How to start a conversation with a friend in contact. How to communicate with a girl on VK: the secrets of virtual communication

You can meet the girl of your life anywhere: at the university, on the street, in a social network, transport. However, many young people, out of fear of being rejected, just pass by without even starting a conversation. What if the young lady does not want to communicate or will she leave a message addressed to her on VKontakte without an answer?

All these fears will be significantly reduced or even disappear altogether if the guy knows how to start a conversation with a girl and continue the conversation in the future.

The World Wide Web offers young people much greater opportunities for establishing relationships than the street - here you can get acquainted, communicate, without being embarrassed by a pretty stranger.

At the same time, the Internet narrows the field for maneuvers, since there is no way to express your emotions with your eyes and movements. Therefore, many young people use social networks as a starting point for further acquaintance with young ladies in real life.

Standard tricks for starting communication on VKontakte do not always work, because pretty girls receive a lot of offers to meet, which they don’t even pay much attention to. And the phrase “Hi, how are you?” some of them develop allergies.

You should start a conversation with a girl in such a way that she would have a desire to at least continue to communicate in VK, and as a maximum, meet in a cafe for a cup of espresso.

How to build a dialogue in social networks?

  1. First of all, bring your page and profile on the social network to full order- add photos (your own), write more about your hobbies. Girls will not want to get acquainted with a young man, on whose page there are no personal photographs.
  2. Carefully study the profile of a pretty stranger. A more detailed analysis of the page will allow you to find common ground - hobbies, favorite books and films, a vacation spot or a preferred sport. This will help you start a more productive conversation.
  3. Throw away banal phrases for dating. Originality is the key to success and the key to normal communication. A girl will probably want to get to know a guy who doesn’t write the standard “How are you?”. However, you should not get carried away with too complex sentences, otherwise there is a risk that you simply will not be understood.
  4. If the young lady "pecked", start communication with neutral topics - literature, cinema, work or study. Be sure to connect humor, it will smooth out some awkwardness of the situation. Diversify the conversation funny stories from life.
  5. Do not post all the information about yourself in a crowd, leave some understatement. Also, you should not pull the “blanket” of the conversation over yourself, not being interested in the girl at all. Ask her opinion on various points, but avoid questions regarding her personal life.

Good to know! How to get started with pretty girl VK or other social networks? Certainly not from a lie. Do not post other people's photos of brutal handsome men, do not attribute unusual character traits to yourself and do not pretend to be the son of a millionaire. Such a deception will negate the possibility of a further meeting in the real world.

How to start a conversation in VK? First of all, greet the interlocutor and approximately describe the reason for meeting.

We repeat once again - down with boring formulations, since they cause persistent antipathy among girls. Well, she won't tell stranger What does she do and what is the state of her affairs!

Let's do it right...

  1. Motive presentation. The first sentence you need to formulate the purpose of the letter. For example: “Greetings. I noticed you in the group (community name), and since I am also fond of these issues, I decided to get to know you. Yes, not a very original introduction, but your politeness will not allow the girl to be rude in response.
  2. Common interests. The reason for acquaintance may be her hobbies indicated in the questionnaire: “Hello! I was looking for interesting films on the net and eventually found your page. We have similar tastes. I also like horror. Recommend any exciting film in this genre. The advantage of this method is that you immediately proceed to the discussion, and the conversation can be continued in a personal meeting.
  3. Request for help. Young ladies love to come to the rescue and give recommendations. Take advantage of this: “Hello! My sister has a birthday soon, but I don’t understand girlish gifts at all. I am looking for girls of her age in Contact who can give a hint. This theme can be developed further by finding out what she likes and what gifts she prefers.
  4. Romantic acquaintance. You can start social networking with romantic phrases. young girls usually with “understanding” they refer to such messages as: “Beautiful stranger, do you believe that dreams come true? Today in a dream I saw a girl who looked like you, and suddenly I meet you here ... "

The described methods can be used in Contact on completely unfamiliar young ladies.

Another thing is if a pretty person is a friend of your friend. In this case, you should greet the girl and refer to a mutual friend: “I saw your comments under his photos, I liked your view of the world (humor, attitude to life). Maybe we can talk?"

At this stage, you need to start a conversation with a girl, add yourself to the list of her friends and, in general, make good impression.

After talking a little in Vkontakte, you can invite them on a personal date and react further according to the situation. The first step has been taken!

How to start a conversation with a girl on the street, in a cafe, at a party? This question worries many guys who are insecure in front of pretty young ladies and are afraid of being rejected.

However, starting a conversation with an unfamiliar girl who you liked is still worth it. How to do it right?

  1. Start with a hello. This is a mandatory condition and a manifestation of elementary politeness. You need to approach the young lady so as not to scare her (it is better to approach face to face, but not blocking the passage), say hello and introduce yourself.
  2. The next step is to ask a question that cannot be answered in one word. Of course, give up the banality, it is better to ask something lying on the surface. For example, if she walks her dog, ask about the characteristics of the breed. This question is a kind of "hook" that you cast for the "catch".
  3. , just do them unobtrusively so as not to create an image of a pick-up artist. The best praise is the one that describes the real qualities of an unfamiliar girl.
  4. When thinking about where to start dating, do not forget about jokes. A man who can make a woman laugh is halfway to success. However, exclude sarcasm and malicious irony, jokes should be kind and pleasant.
  5. Like a girl? Can you make it small nice present. If you met on the street, give a balloon - it's very nice. If the meeting took place in a cafe, try ordering her a cup of coffee.

The next burning question is how to start a conversation with a girl on a first date. To produce pleasant impression for a young lady, use the following recommendations:

  1. Since you met not on VK, but on the street, the young girl does not know you at all. So talk about yourself, but don't brag.
  2. Be interested in the personality of your interlocutor, ask her about hobbies, literature and cinema.
  3. Give the girl the opportunity to speak, talking in parallel. If the pause drags on, remember stories from your childhood, usually young ladies like such cute occasions.
  4. Do not ask personal questions, and do not talk about your own former relationship. It is especially important not to discuss former lovers talking about them in a negative way.

Psychologists say that one meeting is usually enough for a woman to decide whether her relationship with this man is necessary.

If you are a boring and uninteresting interlocutor, she will definitely not come to the next date and will not even pick up the phone.

Also, a girl will not want to meet if your behavior unpleasantly strikes her. For example, you interrupted her, called out negatively about your former partners, condemned her hobbies or hobbies.

Advice! Therefore, on the street, in a cafe or cinema, your main task is to show your best sides and be sure to demonstrate that you like the girl.

Looking for information on how to start a conversation with a girl on VK or on the street, you should mentally prepare for possible failures. You should not fall into despair, because often the reason for not wanting to communicate lies not in you, but in the young lady herself.

She's probably not in the mood, or she has a boyfriend. If the acquaintance ended in failure, go to another pretty person. After all, a lot of free and no less beautiful girls walk nearby, who also dream of meeting nice guys.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties. » Psychology » Pickup

Life is too short to spend it alone, burning your eyes at the monitor. You can use the internet to meet interesting girls. What phrases can you use to meet a girl on the Internet?

How to meet a girl on the Internet and get her to answer

Guys are often looking for ready-made phrases and dialogues for meeting girls on the Internet.

However, in order to attract the attention of a girl, you will have to work a little with your own head. Of course, if nature endowed you with the beauty of David Beckham or the brutality of Fyodor Bondarchuk, then your chances of getting an answer even to the emoticon you sent will be quite high.

Do not despair, even with an average appearance, you can meet girls 365 days a year.

Someday you will definitely find among them the one with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Or… become a professional pick-up artist.

So, how to hook a girl?

Do not forget that every girl is an individual who can be most offended by your formulaic phrase.

Your interlocutor may not be in the best mood, so if he did not answer you positively, you can use these instructions on how to cheer up a girl - this will help get communication on track.

