Gift for a christening. How to choose the right christening gift for a newborn baby? Icon for the baptism of a child

Orthodoxy has many saints and bright holidays which every believer reveres. There are also individual family holidays, significant dates - for example, the christening of a child who has appeared in the family. Parents and relatives carefully prepare for this day and think over what to give the baby. In this case, the sacrament and gifts are subject to special requirements that must be observed in order for the gifts to become a talisman and provide the child with God's protection.

The baptism of the child and the naming of his church name - compulsory procedure for most families. Since ancient times, people believe that the sacred ritual will help protect the baby from evil and find him his own life path.

What do godparents give on a bright day?

Often, guests invited to christening hesitate in choosing a gift. In order to choose it correctly, in compliance with Orthodox traditions, one must have an idea about the features of gifts. They are conditionally divided into two groups: mandatory and typical. By tradition, it is customary to give obligatory Orthodox gifts, which are most appropriate on such a holiday. What is the best gift for a child on this day?

By Orthodox custom the baby for the sacrament of baptism is dressed in special clothes: christening gown and bonnet. It has become a tradition to give it God-parents. It will be most valuable if the godmother herself sews or knits garments, since during the ceremony most of the time she holds the godson in her arms.

Also, the godmother must necessarily give kryzhma - a cut light fabric, it can be a sheet or a towel. It is necessary to wrap the baby after diving into the font. In the future, kryzhma becomes a talisman and Orthodox traditions it must be kept for life. Kryzhma is forbidden to be used for domestic needs, it cannot be washed.

Currently, you can buy special interesting kryzhma with the name of the child, the date of baptism, decorated with embroidery, Orthodox symbols. When purchasing kryzhma, one must pay attention not only to beauty, but also to the hygiene of the fabric. It must be made from soft tissue, with well-processed seams, qualitatively sewn decorative elements, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the baby.

The icon is a wonderful gift for christening

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Compulsory gifts are cross and chain. They, according to the Orthodox tradition, are given to the baby by the godfather - this is an important offering for christening. It does not matter what material the first cross will be made of, because later it can be changed, but the first cross must be stored as a child's amulet. The chain, which is presented together with the cross, is still stored separately, since for the first time it is better to replace it with a convenient ribbon.

While the child is small, the chain can interfere with him, so it is better to store it separately until a more conscious age. The cross in this case is worn on a strong silk ribbon or cord

In Orthodoxy, icons are revered as the main significant gift for baptism. With them, too, you need to thoughtfully approach the gift. Before acquiring an icon, you should think carefully about which one is best for giving a baby. You can consult with the priest of the church where the gift is purchased - he will tell you about the purpose of each icon.

  • Generally accepted gifts are icons depicting saints, especially with the face of the patron saint of the baby. It can be presented in the form of a "measured" icon, the height of which corresponds to the growth of the baby.
  • An icon of a guardian angel is placed at the head of the child, helping a person and protecting him from adversity.
  • The best offering is the icon of the Mother of God, whose exalted face inspires the soul of the child with true thoughts, directs him to good deeds.
  • Another wonderful gift for christening is the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which helps, heals and protects. You can also place it next to the baby's bed.

Other Orthodox Gifts

In addition to the main obligatory gifts in the form of baptismal clothes, icons and crosses, other gifts can be offered. They will be a magnificent offering on this auspicious day:

  • A good rare gift will be a prayer embroidered on a duvet cover or blanket for the baby. Such an offering will not leave anyone indifferent, it will be with the child for a long time.
  • As a gift, an amulet is well suited, which is attached to clothes, but for an infant, for safety, it can be placed with reverse side mattress. She is revered as a special property to protect the soul from anxiety and not to stray from the true path.
  • Often children are given a Bible with colorful pictures. Subsequently, it becomes a necessary book in education.

Bible adapted for children's perception - great gift. When the baby grows up a little, he will be happy to look at pictures and listen to heartfelt stories.

Typical gifts for both a boy and a girl

For christening, you can give presents that will please the baby and his parents, will be useful in their lives. It is permissible to give them without regard to the gender of the child. Such significant gifts for both the boy and the girl will be educational toys or a rug - they remind of the main event in the life of the family for a long time and help the mother in raising the baby. In addition to toys, household items can become gifts for godchildren:

  • children's night light in the form of a funny little animal;
  • beautiful bedding;
  • blanket, pillow;
  • bib with the name of the baby.

