What to give for teacher's day. What is not worth giving? Alcoholic drinks - to give or not

The teacher for many children becomes almost a native person. On holidays, I want to convey to him a piece of my love, respect, show good attitude to the hard work of teachers and emphasize his merits.

It is not customary for teachers to give very expensive gifts within the walls of the school. Unless the parent committee decides to give such a gift on an individual basis.

Try to pick up not an expensive gift, but an original and necessary one for work. a good gift there will be one that takes into account the tastes and preferences of the teacher himself: an interesting fiction book, a selection of literature on the profile of the subject.

Essential gift for a teacher

Give the teacher desktop Digital Watch that will always be on his desk. This is a useful gift, since time control in the lesson is necessary all the time. Category useful gifts relate stationery: pens different colors, pencils, diaries, calendars, table sets. But just let it be stylish items, with a "zest", and not plastic knick-knacks. Choose a diary in a beautiful cover or loose-leaf. On this it is convenient to write down information right during the lesson, besides, it is always in sight.

Buy your favorite teacher original vase in the office. They can stand in it all year round on the table are dried flowers, dry herbs, bouquets and compositions created by the children themselves.

Memorable gifts for the teacher

Since the history of the class has been “written” for more than one year, it is likely that many interesting photos cool events, holidays, evenings, hikes. Collect them in a large photo album, add humorous comments, name the album with some pomp. Such unusual gift will please everyone. Believe me, very often the children themselves will get it out of the closet at recess, running to the class teacher in the office.

You can give the teacher a picture or a tapestry. A picture created from glass, straw, stones, painted in oil, watercolor, in a graphic style will decorate not only an office, but also an apartment.

Modern Gifts for the Teacher

From a completely ordinary gift, create something unusual with your own hands. Combine flowers and candies into a single whole. Pick up round candy in foil. Fix them in the middle of scarlet roses, sprinkle with sparkles, tie with white satin ribbon- no one can take their eyes off such a gift! Fresh and very unique.

Nowadays, both students and teachers have mastered the computer. Moreover, picking up the pace distance learning. Therefore, a gift from this area will be very useful: it can be a wireless mouse, flash drive, mouse pad. In general, any accessories for laptops and computers are relevant.

Flowers as a gift

Flowers - classic gift for everyone, including teachers. Give a particularly bright and big bouquet. Red roses, gerberas, white chrysanthemums, neatly trimmed daisies look stylish and elegant. Be sure to put a card with wishes in the flowers. Attach a small but cute souvenir to the flowers. Beautiful packaging will emphasize your desire to sincerely congratulate the teacher.

The years spent at school are never forgotten, our memory returns to them again and again, which is why we try to choose a gift for a teacher with a soul.

From the moment that baby goes to school, the teacher becomes one of the important people in his life. Many remember their first teacher all their lives and warmly relate to school teachers they encounter at an older age. Any responsible parent, not only with special attention approaches the choice of a school mentor for his child, but several times a year he is puzzled by the question of what to give the teacher for her birthday, professional holiday, first and last call. The problem is especially acute if the child is in the first or final grade (4th, 9th or 11th) - in these years, gifts to teachers are usually made more memorable.

Gifts from the class

For celebrations in honor of a birthday, professional holiday, graduation or beginning school year It is customary to give gifts to teachers. As a rule, they give one general present from the whole class. primary school or class teacher, if we are talking about average and high school. For such general congratulations usually the parent committee collects money.

Birthday teacher from the whole class team? Usually they give small household appliances, gift certificates, gifts related to hobbies, interior items, a set of bedding or dishes, a collage or a video letter. may be more professionally oriented, but about the beginning or end of the school year, you can present it purely symbolic gift such as a bouquet of flowers, sweets and good tea.

