The development of young children. The development of young children in various activities for fgos before What topics at an early age in preschool

Galya Onuchina
Adaptation of young children in kindergarten

early age.

adaptive period is a serious test for kids. summoned adaptation stress reactions permanently disturb the emotional state children.

One of the tasks adaptive period - to help the child get used to the new situation as quickly and painlessly as possible, to feel more confident, the master of the situation. To develop a sense of confidence in the environment necessary:

Acquaintance, rapprochement children among themselves;

Acquaintance with educators, establishing open, trusting relationships between educators and children;

Getting to know the group (playroom, bedroom and other rooms);

Acquaintance with kindergarten(music room, medical room, etc.);

Getting to know teachers and staff kindergarten.

Children early age like to play with toys, household items. During the game, they acquire new knowledge and skills, learn about the world around them, learn to communicate. Therefore, the emphasis in choosing games for young children should be done on sensory and motor games.

Sensory games give the child the experience of working with a wide variety of materials: sand, clay, paper. They help develop sensory systems: vision, taste, smell, hearing, temperature sensitivity. All organs given to us by nature must work, and for this they need "food".

The sensorimotor level is the base for the further development of higher mental functions: perception, memory, attention, thinking, speech. Sensorimotor development is possible only when a child interacts with an adult who teaches him to see, feel, listen and hear, that is, to perceive the surrounding objective world.

Water games. Water exercise stimulates the brain children and cause feelings of happiness and joy, i.e., such feelings that cannot be caused by the willful efforts of adults. Improving visual-spatial orientation. A game

"Fishermen and fishes". Children with succulents stand around a container of water (imaginary lake) and with the help of a juice they catch fish, put them side by side on the surface. At the same time, an eye and hand movement coordination are developed.

Bubble. Children are happy to blow bubbles, try to touch them in order to burst and experience only positive emotions. These games are sure to interest and distract him.

Everyone knows that the development of fine motor skills of the hands is an extremely useful and necessary thing, starting from the very beginning. early age. One of the great ways to develop it is to play with cereals, beans, pasta.

Very important: games - modeling is easier for a child than drawing, since it is in modeling that a child begins to feel every movement of his finger (for example, when small objects are pressed into clay or into a mass for modeling, small pieces are torn off from a piece of clay) and the movements of his hands (when, for example, a ball is flattened into a cake, when a sausage or ball is rolled out). That is why it is best to start visual activities with modeling, and a little later start and draw with the baby. Also, in modeling, the child easily feels the shape of the object (it is easier for him to understand that the ball is round, this is the ball in modeling, in which he himself rolls this ball, and not in a flat image in drawing).

Duration adaptive period depends on the individual characteristics of each baby. If the child is active, sociable, inquisitive, his adaptive period passes relatively easily and quickly. Another kid is slow, unflappable, likes to retire with toys; noise, loud conversations of peers annoy him. If he knows how to eat himself, undress, then he does it slowly, lags behind everyone. All this leaves its mark on his relationship with others. Such a child needs a longer period for a period adaptation.

To get used to the period kindergarten passed quickly and calmly. First of all, it is necessary to create a natural stimulating environment in which the child feels comfortable and protected, and shows creative activity.

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Dear colleagues! I present to your attention a photo report "Our day in kindergarten", which I hope will please you. The main characters.

Antonova Elena Valerievna

MDOU "Kindergarten "Cheburashka"

Sverdlovsk region, city of Kachkanar

Educator of the I qualification category

Work on the social and communicative development of children

the second group of early age in a preschool educational institution

Watching children on the playground, in a store, in a kindergarten, I often see how children, due to their age, do not know how to interact with each other, or, simply put, communicate. They are captured by momentary desires, as a result of which they go beyond the accepted norms.

Coming to kindergarten, they face the first difficulties, the need to take into account not only their own needs, but also the needs of the team they came to (the same children taking their first steps into society).

The child enters the preschool from the family.

