The girl is punished with a belt on the pope. Spanking children in the family. Kindergarten and other public institutions

Unfortunately, punishing children with a belt for some kind of disobedience is a fairly common occurrence. Many current parents were also victims of such upbringing in their time, but their opinions regarding the punishment of the child in this way differ. Some prefer not to subject their child to such tests, while others prefer the opposite. They believe that it is spanking that contributes to the normal process of education.

As for the opinion of experts, resorting to spanking has not only a physical impact on the child, but also an emotional one. Also, the use of brute physical force by parents automatically reduces their self-esteem in the eyes of children.

It has been proven that the sources of teenage cruelty and aggression lie in deep childhood. The small organism is not only vulnerable to viral and infectious pathogens. Mental health at such a young age is also vulnerable. Various factors can disrupt the normal formation process. An elementary fright, even from a dog, can shake the emotional health of a baby. Therefore, with the help of assault should not be present in.

It's no secret that young children are not distinguished by unquestioning obedience. The child is trying in every possible way to know the world and win his place in society. The key to successful education is the method of reward and punishment. With how to encourage a child, as a rule, there are no problems. Unconditional, if the baby is guilty, it is also impossible to leave this without due attention. He must learn to understand what can and cannot be done, since not all pranks of the crumbs are harmless. But before hitting a child on the pope, it is recommended to mentally put yourself in his place.

According to the research observations of psychologists, children who were physically abused in childhood become malicious and selfish personalities in the future, but it can be different - cowardice and deceit develop.

Children imitate their parents

The next time, before punishing a child with a belt, it is recommended to think about the future of your child and that one of these moments of upbringing can break the psychological health of the baby.

After each such pedagogical episode, the child is fraught with anger. Sometimes children begin to hate their parents and, at the first opportunity, try to harm them. Considering the aspect of physical advantage, children from such families, where a belt is practiced as a punishment, compensate for all the accumulated anger on their own. Other social problems arise from this.

Aggression at such a young age, caused by physical punishment for every offense, is not an indicator that the child is bad. The fact is that such upbringing leads to the formation of the concept that in order to achieve your goal and prevail over the others (in this case, over those who are weaker), you need to show your physical superiority.

Another important feature of such upbringing is trauma to the child's body. Some parents can simply slap the strap on the bum without applying any force. In this way, they kind of scare their baby that next time everything can be for real. But there are mothers and fathers whose behavior can be called despotic. They are capable of beating their child severely. There are many stories about how parents made their children disabled for educational purposes.

Reasons for child disobedience

Before you carry out a belt for his disobedience, you should understand the reasons for this behavior. All problems can be solved without resorting to violence, but in the process of a calm conversation.

According to the observations of psychologists, the main causes of child disobedience are as follows:

  • struggle for self-assertion;
  • one of the methods to attract the attention of parents;
  • feeling of insecurity;
  • the desire to always contradict;
  • lack of normal education;
  • permissiveness;
  • excessive demands on the behavior of the baby.

After birth, within about a year, the baby learns the world and is formed as a person. Even a small child who does not yet fully speak the language, but already understands what others are saying to him, has his own self-esteem. Children, unlike their parents, do not consider themselves small and therefore often defend their position as best they can, that is, whims.

Most often, the reason for doing everything in defiance lies precisely in the attitude of adults towards their child. If parents do not pay enough attention to him, then the child tries all sorts of things to get him. Another provocateur of such behavior may just be the resentment that the little man is fraught with for the fact that mom or dad punished him, and especially if physical force was used.

The abstraction of children often occurs on the basis of constant pulling from the parents. The child's mind tries in every possible way to protect itself from all reproaches from the elders. After a fairly short period of time, he completely ceases to perceive what adults tell him, if this is not beneficial for the baby himself. Additionally, self-doubt begins to form.

A feeling of confusion and unwillingness to fulfill all requests can be provoked by a fairly large number of people who take an active part in education (grandparents, aunts, uncles, kindergarten nannies, and others). The child is lost in the demands that “merge” on him from all sides. This does not mean that the crumbs are surrounded by bad people. The fact is that every adult develops his own concept of proper education. For some, for example, smearing clothes is an occasion for a serious conversation, for others it is a trifle that does not require attention, and for others it is an occasion for punishment with a belt, and so on. The totality of such requirements makes the child not obey anyone and always defend his point of view, that is, to do everything in defiance.

One of the reasons for the child's capricious behavior is the lack of consent among adults.

