Gifts for the Chinese. what to give to friends and partners in China. Ideas for celebrating Chinese New Year. All Chinese are already returning to work, and in the evenings they arrange small family gala dinners, always with a prayer, after which they go to the temple.

Chinese New Year is a time for gifts, both traditional red envelopes with money (红包 hóngbāo) and ordinary things. But be careful: the impression of even the most generous gift can be spoiled if you hand it without observing special etiquette.

There are basic rules to follow when choosing and giving a gift at any time of the year, but they are especially important during the Chinese New Year.

· Happy c veta吉祥颜色 jixiang yanse

When preparing a gift for the Chinese New Year, you should pay attention to its color, as well as wrapping paper or gift bag. The rules are simple: avoid white as it is associated with funerals, and black or blue as they are synonymous with death. The best choice are red, yellow and gold: they all symbolize wealth and prosperity.

If you want to give an envelope with money for Chinese New Year, do not buy an envelope white color: this is used when giving money for a funeral.

· Happy c ifra吉祥数字 jíxiang shùzì

Another important factor when choosing a gift Chinese superstitions associated with certain numbers. Never give sum of money, which includes four, since the pronunciation of 四 sì ("four") is very close to 死 sǐ ("death"). Eight is considered a lucky number in China, so the ideal amount for a gift would be 88 or 888.

In addition to money, this rule also applies to sets of gifts: do not give sets of four things, but eight gifts are considered to bring good luck.

· Gift giving rules礼品礼仪 lǐ pǐ nlǐ yi

Once you have chosen a gift or settled on a certain amount of money, it is important to remember a few rules to follow when giving (or receiving).

First, when giving or receiving a gift, always use two hands. This custom also traditionally applies to money (when buying something) and business cards. If you are giving a gift, say little present I want to give you. If a gift is given to you, be sure to thank:好漂亮,谢谢!你太客气了 (hǎo piàoliang, xièxie, nǐ tài kèqi le)- how beautiful, thank you, you are very kind!

Secondly, if you are giving money, make sure the banknotes are new. People all over China spend the weeks leading up to the New Year to get new banknotes from banks, as presenting old or torn ones is considered a sign of disrespect. If you donate money large group people or family, always start with the most important (or oldest) person.

It is also known that in China it is considered bad form to open a gift immediately after receiving it. The one who receives the gift is likely to express their gratitude and put the gift aside to open it later in private. Don't take it as disrespect.

What gifts should be given to the Chinese for the Chinese New Year?

If you are invited to celebrate the Chinese New Year in China - in fact, this holiday is called the Spring Festival - your gifts should not be too expensive, there will be enough fruit or good alcohol. Don't forget to put them in nice box or a bag and remember that red and gold are considered the colors of good luck, while white and black are taboo for the holiday.

Gifts for friends

Choice new year gift mostly depends on the closeness of your friendship. Most often they give alcohol, tobacco products, flowers, tea, fruits. If you want something out of the ordinary, you have to think carefully.


If your friends are connoisseurs of good liquor, a bottle of quality liquor might be a great choice.

  • Tobacco products香烟 xiangyan

If the owner smokes, find out what products he prefers. He will be delighted with the packaging of his favorite brand.

  • Tea cha

Most Chinese people love tea. Tea is always a beautiful gesture, whether your hosts are Chinese or not. wrapped in wrapping paper a box of loose tea is much better than tea bags.

  • Fruits水果 shuǐguǒ

Fruit baskets are a common gift for the Chinese and can be found in many supermarkets. But some sellers in the markets at the bottom of ready-made baskets can “hide” spoiled fruits. Therefore, it is better to buy fresh fruits and wrap them in gift wrapping with red ribbon. Giving a box of oranges or a tangerine is also a good idea, as they symbolize wealth and security.

Gifts for the elderly Chinese

Instead of alcohol and tobacco, it is better for the elderly to choose a New Year's gift that will help them feel healthier and make their life more enjoyable.

  • Hat, gloves, scarf or clothing
  • Massage brush or massage foot bath

Gifts for children

A New Year's gift for a child should express your wishes to grow up healthy and smart.

