Romantic phrases for men. What to write to a guy to make him happy. How to seduce a man from a distance, what words can arouse a man in correspondence, by phone, Skype, via SMS? How to quickly get a man, boyfriend, husband at a distance, th

To interest the guy you like, you need to write him something original and funny. You should not openly tell him about your feelings and complain about life, talk about your problems and correspond with intimate topics. For a guy to fall in love with a girl, he must be comfortable, easy and pleasant to correspond with her, because men love cheerful and witty women.

You can’t be too intrusive and send messages with questions and complaints if the guy does not write. And also you should not make fun of the guy, write him vulgar jokes, various insults.

Examples of successful phrases

If the young man is "disappeared", you can write first. He will appreciate such a bold move. Phrases and questions that will make a guy smile:

  • If there is an expensive foreign car on the man’s avatar - “I’m very curious, are you as cool as this car? » Photo of a guy sitting at a computer - “Take your eyes off the screen and turn around - because I'm standing behind! »
  • “You are so daring and brutal and... not my type at all :)”
  • "Cheer up, don't be sad, let's study the starry sky instead of just looking at your feet."
  • “I thought about it and decided to agree.” The guy will definitely ask: “Agree with what? » Write in response: “What can you offer? :)”
  • “Today I learned from a smart book that a person uses more than 80 different muscles when smiling. So let's pump them up right now! »

The girl needs to write correctly. Light flirting with a man is welcome. You should remain mysterious and mysterious so that the partner wants to get to know the girl better.

Compliments to a man

Romantic Messages

In order for the beloved to understand that he is needed and loved, you can write to him about your feelings, wish him good morning and good night. Examples of messages that you can write to a guy:

  • “Only you are in my thoughts, my heart has long belonged to you, you are my soul mate and destiny! I know that you thought of me too, I can feel it! »
  • “There are no such words in the world to express my emotions towards you, it is impossible to say in words, you can only feel with your heart all the love and tender feelings that I have for you.”
  • “So the morning has come, it will be the kindest today, because you will arrive soon and I can hug you tightly and kiss you from head to toe :)”
  • “One girl is incredibly lucky in this life, because next to her is a real man! »
  • “Hi, the best and dearest, I miss you madly. I dream of seeing those bottomless eyes and drowning in them.”
  • “You are brilliant, smart, talented, beautiful and sexy. And most importantly - mine! »
  • “My body remembers your gentle touch and yearns to meet your strong hands. I miss you, treat me with your attention.

With humor

Cool messages to your loved one:

  • “I wish you erotic-strawberry-vanilla dreams, my sweet, because I appear not only in real life, but also unceremoniously burst into your dreams.”
  • “I know and feel that you are definitely hiding something! » The young man will be surprised and ask what exactly. “How you miss me now! »
  • “Don't call again, don't text or look for me, because I won't even talk to you... Do you want to know why? Everything is very simple - I was at the doctor's appointment, and he categorically forbade the use of sweets! »
  • “Dear our subscriber, there is a negative balance on your account - 1000 kisses are missing. Please pay within 24 hours, otherwise your balance will be permanently blocked.
  • “Darling, there are no more people like you in this world, there never was, and ... no need! »
  • “I was thinking at my leisure here, can you imagine, we have so much in common with you - we both love ... me! »
  • “I will come to you on a full moon, I will make my way under your blanket, I will find the most delicious place on your body. Your little mosquito."
  • "Attention! You are surrounded on all sides, resistance is useless. I suggest you surrender voluntarily. All-encompassing love."
  • “Please, just don’t be scared if one fine day a bearded old grandfather bursts into your room, stuffs you into a big red bag and drags you in an unknown direction. It was I who wished you to Santa Claus as a gift for the New Year.
  • “Five hundred thousand little chipmunks are nothing compared to your fluffiness and softness! »
  • "How can? When will this finally end? Stop immediately! Why the hell don't you step out of my thoughts for a second? If you continue like this, I will soon be fired from my job, because in my head only you and nothing else. Be human, let me work a little! »

How you want to please your loved one, express your feelings and tender affection. Deeds, of course, speak for themselves, but sometimes a person wants to hear just good, After all, sometimes there are so few bright moments in our life. And not everyone likes to flaunt theirs. And in vain! Even the representatives of the stronger sex dream of hearing approval or just a nice word that will warm the soul. So what nice words can you come up with for a guy to give him a piece of yourself?

