Congratulations on the Day of the Elderly to veterans (labor, culture, Ministry of Internal Affairs, World War II, teachers). Pleasant congratulations on the International Day of Older Persons

The postcard is made using the applique technique with elements of origami and paper plastic. The master class will be of interest to additional education teachers, parents with children of primary school age, and students aged 7-10 years.

Target: development of creative abilities of subjects of the educational process by creating a postcard using the “applique” technique for the Day of the Elderly.

Materials: colored paper, the inscription “October 1” printed on a printer on white paper.

Tools: glue stick, scissors, pencil, ruler.


1. We talk about the Day of the Elderly, when it is celebrated, what it means. We offer to make a postcard as a souvenir for sponsored veterans. We demonstrate the finished product, talk about the requirements for the work: completeness, aesthetics of execution, accuracy (cutting, bending and gluing). We discuss the color scheme: choose the colors of autumn leaves, flower color combinations.

2. To make a sheet, take a sheet of colored paper, fold it in half, and draw a diagonal line.

3. Cut along the line.

4. Take the resulting large triangle and fold it into an accordion, starting from the top.

5. Fold the accordion in half so that the long sides are connected and glue them together.

6. To make the second sheet, you also need to fold the sheet in half, draw a diagonal line, making two protrusions on it.

7. Cut and also fold into an accordion, starting from the top, bend and glue.

9. We start working with a large square. We outline the middle and diagonal lines.

10. We fold the square with a “scarf”, that is, diagonally, we turn the opposite corners towards the middle inward.

11. Turn the resulting square with its base towards you and fold the sides of the square towards the middle on one side, then on the other. We get a kind of “ice cream cone”.

12. Bend the tail of the bud up to the middle, then, holding the fold line, bend the top of the bud, forming a flower.

13. We make flowers from small squares in the same way. Take 3 thinly sliced ​​strips of paper and roll them between your fingers.

14. This is what we end up with:

15. Now we form the flowers. Glue the smaller flower into the middle of the larger one.

16. A core is made from a ball of paper.

17. Now we collect the postcard. We took a sheet of green paper, folded it in half, creating a postcard template, now we will glue the resulting elements to the title side. First the leaves.

18. Then flowers that extend slightly under the leaves.

19. And a congratulatory inscription.

20. The postcard is ready. You can write or paste a congratulation inside.

Greetings, our dear readers. October 1 is traditionally celebrated as the International Day of Older Persons. Although how to say “traditionally”. In our country, this holiday began to be celebrated quite recently, which means there are no special traditions.

But this is exactly the time when we ourselves can create these traditions, in our family, our city, and so on. I think the most pleasant and correct thing will be to gather with your family and congratulate your loved ones and grandparents, as well as communicate more closely than on weekdays.

Judge for yourself, how many of you often call your grandparents? How often do you come to visit? Are you helping them enough? Let the answers remain with each of you.

I believe that this is the right holiday, but it would be even more right to take care of older people more than once a year. After all, this is the generation of people that is priceless, truly. They have great, great experience in life. We, the younger generation, have a lot to learn.

Initially, this holiday was celebrated first in Europe, then in America and other countries. Only here recently. Perhaps because we still have a slightly different attitude towards the older generation. We have always respected and respected him.

Perhaps there hasn't been enough lately? In any case, the direction is correct and very pleasant for the elderly themselves. After all, We ourselves will become elderly and must now treat them the way we would like to be treated appropriately as we age.

In any case, you can at least send them a pleasant congratulation in the form of an SMS or a postcard, or maybe a video congratulation.

Greeting cards and poems.

Today is a special day -
Day of the wise and respectable,
Day of the experienced and strict,
Day of the kind, smart, prominent.
And let the years pass
This is their nature.
But you have something to remember
In any season.

The first of October is your day, the Day of the Elderly. I wish you the most important thing - health, joyful sparkling of your eyes, not to lose your youth of soul and dreams, to share wisdom and experience with the next generations. And let life be full of pleasant moments. Happy holiday, dears!

Golden experience is priceless.
Let silver cover the whiskey -
You are always young at heart,
And this is also your strength.

Today we congratulate you,
We wish you good health,
Attention from loved ones and friends.
We appreciate, love, respect you.

Happy International Day of Older Persons. I wish you to wake up every time with a good thought, to greet every day with a joyful smile. May your heart never tire of dreaming and loving, may your soul be filled with happiness and joy, may miracles and warm meetings with dear people happen as often as possible. I wish you health, respect from others and peace.

Don't let gray hair scare you.
Probably everyone knows this
That you've seen a lot in life
And it wouldn’t hurt to talk about your experience.
You are the younger generation
Tell us about your exploits!

