now you have given birth to a son!
"Thank you for the grandson!" - I speak,
I love you and him very much!

Congratulations to Rostislav on the birth of his son

With a happy birth of a son,
Rostislav, congratulations,
To be your reflection
I grew up loving you with all my heart,
To decorate your life
And to become a joy to you!

Congratulations to Lolita on the birth of her son

Lolita, congratulations
You have become a mother!
I wish the sun
Your path is illuminated!
To bow my head
Above the cradle
Loving your son
The room filled up
sweet trill,
Filled your soul with warmth!

Congratulations to Isabella on the birth of her son

Isabella, congratulations
With the birth of a son
We wish from happiness
To be on the roof of the world!
So that the son grows up healthy,
So that you don't know tears
So that the smile does not leave the face
And most of all you loved him!

Congratulations to Ruslan on the birth of his son

Ruslan, you are a great husband,
Good son and brother
And with the fact that now you are a father
I am glad to congratulate you!
I want your son to grow up
Not knowing sorrows and tears,
And so that it always shines over him
Guiding star of happiness!

The birth of a child is without a doubt a joyful and very important event in the life of any family. Therefore, congratulations on the birth of a son should be appropriate. But for such festivities, there is one specific feature in congratulations: congratulations for parents, and gifts for the son. The congratulation itself should be cheerful, but not any humor in it will be entirely appropriate. Therefore, it is better to focus on choosing a good, right gift, and make the congratulation itself interesting and memorable. By the way, a serious and responsible approach to a gift will speak about your feelings and will be remembered by new parents more than words - because in this way you will take care of the future of the child, which is always perceived very positively. Congratulations on the birth of a son do not at all exclude thoughtful writing of the text - on the contrary, they rather combine both the text and the gift. Therefore, one should not completely lose sight of any of the parts.

Congratulations on your son!
Let it grow healthy
cheerful boy,
The world will know with a smile.

May he become strong, brave,
Let him live happily
Will be dexterous and skillful,
May he be lucky in everything.

Your son's birth
Will connect you stronger.
Peace to you, love, patience,
Let the angel keep the family!

In your house a glorious holiday -
The man was born chief,
Strong hero, cutie,
Charming angel.

Let, like dad, grow strong
And, like a mother, beautiful,
So that from birth
Was a subject of admiration.

Never get sick
Vigorous, nimble was always,
Running, jumping and jumping
Respected mom and dad!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the birth of a beautiful boy, on the birth of a wonderful son. I wish your family all the best, peace, prosperity, love and patience. Let the son grow up strong and healthy, cheerful and inquisitive, the best and wonderful. May his life be happy and kind.

Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Let the angel grow healthy
Sleeping soundly, not sick, not crying,
Smiling, jumping, jumping.

Let it become beautiful like mom
Strong, brave, brave like dad,
The smartest, funniest, most active
And, of course, the happiest.

To you, relatives, I wish you patience,
Positivity, love and luck.
So that you are always proud of your son,
Admired, before all boasted!

Here your son was born
Your protector and hero
He's like a sweet little angel
Happiness you hide it.

No, not bows, not ruffles,
That's not what you dream about
And in cars and war games
Will you play with your son?

You won't notice, very soon
He will walk along the path.
He is hope and support
Let it grow healthy!

Congratulations on your son
And we wish everyone good health.
Let it grow for your joy
Not by days, but by hours,
Noise and laughter brings into the house,
Exploring all around.
Mom and dad, you are lucky
In education - patience.

Congratulations on your son -
Sweet, sweet baby!
Let him grow like an angel
A mischievous merry fellow.
Let him make you laugh
Every day and every hour
May joy and joy
He will always be for you.

The birth of a son is God's reward,
We are sincerely happy for your family!
Let him grow as a man, the support of the family.
Give your son a sea of ​​​​love.

I wish you good health and patience.
How difficult it is at first, we all know.
May there be abundant joy and happiness,
Let the son be the smartest and strongest!

Let him grow up kind, healthy, happy,
Successful in business, the most beautiful.
May you be a real man.
Congratulations again on the birth of your son!

An angel was born
Your happiness is your beloved son.
The long-awaited baby, your handsome,
The best healthy boy!

Congratulations on your completion
And we wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts.
Let the son grow the best
And a healthy, happy boy!

And now, the happy hour has come,
When was your son born?
Let the joy of mom and dad,
Your son is growing, the healthiest one.

Let him be bolder than a lion
And the head will be smart
And an angel, let him keep
From troubles and petty insults.

May your baby be happy
So that laughter flew to the very roofs,
And let it be successful in life,
Handsome, sweet and diligent.

There is no award for the best in the world
Than the birth of a son.
Congratulations guys!
Your best boy!

Let it grow healthy
The world knows with a smile
Be strong, smart, brave
And skillful in all matters.

I wish you happiness, joy
Peace, light and goodness,
Lots of laughter and fun
And family warmth!