What to give a teacher for graduation: a list of the best ideas. What to give a teacher for graduation

Good afternoon, everyone who is reading this article now. A cool gift for a class teacher for graduation with my own hands is the subject of my attention today. There are many different holidays, for example, I told in a previous article.

Graduation is the culminating event in the life of a student and a great moment when you can say words of gratitude to your class teacher. How to do it? What would you think of to make the gift memorable and memorable?

I will try to answer the questions above. I offer you do-it-yourself gift ideas for the class teacher for graduation, both from the class and personally from the student.

Graduation gift for class teacherdiy from class

1. DIY postcard . Yes, it’s so simple and standard at first glance, however, a do-it-yourself postcard changes the usual idea that the class teacher will receive a familiar postcard bought in a store with words already written.

This kind of gift should be very personal, which means:

- the postcard should reflect the appearance of the subject that the class teacher leads, and it is not difficult to do this; each graduate has subject notebooks, diaries, perhaps manuals from which you can cut out the necessary phrases and pictures;

- words of gratitude, something that warms the soul will remain in the memory of the graduates. Words, how to choose? You can remember what the teacher said, find popular expressions and aphorisms, find poetry.

I bring to your attention postcards of Nadezhda Aldarova, which will help you orientate. Other works can be viewed and ordered HERE:

2. Flashmob. A fairly new direction in art, when the participants perform the same movements to the music, rearrange themselves, creating figures and words. Video below for you:

3. Video film from photo graduates with wishes and video excerpts. In my opinion, a memorable and chic gift in every sense. Video example below:

There are many different programs that will help realize this idea, but I like the professional online service for creating video from Animoto photos, I talked about it.

A nice sign of attention, a super personal gift to the class teacher from a graduate

  • Chocolate. It's simple, the trick is that the chocolate will have to change the cover, examples of covers can be downloaded.
  • Candy bouquet. Details of making magic bouquets in the video:

All the ideas outlined above can be used in combination, as one big gift to the class teacher with your own hands, or you can choose one.

What else can you give a class teacher?

There are many options, and they may depend on the nature and wishes of the teacher, but a great option: memorable and touching - a photo mosaic that you can find out. I also recommend referring to the article. That's all. If you have ideas for congratulations, cool gifts for cool ones, write in the comments, they will suddenly come in handy, and I always read your suggestions with great desire and interest.

Currently, there is such a tradition as presenting small presents on Teacher's Day. But not everyone likes the fact that money is collected from students for this. In fact, there is nothing special about this, because it's nice to receive such signs of attention from your pupils.

It should be noted that on this holiday you should not give money or alcohol to teachers. Flowers and, of course, sweets are considered the most suitable for such a school holiday. Below we will talk about the most original gifts for teachers.

The following gifts are perfect for a primary school teacher: a photo frame with an inscription and a built-in clock, a beautiful set of stationery, various boxes, textbook holders, bookmarks decorated with rhinestones, a flash drive with an inscription from her inicycles, a beautiful flower vase or a table lamp.

If you want to impress the teacher with your originality, then it is better to give a portrait depicting the process of her work. In addition to all of the above, for a primary school teacher, a gift with which she can relax while working is a good idea. For example, an automatic lamp in an unusual shape or a small rock garden.

Often, class teachers are called second mothers, because they devote a lot of time to their students. On this holiday, you can give those things that will be useful to them directly for work at school. Also, a desk calendar with photos of the whole class is considered an excellent gift for the class teacher.

Perhaps every woman will be delighted with a gift that will be her indispensable assistant in housekeeping. It can be a yogurt maker, a blender or a mixer. And if the collected money is enough to buy a multicooker or a bread machine, then it is better to opt for this option.

Do not forget about the director of the school, because he is also a kind of teacher, so he is recommended to give presents that will decorate his office in the future. In case you decide to pamper him, you can purchase a capsule coffee machine that helps you relax during the working day. And, of course, it will be a win-win to give a beautiful desktop book, because now they are being released in electronic form.

What to present to the teacher at graduation? This question is asked by all students who graduate from an educational institution. They really want to show the teacher all their love. In most cases, presentations are presented by the entire class. However, some want to give a gift from themselves.

What can be presented to the teacher?

First of all, I want to call a bouquet of flowers. You can give a male teacher one flower. The class teacher will be happy to receive chrysanthemums. For a young teacher, you can choose irises. The director of the educational institution needs to be presented with a strict bouquet.

If the teacher is an ideological person, then you can present him with a book. It can be a reference dictionary or a manual on the subject he is teaching.

A male teacher will be happy to receive a present that matches his hobby. If, for example, you know that your teacher loves to travel, you can present him with a folding table. You can give a fisherman a fishing rod. If the teacher loves flowers, then you can purchase an exotic flower for him.

If you chip in with your classmates, you can buy a ticket to the sanatorium for the teacher.

If you cannot decide what to present to the teacher, then you can choose an item that matches the discipline he teaches. For example, a geographer can be presented with a beautiful globe, and a zoologist with an aquarium. Many people prefer to present cell phones to teachers.

