What a christening gift from a godmother. Gallery: obligatory gifts for the godson. Video: a master class on sewing a double-sided plaid

family celebration noted in Orthodox families modestly, but with joy, is the communion of the baby and his baptism in the temple (church), where he is received by a font with consecrated water. Father and God-parents- from now on, new family members, spiritual mentors of the child. Traditionally, they make christening gifts. But other relatives close to the family can bring memorable gifts to the child on one of the important days for him - the day of his baptism.

Orthodox families give great attention such an event in the life of a baby as baptism. This small but very important family celebration is of great importance for the soul, and most often they try to baptize a child in a completely young age- up to a year. There is an explanation among the people: as long as the soul has not touched the earth, that is, until the child has taken its first steps on the earth's firmament, it is sinless. They say otherwise: up to seven years, children are angels, but at the age when the baby still does not know anything bad, does not yet realize the essence of being, his pure soul is closest to God in the greatest way.

The Significance of Baptism

The sacrament of baptism is proper preparation to a serious and balanced step - to whom to entrust the responsible role of godparents. After all, the baby does not make a conscious decision to be baptized, therefore, such an action and the upbringing of the child in an atmosphere of spirituality are responsible Godfather And godmother. First of all, they are the most important and honored guests on this day.

Of course, celebrate an event in the family sumptuous feast it is possible, but there is no need for this, and given the condition of the mother of the baby and his own peace, you should not invite many guests, make noise and fireworks. The essence of the event is not to celebrate it as cheerfully as possible, but to make it a holiday for the initiates - godfathers and closest relatives.

Sign of attention to godparents and parents

Gifts to godparents on the day of christening can be symbolic - it can be a small personalized icon, a miniature candlestick for one church candle, spiritual films, themed postcard or a figurine of an angel, but it is not at all necessary to make gifts - on the day the child is baptized, all attention belongs to him. By tradition, godparents should not be forgotten at Christmas - on Christmas Eve, the godson brings kutya and uzvar to the godfather, and the godparents answer the baby with a small gift.

Gifts to parents for christening should be tied to the baptism of their baby, consonant with it, because for them, almost the first holiday of a newborn or older baby is one of the first memorable dates.

What to give for christening

Christening gifts from godparents, relatives and family friends invited to the celebration should be special.

Godparents, who stand before God as the spiritual mentors of the child, his patrons, must treat their honorable mission with respect and seriousness. They should accustom the goddaughter or godchild to the religious component of his life, explain in plain language life wisdom from the point of view of the gospel commandments. That is why it is recommended, when choosing godparents, to be guided primarily by their authority and experience. Godparents should help the growing little man entrusted to them, both with advice and edification.

What does the godfather give for christening

It is generally accepted that for a male child, the godfather is more important than the godmother, although, of course, it will be better if both godparents are accountable to God for the baby. Both godparents will also give the necessary knowledge: the godmother will teach wisdom and kindness, the godfather - the strength and masculinity of the spirit. Therefore, they say that only a godfather can baptize a boy, but it would be better if the baby also has a godmother.

A christening gift for a boy from a godfather is a traditionally silver chain with a cross. Often the godfather also pays for the expenses in the church for the baptismal procedure itself, but binding rule this is not. A suit in which the baby will go home after being introduced to Orthodox world, can be presented as a gift to the godmother.

For a goddaughter girl, the godfather can give gold chain and a cross. A cross can be simple, and a chain can be an ordinary consecrated cord, the luxury of such a gift is not essential. However, symbolically, considering silver to be a male metal, and gold to be female, the godfather puts in his gift a wish for his godson or goddaughter of health, material well-being and success.

What does the godmother give for christening

The established tradition prescribes several options for gifts to the godmother. Of course, the godmother, like any mother, must take care of the clothes for the baby after the christening. Therefore, it is often from her that the child receives as a gift a kryzhma or a baptismal shirt, a baptismal cap, a baptismal towel, in which a child is taken from the font.