  • sweets, books, school supplies, toys, clothes
  • Red envelopes for children红包hóngbao

10 things that not accepted giving for New Year in China

  • sharp objects dao

To give someone a sharp object means to hint that you want to interrupt ("cut off") the relationship with this person. According to the Chinese proverb, "one sharp blow - two parts", which means the end of the relationship between people.

  • Number 4四字 sìzì

In China, the number 4 (四 sì) sounds similar to the word for death (死 sǐ). Therefore, everything connected with this figure is considered to bring bad luck. Do not give sets of four items. The Chinese do not like this figure so much that in some buildings, for example, in hotels, there is no fourth floor. Often on the door of the rooms of hotels located on this floor, 8 is written in front of the four.

  • Shoes鞋子 xiezi

Giving shoes to Chinese people on New Year's is a bad idea because the word "shoes" (鞋 xié) sounds like Chinese exactly like "evil" (邪 xié). In addition, shoes are what we walk in. Like a gift it's not the best option. It is better to choose something else.

  • Handkerchiefs手帕 shǒupa

The Chinese usually give handkerchiefs at the end of the funeral, which symbolizes goodbye forever. Handing such a present to your friend, you seem to be hinting that you want to part with him, break the connection forever.

  • Watchzhong

In Chinese, "giving a watch" (送钟 sòng zhōng) sounds the same as "attending a funeral" (送终 sòng zhōng), and is therefore considered a bad luck gift. In addition, the clock often symbolizes the lack of time. This is especially emphasized if the person to whom you plan to give a gift is older than you. Both wrist and Wall Clock do not give to friends from China.

  • Pearsli

Gifting fruit is a good idea, but pears are an exception. The Chinese word for "pears" (梨 lí) sounds the same as "care" or "break" (离 lí).

  • cut flowershua

It is customary to give cut flowers for funerals, but not for the New Year! This is especially true for yellow chrysanthemums and any white flowers that symbolize death. In Chinese culture, white is considered to bring bad luck (funeral), so white flowers should not be chosen for the New Year.

  • Umbrellas雨伞 yǔ sǎ n

Umbrellas are also best idea, since the word for "umbrella" (伞 sǎn) in Chinese is consonant with the word for "parting" (散 sàn). Such a gift may mean that you want to stop communicating with this person.

Typical Chinese New Year Greetings

Any wish must begin with the words: 我想祝你…… wǒ xiǎng zhù nǐ, and then add a wish of four characters. This traditional version congratulations in China. If you want to wish a happy holiday in advance, use the phrase 我想预祝你…… wǒ xiǎng yùzhù nǐ……

  • 恭喜发财 — gōng xǐ fā cái Happiness and prosperity
  • 万事如意 - wàn shì rú yì - Fulfillment of all your desires
  • 长命百岁 - cháng mìng bǎi suì - For long years life!
  • 天天开心 - tiān tiān kāi xīn - every day, enjoy life every day
  • 合家欢乐 - hé jiā huān lè - May your whole family be happy!
  • 心想事成 - xīn xiǎng shì chéng - May all your wishes come true!
  • 好运连连 - hǎo yùn liánlián - May good luck always accompany you!
  • 财源广进 — cái yuán guǎng jìn A lot of money
  • 年年有余 - nián nián yǒu yú Annual profit
  • 吉星高照 - jí xīng gāo zhào - Good luck (shiny lucky star)
  • 吉祥如意 - jí xiáng rú yì good luck (wish you all the best)
  • 金玉满堂 - jīn yù mǎn táng - "may wealth fill your house"
  • 迎春接福 - yíng chún jiē fú - "New Year's luck"

New Year's greetings related to health

  • 龙马精神 — lóng mǎ jīng shén Dragon and horse powers
  • 身体健康 - shēn tǐ jiàn kāng healthy body
  • 精灵活泼 - jīng líng huó pō Cheerful spirit (especially used for children under 10 years old, wishing them to be active and smart)

Chinese new year greetings for work and business

  • 生意兴隆 (shēng yì xīng lóng) Prosperous business
  • 万事如意 (wàn shì rú yì) Good luck in everything you do
  • 工作顺利 (gōng zuò shùn lì) smooth work
  • 事业有成 (shì yè yǒu chéng) Good luck in your career
  • 平步青云 (píng bù qīng yún) of Rapid Ascent (in career)