The family is the first stage of socialization. Mom, dad and other close relatives in a non-edifying form have already given the child the first basics of interaction with society, they introduced him to elementary social norms and rules of behavior.

Having come to kindergarten, the child enters the next, higher stage of socialization, where he will take his still uncertain steps towards more complex relationships between peers and educators. And my task is not to miss this moment, but to help the child find the right solutions on his own. Any pedagogical impact aimed at social and communicative development should be presented in a playful way, since the game is the main activity of children.

So, the child has crossed the threshold of the preschool educational institution, a difficult period of adaptation begins. My task is to create favorable conditions for this process: an atmosphere of comfort, goodwill, affectionate intonation when addressing a child, touching or stroking. But all children are different, and taking this into account, I have created a small zone for privacy in the group - “sensory rain”, behind which an insecure or uncommunicative child can hide.

When working with children, especially during the period of adaptation, they often help to relieve anxiety and tension of playing in the sensory corner. Particularly important is the moment of parting with parents, and here they often help me to distract the kids with colorful, colorful balls (dry pool), games with cereals (we hide pens, draw on semolina with our fingers), games with cotton also have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of children.

Such elementary techniques and everyday traditions help children easily adapt and learn social norms.

To organize the children and switch them to work with a teacher, exercises are carried out every morning. Morning exercises take place in a playful way, with musical accompaniment or using the recording of the voices of various animals, which allows you to involve the whole group (even inactive, insecure kids).

In my work I often use musical and rhythmic games. I also use them throughout the day to switch kids' attention from one activity to another. Playing together provides interaction skills and develops a sense of camaraderie.

An important stage in the socialization of a child is the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in him. By joining the norms of behavior, the child enters the world of adults. For a positive attitude of the baby towards the CGN, in my work I use theatricalization together with nursery rhymes.

For example, Bunny shows how to properly soap your hands, rub them together, wipe them with a towel, a fairy-tale hero gives an orientation that everything will work out. Bunny invites children to participate in a game-lesson.

Children of the second group of early age spend all their free time in the game. In order for the game to develop and the child’s interest not to fade away, I try to direct the play actions so that the children move from playing next to each other to playing together, taking into account the interests of their comrades as far as possible. For this, problem situations are created that encourage children to find common solutions for game problems, encourage children to interact with each other.

Thus, two tasks are solved at once: familiarization with socio-cultural norms and development of communication skills (active and passive vocabulary is being developed).

Direct educational activity is one of the links in social and communicative development; in the process of educational activity, children develop attention, memory, thinking, learn relationships with elders and peers. A fairy-tale hero often comes to our lesson games, interest is reinforced by surprise moments. The kids themselves participate in theatrical activities, for example, when they get acquainted with the literary works “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, they show a gray wolf with interest, portray surprise, etc. Since at this age thinking is visual-effective, any images are reinforced by movements (for example, to depict how a bear walks, a bunny jumps). Such games unite children, they learn to play together without interfering with each other.

Where do babies most often encounter communication difficulties?
Of course, on a walk. How to gather on the street without disturbing others? How can everyone go down the stairs together? How to share toys or a place in the sandbox?

Going for a walk, we talk about the rules of conduct, walking on the site, we watch the older guys (we learn from them on positive or negative examples). We do hard work.

Every day, together with the guys, we are gradually learning how to live in our complex society. Only listening to children, watching them in the game, I find ideas on how to help them easily integrate into society.

Golikova Ludmila Mikhailovna

Early Childhood Educator #1

30 years of teaching experience

Konstantinova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Early Childhood Educator #2

Secondary vocational education

15 years teaching experience

Prokofieva Olga Vladimirovna

Early Childhood Educator #3
Pedagogical college student
Pedagogical work experience 2 years

Alekseeva Galina Olegovna

early childhood educator
Student of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen

Adaptation of a young child to kindergarten

When entering a preschool educational institution, all children go through an adaptation period.
« Adaptation"- from lat. "adapt". This is a serious test for kids: from a familiar family environment, he finds himself in new conditions for him. Not only the routine of the day, familiar from birth, is changing, but also the environment surrounding the child, a large number of strangers appear. Adaptation of the body to the new conditions of social existence, to the new regime is accompanied by changes in the child's behavioral reactions, sleep disorders, and appetite.
The process of getting used to kindergarten is purely individual.
There are three degrees of adaptation of the child to kindergarten: easy, medium, heavy.