Happy holiday to my dear, respected and family people! May age not be a burden to you, may your health not fail you, may your children please you, may your grandchildren delight you. Let your eyes shine only from joyful moments. Rest more and enjoy every minute of life. Happy Older People's Day to you!

You are more experienced, wiser than us
And we've seen a lot in life.
Today we congratulate you,
Let the sorrows go away.

Let the years become wealth
And they will bring new emotions.
Let your hopes not be deceived
And life is just good!

Elderly Day is a very important date in the life of each of us. After all, we all have grandparents whom we love. But you need to value and respect not only your relatives, but also other older people. After all, their life path is very rich and eventful. So let's treat people who are examples for us with dignity. Happy Elderly Person's Day!

Today we honor talent, sharpness of ideas,
Will, experience, optimism of older people!

The month of October begins
Honor, respect day.
We congratulate all the elderly
We wish you many bright days!

Let them respect your old age
And wisdom, twisted over the years.
Let the fatigue of everyday work
It will never bother you!

Congratulations on the Day of Older People - a holiday of wisdom and goodness!

Today we honor our parents, mentors, fellow countrymen who created and defended everything we live in and are rightfully proud of. Those who still make a huge contribution to the prosperity of our land. Only by preserving the continuity of traditions and values, the bearers of which are people of older generations, can the development of our society be ensured.

We wish our veterans good health and longevity, warmth and happiness. Let loving and caring children, grandchildren, and friends always be near you!

There are silver threads in the hair,
A clear look from under closed eyelids...
"Elderly"? Well, look:
A wise man!
On this October and welcoming day
Remember people of venerable years.
Age is only visible from the outside
And in the soul there is still the same bright light!

Today we congratulate all elderly people. We wish you health, optimism, prosperity, love and participation from loved ones, attention and respect from others. Always be cheerful and cheerful, do not feel tired in your mind and heart.

Elderly does not mean old.
Put aside your memoirs
We drink to you today
Let's congratulate you on this day!
For your sake, the elderly,
But at heart he’s young,
We will have fun and sing.
Oh, there’s no time to grow old!
Spiritual beauty to you
Enjoy new days
Fly away into the distance, towards your dreams!

On the International Day of Older Persons, I would like to wish you joyful dawns in your life and soul, deep respect and love from your loved ones, reliable health and bright happiness, confident well-being and good mood.

Our dear grandparents,
I want to congratulate you warmly!
You are very kind and sweet,
Let the sparkle of those wonderful eyes never fade!

I wish you good health,
So that the pension only grows all the time,
So that you have everything you need in life,
May things go well for you!

Can we say that old age makes us incapable of doing business? Which ones exactly? Those that are characteristic of youth and require strength. But is there nothing that an old man is not capable of doing, that could be done with a sound mind and a weakened body?

Cicero Marcus Tullius

I'll sing a song to grandma from the bottom of my heart,
And I’ll tell my grandfather a poem.
I wish you to live another two centuries
Happy International Day of Older Persons!

We cordially congratulate you on the Day of Older People - a holiday of wisdom and goodness! You have a great life behind you. You are a living connection of times and generations. Your knowledge, wisdom and wealth of experience are especially important in modern conditions, when, along with the initiative of the young, the life wisdom of the elders is required.

Congratulations to everyone who is on a well-deserved retirement or continues to work, despite their age. Let your advancing years not become a reason for despondency, and let your vitality last for a long time! Low bow to you for everything.

In the 70s of the last century, scientists around the world paid attention to the issues of the aging of the planet's population and the influence of the older generation on processes in the economy and politics of countries. And it was at this time that the Scandinavian countries began to celebrate the Day of the Elderly in order to establish at the state level the principles of respect for older people and to show society that all people, regardless of age, have equal civil rights. And since the beginning of the 90s, the Day of the Elderly has become worldwide, and since then, every October 1, grandparents receive beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in poetry and prose from their children and grandchildren, as well as postcards with official congratulations from the city administration. And here you will find the most beautiful poetic, short, official and funny congratulations and pictures for the Day of Elderly People with poems and sincere wishes for health and happiness.

Beautiful short congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in verse for men and women

Elderly men and women, having gained vast experience in their lives and raised children and grandchildren, will be very pleased to receive on October 1st beautiful short congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in verse via SMS from relatives. After all, since modern life requires constant movement from young people, children and grandchildren often forget to call their grandparents during their daily routine. Therefore, Senior Citizens Day is the best day to catch up and express your love and appreciation to the older generation of your family.

A selection of beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in verse

Golden experience is priceless.

Let silver cover the whiskey -

You are always young at heart,

And this is also your strength.

Today we congratulate you,

We wish you good health,

Attention from loved ones and friends.

We appreciate, love, respect you.