Congratulations on your studies

  • 学业有成 (xué yè yǒu chéng) Successfully complete school
  • 学习进步 (xué xí jìn bù) Success in your studies


  • 祝贺大家…… (zhù hè dàjiā……) – to congratulate everyone on something
  • 过春节 (guò chūnjié) - celebrate Chinese New Year (Spring Festival)
  • 贴对联 (tiē duì lián) - stick paired inscriptions
  • 贴福字 (tiē fú zì ) - stick the hieroglyph of happiness
  • 放鞭炮 (fàng biānpào) - to shoot firecrackers
  • 给……送礼物 (gěi……sòng lǐwù) – to give gifts
  • 给……送红包 (gěi……sòng hóngbāo) – to give red envelopes
  • 打灯笼 (dǎ dēnglong) - to light and carry out red lanterns
  • 吃年夜饭 (chī nián yè fàn) - to eat New Year's Eve dinner

On the Chinese New Year, following our usual holiday from December 31 to January 1, more and more people exchange gifts. Presents that are relevant to the Eastern New Year and Eastern culture bring good luck, happiness and money in any part of the globe.

Chinese New Year

Thanks to current trends, many customs and rituals of the Eastern New Year were borrowed by Europeans from Asian countries.

According to the rules, the Chinese New Year is supposed to be celebrated between January 21 and February 21. This tradition is connected with the fact that Eastern culture is firmly based on the lunar calendar. In total, the New Year is celebrated by the Chinese and neighboring countries for 15 days, and the first day of the holiday necessarily falls on the second New Moon after winter solstice 21 December.

Usually, the fifteen-day holiday marathon is not celebrated in its entirety by Western cultures, but the Chinese celebrate the New Year in a strict tradition. That is why in the Celestial Empire there are special days off, provided even for those who work outside home country- Chinese workers are allowed to go home for 15 days, showing respect for their culture.

Gifts that bring good luck and money

According to Eastern beliefs, gifts depend primarily on which animal will patronize the next year and which element corresponds to it. The Chinese give toys and images of these patron animals. Such a thing - protective talisman for a year of good fortune.

Bring good luck and money will help Red color- Eastern traditions oblige to give more red things for the New Year to scare away evil spirit and call on the help of good spirits. According to the masters of Feng Shui - and this doctrine is closely related to Chinese traditions New Year - red tones also bring money.

Very popular in Western countries is such a gift as bouquet of flowers. According to the rules, flowers must be packed in accordance with the holiday - the same red color is chosen as the dominant one.

Good luck and money will bring coins. You can give rare copies of coins or souvenirs that have a similar shape. In any case, such a gift will also be very "oriental".

You can also pay attention to Toad with a coin or Hotei- these are ancient talismans of well-being and prosperity in the countries of the East.

Chinese New Year is special holiday in Eastern culture. The traditions of the Celestial Empire have existed and have been preserved for more than one thousand years. Be happy and respect the cultural values ​​of the whole world. We wish you success, and do not forget to press the buttons and

23.01.2016 01:10

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Making the right gift, following the traditions of another culture, is not easy. In China, there is a taboo for certain types of gifts (). Let's now look at what is good and right to give. Choose these gifts to Chinese friends and colleagues, give to acquaintances and friends in Chinese New Year!

Buying gifts for Chinese friends can be real problem outside of China, when it is not clear how conscientiously people adhere to traditional customs. There is a lot written about gift etiquette in China, but this guide will help you choose good gift.

Gifts for friends

The choice of a New Year's gift for friends is based mainly on the closeness of your friendship. Formal relationships with traditional people in serious cases require the most traditional gifts, while the random relationship with modern people in informal relationships require less traditional gifts.

The key concept to keep in mind is that your gift is a symbol of the strength of your relationship. Exactly thoughtfulness a gift matters, not necessarily its value.

Alcohol, tobacco, flowers, tea, or fruits are general gifts. If you want to be more original, you need to be more careful.

Chinese New Year Gifts

Tea A: Most Chinese people love tea. Tea is to the Chinese what coffee is to the Americans. Tea as a gift is always a nice gesture, whether your friends are Chinese or not. A beautifully wrapped box of loose tea is much better than tea bags.