Well, if it comes to a date, then these questions should be prepared in advance by you.

The hackneyed "hello", "how are you?" or the smiley just screams that you sent them to another dozen or so potential victims and are waiting for one of them to take your bait.

Don't be surprised if there's no catch at all. Get creative with the dating process.

Take a look at her photos. For example, in the photo she is against the backdrop of the Colosseum.

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You are writing:

  • “Perhaps you are as in love with Rome as I am?”

She is in the photo with the dog. Your phrase:

  • “I love Labradors. I want to get myself a puppy. Can you advise if it is difficult to grow them?

Perhaps you are too lazy to waste time looking at photos.

Then come up with a suitable phrase that will not sound trite, but will work in most cases. Sweat her vanity, show your high appreciation of her beauty:

  • “You are dressed with impeccable taste. Perhaps you - professional stylist
  • “Probably, I have no chance to meet a girl, especially with such a beauty. Let me know if it's not."
  • “You are indescribably beautiful. Do not be offended if I address you with "you"?

Pay attention, your phrases should prompt a response or action. Do not try to literally use phrases found on the Internet.

Come up with something of your own. After all, you have to meet with a girl one on one, where you have to be yourself.

➤ Secrets: Helpful information with which you will learn how to attract a lot of money to your loved one and become a financially independent person. We found interesting method dating in a social network, with the help of which any girl will be yours.

How to start a conversation or procedure

It is even easier to find the right phrases for meeting a girl in Vkontakte or another social network.

Here, in addition to photographs, you can see various details from the girl’s life: where she studies (studied), where she works, how many friends she has, what kind of music she likes, what she puts on her wall.

Let's briefly describe your procedure:

  1. Check out her profile.
  2. Change your profile a little (set your status to her favorite music; subscribe to the groups in which she participates; clean up the archive of your photos).
  3. Comment on your favorite photos of her.
  4. Sent her a private message.
  5. Ask her to add you as a friend.

A private message must be private. The template is the last thing you should count on.

What to write to a girl in VK? Get her interested, ask for something small. For example, a girl is fond of English - you ask for help translating a phrase.

She is interested in fitness - ask in what Gym better go.

If you are too lazy to invent something, use the blanks.

For example:

  • “I noticed that you, like me, spend a lot of time on Vkontakte. Maybe we should go somewhere for a walk?
  • "You're a great girl! I'm a guy too! Do you want me to prove it?"
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Forbidden phrases on the Internet

There are words, examples that are used by almost everyone when meeting:

  • get acquainted;
  • Hello;
  • you are beautiful;
  • you have a boyfriend?;
  • how are you (how are you)?

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with these words, but the girl will perceive you as a representative of the gray mass, one of many. And she needs the one and only.

Show her that you are who you are. Believe me, it's not difficult at all. It is enough to work a little with your head and treat the object of your interest as a person.

You should not send emoticons as signs of attention - according to statistics, the probability of receiving an emoticon in response tends to zero.

Original phrases from pick-up artists

What to write when meeting a girl on the advice of professionals? Phrases used by pick-up artists can be great for online dating.

The pickup principle is to build a dialogue with an unfamiliar girl using non-standard phrases. It can be flattery, a compliment, or even an attempt to lower self-esteem.

  • "Girl, I'm calling the police. You stole my heart".
  • "You don't need perfect man
  • “You dress original. Such things can only be found in second-hand shops.
  • “Are you really that beautiful, or is your friend a professional photographer?”
  • “I guess I'm not the first person who wants to meet you today. But I am the best. Do you want to check?"

We wrote that emoticons in the first message do not arouse interest among girls. But there can be exceptions to any rule:

  • “I wrote you a whole poem, but suddenly the lights were turned off and everything was erased. So I'm just sending a smiley."

Try to put our tips into practice right now. You will definitely be lucky, even if not the first time.

Be sure to read how to meet a girl on the Internet!

All your tricks will not help if outwardly you are not at all her type. She can be happy with her boyfriend or be a convinced "bluestocking";. Do not delay communication on the Internet, otherwise your communication will remain virtual. Do not overwhelm her with messages - give her the opportunity to decide.

Try to think outside the box - this will help you succeed not only when meeting girls on the Internet.

Do not use forbidden and formulaic phrases - try to show your individuality.

Get her phone number, don't give her yours - chances are she won't call. Don't call her right away.

A sustained pause will add value to your call. You will succeed - the main thing is to believe in yourself and be an optimist. People love those who love life. Success will not be long in coming, it is enough to show perseverance and patience, as well as listen to our recommendations.

100+ Phrases to Start Chatting on a Dating Site

  • Articles
  • April 6, 2016
  • TopDating

Remember the release of Yeralash, when the boy could not tell his beloved about his feelings and asked for a friend? Do you remember yourself, shaking hands or a breaking voice, an excitement that is difficult to calm down, a fast beating heart and the hope that she or he will agree to a date? We offer you 100+ phrases for easy acquaintance with which you will look at 100%