You can also draw a picture. A great alternative would be a handmade sculpture. If you like to do needlework, you can buy a phone case and decorate it with embroidery.

The time of school proms is coming and according to a long-established tradition, as a sign of special respect and gratitude, teachers are given memorable gifts. An urgent question arises before children and parents about how to congratulate their beloved teacher in an original, fresh and unbanal way.

During their studies, students and their parents several times face questions about organizing graduation parties.

  • In the 4th grade, at the end of elementary school;
  • at the end of grade 9;
  • and at the end of 11th grade.

A gift for a teacher is a kind of expression of the good attitude of students and parents, a tribute to the teacher for many years of work. Naturally, you want to approach the issue of choosing gifts outside the box and with fiction.

In order to decide on a present, you should listen to the opinions of both parents and students. In special cases, you can give 2 gifts at once. One gift will be creative and created by the students, the second gift, more practical, will be appropriate from the parents of the children.

If you are well aware of any passion or hobby of the teacher, it makes sense to choose something that takes into account the predilections of the teacher. Of course, the material side of the issue is also important. A small budget often does not allow you to buy what you want. This can greatly limit the choice of a good gift. In this case, it is advisable to show ingenuity and do something extraordinary with your own hands. After all, an expensive gift is not always synonymous with the best.

Gifts for teachers by subject

What can you give a teacher for graduation

For teachers who teach classes in certain subjects, gifts come in two variants: with a hint of the subject they taught children and general, without reference to the teacher's specialization.

There are advantages in choosing the same gifts for subject teachers - there is no need to painfully look for options for different gifts and teachers will not compare the presented souvenirs, so that all sorts of grievances will not arise.

You can buy dissimilar gifts, but decorate them in the same style or buy the same items:

  • watch,
  • vases,
  • writing sets,
  • or boxes.

By ordering a nominal engraving on them indicating the year of issue of the class and good wishes.

In order not only to give a gift to a teacher, but also to focus on the subject that he taught, you will have to connect your imagination:

  • remembering that a teacher of literature and the Russian language will always have a dictionary or volume of his favorite poet in place,
  • mathematics will surprise with an unusual calculator or magnets in the form of numbers,
  • the geographer will surely be pleased with the sweet globe of sweets,
  • and not a single physical education teacher will refuse a good leather ball.

A unique gift can be an order for personalized diaries or flash cards, with the image of a typical pedagogical inventory (atlas, chemical flask, stack of dictionaries) of a subject teacher.

Gift for class teacher

Close contact with children and their parents also means a more significant gift to the teacher who has taken care of the classroom management. It is best if the parents of graduates prepare a present separately from the children, entrusting them with preparing their own creative surprise for the teacher.

The class teacher, if funds allow, can be presented with a rather significant and solid present.

For example:

  • Household appliances, sets of elite cosmetics, a subscription to a massage parlor or a spa salon.
  • For a teacher, a fisherman, a tourist or an avid hunter, items of equipment are ideal. It can be a tent, a spinning rod or a tourist backpack, as well as a gift certificate for their purchase.
  • Vouchers to a sanatorium for a few days, a boat trip or tickets to the theater for a famous performance are always appropriate.
  • A win-win option is the choice of gift certificates to a jewelry and perfume store, as well as to a fur boutique or a beauty salon.

From expensive presentations, it is permissible to choose:

  • Wrist watch in an expensive classic frame.
  • Quality cell phone, tablet or iPhone.
  • Jewelry in the form of cufflinks and tie clips for a male teacher, and a brooch, chain or bracelet for a teacher.

Gift for class teacher with taste

An exclusive organizer or desk set for writing from precious woods, semi-precious stones and genuine leather will also become a marker of the good taste of parents.

The significance of a gift for a teacher lies not only in material value, but also in the degree of respect and love demonstrated by graduates. That is why, the most expensive and unforgettable gift can be amateur creativity of children.

Let it be a specially learned dance, an original flash mob, poems, wall newspapers, a video about your favorite class teacher, or a collectively created craft. Any creative idea will find a sincere response in the heart of the teacher.

Gift Ideas from Primary Graduates

Gift from primary school graduates

A gift for a teacher in honor of the end of elementary school, traditionally bought by parents. And also, together with the children, they invent and create souvenirs with their own hands.

To the teacher, you can present as a keepsake:

  • A self-made tree with photographs of students instead of leaves and flowers.
  • Album with handprints of each child and touching signatures.
  • Wall newspaper-collage, in the creation of which all the students took an active part.

The first teacher, who has taken care of her students for several years, can be touched by a bouquet of soft toy animals (according to the number of children in the class) in nominal shirts, hats or aprons.

And poetic congratulations, self-composed songs and skits will decorate any graduation party.

What to give teachers for graduation? Grade 9

Gift from Grade 9 Graduates

Graduates of the ninth grade already have their own opinion and are able to make serious decisions.

Teenagers can invent, learn and show modern dance or flash mob themselves. Arrange incendiary musical battles or stand-up shows that teachers will remember for years to come.

