The original elementary school graduation. Graduation script in elementary school

The first step in graduation preparation primary school is the choice of venue. In order not to be mistaken in this matter, find out the opinion of children and their parents, and also weigh your strength to organize a colorful event. Surely there will be those who want to celebrate this event in an unusual, original way. There are plenty of ideas for such an action ...

Graduation from elementary school is an important event in a child's life. This is the transition to adulthood. school life, where there are other rules, environment, more responsibility for workload with lessons. It is necessary to say goodbye to the first teacher, to the native office, and in some cases to your classmates in a special atmosphere. Consider a few ideas where to hold graduation in grade 4. Each of them has its own nuances, pros and cons. So choose...

Where to hold the graduation: we decide on the choice of location

The choice of venue for the graduation of an elementary school depends on several factors. Let's call them:

  • the wishes of the children;
  • the material resources of their parents;
  • the competence of the teacher (in some cases, parents as well) in holding graduation in one place or another;
  • level of team cohesion.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the wishes of the graduates themselves., because it is their holiday, and they have the right to have fun the way they want. To understand what their irrepressible energy is rushing to, it is enough to hold an organizational classroom hour, where you can easily decide on the venue for the event.

Choose any method: oral - in the form of a conversation, or written - in the form of a survey. Offer several options for the most interesting, in your opinion, places for the holiday. Of course, there will not be a unanimous opinion, but it is worth listening to the majority of the guys who will choose one or another place.

Soon after class hour should be Parent meeting dedicated to the discussion of the question of where to hold a graduation. After familiarizing parents with the preferences of their children, you need to discuss possible costs. To do this, the teacher must prepare in advance: find out the cost of all options organization of the celebration.

As a result, adults must come to a certain compromise: take into account both the wishes of the children and their own material resources. Some ideas (for example, a holiday in nature) may have different variants price categories, so there is always plenty to choose from.

When talking with parents about graduating, the teacher should enlist their help and support. It is good if some parents (or even all) will accompany the teacher and children during the holiday and help the teacher organize it.

The teacher himself must calculate his strength and prepare a cultural and entertainment program suitable for a particular place of celebration. Often children are entertained by animators - professionals in their field, so the teacher does not need to puzzle over how to captivate students at the holiday. But still, the class teacher should play it safe and pick up a few spare options for games and competitions that can complement the main scenario of the event.

No one knows the interests and hobbies of children so well as their teacher and parents, so sometimes you can even tell the animator how to replace or supplement the holiday show.

Another important point, which must be taken into account when choosing a place for a holiday - the degree of cohesion of the team of children. How friendly the guys are depends on their interest in team games desire to do something together. Give preference to experienced animators who can captivate children, regardless of the level of organization of their team, thereby rallying it even more.

Graduation in the walls of the native school: the secrets of a sparkling holiday

Graduation in the 4th grade within the walls home school- the most common idea. Its advantages are obvious: it is easier to organize children in a familiar environment, the festival itself does not require large material costs. But still, the guys will not be able to completely relax and unwind in the school environment, whether it be an office or an assembly hall. They need bright emotions, fun mobile entertainment, loud music and much more exciting things that are usually prohibited in the school walls.

If you still decide to organize a graduation at the school, then you should make the celebration as colorful and unusual as possible on the school grounds. Take note of a few good advice how to hold a graduation so that it turns into an incendiary holiday:

  • create a bright festive atmosphere - Decorate the venue. For this purpose, balls, colorful ribbons, flowers and even the most memorable class photos for 4 years are suitable;
  • think over an interesting entertainment program or invite professionals– animators, magicians, show organizers soap bubbles. When choosing games and competitions for schoolchildren, give preference to adventure and detective genres - children of this age love to explore, search, overcome obstacles;
  • host a themed party. The option is simpler: give the task to each graduate to come up with their own costume and arrange a costume show or costume contest.
  • don't get hung up on one office- Have an entire school at your disposal. For example, you can arrange competitions in the yard, in the assembly hall - hold a small concert or present a musical, in your office - organize sweet table.

Sports and tourism motives: organization of graduation in nature

A great option is to celebrate graduation in nature. Here, children have a place to turn around: an interesting, unusual environment, a lot of space for mobile entertainment, the opportunity to feel like a tourist or a traveler (bonfire, quests, competitions for endurance, strength and dexterity) - and this is what 9-10 year old children are most interested in .

Saturated game program no one has canceled here, but the entertainment will be somewhat different: you can’t arrange a costume show or a theatrical performance in the forest, but there can be an obstacle course, a rope or rope park, cooking a tourist lunch on a fire and other forest entertainment.

If desired, you can rent part of the territory of the boarding house, children's camp or recreation centers. In addition to this, you can invite an animator who will always have the most amusing competitions for young "savages" and tourists in stock. And if you arrange a laser show or fireworks for your kids, then there will be no end to their delight!

You need to complete this eventful day with a calm ritual - a fire here will be very useful. Singing songs, creating a "chain of wishes", expressing one's emotions and impressions - such moments will remain in the memory of every child for a long time.

Cafe, restaurant, club - fireworks of emotions and bright colors

Celebrate Graduation children's cafe, restaurant or entertainment center- quite an expensive pleasure. But parents don’t really need to prepare for it either: the festive table will be organized by the employees of the institution, the children will be entertained by animators, actors, cultural organizers and other specialists.