Often, close relatives, grandparents give silverware for christening, for example, a silver spoon, which is presented to the baby “by the tooth”. According to tradition, silver helps faster teething, destroys microbes.

Other typical gifts are various interesting items that will please not so much the child as his loved ones. Common ones include:

  • Precious coins that become investment coins, as they are considered a monetary gift.
  • Close relatives can present things necessary for a growing baby: a stroller, crib, playpen, car seat.
  • An interesting gift item will be a set for making traces of legs and handles, which can be stored for a very long time.
  • Guests will please mom and dad if they present a photo album with photos of the christening.
  • A baptismal personalized cake is a good choice as a surprise.
  • A successful gift will be a cash certificate from a children's store.
  • The organization of a celebration for the celebration of a bright day is suitable.

It happens that it was not possible to purchase a gift, then it is permissible to give money, and the baby's parents will buy it on their own the right thing. It is important that typical gifts are best presented after consulting with the crumbs' parents.

What do they give a girl for christening?

Mandatory gifts for baptism are common, and there are also corresponding to the gender of the baby.

  • The differences are minor, but keep in mind that for the goddaughter, christening clothes and kryzhma are traditionally decorated with ribbons Pink colour.
  • As Orthodox gifts, it is customary for a goddaughter to present an image of her patroness, a spoon with Christian symbols or the name of a girl.
  • Items of children's clothing for "growth" are well suited, as the baby grows quickly, as well as suitable toys for the girl - dolls, soft animals. Beautiful collectible doll would also look good as a gift.

Christening gifts are not limited to the standard set of things: relatives can present the baby with clothes, toys, memorabilia

special rules there are no gifts about giving presents, only the requirements for Orthodox gifts: kryzhma is presented to the godmother, a cross is given godfather.

What to give a boy for christening?

Mandatory godparent gifts for a baptized boy will differ little from gifts for a girl.

  • Unlike girls, christening clothes and kryzhma are decorated with blue ribbons.
  • The main colors of the boy's cap and shirt are white or beige, with the blessing of the priest, blue is allowed.
  • Godparents can present the godson with an amulet or a golden pin from the evil eye, a small icon with the Savior, the Mother of God, the guardian angel, the Holy Trinity.
  • Orthodox gifts are the same as those of a girl: a children's Bible, a personalized icon, a book with a biography of the patron saint - are presented by relatives or guests invited to christening.

When presenting a gift to a boy for christening, one must remember that it is not so much its value and purpose that are important, but the feelings of the giver. A gift given with good intentions will keep the love of everyone who was next to the child on a bright day.

If you consult with relatives of the godson, then the circle of gifts can expand significantly. It can be household items for baby care, furniture, clothes. The most versatile items will be educational toys, books, bedding - everything that will last for a long time and benefit the baby.

Very useful as christening offerings will be items for "growth" such as swings, equipment for physical development, bike. From relatives are possible good means cosmetics for the baby, as they are necessary for the care of the baby. Compliance with all traditions will make the holiday an unforgettable event in the life of the whole family.

The brightest and holiest day for every Christian is his christening. All relatives and friends of the family in which such a sacrament is to take place prepare for this event and carefully consider what to give for christening newborn. After all, you can present hackneyed typical gifts, or you can give something that is symbolic and obligatory in the implementation of such a ritual. And compliance with the requirements for the ceremony is a sacred duty. loving parents in relation to the child. These customs are designed to ensure his life under God's protection.

  • Cross
  • Kryzhma
  • Icon
  • Baby clothes
  • Pillows, blankets
  • Embroidered linen
  • children's bible
  • amulet
  • Sweets
  • Silver spoon "on a tooth"
  • Walkers
  • Books, toys
  • Measured icon
  • Money

For a Christian, such an important life moment as christening becomes his new birth.

What to give for christening: obligatory gifts

According to Orthodox traditions, a person should be baptized in infancy. As a result of such a religious ceremony, the baby acquires his spiritual father and mother - godparents. For a Christian, such an important life moment as christening becomes his new birth. As well as on any other holiday, on the day of baptism it is customary to give a new convert different gifts. But on this day standard set of toys, clothes and sweets will not be the best gift. After all, as with any other religious ceremony, many attributes are prescribed for christening. One of them is a crucifix pectoral cross), as well as kryzhma.