  • Also, you can mold the teacher and all classmates using the "salt dough" technique, creating an interesting author's panel.
  • Order an unusual cake with the names of graduates.
  • Or make albums with photo collages of students and wishes from each.

In addition, such a classic gift as a beautiful author's bouquet still does not give up its positions and continues to be an ideal addition to the main gift.

What to give teachers for graduation? Grade 11

Gift from 11th grade graduates

Grade 11 is the time of parting with school. An exciting and important stage in the life of any person. The years spent together, all the successes and sorrows of school life experienced, the student shared with the teacher. The gift in this case is a symbol of gratitude for the work and care of the teacher.

What can you give your favorite teacher at the graduation party in the eleventh grade? Of course, as before, do-it-yourself souvenirs are relevant. Self-sewn pillows, sawn wall compositions or cross-stitched paintings, all this has been carefully preserved by teachers for years, reminding them of their beloved students.

  • A specially ordered box of chocolate with images of graduates will impress any teacher. And the time spent together can be reminded by exclusive watches with the earliest photographs of students.
  • The original photo album of all students can be presented to the class teacher. Moreover, the background of the album can depict the dreams and plans of each graduate.
  • As a memento to any of the teachers, the guys can also give decorative plates with the image of the teacher and thematic edging.

Do not skimp on sincere and warm words addressed to teachers and be sure to come up with something unique, bright and creative, something that will show the genuine sincerity and indifference of graduate students.

black list of gifts

What not to give a teacher

And now it is worth remembering the presentations, which are considered a sign of bad taste.

Also, presenting an envelope with money is only permissible if the teacher himself hinted at such a reward.

Be sure to think about the process of presenting gifts. Otherwise, negligence during the presentation or careless, wrinkled packaging can irrevocably spoil the impression of the presentation.

But sincerely spoken words, a kind song and a sincere attitude will surely penetrate and remain in the heart of the teacher for many years.

A touching farewell to the class teacher

The most interesting gifts below

"When we leave the schoolyard

To the sounds of an ageless waltz .... "

This "School Waltz" was first performed in Vladimir Menshov's film "Joke" in 1976. Text by Alexei Didurov, music by Alexander Flyarkovsky. In 1977, the film was released and watched by almost 34 million viewers. The song performed by VIA "Good fellows" immediately became popular. And since then, for 40 years now, this melody has been invariably heard at all the last calls and graduation parties. The song is touching. So you, parents and teachers, will have to go through all the excitement of saying goodbye to school this year. “Children” will feel it on that very day, not earlier, but for now .... They have other problems.

From school essays about teachers: (style and spelling retained)

“The profession of a teacher is very exciting. Half the day you sit and teach children. And after school you go to the planning. Filling out magazines. And if the students are very harmful, then the nerves deteriorate.

If I were a teacher, I would shoot myself!..."

And that's what they write to teachers!)))

"How I spent summer.

How I spent the summer is nobody's business. This is my personal matter, since summer is my personal time, I am not obliged to report for it in my essay. We must respect human rights! And if you give me a bad mark for this essay, then we, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, will see you at the European Court. You will be called there by a summons, and I will already be there on other matters. But for some reason, this is my personal business and does not concern anyone! ... ”(Well done, guy! He will succeed.)

School life is full of surprises. You don't know what other surprises our children or officials will bring. And the second, much more inventive. Especially before exams. But we, parents, students and teachers, all survived and defeated everyone!

Everyone is looking for something to give to graduates and teachers. But what about the parents? They deserved "Oscars" in all categories! For the birth, upbringing of good children, the maintenance and support of your beloved children, patience, diplomacy, making the right decisions, resolving all conflicts, settling disputes, financial support for domestic education ... In general, you need a truck to bring all the awards home. But seriously, it's all true! And our, parental merits, no less .... So, with the end of us! And the beginning of a new stage! Hooray!

Graduation Gifts for Teachers

ATTENTION! After composing the engraving text and clicking on PREVIEW, in a few seconds you will see what happened.

Nominal "Oscar" made of artificial stone. This option is more expensive than the previous one. Made of artificial stone, "Oscar" weighs more than 600 grams. Height 284 mm. Maximum resemblance to the original. You can order any inscription, but it is still better that it be the nomination "For ...". The figurine will be packed in a nice gift cardboard box. Original personalized "Oscars" will surely delight your teachers. At the same time, the award ceremony itself is simplified: everyone knows perfectly well what words are pronounced during the presentation.

Name stars for teachers. Natural stone or ceramic. Also an extraordinary option for your teachers. Stars don't just pop out like that. The teachers really deserve it. An exact copy of the original star of the Walk of Fame will take its rightful place. Size 20 x 20 cm. Stand included. The name and surname of the person being awarded is applied by thermal transfer. Such an unusual thing cannot but rejoice. It is not often that teachers receive such personal awards.

Personalized set of handmade chocolates "For the Teacher". Truffles or assorted. At your choice. It is clear that sweets are unlikely to surprise anyone now. The chip is precisely in the gift box. Beautiful and stylish, which is very nice. Flowers and sweets for teachers are traditional gifts. But a personal unusual box will surely surprise and delight.