The festive menu in a children's cafe is not a home or school table created by one's own efforts. Instead of the usual sandwiches and sweets, children will be offered a lot original treats: and caramel apples, and chocolate fountains, and cocktails with unusual taste sensations ...

The decoration of the place of the holiday and the atmosphere as a whole cannot be compared with the same school decorated with balloons: light shows, the use of video and audio effects, and a variety of children's attractions are available here. Of course, organizing children in such an unusual place will not be easy, but a professional will cope with this task with a bang.

Conclusion one: cafe or kids club- one of best ideas and for the graduates and for their parents and teachers. Therefore, if the material issue is resolved, then feel free to go for bright emotions to this place.

Original graduation ideas in grade 4

Graduation on a boat: travel and have fun

Where to spend a graduation for fans of an extraordinary holiday? One of the most original ideas This event can be considered a holiday on the ship. Here you can combine fun party and some sightseeing moments. Moreover, in the case bad weather You can always hide in a cabin. By the way, for safety reasons, it is undesirable to allow children to go on deck in any weather.

There are two types of organization holiday program on a steamship. The first option is the simplest: the guys have fun, dance, sit at festive table, play, fool around, etc. In other words, the graduation script itself is no different from a regular school holiday. The only difference is that the “office” in which the celebration takes place is swaying on the waves.

Another, more colorful option is theme party. Usually, the ship theme for graduation fourth graders is pirate fun. The animator can meet the guys in the Jack Sparrow costume and offer them a lot of interesting entertainment: and initiation into pirates, and the search for treasure, and a pirate disco, and the presentation of diplomas of real pirates ...

Despite the indisputable advantages of this place for celebrating graduation, the ship also has its drawbacks. Firstly, these are considerable financial costs (in addition to renting a ship, you also need to pay, at a minimum, for the services of an animator, makeup, and a festive banquet).

The second disadvantage is the possible seasickness of some children. Although a boat trip usually takes no more than 1.5-2 hours, not all children will be able to calmly withstand the swaying on the waves during this time.

Colorful graduation on the stage

Graduation in the theater - another idea original holiday, which usually results in a colorful costume show. In addition to the traditional banquet or buffet, competitions and other fun, children are offered additional entertainment - a performance, a disco and a photo session with their favorite characters from fairy tales and cartoons.

In many theaters, fourth grade graduates themselves can feel themselves fairy tale characters- professional costumes and make-up artists are at their service.

Often, elements of circus art are also included in the “theatrical” graduation scenario: schoolchildren are entertained by magicians, clowns, tightrope walkers, jugglers, and acrobats. In general, the atmosphere in the theater corresponds to the solemn atmosphere, therefore Special attention here the official part is given, which may even include the presentation of special ribbons with the inscription “Primary School Graduate”.

In the world of discoveries and inventions: a fascinating graduation at the museum

If you decide to hold graduation in the 4th grade at the museum, then you need to decide on the theme - it is very extensive, depending on the thematic focus of the museum. You can choose literary, historical, scientific topics. To determine the direction of the holiday, you can talk to alumni or conduct a survey. Parents of fourth-graders can also help in this matter.

What is included in the entertainment program of the museum graduation? Of course, the central place is occupied by a tour of the museum. In addition to the demonstration of exhibits, children are given the opportunity to plunge into the world of a certain topic: schoolchildren spend scientific experiments, learn dance steps “at a ball in the 19th century”, make and design. The tour can be supplemented with a small theatrical performance.

Tea party or buffet is an integral part of the holiday. Also, no one cancels the disco. In most cases, the dance part takes place in the style of a gala ball - luxurious halls, high-society outfits take you to those palace intrigues and pompous festivities ...

Thus, there are plenty of places to celebrate this great event. When choosing where to hold an elementary school graduation, take into account the interests and wishes of the children, the material possibilities of the parents, the degree of cohesion children's team and their professional training in organizing the event.

Remember: the guys should not only have fun, but also become a little more mature, get a new spiritual and, possibly, intellectual experience, because ahead is a more responsible and serious stage of their life.

How to spend graduation in grade 4: video

Graduation in 4th grade - the first small step to adulthood. To make it memorable and more confident, it is necessary to consider holding such an event before the smallest details. In today's video, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options for organizing graduation 4th grade.

Time flies at lightning speed. Especially clearly people begin to notice this when they have children. Yesterday I had to put my baby to sleep with a lullaby. And now we have to celebrate the graduation of elementary school. Grade 4 is a kind of milestone in a student's life, another passed stage on the way to achieving knowledge. Pupils say goodbye to the first teacher, to the junior school and the class in which they spent the first years of study. And at this time, the question arises of where to hold a graduation for the 4th grade so that this event is imprinted in the memory of children for a long time.

Traditional option

Graduation is celebrated within the walls of the native school. Usually they decorate the assembly hall, where all the action takes place. The solemn part, a sweet table, photos for memory are the main elements of the event. Congratulations and instructions are sounded to the children's address, poems for graduation.

Grade 4 is the time to say goodbye to the first teacher. The teacher is preparing a reverent speech, because he sends his children to free swimming. Children and parents are introduced to a new class teacher which will help them adapt to high school and the development of personality.