If such things are not needed or mother has already bought them, the godmother can make gifts for christening even more luxurious. It used to be a tradition to give a baby a measured icon on the day of christening. And such a gift was the prerogative of the godmother. Due to the fact that the icon is made to order, it takes time and the search for masters, you can make such a christening gift for a girl from her godmother as a beautiful elegant dress in white, cream or beige.

Instead of a measured icon, the godmother can give the icon of a guardian angel, which should stand at the head of the baby's bed and keep him from troubles and illnesses. The godmother takes care of the soul of her little ward, therefore she herself must be a deeply religious person, pray for him, take care and support.

Another traditional present from the godmother - this is a silver spoon (tea or dessert) "on the tooth." There is a special godmother prayer, which, giving a child a silver spoon for the first tooth, makes it a ritual object. In order for the child to eat well, he must take complementary foods and whole foods from this spoon. The answer to the secret is simple: silver is an antibacterial metal, silver ions cleanse and disinfect everything they come into contact with. Such a gift, symbolizing spiritual food, will also be useful for physical health.

Measured icon

Such a gift is gaining popularity, because the beauty and semantic potential of the measured icon is very peculiar. The measured icon is written to order. Her distinctive feature from others is that the size of its base corresponds to the growth of the baby at birth, and this makes it unique. In addition, the dimensional icon depicts the namesake patron of the baby, that is, it is nominal.

What do relatives and friends give?

IN Holy holiday the introduction of a little Christian to the church gifts for christening from grandparents can also be of a religious nature. It will be appropriate to give the baby a children's Bible (Holy Scripture) that parents will read to him when he is ready to perceive the stories of the Old and New Testament. You can make the gift more prosaic and give a nominal icon to your grandson or granddaughter. As the closest relatives, grandparents can also give a child a measured icon. Such a gift will also symbolize strong family ties.

A talented grandmother-needlewoman can make a gift for christening with her own hands. It can be a beautiful thematic embroidery, the schemes of which are offered in an assortment of online stores and needlework stores. You can also embroider the first portrait of a newborn by converting the pixels of the digitized image into cells on the embroidery. Can do the same close girlfriend family invited to the celebration. Friends who want to present such a gift to the family, but cannot do it on their own, may well make such a gift to order, taking care in advance that the gift is made on time.

Useful Non-Christening Gift Ideas

As a rule, close family members are also aware of what is missing in a young family in which a newborn has appeared. Perhaps it is a crib or stroller, a changing table or a musical carousel, a high chair, and so on. Such a gift will be useful for the baby, and parents will be grateful for participating in the process of his physical comfort and development.

Souvenir gifts made of silver are pleasant and beautiful, but if there are no funds for such a gift, or if there are no ideas, time, or choice left, you can also give money (in a beautiful envelope with religious motives). cash gift would also be appropriate. For this amount, or taking into account it, a child can buy something that is in need, but there is not enough money.

How to make your christening gift memorable

If you want to pick up an original christening gift for a baby, you can turn to options that are consonant with the theme. A good and beautiful gift from both relatives and friends can be a set of tableware for a child with figurines of cubs or bunnies. It can be a silver rattle for a very young Christian.

Wonderful engraving ideas can make a christening gift for a girl unique and personalized. For any baby, and especially for his mother, it will be pleasant and significant to receive as a gift a silver box intended for the first curl (when the baby is first cut, the mother will definitely keep the fluffy and soft children's tuft) and the first fallen tooth.

beautiful souvenir a bank silver coin with the image of a christening or a church, a newborn, etc. can also become.

Silver toys-souvenirs - beautiful gifts for christening

A silver rattle for a baby will most likely remain a souvenir and will not be used for its intended purpose. If a more practical christening gift for a boy is chosen, you can pay attention to silver souvenirs in the form of cars or boats. Often they serve as a piggy bank, so at a more conscious age they can become useful to him, reminding him of the donor. Original gift for a christening for a girl of this type can be a silver cube-piggy bank, a silver mug. You can also give a girl a soft toy. There are special Stuffed Toys, consonant with the event, with the image of a cross embroidered with silver threads.

gift etiquette

When a child, you should consult with the parents of the baby first of all. After all, two dimensional icons or several sets for christening will simply be out of place. But two cakes with the image of baptism with a large gathering of guests can please.