How to get through

Sometimes girls wonder about how to “touch” the heart of a sweetheart? Maybe present a gift or make a bold act? And for some reason, words are given quite little attention. But men, just like ladies, love compliments! Many are embarrassed by this, but in their hearts they still expect such manifestations from women. So why not take advantage of this and start talking. Just a few words can cause a man to have a reverent attitude towards you. Just don't be afraid to say what's on your mind. Feel free to seem sentimental, men will always appreciate your impulse.

Beloved or friend?

You can say nice words to a guy for the most trifling occasion! Say that it is as bright and warm as the sun in the sky! But you can address compliments to both a loved one and a person who only interested you! Fascinating and tender correspondence will be a great opportunity to get to know each other better or arrange a real exciting flirting! If you are embarrassed to say something to a man's face - write to him! This makes it much easier to express your deepest feelings. Sometimes it is difficult to publicly call a person a tiger cub or a brave knight, but creating a romantic SMS and email is not so difficult. In addition, there is always time for a flight of fancy. Many guys note that they keep such tender and passionate lines from their loved ones for many years.

Little tricks

Dear ladies, do not forget that you need to verbally “caress” your beloved all the time. A man is a real warrior, earner, winner, and he just needs to hear why you love him! Talk to him more often about his strength and mind, emphasize his success and individuality. But the appearance should not be forgotten either! Well, who will be unpleasant to hear that he is charming, stunning and the most beautiful on Earth? Life is a real struggle, and our men are the main characters in it. Be sure to tell him why you love him, why you gave him your preference. And even if there is a little "saving" lie in your words - this is not forbidden at all! Dear ladies, of course, do not forget to say nice words to the guy in front of his relatives and friends. Men are proud when a woman does not hide, emphasizes his superiority over others.

love letter

Spoken words, they say, live in eternity, but the written lines remain in memory. Do not be too lazy to create a pleasant prose or even a small poem of praise for your chosen one. Believe me, such “reminders” can inflame passion and tenderness. For example, when a loved one becomes sad, he can always read your creation and plunge into pleasant dreams! And this applies not only to modern technologies: telephone, email or social networks. Sometimes this is inappropriate, a person may be shy if you become frank about feelings in front of other people (for example, a post on VKontakte).

Show yourself as a modest and sensual person. Remember that handmade work is always more intimate. Write a letter, you can draw something yourself or paste your photo. What nice words to write to a guy to touch his heart:

  1. Be sure to emphasize his cute, kind, frank, honest and noble.
  2. Remember the pleasant moments in life: write how happy you are next to this man, that you love and appreciate every minute alone.
  3. Be sure to assure him of his uniqueness: write that you are faithful only to him, you will never exchange for another person.
  4. It will be great if you come up with some kind of affectionate nickname, the meaning of which will be clear only to you: funny, wonderful, irresistible, incredible.
  5. Try to emphasize his masculinity and sexual victories - men, due to their psychology, are very afraid of rivalry, and it is important for them to know that it is he who is able to give the joy of sexual pleasure to his partner.
  6. Of course, you shouldn’t “banish” and be too pretentious, sometimes men perceive this as undisguised flattery and stop believing in your sincerity.

The Word Works Miracles

Psychologists say that the more often you call a person a word that defines some qualities, the more actively he tries to match them! So choose your words carefully. There is no need to emphasize the negative sides, for example, a lazy or couch potato, a piglet and a dirty one. A man will simply understand that everything suits you, and strive nowhere else. What words are pleasant for a guy? The phrases "my precious, unique, unique, generous, unique" can spur action.

It is not customary to think that it is not customary to talk about a man's appearance - Try to praise the taste of your chosen one or his wardrobe, and you will see a satisfied smile on his face, and you will also hear gratitude addressed to you. It is worth learning how to communicate in such a way that a person is comfortable and easy with you. And the conversation will definitely develop if a person hears pleasant words addressed to him!