Quite often, parents demand the impossible from their children. They stand firm in their position and resort to punishment for the lack of a positive result. Constant exposure to such pressure is psychologically depressing for the child, especially when he cannot fulfill the whim of his parents due to his physical abilities or age. Often the result of such actions of parents is that the child completely refuses to listen to the elders. In addition, such stories often end with the children running away from home.

Raising a naughty baby

In Japan, according to their traditions, no educational influence can be exerted on a child under 5 years old. In their opinion, this period of time is considered sacred, therefore, education with a belt is not even considered here. But what about parents when their child is trying in every possible way to do everything in defiance and does not listen to their elders? This question is individual for each child, do not forget that the baby is small, but still a person. According to psychologists, at the moment of disobedience, it is necessary, first of all, to calm down the parents themselves and restrain their wave of aggression. In order to calm the child, you can:

  • Distract the little one from the source that provoked his emotional contradiction. You need to focus on another object.
  • Change environment. You need to be taken to another room.
  • Try to create a dialogue and agree on a compromise solution to the problem.

In order to attract the attention of your child, you can raise your voice to him, take his hand or, on the contrary, let him go. It is also not recommended to conduct a dialogue for educational purposes in raised tones all the time. If a child hears a cry all the time, at some point he will simply refuse to listen and will continue to act up with even greater zeal. Even a small person is a rational being who is able to understand the information that is conveyed to him in a language that is accessible to him.

You need to try to explain where he made a mistake and what consequences the actions of the baby could lead to. For example, if a child broke a cup and did it on purpose, you need to ask what prompted him to such actions. Perhaps he was wondering what would happen to an object if thrown on the ground. Do not forget that children learn about the world around them over a long period of time. There is also a possibility that the cause of the broken kitchen appliance was a childish dislike for this item (did not like the drawing or the cup was heavy and uncomfortable). Stories about what will happen if the baby beats all the dishes (he can cut himself, there will be nothing to drink from, etc.) should independently push the child to the fact that in the future this cannot be done.

Kindergarten and other public institutions

Kindergarten, school and other places where the child not only spends a significant part of his time, but also forms as a person, should not be the object of bullying for the baby.

Quite often there are incidents when children are physically punished by educators or teachers. If a child complains about being treated badly by teachers or other children, this should be taken into account and appropriate action taken. No one has the right, and even more so strangers, to practice raising children with a belt. But before you fall into hysterics and threaten the offenders of your child with the involvement of the police, you should understand the veracity of the words of the baby. Some children try to attract the attention of their relatives in this way, or they simply do not want to visit such public places.

In the case when the physical punishment of strangers turned out to be true, it is necessary that the child knows that the parents stand up for him and will not leave this moment unattended.

Children should always feel the support of their parents.

Children without whims

According to experts, a normal healthy child simply cannot be completely obedient in everything. Of course, it is much easier for parents of such children to raise their children. Absolutely obedient children can be for several reasons, and all of them require increased attention:

  • phlegmatic character. As a rule, this feature is not a pathology. In his behavior, the baby is always measured and calm. Such children are not punished and they greatly facilitate the process of education for parents. The disadvantage of this feature is the fact that it will be difficult for a child to adapt in a society dominated by sanguine and choleric people.
  • congenital diseases. Any disease, and even more so congenital, reduces immunity and partially “takes away” the energy power of the crumbs. So his curiosity to the world around him may decrease.
  • Fear of being punished. Children, frightened by cruel punishments, close in on themselves over time, and in order to avoid "reprisals", they often prefer to remain without attracting too much attention to themselves. They do not ask questions, they do not touch anything, because they remember how their parents punish them at their slightest mistake.

Ideal parents do not exist, but before you belt, try to find another way out of this situation. Do not refuse the help of professional psychologists.

