What does spa stand for? SPA treatments. What does this fashionable word “SPA” mean?

Target SPA treatments- cleansing, rejuvenation and healing of all body systems using natural methods.

A good SPA salon has everything you need for good health and active recreation, namely: rehabilitation programs for physical and psychological well-being, including a variety of physiotherapy using vitamins and herbal medicine. A set of restorative water treatments: a swimming pool with thermal water, hydromassage, an individual steam cabin, a sauna, massage, body wraps, aromatherapy. After a SPA session, as a rule, cosmetic SPA procedures follow: hair, nails, facial and body skin care. The main stages of restorative cosmetology are exfoliation of dead cells of the stratum corneum of the skin, cleansing and moisturizing.


SPA treatments(the name of which comes from a Belgian town with a mineral spring, which, according to legend, had magical rejuvenating qualities) is a whole complex aimed at improving the health, beauty and internal state of a person, as it affects the entire body. This method has been used for many centuries in different countries, and it remains one of the most natural and pleasant methods of influencing the body. Each procedure is based on the direct influence of water and its healing qualities. Water brings health, cleanliness and well-being. In this, its qualities are complemented by all kinds of extracts of herbs, algae, aromatic and medicinal oils, clay and mud, each of which has unique properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body.
. Herbs and algae are useful for restoring body tone.
. Aromatic oils are good for the skin and uplift your mood.
. The sauna helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste, and is useful for respiratory and cardiac stimulation.
. Contrast showers and baths rejuvenate, tone and cleanse the skin.

They are used in combination with diets and exercise for effective weight loss, improving metabolism, as they include mud baths, massages, treatment and prevention of cellulite, etc.
In general, there are three types of spa treatments, these are, and:
. Balneotherapy - procedures based on mineral and thermal waters. Its advantage is that, as a result of the course, blood circulation improves, vital activity is stimulated, the skin is rejuvenated, and aging is prevented. The balneotherapy complex includes baths, showers, irrigation and wraps.
. Thalassotherapy is based on materials drawn from the sea: algae, plankton, salt and sand, sea water and mud. All this has a very beneficial effect on the skin and helps improve blood circulation, natural peeling, reduce pigmentation, etc.
. Mud therapy is basically the use of sea and river mud for purely medicinal purposes, as it has an analgesic effect and enriches the body with minerals and vitamins.


Basic principles of operation SPA treatments is the simultaneous improvement of the body and restoration of vitality, combined with complete relaxation. Such therapy copes well with lymphostasis, local fat deposits, cellulite of any stage, and restores the skin after childbirth. Its healing qualities are manifested in the normalization of intestinal function (effective weight loss, removal of waste and toxins) and water-salt metabolism, cardiac stimulation (improved heart function and blood circulation), normalization of hormonal levels (internal harmony, calmness, resistance to stressful situations, treatment of insomnia, hormonal violations). Therefore, the main procedures available to everyone who cares about their beauty and health are:
- restoration of the immune system
- detoxification - removal of waste and toxins through temperature and water
- normalization of metabolism
- cardiac stimulation and respiratory procedures
- figure modeling: anti-cellulite massages and mud masks
- aromatherapy and deep relaxation, stress relief
- cleansing, rejuvenation, skin tightening
Despite the fact that some SPA treatments can be easily carried out at home, the fullness of the effect will be available only in conditions of complete relaxation, and therefore it is best to leave yourself in the hands of specialists.

Consultations on SPA treatments

SPA treatments - addresses and prices

  • SPA treatments in Moscow

    SPA treatments in Moscow

    721 addresses, prices from 300 prices
  • SPA treatments in the Moscow region

    137 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • SPA treatments in St. Petersburg

    344 addresses, prices from 20 prices
  • SPA treatments in the Leningrad region

    1 address, prices prices
  • SPA treatments in Barnaul

    SPA treatments in Barnaul

    67 addresses, prices from 400 prices
  • SPA treatments in Vladivostok

    SPA treatments in Vladivostok

    19 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • SPA treatments in Volgograd

    SPA treatments in Volgograd

    20 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • SPA treatments in Voronezh