Kryzhma is a piece of white plain fabric, a towel or a sheet, which serves to wrap a baby in it after dipping into holy water. After the baptism, the kryzhma will become a talisman for a person, which should be kept throughout life. According to tradition, this flap can neither be used in everyday life nor washed. It is generally accepted that krizhma, as a result of the rite of baptism, is endowed with the properties of a magical plan. For example, if a child falls ill, it will be enough to cover him with this cloth, as he will soon recover. IN Orthodox world there is even a sign: "Whoever can save the kryzhma, he will be able to save his happiness."

After the baptism, the kryzhma will become a talisman for a person, which should be kept throughout life.

It used to be customary to use a piece of plain white fabric under the roof. Today, factories produce many special beautiful kryzhma for baptism. You can also use high-quality white towels for this purpose, embroidered not only with the name of the baby, but even with the date of baptism. You will never confuse such a kryzhma with a simple sheet, and it will be more than pleasant and convenient to store throughout your life. In addition, in such a terry cloth cover, the baby will be warm and dry. For ease of storage, along with the embroidered according to church canons, cute comfortable bags are also sold. In addition to this ritual fabric, it will be possible to store baptismal candles and packed baby curl from the tonsure.

You will never confuse such a kryzhma with a simple sheet, and it will be more than pleasant and convenient to store throughout your life.

One of the most important gifts for christening - icons. But they are also different. So what icon to give for christening the best thing? After all, both parents and close relatives - everyone wishes the baby happiness, everyone is worried about the fate of the child and that all the holy forces protect him. Giving a newborn an icon is not just about decorating the interior with a new detail. The one who gives the icon becomes a direct participant in the sacrament of holy baptism, partaking of the truth of belief and Divine Communion. A Christian sign says that an icon donated on a name day is a ray of great faith brought into the house for a person overcome by doubts, it is a gift of hope for his spiritual enlightenment, it is a deliverance from loneliness within himself. Prayer to your saint is never unanswered. A the best place for the icon in the children's room - at the level of the baby's eyes, so that the image is always visible to him. It is designed to protect the baby from the evil eye and bad influence, which may be unknowingly exerted on him by any of the guests. Also contemplation with early years the holy image should instill in the child a spiritual perception of the world.

One of the most important christening gifts is icons.

For serene sound sleep it is customary to put an icon by the cradle with the image of the Guardian Angel - the saint who gave his name to the baby at baptism and invisibly follows the person all his life, helping in difficult times and protecting from misfortunes and troubles. Any icon of the Virgin will do. This holy face will inspire pure thoughts and send the baby everything only the brightest and kindest in life. You can also choose the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. As a gift, she will never become unnecessary.

In addition to such sacred items, very often guests present parents with a kind of "suitcase" with cute outfits for the baby. It is possible and simple - to give a beautiful children's suit or dress with individual embroidery dedicated to the birthday.

A simple bib can also become very touching if you embroider an image of an angel and the name of a baby on it. Similarly, a baptismal pillowcase is prepared with an embroidered name of the baby and the date of his christening. Thanks to modern technologies very simple and fast to manufacture became such original gift like a pillow with a collage of photos of the parents and godparents of the baby, a pillow with images of angels or even the faces of saints.

What to give a girl for christening

As expected, gifts for babies on the day of baptism are common, and sometimes they are suitable for the specific gender of the child. Choosing what to get a girl for christening, if you are her future godparents, you must take into account that there are items that godparents must provide for the ritual, and not someone else. Godmother be sure to give a kryzhma, a lace cap and a baptismal dress in order to dress the girl after the ceremony.

The godmother necessarily gives a kryzhma, a lace cap and a baptismal dress in order to dress the girl after the ceremony.

These things are decorated with pink ribbons, as well as inconspicuous delicate embroidery. Absolutely perfect option- a set that is sewn or knitted by the godmother herself. The godfather usually gives a pectoral cross and a chain, previously consecrated in the temple. The metal of these products should not be specified: the godfather, at his choice, gives either silver or gold. You can give just a cross on a string or satin ribbon, and already a chain of precious metal give later, because it will not be comfortable for the baby.