  1. What are you doing tonight, after our date?
  2. Do you think I like you more than you like me?
  3. Hello, can I talk to you? And then all sorts of girls stick around, trying to get acquainted ...
  4. Hello, can you tell me how to cook dumplings?
  5. You have a very happy nose!
  6. Can you tell me the recipe for birch jam?
  7. Hello! Today is an amazing day, can I cheer you up?
  8. Hello! Are you on VK too? And I. Do you play flute? Me neither. See how similar we are!
  9. Do you meet nice young people? Here I am!
  10. At your place beautiful eyes And what color are they?
  11. And I bet you can't guess what your name is?
  12. You probably won't give me a chance to meet you... But send me a smile if I'm wrong!
  13. I'm clearly not the first person to want to meet you. But I'm the best! Do you want me to prove it?
  14. Hello! I sell happiness! Do you want me to give it to you for free?
  15. Can you tell me where is the best place to spend my salary?
  16. I'm tired of waiting for you to make the first move. Hello!
  17. You have amazing eyes, I can't tear myself away from them.
  18. I look at you and understand that we definitely need to get to know each other!
  19. Tell me, how many did you send off today? I'm four. Oh, and cheeky girls!
  20. I looked at your photos and forgot to meet you. Hello!
  21. Do you believe in love at forty-eight glance? And then I look at your pictures for so long that I fall in love!
  22. How did you know I was online?
  23. Let's change? You give me two hundred grams of sadness, and I give you a kilogram of my joy?
  24. Can we talk already or will we just like each other?
  25. Do you remember me? I dreamed about you!
  26. Hey I'm reading right now interesting story. The guy met the girl, and they lived happily ever after! By the way, do you know how he met her? Said, "Hi, I'm reading an interesting story right now!"
  27. You know, before I met you, I was sure that I was gay!
  28. How about flirting?
  29. Hello! I want to interview you. Tell me what it's like to be the most beautiful girl?
  30. Can you help me learn how to talk to girls?
  31. Hello, I'm doing a census and I want to start with you!
  32. Hello, please change mine free time to communicate with you?
  33. You are very mistaken if you think that I want to get to know you. I want to invite you on a date!
  34. So two damn attractive people met. Hello!
  35. No, well, if you keep silent all the time, no one will get to know you. I'll help, hello!
  36. You know, I didn't have a very pleasant day. I was upset, but then I saw your avatar.
  37. Can you forgive yourself if you don't answer me?
  38. Have you ever had young people crawling at your feet? And at the hands?
  39. And if I were such a beautiful girl like you, I would get to know myself!
  40. And who are you dating? And come with me!
  41. Hello! I'm writing a book about what girls want. Won't you tell?
  42. A stunning girl like you should have a beautiful font!
  43. Hello! I got lost in life and barely found you, will you lead me out of the dim world of loneliness?
  44. Can I flirt with you?
  45. You know, there are things that are easy to imagine together - black and white, day and night, oil and porridge, you and me ...
  46. Don't want to talk to someone who really likes you?
  47. What questions do you think guys get slapped for?
  48. You have a boyfriend? Maybe you need something better?
  49. Are you in love with your city?
  50. I love dogs very much. Could you tell me what breed is better to have?
  51. Are you a professional stylist?
  52. You are beautiful! Can we switch to "you"?
  53. You spend a lot of time online, can we go to unwind?
  54. You're so beautiful! Or do you know a professional photographer?
  55. Imagine, I wrote you a huge text, and then they turned off the light. So just hello!
  56. Wow, I love this band too! And what is your favorite song?
  57. You have a very cute face!
  58. You have such beautiful eyes! Especially the left one!
  59. Gorgeous legs! And the right one is doubly gorgeous!
  60. I like your mouth ☺
  61. You know, you have such a cute chest! And there are two more of them!
  62. Nice dress! You know, the purse doesn't really fit.
  63. Have you heard the phrase that with whom you will lead, from that you will type? So, I like you, and I decided that I would get enough from you!
  64. It was difficult, but I was able to write to you! Reward with an answer?
  65. Have you ever ridden an escalator? Do you want me to ride?
  66. I think I have amnesia, otherwise I would have written to you!
  67. Do you happen to have a red thread? We would be able to make friends with her.
  68. Your beauty struck me so that I forgot what I wanted to tell you.
  69. Have you ever been offered a hand and a heart? I am a surgeon, I have a lot of them!
  70. Excuse me, can I tweak your plans for tonight?
  71. Didn't you just hit the "I like" button on my photo by accident? No? It's a pity…
  72. I wonder if your inner world matches your photos?
  73. It must be bad to be your girlfriend, because you overshadowed everyone with your beauty!
  74. I miss two things in my life - you and hair.
  75. When I see you, I understand how good it is that I am single!
  76. You know, your hair matches the color of my pillow perfectly.
  77. Must it hurt to fall from heaven?
  78. Girl, does your mother need a son-in-law?
  79. I bet ten thousand that I ask you out on a date and you say no?
  80. Marry me!
  81. Urgent, call an ambulance, I was shot by an arrow of love ...
  82. Give me your sadness I need it for experiments.
  83. Hello! Could you please wake me up tomorrow? I'm afraid to oversleep.
  84. Are you from a fairy tale?
  85. Do you know what love at first sight is? If not, I'll write again!
  86. Are you Alice, my contact?
  87. Girl, are you probably tired of the question about your son-in-law?
  88. I bought borjomi and salami, come eat!
  89. And here I am collecting a harem. Only you are missing.
  90. When are you going to take your first step? I'm tired of waiting and I'm doing it myself! Let's get acquainted!
  91. I've definitely seen you somewhere, can you remind me where?
  92. You are beautiful on the Internet, show yourself in life?
  93. Hello! Amazing places in your photos. Where is it?
  94. You wrote that you love “….” group. Do you have any of their songs on cassettes?
  95. Have you ever seen a really interesting girl?
  96. You have a very familiar face! Were you at the club yesterday?
  97. You know the saying "listen to a woman and do the opposite"? Now, I don't want you to answer me!
  98. I have a great job! Man/Girl to go to the cinema with me. Don't you want to try?
  99. Hello. It's such a good day today. I want to cheer someone up. Maybe you?
  100. Today I saw you in a dream, but you managed to say only your first and last name. And so I found you!
  101. Do you have such Perfect eyes. I have been looking only at them for a long time, but I do not dare to write.

dating sites phrases for dating

Phrases for dating a girl | What to say to a girl when meeting

The first impression plays important role at the beginning of communication. You approach the girl and for her you are like a blank sheet. If you start drawing boring and boring phrases for dating on this sheet, then you will make such an impression on the girl. The way out of this situation is to joke and flirt. In this case, the girl will feel that it is easy with you and she will begin to join the game.

If on the street a guy comes up to a girl he likes and asks uncertainly or confidently:

"Young woman! We can get to know you!” What is the most common response he hears? - No! Because this answer is beautiful and proud girl asks for itself. In order not to be rejected immediately, the girl (woman) needs to be intrigued or made laugh cool phrase. This is the beginning of what is now called very buzzword PICK-UP (Rules of removal or acquaintance for the purpose of seduction).

This list is for examples only. You yourself can come up with original phrases, based on the circumstances.

Original phrases for dating a girl:

1) Could you smile, otherwise it’s dark outside. (Any girl will melt)

2) How do you do it? .. Look so good. (100% option)

3) What a charm! Are these your legs?

4) Why did you stop smiling, I just started falling in love?!

5) Have young people crawled at your feet before?

6) Can I look at you? ..

7) You are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase with which I wanted to approach you. (Disarms the girl unambiguously)

8) Have you sent many off today? I have only three so far. Well, the arrogant girls went.

9) You must have been the ringleader. At least you're scary for me.

10) Do you need a husband? (“No!” - “Oh, then I’ll come to you!”)

11) You are so cool that I am ready to drink water from the bathroom after you!

12) Hi, do you think we will look like a young dynamic couple?

13) Girl, are you interested in cute unmarried guys? No, I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about a friend. His girlfriend is a bitch and left him. And you are not a bitch?

14) Walk past her, then turn around sharply and ask: “Didn't you just pinch my ass? .. No? .. Damn! It's a pity…"

15) Do you look at everyone like that or only at those who you like?

16) Why are you looking at me as if your parents had left for the dacha?

17) What do you think, who likes whom more: me to you or you to me? (Presumptuous, so watch over the girl)

18) Help me go to the left! (Rough, but it can work)

19) It's okay that I come to you with this smart look?

20) Stop! We looked at each other so much that we forgot to introduce ourselves. Let's try again. (This is if the girl is really staring)

21) Your dress looks great on you, but it would look better on my bedroom floor. (Only suitable for real womanizers)

22) Could you wake me up tomorrow morning by calling my cell phone, otherwise I'm afraid to oversleep.

23) Your most beautiful place is dirty. (very intriguing)

24) Girl, can you tell me how to get to your heart?

25) I looked in the dictionary for a synonym for the word "beautiful" - your name there was also...

26) Girl, I'm looking for a partner ... for dancing. Allow me to examine you more closely.

27) Do you, by any chance, have not my book? .. No? Yes, I gave it to someone to read, and to whom ... I only remember that someone is very nice!

28) And what will you do tonight, after we get to know you?

29) Shall we talk, or will we continue to wink?

30) Did you by any chance see - my white horse didn’t run here five minutes ago?

31) You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.

32) You are so sad ... Can I take your sadness? I need it for experiments.

33) Unfortunately, now I don’t have time to melt your cold look, but I can call you in the evening.

34) What is your shoe size?.. I have the 45th. Well, we got to know each other!

35) Girl, how long do you think it’s decent to be late?

36) Hello! Today we are lucky...

37) Girl, please call an ambulance! Cupid just shot me!

38) Hello! Recognized? .. So I didn’t recognize you right away either.

39) Let me take you home. At least with a glance.

40) I have an unusual question for you - what do you need to say to a girl to get a slap in the face? ..

41) Girl, excuse me, but your legs are not tired? .. You always do not get out of my head.

42) Girl, do you believe in love at the seventh sight?

43) Girl, I liked you so much that I've been following you for three stops already ... Do you mind if we sit down and rest a little?

44) Girl, do you know how to get to the Eiffel Tower?

45) Girl, do you know what makes Tefal dishes good? The fact that it can hit on the head of someone who is very tired, and since you now do not have this valuable dish, I decided to find out your name and ask for a phone number.

46) Do you play drums?.. No... Me too! See how much we have in common, let's

47) Sorry, I forgot my phone number. Won't you borrow yours?

48) You know, after a long search, I finally found a cafe where you and I can have a wonderful time.