Personalized flash drive "Key" with engraving. The amount of memory is 8 or 16 GB. Material:metal. As you know, flash drives are not superfluous. And they will definitely come in handy at work. The flash drive is made in the shape of a key. Can be worn on a bunch of keys, then it will definitely not get lost. But it is the engraving that makes it original. Such gifts could well be given to students as a symbol of opening doors to a new life. "Key" will be packed in a gift box. By the way, if active students wish, “Keys” can be made with a surprise! For example, download several memorable photos for each: school buildings, corridors, classrooms, a canteen, a gym, funny photos from lessons, and so on.

Nominal vase "Teacher". Of course, you will not surprise anyone with a vase, this is understandable. But with a personal engraving, this is indeed a very nice gift. Vase height 30 cm, diameter 15 cm, weight 1.1 kg. All teachers always have the same problem: where to put flowers. When all the vases and vessels are occupied, cut plastic bottles are used. Most likely, such an original gift will not remain in the office. Teachers treat personal gifts from grateful students very carefully and reverently.

Name notebook "Best teacher". A good option for budget gifts for everyone. Most importantly, personal notebooks. Each will be inscribed with the name, patronymic of the teacher. Writing utensils in the work of teachers are not superfluous. On the first or last sheets, you can write wishes from grateful students. Such a surprise will please doubly. Original name notebooks will surely smile and delight teachers. Spring mechanism, cage, 48 sheets. Packing: kraft box. A good option for the last call.

Name mug to the Teacher. Inexpensive gifts for all teachers. Each with his name. Pleasant surprises and smiles are guaranteed. There will definitely be no confusion in the teacher's room. Preparing for the last call or for graduation, the active part of the parents tries not to miss anyone and thank everyone. Equivalent, but nevertheless, individual gifts will be accepted with gratitude. It is all the more pleasant that all this was not prepared in a hurry, but was ordered in advance. Volume 300 ml. Possible variant "chameleon". It will be more interesting. Packing: strong cardboard box.

Thermoglasses personalized to teachers. At least three options. Look. In general, the idea is good. Thermocup-not a thermos, can be carried in a small women's bag. Volume 450 ml, height 20 cm. The design is two-layer, inside the glass is made of food grade stainless steel, so the drink stays warm for a long time. The lid closes tightly, there is a convenient valve. However, the point is not actually in the glass, but in the inscription! To a specific teacher from a specific class. In general, decide for yourself.

Name cards for teachers. Any inscription of your choice. High typographical quality. When unfolded, the size is A 4. If you wish, you can order a large postcard of A 3 format. The teacher will be very pleased to receive such a small sign of attention and respect. Graduates once again leave for a new big life, but the memory of them will remain. Even in the form of a personalized postcard from them.

Personalized set of sweets "With gratitude". Weight 120 g. The set contains 12 chocolates with hazelnuts. And, of course, not in the sweets themselves, but in a beautiful personal label. Personalized gifts have one indisputable advantage: it is much more pleasant to receive them. Because they are ordered in advance and specifically for a particular person. Of course, only a box will remain from delicious sweets. But it certainly won't be thrown away.

Nominal set of chocolate coins "Golden Teacher". There are 24 coins in total. Weight 150 g. Plastic box height 12 cm. A beautiful golden personalized label will impress any teacher. Chocolate will be eaten with great pleasure, and a beautiful box will remain as a keepsake. All teachers have amazing memories. And even after many years they remember all their students. "Golden Teacher" is great! Very soulful inscription.

Teacher Awards

Medal "The best teacher in the world." Gift velvet case. Working at school is already a feat. A real teacher, like a good military leader, must know and master many sciences. Namely: strategy, tactics, maneuvering, the basics of offensive and defense, operational training, diplomacy and much more. In general, everything is like in a real war. Only the goals are different: obtaining high-quality knowledge by students and successfully passing exams. So our teachers, at least, deserved medals.

Diploma-plaque personalized "Best teacher". Beautiful, colorfully designed text, made on A4 metal sheet. The base is wooden. Very good text. To present a diploma, you do not need to prepare a special solemn speech. Just read the text. Approving applause is 100% guaranteed. So, for what the teacher deserved the mark "Excellent":

The ability to light a fire in the eyes and arouse interest in what is happening in the lesson

Fundamentals of the theory and practice of respect for a small person

The ability to teach to think

The art of communicating with parents in meetings and in person

Order of the "First Teacher". Velvet case-stand. It is she, the first teacher, who lays the foundation on which all further education of the child will be based. It is she who takes little people under her wing: naive and shy, diligent and insecure, inquisitive and so unprotected ... Probably there is not a single adult who would not remember his first teacher. We carry love and respect for her throughout our lives. And the order is the smallest thing with which we could express our gratitude. And the parent too.

Medal "The Best School Principal in the World" Graduation is a day when no one should be left without a gift. Of course, most gifts, congratulations and flowers will go to the class teacher. And this is fair. But the merits of the director of the school are no less. If you imagine what a burden of responsibility lies on him, then you can hardly envy his position. The symbolic medal presented by graduates and their parents is a well-deserved and fair award.