Here's what a birthday present for a teacher from the whole class could be:

  1. Household helpers that will help save time and energy. It is better to choose something universal. It can be a coffee maker, slow cooker, blender, toaster, mixer or yogurt maker.
  2. If the preferences are not known in advance (and this is most often the case in the first grade, when the teacher and parents still do not know each other well), then you can present a gift certificate. Which one? You can choose a cosmetics store, household appliances, dishes, a hypermarket or a chain supermarket. Still unusual, but no less suitable option- certificate for a photo shoot.
  3. Do you know what the teacher is interested in? This is a real ace up your sleeve, because you can choose a birthday present for a teacher related to a hobby. If the addressee loves cooking, baking sets, a beautiful set of spices or good tea will come in handy, but for a lover indoor plants You can present a large illustrated encyclopedia.
  4. In things that have an economic (practical) purpose, it is important not only not to make a mistake with taste, but also not to miscalculate with a purely technical specifications, for example, the size of the bed, if it was decided to donate a set of quality bed linen. You can also present a spectacular vase, because teachers are much more often given flowers than representatives of other professions, a set of dishes (but if the service is either very high-quality or insanely beautiful - the fashion for a mandatory tea set for 6 people in a sideboard has already passed) and so on .
  5. A good gift is a newspaper or a collage of photographs with touching captions. Such a gift, listing all the advantages of a teacher, will definitely be remembered for a long time. A similar option is a video clip. You can shoot such a video yourself or order from professionals.

A birthday present for a teacher from a class can and should be practical, beautiful, of high quality and always from the heart.

Personal presentations

Sometimes I want to congratulate the teacher on the holiday and personally from myself. For this case, it is better to choose more symbolic, small gifts, otherwise the situation will not look very nice. Here are some personalized gift ideas for teachers:

  1. Flowers. A bouquet of flowers is traditional, simple and pleasant. Of course, in Lately there is an opinion that it is much better to give something more practical, because the flowers will wither in a few days. It has a share common sense, but still, flowers for a birthday, Teacher's Day, the first or last call are familiar.
  2. Delicious gifts. Give sweets - what could be more successful? It's delicious and beautiful. You can present a bouquet of sweets, exotic fruits, caramel flowers, a cake with an inscription and decorations on the topic. If the teacher does not like sweets, you can give high-quality coffee beans or tea (preferably loose), a basket with expensive cheese, a jar of red caviar and fruit.
  3. DIY birthday gift for a teacher - great option for the teacher who chose the profession by vocation. You can limit yourself to a postcard with an application, another option is the author's natural soap or beautiful candles self made. You can also make a frame for a photo with your own hands.
  4. Tickets for any event can be a good gift from yourself. Present invitations to an interesting exhibition, performance or philharmonic. It is better to give two tickets so that the recipient can go not alone.
  5. Stationery - such items are sure to be useful to the teacher in their professional activities. As a birthday present, a teacher can be presented with a beautiful notebook, a bright diary, a convenient case for pens and pencils. True, such presentations are more suitable for Teacher's Day or the beginning of the school year.
  6. Small gadgets. Does the child have a young and tech-savvy teacher? A stylish bag for a laptop or tablet, a bright backlit keyboard, a USB-powered fan or lamp, a smart alarm clock, a mouse pad, and so on will come in handy.

Gift for primary school teacher

Birthday gift for a teacher elementary school in the first or fourth grade sometimes they make it special. You can, of course, use the ideas listed above, but in some classes, teachers of toddlers receive on the occasion of the birthday Jewelry or status items (for example, a Parker pen in branded packaging).

Stop your choice on a status, expensive gift or limit yourself, for example, to a gift certificate - you need to decide separately, of course, be sure to get support parent committee. Perhaps not all parents have the opportunity to donate a large amount to the general budget. In this case, it is better to choose another gift. But if there is an opportunity to give quality item(but not very expensive, it would already be indecent), then why not do it.

Present for biology teacher

A birthday present for a biology teacher (as well as other subjects) can be associated with professional activities. If you approach the choice of a present correctly, you will get a very unexpected, original and interesting congratulations. Can be bought for a teacher of natural history, biology and ecology unusual flower(for example, a carnivorous plant), an ant farm, an aqua farm, an eco-cube (an environmentally friendly pot with plant seeds and nutrient soil is the easiest way to grow a plant), or a long-term rose.

What can you give a chemist

Here are some gift ideas for a chemistry teacher:

  1. A vase or mug in the form of a chemical dish that can be supplemented with tea, coffee and sweets.
  2. Great set for experiments.
  3. Stylish hourglass.
  4. Acid-resistant coat.
  5. Notebook with periodic table on the cover.
  6. Cake in the form of some chemical element.

