How to clean a gold chain at home: the easiest and most effective ways. How to clean a gold chain at home

We all know that gold jewelry needs to be cleaned sometimes. They are usually taken to a jewelry workshop and this work is done by professionals, but you can also do it yourself. Cleaning the chain is a complex process, since the product consists of small components and turns. In this article we will try to figure out how to clean gold chain from blackness and dirt.


At home, you can clean your gold product from dirt yourself, returning it to its original shine. But remember that you can not use strong active substances.

Any fast acting remedy can ruin a chain, ring, pendant, so you should always remember this and use only gentle means. Chemicals can destroy the structure of the metal, and the product will lose its luster and attractiveness. Also, you can not wipe the jewelry with a hard cloth - it can make small scratches, thereby damaging the top layer of metal. Poor drying of the product after cleaning it can also lead to darkening and plaque.


Before you start cleaning a gold item at home, you need to determine its fineness. This is necessary in order not to spoil favorite decoration. We all know very well that there are all kinds of reactions when connecting various substances. There are ways that have proven themselves well for simplicity and security.

For products with a lower sample, you can make a cleaning agent yourself: mix 3-4 drops of ammonia with a laundry detergent without bleach.

To get a paste that will cleanse sulfide compounds, you will need ingredients such as petroleum jelly, soapy water, vegetable oil. They need to be mixed with powder of chalk, tripoli, corundum and white magnesia.

Laundry soap

Over time, the jewelry becomes dull and this indicates that it is covered with dust, dirt and sebum, so you need to

  • Put the decoration in the container;
  • Add water (50-60 C);
  • Grate laundry soap on a fine grater and add to water;
  • Leave everything for 2 hours;
  • Then clean the entire chain with a toothbrush;
  • At the end, rinse everything under running water and get wet in a soft cloth.

Experts also advise using a product that every home has - a dishwashing liquid. It perfectly removes any grease and copes with dirt, as seen in the photo.

If dark spots remain after cleaning and the product remains dull, then a more thorough procedure will be required.


To use this method, you need to remember about safety precautions, since you will need to work with 25% ammonia.

If cleaning will be carried out in the apartment, then be sure to open the window to protect yourself from the emitted poisons:

  • pour a solution of ammonia into a small glass bowl and put jewelry in it;
  • periodically for 2 hours, stir the contents of the container so that the solution gets into all places;
  • then rinse and let dry.

Keep in mind that this method will be more effective on sterling silver pieces, but for other mixed metal jewelry, we recommend using a 10% solution.


To use this cleaning method at home, you must:

  • in equal proportions mix crushed chalk, petroleum jelly, soap chips and water;
  • carefully treat all links of the product with this composition using a soft cloth;
  • after that, the decoration is washed under running water and dried.

Here in front of you practically new thing, which shines and shines, as from the store's catalog.


Many people use this method:

  • take a container that can be put on fire;
  • pour 200 ml of water into it and put 2 teaspoons of soda and vinegar there;
  • dip the chain into the solution and let it boil for 20 minutes;
  • cool and wash the product, rinse and dry.

Women's tricks

Women, as always, are inventive and are not afraid to experiment. Each cleans their jewelry differently. Here are some popular tips:

  • with help onion juice can be cleaned golden decoration to shine;
  • you can save a thing from darkening by diluting egg white in beer;
  • to clean the product to a shine will help the usual toothpaste or powder;
  • dry mustard perfectly polishes and cleans to a shine;
  • apply a little lipstick on the product and wait, and then wipe it with a cloth.

Use them when using all of the above methods:

  • when cleaning the links, use a toothpick or a finely sharpened stick;
  • when boiling, put a cloth on the bottom of the saucepan to avoid scratches;
  • to clean the jewelry well in the solution, you need to use dishes with tight-fitting lids.


In order for the precious chain to always look attractive, as from a catalog, some care is needed. Know that metal affects the body and therefore it is always worth removing jewelry at night. Try to keep the product in less contact with water, cosmetic creams and all kinds of chemistry. Refine gold as needed. To ensure that the products always shine and beckon, use less active substances.

Summing up

To make gold jewelry pleasing to the eye, you need to take care of them. Everyone can pick convenient way and use it. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this. Every home has all the tools or you can easily buy them in the store.