If you have read my collection (Remnishka) of real cases of spanking children, which is published here, then you know that it was compiled on the basis of my correspondence interviews. In the text, I removed all my questions and left only the answers. Now I want to give some examples of my interviews in their original form, i.e. question-answer to show how the correspondence was conducted. These are new interviews that were conducted by me after the publication of the collection. There is my new collection on this topic here at Interview 1. (ELENA) Question: Is such a collection needed? Should it continue? Answer: It's creepy to read this, even without spanking anywhere, but somehow it's not human. I can not say why it is needed, but I think it is needed! Question: How do you feel about the punishment of flogging? Answer: I'm afraid that it won't work like a human, it's violence anyway and it won't be perceived otherwise! And you should flog when words just don’t reach, my son sometimes shows such stubbornness that, until you hit the soft spot with jump ropes, he doesn’t understand anything. That is why I think that parents cannot do without spanking, at least for many parents. And my dad flogged me with a cable from a television antenna, flogged me once, but to the point of blood, for stealing (I was 6 years old) Question: For what? Did your mother also think that you should be whipped? Answer: The punishment was, as it were, indicative (I stole money from my parents' colleagues). Mom silently agreed, although they could try to talk to me, but I stole the first time. The spanking didn’t help, I stole after that, so if I didn’t understand the words, then at least I wouldn’t endure the pain, because the effect turned out to be the same. Question: Were your parents' colleagues present during the punishment? And then it was not scary that they would punish even more? Answer: Colleagues were not present, but they knew about it! No, it wasn't scary anymore! Question: Did this news calm your colleagues? Why wasn't it scary? Pain no longer frightens you? Answer: Yes, this calmed my colleagues! I became smarter, so I stopped being afraid. Question: Maybe you should have been punished even harder? Answer: If you punish harder, you can kill! Question: How many times did he whip the cable and where? Answer: Dad flogged me in the places where he got, I twisted, wriggled, the cable fell on my ass, and on my back, and on my legs. He hit 10 times, it was terribly painful and scary. Mom was crying, she felt sorry for me, but apparently it seemed to her the only true thing. Interview 2. (NASTYA) Question: Are you against punishing children with spanking? Answer: It's just that I know from my own experience what it is - a belt, and in my opinion this is not the best way out. I was beaten as a child with both a belt and a hand, and I would not say that I am grateful to my stepfather for this! I hated him for it! and still - seven years have passed - I do not trust him. Question: And when was the first time you were punished like that, at what age? And for what offense? Answer: The first time - at the age of six. I didn't wash the dishes after myself. My stepfather punished me so severely for any act - got a deuce, did not clean the room, and so on. This was what jarred me the most - to flog me so that for weeks I could not sit for some kind of deuce ?! Many parents did not say anything to their children for such nonsense, and he flogged me with a belt. Thank God those times are behind us. Question: Did your mother punish you like that too? Answer: No, mother - she never punished like that, but she never interceded either. The mother did not agree and did not show displeasure - she simply did not care, she went silently to another room to read and that was all. Question: And until what age did he punish you like that? Did it help in education in any way? Answer: Up to nine years. Then my grandmother found out about this and invested my stepfather in the most I don’t want - she loves me very much and always stood up for me - and, apparently, beat off his desire to punish all the time. And it helped at the expense - I was afraid to come home, I was afraid all the time to do something wrong, to make a mistake again - I developed a real phobia in those years. Therefore, I tried to do everything in the best way, because of the fear of punishment. I can’t say whether this had a strong effect on my upbringing, although I became purposeful for sure! - but the desire to run away, die and prove something to someone, I have appeared more than once. Children's revenge - to die so that everyone would cry - there was such a desire, because it bothered me to shake all the time. Question: And if he did it in moderation and not so much, would it help in behavior? Was he lashing over his naked body or through his pants? Answer: Probably, in any case, the fear of punishment discourages anything! Whipped on a naked body - on the back, on the legs, and, of course, on the pope. Question: Did he undress you himself to punish you, or did you have to do it yourself? Answer: No, she undressed herself. Of course it was embarrassing. Question: Did you have to undress completely? Answer: Yes, absolutely. Question: 10-15 times with a strap on the pope is it tolerable or