In general, any gifts that somehow resonate with the professional field of activity of the teacher will do. But an original gift to a class teacher-chemist may not be connected with the science of substances. So do not desperately rack your brains in search of a present that is associated with chemistry. The teacher will also be pleased with another gift.

Physics Teacher Gift Ideas

Congratulations to the physics teacher can be reinforced with a gift:

  1. Anything in the steampunk style (a clock or a fancy lamp with a “bare” light bulb).
  2. Stylish engineering calculator.
  3. Collector's edition of books by Stephen Hawking.
  4. Popular neocube constructor.
  5. Perpetual calendar with portraits of physicists.

How to congratulate a geographer

In the event that you need to come up with a congratulation to the geography teacher, there is room for imagination, because geographical maps are used in the decoration of many items. You can present a large wall map (cork or paper), pillowcases with maps, table lamp in the form of the Earth or a levitating globe.

Gift for a math teacher

In the film The Mirror Has Two Faces, the heroine presented the mathematician with cufflinks engraved with prime numbers. Such a jewelry gift is not always suitable, but the idea itself can be used in other variations. You can present a modern calculator, notebook or any other object decorated with a "mathematical" theme.

Present for a teacher of Russian and literature

It is not difficult to choose a gift for a teacher of Russian language and literature. a good present there will be a large leather-bound dictionary (collector's edition, for example), books by decent contemporary authors, anthologies on school curriculum and collections of poems. Do not discount the "standard" sweets, tea and coffee sets, homemade gifts and gift certificates.

What to give a historian

Enough original present for a history teacher who is passionate about his work, this is a bust of some historical figure. Of course, marble is not the best choice, it's too expensive, but ordinary gypsum will do. You can also present an interesting board game- Now this pastime is gaining popularity again.

What is undesirable to give the teacher

There are many things that can be presented to the teacher for a birthday, a professional holiday, or about the beginning or end of the next school year. But there are gifts that will be an unsuccessful choice. Do not give, for example:

However, there are exceptions to any rule. Much depends on how well the parents know the teacher.

March 8 is ahead, and for many of us this holiday is associated not only with spring mood and nursery rhymes at matinees, but also with the need to choose gifts for close and not so close people.

If we know relatives and girlfriends well and, perhaps, we can guess about their preferences and wishes, then it is more difficult with teachers and educators. Of course, I want to thank them for their work, warm attitude to our children, to show how much we appreciate them. What to give a teacher or educator so that the gift pleases?

The Motherhood portal offers twenty gift ideas for teachers and educators by March 8th. Let's make a reservation right away that not every idea is universal, not every one will suit you and your teachers, because
1) all people are different;
2) the budget laid down for the gift is different for everyone;
3) situations can also be different - for example, you want to make a gift from the class or personally from yourself, depending on this, both the value of the gift and its “character” will differ.

Still, we hope that any of the options suits you. So…

Gifts for teachers and educators from the class (from the kindergarten group)

1) Gifts related to professional activities
You can give a biology teacher an encyclopedia of plants, an exotic flower in a pot, an aquarium with live fish, decorative tree. Teacher foreign language will appreciate a copy of a book by a foreign writer in the original language. A geography teacher can be presented with a souvenir globe with a hiding place for storing small things, a table lamp in the form of a miniature globe, a cork map of the world, to which you can attach the necessary notes with buttons. The teacher of literature and the Russian language will be happy with the e-book. A teacher of any subject will need a telescopic pointer.

2) Small Appliances
Often teaching profession choose according to vocation, and the teacher or educator invests not only his soul, but everything free time to your favorite job. Give such a teacher household assistants that will help save time and effort, such as a slow cooker, blender, coffee maker, steamer, toaster, yogurt maker or mixer.

3) Gift Certificate
When it is difficult to decide on a gift, but preferences are known, gift certificates help out - in perfumery and cosmetics stores, household appliances, dishes and household goods, large supermarket chains. A more exotic, but certainly pleasant option for a woman, is a gift certificate for a photo session.