    SPA treatments in Voronezh

    23 addresses, prices from 1,000 prices
  • SPA treatments in Yekaterinburg

    SPA treatments in Yekaterinburg

    36 addresses, prices from 1,990 prices
  • SPA treatments in Izhevsk

    SPA treatments in Izhevsk

    71 addresses, prices from 5 prices
  • SPA treatments in Irkutsk

    SPA treatments in Irkutsk

    44 addresses, prices from 25 prices
  • SPA treatments in Kazan

    SPA treatments in Kazan

    13 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • SPA treatments in Kaluga

    SPA treatments in Kaluga

    1 address, prices prices
  • SPA treatments in Kemerovo

    SPA treatments in Kemerovo

    12 addresses, prices prices
  • SPA treatments in Kirov

    SPA treatments in Kirov

    9 addresses, prices from 650 prices
  • SPA treatments in Krasnodar

    SPA treatments in Krasnodar

    64 addresses, prices from 1,000 prices
  • SPA treatments in Krasnoyarsk

    SPA treatments in Krasnoyarsk

    27 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • SPA treatments in Murmansk

    SPA treatments in Murmansk

    3 addresses, prices from 5 600 prices
  • SPA treatments in Nizhny Novgorod

    61 addresses, prices from 950 prices
  • SPA treatments in Novosibirsk

    SPA treatments in Novosibirsk

    76 addresses, prices from 10 prices
  • SPA treatments in Novocherkassk

    SPA treatments in Novocherkassk

    1 address, prices prices
  • SPA treatments in Omsk

    SPA treatments in Omsk

    18 addresses, prices from 15 prices
  • SPA treatments in Orenburg

    SPA treatments in Orenburg

    9 addresses, prices from 100 prices
  • SPA treatments in Penza

    SPA treatments in Penza

    16 addresses, prices prices
  • SPA treatments in Perm

    SPA treatments in Perm

    45 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • SPA treatments in Rostov-on-Don

    36 addresses, prices from 2 100 prices

There is a lot of talk about the amazing rejuvenating effect that can be achieved using various SPA services. But few people accurately formulate the meaning of these mysterious phrases.

What is a SPA? There are two versions of the appearance of this expression. Firstly, these letters are an abbreviation translated meaning “health through water.” And secondly, SPA is also the name of a Belgian resort, well known for its natural, healing springs.

What thoughts and impressions come to mind when you hear the word spa? Of course, this is relaxation, pleasure, rest, health and beauty - all that makes our life better and more harmonious.

To understand what spa treatments are, let’s remember the ancient world.

Various water procedures began to be used to maintain tone and improve health, as well as for pleasure, long ago. The health-improving traditions of one nationality were adopted by others, and therefore they were constantly being developed and supplemented with new techniques and elements.

The use of healing mud and various minerals for healing and improving appearance came to us from ancient Greece. A healthy lifestyle in this state was an important part of the culture of the nation. It was the Greeks who laid the foundation for the combination of health-improving water treatments with massage and various gymnastic exercises.

Market relations have always existed between ancient states, and it is thanks to this that different nationalities introduced their own healing traditions into SPA procedures.

Saunas, which are now an integral part of spa therapy, appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in Finland. It was there that they came up with the tradition of taking a dip in cold water after a sauna and drinking a little. This cheerful ritual has taken root well in Russia, because the Russian people love to have fun. For ancient times, these were full-fledged spa treatments.

Turkish baths (hammams), which combined oriental design with chic interiors, also included spa treatments. All actions in them were aimed at bringing the soul and body to a state of peace and harmony.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century in Europe and America, SPA culture began to develop well and became one of the most promising areas in business. The rapid development of the market for all kinds of cosmetology services and products served as the basis for this, as well as the emergence of new types of fitness - physical activity.

This is an establishment offering a full range of wellness services, as well as facial and body care. The first of them appeared in Manhattan, founded by Elizabeth Arden back in 1910. The next sensation of that time was the opening of the large Golden Door Spa salon in 1958 in California. For the first time, personal weight loss programs were presented there. After this, it became more clear to the general public what a spa is. The famous actress participated in the creation of these programs; she gave the world aerobics - the initial form of fitness.

Further, similar salons and fitness clubs appeared in European countries. In addition, many SPA procedures have begun to be used in medical clinics and centers in addition to the main treatment, as well as for an effective and comfortable recovery period. Today the question of what a spa is has become more relevant than ever.