Diploma-plaque inscribed "The best director of the school". Format A 4. Not paper. The text is made on a metal sheet fixed on a wooden base. The symbolic diploma will find its rightful place in the director's office as a memory of the graduation of 201 ... the year. Everyone will like a very kind and slightly ironic text. easy to hand in. It will be enough just to read out what is written there. So, the headmaster received "excellent" in the following subjects:

Ability to keep the situation under control

The art of having the last word

The ability to combine several professions at once: director, teacher, manager and supply manager

Fundamentals of love for children

The ability to see only the good in every student and teacher

And so on and so forth. You will need the name, patronymic and surname of the director, as well as the names of the members of the award commission. It would be appropriate to sign "Graduates of 201 ... of the year." The award diploma will be packed in a branded box.

Award figurine "To the best director of the school". Height 31 cm. Individual engraving is possible. To receive such an award from graduates and their parents is worth a lot. School is, first of all, a single organism in which everything must work like clockwork. Otherwise, it's a mess. And the main merit of the correct organization of work and the educational process lies precisely with the director. As in a song from an old movie: "Our service is both dangerous and difficult, and at first glance, as if not visible ...". And if graduates have the opportunity to thank their own director, do it!

Figurines and goblets with individual inscriptions. It can be "Nicky", "Oscars", "Wings" and various cups. Everyone knows that the main award of the American Film Academy is the Oscar. Why not play a similar event at the prom? Especially since it doesn't take much. The main attribute is the red carpet. Having prepared a short text of congratulations, you can read out the nominations and present statuettes. It will turn out beautifully and solemnly.

Pens with engraving from 290 rubles. Stylish, beautiful and high quality. The pen and the teacher are inseparable. A familiar story, almost daily. "MariVanna, I forgot my pen." - "Take mine." And everything, with the ends. Teacher patronage in the field of stationery has no boundaries. With a personal pen, this is unlikely to happen. Will return for sure! Great graduation gifts for teachers. Choose, sign each and hand!

Name diaries and notebooks. Without these subjects it is impossible to imagine the work of a teacher. And especially the class teacher. When you have to resolve dozens of questions in one working day, it is simply impossible to keep all the information in your head. How many diaries have already been filled, and how many more will be? This is to the fact that the thing is absolutely necessary. It won't get stuck or get dusty. And it will be especially nice to receive a personalized diary or notebook as a gift.

Gift for class teacher

Nominal "Oscar" big ". An unusual original gift will pleasantly surprise your class teacher. Oscars don't just happen. They must be earned. Moreover, not only hard work, but also talent. If it were possible to engrave all the nominations on one statuette, it would be great. “For patience”, “For wisdom”, “For professionalism”, “For love for children”, “For indifference”, “For noble work” and how many more. But, unfortunately, it won't last long. The nomination will be chosen by you, parents and students. The statuette "Oscar" has an impressive size and weight: the height of the "uncle" is 35 cm, and the weight is almost 1.7 kg. Material: artificial stone. The figurine is covered with 999.9 silver and varnished. Gift wrap.

Wall photo clock clock "Best Edition". Oddly enough, but for teachers, each of their releases is the best. Because it seems that there will be no more wonderful and talented children. The class and their main teacher live as a single organism. Of course, everything was: both good and bad. But, fortunately, the negative will remain in the past and be forgotten. Therefore, your release is really the best! A photo from the last call would be very good. Photographs are a good option. Glass dial with laser cut. Watch size: (length×width×height): 350 mm × 240 mm × 37 mm.

Poster on the wall "Journey Through Memories". Self-adhesive. A memorial gift to the class teacher. Surely there are cool photos of different years that are dear to everyone: the teacher, the students, and the parents. A poster with photos and a caption is a great idea. "Journey to the Past" will surely make your classmate smile. It is clear that all the bad things are left behind: conflicts are settled, insults are forgotten. "The best, of course, is ahead!" - as in the song. When ordering, you will need to upload several photos. Excellent print quality. Dimensions: 420 mm × 297 mm. Packing - tube. A wonderful surprise for the class teacher! Let him remember.

Name set of honey "To the best teacher". Sweet personalized gift. Manufacturer: LipkoSladko. The set includes 4 jars: cream honey (130 g), honey with walnuts (130 g), honey with mint (130 g), flower honey (130 g). How good is a gift set? First, who would argue that honey is good for you? Secondly, you will definitely want to try all 4 varieties. Thirdly, a personalized wooden box makes the present unique. And fourthly, the box can then be used as a box. Your "sweet" issue will not be forgotten for sure!

Personalized honey mini-set "Teacher of the Year". We all know that the all-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year" is the most prestigious in the field of education. Not all the best teachers get into this competition. "And our teacher is still the best!" - students and parents think when they announce the winner. Graduation is a very good opportunity to restore justice. And a sweet gift from students in a beautiful personalized box is a no less touching reward. There are three jars of honey in the mini-set. And at your disposal are three lines of beautiful engraving. Write! Reward the most deserving teachers!