4) Hobby related gift
If it is known that your teacher or educator has a hobby, then you have an unconditional trump card in your hands. Give a fan of embroidery or needlework a special kit for such work; If your recipient loves to bake or cook, she'll love baking tins, a pretty tea set, or an illustrated encyclopedia of original recipes.

5) Flower vases
Someone will say: trite, but practical! Flowers are given to teachers and educators more often than to representatives of other professions. Why not give a spectacular vase in which these flowers can be placed?

6) A set of bed linen or a set of dishes
In this case, of course, it will be useful to know the preferences and tastes of your teacher, as well as practical nuances: it will be a shame to miss and give the teacher bed linen sets euro-size if the bed is double, as well as presenting the 5th crystal salad bowl.

7) Photo album
Memories warm the soul, and although photographs are increasingly stored in electronic format, it is in a printed and beautifully designed form that they really cheer up. You can choose a special album, large format, with a beautiful cover, or even an author's one, made to order.

8) USB Humidifier Air Purifier
In classrooms where many children study, it is often stuffy, the air is too dry due to heating. A humidifier powered by a computer will “heal” not only the teacher, but also the students.

9) Collage or gift newspaper to order
You can make a collage yourself - using Photoshop or even simpler programs, such as Paint, then print it on a large-format print. Funny, bright, touching pictures can be found in the photo archive of each student, all that remains is to add inscriptions. A more exotic option is to order a gift newspaper that completely imitates a real one, but at the same time dedicated to the teacher, his merits and achievements.

10) Video letter
You can create a congratulatory video that will remind your teacher or caregiver of you and your children long years. The video can be filmed and processed by yourself or ordered by professionals. There is also a more exotic option - a talking video letter: this gadget is attached to the refrigerator and can record and play small video messages.

Gifts for teachers and educators personally from myself

11) Flowers
They are short-lived, but they create a mood - festive, spring. If you want your bouquet to stand out from the background of many others, give flower arrangement in a basket or beautiful box imitating a box. You can also give a flower in a pot - with proper care, it will not wither after 3 days, unlike cut bouquets. True, it is better to find out in advance whether your teacher likes to study plants, and whether he is allergic to flowers.

12) Delicious gifts
If you want the gift not only to smell, but also to please other senses, give sweets. You can make bouquets of fruits, sweets or order flowers from caramel mass. The teacher will also be pleased with a cake ordered for the occasion - with an address congratulatory inscription And holiday decorations. If you know that the teacher does not like sweets, present a beautifully designed basket with good tea or coffee, expensive cheese, a jar of caviar, fruit.

13) DIY gift
Draw with your child beautiful postcard, create an application using unusual materials- fabrics, leather, beads, coffee beans, make paper crafts using origami technique. You can cast an author's candle or cook handmade soap. Your teacher or educator will be touched if you compose congratulatory poems with warm words.

14) Photo Frame
You can buy it - stores offer many classic and original options - and do it yourself with your child.

15) Ticket to the event
Present a teacher or educator with a ticket to a philharmonic, theater or an interesting exhibition (and preferably two - so that your recipient can go not alone, but in the company of a loved one).

16) Stationery
An originally made pencil case, a bright large notepad for notes, a beautiful diary will definitely come in handy for a teacher or educator in their work, which means they will like it. If the budget allows, you can give a solid bag.

17) Handmade soap
It can be made or ordered unusual shape corresponding to the occasion - for example, in the form of a primer, a cake, a learned owl, a bouquet of flowers. You can also order personalized soap.

18) Useful Items
A ring holder or jewelry holder will appeal to an educator who loves jewelry. Mug with lid, beautiful stand under a mug, a mouse pad (all this can be made nominal) - "a trifle, but nice."

19) Fashion Gadgets
If your teacher is young and technically savvy, he will definitely appreciate original flash drive, USB flavor, bright keyboard, practical bag for laptop or tablet case.

20) Original alarm clock
By the nature of their activities, teachers and educators get up early. Why not make the process easier? You can choose an alarm clock created with humor and imagination, for example, a running alarm clock, a flying alarm clock or a rug alarm clock (you have to stand on it to stop the signal).