1. Certificate for courses
Your goddaughter dreams of learning to draw, learning a language, mastering skiing? You can help her with this by presenting a certificate for lessons on the relevant topics. The main thing is to know exactly what the girl likes and whether she is ready to seriously learn this.

2. Spiritual symbolism
The first gift to the goddaughter from the godmother is a cross. Then you can give pendants with angels and icons, a bible and a prayer book, figurines.

3. Needlework kit
The relationship between godmother and goddaughter is warmth, friendship, transfer of experience. Therefore, if you give your goddaughter a needlework kit, and then also teach the girl how to use it, you will really make your small contribution to her upbringing.

4. Diary for girls
You can share secrets with your godmother. What you don't tell your mother, you can tell your godmother. You can give your goddaughter a diary for girls. This is a secret notebook where you can keep secrets and write about your first love.

5. Soft toy
Girls love soft toys at any age, even when they become adult women. Such a gift can be given when there is a long distance between you and your goddaughter. It will remind her of childhood and your love.

The day a person becomes a Christian is considered important event which simply cannot be ignored.

Such a ceremony as the baptism of a child is usually tried to be carried out in the very early age when a person was just born, but someone comes to this a little later.

It is believed that after the rite of baptism, a person becomes pure from sins. And for Orthodox parents it is important to perform the rite of baptism for your child as early as infancy in order to enlist the support of the angels.

The rite of baptism

For such an event as the sacrament of baptism, they always prepare in advance and plan a celebration, invite guests.

The rite of baptism cannot take place without godparents, who later become mentors in matters of faith and in any other life matters.

Since ancient times, it has become customary that the mother and father of the child cannot be godparents. But these should be the closest people who sacredly observe Christian traditions.

They are supposed to give the child a gift in honor of this event. Even if the person is still small, then gifts from godparents will symbolize their reverent attitude towards their godson.

Gifts are also given by other guests - relatives and friends. Therefore, you should find out what they give for christening.

What gifts can godparents give

Many are interested in the question of what godparents give for christening. Of course, you can give godfathers pectoral cross which a person can keep for a lifetime.

Usually the cross is given by the godfather. It doesn't have to be made of gold or anything else. precious metal, the main thing is that it be presented with warmth.

Even if it is a wooden cross, it will carry the fertile warmth. If a chain is given to the cross, then it should be stored separately. At first, the child will wear a cross on a string.

christening clothes

Considering that after baptism a person should begin new life, he needs to give new things. It can be clothes, a towel, a shirt. It is even better to make clothes with your own hands, because a piece of the soul is invested in such things, which means they will be the most valuable.


To perform the rite of baptism for a child, you will need a piece of cloth or a towel called kryzhma. After immersing the child in holy water, he is wiped with this cloth. After that, she stays with him for the rest of her life. Kryzhma should be stored in a secret place, it can no longer be used and washed.

In ancient times, such things were made by hand. The person who embroidered a piece of fabric always read a special prayer before that. If you wish, it will not be difficult to embroider on towels and fabric.

But today everything is available. Need to choose soft tissue where there are no protruding seams or decorative elements. After all, the skin of a baby is delicate and easily injured. Church symbols are usually depicted on such towels - crosses, angels and other attributes.

spiritual books

Godparents are charged with the obligation to maintain faith throughout their lives, so they can give their godson a Bible, a Psalter and various spiritual books. By reading these books, he will strengthen the spirit of a Christian in himself more. A small child, of course, is given a children's bible.


A good gift on the day of baptism will be an icon depicting a saint, which will remind you of the perfect rite of baptism. But you need to take into account that each icon has its own purpose, so it is better to consult with the priest which icon is better to purchase.

The measured icon will be a great gift. This icon is made to order, it must match the size of the child. It depicts his patron - a saint born on the same day.


It is believed that baptism is the victory of light over dark, so you can also purchase various sources lights - lights, lamps, fixtures.