Engraved signature Parker pen. A worthy memorable gift option for your class teacher. It is pleasant to hold such a pen in your hand, and even more so to write with it. This is a status gift from grateful students and parents. Material: brass, chrome, varnish. Swivel mechanism. Beautiful gift box. The quality and style of the Parker brand is known to all. Personal engraving, made according to your order, will pleasantly surprise and delight the teacher. These items are kept with care. The occasion and donors will never be forgotten.

Name cup with engraving. Your class teacher deserves this award. Having overcome all the experiments of the Ministry of Education and other officials with their students, they all stood together and won! This is indeed a real triumph. Worrying about everyone individually and for your class as a whole, your class teacher brought his army to the victory line. Let the cup be his reward! A very worthy gift. Material: wood, metal. Any inscription of your choice. Weight about 700 grams. Packed in a cardboard box.

VIP star personalized to the class teacher. Any text of your choice. Write an appropriate caption. "Preview" allows you to immediately see the result. Did not like? Remake. And so on until you get what you want. Each issue for the class teacher is a parting. She (or he) got used to these children, fell in love with them, no matter what. All bad things will remain in the past and be forgotten. But the good is for life. Amazingly, teachers remember all their students. A nominal award star is a worthy gift to a class teacher for his patience, love for children and his profession. Size(length×width×height): 200mm×300mm×20mm. Weight 1 kg. Packing: strong gift cardboard box. Material: ceramics and metal baguette.

Nominal mug to the class teacher. As a nice addition to the main gift. Or an option for the last call. Personal, bright, it will surely attract the attention of colleagues. Not all teachers are given such individual things by their students. Most likely, this mug will remain in the teacher's room, and will delight your class teacher every day. In general, an inexpensive and very sincere option.

Photo plate The best teacher. Where can I find the right photo? Children will quickly solve this problem. You just need to submit an idea. The rest is your concern. When placing an order, you will click on "preview" and see what happened to their very original idea. By the way, the plate is real, ceramic. Standard diameter: 21 cm. Plastic stand included. It is unlikely that the plate will be used for its intended purpose, although it is also suitable for the microwave. An expensive souvenir from grateful parents and students will stand in a conspicuous place. Such a thing is worth a lot for any teacher, as a reward for hard work.

Name box for wine to the Teacher. Why not? And nothing human is alien to the teacher. A bottle of good wine has never been bad manners. And an individual gift box will make such a gift doubly pleasant. Material: wood. Has a drawstring handle for easy portability. What will happen when you make the appropriate inscription, you can see immediately here, without leaving the cash register. Just click "preview". Did not like? Change the text and experiment. Keep in mind that the boxes are available in two sizes: for a standard bottle of wine and a larger copy.

Wine glass "To the best teacher" personalized with your text. Height 24 cm. If you add the same glass to a personalized wine box, you get a complete set. Graduation is not complete without champagne and wine. So this is a good option. To the point. Right now you can try to create a layout of a future gift. The number of characters allows you to register the school number, and the year of graduation and class. The gift will turn out not only original, but also unique. The second such glass does not exist in principle.

Champagne glass with wishes. 6 lines. No prom is complete without champagne. A personalized glass is a great option for an unexpected surprise. Raise your glass already filled! One can imagine the delighted surprise on the face of the teacher when he reads the inscription! How nice to receive such gifts from your students! Set: champagne in a personal box and a personalized glass would be perfect. If you like the idea, don't hesitate. Write something right now.

Stele "Star" with personalized engraving. The gift is appropriate for both the class teacher and the principal of the school. Every issue is a victory. And for the victory they are awarded with stars. And, in modern conditions, deservedly so. The main barrier has been overcome: the USE or GIA. And a huge merit in this class teacher. Everything possible and impossible has been done. "Star" is a well-deserved award. And let it warm with the warmth and light of the Teacher with a capital letter for many, many years.

Lamp "Medal" with nominal engraving. Glowing beautifully in the dark. Battery included. Height 13 cm. Material: wood, plexiglass. An original keepsake. A good teacher always wants to do something nice for talent, professionalism, wisdom, patience and love for children. And let this symbolic medal warm with its warm light a good person and Teacher with a capital letter for many, many years. All in all, this is a great gift!

Glasses with a nominal engraving "The best teacher". 490 rub. Such glasses are called "whiskey". In principle, this is correct. They are also called "rocks". If we discard all conventions, then you can pour anything into such a glass: whiskey, juice, cola, water, milk ... We don’t bother much about this, and therefore ... a glass is also in Africa a glass. In any case, it will come in handy. Yes, let him just stand at home in plain sight, as a memory of the students and the next graduation.

Personalized wallets and purse. For women and men. Comfortable and roomy. You can "engrave" only the first name, first name and surname, initials. Material: high quality eco-leather. The option is not cheap, especially if there are a lot of teachers. But each school has its own rules and traditions, so personalized wallets are offered simply as an original idea. By the way, they sell very well. Although orders are completed within one day, it is still worth hurrying. Graduation excitement is on the rise.