Thus, procedures that originated in the ancient world have become an integral, important part of modern life. And now you know that this is healing, pleasure and relaxation. Probably, there is no better explanation of what a SPA is!

What is a spa these days? First of all, this is a whole range of procedures, including not only water and cosmetic activities, but also various massages, milk baths, seaweed wraps and other activities that heal the entire body and relax the soul and body.

History of the name "spa"

There are two versions about the origin of the term “spa”. The first says that these are the first letters of the Latin words “healing using water.” Even in ancient Rome, ailments were healed in thermal springs and baths. According to the second version, this designation is used in honor of the famous Belgian balneological resort in the Ardennes, which is called Spa. The place became popular at the beginning of the twentieth century. What is a spa? Now this term refers to the complex and long-term impact of the highest level on the body as a whole, not only with sea or mineral water, but also with recognized modern and traditional methods of rejuvenation.

Spa - luxury or necessity?

Endless stressful situations, instability and overload at work inevitably lead to deterioration in health and well-being. Experiences force the body to produce a critical amount of adrenaline. In muscles saturated with an excess amount of these hormones, blood supply is disrupted, which leads to various health problems, disruptions in the functioning of the human body, and deterioration in appearance.

What is a spa? This is the time that a person completely devotes to restoring the condition of his body and soul. Absolute relaxation during the procedure is aimed at improving overall well-being. After exposure to medicinal mud and medicinal plants, the skin acquires extraordinary elasticity and softness. Toxic substances and waste are actively removed from the body.

A life-saving step in the fight against the consequences of overwork, irritation and apathy is an “anti-stress” massage. Just two sessions a week lasting up to 60 minutes can revive almost any organism.

On the highest level

What is a spa treatment? These are thalassotherapy, balneology, physiotherapeutic effects, stone therapy, special cosmetic actions, decorated with beautiful rituals of healing and rejuvenation. These include fruit, algae or flower wraps, visits to steam rooms and swimming pools, meditation and hot tubs, inhalation of special aromas and a program of treatments in a spa capsule. The harmonious combination of gentle, affectionate and calm movements with the gifts of nature, the thoughtfulness of every detail of any of the processes gives untold pleasure.

Losing weight is much more pleasant in a special salon than fighting excess kilograms in the usual exhausting ways. In addition, the body takes on a slimmer shape without stretch marks, the skin becomes elastic, soft, youthful and firm. Visit a spa salon, undergo a complex of several procedures - and nervousness, fatigue, excess weight, and stress are relieved as if by hand.

The very atmosphere in the salon, the behavior of the staff, and the protocols of procedures are aimed at achieving complete relaxation for visitors. Will an ordinary massage therapist serve you tea or drinks? Where else can you take salt or ethereal, thermal, mineral or mud baths, if not in a specialized salon? After such events, not only the skin changes for the better. The person feels an amazing surge of strength.

More about the spa capsule

In the fields of balneology, addiction medicine, dietetics, sports medicine, cosmetology and other areas, special cabins are successfully used today. What is a spa capsule? This is a compact health device with a stylish appearance for carrying out a whole range of procedures.

A person, lying inside the capsule, feels the impact of the vibrating massage bed with his whole body. The head of the person placed inside the cabin remains outside, which makes it possible to simultaneously carry out cosmetic procedures on the face and breathe ionized air. A typical session in the cabin lasts from 30 to 50 minutes accompanied by beautiful music, sounds of nature or the sound of sea waves. A spa salon or spa hotel that has such an innovative device in its arsenal provides its clients with the opportunity to receive a relaxing manual massage to complete the entire process.

What types of spa capsules are there?

Taking procedures in the so-called “dry” cabin, you can perfectly warm up the body with ionized warm air. Inhaling air refreshed with essential oils, being under the influence of chromotherapy (color effects that change the state of mind), undergoing vibration massage and music therapy, a person very quickly restores physical and mental strength.

In the hydrofusion capsule, active and deep heating of the entire body occurs using a combination of hot steam and infrared radiation. The processes of removing slag deposits are activated, excess calories are burned, and sleep is normalized.

Types of treatments in a spa capsule

Depending on its type and purpose, the capsule makes it possible to obtain the following physiotherapeutic effects:

  • aroma, color and herbal medicine;
  • vibration, air and hydromassage;
  • warming up the hips and back;
  • Vichy water shower;
  • "sea fog";
  • steam and infrared sauna;
  • a special “dry” system affects the body with active oxygen;
  • contrast and “tropical” shower.