already a lot? Answer: I was beaten 30-40 times, but I think 15 times will also be too much, 10 times is enough. Question: Were you lying on the bed at that time? Answer: 40 times with a belt is a lot. Either on the bed, or on your knees, in different ways. Question: Did he care how much you scream? Did he put you on his lap? Answer: Yes, he was... laying on his knees. Question: Is kneeling worse than being in bed? But how could you go to school and sit there after such a punishment? Answer: It was better on the bed, definitely. Knees on the chest pressed, or on the stomach. Oh, the school was just chic ... I sat on the edge of my chair, or tried to stand at the blackboard all day. Question: Was it possible to dodge on the bed? Did your friends know about it at school? Answer: I did not dodge. No, no one knew, but they probably guessed. Question: You were hurt, but you did not resist? Answer: When it does, sometimes it almost doesn't hurt, sometimes I wanted to climb the wall. I resisted until I got it in my brain. Question: Did he explain to you what the punishment was for? Answer: Yes, I explained, I said that no one would know, otherwise they would beat me at all, and my mother stupidly went to another room, as if I deserved it. Question: Was the punishment immediately or was it appointed for some time? Answer: In different ways. Question: Is it better to set a time for punishment? Answer: It is better to appoint. Then the one who punishes will already calm down and will not be rash. If the punishment was postponed, he simply informed about it dryly, and he postponed it for a time when it was convenient for him. Question: If he did not specifically say the time of punishment, then you had to wait all this time that he would call now? If the punishment was in the evening before going to bed, is that better? Answer: Yes. That was the worst thing - the waiting. Evening is the best! I cried and fell asleep. Question: How can such punishments (especially since it was done by the stepfather) affect the girl's sexual sphere? For example, can either an orgasm occur at the same time, or then a tendency to BDSM? Answer: I don’t know, in any case, I didn’t have anything like that, I don’t know about the others. Interview 3. (NATALIA) Question: Do you advise to punish not with a belt, but only with a twig? Answer: When I started to punish my daughter, I was immediately told that you can’t beat with your hand, because you can not calculate the strength, with a belt for about the same reason. You can’t wear slippers, because these are cozy slippers and the child will be afraid of them. That’s when I was advised to punish with a twig or a stick, since this would be associated only with punishment in the child’s mind. I got this twig. For some time he lay in a conspicuous place, and when the moment came when there was no way without punishment, I took this twig and flogged her. Only it is undesirable to hit a child on the butt, basically it hit the legs a little lower than the priests, pretty soon it was enough to get close to this twig, as all the problems disappeared by themselves. And for about a year now, such measures have not been required, my daughter and I understand each other perfectly, otherwise we already wanted to climb the wall. Question: Did your friends or a psychologist advise you this way? What size is the twig and why not on the pope? Answer: I was advised by my grandmother, who raised beautiful children and grandchildren, and psychologists and sexologists do not advise hitting the butt, especially the naked one, since there are a lot of erogenous zones in the pope and in the future this can cause various sexual deviations, My daughter was 4 years old then. Question: Can there be deviations? What twig did she recommend to use? Were there any traces of him? Answer: Childhood memories are very strong and the most vivid, and how they can manifest themselves in the future is also difficult to say, and sexology is a fairly new science, and a twig can be anything. The presence of traces is determined by the strength of the blow, so I tried not too hard, it was of course painful, but honestly more offensive. Question: I was told about a religious family, they have a boy, he is 7 years old. If he was guilty during the day, then the parents say that in the evening there will be a spanking. Then, before going to bed, they lower his pants and dad slaps his pope with a belt. Mom is also present. The child is first explained why they are punished, and after the spanking, they caress him and say that they love him. Is it better than smacking right away and in a rush? Answer: It may be better, but even for me, an adult, it is a huge stress to wait for a rather long time of punishment, and what then is a small child like? I punished mine right away, although I tried several times to postpone the punishment a little, but this made it even worse. Question: Do you think that it is better to start applying such punishment when the child is 4-5 years old? After the punishment, the child should apologize for his act or is this already superfluous? Answer: In my opinion, a child should be brought up while he fits across the bench, but I didn’t think about whether I should apologize, my daughter takes the initiative herself in this regard.