Other gifts

A silver spoon will also be a great gift for a baby to start his first complementary foods with. The baby's name can be engraved on the spoon. Over time, such a thing can become a family heirloom and be passed down from generation to generation.

But it is necessary to choose the right item so that the child is comfortable using it. To do this, the spoon must have a round scoop and the absence of any notches on it. Silver should also be highest quality- 925 samples.

Pouch for storing strands of hair

Once upon a time, it was customary to cut off a lock of a child's hair and keep it for life. Parents of the child will also be pleased to observe this tradition.

The items that were donated for baptism remain for life, so it is worthwhile to approach the choice of a gift with responsibility.

DIY gifts

They always hide the warmth of hands, the care of the one who did it and love. Therefore, such gifts are a huge success. But today it’s not a problem to make something. There are so many different schemes and models on the Internet.

You can find everything you need in handicraft stores. It is worth trying to embroider a portrait of a newborn so that it remains forever in memory.

Gifts from guests

Other guests, except godparents, can also present something symbolic or memorable. On sale today you can find a huge number of things, such as a jewelry box, photo frame, photo album, toys, etc.

You can also congratulate the parents of the child by giving him something beautiful, for example bed sheets or a bed cover.

But if you want to give something memorable, then it is better to present an icon or a children's Bible with colorful pictures.

In order for your gift to be appropriate and desirable, it is better to ask your parents what they want most. Perhaps the parents of the child need a high chair, a playpen, an inflatable pool, or some other thing.

happy birthday little parents have to buy a variety of household appliances to keep your baby healthy. Guests can help the parent and purchase something useful for them. It can be a humidifier, baby monitor, multicooker, heater and other things.

The most desirable gift for the child himself will, of course, be toys. Therefore, you can safely give a certificate for a certain amount of money to the "Children's World".

Parents can also be shown a sign of attention by presenting them with something tasty - a cake, a basket of sweets or a collection bottle of Cahors.


The mother of the child will be pleased to receive a bouquet beautiful flowers. But on such a bright holiday, it is better to choose not too bright and fragrant flowers. The bouquet should look cute and gentle.

Of course, such a holiday should remain in the memory, so it would be better to capture it on a video camera. Therefore, you can order the services of a photographer and videographer. This will be a wonderful gift.

What to give a girl

The closest relatives - grandparents are often interested in what they give a girl for christening. They can purchase something of value in honor of such an event.

The little girl will grow up after a while and she will probably want to decorate herself with earrings. Beautiful, gold earrings will be a great gift for her. If desired, the ears can be pierced even for a very small girl. Today, many beauty parlors offer this service, and it is completely painless.

The little girl will love the beautiful doll she will play with as a child. For christening for a girl, you can present the most beautiful doll made to order from the master. Subsequently, it will be possible to put on baptismal clothes on it and leave it as a good memory.

Other memorable gift there may be a gold or silver coin, which bears the name of the child, the date of his birth and baptism.

Guests can buy a girl Nice dress like a real little princess. Even a few sets of clothes will be welcome, because it will never be superfluous.

Other attributes - walkers, toys, soft rugs will be useful little child, after all, parents do not always have enough money for all this. But if the child has everything and wants to present something special, then you can buy an author's toy. And then no child will have such a toy, of course, it can become the most beloved.

Gift options for a boy

Some things can be served to both girls and boys. But sometimes the guests doubt and do not know what they give to the boy for christening. If you want to choose the right gift for a boy, you can always choose from a variety of options.

Close relatives who come to the christening for the boy give something of value. It can be a set of silverware, which includes spoons, forks, cups. Silver items will also serve as a wonderful souvenir and forever remind of this significant event.

Bank coin with the image of an angel, a church, a cross - great gift suitable for the theme of the celebration.

Things made of silver will remain for a long time, there is no doubt about it. Wonderful toys are also made from this metal - cars and boats.

A personalized icon or pendant with the image of a guardian angel will remind you of this wonderful event throughout your life.

The car - tolokar will entertain the baby, it will be interesting for him to move around on it, imagining that he is driving a car.