Recall the generally accepted taboos about gifts. It is undesirable for a teacher and educator to give:

  • cosmetics and perfumes, clothes (these are individual items, most women choose them on their own, focusing on their own taste);
  • alcohol;
  • money.

However, exceptions to any rule are possible - especially if you know your teacher very well. If you approach the choice of gifts with a desire to please and please, then everything will turn out well: in the end, the main thing is attention.

Easy choice of gifts for you and great fun from their delivery!

Photo - photobank Lori

Good day everyone! Not far away autumn holiday. Guess which one!? That's right, Teacher's Day.

Let's start with the most important question, when is Teacher's Day celebrated in Russia. Traditionally, it is celebrated in October, namely the fifth day. Previously, until 1994, this event was always celebrated on the first Sunday in October. But, then, after the adoption of the “Regulations on teachers”, they did official date— 5 October.

Therefore, now for all of us, with the advent of October, it immediately comes to mind that we soon need to give something to our beloved teacher.

What do you usually give your unique teachers? Tell us and share your thoughts on this topic.

I want to offer you my interesting developments, which I think will be useful to many, let's figure it out.

In principle, as with the choice of any gift in general, a gift for Teacher's Day requires responsibility. Everyone faces this problem sooner or later. And it all starts with kindergarten, because educators also need to give gifts on Teacher's Day, because they are also indirectly related to this holiday. This should not be forgotten either.

Therefore, you need to try to give such a “miracle” so that the teacher likes it and brings a lot of smiles and pleasure from what he saw. The gift should be neat, beautiful and best of all creative.

Usually your favorite teacher, whether it's the PE teacher or classroom teacher, congratulate with a common joint gift.

Important! If most of the students in your class want to present something pleasing to the teacher to a solemn event, then in this case it is necessary and even more correct to unite.

1. The traditional and most common option are flowers, and those that are aesthetically wrapped in a bouquet. Can buy unusual flowers, namely in a pot, these will last for more than one year and will become a pleasant memory of your class.

2. The second most popular gift is a box of chocolates. When buying, carefully pay attention to the release date and expiration dates.

Interesting! Now it has become fashionable to give more fruit baskets. This masterpiece looks very bright and cool. And eaten by everyone with a bang!

This also includes delicious aromatic tea and good coffee.

3. As you know, there are various academic disciplines at school, such as mathematics, Russian, etc. So this can also be used. But as?

Very simply, think logically - you can give a male physical education teacher a new super whistle, or some kind of souvenir in the form of a ball; a primary school teacher - a frame for a photo; a biology teacher - an interesting exotic flower, or, for example, a fish, a turtle in an aquarium; a geography teacher - a diary with a world map or a globe in the form of a box;

Turn on your imagination and ingenuity and you will definitely be able to choose a very unusual and original version. I can also offer those who live in cities to give the teacher a ticket to the circus, theater or cinema. And then the whole class class hour visit this event.

4. A good gift can be small household appliances that absolutely everyone always needs, it can be an iron, a kettle, a coffee maker, etc. Or, for example, in the classroom, purchase a water cooler that will benefit everyone.

Important! Just don't give too much. expensive presents and the teacher will be embarrassed.

5. There are times when you have already given so much))) for example, you are already in the 11th grade, and everything that could have been donated, and you are again in search ... In this case, give a gift certificate to a beauty salon or any store. An interesting option could be a certificate for shooting from photographs.

6. Ordinary gifts can be: wall or table clocks, stationery.

7. If you know what your teacher is interested in, then you may well give her a thematic gift.

Do-it-yourself gift for a teacher on Teacher's Day

Well, here we come to the creative creative ideas what to give to our beloved teachers, educators and teachers, and in general to all those who are closely connected with education at school, kindergarten, university, college or institute.

Creative products are always there and will be appreciated. After all, they are made with their own hands and with all their hearts.

1. The easiest option can be an original video postcard from your joint cool photos or just pictures. So unusual musical postcard, which anyone can do himself, well, or order from a specialist:

You can come up with a video letter with wishes. Or you can compose a poem, an ode, etc. as a whole class

2. As a whole class, you can learn a funny mischievous song, recite poems or dance, organize a mini-concert. Believe me, it will be very cool, and your teacher will appreciate such work.