A colorful children's Bible can be a successful and even valuable gift for a girl.

In addition to the mandatory list of what to give for christening goddaughter, a successful and even valuable gift for a girl can be a colorful children's Bible, as well as an icon or amulet, which depicts the Holy Patroness, whose name was given to the girl at baptism. And, of course, clothes, toys, sweets and many other necessary useful things for the goddaughter and godfathers. Also, your functions include paying for the rite, donating to the temple and financial aid in organizing a feast for the holiday. It is the godfather who must remind his parents of this responsibility, who may not be very comfortable telling him about it.

Also, your functions include paying for the ceremony, donating to the temple and financial assistance in organizing a feast for the holiday.

If you are invited to the christening as a guest, then you are also given a great honor. After all, for the celebration of baptism, as for a warm family celebration V close circle, invite the dearest relatives and only closest friends. Accordingly, you need to choose a suitable gift for christening, which will justify the trust placed in you. From close relatives for a girl, a silver spoon, which is also called a “tooth spoon”, will be a good gift.

From close relatives for a girl, a silver spoon, which is also called a “tooth spoon”, will be a good gift.

Often it is given already when the girl should have her first tooth. Best of all, when it will be presented by the grandfather or grandmother of the baby. But since today baptism is often carried out at the age of a child much older than an infant, such a little thing will be appropriate even if you are a relative, but a cousin, or simply a friend of the girl's parents. This valuable gift will always be memorable, especially if it is engraved with Christian symbols or the baby's name. And how pleasant it will be for you to observe as the baby grows up, that she likes your gift, that she knows and remembers who gave it.

Of the best gifts for a girl's christening, the most successful are gold or silver earrings that a girl can wear in her childhood, and even when she grows up.

From that what to give for christening girls are best, the most successful are gold or silver earrings that a girl can wear in childhood, and even when she grows up. Any children's clothes, good bed linen, toys are also suitable - all this is also important, because the baby is growing up quickly and needs new clothes and bed linen, and as for toys, there simply cannot be many of them.

There are never too many toys!

When you can’t finally decide on a gift, you can always ask the girl’s parents a question: what would they like to receive as a gift for their daughter’s christening. This will help you present a uniquely practical and necessary thing. And another option is the money that the baby's parents will spend on their own for her benefit. That is, strict lists and rules about what to give a child for christening, is not spelled out anywhere, the only exceptions are the kryzhma, presented by the godmother, and the pectoral cross, donated by the godfather.

There are no strict lists and rules about what to give a child for christening, the only exceptions are the kryzhma presented by the godmother and the pectoral cross donated by the godfather.

The most important thing in this matter is that your gift becomes useful or memorable, and the best option- both a useful and a memorable thing in one gift. There are no special prohibitions on any offerings. And according to church canons on this holiday, the main gift for the baby will be a pair of godparents, whom she will receive during the sacred ceremony. It is they who are called upon to be near, to be able to support and protect the goddaughter, to teach her everything and direct her on the right, true path.

What to give a boy for christening

On this most solemn and important day in the life of every person, when the sacrament of baptism is performed, he acquires a guardian angel. In order not to leave the baby without holy guardianship, all parents try to baptize him as quickly as possible. You are faced with a choice what to give a boy for christening? As with girls, it may be church-approved traditional present: Bible, inscribed amulets and icons. They can be given by all the guests who were invited to the celebration. When the boy is still very small, then the best gift will be a brightly and colorfully illustrated children's Bible. The icon of the Patron can be supplemented with a small biography book, from which the boy, having become older, will learn everything about his saint.

Like a girl, godparents should give the boy a kryzhma, a cross, as well as a cap and a shirt to match the kryzhma. Gift decoration - lace and blue ribbons. The main colors acceptable for such a set are, of course, white, as well as "milky" and beige, and with the permission of the priest, pale blue is also allowed. Also, choosing what to give a godson for christening, you are not only ruined financially, but, most importantly, you are trying to contribute to the spiritual cultivation of the future real man - your godson.