We sincerely congratulate you.

And there are many wishes on an autumn day:

So that sadness does not touch your beautiful eyes,

So that there is a sea of ​​joyful moments.

So that health is like steel,

Your relatives surrounded you with care,

They gave love and their warmth,

Always protected from all adversity!

On this day, please accept congratulations!

Love of family, peace, kindness,

Good health and good mood.

Let life be full of surprises.

So that the house is full of laughter and fun.

We wish you smiles, joy, long years,

Don't be discouraged and don't be sad, good luck

And many, many different victories!

You are more experienced, wiser than us

And we've seen a lot in life.

Today we congratulate you,

Let the sorrows go away.

Let the years become wealth

And they will bring new emotions.

Let your hopes not be deceived

And life is just good!

Happy Seniors' Day


Great health to you,

Strength, vigor, luck.

Let them shine more often

Eyes of joy!

More laughter, happiness,

May God protect from evil.

Beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in prose from the city administration

On October 1, older people are traditionally congratulated on their holiday not only by family members and friends, but also by official authorities. As a rule, pension increases and additional cash payments to labor veterans are timed to coincide with this day, and ceremonial events are also held for older people. And of course, on October 1, elderly people living in Russian cities receive beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in prose from the administration of their locality.

Examples of beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Elderly from the city administration

On the International Day of Older Persons, we wish you smiles, kindness and human warmth. Let everyone be gifted with the attention and understanding of their relatives, care and sincerity. Long life, health and peace in your soul. You have done so much in your life that you deserve respect, prosperity and prosperity. Good luck to you!

Our dear veterans of life and work! Congratulations on Senior Citizens' Day! We wish that age does not become an obstacle to getting joy, happiness and great pleasure from life! We wish you a wonderful mood every morning and throughout the day, love from family and friends, respect and understanding! May your bodies be vigorous and healthy, and may your spirit always be on top and strive for the Lord for consolation and joy!

Please accept congratulations on Senior Citizens' Day! Although I hesitate to call you elderly, in spirit you are younger than even many 18-year-olds! However, please accept the wishes of health, inspiration, energy, vigor and prosperity. I ask you to tirelessly share your experience and give advice, because your wisdom is a real treasure of the nation! Congratulations!

All the experience and wisdom of our planet is concentrated in older people. These are our fellow citizens who serve as role models for us and will always help in any situation with wise advice. Happy Senior Citizens' Day to you. I wish you good health, joy, happiness and only sunny, pleasant days!

You are a pure source filled with life's wisdom, experience and knowledge. We wish you good health and that you continue to share with the younger generations everything that you have acquired throughout your life. Happy holiday!

Touching official congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in prose

Not only city administrations, but also the management teams of city-forming enterprises and corporations congratulate their former employees who have retired due to age on the holiday on the Day of Older Persons. On this day, labor veterans, who have devoted most of their lives to work, receive touching official congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in prose and valuable gifts from the current management of their former factory, enterprise or government agency.

Collection of official congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in prose

Congratulations! Let peace of mind reign in your home, so that you are not tormented and bad thoughts do not enter your head. I wish you good health and joy. So that every new day brings some little things for inspiration.

Please accept congratulations on the International Day of Older Persons! Prosper, give wisdom to subsequent generations, take care of yourself. Let the warmth of loved ones and the kindness of others not be valued like a rare commodity, but surround every moment. Be loved, active, lucky, filled with harmony.

Today we congratulate all elderly people. We wish you health, optimism, prosperity, love and participation from loved ones, attention and respect from others. Always be cheerful and cheerful, do not feel tired in your mind and heart.

You have seen life and have vast experience. You know for sure that what occupies the minds of young people today is nothing more than vanity. So, on the International Day of Older People, let me wish you good health and more faithful listeners, because you have something to advise them from the height of your years.

With you is the wisdom of life lived and the experience of many years, you guide us and show the way. You can all be called our grandparents. Those who will always help, understand and support. We are grateful to you for being next to us. Happy Elderly People's Day.

Funny and funny congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in verses from children

Contrary to popular belief, most older men and women have an excellent sense of humor, so on October 1 they will be glad to receive funny congratulations on the Day of the Elderly in verse or in their own words from their children and grandchildren. Funny congratulatory poems for grandparents are filled with warmth and love and contain the most sincere wishes for happiness, joy and good health, which will allow you to live to be 100 years old.

The best funny congratulations for Older People's Day in verse


On a wonderful day from children.

We wish the elderly happiness

Peace, bright, glorious days.

May your health not fail you

And let the enthusiasm not fade away.

May he always help you in life

Wisdom, strength and drive.

Yes, we are from different generations,

You are more experienced, of course, and wiser.