49) Do you have a thread to start our relationship right here?

50) Girl, do you have a compass? A hourglass? I think it's not worth asking about the barometer.

51) Girl, your help is urgently needed! .. The fact is that I'm going to drown. And your eyes are perfect for that.

52) The only thing your eyes didn't tell me was your name.

53) I'm a newcomer. Can you tell me how to get to your house?

54) I noticed that you noticed me, and I would like to notice that I noticed you too.

55) Girl, do you know why the lens is round, but the photos are square? (Before that, you can ask you to take a picture)

56) Giving a girl a flower: “I really wanted to show this rose how beautiful you are ...”

57) Do you know how this street (station, square, wagon) differs from all others? .. Here I met you ...

58) If you think that I am going to meet you, then you are mistaken - I also want to invite you on a date!

59) Girl, do you know if the New Year will be this year or next?

60) Girl, over there, do you see that young man? So he doesn't know yet, doesn't know yet... What's your name?.. And my name is Misha. So, that young man does not yet know that we just met.

61) You know, I have absolutely no idea what I should say to get to know you, but let's better imagine that I have already said all this.

62) Girl, did you sleep well yesterday? And didn't even flinch? I couldn't sleep all night waiting for our meeting.

62) Girl, do you have plush toys at home? Me too! Let's introduce them.

63) I bet you are a stubborn person... I read in a magazine that girls who wear round earrings/red pants/green bags/whatever have very stubborn personalities. (Most people consider themselves stubborn, so it's easy to strike up a conversation.)

64) Do not tell me in which direction you need to go to get acquainted with SIMULTANEOUSLY ATTRACTIVE AND SMART girl? There? (pointing to one side) There? (pointing the other way) Or stay here (smile)?

65) Hello. I agree…

66) Don't you remember me, I lived next door? No? And no wonder - after all, I have never lived near you. Maybe we have everything ahead of us?

67) Hi, I'm your dream.

68) Coming close enough to the girl, you can stand for a minute or two with the look of a man thinking about something of his own, and then dumbfound the unfortunate innocent question: -Girl! Can I hold on to you, otherwise your beauty makes my legs give way

69) When I get old, I will remember the most bright moments of my life: the day my children were born, the day I got married, and the day I met you.

70) Please remind me what I was wearing when we saw each other last time?

71) Can you tell me the time? .. And free time?

72) Girl, do you meet young and pretty people?

73) Hello Vera! (Come and hug tightly). How long have I not seen you! (Kiss her) Wow, you've changed! (She, not understanding anything, answers: “I am not Vera.”) What? My God, you even changed your name!

74) Girl wait! You seem to have lost something!.. I don't see your smile anywhere!! Ah, no! Here I found it!!

75) Girl, kiss me if I'm wrong, but it seems your name is Evdokia?

76) Girl, do you know what I just saw? I saw a young man just meet a girl. And literally after five minutes of conversation, they communicated as if they had known each other for 100 years. By the way, you know how the young man started the conversation. He said: “Do you know what I just saw? ..”

77) Girl, I'm sorry, didn't you get hurt by a fragment? .. It's just that you, passing by, broke my heart. I thought, suddenly I hooked you?

78) You approach the girl with a smile: "Girl, lend me your hand, I'll tell you what you have on it." If she stretches out, you take her hand, actively touch it and with huge eyes and a surprised voice: “Amazing! .. She is all in her fingers!”

79) I love you beautiful girl must be a nice phone number!

80) After trying for a long time to catch his eye, smiling: “Why are you looking at me so intently?” Her: "I'm not looking at you." "Okay, why aren't you looking at me?.."

81) A girl is standing with her back to you. You take out a piece of thread 30 centimeters long from your pocket and pretend to take it off the girl’s shoulder. Here you can say the phrase: “And how long does it hang on you?”

82) If a girl is in sunglasses with mirror lenses, you can ask them to use them as mirrors (comb your hair, for example).

83) If a girl reads a book, then give her beautiful bookmark with the image of a pleasant animal or flower, at worst, a leaf from a tree will do, with the words: “I noticed that there is no bookmark in your book, so I decided to give it to you. It seems to me that this bookmark suits your book very well.” If she has a bookmark, you just need to suggest more beautiful option.

84) How did you know that I'm here?

85) It was very interesting which of us would smile wider.

86) Can I look at you in profile? Thank you. You have one of the most beautiful profiles I have ever seen in my life.

87) Can you forgive yourself... if I don't get to know you?

88) If you are afraid of being sent when trying to get acquainted, then approach twenty girls with the aim of being sent and try very hard! What are you afraid of - that you will be sent or that you will not be able to be sent? If girls ask, say so: “My friend said that it is very difficult to be sent by a girl. I made a bet with him for 20 rubles, so you can help me earn money for beer. But I ask you - the message must be of high quality, I will record it on the recorder.

89) Being next to a girl, inflate a balloon, write or draw with a marker what you want, and solemnly hand it over.

90) Shake off her shoulder, sleeve, back (but not the back) and say: “Now you look even better. I am Alexander".

91) Give the girl a piece of paper with the words "Read it, please, otherwise I can't see well." On the piece of paper is the text “I really like you, and I invite us to get to know you. My name is…"

92) You appear in front of a sitting girl, you say: "I'll come right now." And you disappear, after which you reappear, but already as an old acquaintance of hers.

93) You look at a girl and smile, trying to evoke a response. If she doesn't smile, stick out your tongue and smile again.

94) You buy soap bubbles and blow them towards the girl, not forgetting to smile. Then you can come up and give them to her with the words: "Now it's your turn."

95) You ask the question: “Girl, what is wrong with you?” After her surprise: “Now, here ...” You take out your mobile phone, take a picture of her and show her the picture. "See?" She will be even more surprised. You answer, smiling: “HOW??!?? There is no smile on your face!?!”

96) You uproot a simple flower, go up to a girl or a group of girls and say: "This is a flower, and I'm Sergey."

Phrases for dating a girl in transport

97) Didn't you just pinch me?

98) Girl: Are you going out? You: If you invite, then yes.

99) I can’t reach the handrail - can I hold on to you?

100) I saw such a crowd of people three times in my life: at the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, during student unrest in Cambridge and in Bondarchuk's film "War and Peace".

101) Don't they put a lot of pressure on you?.. Do you know why? Because I hold them all. Now I know how fish feel in a tin can.

102) Please punch my brains with your name and phone number.

103) Girl, you know today big celebration, just the same anniversary! A holiday is that I have the pleasure of riding in the same tram with you, and an anniversary is the tenth time. How about to celebrate this cause, go to "..."? (go for a walk...)

104) I just thought that if it were not for your smiling face that I see every morning, I would probably quit my job and stay at home.

105) Is it okay if I stare at you from up close, and not across the entire bus?

106) See how good we are at fighting for our balance.

Phrases for dating a girl at a bus stop

107) Girl, can you tell me how long ago the right bus left?

108) Girl, what do you think, which door of the trolleybus is better to enter (in which tram car to go)?

109) Excuse me, can you tell me which bus is better to take?

110) No, I suggest not to miss such a wonderful moment and get to know each other right now!

Phrases for dating a girl on the subway

111) Why do you always get off at the same stop as me?

112) Have you ever met an interesting young man in the subway?

113) Do you want me to give you a ride on the escalator?

114) Excuse me, but if I sit in the first carriage, will I get to the Borovitsky Gate station? What if I sit in the last one? And if together with you?

115) Can you tell me where the dining car is?

Phrases for dating a girl in a store

117) You probably know. I bought pasta, but I have no idea what to do with them ... But can I always consult with you?

118) Can you tell me where men's tights with holes for hair are sold here?

119) (In line) Doesn't it bother you that a handsome single guy is standing behind you?

120) [Counting change] Girl, how much is your smile worth?