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Games during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten

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Our news (photo gallery)

"Mom's Day" in the early age group No. 3

On February 22, in the early age group No. 1, the thematic day “Patty-palms” was held.

The kids were offered a variety of finger, mobile, didactic games that were aimed at motor skills of the hands, developing finger dexterity, the ability to control their movements, and focus on one type of activity. Thanks to the game character "Matryoshka", the children had a joyful mood.

On January 25, in the early age group No. 1, a lesson was held at the "Mom's School", where parents got acquainted with various ways and options for playing in a magical sandbox.

Hello, hello New Year!

On November 29, in the early age group, parents showed the children the fairy tale "Wintering of the Animals".

November 9 in the early age group No. 1 was the "Red Day". Children with great interest played a variety of games that the educator Lyudmila Mikhailovna offered them. All games were selected and aimed at the ability to highlight and name the color red. This day was interesting and informative for the kids.

Chanterelle visiting the guys (autumn entertainment)

Our life (early age group No. 3)

In April, in the early age group No. 1, a thematic week "Vodichka-water is needed by everyone and always" was held. The teacher, together with the children, conducted experiments with water, studied its properties, learned nursery rhymes about water. They talked about how and why water should be conserved. At the end of the thematic week there was entertainment and collective drawing.

Children from the early age group No. 3 congratulated their parents on the bright holiday of Easter,

preparing postcards for them

What's with the greenery by the window? It's winter outside our window...

They say - onions are needed from seven ailments!

The kids planted onions, treated them to the harvest.

Vitamins - a treasure trove! Come join us in the garden!

(spring plantings in early age groups No. 2 and No. 3)

Young artists from the theater studio under the guidance of music director Kulakova E.N. showed the kids "Merry Tale".

Come to us for treatment! (young age group No. 2)

Entertainment "Maslenitsa" in the early age group No. 3.

Experimenting with snow in the early age group #3

In the early age group No. 1 from 12/12/2017 to 12/22/2017 an exhibition of fakes and drawings was held

on the theme "New Year's Tale" (joint creativity of adults and children).

On November 24, a thematic day "In our yard" was held in the early age group No. 1

On October 24, an entertainment dedicated to Autumn was held in the early age group No. 2. The guys listened to the song "Falling Leaves", danced, watched the fairy tale "Turnip".

On October 18, in the early age group No. 1, the holiday "Gifts of Autumn" was held. At the festival, the children sang, danced with pleasure, read poetry, played a lot of fun and received gifts.

Project "We're going, we're going, we're going"

"Games during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten"

Adaptation of young children

Pre-nursery patronage is over. And now the baby crosses the threshold of kindergarten. In the life of a child, the most difficult period begins for his entire stay in kindergarten - the period of adaptation.

Adaptation is usually called the process of a child entering a new environment and getting used to its conditions.

In children during the adaptation period, appetite, sleep, and emotional state may be disturbed. Some toddlers experience a loss of already established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked for a potty - he does not do this in kindergarten, he ate at home on his own, but in kindergarten he refuses. Decrease in appetite, sleep, emotional state leads to a decrease in immunity, to a deterioration in physical development, weight loss, and sometimes to a disease.

There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

With easy adaptation, the negative emotional state does not last long. At this time, the baby does not sleep well, loses appetite, and is reluctant to play with children. But within the first month after entering kindergarten, as you get used to the new conditions, everything returns to normal. The child usually does not get sick during the adaptation period.