The guys prepare a wonderful concert with a demonstration of children's talents with special zeal, they think over the images and repertoire to the smallest detail. Parents help decorate the hall for the celebration. girls in elegant dresses, boys in suits and ties, matured and ready for a new period of their lives, repeat their words. Together with them, they also receive albums with photographs in memory of elementary school. There can be many options for albums: from the usual vignettes to a 3D album with discs and pleasant video moments from school life.

The celebration can be continued in the classroom, where parents organize a sweet table. Undoubtedly gorgeous cake It's a fitting end to the evening. It can be made to order. There are a lot of offers, for every taste and budget. The so-called Candy bar will look original - a novelty in the confectionery art. This is a cake and a lot of small cupcakes, sweets self made decorated very stylishly on a separate table.

The end of the event can be a song about the 4th grade. Graduation is a holiday where children can fully show their talents. Without concert program not enough.

Celebration in the cafeteria

Where to hold a graduation for the 4th grade, if this cannot be done within the school walls? good option becomes a cozy cafe. The place should be chosen in advance. You also need to be careful about choosing holiday menu. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that non-carbonated drinks and a neutral selection of dishes are suitable for children. Treats should be to the taste of all the guys. Light food without mayonnaise and french fries is the ideal choice.

Adults can choose the menu based on their preferences, alcohol is an extra attribute at a children's party. It's a good idea to have a buffet so that the guys don't get bored with the plates and start a mayhem. During the festive program, any child can run up to the table and have a sandwich or a canapé. Fruits and a chocolate fountain will be the highlight of the evening. How delicious it is to dip a sweet strawberry in melted milk chocolate!


How else and where to hold graduation for grade 4? Of course, going out into nature can be great option. It can be either a vacation in a country camping or a celebration by the river.

Well-equipped recreation centers will allow you to relax away from the bustle of the city. Everything is provided there for a full and high-quality pastime: gazebos, barbecues, rocking chairs, playgrounds, pleasure boats. All this arsenal will make your vacation unforgettable.

Disco for kids

What could be more wonderful than walking under the stars? Disco until morning. Cartoon DJs, light music, disco dancing. What could be cooler? Celebration of the graduation in nature, near the river, will allow parents to reduce the cost of recreation. It will not be difficult for anyone to prepare the necessary supplies at home. You should take all the equipment with you: tables, chairs, a tape recorder and even a hammock.

ball, competitions, even fishing will not leave anyone aside. You can have fun until the morning and sing songs about the 4th grade. Graduation in elementary school happens once in a lifetime!


In order for children to be interested, and adults to have a little rest and relax, various children's animation agencies offer their services. How and where to hold a graduation for the 4th grade, they already know in advance. Programs are drawn up long before the graduation parties and are considered before minute details. It is unlikely that students will be interested in festive evening at the table. Children are terrible fidgets and must always be on the move. The topics of the program can be varied:

  • Treasure Island is about Flint's lost treasure.
  • "Star Wars" - a party where you will reveal all the secrets of space.
  • "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" - funny and funny game with charades and puzzles.
  • "Merry Indians" - entertainment with quests and outdoor games.
  • "Crazy Hands" - master classes for kids. It can be making, cooking and painting gingerbread.
  • "Harry Potter and his friends" is a program with all sorts of tricks, where each participant can be a magician himself.
  • "In the Land of Cartoonland" - a program with characters from children's cartoons. No one will be indifferent to such entertainment.

Often, animators offer to purchase incentive prizes for children. After all, it is doubly pleasant to relax, have fun and receive gifts.

Unusual entertainment

How else can you celebrate graduation at school? Grade 4 is quite hardy children. They can do a lot. Without whims and fatigue, they will withstand any journey. It will not be difficult to go with the guys, for example, to a zoo located in another city. Solemn part you can spend in the classroom, and then all together rush for adventure. It is worth deciding how to get to your destination. You can rent a bus in advance. It is also interesting to visit the dolphinarium. This adventure is sure to please both children and adults. No one has yet left the dolphinarium without delight and a million positive emotions.

Let's go on an excursion

How else to organize graduation (grade 4)? Where to spend? Moscow is a great choice! There are many interesting attractions for children in the capital. A guided tour is something that any student can dream of. Museums, theaters, ballet, opera - you can’t list everything and not get around even in a week. But to make a competent and interesting program is within the power of the teacher together with the parents.

Help can also be obtained from tourist agency. At the request of children and adults, the program will be compiled in such a way as to capture all the most interesting sights of the capital. Visit the Tretyakov Gallery and the Bolshoi Theatre, visit the famous Red Square, take pictures with your favorite actors - what could be better? Undoubtedly, additional financial injections are required to organize such a holiday. Not everyone can afford the idea, but the success of such an event is guaranteed.

Results of efforts

Whatever the decision of the class teacher and parent committee where to hold a graduation for grade 4, the main task is to make this holiday unforgettable, unusual, involve each child, let him feel his importance.

For someone, graduating in 4th grade is not so much important event. Some parents may even be against such large-scale actions. But we should not forget that the holiday is organized primarily for children who are taking the next step into adulthood.

In what format to hold a graduation for their own children, it is up to parents to decide. Kids should enjoy this day to the fullest. Let the graduation party in the 4th grade be joyful and cheerful.