Phrases for meeting a girl in a cafe

121) Sorry, I have a little problem here. See that table over there?.. There are too many lonely chairs around it. How about keeping me company?

122) Girl, if you want, I will treat you to French cake or Turkish coffee.

Phrases for meeting a girl in a museum

123) Would you hang this picture in your house?

124) If I had a million dollars, I would buy you this painting.

125) In my opinion, this is a portrait of your great-great-great-grandmother.

Phrases for meeting a girl in an elevator

126) Aren't you afraid of being stuck in a stuck elevator with a maniac like me?

127) Do you know if this elevator goes to heaven?

Phrases for meeting a girl indoors

128) It seems to me that you creative person

129) Do you believe in love at first sight or should I enter again?

Phrases for meeting a girl in the dark

130) Do you meet in the dark? What about under the lamppost? 131) Are you beautiful?

Phrases for dating a girl on the beach

132) Girl, help me squeeze out my swimming trunks, please ...

133) Girl, I look, you swim so cool, could you watch me, otherwise I don’t know how to swim at all. Thank you for ice cream and coffee.

134) Please give me your glasses, otherwise my swimming trunks drowned.

135) You look very sexy in flippers and a mask!

136) Please look after my things while I bathe.

137) Girl, teach me how to eat watermelon, huh? And then I can't. I eat the crust - and have already eaten.

138) Girl! Be so kind as not to walk around swaying your hips past that old man over there. He's already had two heart attacks! Walk better past me, I have a strong heart.

139) Girl, do you want to guess what you have under your swimsuit? (Risky!)

140) Girl, can I sleep on your sunbed? Yes, don’t get up, don’t get up! .. (Even riskier)

141) Girl, where is the sand you walked on? I run and kiss him. If you want, I will kiss this asphalt for you! I will kiss any rubbish for you, even your girlfriend and your husband! (a hundred poods will make a girl laugh, and that's half the battle)

In a place that is not the most suitable for dating, for example, in line for a paid dry closet.

143) Girl you never met in the toilet?


What to say to a girl when meeting - video

How to start a conversation or where to start dating girls: the first phrases

Often men do not know how to start a conversation with a girl they like. The ability to easily and naturally strike up a conversation with members of the opposite sex comes with age and experience.

Knowing the best options for the first phrases and the ability to make the right compliments will allow you to achieve significant success. In the article you will find what words are better to say.

In contact with

  • Preparation process
  • Behavior
  • Continuation of communication
  • Doing the Right Compliment

Preparation process

In preparation for the meeting, you must do the following:

Tune in the right way. Good mood and confidence in success are important conditions for obtaining positive result.

Tidy up the look. The general impression of a man's appearance is formed by a girl from the style of his clothes, hairstyle, cleanliness and well-groomed body (the condition of hair, nails, teeth, etc.). In clothing, it is important to adhere to standard norms - not to dress up too much, but also not to look untidy.

All things should be clean, stylish, fit well. Of particular importance is the smell - it should be pleasant. Even an outwardly attractive man who smells of sweat can immediately scare away the interlocutor. Decide where to search. Must choose appropriate place and time. It is best to start communication in the daytime or early evening in crowded places. It can be a cafe, cinema, park, street, night club, transport, etc. daylight hours and a large number of people around significantly reduce the risk that the selected applicant will refuse to enter into a dialogue due to fear.

Draw up a rough plan. It is impossible to plan the whole process of talking with a girl to the smallest detail, but it is advisable to follow a certain strategy. It is important for a guy to understand for what purpose he gets acquainted, what type of clothes to choose, how much money to take for communication in a chosen place.


Behavior during dating should be natural, confident and at the same time restrained. Any girl prefers to see in her boyfriend, first of all, a real man with whom she will feel calm and secure.

Such a desire is inherent in nature - the female chooses the most successful male. But it is important not to go too far - excessive arrogance and swagger will only push you away.

While trying to be confident, it's important to stay natural. If by nature a man is calm and modest, then feigned gaiety and liveliness will look stupid and repulsive. Anyone can be self-confident, regardless of temperament.

The manner of behavior should be slightly different depending on what type the applicant chosen for acquaintance belongs to. You can determine this by her appearance, gait, look, manner of speaking (a couple of first phrases are enough).

There are three main types of girls:

  1. Simple. They have a pleasant soft voice, feminine mannerisms, a kind and honest look, an open smile, simple clothes and hair. With such interlocutors, it is necessary to start communication in a friendly and friendly manner, trying to arouse sympathy. It is important not to rush things. They like quiet conversations on general topics.
  2. Bitches. This type is most attractive to men, but also more difficult to make acquaintances.

    Such women are distinguished by self-confidence, sexual attractiveness, a sharp tongue, and the ability to communicate with the opposite sex. They present to men certain requirements and know exactly what they want.

    With this type you need to behave confidently, try to show own significance but also give them the opportunity to express themselves in the conversation.

  3. Spoiled. These representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by external gloss, arrogance and self-confidence. They always have expensive clothing, perfect appearance and bored look. Such girls consider a man as a prey that will satisfy all their needs. You can win over an interlocutor of this type with a truly self-confident and assertive behavior. At the same time, it is important to point out your good financial situation and career success, even if this is not the case.

What to talk about with a girl when meeting?

There are a lot of options for the first phrases for dating. A man needs to use those that are most convenient for him and suitable for a particular situation. All phrases are divided into three types, each of which has a certain effectiveness: contextual, directive, template.

Contextual phrases for girls are determined by the situation, based on the results of observing the woman and the environment. This can be a remark about her appearance (especially effective - to note the nuances of her appearance that clearly distinguish her from the majority), behavior, gait, an object in her hands, the environment, etc.

This approach is the most efficient. Girls immediately begin to feel that they are really interested in a person and he does not address them with a standard wording.

Examples of contextual first phrases when meeting a girl:

  • Tell me, is this street really the longest in the city?
  • Do you know where the famous cafe with delicious ice cream is located in this park? Will you keep me company?
  • Let me shelter you from the rain. Such a heavy downpour, and you without an umbrella.
  • You are already in a hurry for business so early in the morning. Perhaps you are a lark?
  • It's terribly hot today. Tell me, where did you buy this bottle of cold mineral water?
  • What is your original hairstyle! And what is it called?
  • Let me tell you what an amazing posture you have. Perhaps you are into dancing?
  • Haven't you been told that you look like Sharon Stone (any other famous person with good looks)?
  • Probably walk on such high heels on ice requires great skill. How do you do it?

Directive phrases immediately put a woman in front of the fact that they want to get to know her. They are less effective than contextual ones, since the probability of receiving an instant and unambiguous refusal increases.

This approach should be taken with confidence, charming men with good external data that have a high chance of being liked at first sight.

What to say to a girl when meeting - directive phrases:

  • What are you doing tonight?
  • May I meet you?
  • You are so pretty. What is your name?
  • Let me ask you for your phone number.
  • How do you feel about socializing on the street (in a cafe, park, etc.)?
  • Do you know that you are the girl of my dreams?

Template. Using pre-prepared template phrases, you can both ruin everything and succeed. An important condition effective application speech patterns is to take into account two conditions: the selection of the most suitable options for oneself, the continuation of communication in the key of the words originally spoken.

If a man speaks a formulaic speech that is completely uncharacteristic of his character, and then switches to his usual communication on completely different topics, then success is unlikely to succeed.

Examples of template phrases about what to talk about with a girl when meeting:

  • Does your mom need a good son-in-law?
  • God, where did such beauty come from?
  • Hello. I always dreamed of meeting such a beautiful fairy like you.
  • Don't you think we've met somewhere?
  • Call an ambulance, I will pass out from the contemplation of such beauty.
  • You are so beautiful that I don't even know how to start talking to you.
  • Tell me, what is it like to be the most beautiful in the city?
  • Tell me, is it difficult to meet you by chance?