From the electric car, all the boys will be delighted. Even dads will be interested in driving a toy car with a remote control.

The pool with balls will be great fun and will develop motor skills little man and strengthen the nervous system.

Is it possible to donate money

Some guests doubt whether their gift will be really useful. But giving just money seems to them not quite tactful. However, there is nothing shameful in this. After all, with this money, parents can buy what they really need.

No need to worry that the amount is small, she will still find it useful application. After all, it is unlikely that parents will be pleased if the guest gave all his money or even got into debt.

The average amount is 3-5 thousand rubles, but it all depends on the region of residence and financial condition. Some may give more and some less. Money can be put in a beautiful envelope with church symbols and handed over to parents at christening.

Baptism does not always occur in infancy. Someone takes the faith already in adulthood. It is also customary to give gifts to an adult.

christening gift etiquette

Guests should ask their parents what kind of christening gift they would like to receive. What if it happens that several guests will give the same gifts. It is unlikely that parents need several sets for christening or several dimensional icons.

Or maybe they will be pleased with two cakes at the holiday, especially if it gathers a large number of guests. If it is impossible to ask, then it is better to donate money.

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When you agree to become a girl's godmother, do not forget that you are responsible for her spiritual education and life coaching. You, in fact, will be the second mother for the girl. Every year you will be faced with the question of choosing a gift for her birthday.
The thing donated to the godmother should be not only symbolic, but also useful and meaningful for the girl. The best gifts for kids are those that teach something useful. To the choice of a gift in different ages it is worth approaching responsibly and not buying the first goods that come across in the store, because it is from the godmother that everyone, including the parents and the girl herself, expect something special.
Gifts should be chosen according to age and given with soul. What to give your goddaughter for her birthday?

Gift for a girl under two years old

For babies from birth to two summer age children's things are most suitable as a gift. During this period, the godmother can give her goddaughter a beautiful dress, suit, hat, jacket, pants. In a word, absolutely any clothes.

Also, the first educational children's toys are suitable as a birthday present for a goddaughter up to 2 years old. Do not give toys for growth. Unlike clothes, toys can quickly break down, and the goddaughter will not even understand how valuable and good they were.
Also, useful things are suitable for a goddaughter for a birthday up to 2 years of age, for example:
- Chair for babies;
- walkers;
- jumpers;
- rocking toy (dog, horse).

Gifts for the goddaughter from 3 to 7 years old

While your goddaughter does not go to school yet, she is already quite smart for interesting gifts for a birthday. Of course, you can give her a beautiful soft toy. Every woman from an early age to old age loves soft toys, especially if they are made from natural fabrics. Try not to buy toys from synthetic materials. Quality toys will last a long time, and long years will be reminded that this toy was given to her by her godmother.

If you want to surprise your goddaughter, then look for interactive toys. They should be interesting and certainly developing. choose useful toys. For example, a doll that will need to be fed, swaddled, dressed and put to bed. With such a doll, your goddaughter will learn to take care of someone, even a toy. On the goddaughter's next birthday, you can give her a stroller, a doll bed and many other accessories that diversify the girl's game with her gift.

Perhaps, for girls after 5 years, toys will no longer be as interesting as play complexes. By this age, the girl herself expresses her wishes. At this age, you can give:
- a set of a young hairdresser;
- doctor's set;
- children's washing machine;
- children's stove;
- toy kitchen;
- toy iron;
- toy vacuum cleaner;
- Dollhouse.
Any similar birthday gift will develop household qualities in your goddaughter. After all, a little housewife is growing in the house, who sooner or later will help her mother.
For a girl older than 5 years, you can give branded jeans, a skirt or a blouse. Tell your goddaughter that she will be the most fashionable in this outfit, and also tell her that she is the most beautiful in any outfits.

Birthday gifts for goddaughter from 8 to 12 years old

At this age, girls already feel like adults, but they are not yet. While your goddaughter is studying at primary school, you can give a variety of logic games and 3D puzzles.