When you try to move away from existing traditions, the range of gift choice is greatly expanded. These can be things for the boy “for growth”, and gifts that will be useful to him today. Again, it is allowed to discuss the idea of ​​​​a future gift with the baby's parents so that the thing turns out to be the most useful to him. And the most versatile gifts suitable in any case are educational toys, children's books, clothing sets, bedding, walkers and everything that can serve the boy for quite a long time and bring the greatest benefit.

When you try to move away from existing traditions, the range of gift choice is greatly expanded.

Useful and good gift- swings, equipment for the physical development of the baby and even a tricycle, because you are dealing with a boy, albeit a tiny one so far. Cosmetics and hygiene items for the baby are also acceptable from close people, because they understand better than other guests not only what will be useful in the near future in caring for the boy, but also what is needed at this time. If you are faced with a dilemma: a gift or money, then it is better to give preference in favor of the first. You can choose another option - money and a small gift, at least a toy. After all, the money will soon be spent, and the donated thing will remain as a memory of the christening - an event that happens only once in a lifetime. And regardless of the chosen gift for the future man, the main thing is to give it with pure thoughts, with all my heart, with all the love and kindness to the baby.

From close people, cosmetics and hygiene items are also acceptable for the baby.

In the list of that, it is important to remember an interesting, slightly forgotten attribute of baptism - a measured icon, the Patroness of the child. This spiritual gift came to us from ancient times, and is an icon painted on a special oak board the size of a baby. It must be placed by the baby's crib so that early childhood he could communicate spiritually with his Patron Saint. One of the most special meaningful gifts for both parents and the baby - a bag for his very first curl - christening. After all, during baptism, the priest first washes the baby, and then performs another part of the sacrament - shearing locks of hair. This curl symbolizes the betrayal of man himself into slavery to God. By the way, there are many beliefs with these cut hairs. And for the most part, they are reduced to the fact that in no case should this curl be thrown away, but on the contrary, it should be stored all its life in a secluded place. For aesthetics and greater memory of the event, this hair can also be stored in a specially sewn bag with the name of the baby. The embroidery on the bag is made in the form of all kinds of inscriptions in memory of the christening, as well as indicating the name of the baby and the date of his baptism.

One of the most especially significant gifts for both parents and the baby is a bag for his very first curl - christening.

The parents of a baby on the day of christening acquire new close relatives - godfather and godfather. Godmothers mom and dad will bear special responsibility for the life of a little Christian. So they are also looking what to give for christening godfathers. The godson's parents, without further ado, can give their new relatives personalized napkins designed specifically to make it convenient to hold baptismal candles. Although they are not required, but their use looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, and then the napkins remain as a souvenir to the godfather. Today, there are many different personalized gifts. The simplest of them are towels for godfather and godmother, an apron for grandmother and a baseball cap for grandfather with honorary inscriptions.

Baptism is one of the holy sacraments Orthodox Church. And parents, and godparents, and other guests should remember the main thing that this is not an ordinary ordinary holiday. The baptism of a person is, first of all, a serious rite. But in the end, he should give everyone a joyful bright mood. Therefore, when gathering for the feast of baptism, take with you not just a gift, but a true gift - a special high mood of a pure soul. And God forbid you to experience many wonderful moments during the christening and leave in your memory the most pleasant memories of the baby's baptism!

According to Orthodox traditions, children are supposed to be baptized. It is believed that after this ceremony, the baby acquires its own guardian angel. That is why they try to carry out the sacrament of baptism as early as possible so as not to leave the baby without protection. The rite of baptism is important not only for the child himself and his parents, but also for those who are honored to become godfather and mother for the baby. So the godmother holds the child in her arms during the entire ceremony and passes the baby to the father for dipping in the font. In addition, godparents must present a gift to the godson, so it is important to think carefully about what to give for the baptism of a child.

What is customary to give a boy for christening?