With moderate adaptation, the emotional state of the child returns to normal more slowly, and during the first month after admission, he usually suffers from acute respiratory infections. The disease lasts 7-10 days and ends without any complications.

The most undesirable is a difficult adaptation, when the emotional state of the child returns to normal very slowly (sometimes this process lasts several months). During this period, the child either suffers from repeated illnesses, often with complications, or exhibits persistent behavioral disorders. Severe adaptation negatively affects both the health and development of children.

What determines the nature and duration of the adaptation period?

Studies of teachers and doctors show that the nature of adaptation depends on the following factors:

the age of the child. It is more difficult for children aged 10-11 months to 2 years to adapt to new conditions. After 2 years, children can adapt to new living conditions much easier. This is explained by the fact that by this age they become more inquisitive, they understand the speech of an adult well, they have a richer experience of behavior in different conditions.

The health and developmental status of the child. A healthy, well-developed child is more likely to endure the difficulties of social adaptation.

Formation of objective activity. Such a child can be interested in a new toy, activities.

individual features. Children of the same age behave differently in the first days of their stay in kindergarten. Some children cry, refuse to eat, sleep, they react to every suggestion of an adult with a violent protest. But a few days pass, and the child's behavior changes: appetite, sleep are restored, the child follows the game of his comrades with interest. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day. Without objection, they fulfill the requirements of the educator, and in the following days they part with their parents with tears, eat poorly, sleep, and do not take part in games. This behavior can continue for several weeks.

living conditions in the family. This is the creation of a daily routine in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the formation of children's skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities (the ability to play with toys, communicate with adults and children, take care of themselves, etc.). If a child comes from a family where the conditions for his proper development were not created, then, naturally, it will be very difficult for him to get used to the conditions of a preschool institution.

The level of fitness of adaptive mechanisms, experience of communication with peers and adults. The training of mechanisms does not happen by itself. It is necessary to create conditions that require new forms of behavior from the child. Toddlers who, before entering kindergarten, repeatedly found themselves in different conditions (visited relatives, acquaintances, went to the country, etc.), get used to a preschool institution more easily. It is important that in the family the child develops a trusting relationship with adults, the ability to positively relate to the requirements of adults.

Objective indicators of the end of the period of adaptation in children are:

· deep dream;

· a good appetite;

a cheerful emotional state;

Complete restoration of existing habits and skills, active behavior;

age-appropriate weight gain.

Games during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten

To reduce stress, it is necessary to switch the baby's attention to activities that bring him pleasure. It is, first of all, a game.

The game "Pour, pour, compare"

Toys, foam rubber sponges, tubes, bottles with holes are lowered into the basin with water. You can fill a bowl of water with buttons, small cubes, etc. and play with them:

take as many items as possible in one hand and pour them into the other;

collect with one hand, for example, beads, and with the other - pebbles;

Raise as many objects as possible on the palms.

After completing each task, the child relaxes the hands, holding them in the water. The duration of the exercise is about five minutes, until the water cools down. At the end of the game, the child's hands should be rubbed with a towel for one minute.

The game "Drawings in the sand"

Scatter the semolina on a tray. You can pour it in a slide or smooth it out. Bunnies will jump on the tray, elephants will stomp, it will rain. The sun's rays will warm it, and a pattern will appear on it. And what kind of drawing, a child will tell you, who will be happy to join this game. It is useful to perform movements with two hands.

The game "Talk to the toy"

Put on a glove toy. There is also a glove toy on the child's hand. You touch her, you can stroke and tickle her, while asking: “Why is my ... sad, his eyes are wet; who he made friends with in kindergarten, what are the names of his friends, what games did they play”, etc. Talk to each other, say hello with your fingers. Using the image of a toy, transferring his feelings and moods to it, the child will tell you what worries him, share what is difficult to express.

Dear parents, play with your children more often! They will be surrounded by love, care and will be easier to adapt to kindergarten!