Dedicated to such an important, but unfairly rejected by society topic as disciplinary beating of women, I, unfortunately, missed a very important aspect of beating, called flogging. But this is a very important measure for the disciplinary prevention of female behavior. Remember the main thing - spanking is not designed to satisfy your sadistic inclinations. Whipping is designed to keep your marriage strong and your woman a happy homemaker! Therefore, the first need of a successful spanking proponent is an appropriate punishment tool to use on the backs and buttocks of misguided actions. You simply must have a belt or whip in your home.

Unfortunately, many enlightened people, the so-called liberal abscesses on the body of modern society, completely deny this type of education the right to exist. However, such a view has one significant drawback associated with the psychology of a female being: a woman should feel weak, but protected by her chosen one. Then she is happy. This purpose, in particular, is served by a good spanking. She makes it clear to a woman that a man surpasses her physically and morally. Physical punishment is always more effective, as it affects the emotional, physical, and psychological aspects at once. In the course of which a woman begins to love her husband even more! Since she understands that she was guilty, she was wrong and she was punished for it, then she ultimately gets pleasure from this. It's an amazing victim psychology. Even though not everyone admits it.

Everyone knows that spanking has existed all the time, that there is a person, and this is not without reason!
And in Rus', even flogging was considered the main backlog of a successful, happy family, until 1917, until the Bolsheviks abolished this type of benefactor. Spanking was even described in the bible and was popular in ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. Whipping was used mainly for educational purposes and as a punishment, but few people know that healing properties were attributed to whipping with rods.
The doctors of that time prescribed rods for:

Various mental illnesses and mental disorders
- epilepsy
- to prevent laziness
- for massage to revitalize the reduced activity of the skin and increase muscle strength
- to speed up the metabolic processes in the body.
Doctors believed that the rods set in motion stagnant organic juices!
- dissolve the sediments and salts contained in the body
- clear the head and mind
- relieve the stomach
- disperse blood
- strengthen the nerves

In those days, it was believed that there was no disease that rods could not heal.
Modern society considers spanking a deviation, but in vain! Recently, both in folk medicine and among doctors, such a concept as medical flogging has been firmly rooted, because scientists and doctors have proven that medical flogging:

Boosts the immune system
- improves memory and improves brain function
- distracts from bad habits and desires (alcohol, drugs)
- relieves chronic (physical and emotional) fatigue
- helps to calm down and relieve hyperactivity
- relieves headaches
- relieves stress and negative energy
- improves blood circulation
- increases muscle activity and endurance
- increases vitality
- activates digestion
- helps to lose weight and get rid of cellulite
- prevents and prevents heart attack and stroke
- cleanses and balances the blood

Neurologists and psychotherapists claim that spanking develops courage, stamina and courage. Increases self-confidence. People who receive spanking are less afraid of pain and difficulties in life, cope with ailments more easily, are more enduring and less irritable. In general, using spanking in relation to your woman, you should know that you not only ennoble her temper in this way, but also strengthen her spirit and health!

A woman, if she is decent and cultured, will definitely appreciate such care, and no matter what the spanking is, she will definitely go to console her beloved husband. As soon as everything is over, she will definitely begin to stretch her arms towards him, hug, try to be closer to him (while an indecent girl, after a spanking, will cry in an offended way, be silent and hide in a corner). At these moments, girls are often especially gentle and attentive. A cultured girl understands that her husband punished her not at all in order to repel or humiliate, but on the contrary, in order to bring her closer to herself, to do better, to teach, to correct her mistakes. She understands that he is trying for her, she is glad that she was able to atone for her guilt and understood where she was wrong. She is pleased that everything is over and now she can again caress her beloved husband more than before, because he is no longer angry with her at all.

A woman should be beaten with a whip or a soft leather belt. The belt should be made of genuine leather, without metal fittings, soft, smooth, 5-6 cm wide. A narrow belt causes more intense pain. In addition, such beating does not leave scars on the skin of the beloved woman. Using this tool, a person is removed from sensual contact with the subject of spanking, which does not give vent to the husband's emotions. And the whip itself, as an instrument of physical influence, has a much deeper meaning, understood subconsciously: animals and slaves are whipped with a whip, while with a hand or a stick, according to mature reflection, we beat our equals. Thus, you first of all demonstrate to a woman her subordinate position, which can awaken new feelings in her and satisfy her female needs!
If you flog it with a whip, it is very important to hit it purely in the soft tissue area, without touching the bones. On the bones, upon impact, the skin can be cut, and the blood will inevitably stain your suit.

Such flogging should be carried out at least once a week (the recommended duration of flogging is half an hour). With regular flogging, the skin becomes more physically resistant to impacts, and also less prone to capillary ruptures. And the belt with active shock exploitation becomes softer, which will help your woman in the future, it is much easier to endure educational acts of punishment. After all, you, like a real man, take care of her comfort, right?

It is very important to create a psychologically correct atmosphere of punishment. You must show the woman that spanking is a manifestation of your highest love for her and you are punishing her not for being bad, but for her bad deed, and your goal is not to humiliate her, but to improve her. For spanking, it is desirable to allocate a separate room, with a large comfortable bed, where the beloved is placed after the spanking to restore strength and to reflect on the circumstances that led to this situation.
I also recommend placing a small table with drinks in the room, with which, in case of anything, you can refresh yourself and refresh your strength. Put a soft carpet on the floor, or even better - bear skins. You should be comfortable, and the lady should be scared.

For peace of mind, I would recommend the quiet music of Wagner.
If you are in doubt whether to flog or not to flog your woman, then I ask you to turn to your conscience and think, have you done everything in your power to protect her from filth? Did you sit down and carefully talk with her, listen to her point of view?
I'm sure they tried. Then why did she go astray? Because, dear ones, you haven't given her the one thing she needs most - authority. Every woman loves to follow the leader. Are you a leader for her? Do you fully understand that authority includes a certain unpleasant obligation to achieve obedience and respect through discipline?