Fruits: fruit baskets are common and the right gift for your Chinese counterparts and can be found in many major stores.

In traditional Chinese medicine, massage is gentle and efficient way restore your strength. You can give a high-quality comb for head massage, or a hydro massager, a foot bath that will improve blood circulation, bring warmth in a cold winter.

Gifts for children

The key to choosing a Christmas gift for kids is choosing an item that can express your good wishes children - both for their healthy growth and for quick wits.

Candies: Carry candy with you during the Chinese New Year celebrations to be able to give treats to the children you encounter.

school supplies: pens, notebooks and notebooks, nice box with brushes and paints for drawing (if children are fond of painting) - a useful and pleasant surprise.

Books: encyclopedias or something from the world's great classics, perfectly matched to the interests and age of the child, highly recommended as a gift, will express your best wishes for the future.

Toys: a quality toy is also nice gift for children, such as a Barbie doll for a little girl, or a set of figures depicting an Asian family, and a remote-controlled car for little boy. Chess set, dominoes on different languages, big puzzle or other board game- a good gift for a teenager.

Clothes: If you are close enough with the family, you can buy their children a set of clothes as a gift.

And it is desirable to give a gift in a red festive package. Red paper and gold ribbon is the most classic color combination.

Things Not to Give as a Christmas Gift

There are some things that should never be given to Chinese friends. Do not buy them, otherwise your friends may break up with you.

And in short, do not give in China: things in black or white (the lucky color in China is red). Necklaces: do not give necklaces to friends and acquaintances; the Chinese believe that things like necklaces, ties and belts are associated with intimate relationship, give these things only to your couple. You can not give a man a green headdress. Never give watches, shoes, cut flowers, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, towels, or sharp objects such as knives and scissors. All of them symbolize various variations of bad luck, death and separation.

Avoid the number 4. Even numbers are generally better than odd numbers, and sets of 6 or 8 are particularly favorable.

Do not sign the card or gift card in red ink (it means death).

Don't forget to remove the price tag from the gift. A gift with a price tag is a hint to the recipient that the gift is expensive and that you expect a gift of equal value.

Don't give the gift in public, especially if you're only giving the gift to one person in the group (to avoid embarrassment, favoritism, etc.).

Don't visit a recently grieving family on New Year's Day if chinese family held a funeral less than a month before the Chinese New Year as it brings bad luck (bringing more funerals in the coming year).

Take with you couple gifts, as the Chinese believe that good things should be paired.

Gift giving is challenging under any circumstances, and especially when there is a cultural element potentially at play. important role. Take these recommendations into account and you will be able to choose the most winning gift.

  • 10 Taboos During Chinese New Year Celebrations

The amazing country of China: a magical combination modern technologies And centuries old traditions. And a culture that has remained unchanged since its inception.

National holidays are generally something special. , for example, by Eastern calendar does not have a fixed date and depends on the movement of the moon. It is one of the most important and ancient traditional holidays in the underworld.

When is New Year celebrated in China?


It usually falls on the first new moon of the year sometime between January 21st and February 21st. Each coming year symbolizes one of the twelve animals, which correspond to the five elements. 2018 will be marked Earth dog and will start on February 16th.

How is New Year celebrated in China?


The Chinese people are very carefully preparing for the holiday. The streets are decorated with red lanterns, flowers, and houses and apartments thematic pictures and garlands.

These days, theatrical performances, spectacular carnivals, fairs and pyrotechnic shows are held in the country. The Chinese are generally noisy people, so there is no way without loud crackers of fireworks and fireworks. It is believed that they scare away evil spirits, and the louder the clap, the further the unclean will run away.

This belief is connected with the ancient legend about the Nian monster, which every year came out of the raging sea depths and devastated the Chinese villages, eating every living thing in its path. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, local residents tried to leave their homes and hid in the mountains. Until one day an old man came to one of these villages. He asked to be taken in, but everyone was very busy and did not pay any attention to him. special attention. And only one old woman received him in her house. She began to tell him about the monster and persuaded him to run away with them. But the old man asked permission to stay, promising in return to rid the inhabitants of the terrible beast once and for all.