Named terry towels. 140 x 70 cm. White, peach, blue and turquoise. Cotton 100%. Gifts are the same and at the same time different. Nobody will be offended. Embroidery is done with strong contrasting threads. Large beautiful font. The quality is excellent. Towels absorb moisture well, are pleasant to the body and look very festive. In addition, each towel will be packed in a beautiful branded box. Managers are polite. The chain from ordering on the Internet to receiving it is debugged to perfection. Orders are fulfilled within one day.

Delicious gifts for teachers

Name set of honey "To the best teacher from grateful students". 4 jars of 150 g each. Dark buckwheat, light floral, raspberry cream honey and orange cream honey. But the creamy honey is worth a try! This is a know-how based on the technology of "whipping" ordinary honey to a homogeneous white mass. Invented in Canada. Well, then natural juices are added to the white creamy mass and such a multi-colored beauty is obtained. By the way, it is cream-honey that they begin to try. Tasty! Name labels will be on each jar and tube.

Name jar of honey "To the best teacher in the world". 250 g. Natural flower. a jar with a name label and a cardboard tube with a metal lid. For the sweet life And what else can you wish to teachers in their difficult everyday life? Only optimism. The same goes for students and their parents. Somehow everything is gloomy in our education. What can you do? Nothing. We can only rejoice that the children are finally graduating from school, and hope not for the best. And, of course, it is ahead. In general, we look at honey.

Named coffee "To the best teacher". Grain fried. Arabica. Weight: 200 g. Foil bag and cardboard tube with lid. Bright name label. A memorable impressive present for a teacher. In general, coffee beans are preferred by gourmets. What we drink now (soluble, sublimated) is for the lazy and indifferent. Rather, for those who have no time. There are a lot of us. But real coffee lovers have not yet died out in Rus', who are not too lazy to grind beans and brew a fragrant drink in a Turk. By the way, coffee beans are popular.

Personalized tea "Beloved teacher". Leaf tea: green or black to choose from. Weight 70 g. The manufacturer guarantees freshness, rich taste and delicate aroma. To give tea means to wish pleasant, quiet moments in the circle of good and kind people. Understanding parents are well aware of how hard it is for teachers. So let's relax a little! Final exams are a test not only for students. It's hard for everyone. And parents are no less worried. In general, tea-tea, help me out!

Personalized teapot"Best teacher" 250 ml. Small cute teapot, designed for 1 cup. (These are served in restaurants). A great keepsake gift from the class and parents. Tea ceremonies are popular not only in Japan. In Russia, they have existed for a long time and everywhere: at home, at work, in kindergartens, schools, universities, and even in the Kremlin. Joke. In general, a personal teapot is a good idea. And if you also add a bag of personalized tea to it, you will get a doubly surprise.

Sweet personalized cards. 295 rub. Good milk chocolate weighing 100 g. For teachers, there are several options for name labels. Strict or comic, they all look festive and bright. You can choose completely different options. Most importantly, at the same price. Take a closer look, and what if there is the very thing that you have been looking for for so long? In general, the idea is great. "And this is for everything to be in chocolate, dear teachers!" You will be pleasantly surprised by the level of service and deadlines.

Sweet gifts for teachers. Chocolate, candy sets, honey and more from 290 rubles. The main task: not to forget or offend any of the teachers. The task is quite feasible when there is plenty to choose from. "Mosvettorg" offers not only the best bouquets, but also the most original gifts. Pay attention to the novelty: honey soufflé in beautiful jars. Fillers are different, but all honey is very tasty, and most importantly, unusual. All in all, good luck with your search. And more: convenient payment methods and the fastest delivery.

Tea gift sets. For every taste. Price from 270 rubles. Tea sets are very popular. Good tea in a gift box has not disappointed anyone yet. Teachers have a difficult and stressful job, so tea drinking in the teacher's room is a common and daily affair. This means that tea will definitely be brewed and drunk. Down with bags. And one more thing: I want to make the task easier for those mothers who have shouldered the preparation for graduation. Here you will find inexpensive, but very original tea sets. Just look closely!

Gift sets from "Mostsvettorg" from 1500 rubles. And teachers have something interesting. Don't be confused by the fact that they are called "To Teacher's Day". Graduation is also a teacher's day, only the final one. Of course, all the best to the class teacher. Here you will definitely be interested in the most unusual sets. Sweet gifts will always be a wish for well-being, stability and a "sweet" life. So that sorrows and bitterness were as little as possible.

NEW! Set of fruit cream-honey personalized "Teacher". Complete with choice. Cream honey appeared on our market quite recently, although the technology for its production was developed in Canada as early as 1928. Natural berries are added to honey. Useful properties are not lost. Well, very tasty! It's worth a try. Choose cream honey with any fillings and give unusual gifts. This is the very thing that can surprise a person. And what can we say about a cool personal box? She's totally out of competition.

Present. Folk crafts.

Gzhel. Homeland-Moscow region. More than 500 products in a wide price range. From small souvenirs to "serious" services. As a rule, folk crafts arise where there is a source of raw materials. Gzhel is famous for its high quality clays. Naturally, the local population, starting from the middle of the 17th century, began to master pottery. This brought in a good income. In the 18th century, the production of semi-faience began. A distinctive feature is painting in blue on white. The blue paint is cobalt. The themes of drawings and ornaments were suggested by nature. So, thanks to talented and creative people, we can still rejoice and acquire such beauty.