In accordance with the chosen body care program, the spa capsule visitor receives a full range of treatments during the session: from acid-fruit peeling to the application of anti-aging creams and special clay and algae masks to the entire surface of the skin.

Contraindications for taking procedures in a spa capsule are inflammatory processes and exacerbations of chronic diseases, heart rhythm problems, cholecystitis and urolithiasis.

Staying at a spa hotel - what makes it special?

What is a spa hotel? First of all, this is practically a resort place away from the bustle of the city. Among natural beauties, in the forest or on the seashore, relaxation is combined with massage, cosmetic, and healing procedures. A spa hotel in the desert, in the mountains, near a lake gives you the opportunity to enjoy completely unusual natural landscapes. Forest, mountain and sea air have such a beneficial effect on a person exhausted by the bustle of the city that, after living just a few days in such an environment, a vacationer simply finds a second wind.

What are hotel spa treatments? Restoration of vitality, youth and health, complete detachment from worries. In such hotels you will admire not only the wonderful cuisine and comfort in the rooms, but also a lot of excellent services for body and soul.

Lately, we are increasingly hearing about holidays at SPA resorts or treatment with SPA therapy. It seems that these wonderful procedures can restore health, help you lose weight, and improve the condition of your skin and hair. In addition, they are great for relaxing and allow you to take a break from the hard work of everyday life. Holidays at spa resorts, therefore, provide an opportunity not only to soak up the beach, but also to take care of your own health.

Let us turn to history to understand the meaning of this unusual word that is on everyone’s lips.

How to decipher the term “SPA”?

Perhaps the term “SPA” became so popularized thanks to the small town of Spa in Belgium. This place has long been famous for its springs. According to legend, soldiers were even brought here from the battlefield so that after quickly recovering, they could return to duty. Thus, thanks to popular rumor, the name “Spa” becomes a household word, and people from all over Europe come to Spa for SPA treatment.

According to another version, SPA is an abbreviation from the Latin “sanitos pro aqua”, which means “health through water”. This Latin expression perfectly captures the essence and purpose of many spa treatments.

It is even possible that “SPA” is just the first part of the Russian word “thank you,” which Peter I allegedly said in gratitude to the local thermal springs during his stay in Belgium.

What does this fashionable word “SPA” mean?

All interpretations are unanimous in that the essence of SPA is the use of natural water, mineral and thermal springs, thanks to which people have drawn reserves of strength, energy and health since ancient times.

The primary goal of modern spas is to recreate natural harmony in order to combat stress, fatigue and illness. For this, various water procedures are used, plant extracts, and especially algae, are used.

Variety of spa treatments

Nowadays, the geography of spas has expanded significantly. For a long time now it has been not only, and not so much Europe. SPA based on the gifts of the Dead Sea are very popular. This is how thalassotherapy is carried out - treatment and care using sea water, salt, silt, and algae. These procedures help to recover from fatigue and stress, cleanse the body and restore strength, get rid of wrinkles and excess weight. Sea salt peeling and the use of algae are especially popular today. After such procedures, the skin is perfectly cleansed and becomes truly silky.

Thailand brought aromatherapy to the spa, and China brought the wisdom of Eastern philosophy. In Western Europe and the USA, “Russian spas” are becoming increasingly popular, the heart of which is a bathhouse with a birch or oak broom and a subsequent plunge into an ice bath. Steaming in a bathhouse or sauna is wonderfully relaxing, relieving muscle and nervous tension. And cleansing the skin helps enhance the effect of subsequent procedures.

After a bath, it is usually recommended to do body wraps. To do this, use herbs, algae or medicinal mud, the amazing properties of which help to cope with many problems. It is also possible to carry out additional relaxing procedures. For example, this could be a hydromassage or immersion in a Japanese special furo barrel filled with warm water with the addition of rose petals, herbs, honey, and cream.

The best completion of a complex of spa treatments is a massage. At least the cervical-collar area, and ideally the whole body. If necessary, focus on the anti-cellulite effect. After the massage, a moisturizing and nourishing cream is applied to the skin, which will complete the SPA care complex.

Now, knowing the essence, meaning and positive results of spa treatments, let them take care of your health, well-being and appearance!