People who are not particularly familiar with the rite of baptism do not always know what to give their godson for christening. To get rid of such torment, first let's figure out what traditions prescribe to give. According to the custom, the godparents should dress the baby from head to toe in everything new. But since almost the entire ceremony the child is in the arms of godmother, then it is she who should give clothes to the baby. In addition to the baptismal shirt and bonnet, you also need to take care of the rizka (cloth or towel in which the child is wrapped after being taken out of the font). What to give a boy for christening - a ready-made set or sew everything to the godson necessary items personally? There are no strict restrictions here, let's say one or the other option. Previously, of course, everything was sewn by hand, but now you can buy a beautiful baptismal set. Such things are usually kept for a lifetime, so the choice of towels, bonnet and shirt is given Special attention. All things should be in harmony with each other, and the color of the outfit, according to custom, is white, milky or cream, since it is he who symbolizes purity and purity. In addition to beauty, you need to pay attention to the convenience of the outfit - the fabric is soft, the seams are hidden so as not to irritate the delicate skin of the baby, and that's it. decorative elements well sewn.

Also to obligatory gifts carry a cross and a chain, according to custom, he buys them Godfather. What the first cross will be made of is not so important, if desired, the godson can then change it, and simply store the first cross. If a chain is given to the baby along with the cross, then it is better to let it lie “on growth”, but for now it is better to wear the cross on a soft ribbon so that the child does not get irritation from rubbing the chain against the skin.

What else can you give a boy for christening?

What else can be presented as a gift to the godson? Often they make such a gift for christening - a boy (or girl) is given a children's Bible with colorful pictures, as well as a small icon with the face of a saint patronizing the baby. Surely many have heard of this old tradition give measured icons. Such an icon was written on the board in the height of the child. The icon depicted the patron saint of the baby, and the icon was placed in his room. What icon to give to the godson today? Nowadays, it is unlikely that such a custom-made icon will be presented as a gift to a boy for christening, but to purchase an ordinary one in church shop can. The main thing is that the patron of the child is depicted on it. Well, so that the child, growing up, could find out whose image it is, along with the icon, they often give a book with a biography of this saint.

It is also traditional to present a gift of a silver spoon “on the tooth”. Well, in general, special requirements no gifts. If in doubt about the choice, you can ask the mother of the child what is better to give her boy for christening. They often give children's things for christening, but many mothers are very sensitive to their choice and want to buy everything themselves. Perhaps they will be happy with toys, a stroller or a walker for a baby. You can also help young parents prepare the table for the holiday, for example, buy a beautiful cake.

Baptisms have always been considered special holiday. With this event, it is customary to congratulate and give gifts. There are special traditions that must be followed when choosing a present. Examples of gifts that can be given for christening.

Christening - significant event in the life of every individual and his family. Most often, children are baptized in early age, but it also happens that an adult comes to the decision to accept the Christian faith. Usually parents arrange on the day of the baptism of babies small holiday, invite godparents, close relatives and friends to visit, set the table. Those who come must bring gifts for the hero of the occasion.

What should the godparents give

The biggest responsibility in such an important event falls on the godparents, starting from this day, they become the lifelong spiritual parents of a new Christian. Godparents, according to custom, should buy a baptismal cross as a gift, it may not be gold, less valuable metal or wood will do.

Another traditional gift that is given to a child by his second parents is kryzhma - a special piece of fabric in which the baby is wrapped immediately after the ceremony. In addition, the girl is supposed to buy a new dress, and the boy - a shirt. Hand-sewn and embroidered items are welcome.

Usually items associated with the sacrament of baptism are kept for life. It is believed that the fabric in which a person is wrapped after immersion in water acquires miraculous properties.

IN Lately it has become a good tradition to give a silver spoon for christening. Such a gift will surely find practical application in the near future and will remain with a person for the rest of his life.

Of course you can't leave small child no toys. For a christening girl, you can give a doll or a fluffy puppy, and a boy - a soft toy in the form of a car or a developing rug.

Gifts from guests

When going to christening as a guest, you also need to cook small gift for the child and his parents. Parents can give a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers, small memorable souvenirs or an album for photos, which will store photos from this significant event.

If you want to make it symbolic memorable gift, then it is best to choose a nominal icon. She will stay with the child for the rest of her life, and will always help him in difficult situation. Also, as a talisman, you can buy as a gift an amulet in the form of a pendant or a children's Bible with colorful pictures.

Traditionally, clothes are given for christening. The girl can buy as a gift Nice dress, a sarafan or a set of a scarf and a hat. It will not be difficult for a boy to choose an elegant or warm suit, overalls or sweater. useful gift for the baby will be a blanket, a pillow, a set of children's bed linen or a towel.