Often the first phrase turns out to be the last, as the girl instantly sends off the boyfriend. The reason for this may be the presence permanent partner, unattractive appearance of the applicant, distrust of random strangers, problems and Bad mood, fear, embarrassment, unsuccessfully chosen first wording.

In most cases, failure does not necessarily mean complete failure. The weaker sex loves confidence and purposefulness in men. If the received refusal is answered in a friendly, original and fun way, then the girl can change her mind. At the same time, it is important to monitor her reaction and prevent the manifestation of an aggressive attitude, otherwise it is unlikely that anything will be changed.

The specific text of the phrases in response to the refusal received:

  • You don't want to meet me because I'm ugly? It's not my fault, it's all genes. But I am smart and kind.
  • The answer "no" is not accepted. You just have to talk to me.
  • You understand that I will not survive the rejection. Have pity on the unfortunate.
  • I can see in your eyes that you want to talk to me, you're just shy.

What words to start dating a girl:

What to talk about with a girl when meeting in the continuation of the conversation?

Continuation of communication

After overcoming the most difficult first stage of starting a conversation, you must try to interest the girl in conversation. It is important to immediately make it clear that a decent and adequate young man simply decided to get acquainted with a passerby he liked.

In the first moments of the conversation, a woman usually doubts whether some scammer, drug addict, advertising distributor, etc. has stuck to her. Therefore, an adequate and short explanation would be very helpful. For example: "I'm coming home from work, I saw you and decided to come up."

When the barrier of distrust is overcome, you can start a conversation. It is desirable to speak on general topics:

  • Cinema, music. You can ask about your favorite movies and actors, songs and artists, genres, how often you go to the cinema, etc. More good advice written here.
  • Cafes, bars, clubs. Favorite places, frequency of visits, purpose of trips, etc.
  • Parks, squares, various urban recreation areas. What kind of leisure is the most attractive, what places are the most favorite, in what company do you like to walk (a large and noisy group of friends, alone, with a guy, etc.).
  • Relationship. You can learn about the criteria for choosing a guy, past relationships, the degree of romance or pragmatism, etc.
  • Miscellaneous. You can talk about anything - the weather, travel, animals, politics, public events etc.

During a conversation, it is important to pay attention to the girl's facial expressions and her reactions. If she is clearly uncomfortable with the topic of conversation, you need to change it immediately. We wrote in detail about the questions that can be asked in this article.

It is undesirable to talk about feelings for past lovers, financial problems, family difficulties, lack of career prospects, etc. Any mention of problems will immediately give the conversation a negative connotation.

The mention of the former will cause annoyance.

When meeting a young man, the interlocutor wants to know as much as possible about him. Often you only need to answer incoming questions, but if she is embarrassed to ask questions herself, you can think about what to tell about herself. For example:

  • Financial situation (income, brand of car, real estate, career success, etc.).
  • Relatives and friends (description of the circle of relatives and friends).
  • Life position (character, goals, dreams, views, attitude towards people, expectations from a life partner, etc.).

Doing the Right Compliment

There are two types of compliments: direct and indirect. A direct compliment is an open compliment to a girl. For example - "You are so beautiful", "You are very smart", etc. An indirect compliment allows you to praise the inherent feature of the interlocutor, without focusing on it specifically.

For example, “Are you a doctor? This is the most important profession”, “Tall women always attract the attention of men”. Usually compliments are given to appearance, skills, success, behavior, attitudes, charm.

How to meet a girl in an original way: examples

There are many unusual and cool first phrases that will surely be appreciated by the interlocutor and make her smile:

  • Good evening. What are your plans for the coming decades? I propose to spend this time together.
  • Tell me, what time is it now? How much free do you have for me?
  • Have you been to Paris? Me neither. Let's discuss the details of our joint journey.
  • Are you against talking to married men? That's good, because I'm single.
  • Good afternoon. Do you want me to make you happy?
  • Hello. Do not tell me how you like it?

So, in order to succeed when meeting a girl, it is enough to decide on the scene of action, put your appearance in order, prepare a few suitable first phrases.

During the conversation, you need to be confident and natural, unobtrusively compliment and keep the conversation going. right way.

Additional Information about what to say to a girl when meeting in a video:





Topics for conversation with a girl are interesting for young guys and even men.
Some do not know how to start a conversation due to their shyness and stiffness, others are simply afraid.

As a result, the conversation either does not start, or the dialogue is accompanied by awkward pauses.

It's easy to start with a abstruse topic, but it's better to keep it simple.

These topics will interest any

In order not to ask a lot of questions, it is better to learn how to ask the right ones. Then the girl will take over the whole conversation, you just have to nod your head.

What is interesting to one interlocutor may not be interesting to another. Simple psychological topics may not be useful at all.

  1. All questions about her. There are many of them and we will not paint them. Just be interested in her, her life. Ladies just love to talk about themselves, about their merits and achievements. You can start with questions like: “What are you fond of?” How do you spend your time?;
  2. The girl will talk about her preferences and then the ground for conversation opens up for you. If she is engaged in creativity, then ask questions like: How did you start doing this?, Are there any achievements in this area? The choice of question depends on what type of creativity the interlocutor is fond of. If a companion is interested in fitness, then support her, give compliments and ask simple questions, such as: “Is it difficult?”, “Which center do you go to?”, What kind of fitness? If she does Pilates. Ask her: “What is it?”, “What is the essence? And so on".

If the theme has exhausted itself, it is necessary to find another. First, remember what she said earlier. From this information, the question may again “hook up”.

Examine her, perhaps in her appearance something will prompt new thoughts.

You are trying to learn how to come up with a theme, but everything is easier.

If your head is empty, start asking these standard questions:

  • How do you see your life in five or ten years?
  • What would you spend a million dollars or rubles on? Before asking such a question, start a conversation about material things, just do not ask about how much she receives.
  • Which alcoholic drinks do you love?
  • Did you really love? If you like her and you are planning a serious relationship.
  • How often do people meet you on the street?
  • What places do you like to go to?
  • Do you like to go to clubs?
  • Tell me about the happiest day of your life?
  • Which resort would you like to visit?
  • What kind of music do you like more? What performers?
  • What is your favorite movie or actor? This good way go to the cinema.
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • What is more important to you friends or boyfriend?
  • How many friends do you have?
  • What time of year do you like best?
  • How much time do you spend on social networks?
  • At what age did you first fall in love?
  • Do you believe in horoscopes, in fate?
  • In which country would you like to live?
  • Can you swim?
  • What did you want to be as a child?
  • What flowers do you like?
  • Would you like to go skydiving?
  • What character traits are important to you in a young man?
  • What is more important: the appearance of a person or his inner world?
  • Have you performed on stage?

On the Internet, they are good, these topics for communicating with a girl in VK pop up constantly. This is the art of conversation. Consider the age of the girl, evaluate her behavior and manners and draw conclusions from this, take into account the social status.

Adding to the list of interesting topics:

  • Biography.
  • Plans for the future and her dreams.
  • Music.
  • Literature.
  • Movie.
  • Art.
  • Sport.
  • Trips.
  • Hobby.

How to behave when communicating

How to communicate with a girl? Recall the basic rules that must be followed during a conversation.

  1. Rejoice in the meeting. But remember, falsehood immediately "strikes" in the eye.

    Tune in to a wave of positive, smile more often;

  2. Learn to maintain a conversation and show interest in a girl;
  3. Do not interrupt, be able to listen to the end;
  4. Do not overload the chosen one with questions.

    Everything should be in moderation;

  5. Don't answer in one word. Don't just say yes or no.

    Try to tell as much information as possible;

  6. But most importantly, do not avoid communication. Practice constantly. You will become sociable and will easily carry on a conversation.

How to behave if the topic was chosen incorrectly

Often during the first date you have to talk a lot, and the girl at the same time very poorly supports the conversation.