A chain of gold is an ornament that most people have. different ages. Despite the fact that it is made of precious metal, resistant to corrosion and practically unaffected by other substances, its appearance may deteriorate over time - the chain becomes dull and even darkens. In addition, gold jewelry is easily scratched, which also spoils their appearance. It is for these reasons that all owners of gold jewelry are wondering how to chain. Before looking at popular recipes for chain cleaners, you should consider the basic rules for caring for gold jewelry.

In the case when the chain has become slightly faded, you can use a simple method to clean it. It is enough to prepare a cool soapy solution and use it to wash the jewelry. To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can use a soft toothbrush - it will allow you to clean hard-to-reach parts of the chain, for example, the places where the links are fastened.

tooth brushing

Since gold chains are worn around the neck, that is, they come into contact with the skin of the body and clothing, they quickly become dirty. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that most owners of the gold chain have been wearing such jewelry for many years and never take it off. Whatever recipe for a chain cleaner at home a person would choose, he should know the universal rules for caring for gold items:

  1. If a mushy consistency is used for cleaning, it should be applied to the product using a piece of flannel cloth (you can use suede) or a cosmetic disc.
  2. After cleaning, the product is washed with running water, then dried in air.
  3. If the decoration has inserts from other precious metals, as well as pearls and turquoise, it can only be cleaned with soapy water, as other products can spoil the appearance of the product.
  4. In whatever container the chains of gold are cleaned, the bottom of the dishes should be covered. If this is a plate, then foil should be placed on its bottom; if the pan in which the product is boiled, then the bottom should be covered with a piece of cotton fabric.


You can clean the gold chain at home using proven folk remedies. They are easy to manufacture and use, which is their advantage. For example, soda and salt are successfully used to care for any gold jewelry:

  1. A tablespoon of rock salt is mixed with two drops lemon juice so that a mushy mass is obtained. Gently rub the chain with this mass, then rinse thoroughly with running water and dry. After this procedure, the product will acquire a perfect shine.
  2. IN glassware mix a tablespoon of degreaser, soda and salt. A foil is placed at the bottom of the dish, on which the product is then placed. After that, the chain is covered with a mixture of salt, soda and detergent, then all this is poured with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, the chain is taken out and washed in running water.
  3. A teaspoon of soda is mixed with two tablespoons of ammonia. The resulting solution is poured into a vessel and a chain is placed in it that needs to be cleaned. The dishes are covered with foil and the product is left in it for a day. After that, the chain is taken out and wiped with a cotton pad soaked in concentrated saline.

cleaning gold in soapy water

  1. On cotton pad pour a little mustard powder and rub it into the chain, after which the powder is washed off with running water.
  2. Half a large onion is finely grated. The gruel is mixed with the same portion of water. The resulting infusion is impregnated with a cotton pad and wiped with a chain. Then you should drain the water and then put the chain in the onion gruel for 3 hours. At the end of the procedure, the product is washed with clean water.
  3. Raw potatoes are finely grated, and the resulting slurry is covered with a chain that needs cleaning for a couple of hours. After the time has elapsed, the product is thoroughly washed.
  4. In half a glass warm water dissolve the sachet citric acid. The chain is immersed in the resulting solution for half an hour. Acid can be replaced natural juice lemon.
  5. Perfectly removes plaque from the gold products of Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola. To clean the chain, it is enough to immerse it for half an hour in a glass of one of these drinks.
  6. 1 protein raw egg mixed with half a glass of beer. Soak a piece of flannel with the resulting emulsion and carefully rub the chain. At the end of the manipulation, the product is washed in running water.
  7. A concentrated sugar solution will also help clean gold jewelry. So, in a glass of water, stir 2 tablespoons granulated sugar and lower the chain into the resulting liquid for 12 hours.

Chemicals for gold

Excellent, ammonia and ammonia, which explains the popularity of recipes with these components:

  1. In a glass of water, mix a teaspoon of ammonia, liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide. The chain is placed in this solution for 15 minutes.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of ammonia into a vessel with a lid, immerse the product in it for 2 hours and close the lid.
  3. They take glassware, cover its bottom with foil and put a chain on it that needs to be cleaned. Then the product should be covered with a mixture of a teaspoon of soda and thirty milliliters of ammonia. After half an hour, the chain can be washed under running water.
  4. In equal parts, mix vaseline, ammonia, water and crushed chalk. The chain is stored in the resulting solution for half an hour, after which it is washed with water.

Important: chemical substances can not be used to clean items with instructed gems!