Today we send our congratulations to you

In honor of the holiday of all elderly people.

Let them say: “No one is getting younger”

But we hope this is not about you.

May your days become brighter

And many times more joyful!

On Old People's Day

The children congratulate you.

We are from the heart of health

And we wish you strength.

Good luck, positive,

Smiles and warmth,

Beautiful days, cheerful,

Good luck and good luck.

Mom and Dad, dear ones,

On the holiday of elderly people

Take it, dear ones,

Congratulations from the children!

You don't know peace

And the years don’t spoil you,

You are always young at heart,

Never getting old!

Growing up, we understand -

You are the most important to us.

We love you, we hug you!

Long years and bright days!

We are still children and life follows the laws

They teach us at school, they teach us at home.

To become real people,

We must always respect the elderly.

Today we are on the day of the elderly

Happy holiday to all of them.

We wish you to be happy in life,

And we will respect and love you.

Funny pictures for Older People's Day with congratulatory poems

Many modern older men and women know how to use a computer just as well as young people and even have their own pages on social networks. Therefore, their relatives and friends who live in other cities and do not have the opportunity to congratulate them on October 1, 2018 in person, can send them congratulatory pictures for Older People’s Day with poems. Elderly men and women will be very pleased to receive such pictures with sincere congratulations from their relatives, because for them this is another evidence of the love of their children and grandchildren.

A selection of pictures with poems for the Day of the Elderly

The most beautiful cards Happy Elderly Day with touching congratulations

Despite the fact that the Day of Elderly People is a relatively new holiday, which began to be celebrated in Russia in 1992, a tradition has already formed of giving representatives of the older generation beautiful postcards on the Day of the Elderly with congratulations and sincere wishes. And many grandparents keep such cards from their children and grandchildren next to documents, memorial letters and letters of gratitude.

Collection of the most beautiful cards for Older People's Day

Every veteran in this world
These deserve congratulations!
I wish you health and good luck,
And a worthy pension to boot,
May you all live in harmony and prosperity,
So that everything is always in order with you,
May every moment give you
Joy and colorful mood!

Today we bow our heads
And we honor our veterans.
We respect not only age,
We want to talk about wisdom.

We won’t wish for happiness now, -
You have not lived your life in vain.
We express our gratitude
I bow my head to you.

Congratulations to our veterans, wonderful people who set a worthy example to young people with their lives. I would like to express my gratitude for your invaluable work, for your golden hands, kind heart and justice. I would like to wish you the best health, so that you can remain energetic and full of strength for many years to come, in order to pass on as much experience as possible to the younger generation. Live happily and joyfully, in honor and our deepest respect for your gray hair and working hands.

I want to congratulate the veterans
Happy Older People's Day,
You deserve respect
A life worthy of your own.

Traces from work calluses
In your hands to hold,
And the years turn to silver dust
On your braids and temples.

On the day of elderly people I wish
Honor, glory and love,
So that they pass it on to the young
Your experience and knowledge.

You, veterans, and all the elderly,
Those who are so dear and loved by us,
Sincerely, with all my heart
We want to congratulate you today.

May your troubles be forgotten,
What we met along the way.
Be cheerful, regardless of the years,
To proudly carry your status.

We wish you long life,
So that your health does not fail.
Know that you can rely on us,
No matter how hard it suddenly becomes.

Happy Seniors' Day today,
Our dear veterans, you!
Of course, we wish you good health,
Let it shine like a diamond.

Let nothing ever upset you,
Loved ones always stay close.
Let joy warm you,
Let love and warmth overshadow.

Today I bow to you to the ground,
Many words of the warmest, most sincere,
You were able to defend the Fatherland
During the years of military troubles and battles.

I want to wish you with all my heart,
So that your health grows stronger over the years,
And so that the soul is young,
And there was enough of everything in this life.

Happy Senior Citizens Day, veterans!
Let the sunshine shine on you,
Storms don't happen in life,
There are no doubts or troubles!

Let all your friends not forget you,
And relatives always take care,
Let your eyes shine with bright happiness,
And diseases will run away from you!

Today the elderly
We praise the world together.
You, veterans, dear
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

We wish you great strength, patience,
Let your illnesses go away,
Let the warmth of your loved ones please you,
Let your home fill you with comfort.

Dear veterans,
Our elderly people
Your exploits, victories
We will never forget
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
We are on the day of elderly people,
May you be healthy
And they lived for many days!

Happy Elderly People's Day! Dear veterans,
We wish you only peace and warmth now.
So that there are always golden moments,
Well, life just went on well and calmly!

Don't get sick, always keep a smile
And the excitement of battle that saved our country.
May the world, which is sometimes so fragile, be strong.
Thank you for everything, Happy Day again!