Be original and unobtrusive

If you want to freshen up your relationship and attract a person, you should not go for a lightning attack. Start writing light wishes or just reminders that you are thinking of him. A man should be intrigued, wait for a meeting with you and dream of intimacy. And of course, if the lines flow like a river all day long, your loved one may just get bored and even angry!

For example, pleasant words for a guy at night should be gentle and relaxing: wish good night to your hero, beloved boy, consummate lover and kindest knight. Do not load it with unnecessary problems, on the contrary, take care of its relaxation. Well, if he is away from you, remind you how much you are waiting for him and dreaming of seeing your precious little man! If your boyfriend likes to play pranks, you can send a photo of yourself in an interesting outfit, record a song that reminds you of a beautiful night of love! In general, it all depends on your imagination, because you are a woman and you must make sure that the flame of your love only flares up!

Dear ladies, give warmth and joy to your chosen ones. They expect words of approval, praise and declarations of love from you. Men are very romantic creatures, although they hide it from us! Try to look into the soul and wake up a sensual and kind knight. Let nice words to a guy be a way for you to express your warm affection for a man. And you will see how your partner changes!

Many girls are convinced that guys are less emotional than girls, and that their courage does not fit in with the manifestation of affection, romance and other things that are tied to female nature.

But I want to assure the opposite and tell every girl how emotional the guys are and how strong their love for their halves is. It’s just that they don’t always show it - they don’t know how to be afraid to show themselves from a stupid side, to be afraid to touch their masculinity and other reasons. As they say, everyone has their own cockroaches in their heads. Therefore, girls, do not be afraid to take the initiative, write nice messages, make compliments. Men are happy to hear that. just like you. As you already understood, then we will talk about what you can write to a guy to make him smile.

There are several situations and they all have one thing in common - there is a guy who is not indifferent to you and you want to once again show your attitude, but do not know how to do it right.

Internet or phone?

We live in an age of modern technology, where the transfer of information is as easy as one breath. Therefore, you have a choice - send a message to your mobile phone or write to him on a social network. Both options fit, but slightly different. A message on a social network will not be as emotional and intimate as a message sent to a mobile phone.

If you don't want to shower your guy with tons of compliments or start flirting with him, then your best bet is to opt for the text message option. But there is one “but” - in response you will receive silence and will not know about his reaction. If the answer is more important than the message, then choose the Internet. Your pleasant words can become the ground for something new. Perhaps this will be the first step towards a romantic relationship.

A joke, a flirt or a compliment?

Why are we smiling? What pleases us? Think about this question. Now think about what can make your object of adoration laugh or make you smile.
Different temperaments of men lead to different reactions. For example, if a man is handsome, but not a narcissist, then a compliment from you for him may seem like a mere trifle. If a man is not particularly outstanding beauty, then a compliment can cause him a somewhat negative reaction. How then to be?

Can try with a joke. Everyone loves funny stories, jokes (if they are not offensive) and others. If you are all good with a sense of humor, then you can come up with your own joke related to spending time together or some business that is related between you. Do not send jokes that are on the Internet. In general, you should not turn to the Internet to search for some kind of poetry, ridiculous jokes or something else.

If the situation is hopeless, then it is better to send him some funny picture, which both of you associate with the same thing. You should also not use vulgarity in your jokes if your relationship has just begun to develop. This can push the guy away, or vice versa - give a false hint of a desire to have sexual contact. Do you need it - decide for yourself.

A few words about flirting. Flirting is a delicate matter. Flirting is best when you are alone. A somewhat different situation in correspondence. But the text should not confuse you, but only give ground for creativity. Start with something simple. For example, say that his shirt went well with his eye color. Do not immediately hint that he is very attracted to you. A little flirting will bring you closer and also make the guy smile, which is what you wanted.

And a compliment. What to text a guy? What compliment will make him smile? Any compliment should be about his masculinity, even if he doesn't have enough of it. The most popular and pleasant compliments:

  • “You have very beautiful and strong hands. I felt so defenseless in your arms”;
  • “You have the look of an eagle - so independent and unshakable”;
  • “You seem very strong. Your girlfriend will definitely be lucky”;
  • “You are completely different, not like everyone else. With you I feel light”, etc.