3. If you own artistic ability, then it will be possible to make a portrait of the teacher. Or make a joint collage of photos, a wall newspaper.

4. Also, a diary that you make with your own hands can act as a gift, it does not have to be completely handmade. After all, you can buy the most ordinary one without any novelties with a plain cover, and then decorate it awesomely with leaves or dried flowers.

5. For younger children, for example, primary school students, I can offer ordinary flowers to be decorated in a special way, namely, wrap them not in ordinary packaging, but in pots in magnetic letters and numbers, this gift will come in handy later, in the classroom for everyone.

6. Beadwork and kanzashi work have also become a popular and easy form of creativity. Such will certainly surprise and delight the class teacher.

7. Do-it-yourself paper works for our invaluable teachers and teachers are not inferior.

Inexpensive Gift Ideas for Teacher's Day

1. Make an ikebana, everyone is used to making one from flowers. And you do something else, for example, like in this photo, it looks cool and will not hit the budget at all:

2. Any store product can also be decorated with foamiran-style appliances. Don't know what it is? To be honest, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To help you, I give you to watch this video from YouTube:

3. You can also easily make souvenirs and decorate super-and-fantastic ordinary candies. Not just to take and present a box of sweets, but to present it brightly and unforgettable.

4. Gingerbread cookies, which are painted with paintings and all kinds of decorations, are very popular and in demand now.

Or bake or cake.

5. For those who still don’t know and can’t make a choice, I give you this video to help you, I hope now that you will definitely find exactly what you are looking for:

In fact, there are a lot of ideas, the main thing is to want to come up with something that will become fantastically beautiful and beautiful. The main desire, if you want to create something, then be sure to do it! Send me your ideas and I'll be sure to publish them).

What can not be given to teachers?

You must remember that all the same, the teacher is not your relative, and therefore some items or souvenirs certainly cannot be given.

1. Never give personal hygiene items, cosmetics, perfumes, this will not be very appropriate, after all, this is personal hygiene and each person selects it individually.

2. Alcoholic alcoholic drinks.

3. Money in envelopes, this will be regarded as a bribe, and the teacher will simply be confused by such a present. This also includes jewelry, they are also from a number of expensive ones.

4. Just keep silent and pretend that you are not aware that today is a holiday (.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what gift you give, it must first of all be from the heart. Choose it with love and care, as if you were buying or making your own. Do not forget to congratulate your favorite teachers on Teacher's Day and wish them good health, success and patience in their hard work!

Give smiles, gifts, surprises not only on Teacher's Day, but also on other holidays, such as New Year, March 8, February 23, and just like that for no reason. And you will see that this will make your teacher very happy!

I would like to wish everyone the best and kindest today. Have a nice productive week and see you on this blog. As always, the owner of this blog was in touch with you. See you tomorrow! Bye bye!

P.S By the way, do not forget to congratulate the teachers on in social networks various postcards, free postcard I'll post tomorrow in another post. So come and use it for your beneficial purposes))).

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Teacher's Day is a wonderful occasion to express your recognition and respect for the teacher. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s just a chocolate bar, a bouquet of flowers or something more expensive - the main thing is that the present comes from the heart, as in the well-known advertisement - “instead of a thousand words” 🙂

I won’t talk about the fact that the teacher’s work is invaluable and this person not only puts knowledge into the heads of our children, but also tries to nurture the best in them ... I will only say that I personally am very upset - “thanks to” mass propaganda, the attitude towards teachers now it’s not the best, but if you, like me, appreciate this work and are grateful for it, then you are here 🙂 We will tell you what to give the teacher and class teacher for teacher’s day from the class or from the parents. We are sure that these presents will surely delight your favorite mentors.

But, before we start, I would like to remind you that this year's professional holiday, Teacher's Day, will be celebrated on October 5 on Thursday. As a rule, on this day, students arrange a day of self-government, and almost completely take on the duties of teachers. I remember how, while studying at school, on this day we had to conduct classes for primary classes, we consulted with teachers, prepared interesting topics and tried to teach kids, of course in game form🙂 And also, this day is not complete without school performances, flowers and pleasant surprises.