This indicates either her disinterest, or excitement, or that the topic is not interesting. Let's imagine that in our case we are talking third option.

If the topic is not interesting for the girl, then skip the topic:

  1. Immediately change the subject to another.
  2. Analyze behavior. You talk a lot and don't let the person get a word in.
  3. Make a compliment. This will lift your spirits.
  4. Shut up for a while. Maybe she'll start asking questions.

To prevent this from happening, remember the rules:

  • Don't just answer yes or no. Give the answer in such a way that the interlocutor has the ground for the next question.
  • Learn to enjoy communication. Practice more often in communicating with girls. Do it on social networks, just on the street, in clubs and so on. Communicate even if you don't feel like it. After a while, you will learn to communicate with girls without thinking about what next question set.
  • Agree with her and her opinion. Know how to listen to her and hear.
  • Don't get annoyed if something doesn't suit you.

The way to develop a conversation is to tell stories. No need to talk all the way only to you. Tell stories in which you are popular, but do not overdo it.

What topics should not be discussed with girls

There are a number of topics on which it is better not to talk with the "newly made passion". They are also called difficult to talk to girls. Here they are:

  1. No need to talk about ex girls, although there are exceptions to this. To do this, contact the student "pick-up artists". And remember that a pickup truck is not a goal to have sex with as many girls as possible, but a way to find that one;
  2. Don't talk about health problems. It is hardly possible to interest anyone in this way. People have enough problems. No one needs to be loaded;
  3. Try not to talk about sports: hockey, football. The only exception is if the interlocutor loves them. Also don't mention cars and computers. If we talk about cars, then only ask what she wants;
  4. Don't complain. You make it clear to her that you are insecure, and you are not able to solve your own problems;
  5. Don't report unsuccessful attempts and defeats. Why put yourself in a not very good light?;
  6. Don't tell why girls dumped you;
  7. When seducing, forget about sex and try not to talk about these topics.


  • Don't brag;
  • Don't just talk about yourself;
  • Don't talk about marriage and things like that. This is ridiculous;
  • Don't give too many compliments;
  • Don't philosophize.

If she's interested

If you are interested, then there will be no problems in communication. The girl will answer questions and conduct a lively dialogue. She will be as interested in you as you are in her. Here she will offer interesting topics- which will be of interest to her.

She will initiate any ideas. For example, offer to go somewhere together. But the rest of the big responsibility is still on the man.

Start of a conversation. Acquaintance. Real Examples

At the diner. Near the food counter:

M: “Is there nothing better here?”;

J: "Everyone likes it";

M: “I know a restaurant across the street, there is really delicious food, we could have lunch there together. I'm crying. How do you like this idea?;

J: "Mmm, let's go!"

M: "Great!"

On the street. Together. They approach the girl.

M: "Hi, we need women's opinion. Tell me, please, how do you feel about the fact that two guys love each other, but his girlfriend is against it?

J: I don't think it's normal.

M: “How do you feel about these guys?”;

J: "Okay."

M: "Then let's exchange phone numbers?" ....

We take the phone number right away.

M: "Hi. I really liked you. Let's exchange phone numbers, shall we? I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry to the company, the dealers are waiting, and I'll call later?

J: Hello. Come on.

You can meet as you like and you can say anything at the same time. It all depends on the particular girl.

To easily get acquainted with the "opposite sex" you need to constantly practice.

The same for the conversation a myriad. More practice.

4.5 (90.38%) 52 votes

Communication live often deprives the chance to make a favorable impression. It is enough to get a little excited so that the thoughts in my head are terribly mixed up and the conversation does not work out.

There is no such problem on the web - there is always time to think about what to write and how. Even if you have to think about each answer for half an hour, you can always justify the hitches by having to pay attention to study or work in parallel. It remains only to decide how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet and start talking!

How to "catch" a girl on the Internet?

You can meet a girl on the Internet on various resources.

The most comfortable zone for dating girls. There is an opportunity to study the candidate in advance and think about how to build communication in order to become an interesting interlocutor for her.

  • Dating websites

They are useful in that they initially register people aimed at specific relationships. However, the audience of such resources is quite specific, so many are uncomfortable building communication in this way.

  • Thematic forums

Great place to find a girl if it's essential common interests. The best bite is observed on IT forums, tourism resources and websites of famous musicians.

The easiest way to communicate with girls in Vkontakte. This social network attracts people who are open to communication. The girl's page is not closed by privacy settings? In the status there is no information about the presence of a boyfriend or husband? Feel free to write to your favorite beauty!

Preparation for correspondence - we form an image

On the Internet, you can easily communicate with an unlimited number of people from anywhere in the world. Therefore, the quality of communication comes to the fore! However, the competition is high and you will not be able to start a conversation if the girl evaluates your profile negatively. Before writing a response, 90% of girls will rate your page first! Take care of its worthy content.

What do girls pay attention to on the profile in VKontakte? On three basic parameters: a photo, personal information and a wall. A rare girl spends more than a minute on the first page review. Therefore, "visiting information" (avatar, personal data and top posts of the wall) should be catchy! And when you start talking more seriously, be sure that an interested lady will study your page up and down.

VKontakte is greeted by photo

Before deciding whether to answer a guy, almost all girls look at the photos that the guy posts on the avatar. If the first visual check is successful, then photos from the main albums are skimmed through.

For an avatar, photographs are suitable where the face and figure are clearly visible. Make sure that you have a happy expression on your face, as well as a decent appearance (neat clothes, nice hairstyle). Definitely, you should not put group pictures on your profile picture - a girl should not look for you in a crowd of friends. In addition, there is always a risk that one of her friends will like her more!

If you decide to meet beautiful ladies on Vkontakte, make sure there is no compromising evidence, and then post pictures that reveal your lifestyle:

  • Delete all photos from drunks where you were in a terrible state. Sharing should not be a snapshot of your previous Serious relationships, otherwise the girl will decide that you are still drying for the former and will not want to communicate
  • The number of photos with other girls should be kept to a minimum - they should be to show your attractiveness, but in moderation so as not to give the impression of you as a womanizer
  • On the Internet, people prefer to communicate with those who have a similar outlook or an exciting life. It is desirable that the photos in the albums more fully reflect different aspects of your life. Parties, hobbies, trips, studies, friends, work and family... Everything that is important to you should be displayed in Vkontakte

"Information about yourself" - a dossier does not hurt

It will be easier for a girl to communicate with a guy if you give her imagination enough "food". Try, as fully as possible, to paint personal data (only without fanaticism), so that the girl can do about your personality correct conclusions. 60% of girls who were not originally set up to meet on the Internet change their minds after reading personal information.

Post truthful information about yourself so that girls who categorically do not share your views are immediately eliminated. For example, if you love motorcycles, then there is no point in dating a girl who will throw tantrums every time you talk about bikes! Similarly, if you spend every weekend in clubs, it will be difficult to communicate with a house girl who spends her evenings sewing and reading.

Wall - shoot or fall in love?

Undoubtedly, the wall in VKontakte is a garbage dump. Most of the reposts are placed "as a keepsake", and messages are written under the influence of every minute moods. What uniquely repels most girls?

  • Manifestations of hatred and cruelty (nationalism, homophobia, contempt for women, cruel attitude to animals)
  • Money theme (complaints about bad life or boasting of wealth)
  • Public quarrels with friends, gossip
  • Profanity and "flat" jokes

Don't try to pretend that you ideal guy. Just delete the entries that openly put you in a bad light.

Starting a conversation - how to start a conversation?

Has the personal page in VKontakte been brought to perfection? It remains to decide how to start a conversation with a girl. Dating options depend on the purpose for which you decide to communicate. It's one thing to look for a girl for pleasant, but not burdensome meetings. Quite another - for a long-term relationship.