I have a whole series of articles with ideas for such a case. I want you to feel comfortable navigating the site. All red underlined links are transitions to my articles with useful information.

Where to celebrate graduation in grade 4:

If it happens at school, there are 2 options:

Option 1. Trust the holiday to professionals

You can invite animators or a presenter with an interesting program, high-quality musical arrangement, show numbers and interactive scientific programs. Call us if you are in Moscow. In a nutshell, you can’t tell, many factors affect the cost.

Here is an example of the DiscoStop program. Perfect for 4th grade graduation.

Option 2. Do you want to organize everything yourself?

Then read this article to the end, there are many links to our useful articles. For example, . This contemporary script graduation in the 4th grade, although with the heroes of Jules Verne. Funny contests alternate with prepared numbers, parents are involved in participation.

Graduation outside of school

We have a separate selection on this topic, which lists different options for holding a holiday in the city: children's holiday in an adult way 🙂

Here are collected relatively costly options celebration, but it doesn't happen every day...

How to decorate the hall?

I have selected the most simple options, which do not require special professional skills, while helping to decorate the room quickly and effectively.

Attention! Decoration of the hall with balls can be ordered from us. Call the phone of the site "Again Holiday". .

How to decorate a table

To start, here is good decision: on a bright disposable tablecloth with a pattern, lay roll paper for drawing. Then the plates with the pattern will not look gaudy, and the whole picture will be very festive. Shall we try?

What to cook

If the parents themselves decided to cook treats, I advise you to get inspired in these articles:

What to give kids for graduation

Entertainment program for graduation party in 4th grade. Scenario

Graduation script for elementary school


1) use of active and non-standard forms extracurricular activities students in this activity;

2) stimulation of initiative, creativity and activity of students and parents.

Decoration of the hall and stage.

There are 5 tables in the hall, each of which sits 5 children and 5 parents.

Posters on stage

"Long live 4" A "class!"

“Long live the girls of the 4th “A” class!”

“Long live the boys of the 4th “A” class!”

“Greetings to the teacher of the 4th “A” class!”

“Hurrah for parents and guests of the 4th “A” class!”

On the walls hang "pages from the book" - good words about every child.

The boy and the girl are leading.

The course of the holiday

Presenter 1. Today, dear children, parents and guests, nice evening- Farewell to elementary school.

Hello parents!

Tonight can be very different

But he must be beautiful today!

Summing up the results of the teachings at school,

And let's remember what we remember more.

But where are the heroes of today's meeting?

To whom will we speak passionate speeches?

Solemn procession of students of the class. Children enter one at a time in a certain order at a certain interval of time. The teacher gives a description (briefly about each) while the student passes through the hall and sits next to the parent at the table.

Lead 2.

So our school year is over!

Don't call us "juniors"!

Shoes became small for us and sneakers,

And the shirts are short!

Lead 1.

Like this for the first time

We entered the walls of our school ...

We were accompanied by a cheerful bell,

The teacher was the first to meet the pass!

Presenter 2. And let's remember how we came to school and how our parents chose it. Scene "Choosing a School".

Scene "School Choice"

Actors: Tsar, Guard Filimon, nanny of Princess Vasilisa, Princess Nesmeyana.

The guard Filimon sweeps the clutch. The king enters. Walks fast.

Oh, it is difficult, the royal burden!

The crown of the head swells from worries and troubles.

There are more than a thousand important things in the state!

And you won’t find helpers in our house!

The queen is always busy with herself,

He warms his lower back with a lamp.

And the prince abandoned notebooks

And shoots all day with a slingshot.

Something boring you, Your Majesty?

Tea, what's the trouble?

Tsar. Yes, Princess Nesmeyan needs to be taught the mind, otherwise she cries from morning to evening!

Filimon. Maybe send her to school? They'll beat the hell out of her soon!

Tsar. You, Philemon, express yourself more carefully, tea, royal child!

Filimon. Well, then call Vasilisa for advice! The tsar claps his hands, the nurse Vasilisa enters and drags Nesmeyana behind her.

Vasilisa. Well, why are you roaring and roaring?!

Nesmeyana. I'm bored!

Tsar. Do you want ice cream?

Nesmeyana. I am cold!

Tsar. What about tea jams?

Nesmeyana. I'm hot!

Tsar. Well, then go to school!

Nesmeyana roars, the king comes out and returns with a stick.

Nesmeyana. I don't want to study, I want to get married!

Tsar. What school will we send her to, Vasilisushka? good school necessary, and that the circumvention be accurate.

Vasilisa. What are you, the king-father, we have only one school. For the entire district kingdom-state. Glorious such! The students are all smart, beautiful - neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen!

Tsar. What kind of school is this?

Vasilisa and Philemon (sing).

The executive committee has a secondary school

That's already 40 years old!

Children are always taught in it properly,

This is how she draws everyone to her.

Why do we want so much, brothers,

Sign up for this school!

It was the 31st, now the number 14.

What do you want, brothers,

We need to sign up for school!

Nesmeyana (sings joyfully). And I'll go learn to read words by syllables.

Everyone leaves. The scene is over.

The teacher conducts an "Express Interview" with the children.