The best gifts for the class teacher on Teacher's Day

For your convenience, we will also indicate the approximate prices for the options presented.

1. Office chair

At first glance, the gift is strange, but we are for comfort! I don’t know how it is in the rest, but at our child’s school there are still USSR wooden chairs in the teachers’ offices 😩 Therefore, we dare to assume that the teacher will appreciate it 🙂 And given that the gift is common, it will cost each parent on average only at 100-200 rubles. Agree, not so much!

2. Flash drive with engraving

In our information age, a flash drive is an integral part of the life of any modern man and especially teachers. A flash drive is not a very original gift, is it? But if you engrave the initials or the inscription “to the best teacher” on it, then such a gift will sparkle with completely different colors 🙂 The cost is the price of the USB drive itself plus engraving about 500 - 1000 rubles. It all depends on the amount of memory.

3. Gift certificate to a book or cosmetic store

Teachers are regular visitors to bookstores - either visual material will be needed, then the diary will end ... Also, by virtue of their profession, teachers are always in sight, so the new lipstick or a pencil will never be superfluous in a cosmetic bag. Price: from 500 r.

4. Cake with an original inscription

A personalized cake is a gift that will certainly surprise the teacher. The most important thing is not only nice present but also very tasty 😊 Price from 1500 rubles.

5. Macarons

No, this is not pasta 🙂 Cakes decorated with thematic drawings or a corresponding inscription. Prices start from 60 rubles a piece. By the way, we considered the same option in the article, "".

6. Diary

Trite? Maybe. But it takes a little creativity and everyday thing can turn into original craft. For example, a geographer can stick a small compass on the cover, photographs of sights and, of course, put their signatures. If for music, then the notebook can be sheathed with a cloth, glued on a photo of notes and a small flower. Such a handmade gift will be appreciated by any teacher.

7. Fruit basket

Everyone gives flowers, but how to give fruits? It's not in the package! Now in stores you can find a lot interesting options fruit baskets. And their variety depends only on your budget. From 1500 rub.

8. Candy bouquets

You can buy these bouquets or make your own. All you need is a little imagination or the ability to use Youtube, which has a lot of training materials. In appearance, these are real flowers, but if you look closely, sweets lurk inside the paper buds 🙂

9. Writing utensils

Everyone has pens and pencils. But, now we are talking about nominal accessories. Imagine how happy your class teacher will be with a pen engraved with " best teacher Marya Petrovna 2017". I am sure that such an accessory will be kept as a memory.

10. Printer

It is sad, but true - not every office is equipped with such a miracle of technology, but this is such a great help in work! Print cards for children, control, verification, elementary print announcements for you, parents. In general, a must-have, as our youth likes to say today. Price - from 5000 rub.

DIY crafts

  • Mug

No. We do not offer to start sculpting a cup of clay 🙂 We offer to buy a mug, the outer side of which is painted black. Now you just have to take the stroke and write your wishes or leave drawings!

  • Flowers in a pot

Flowers are good and always on point. But, ordinary bouquets can please a maximum of 4 days. Potted flowers will grow as long as they are looked after! And being in a personalized painted pot, the flower definitely does not need to worry that it will not be watered on time 🙂

  • Homemade cups or vases

In the vastness of the Internet, we have discovered interesting and creative options. Take a set of colored pencils, an empty glass or jar, a hair tie, and glue. With the help of these improvised means, you can make a real masterpiece.

  • Miniature chalk board

The well-known school board, we propose to make its miniature model from plywood, 4 pieces of plinth (for frames) and a special sticker. And the finished board, the girls will be able to decorate with flowers and butterflies. Just do not forget about the correct inscription!

  • Candy pencil

If you think that a bouquet of sweets is too expensive for you, then you can build a pencil consisting of sweets. Looks very unusual and delicious 🙂

  • Primary school teachers

Toddlers can make a small book. And the main material will be cardboard in the shape of their palms, on which the warmest wishes will be written and depicted.

We will definitely supplement our article, and you can help us with this! Just write in the comments what gifts you will prepare for Teacher's Day!