Boiling and extraordinary recipes

Boiling water does an excellent job of cleaning gold jewelry from plaque. To carry out the manipulation prepare:

  • a piece of cotton fabric;
  • aluminum pan;
  • liquid soap;
  • 9% vinegar;
  • hydroperite.

Conditions can be done in the following ways:

  1. The bottom of the pan is covered with a cloth, put the product on it. Add a tablespoon of soap, pour water and boil for 15 minutes.
  2. Half a glass of water is poured into the pan, a chain is laid on the bottom covered with a cloth, and then everything is brought to a boil. Then pour in a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide and boil for 3 minutes. At the end, the product is washed with water.
  3. Pour half a glass of water into the pan and add 3 teaspoons of baking soda. The pan is put on fire, and after boiling water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar are introduced. After 3 minutes, the fire is turned off, and the product is washed and rubbed to a shine. flannel fabric.

For cleaning gold, you can use non-standard recipes, for example, immerse the chain in a container with contact lens care solution. Can also be applied to toothbrush a small amount of toothpaste and carefully polish the product, and finally rinse with running water.

Do not use any abrasives to clean gold from plaque. If the chain is severely damaged or dirty, it is recommended to take it to a specialist.

Before you clean your gold chain at home, make sure you choose safe way. To do this, you need to understand what kind of metal you are dealing with. Pure gold, for example, 999 ingots, is a separate conversation. As for gold jewelry, gold diluted with silver is used for their manufacture. It may also contain: cadmium, platinum, copper, palladium, nickel, zinc. This is done in order to increase the strength of the product.

If silver prevails among the ligatures, the decoration has a beautiful lemon hue, in the case of copper it is warm, slightly reddish. The method of care and cleaning depends on the composition of the product, as well as the presence of inlays.

Professional care at home

How to clean a gold chain if a pendant is attached to it or we are talking not about a simple chain, but about a necklace, which contains precious and semiprecious stones? Be especially careful with emeralds, pearls, turquoise corals and lapis lazuli. It is better to entrust such expensive products with placers of stones to professionals. If the product is exclusive, its service in without fail offered by the manufacturer itself.

Jewelry cosmetics and special devices

Practically in all jewelry stores There is a service for cleaning, checking and restoring jewelry. If you do not need repairs, and the only question is how to clean the gold chain, then you can buy and use professional jewelry cleaners yourself. What do jewelers and specialized online stores offer?

  • Solution. special fluid copes with plaque and traces of oxidation in just a couple of minutes. The set includes a brush and a mesh basket for immersing products in the solution. Suitable for processing jewelry with inserts. You just need to look at the instructions for which materials are to be processed with a particular liquid.
  • Napkins for cleaning and polishing. Dry fabric or wet. The first are reusable. And the latter are designed for only one cleaning, they are sold in packs or rolls in tubes. Do not scratch the surface, clean, polish. They do not harm stones such as pearls, mother-of-pearl, amber, coral.
  • Paste. Even a small tube lasts a long time. The standard method of application is as follows: the paste is applied to the surface of the jewelry and wiped with a soft cloth. The remains of the paste are removed with a soft edge of the cloth. After that, you can wipe the chain with alcohol, wash it in running water and dry it well. As a rule, this cleaning method allows you to remove persistent, extensive dirt and blackness. Similarly, you can clean the gold chain of hair. Bonus - long lasting tarnish protection.
  • Ultrasonic cleaner. Its principle of operation is as follows: the precious metal is affected by ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 5.8 thousand vibrations per minute. They are able to penetrate into hard-to-reach places and remove maximum contaminants. Ultrasonic devices are used by professional jewelers. The method is one of the most effective, but may not be suitable for jewelry with diamonds, rubies and sapphires. This must be taken into account before cleaning the gold chain and other jewelry. A private person can also buy a device for home use. The instruction is simple. All you need is water and 15 minutes of free time. Many ultrasonic cleaners even run on batteries. They can also be used to clean jewelry made to look like gold.

Simple ways using improvised means

When there is no way to go to the workshop or the funds in the jewelry “cosmetic bag” have run out, and the jewelry needs to be urgently refreshed, “grandmother's” advice comes to the rescue.

Remove dirt with soap

Peculiarities. You can clean the gold chain from dirt using laundry soap and water. This is the safest home method removing plaque from gold jewelry. You will be surprised, but it is recommended for soot even in well-known jewelry houses.