There are quite a few options and each of them is selected according to the situation and the side that attracts you the most in a guy. If you emphasize it, he will definitely smile.


Another way to make a guy smile- this photo. Guys are very pleased when something is done especially for them. Take a special photo for him. No, it's not about intimate photos. Your cute little face or the twisted face on her will be enough to make a guy smile if he likes you.
With a cheerful photo, you will once again emphasize your individuality, sympathy for him, as well as your perky character. Just do not try to send an old photo or the same one to several guys. They can find out about it and then the attitude towards you will deteriorate.

After a date

An interesting point is the time after the date. When it turns out to be successful, I want to not only thank the guy, but also send him something nice at the end of the evening that would make him smile. You can send a test message or start a dialogue on a social network. The option with a message is more complicated, because you will need to fit all the positive emotions from the evening into a small message, using flirting, a compliment and a joke. For example: “I felt unusually good today. You are a wonderful conversationalist and a suave young man, which cannot be said about the waiter who stared at you so immodestly. Did you leave him your number? :)”.

A date can be different, as well as its end. Here you already surrender to the hands of improvisation. Dialogue in a social network will be more simple, because there you can write anything and with details. But the option with a message is more acceptable, because it gives a certain mystery to the girl. After a date, the guy scrolls through the events in his head and independently reflects on how you reacted to him. If you were at your best, then even without a message, your young man will shine with a smile.

Ask questions about his hobbies. Think of things you know he's interested in and steer the conversation in that direction. This way, he will have a chance to show you who he really is, and this will allow you to build communication on a deeper level. Remember to keep the tone of the conversation light and playful so you don't feel too serious.

  • If, for example, you know that he likes sports, you can ask him what are his favorite teams, what are their successes this year. Ask how long and why he likes these teams so much.
  • You can start asking him about pets, favorite TV shows, about lessons and activities, about where he happened to be.
  • Show where you agree by saying something like: "Yes, I feel the same!" When you disagree, playfully tease him, for example, you can say: "I think you are wrong here, but I forgive you for that;)"
  • To keep a guy on his toes, tease him a little. A lot of guys love the idea of ​​a "challenge," so teasing will make him want your approval even more. Be witty and funny to get the guy interested and get him excited about what you'll say next.

    • For example, if he is going to play basketball with his friends, you can say something like: "Try to hit the basket this time! :P"
    • If you are sitting next to each other at lunch, you can write to him a little later: "I saw that today you brought a cooked lunch with you! This time it looked edible..;)"
    • Make fun of him only in minor things. Don't tease him about his family, appearance, political views, or other personal topics, especially if you're just getting to know each other.
  • Talk about what you do in your free time. You want to show that you are interested in his life, but do not focus only on him! Mention yourself as well to interest him and get him to ask you questions.

    • Show the guy that you have your own life - this will make you even more interesting and mysterious in his eyes.
    • For example, if a guy is telling you about a pet, you could say, "I've never had a dog, and I feel like I'm a 100% cat person... Though maybe I could change my mind ;)"
  • Don't get carried away with emoticons and exclamation marks. Sending a guy too many emojis and exclamation marks makes you seem too expressive and maybe even aggressive. It's okay to insert different emoji into messages from time to time, but try not to send more than one emoji and exclamation mark in the same message.

    • Once you understand what style this guy is used to communicating in, you can send him a little more emoji and behave more emotionally. But at the beginning of communication, behave with restraint.
    • If you feel like you're overdoing it a little, you probably are. Even if you're not sure about it, it's best to be a little calmer so you don't overdo it.
    • You can also occasionally send the guy funny pictures or Gifs, but again, don't overdo it! These cute additions are great fun, but in small amounts!
  • Do not analyze his short messages for too long. Even if you get a very restrained response like "ok" - don't panic! There can be many reasons why a guy couldn't send you a longer message (or couldn't reply at all), so stay calm! Put your phone away for a while and do something else to distract yourself.