Sample questions:

2. What is the address of our school?

3. When you woke up today, what did you think about?

4. What is your favorite lesson? Why?

5. When you open the door of your classroom, you mean to say...

6. If you were a teacher, what would you say to the children?

7. In which class did you study the most subjects?

Presenter 1. Envelopes are on your table. Take envelope number 1. In this envelope is a "mysterious" table. This quiz game. All tables are playing. After solving the numbered riddles, you will be able to complete the table, and you will get a word. It will help Nas those in the next scene to guess the missing item that she forgot to put in her satchel.


1. "The little brute has 100 silver coins." From the answer you need to take the third letter; you will have it first.

2. On the fourth line there is a riddle: "Two brothers went to the river to swim." Take the first letter from the answer, it will be the fourth for you.

3. On the seventh line is a riddle, and the answer consists of sin letters.

"The area is famous

Green Beauty:

Sundress - like a bell

On the ground and dragging,

Fur cap,

With a sharp top."

Take the third letter from the answer, it will be the last.

4. On the second line: "Not a rider, but with spurs, not a guard, but wakes everyone up." Take the fourth letter from the answer, it will be the second for you.

5. On the fifth line: "The little dove is white, flew into the house, what she saw in the world, she told about everything." From the answer we take the second letter, it will be the fifth for you.

6. The sixth letter will be the one that disappears in the third guess:

“We saw him dressed in spring and summer, And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing.”

7. On the third line: "The turtle is crawling - a steel shirt, the enemy - into the ravine, the turtle - where the enemy is." Take the fourth letter from the answer - it will be your third.

You have a table:

Line size

Letter number

Host 2. So, you have a word. You will have to say it in unison at the place where Nastya stops, and at the same time remember what you put in your satchel when you went to first grade.

The hitch “What did I put in my satchel?”

Three girls for the first time

Went to first class.

Nastya tells her friends:

I want to study in the classroom.

I put everything in my backpack.

Only no...

Presenter 1. Why didn’t Nastya put in her satchel?

Children. Primer!

There is a ruler, glue, notebook,

To write letters in it.

There is an elastic band, a white eraser,

There is an orange marker.

There is a set of different paper,

Yellow, blue, bright red,

Pen, pencil, pencil case.

My satchel became heavy.

And then Katya said,

Who looks sad

Who said that Katya is crying?

Can I cry?

I'm going to school soon

I am 7 years old.

And I will go this time

In the best first class

I will be at school I will study

And I dream about

To excel in education

And, like a mother, become a doctor.

And silent Irina

Suddenly he says to his friends:

I sculpt from plasticine

Learned the alphabet!

I'll tell you without stress

You have a multiplication table.

I know the north, I know the south

I'll draw a circle with chalk.

I will teach you too

And I'll tell you, not gay,

I want to teach children

Just like my grandmother!

Three girls for the first time

Went to first class.

Lead 2.

Here comes the desired hour.

You are enrolled in first class!

And now four years have passed.

And parents admire their students.

They are here for you today

Everyone is terribly worried!

Let's ask them.

Host 1 conducts express interviews for parents.

Sample questions:

1. What do you remember about our class?

2. For what purposes did you donate money without regret?

3. With what feeling did you come to our holidays?

4. What colors do you associate our class with?

Presenter 2. We are closing the page of our school

life "How we came to school" and move on to a new one - "Parade of school sciences".

Science comes out: Mathematics, Russian language, Literary reading, The world, Physical training. Each science is identified by a poster depicting title page textbook.


Marathon runners go ahead!

Take math with you!

It's impossible without her

Open the envelope, friends!

Presenter 1. Open envelope No. 2. There are tasks in it, one for each table.

1st table. How to share 3 apples between two daughters and two mothers? (11 about 1 apple: daughter, mother, grandmother.)

2nd table. How many cats are there in a room if there is one cat in each of the four corners of the room and three cats in front of each cat? (Total 4 cats.)

3rd table. There are 8 branches on a birch, each branch has 5 knots. Each knot has 2 apples. How many apples are there? (Apples do not grow on birches.)

4th table. Grandfather Mikhey has 10 lambs, all but 9 ran away. How many sheep are left? (9 sheep.)

5th table. There are 15 students in the ranks. How many students stand between 3rd and 12th? (8.)

Presenter 2. In the nomination "Best mathematician" they are awarded ... (Children who excelled in the subject "Mathematics" are awarded.)

Russian language.

I love you grammar!

You are smart and strong!

You my grammar

I'll get by a little.

I'm doing my best.

I want to understand spelling.

But it still causes

Spelling surprise.

And my task is:

Sparrows sit on a branch

To discuss your business.

Sparrows sit on a branch

Do they sit on "E" or on "I"?

Presenter 1. In the nomination "The best expert in the Russian language" are awarded ... (Children who excelled in the study of the Russian language are awarded.)

Environment and History.

Taught us to love our land

And watch nature

How to protect all animals

Save both forest and water.

We talked about everything:

About mushrooms and flowers

About birch and aspen,

About fields and meadows.

We are with History, friends.

Without her, neither you nor I

Never would have known

How did it originate and from where

Our Russian land.

Presenter 2. Open the envelope number 3.

1st table. What animals get out of their skin? (Snakes shed their skin when they molt.)

2nd table. How is it more convenient for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill, as the front legs are shorter than the hind legs.)