What needs to be done

  1. Place the jewelry in a warm soapy solution (30 g of chips per liter of water).
  2. Wait ten minutes.
  3. With a brush, for example, for cleaning teeth, but always with soft bristles, remove dirt from the surface of the chain.
  4. Rinse the chain thoroughly under running water.
  5. Blot thoroughly with a soft cloth and allow to dry completely.

Ammonia will help from blackness

Peculiarities. If the usual coating of dirt can be dealt with with soap, then in order to wash the gold chain from blackness, more “impact” means are needed. Spots of black and dirty green color on the surface of gold items are formed because copper is present in their composition in a certain amount, depending on the sample. The latter, interacting with water and oxygen, becomes the cause of such troubles.

What needs to be done

  1. Wash the chain in soapy water (30 g shavings per liter of water). If the contamination is dense, leave for ten minutes to soak.
  2. Then rinse in warm running water and pat dry.
  3. Place the chain in a solution of ammonia (a glass of boiling water, a tablespoon washing powder and a teaspoon of 10% ammonia solution).
  4. We leave the decoration for three hours.
  5. Then the product must be washed with warm water and dried.
  6. To fix the effect, you can rub the chain with a special jewelry paste.

Not all products from the standard household cleaning kit are suitable for cleaning gold jewelry. For example, dry soda, which does a great job of removing dark spots from kitchen utensils, can scratch the precious metal. With Coca-Cola, which, according to reviews, is good for scale on the kettle, it is also better not to experiment.

Bringing it to shine

Peculiarities. How to clean a gold chain at home to make it shine? Again, ammonia will help, which is especially effective in processing white gold: gives an expensive whiteness, makes it look even richer. The recipe also contains detergent. When choosing, make sure that it does not contain chlorine. Two more "enemies" of gold are mercury and iodine.

What needs to be done

  1. Mix a teaspoon of ammonia, four drops of liquid dish detergent and 250 ml of water.
  2. Place the gold jewelry in this solution for an hour.
  3. After cleaning, rinse the product in in large numbers water.
  4. Then remove any remaining moisture with a highly absorbent cloth and leave to dry on an open surface.

How can you clean a gold chain to a shine yet? Radiance will provide hydrogen peroxide. Up to 30 ml of the product should be mixed with a teaspoon of liquid soap and 250 ml of water. The solution works for half an hour. Still on the move lipstick And mustard powder. The gold links are literally rubbed with lipstick, and the product is soaked in mustard with water.

Other life hacks

You can also clean a gold chain at home quickly and efficiently in the following ways, which are shared on forums by lovers of expensive jewelry.


  1. Lay a layer of foil on the bottom and walls of a small glass or ceramic container.
  2. Pour a solution of soda (2 tablespoons per 250 ml of hot water).
  3. Place the gold jewelry in the solution for 12 hours.
  4. Rinse and dry.

table vinegar

  1. Put on gloves.
  2. Soak a cotton pad liberally with vinegar.
  3. Wipe the areas with the most dirt with it.
  4. Soak a thick napkin in vinegar, wrap the chain.
  5. Leave for five to seven minutes.
  6. Remove the napkin and wash the jewelry.

Beer and egg white

  1. Apply a mixture of these two ingredients (it is better to beat with a whisk first) on the decoration.
  2. Hold for half an hour.
  3. Rinse.
  4. Rub to a shine.


  1. Place the chain in the palm of your dominant hand.
  2. Squeeze out enough toothpaste to cover the jewelry completely.
  3. It is best to carry out the procedure in the bathroom in the sink.
  4. Gently rub the chain between your palms.
  5. Take a soft-bristled toothbrush and go between the links.
  6. Rinse in running water.


  1. Dissolve 4 tablespoons of table salt in hot water (250 ml).
  2. After the water has cooled down a bit, place the decoration in the solution.
  3. Keep it in brine for 12 hours.
  4. Rinse, dry.

Salt and lemon

  1. In combination with salt, lemon has excellent cleansing properties.
  2. Squeeze out two tablespoons of lemon juice and mix with a teaspoon of finely ground salt.
  3. Apply the resulting slurry to the surface of the jewelry and wipe it lightly with a soft cloth.
  4. Rinse.