In fact, spanking is an art. While the process itself is like creative torment, in which the pure thought of your woman is born. Like any art, spanking requires constant patience and practice. Successful spanking requires a solid knowledge of fundamental principles.
The best course of action is to choose a punishment style and follow it strictly. Thus, blows can be delivered in the following order: TWO in quick succession separately on each of the bare buttocks, followed by ONE on the back of the upper part of each thigh - and repeated in the same order. After two repetitions, the entire affected area should be completely red and painful looking, but the skin should not be broken or bruised. When you start beating your lover in this way, she will twitch and react verbally. Slap harder and soon she will be asking you to stop and promise you better behavior. Keep acting.

At this moment, the girl realizes only one thing - she urgently needs to capitulate. She immediately forgets her pride, her "adult" arrogance, her sense of superiority. Maybe she will fight for it as long and hard as she can, but if you increase the span of the belt, despite the impermissible impudence, she will give up in exhaustion. A real girl, honest, gentle, decent, will soon open up through tears. She will do or say whatever you please, in the hope of stopping the searing flames that consume her tender, burning body.
If this happened, we can say with confidence that the girl was healed from the illness that choked her consciousness! You did everything right, and for prevention, repeat the procedure exactly after 1 month! By the way, this method of maintaining discipline in the family is also actively used by the current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin:

It is also permissible to flog the misguided feet and heels of the corrected! It's called "Bastinado".
To do this, you should use a light bamboo cane about 1 cm thick and 70 cm long. As a rule, I hit only on the inner side of the foot in a hollow with light sharp blows on the "run out" - acceleration due to the brush with a sharp stop. I carefully make sure that the blow is only a smooth part of the bamboo phalanx, and not a knot, and goes along the entire plane of the foot.

Feelings vary greatly depending on the location of the impact. I noticed that it is better to strike closer to the heel - the pain is brighter.
Never hit on the very heel or fingertips - it's dangerous. I never hit with all my hand - the place is so sensitive that a brush is more than enough.
The effect of the practice is good, it clears the brain at times and, as a rule, two or three serious punishments (30-50 strokes per session) are enough - mutual understanding with the girl is just perfect. Further - in the operating mode ("calculation" for faults by 10-15).

It seems that with the flogging of a woman, we have more or less figured it out. But what if you need to flog two women at once? For example, wife and mistress? Our wise ancestors, of course, faced such an opportunity, so the so-called "group spanking" was invented.

The main rule of group spanking is to spank the same way. If one was flogged strongly, then the second girl must be flogged no less strongly. It is necessary to try to flog in the same time and in the same places, so that the consequences and traces of the flogging are more or less the same. The spanking itself should be carried out in front of the second girl. Both before and after the spanking, the girls should be kept together (without your presence) so that they can discuss the future or experienced spanking, show each other traces and sympathize with each other. The main thing in such a spanking is to find a common cause and carry out the same action. If one was flogged with a rattan, then the second must be flogged with a rattan, if one was flogged with a ruler, then the second must be flogged with a ruler so as not to offend anyone. After all, justice is the main life credo of a real man!

I hope that this text will help so many men and women who have gone astray and lost their way to find themselves in this world, bring family relationships to a fundamentally new level, and most importantly, live the rest of their lives in love, harmony and mutual understanding! Love each other, because love is the main compass in life, leading us along, like a red star on the Kulikovo field.

I hear the rattle of the key in the keyhole, well, that's all. Very soon I will be squealing in pain in the "room under the stairs". I suspect it used to be my parents' bedroom. This is a spacious square room with a beautiful view from the window, decorated with mahogany, it is very quiet in it and the sounds that are heard in this room are not heard anywhere else in our spacious house. It also has its own toilet room.

My father died many years ago, and I hardly remember him - I was only 5 years old when it happened. My mother and I live on the second floor, the servants occupy the left wing of the first floor. And I got acquainted with this room when I went to school, although, however, not quite right away.