Khokhloma. Homeland-Nizhny Novgorod region. Huge selection of dishes, utensils and gifts. That's something, but there was always enough wood in Rus'. The house and everything in it was wooden. Household utensils in the first place: spoons, bowls, mugs, ladles, buckets, jugs - in general, almost everything. It turns out that all the blanks made of wood at the initial stage were called "linen". But then the process was no less time-consuming: the workpieces were covered with linseed oil and drying oil to protect against moisture and prepare for painting. According to legend, runaway monks-Old Believers began to paint with "gold with red on black". They perfectly mastered the "mastery of a fine brush." By the way, the brushes were squirrel. Like this! Thanks to them and all the masters of subsequent generations, which give us the opportunity not only to watch and admire, but also to buy this beauty at affordable prices.

Lacquer miniature. Caskets and panels. Fedoskino, Mstyora, Palekh, Kholui. Lacquer painting was born a long time ago in China. In Rus', the manufacture of art products began in the era of Peter the Great. "Lacquer masters" were invited from Holland to decorate the palaces under construction in St. Petersburg. At the end of the 18th century, Fedoskino began to acquire its glory. Now in Russia there are 4 schools of lacquer miniatures. All of them have their own distinctive features. Each box is hand painted. Real works of art are created on a very small surface.

Pavlovo shawls. Over 300 scarves. A small digression into history. It all started in 1795, when I.D. Labzin, a peasant from the village of Pavlovo, a small production of scarves was established. At that time they were paper and silk. But his great-grandson, Yakov, significantly expanded and redesigned production. In the middle of the 19th century, the first printed woolen shawls were produced. Soon he becomes the supplier of the Imperial Court. Pavlovo Posad shawls and shawls have long been known abroad. In general, gifts for teachers will be prestigious.

Many original gifts for teachers (educators) for graduation! Namely: nominal awards, flash drives, mugs, souvenir plates, lamps, gift printing. No one will be left without gifts. And it is this release that will be the best and most memorable. And so from year to year. "The teacher takes us to the corner and back again, and again to him in the morning ...". In general, thanks to them! From the heart.

Nominal vase with engraving "To the best class teacher". Height 30 cm. Diameter 9 cm. Packing: beautiful branded box. Simplicity and strict elegance. Nothing extra. This is how engraving turns the most ordinary thing into a unique one. I want to make a special gift for my class teacher: memorable and touching. The personal vase option is just great. Not sold in stores. The instance is the only one.

Nominal vase with engraving "To the beloved teacher from students....class". Great option! To flowers. The usual story: on September 1 and on Teacher's Day, the office is buried in flowers. Nowhere to put. And nothing. Your gift (named with an engraving) will rightly take the most honorable place on the teacher's table. In general, decide and order. The choice is just great!

Bouquets for teachers. For every taste. Professional florists work wonders, creating not just bouquets, but flower arrangements. Sometimes one beautifully decorated flower creates a real sense of celebration. Flowers are a joy that I want to give to all teachers and teachers for their hard work. We, parents and students, are really grateful to them for everything. They deserve the most beautiful flowers and the warmest words!

What to give the teacher - this question is often asked by students. There are many reasons for choosing such a present: from personal holidays to those associated with the life of an educational institution. It is quite difficult to assess what can be given to a teacher, but this task is simplified if we take into account the interests of the gifted person, hobbies, passions, and hobbies. When deciding what to give a teacher to a man, it is worth considering his specialty, occupation, achievements in this field. If you choose what to give a teacher to a woman, pay more attention to the fact that this is a lady, and the presentations should be appropriate. Do not forget to present a beautiful bouquet, after asking what flowers to give the teacher to make her happy. You can find out at the department, for sure there you will be prompted by her favorite flowers.

What can be presented to a teacher of a university, other educational institutions

A huge variety of gift offers can be found in the Million Gifts service catalog. We have compiled for you a list of the most popular gifts by our visitors and offer ideas for their presentation.
  • What can you give a teacher for his birthday? This gift to a large extent should reflect what exactly the hero of the occasion is fond of, what he likes, causes positive emotions. Although you can present solid status items, such as a leather diary. If you are deciding what to give a teacher a man for his birthday, choose a watch "Master" with a chain on a wooden stand.
  • What can you give a teacher for graduation? Such a present can display the professional affiliation of the person being presented by presenting him with something related to the activity, for example, a souvenir globe or a set of Cesare Emiliano pens in a case. By the way, graduation gifts for a teacher can be made collectively, from the whole group. Then there will be an opportunity to purchase a much more expensive thing.
  • Gifts to a male teacher for any reason should emphasize his belonging to the strong half of humanity. However, it is important to take the choice of a souvenir seriously so that it turns out to be interesting, attractive, and useful.
  • Good gifts for a woman teacher are a personalized vase with an engraving "Tree of Happiness", a picture of Swarovski crystals "Lilies of the Valley".

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