IN modern world it is allowed to give toys, walkers, children's furniture, swings, bicycles and cars for christening. Girl can buy gold chain or earrings, years later they will remind of those people who gave them.

What to give for christening to an adult

Adults don't always celebrate their baptism. Wishing to congratulate loved one happy spiritual birthday, you can purchase an icon or a Bible in a gift edition. Icon stands, crosses or crucifixes, candlesticks, vessels for holy water, discs with Orthodox audio books and films are also suitable for gifts.

is an important event not only for the child, but also for his real and godparents. In the traditions of Orthodoxy, this rite is mandatory. The baby must be baptized so that he receives the protection of the guardian angel, which is given to him at baptism. Becoming godparents is a great honor and a great responsibility, because throughout their lives they should be an example to follow and a support in Hard time for your godson. But for now, this exciting procedure is just ahead, and you need to properly prepare for it and figure out what to give your godson for christening from the godfather and godmother ...

Traditional christening gifts

First of all, for the godparents, the question arises: what to give? According to established custom, the baby should be dressed in new clothes the godmother, who will hold him in her arms during the ceremony. Usually this is a beautiful baptismal shirt and a bonnet, best of all, of course, sewn with your own hands, but, of course, purchased ones are also suitable. You also need to take care of a towel or diaper, in which the child is wrapped, taken out of the font. These things are usually stored for a lifetime, so their choice is given special care. The kit, as a rule, choose white, cream or milky flowers as a symbol of purity and innocence. In addition to the beauty of the outfit, you should also pay attention to its convenience: the fabric should be made of natural fibers, soft, with neat seams, so that soft skin the baby was not irritated.

The obligatory gifts of those that the godfather should give to the godson for christening include. It does not matter what material it will be made of, the main thing is that it be preserved for life. It is better to tie the cross on a soft cord or ribbon, if there is a chain in the kit, then let it lie down until the baby grows up.

Often a colorful children's Bible with beautiful pictures or a small icon with the image of the patron saint of the child and a book with a biography of this saint. Presenting a silver spoon as a gift to the godson has also become a tradition for a long time, but this is a gift for the smallest, for the “first tooth”. You can also collect a silver set: a spoon, a cup and a saucer, engrave with the name of the hero of the occasion or religious symbols.

Unconventional christening gifts

In general, there are no special requirements for this kind of christening gifts. If there are difficulties with what the godfather should give or what the godmother should give for the christening to the godson, it is better to ask the parents, perhaps they and the child now urgently need something specific. In general, you can give any thing for christening, the main thing is that this thing is useful to your ward, now or later, when he grows up. A gift can be purely symbolic: an ordinary mug or T-shirt with the inscription: “Dear godson” or “Beloved goddaughter”, a toy, some clothes. You can simply help out by buying, for example, a beautiful cake.

Gifts for goddaughter

Soft toys often serve as gifts for the goddaughter. Selected since big love, they, as a rule, become the baby's favorite. It could be beautiful doll, soft toy, Dollhouse, a set of doll utensils. The girl can be presented with any Jewelry- a bracelet, earrings, a pendant, a ring that she can wear when she grows up. Children's clothes are often given for christening, so it is quite possible to give a charming dress and matching shoes or a lovely children's suit. cute and useful present there will be a set of high-quality bed linen, on which, as a sign of your involvement in this gift, you can embroider the initials of its future owner or good wishes her godparents.

Beloved godson

If you are thinking about what to give your godson for christening, then for boys it can be books, toys, clothes. Do-it-yourself items are always welcome: a knitted suit, photos from the christening, beautifully designed in an album. It can be some kind of souvenir, for example, a porcelain angel in memory of such important event like a baptism, or useful things: a walker, a table for feeding, a bicycle.

As for toys, the choice here is especially great: cars, rocking toy, big car in which the baby could then ride. For older children, these can be radio-controlled toys, a designer, roller or regular skates, balls, a skateboard, a set tin soldiers, different computer stuff developing Board games and much more.

In a word, turn on your imagination, consult with the child's parents - this part of the gifts is not mandatory, we repeat that there are no strict rules. Sometimes you can just donate money so that the parents themselves spend it on what they consider necessary and useful for their baby. The main thing for godparents is to understand that this little man now needs your care, support and attention.