It was like this: I received an entry in my diary - I didn’t learn the poem, I couldn’t even imagine what it threatened me with! Mom, of course, warned me that I should only study for "Excellent", that I have all the data and all the conditions for this, that she alone is in business, works hard, does not like her personal life - and all this for me. All that is required of me is excellent study and obedience. The nanny looked after me, she also made me do my homework, although my mother said that I should be independent and scolded the nanny for forcing me, she believed that from childhood I should rely only on myself and learn to allocate my time. So I "distributed" - played too much and forgot! Mother came home from work and checked the diary (she did not forget to do this every day). Then, in a calm voice, she told me that I would be punished now, ordered me to lower my jeans and panties to my knees and lie on the bed with my booty up, and she herself went out somewhere. I am a naive child! And so it did! I thought that this was the punishment - to lie upside down!

But what was my surprise when a few minutes later, the mother came, and in her hands she had a brown strap! She said the first time I'll get 20 strokes! In general, she managed to hit only 1 time. From a terrible, unfamiliar pain, I howled, and quickly rolled to the other side and crawled under the bed. It happened instantly, I did not expect this from myself! And no matter how she screamed, did not threaten - I did not climb out of there until the morning. She slept there. From fear, she did not want to eat, drink, or go to the toilet.

In the mornings, my mother left early, and the nanny took care of me. The nanny fed me and took me to school. The whole day I was gloomier than a cloud, I was very afraid to go home, but I was ashamed to tell my friends about what had happened. Lessons are over, and oh horror! My mother came for me.

After talking to the teacher, she firmly took my hand and led me to the car. We drove in silence the whole way. Arriving home, as always, I changed into my favorite jeans, washed up and went to dinner, dined with my mother and nanny, and, thinking that everything had been forgotten, went to do my homework. About two hours later, when the lessons were over, my mother came into my room and in a calm voice told me about the system of my upbringing, that I would be punished for all the wrongdoings, and the best and most correct punishment for children is spanking, since "Beating determines consciousness", and that my butt was created specifically for these purposes. If I resist it, I will still be punished, but the portion of punishment will be doubled or tripled! And if I piss her off, there'll be brainwashing too.

Then she told me to get on all fours, she herself stood over me, squeezed my head between her strong knees, unbuttoned my panties, pulled them together with my panties from my ass and called the nanny. The nanny came in, and I saw in her hands a stick from a cherry tree. Of course, I immediately understood everything! She began to cry and beg her mother not to do this, but all in vain. After a couple of seconds, the cherry rod began to burn my naked, defenseless ass with a terrible fire. Mother used to say - let's beat laziness, beat laziness. And I screamed and begged for mercy! Nobody heard me. But after a while the execution stopped. My butt was on fire, it was very, very painful and insulting, I cried and whined, but no one was going to let me go. Mom took a break, and said that I got 20 hits for laziness, and now there will be another 20 for yesterday's resistance. I just went cold with fear! And the cherry rod whistled again with a loud clapping, falling on my already sore ass. I no longer screamed, it could not be called a scream - it was a heart-rending screech, I squealed and squealed, my mind was clouded by this terrible, burning, unbearable pain. It felt like I was being skinned alive. That I can't take it anymore and I'm about to die!! But I didn't die...

The spanking ended, and I was crying, with my pants down, holding my ass with both hands, and they took me to the bathroom. The nanny told me to lie on my stomach on the couch, I lay down, I thought that she would give me a cold compress, I thought that she would take pity on me, but it didn’t happen.

She pulled off my dangling jeans and underpants and forced me to get on all fours, I begged and howled at the same time! I thought that I would be spanked again.

But, as it turned out, they decided to brainwash me! I got even more scared! I cannot express in words my horror from the unknown and fear of pain! At the same moment, a short thick stick stuck into the hole between the halves of my tormented ass and smoothly slipped inside, I screamed, more from fear than from pain, and my mother and nanny laughed. Warm water flowed into me, I almost did not feel it, it only burst in the pope and lower abdomen, and I cried from shame and resentment. After a while, I really wanted to go to the toilet. But I was not allowed to get up, and this nasty stick was still sticking out of my ass, and the nanny held it with her hand. Finally my mother allowed me to get up and go to the toilet.

I remembered this punishment for a very long time.

I always did my homework on time, memorized everything, learned everything. I sat for hours in class. I have always been tense and afraid. I didn't want to repeat the punishment. So three years passed. I graduated from elementary school as a brilliant student with excellent behavior. Mom was happy!

Here I am in fifth grade. New teachers, new subjects. The first deuce in English ...

At home, I honestly told my mother everything, and was ready for punishment. But that evening she did not punish me. I thought that she changed her tactics of my upbringing. I myself began to try very hard and soon got a four and two fives in English!