Flirt on the Internet

Looking for a girl for one or two dates? Then you can use standard questions and pickup techniques. In correspondence, it is important to focus on her external data (make compliments on her appearance) and entertainment.

Ask questions about where and how she likes to have fun, and do not forget to share your stories from cool parties. With this kind of conversation serious girls they will immediately send you away, and the windy ones will willingly support the dialogue.

Finding a Serious Relationship Online

A huge number of beautiful and single girls of all ages are registered on Vkontakte. Are you looking for a long term relationship? Take Special attention study each profile before writing a message.

With such an orientation, it is important to pay attention to the inner world of the girl - her hobbies, worldview, work / study. Therefore, the first conversation should show that you are interested in her as a bright personality.

The ice has broken - we start a dialogue

Have you studied the profile of the girl you like? We turn on the ability to analyze and identify the list common themes. If it is not there, it is better to immediately abandon attempts to get acquainted.

It's hard to make a good impression online if there's no common ground. You won't to a stranger to tell that you always give way to grandmothers in the minibus and respect the elders?!


How to start a conversation with a girl? Say hello and clearly, but briefly describe the reason for the acquaintance. Avoid statements like: "Hi, how are you?" or "Hi, what are you doing?". They are boring, and most importantly - they cause an internal protest: "I don't know you - it's none of your business." Remember, the girl does not know you and at this stage she lives perfectly without you!

  • Revealing "motives"

The ideal option is the first phrase that clearly identifies the purpose of your message. Explanatory greetings like: "Hello! You're just a beauty, I decided to meet you" will do. The girl understands that you are aimed at flirting and can immediately support easy communication.

"Hi! I saw you in the XXX group, I'm also interested in this topic. Can I get to know you?" Emphasis on a common hobby, in addition to a polite request - and the girl automatically concludes about serious intentions. This start of a conversation is more comfortable than original. Even if you do not hook the girl, then a polite appeal will not give her a reason to answer you rudely.

  • Search for common interests

If you want to create intrigue and express yourself brighter from the first phrase, choose witty and extraordinary greeting options: "Hi! I was looking for interesting films on the Internet and came across your page. We have similar tastes, advise something exciting!"

Any of her hobbies can become a pretext - study her profile in Contact and find a plausible reason. The advantage of this approach is that you can immediately move on to discussions and reciprocal recommendations: “I love this film”, “Have you seen it?”. If the conversation starts, it will be easy to come up with an excuse for a first date.

  • Request for help

"Hi! My sister's birthday is coming soon, and I don't know what to give. I'm looking for girls of her age on Vkontakte who could help me."

Girls love to "help" by giving advice. Especially the cute guys! Such an excuse can easily be translated into the mainstream: "And what gifts would you like to receive?" and to communicate on personal topics.

  • A little romance

"Girl, will you be my... (pause) Muse?" An unusual start to a conversation will grab her attention. For example, the option: "Do you like pink elephants?" - not the most suitable. And here is a phrase in the spirit: "How often do guys invite you to Paris?" fit quite well.

"Do you believe in prophetic dreams? Today I dreamed of a girl very similar to you and suddenly I accidentally find you on the Internet." Similar greetings may be of interest to romantic and young people. However, if you start a conversation in this way, then set the girl on the wave of "great and pure love."

  • If there are mutual friends

Similar models are applicable in Vkontakte for absolutely unfamiliar girls. If your chosen one is included in the friend list of one of your friends, then starting a conversation is simplified. It is enough to say hello and say that you have a mutual friend.

You can ask the girl about where they met and whether they communicate closely under the pretext: "He has a birthday soon, no one knows what to give." Or more simply: "I saw your comments on his wall, it seemed that you interesting person. Let's talk?".

The first communication on the network should not be too personal or pushy. At the first stage, it is important to make a good impression and achieve the addition of friends. You should not immediately invite on a date or talk about your love. Excessive enthusiasm will only scare the girl! A moderate policy will bring more chances for continued dating.

Not everyone likes small talk about nothing. In fact, such conversations perform a very useful function: they help to defuse the situation, get out of an awkward situation or start communication in an unfamiliar company, as well as unobtrusively start a conversation and get to know a new interlocutor better.

To be honest, I used to think that the ability to unobtrusively start a conversation is an exceptionally innate talent. With these people, after a couple of minutes you feel like you are talking with an old good friend. And I personally know such people - there are not so many of them in my environment.

In addition to them, there are comrades who just as easily start conversations with strangers, but after a minute they become like representatives of a Canadian company trying to sell you another set of knives, dishes or a vacuum cleaner. There is a huge difference between the first and second. How to understand that you are too carried away, and how to start a conversation correctly? Here are five simple tips from Celes of the Personal Excellence blog.

1. Ask a question

The easiest and most standard way to get started new conversation, a lot of people use it.

"What do you do?"

This is a great conversation starter question in countries like Singapore or Hong Kong. People from there are used to identifying themselves with their occupation. If you know that this person loves his job and devotes a lot of time to it, feel free to ask. You will receive a sufficiently long and detailed answer so that the conversation will not end after a short phrase and then awkward pause. Also, the method is well suited for talking at various conferences, seminars and business events. After that, you can ask a huge number of more working questions: “how long has he been in this business and has been working at this company?”, “Does he like this job?”, “What prompted him to join this company?” and so on. Questions about clients, business trips, careers and funny incidents at work - the possibilities are endless.

"What brings you here?"

This question is especially useful for various activities, whether home party or business meeting. Use the answer to continue the conversation. For example, a phrase like "I'm here to meet new people" means that this person is open to communication and new acquaintances. Perhaps you can share interesting events that are included in your calendar.

"What did you do today?"

Sometimes the answer to this question is standard and uninteresting. And sometimes they can reveal fascinating details about the interlocutor.

“How was the event (event)?”

If you know where the person has been before, use that to start a conversation. For example, one of your friends or colleagues recently returned from or was at an interesting conference. Ask him about this event.

"What are you doing this week?"

Since the question is about the future, ask it closer to the end of the conversation so that you can say goodbye politely later.

Be aware that you may be asked follow-up questions, so be prepared to answer them.

2. Compliment

For example, the option that works best in women's company: "What a beautiful dress! It fits so well on you. Where did you buy it? and all questions related to accessories, hairstyles and appearance. Starting a conversation like “You look great! Did you have a good rest / sat on / started playing sports? and so on also works well with men.

Compliments regarding the work done will be pleasant to everyone without exception. They work especially well with open and emotional people.

3. Use surrounding objects as a conversation hook

Having met at the conference, say that you liked the speech of a certain speaker, indicate which moments made a good impression and ask the interlocutor what he thinks about it.

Use what is happening around you for a conversation, thus creating a comfortable atmosphere. After the ice melts, you can move on to more personal topics.

Often one question or a simple request for help can lead to a long, exciting and fruitful conversation.

Why does it work? Because people like to help. It gives them a sense of importance, a sense that they have done something useful. And admiring reactions to the answers make them feel like a senior mentor.

These may be work related questions. For example, you can say that in this moment busy with new things and would like to know the opinion of the person, as he is an expert in this field.

Even if you don't really need help, still ask for it. Advice given by another person can open up interesting prospects for you, previously unnoticed.

The most interesting thing is that a normally silent and modest person can break his standard behavior pattern and show himself from a completely different side. Some people just blossom when someone is interested in their hobbies.

5. Tell us something about yourself

What did you do in recent months? What new and interesting things did you learn? What goals do you want to achieve in the near future? Tell about it.

This method is the opposite of method #1: you yourself take the initiative and share some information about yourself that might be interesting.

It is better to use it if your counterpart is very shy and is unlikely to start a conversation first. Or if the person didn't respond to your question or comment. Then you can start by being the first to tell about yourself and thus show sincerity. When the person sees your willingness to evaluate and discuss, they can relax and open up in return.

How do you start conversations with strangers?