3rd table. Which birds dig nest holes? (Swallows.)

4th table. Where do crayfish hibernate? (In minks under water near the shore.)

5th table. What plant name from China means the word "sakh"? (Tea.)

Presenter 1. In the nomination "The best expert on the World around" are awarded ... (Children who excelled in the study of the subject "World around" are awarded.)

Literary reading.

Reading is a wonderful place.

A lot of useful information in each of the lines:

Whether it's a poem or a story

You teach them, they teach you.

This competition is very interesting

He is for the convolutions in the head

Very useful.

Let's manage to fall words -

Let's get the names right away.

Presenter 2. Open envelope number 4. Read the encrypted words and guess the names of fairy-tale characters.

1st table - imokachyuoDv (Thumbelina.)

2nd table - IncaMthorstok (Cat Matroskin.)

3rd table - kyalkopSha (Shapoklyak.)

4th table - nikechP (Pechkin.)

5th table - srkanayaoKchashpa (Little Red Riding Hood.)

Presenter 1. In the nomination "The best in literary creativity and writing skills" are awarded ...

Student awards.

In the nomination "The fastest reader" are awarded ...

Student awards.

Physical training.

What is physical education?

Training and play.

Fiz, and kul, and that, and ra.

Hands up, hands down. This is physical.

We twist the neck, as if the steering wheel is a sack.

Deftly jump high - this is the one.

Run for half an hour in the morning - this is ra.

In doing this,

Be smart, strong, brave.

Plus - a good figure,

That's what physical education means!

Presenter 2. In the nomination "The most athletic" are awarded ...

In the nomination "The fastest" are awarded ...

In the nomination "The most titled" are awarded ...

Foreign language. Each group presents its number on foreign language.

Presenter 1. In the nomination "In a foreign language they have no equal" are awarded ...

Lead 2.

In the lessons of creative, wonderful

Enter the world of art

And express yourself in it

We were all very interested.

Presenter 1. In the nomination "The most prize-winning in creativity" the winners of school, district, city competitions of handicrafts and drawings are awarded ...

Lead 2.

Our marathon has come to an end

We have all worked hard.

It's time to sum up

It's not a sin for us to reward the best.

Presenter 1. In the nomination “Masters in all sciences”, excellent students of the 4th “A” class are awarded ...

Presenter 2. The parade of school sciences is over. With these items, as well as new ones, you will meet in the 5th grade.

Lead 1.

In music lessons

We were taught to sing together

And without great music

We have no joy in life!

A choral song about the school and school life is performed.

Presenter 2. We start a new page from a new life - "Change". It's time for us to rest.

The bell rings for change.

Lead 1.

Here the bell rings for change,

The lesson is over, and as always,

Runs out together, as if on a stage,

All in all a great family!

Change, change, 4 "A" climbs the walls,

Suddenly the boys in chorus, at once

Fall on the dirty floor...

Everyone is yelling, shouting, throwing,

They don't understand anything

As if Mamai passed here.

Lead 2.

Wet hair, tousled look

A drop of sweat runs down the neck...

Maybe Sasha, and Grisha, and Vanya

Did you bathe in the bath the whole break?

Or were they plowed on, the unfortunate ones?

Or were they shoved into the mouth of a crocodile?

No! So during the break they rested!

Presenter 1. In the nomination "Our urchin ripened everywhere" are awarded ...

Presenter 2. But what situations can worry the guys.

Lead 1.

Christina came from school

Nothing pleased her.

What's the matter? - we asked.

I got three!

Andrew runs towards

Rays in his eyes.

He screams loudly.

I got a three!

Presenter 2. In the nomination "I'm glad for any result"

Presenter 1. And these are the situations ours are discussing-

Scene "Serious conversation"

Vanya, Petya and Evgeny

Gathered for change

To solve a sore point

and seriously discuss

How to behave in class.

If Zhenya loves Nastya,

What do they all love now?

And be friends with girls?

Vanya was the first to speak.

I wouldn't pay attention

On the girls combined

Black, white, freckled.

Why are you shaking your head?

Don't you agree with me?

I don't agree with you

That's so laughter!

At least one would, and then - all!

All the talkers and grimaces,

And they act like bastards!

You would climb to them less,

And then you spin like a demon!

Why are you always teasing them?

Did you see me climb?

I don't like girls in class!

What, are you completely wild?

Don't touch Nastya better

Though a friend, you'll get a kick!

You me? Try to touch

You'll regret it later!

Zhenya. Well, the throne!

Vania. Well touch!

Peter. Quiet, quiet!

You quarrel painfully!

There was a call,

Inviting to a lesson.

Well, we failed again!

What are you - children, really?

Zhenya. The break is too short...

Zhenya said bitterly.

Since the question was not a trifle,

That friends decided so:

Get together on weekends in the morning

And to be specific,

To love all or one?

Be friends with everyone or no one?

Let's wait until Sunday

To ask them for a solution...

Presenter 1. In the nomination "Defender of all the girls of the class" is awarded ...

Presenter 2. So we have become a year older! They still remember the First of September, the solemn line, new meetings. But four years flew by unnoticed, leaving impressions that the guys shared in the questionnaire.