In the evening, when everyone left, he put on red clothes, took crackers and went out into the street to meet the monster. And when Nian came to the village, he was terribly frightened by the bright red color, the lights and the noise. He rushed out of the village and never showed up again.

Since then, the people of China have been celebrating the holiday in red dresses and with a huge number of firecrackers and fireworks. The celebration lasts for 2 weeks, and the country looks bright and beautiful these days.

Chinese New Year: traditions and customs.


A couple of days before the New Year, the Chinese arrange a global cleaning in the house, after which all brooms and mops must be hidden in a secluded place and not touched until the end of the holiday. Because there is a belief that the gods on this night shower the inhabitants of China with gold dust, which brings good luck and prosperity. And if this dust is accidentally cleaned up, then it will turn into ash and expect trouble.

On the eve of the holiday, everyone gathers with the family. Most Chinese return to their homeland during this period to celebrate with their parents in the place where they grew up.

We have already talked about the love of red. But it is also an important tradition. On New Year's Eve, it can be found everywhere: red lanterns, firecrackers. And even congratulations for friends and relatives, the Chinese write on red paper.

Another interesting custom- hang New Year's paired inscriptions and hieroglyphs on doors and gates with wishes of good and good luck.

Midnight or early morning next day the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire eat a dish very similar to our dumplings. They sculpt them themselves, try to make them with the whole family. Children especially like this activity, because in the process of modeling they put dates or coins in them - for good luck.

What is customary to give for the new year in China?


Traditionally, these are money in red envelopes, or paired gizmos, symbolizing harmony and unity in the family.

The word mandarin is consonant with the Chinese word for gold, which means it attracts wealth and success. Therefore, a basket of tangerines is also one of the most popular gifts for the New Year.

If you are not indifferent to the East, to antiquity, if you miss good and bright traditions, then you can safely go to this amazing country. The Chinese New Year will give you a lot of incredible positive and wonderful memories.

2019 is the year of the pig according to the eastern calendar.

In 2019, the Chinese New Year according to the Eastern calendar is celebrated on the night of February 4-5, at 24:00.

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival: (Chinese New Year, Spring Festival, 春节, 过年) - the most important holiday in China, the date of the celebration of which is determined by the lunar calendar, in 2019 it falls on February 5th.

The Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Festival, has over 4,000 years of history. It is the greatest and most important holiday of the year for the Chinese, let's see why:

  • Time for a family reunion

The Chinese New Year is a celebration of the reunion of the entire family clan, similar to how they do it on Christmas in the West, only on a larger scale: on the eve of the new year, all the masses leave the cities to meet for family table in his hometown. What causes a traffic collapse for many weeks before and after the new year.

In most organizations in China, holidays last from 7 to 15 days, and schoolchildren and students go on vacation for a whole month.

Traditionally, the celebration lasts 15 days from the 1st to the 15th day of the first lunar month, and it is customary for the people to start preparations even earlier - from the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month.

  • The holiday owes its origin to the monster "Nian"

The holiday originates from the time of the Shang Dynasty (17-11 centuries BC). Back then, the festival was held to banish the Nian monster, which loved to devour children, supplies, and livestock. The monster was afraid of the color red and loud sound, so people decorated their houses red and set off many fireworks to drive it away.

Chinese New Year dates

When is Chinese New Year? Based on lunar calendar, the festival does not have a fixed date, and it changes every year, but mostly falls on a day from January 21st to February 20th in the Gregorian calendar.

The lunar calendar also determines the 12-year repeating cycle of the eastern zodiac, and each year belongs to an animal.

How long is the Chinese New Year? The festival lasts 15 days: from the Spring Festival to the Lantern Festival.

How is Chinese New Year celebrated?

Preparations begin seven days before the Chinese New Year, and the holiday itself lasts until the Lantern Festival, which falls on the 15th day of the new year.

The Chinese have a daily to-do list to follow during the holiday. important days- Eve and the first day, these days they arrange a festive feast and fireworks.

▷ 23rd day of the last lunar month (8 days before the new year)

Making offerings to the kitchen god

General cleaning in the house

Holiday shopping, buying new year attributes,

▷ Chinese New Year's Eve:

Preparing red envelopes, family reunion dinner, watching festive TV programs, launching fireworks.