The gift will be a joy if you not only give it on your goddaughter's birthday, but also give her half an hour and start playing it with her. Then, when you visit, be sure to ask if she managed to complete the puzzle she gave, or ask her to play a logic game with you.
Not less than interesting option a gift for a girl of 8-12 years old - a set for needlework. The main thing here is not to miscalculate. Either give something that the girl is already passionate about, or open up new horizons for her, giving her something that she has not yet tried to do or something that she has long dreamed of, but her parents still did not buy her.
There are many interpretations: a set for weaving bracelets from rubber bands (this is the latest fashion), a set for embroidery with beads (for starters, choose an easier pattern), a set for embroidery with ribbons, a set for knitting (knitting needles or a hook, threads and a book for a beginner needlewoman). If you also teach your goddaughter how to use what you gave, you will make an invaluable contribution to the development of her creative abilities.
Also, a girl of this age can be given a diary with a lock to record innermost thoughts. In her secret diary, the young lady will keep all the most intimate secrets. You can also give this diary an inexpensive chain (for example, made of silver) so that the goddaughter keeps the key to the diary on the chain.
If you don’t want to give anything from the already mentioned, then give the little fashionista an interesting backpack, a set of children's cosmetics or jewelry. Be sure to tell your goddaughter that the cosmetics you donated will make her the most irresistible and bring good luck.

Gifts for the goddaughter from the age of 13

With the onset of adolescence, it is more difficult to give gifts to a goddaughter. But if in early years if you were able to make friends with her and know everything about her tastes and preferences, then this will not be a problem for you.

What do girls need from the age of 13? To feel the most beautiful, skillful and necessary. If you have not yet given her children's cosmetics, then be sure to make such a present for your goddaughter.
You can give certificates for any training courses. For example, for a course foreign language, drawing or snowboarding course. Here it is necessary to be guided by the interests of the girl.
IN adolescence you can already give to your goddaughter expensive gifts without fear that she might lose them. Earrings, pendants, pendants, bracelets are always interesting for girls. By the way, both of you have already matured to the spiritual component of your relationship, so give your goddaughter an icon, a pendant with the face of a saint, a gold cross on a chain. You can also give a Bible as a gift and read it together.
There are countless options for gifts for the goddaughter. Choose what the child likes, and not what her parents want and ask for. And then you will become the best godmother or the best godmother for a girl!

Baptism is an amazing Sacrament that connects a person and the Lord, opening the way for the baptized to wonderful life. Baptism brings hope and faith. Unusual in its depth and strength, it unites all family members with joyful bright ties.

Rite try to hold as early as possible. But often a person's baptism occurs in adulthood.

It is undesirable for the child to be baptized by the parents themselves. The tradition of choosing godparents came from the deep past, when turbulent times, confusion, high mortality reigned - if trouble happened to the baby's relatives, then the responsibility for the little man passed to the godparents.

Godparents approach the question of a gift to a godson or goddaughter extremely responsible, because baptism happens only once in a lifetime. Even if the baby is baptized at birth, touching gifts in the future they will tell him about the reverent attitude of his godparents.

What do godparents give for christening?

The first thing the godparents present to the godson is a cross. It doesn't matter what it will be. The main thing is that it is given from the heart. Further, it is already in finance that it is decided whether the cross will be silver, gold or simple aluminum. Some people estimate the strength of the cross by the high cost of the material, which is fundamentally wrong - any, even a wooden cross, will not yield to gold in its grace. Who gives the cross - godmother or godmother? Actually, it doesn't matter. Godparents can add up the money equally and buy a cross.

One of the main symbols of baptism is the death of sin. At baptism, a person is reborn for a righteous life with the Lord. Therefore, the godparents, acting as guides, give the godchildren new clothes. Be sure to bring new towels or a piece of cloth for wiping after bathing in holy water. The set of clothes includes a shirt.

Most best gift for the godson, the one that is made with love with his own hands. It is not difficult to sew a shirt for a baby; fine embroidery can become a special charm of this gift. The execution technique is not at all difficult, but it is such a memory!

Christening towels are decorated with valances. In the old days, this filet crochet was very common and is now catching up. The inspection does not take much time even for inexperienced needlewomen, and the result is truly magnificent.