The teacher is reading interesting statements children in the processed questionnaires, in which there were next questions:

1. Will you be sorry to leave elementary school?

2. What did you gain in elementary school that you lost?

3. What did you like most about elementary school and why?

4. Has a team formed in the class, and why do you think so?

5. Your favorite subject.

6. Which of the boys and girls do you like the most?

Presenter 1. In the nomination "The most charming and attractive" is awarded ...

Presenter 2. In the nomination "The first guy in the village" is awarded ...

Presenter 1. We open a new page of our magazine - "Entertainer". Let's remember how we had fun, prepared for the holidays, participated in all the activities of the school, district and city.

Girls and boys come out, perform ditties.


1. Play, balalaika,

Balalaika - three strings,

Sing, don't yawn

Come out, dancers!

Presenter 2. In the nomination "The best artist of the class" is awarded ...

2. Oh, and loves to chat

At Grisha's lessons.

The teacher looks at him

And he does not see anything!

Presenter 1. In the nomination "Language without bones" is awarded ...

3. Our teacher was waiting for an answer

From Ivan for a long time.

No answer, no hello

No sense!

4. Our Sasha would be good for everyone,

If not for notebooks.

There are mistakes every time

They play hide and seek with him!

5. Our Dasha, oh, smart,

Don't say anything.

But never came

To class without delay!

Presenter 2. In the nomination "No offense" are awarded ...

6. Our Anton

Not a head - a computer.

He knows a lot of things

We don't understand anything!

Presenter 1. In the nomination "Squadron of my crazy thoughts, or Head-computer" is awarded ...

7. Nikita is a very smart guy,

We have only been studying with him for a year.

He is understandable by all the boys,

And unsociable with girls.

Presenter 2. In the nomination "Mr. Mystery" is awarded ...

8. Two Andryushkas in the classroom

Always smiling

And how will they call to the board,

Stand and smile!

Presenter 1. In the nomination "Mouth to Ears" are awarded ...

9. We are funny ditties

You have now performed:

About myself, about our friendship

And about some of us.

We loved each other

Our friendship is strong.

Our friendship is with us

Moving on to fifth grade!

Presenter 2. And together with us, our parents go to the fifth grade.

1st student.

We are at this hour

Still have to say

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who help us grow

And it will help in many ways,

2nd student.

Parents follow us invisibly:

And in joy, and at the hour,

When trouble came

They seek to protect us from sorrow,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

3rd student.

Forgive us, dear, dear,

We have, besides you,

There are no more people.

As they say, children are the joy in life,

And we are your support in it.

All students sing the song "Oh, Mommy":

Mom said: everyone is obliged to teach,

But she wasted her words.

They didn’t listen to their mothers, we plugged our ears,

Oh, mother, mother, how right you were!

Oh, mommy, we sleighed all day,

We plugged our ears, we did not listen to you,

What we all regret now.

The response word of the parents: "Parental suffering."

Parents sing:

We send our children to school.

Who will take pity on them?

If they roar together?

2. Oh, how good everyone is

The kids are with us.

Nothing to make a noise

In class last time.

3. They flew by unnoticed

These school days.

Look how grown up

Our daughters and sons.

4. And we again have worries:

Pass them on to fifth grade.

We worry again.

Presenter 1. In the nomination "The most active parent» are awarded...

Scene involving parents

Sasha is solving a problem, mom is reading a book, dad is fixing the alarm clock, grandma is napping in a chair.

Here's the damn task

Fought, fought - failure!

Already in the eyes went circles,

Sit down, dad, help!

Keep your head up, son!

You are not alone with your dad.

Sits down for a lesson.

Parts of speech in exercises

We were told to highlight...

Be more careful!

Underline parts of speech?

Let's figure it out somehow.

Sits down for a lesson.

I'll be out for a minute

Where is my jacket?

Lead 2.

Sasha walked cheerfully in the morning,

With a blue bag on my back.

But no fun from school

He returned home.

Mother. What did you bring?

Sasha. See for yourself!

Pasha. No, report first!

Dad - "five", "four" - mom,

And you, grandmother, "two"!

Lead 1.

Well, four years flew by at a gallop,

We have grown, grown stronger, matured,

Solved a lot of difficult problems

They did what they couldn't do before.

Lead 2.

Just went to school

Yes, they sat at the desk,

Yes, they signed in a notebook,

They made a noise during the change,

All friends were heard -

Suddenly vacation for some reason

Here we are attacked.

Teacher. What happens when you add bong and bong together? (bom-bom.)

- And if you put the ding and ding together? (Ding-ding.)

And if you put together bom-bom and ding-ding, what happens? (Bell!)

They carry out a school bell made in the form of a flower. It sounds melodic.

Presenter 1. The bell informed us that we had turned over all the pages of our school life.

All the children go on stage, music sounds.

Lead 2.

It happened...

Apparently, this is fate.

We cannot live without a teacher.

Let's remember the one who these years

The main thing for us

Who accompanied us with knowledge

From class to class.

Who taught us how to solve problems

Add numbers and write essays.

That's all, she did everything

Our first teacher.

Children call the name and patronymic of the teacher in chorus. The teacher takes the stage. The floor is given to the parents.

Children sing the song "Goodbye, school" to the tune "It's getting quieter in the stands ...".

It's getting quieter in our class

You can even hear the beating of hearts.