    • Some guys take longer to respond to messages, so try to control your emotions and expectations until you realize how quickly he is used to responding to messages.
    • When he finally answers you, don't ask him why he didn't answer for so long or you'll look like you need a relationship. Show him that you are not embarrassed, that you are relaxed and feel great; continue the conversation as if nothing had happened.
    • Guys are attracted to confident girls, so the best thing you can do is be yourself!
    • Remember, no matter how perfect the conversation is, nothing will work out between you if you are different.
  • Are you still waiting for a response from your loved one? He promised to call in five minutes an hour ago? Disappointed that this is not the first time something like this has happened? Or maybe he just left after you once again quarreled, contemptuously muttering another insult through his teeth? Or even worse - you do not know how to stir it up, make it less cold and indifferent? Write him a message that could hurt him!

    indisputable fact Men are less emotional than women. They attach much less importance to words, preferring to prove their case with deeds. They do not understand how important it is to hear something from them, to feel an emotional response, to make sure that you are still loved. Often they have to be provoked to release emotions in not very pleasant ways - scandals, tantrums, offensive or catchy SMS ... In the struggle for relationships, like in war - all means are good!

    However, many girls, in principle, do not accept too much emotional pressure on a man. Shouts and quarrels, even just raising the tone are considered by them as a sign of disrespect for themselves and for the guy. In this case, the only thing left for them as an "auxiliary circle" is a biting tenacious word. One SMS or VKontakte message can make a guy nervous, worried, suffer, or vice versa - to please him, interest, excite, awaken some tender feelings. How to do all this? How to learn to subjugate guys with words? About this - in our article!

    What to text a guy to get hurt?

    Let's first understand what exactly do we want: somehow take revenge, anger, hook the guy or vice versa, interest and please him. As you understand, the approaches in this case will be fundamentally different.

    The main advice that can be given to girls who want to pleasantly surprise a guy and interest him is to be straightforward, but mysterious, cute, but dangerous, funny, but a little sad ... In general, your goal is create a contradictory image and a double impression. A man should think: “But what, in fact, is this beauty like?”. If he asks himself this question - that's it, you can assume that it's in the bag.

    So, here are some tips you can give to girls who want to pleasantly interest a young man:

    1. Don't be afraid to write first. There is nothing terrible or shameful in this - moreover, guys often appreciate initiative in the fair sex! But it is better if the first message is not too intrusive. Experienced seductresses generally advise starting a dialogue as if by chance: “Listen, does this group (insert the guy’s favorite group here, from which you are “crazy” too) come to us? Don't know how to get a ticket?”, “Please help me find a good programmer… Oh, so it's you? How amazing!".

      Come up with a reason to apply- if you feel that the attempt to communicate has failed, it will be possible to smoothly round off the conversation and leave gracefully without injuring your pride and dignity.

      If you like each other, then everyone will understand that your message is just a pretext.

    2. Don't be afraid to joke! Humor is your best assistant! Everything here will depend on your image: if you are a quivering young lady, do not allow yourself rude humor. If you are “your boyfriend”, then some not quite feminine jokes will be quite forgivable to you and will even add charm to you in his eyes.
    3. Don't impose. If you feel that the dialogue is "stuck" - it is better to stop communicating at least for a while. If the chill does not go away - this is not your option. If everything goes well, that's just great!
    4. Show interest in his hobbies. Get interested in football, yoga, exotic animals or stamp collecting... In general, become not only a pleasant, but also an interesting conversationalist! A phrase about his hobbies, successfully inserted into the conversation, can play a decisive role in your relationship.
    5. Do not write two sentences:"I'm bored" and "Tell me something." This is guaranteed to push anyone away from you, even the most patient guy!
    6. Be extraordinary. Change your writing style from time to time. Instead of a restrained text, send a beautiful verse, become a naughty joker from a responsible girl for at least 5 minutes. Your goal is not to get bored. Remember: you are not a boring, always the same girl, but a deep multifaceted personality that is constantly changing! It’s good if everything is just beginning in your relationship and you want to evoke positive emotions in a guy. But it also happens that it is necessary to anger a young man, upset him - in other words, hurt him.