For a baby, gifts should be given that are saturated with the warm spirit of Baptism. Of course, these can be personalized icons, the children's Bible, the Psalter and other sacred books. The right approach to the upbringing of a godson will bring into the light a worthy Christian.

Baptism symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, so a cozy night light or a set of aromatic ones will be a wonderful gift for a godson from godparents.

It has become a tradition to give silver spoons - they are usually given by godparents. The spoon becomes the first in the baby, and complementary foods are introduced with it.

Christening gifts for babies from relatives and friends of parents

The best gifts for small children are blankets, bedding and toys, they grow out of clothes too quickly. Although, if possible, you can present blouses, dresses, panties, etc. to christening. Emphasizing the importance of baptism as an intimate and deeply spiritual process, toys can be sewn or knitted.

The painstaking work will be embroidering a prayer for the godson on a blanket or towel. Such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent: neither the parents at the time of giving, nor the child when he grows up and understands. This gift will accompany him throughout his life.

A man can also take part in the manufacture christening gift for baby . For example, a lathe or a jigsaw and, of course, love for a child, plus a little imagination, will allow you to make an unusual educational rattle, cubes or pyramid.

You can also directly ask the child's parents what will be needed for his more harmonious development. playpen, high chair for feeding, a hanging carousel and much more - if you are not a godfather, but want to give a baby in honor of christening, you can choose any children's things as a gift.

You can and should also congratulate the parents of the baby on this special day. The simplest and good option- delivery of flowers to your home, to the church or to the place where a small celebration of the christening will take place. In addition, a good gift for parents in honor of the baptism of their baby will be gift basket with fruits and sweets (but without alcohol). As a gift to parents, you can purchase an album of Russian religious painting.

What to give an adult for christening?

Making a conscious decision to be baptized, an adult person with the deepest understanding relates to the Sacrament itself. Even in this case, the good instruction of the godparents will affect the formation of the personality of a Christian.

Gifts for adult godchildren - this is the same pectoral cross, an icon of the saint whose name was baptized, and a baptismal shirt. At the age of people especially appreciate gifts made with their own hands; let them not be perfect, but in minor flaws there is a special charm and touchingness. The shirt can be embroidered incompletely, if time does not allow, but limited to cuffs and a neckline. Any threads are chosen, but gold ones remain the best.

When choosing gifts for an adult, one should be guided by the same practicality, but, on the other hand, they should be distinguished by a special zest. Give socks or mittens, but hand-knitted, sweaters, scarves, hats.

After baptism, it usually follows festive table. Alcohol has no place at the celebration, because it is saturated with quiet joy. Unusual gift for godson there will be a samovar, from which he will be able to treat the guests present on his first spiritual birthday.

What to give godparents?

The Sacrament of Baptism unites all family members, gifts are made not only to godchildren, but godparents are also honored. To decide to become a godfather, really good and responsible for spiritual development godson, it is necessary to be a true believing Christian. a good gift for the godfather will be a constant reminder of this wonderful day. You can print your beautiful photo up to the size of the picture and place it in a beautiful frame. On reverse side date is written.

A touching gift will be a composition made of different materials on the theme of the holiday: gift paper, beads, beads, cardboard, various colors. With their help, the storyline of the Sacrament, angels, doves, everything that the imagination tells is depicted.

The parents of the baby want his godparents to live long and not get sick. Therefore, in many places it is customary to give warm clothes to godmothers: for example, a beautiful angora shawl is given to the godmother, and godfather- a jumper or a good scarf.

Christening gift. And how are they?

The sacraments of Orthodox and Catholic Baptism are somewhat different from each other, although they carry an equally bright meaning. A mandatory gift for a Catholic godson is not a pectoral cross (it is purchased later), but a candle. The candle is lit for the first time at Baptism, as a symbol of goodness, the illumination of worldly life with true light. A candle stays with a person for life. It is also lit at the First Communion, then at the Wedding.

Compulsory gift from godmother - white baptismal shirt.