Energy cleansing

Gold jewelry is believed to protect wearers from negativity. And as if absorbing bad energy. Therefore, allegedly, they need not only physical, but also “mental” cleaning. Such a need also arises if the jewelry is inherited or there was a quarrel with the donor - there is someone else's energy. There are opinions that gold jewelry can be cleaned from impurities invisible to the eye ( negative energy) with candle fire, water and salt.

It is enough to wrap the gold jewelry in a cut baking paper and place in a container filled with salt. But salt will begin to delete information about previous owners or a negative message only after it is given a command. To do this, before starting the cleaning, they mentally repeat: “Salt cleanses this object of negativity.” Energy cleansing takes about a day. Used salt and parchment should be thrown away, and the “clean” decoration should be worn comfortably. Self-hypnosis is this or a really working way - a moot point.

And finally, the golden rules to prevent premature tarnishing and soiling of gold jewelry: do not wear them during sports, swimming pools and any household work that involves contact with water. Shoot at night and store in special boxes or jewelry box. Wipe with flannel after every wear. So the need to clean the gold chain at home will occur much less frequently.


From gold they perform very beautiful jewelry in the form of bracelets, chains and other decor. But even luxurious braided chains fade over time and become covered with small particles of dirt.

Gold is a metal that does not need much maintenance. It is not so affected external factors, and its reaction to stimuli is insignificant. Therefore, this metal is not subject to corrosion, and can even shine long years. To restore attractiveness and brilliance to metal jewelry, you need to know how to clean a gold chain at home.

Why does gold need cleaning?

Gold accessories can become cloudy and dull due to the presence of impurities in the alloy. In addition, the shade of the jewelry may change with frequent contact with skin. The chain is not always easy to clean. It depends on the number of weaves and links.

If the precious metal has turned black and dull, and contamination has appeared between the links, knowledge is needed on how to clean the gold chain quickly and efficiently.

In order not to turn to professional jewelers, you can find a remedy in the form of a foam or spray. But even without special compositions, you can return a wonderful look to accessories.

Rules for cleaning gold products

Before you figure out how to clean a metal chain, you need to consider certain recommendations:

How to clean the product

How to clean the chain largely depends on the cleaner you choose. The procedure may vary:

  1. Spread onto a soft cloth and gently buff. If necessary, the dirt should be cleaned from the links with a toothpick, and then the product should be rinsed and dried.
  2. Pour the solution into the container and lower the accessory there. Then leave it on required amount time depending on the type of cleaner and wash the jewelry.
  3. Put the accessory in the dishes and fill it with cleaner, and then leave it for 5-15 minutes.
  4. Cleaning is done with sponges and brushes.

Universal means

There are many ways to clean a gold chain to make it shine. There are components that not only eliminate visible dirt, but can also restore shine.


This product should only be used in diluted form to avoid scratching the surface. For cleaning, you will need salt and warm water.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Three tablespoons of salt must be dissolved in 0.5 cups of water.
  2. The decoration is lowered into the container and aged for 12 hours.
  3. Dry and rinse it for the required time.


Cleaning with soda involves the use of foil baking paper. You will also need water and baking soda.

Here's what to do:

  1. Pour water into a cup or glass and dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda in the liquid.
  2. put the foil even layer into a bowl.
  3. Fill it with the prepared solution.
  4. Leave the composition for 12 hours.
  5. The product must be washed and dried.

By using these methods, all stubborn and visible stains will disappear.

Dishwashing liquids

To properly clean the dishes, you will need detergent and warm water. Purification process:

  1. A teaspoon of the product should be dissolved in a glass of water.
  2. Then pour the liquid into a saucepan, on the bottom of which foil paper or flannel fabric is laid out.
  3. Decorations are placed on the surface of the foil.
  4. A cup with accessories is put on fire and boiled for 15 minutes.
  5. Then it should be washed in cold water and dry.

Powder and alcohol

When deciding how to clean a yellow metal chain, you can choose ammonia and washing powder. A teaspoon is stirred in a glass of water alcohol solution and dining powder.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Water must be boiled.
  2. Add ammonia and powder to the container.
  3. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred so that no large particles remain.
  4. When the liquid cools, the products fall into the solution.
  5. Then you should wait 2-3 hours and rinse the chains.


One way to clean a gold-plated chain at home is to use toothpaste. It is applied to the brush and wipe the links. To make the yellow metal chain shine, you can also use tooth powder. First, it should be mixed with water. After that, the links of the product are processed with a brush.

For best effect the decoration should be left in paste or powder for a couple of hours. Then rinse with water.