▷ 1st day of the first lunar month:

Launching fireworks, cooking and eating dumplings or nengao (sweet treat), visiting relatives.

▷ 2nd day:

Worship God of Wealth, married daughters visit the parents' house (the first day should be spent with the groom's family).

▷ Day 5:

Greeting the deity of wealth and prosperity, visiting friends.

Day 15 (Lantern Festival):

On the last day of the new year, the Lantern Fair is held and sweet stuffed rice balls are cooked and eaten.

Events on the eve of the holiday

Before spring festival each family does a thorough cleaning of the house and goes shopping. Gift red envelopes are being prepared, various new Year decoration for the home, red ribbons are hung on the door calling for good luck and wealth.

Also, be sure to buy new clothes, especially for children, it is very important for the Chinese to celebrate the new year in everything new. During a family dinner on the eve of the Lunar New Year, northern Chinese eat dumplings, while southerners eat Nyangao 年糕 (cookies made from glutinous rice and flour). All family members exchange red envelopes with money.

Why is red so popular in China? Red symbolizes happiness, prosperity and good luck in Chinese culture.

Do's and Don'ts for Chinese New Year

At the beginning of the Lunar New Year, the Chinese in their daily activities try to set the pace of their lives on next year, as they say: as you meet the new year, so you will spend it. During the whole holiday, it is forbidden to pronounce such words as "death", "loss", "murder", "ghost" and "disease".

During the entire Chinese New Year it is forbidden:

    Breaking things - you will be away from your family all year.

    Crying is bringing bad luck.

    Take medicine - the whole year will be in illness.

  • Borrowing and lending money will bring financial losses next year.
  • Wash your hair - wash off wealth (in Chinese, the words hair and wealth are synonyms).

    Sweep - sweep good luck.

    Use scissors - quarrels with people.

    Eat porridge - bring poverty.

gifts for chinese new year

What to give for the Spring Festival in China:

  1. Alcoholic drinks
  2. Cigarettes
  3. Tea and Fruit
  4. Cosmetics and products for longevity (balms, swallow's nests)
  5. Red envelopes with money (in no case should the amounts contain the number 4, the amount with a large number of eights is welcome).
How to give gifts correctly: Gifts for Chinese New Year are better to buy in red boxes, or pack in a red wrapper. The combination of yellow and red in China is also considered extremely auspicious. Black and white should be avoided as they are considered mourning colors.

The number is also of great importance, since numerology plays a huge role in China, and there is a certain meaning behind each number. The Chinese believe that all good things must come in pairs, so gifts are also given in pairs, such as two packs of cigarettes or two bottles of rice wine. If you decide to give a red envelope with money, it is best that the numbers are multiples: 8 (the most revered number in China, consonant with the word wealth), 6 or 9, for example, you can put 68, 288, 688, 999 yuan in the envelope Follow beware of the number 4, this is an unlucky number, and is consonant with the word death.

Congratulations on the Chinese New Year:

春节快乐 (chūn jié kuài lè) - Happy New Year!
新年快乐 (xīn nián kuài lè) - Happy New Year!
恭喜发财 (gōng xǐ fā cái) - I wish you great wealth!
一凡风顺年年好,万事如意步步高!心想事成大吉大利! - I wish you success in all your endeavors, and the fulfillment of all desires, so that prosperity increases every year! I wish you happiness and prosperity!

What can not be given to the Chinese:

  1. Umbrellas
  2. Shoes
  3. Pears
  4. sharp objects
  5. Chrysanthemums.

Where to meet the Spring Festival?

In China, each province has its own traditions and activities that are held during the celebration of this grandiose festival. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an with authentic festivities are great places to visit while on vacation. But still, we advise for a while Chinese holidays choose another country to visit, since most of the establishments in China are closed at this time, the vast majority of local residents leave the cities, and tickets for all types of transport become scarce.

Chinese New Year celebrations in other countries

The festival is celebrated not only in China, but also in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, some Asian countries such as Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam, as well as Chinatowns in the US, Canada, UK and Australia. Celebration traditions in different places gradually modified under the influence of local characteristics and become unique.