Goodbye elementary school

This school is a miracle road.

We are sad, we roar, parting,

Remembering happy days

How did we get here as kids?

And how we left you.

Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart

Let's keep friendship

Goodbye, see you again.

In this class, we dreamed

We were led along the path of knowledge.

Here we met our friends,

We made discoveries here.

Do not be sad, our beloved teacher,

We will come running to you again, and more than once,

Let others come to replace us

We are the only one with you.

And there was a lot to discuss. After all, there are a lot of options. You can, for example, go to a cafe with your children. My eldest son had such a graduation format. Tables were laid, the hall was decorated, the children were all at the parade. My husband acted as the host of the event, held competitions for the kids, handed out prizes and generally steered the process. Songs were sung, dances were danced. Basically, it was fun.

Another option is to have a high school graduation. In my own class. I also had to attend such a graduation. At that time, I worked in an agency organizing holidays, and we were “ordered” for it. Tables (or rather desks) were laid right in the classroom. Competitions were held there. And they tried to dance on the small remaining patch. The only plus of such a graduation is its economy. There are no more pluses.

The fact is that children are already at an age when they have their own interests. And in the classroom, too close contact with parents is obtained. And music ... Children want to listen to their own, which is incomprehensible to parents, and sometimes even unpleasant. Mom and dad started to get nervous. As a result, the children went to the next class, turned on their music there and had a party. Parents sat in another class and waited for it all to end. So this is a bad idea, I do not advise anyone.

My friends also released their son from the 4th grade this year. So they all went to nature together. No, not savages, but to a country leisure club. They rented a small cottage there, hired a host. There was also a disco, and contests, and kebabs. They say that it was fun, but, judging by the reviews, it turned out to be quite expensive for the money.

Well, now about what we did on May 28, 2016. Our option turned out to be budgetary, that is, compared to others, it didn’t take much money. We didn’t even need formal-weekend dresses and suits. They took food with them to cover the tables and good mood. We went with the children and our first teacher to a paintball club under open sky. It is located near the city. By the way, this is another plus.

I present to your attention a small photo report from the scene. So, at the appointed hour, we gathered at the appointed place. A bus arrived, in which everyone plunged together and went to meet adventures. We drove for about half an hour. During this half an hour, a heavy downpour managed to pass. More rain did not bother us that beautiful day.

And here we are! We stand and look around.

Photo for memory. All happy and full of strength, ready for battle!

Pine trees were found on the territory of the club, the air was clean and fresh. There were a lot of people, all the pavilions were occupied. Our children immediately ran to look for entertainment. We found a volleyball court. They played there for a while.

Well, then let's get ready for the game.

Paintball is serious business. It's like this war game. With guns that shoot little paintballs. Players are divided into two teams and the task is to hit the players of the opposing team. Naturally, serious preparation is needed before the game, so that everything is safe. The children were wearing protective clothing. Wide pants and jackets. They will not protect against the impact of a ball flying at a frantic speed, but they will protect clothes from paint.

That's how the soldiers learned!

Bulletproof vests were put on to protect their backs and chests from blows. And head masks to protect your face. So you could recognize your child only by shoes)

In order to make it clear who was in which team, they tied ties around their necks. And it turned out to be a yellow team.

And the blue team.

Here they are, our warriors, undergoing a mandatory introductory briefing, at which they explained how to use weapons, what can and cannot be done. The main rule is not to shoot point-blank. As the kids later admitted, they understood little from this briefing. To be honest, I didn't even understand half of it.

But that didn't stop anyone from joining the game.

The process of the game was filmed by instructors who were with the children on the battlefield. There are various defensive structures on the field, behind which you can hide and lie in wait for the enemy.

The battle begins and ends on a special signal.

If you get hit, you raise your hand, declaring yourself hit, and leave the area.

The first affected began to appear within two minutes. When the round ended, it was clear that the former fourth-graders were overwhelmed with emotions and one common desire: “Drink!!!”

There were three rounds in total. After the first one, the kids realized that without a plan, there was no way they could win. They united in circles and began to come up with these plans.

The result was a draw. Friendship won! The children were happy. And, of course, very hungry). The table was already waiting for them.

But no one was going to sit at the tables for a long time. We ran further. Thankfully, there was plenty to do. You could, for example, play table tennis.

Or ride a bungee, take balls, badminton, bicycles. All equipment provided by the club.

At about 8 pm, tired and satisfied, we went home. They got on the bus. The way back was fun. Mostly because the children sang songs. They turned out great!

Well, some decided to take a break)

Arriving at the place, they arranged hugs with the now former teacher.

wish each other have a nice summer and went home.

This is how our graduation went! Fun, unusual and in nature) And how was it for you? Tell me? We are waiting for your comments.

And now, for Have a good mood a song about louboutins from girls from 4 "G", oh ... already 5 "G" class)))

And now I want to congratulate all of you, dear readers, on the fact that summer has come!!! Hooray!!! And all the kids on the holiday, Happy Children's Day! I wish you, kids, good mood, fun, health and fulfillment of desires!

And this is for you! Help yourself)

Friends, I really want you all to be well! Relax this summer so that there is something to remember! Walk, play, buy and go to! Do everything you have been waiting for so long and gain strength for a new, interesting school year!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!