Unexpectedly, repairs began in our house, as it turned out, in a room that I did not suspect existed. It was located under the stairs and its door was upholstered in the same material as the walls, so it was not noticeable. A week later, the repair was completed. They brought some strange bed: narrow, convex, with some kind of slots and wide leather cuffs. Then I thought that this was a sports simulator - my mother always took care of her figure.

Three days later I managed to get a triple in mathematics and acquaintance with the "room under the stairs" took place!

In the evening, after my mother had supper and rested, she called me to the new room. The room was beautiful but gloomy. In the middle of the room stood a strange bed. Mom explained to me that now this room will serve for my upbringing, that is, punishment. That this bed is for me. I will lie down on it, my arms and legs will be fixed with leather cuffs so that I will not be able to move, and the butt will be located above the rest of the body. In general, a very convenient design, and even the fact that I will grow is provided. Here's what my mom bought! She was definitely proud of this acquisition, as it turned out, made to order! Then she showed me a wooden stand. He had a whole arsenal of instruments of punishment! A narrow black strap, a red braided belt, a soldier's belt, a brown belt with metal studs, a red wide patent leather belt with a lion-shaped buckle, a yellow thick braided belt, thin strips of leather gathered at one end into a handle (as I later found out - a whip), a belt made of coarse, thick fabric of a protective color.

Then we went to the bathroom. Here mother showed a beautiful transparent trough in which cherry twigs from our garden got wet - these are rods, she said.

Girls, walking through the expanses of tyrnet, stumbled upon the story of the family life of one girl. To be honest, I was a little shocked. What do you say?
"Hello, dear men. I want to share one moment of family life with my husband.
I am 31 years old. It somehow immediately happened with us that the husband reserves the right to apply a belt to me in a soft place as an educational measure. As if this was implied from the very beginning, and neither I nor he perceives this as something non-standard and beyond. Moreover, we do not perceive it as violence or pressure on a person. Rather, as a piquant inevitable element of family life. It's like she's family.)
He is not a retrograde or a despot, but a completely advanced and charming person.) At the same time, he is inclined to perceive a woman as a homemaker, an affectionate life partner. He is quite comfortable in such a coordinate system. And we are both lucky in our choice of companions, because we share the same views. He believes that the right to self-realization and independence is the inalienable right of every person, no matter a man or a woman. At the same time, in a natural way, there are the most comfortable natural social roles for both sexes. A woman can take the hard, ambitious path, or she can take the classic route, and he's not the type to blame her for it.)
This is in brief, so that his position and train of thought would be clear.
We both work, but inside the family, he appreciates in me, first of all, the primordial feminine qualities, if I may say so.) He admits that he is very blissed out precisely from the fact that a warm, cozy atmosphere awaits him at home and an ideal integral touch of a cozy family nest - an affectionate sensual wife))) He does not like the manifestations of female infantilism and bitchiness. We agreed that such a classical system of relations, in particular, including the same belt, forms the most acceptable type of woman from our general point of view. In the end everyone is happy
As for housework, we do it as we agree, there is no strict distribution of responsibilities, as someone might think. Everything is very democratic.
And of course, we are adults and we fully understand what kind of erotic connotation the punishment of spanking carries and how it affects our sex life. In the most positive way, by the way.) And not only directly, but rather to a greater extent precisely through the formation of this comfortable system of relations.)
At the same time, punishment with a belt does not at all cease to be a tangible educational measure. And precisely being an educational measure, it is used responsibly and extremely rarely. I vividly remember one of these cases when this punishment had a decisive effect. Approximately at the very beginning of the relationship, he cured me of smoking in this way.)) I remember this precisely because it was felt precisely as a punishment and was perceived by me precisely as strict participation but not as violence. He said that a smoking girl is one thing, but if you are my smoking girl, then this needs to be fixed. He took off his belt and hit my ass. I had no idea that everything could be so simple.))) I sulked at him for a while, but eventually admitted that this decision was the right one on his part. He says I’ll catch with a cigarette, I’ll flog him the same way, half as a joke, half seriously.
Now we have a son. Married for 6 years now. This system of relations suits me completely.
He says that he always wants me and treats me with incredible awe and tenderness precisely because of my consonance with that deep affectionate image of a true woman.)
If some particularly distinguished girls were flogged by their chosen ones, maybe their family would have a more balanced, prosperous atmosphere. Without scandals and screams in front of children, etc.)
Carefully took off his pants, whipped and order! Then I remember for a long time))) The main thing is no family violence."