    • To a large extent, this depends on what relationship are you in. If you have been together for a long time, then you know all his weak points and can easily put pressure on them. For example, your boyfriend is jealous. In a short SMS, you can beat it beautifully: “You had reasons to do this to me. But don't worry - there is someone to comfort me." On the one hand, your mother, sister, girlfriend can console you ... But the imagination of a jealous person will not draw this at all, which is just right for you!
    • Try SMS answer the question he often poses before you in the heat of a quarrel. For example, he constantly asks you: "Why are you asking me questions if you don't want to listen to the answers?" If you text him something like this: “You know, I often ask you about everything, hoping for the best option. But your answers are killing our relationship and I don’t want to accept them.” Influencing what excites a person emotionally will provide you with his thoughts and feelings about your SMS.
    • After a violent quarrel with screams, mutual accusations and broken dishes romantic sms works very well with a touch of sadness. For example, “That’s when you didn’t yell at me. And for every tear I shed, you were ready to die. What have we done with our love? Where did those feelings go? Most importantly, don't blame the guy. Your task is to bring back memories of the old days, and not make him feel guilty. He himself will think and repent, the main thing is to prevent a moralizing tone in SMS.
    • Use code words and sentences in SMS, which are in use with your couple. Comic nicknames, phrases from shared videos ... This method is very good when you need to hook a guy after a long, drawn-out quarrel, the Cold War. Your "family" phrases are guaranteed to melt the ice of his heart.

    What exactly should not be in your message:

    • rudeness and insults;
    • mat;
    • accusations of sexual failure;
    • accusations of physical imperfections;
    • whining and snot, lengthy regrets about the past;
    • phrases a la “I will drown myself, hang myself, shoot myself, leave without a hat on a cold night”;
    • the phrase "I'm pregnant" if it's not true. In no case do not write this - this is not forgiven.

    Keep yourself together and select expressions according to the situation. And try to wait some time after a quarrel - so the information is better perceived. Immediately in hot pursuit, we perceive information differently than with a fresh mind.

    Now you know what you need to write a guy to get hurt. But what if this guy is an ex? This is written below.

    You broke up - no matter on whose initiative, no matter how smoothly and how many tears there were. The important thing is that you are no longer together, you are not one. Sometimes you want to take revenge on your ex, sometimes you just want to make him think only of you. Sometimes - so that he regrets that he left you. Lots of options. How to make your ex-boyfriend hurt your message?

    1. Do not write romantically. He may think that you are imposing and want to renew the relationship. Under no circumstances should this be allowed!
    2. Try to write indifferently. You see, every guy, deep down, considers himself the very best, the most irresistible, the most unforgettable. The only thing they can't stand is indifference! Therefore, write dryly, restrainedly, indifferently.
    3. If the breakup was hard, you can write about inviting him to a party(of course, the date should be such that he cannot come). This will show that you do not suffer at all from a break in relations, do not think that he suffers and are indifferent to him - you are ready to calmly communicate with him despite everything that happened between you.
    4. Do not write tritely.“I felt bad in bed with you”, “I am pregnant”, “I cheated on you” - this is all the last century. Boring, hackneyed, sometimes even funny. The guy will not hurt, only amuse or disappoint you.
    5. Try to write something ironic, with subtext. The phrase “The cat misses you. A naive animal ”- allows you to express all the negativity in relation to the guy. “Oh, what a pity - your mug broke. I can’t transmit” will make you think why you broke it or who broke it - wonder what is happening, why they treat him badly. “I was looking for sadness from parting. Did not find. Let's break up one more time, we did something wrong ”can hurt a guy very much, especially if he had a hard time with your breakup.

    In writing SMS to the former, your main task is do not dramatize, cause no pity, and envy and admiration.

    Let him bite his elbows because he lost a gorgeous girl!

    As you can see, the best way to hurt a guy, call him to a dialogue, get an emotional response from him is it is to write to him without snotty poems about love, without tantrums and regrets about the past. Humor, indifference and restraint are the three best ways to offend a guy.

    Video: Communication tactics with men

    Well, in order to interest a man, to please him, you need to behave as naturally as possible, treat everything with humor, not impose yourself and not pour tons of negativity on him. If you follow these simple rules, then he will never leave you anywhere.