Cleaning depending on the type of jewelry

Products can be made of yellow or white gold, as well as decorated with stones. Each case will require special care.

Since rhodium is often used for white metal, this jewelry can only be cleaned with soft, lint-free cloths.

The following methods are used for the procedure:

  1. Shampoo and ammonia are mixed in water, and then the product is placed there for half an hour. After that, it must be dried and washed in the usual way.
  2. Dissolves in water mild soap and the accessory is kept in the solution for 15 minutes. In this case, all accumulated pollution is washed off.

There are some peculiarities in products with stones. Most often they are glued, so the chain cannot be soaked. Cleaning is done with cologne. An alcohol solution is also used. Then the product is wiped and dried. If the decor is too dirty, you can use a toothbrush. Then the jewelry is washed in cold water and wiped with a cloth.

Special care is required for accessories with matte surface. To make a soft paste, you need to mix lime, soda, salt and water. It should stand for three days, and then it can be used for cleaning.

There is another tool. Vaseline, chalk, laundry soap and toothpaste are mixed in water. You can prepare a mixture of chamomile decoction and a piece tar soap. Soap must be completely dissolved in the infusion. Decoration is placed in this composition for several hours.

In specialized stores, you can also buy a special cleaning agent. In addition to rags, various brushes and sponges are used.

Proper care

To keep the chain shiny and beautiful for a long time she needs to be properly cared for. It is necessary to limit the contact of the product with creams, water and various chemicals. In case of contamination, the jewelry should be cleaned immediately, but at the same time, gentle means should be used.

It is not recommended to store accessories in cardboard containers, as the metal may tarnish. It is better to store them in a dark place where they do not penetrate Sun rays. It is better to separate the products from each other with a flannel cloth so that they do not get scratched.

At right approach the process of cleaning jewelry does not require expensive funds and special skills. Simple Methods will help restore the original look of jewelry and keep their shine for many years.

Gold is one of those metals that are difficult to react with substances. The advantage of this feature is the absence of rust and rapid wear, and home conditions do not present any problem when it comes to storage. However, the gold chain is quite often subject to mechanical damage. If the gold is not pure in its composition, but with impurities, sooner or later it will have to be cleaned.

If the product has only become slightly cloudy or has simply ceased to shine, losing presentable appearance, it is enough to turn to a soapy solution. It will return to its original appearance without any problems. It would not be superfluous to seek help from a toothbrush, the villi of which can work through the corners of the product. However, often with the constant wear of gold jewelry, you have to use more extensive cleaning methods. By following a few tips, you will achieve better results.

If a mushy mass is selected for cleaning, use a cotton pad or any soft cloth. Perfect for suede or flannel. After cleaning, the product must be washed under running water, and for drying it is better to leave it on outdoors laying out neatly on soft tissue.

If the decoration contains inserts from precious stones, it is worth abandoning aggressive cleaning methods. Otherwise, darkening or violation of the structure of the stone may occur. For such products, "soap" methods are ideal, excluding various additives. Owners of products with turquoise, pearls and corals should be especially careful.

When preparing baths for gold products, it is recommended to put foil on the bottom. If you plan to boil, then a handkerchief is laid out at the bottom of the pan, this will protect the product from scratches.

Baking soda

Baking soda has gained great popularity for cleaning gold. Half a glass of water for work will require two tablespoons of powder. The solution is poured into a small saucepan, the bottom is first lined with a cloth. Next, decorations are laid, and the pan goes to the stove. After the liquid boils, add two tablespoons of 9% vinegar, it is recommended to hold the mixture on fire for another 10 minutes.

After boiling, the chain is rubbed to a shine with a cloth with a wool composition. Some recommend not to "bother" and clean the gold with dry soda, but this cannot be done. Baking soda abrasive structure, which will damage the product.


The advantage of precious metals is their warm relationship with ammonia. Gold cannot be damaged in any way. However, it is important to consider that metals are often added to jewelry alloys, which are characterized by oxidation and, as a result, blackening. The lower the sample indicated on the product, the greater the likelihood of this outcome.

If you know the sample of your product and it is high enough, you can use a highly concentrated solution.

For lower samples, it is important to reduce the ammonia concentration. 15 drops of detergent and the same amount of ammonia are added to a glass of water. The product is lowered into the mixture for an hour or two. After the time has passed, rinse the product under the tap and lay it out to dry.

ammonium chloride

If the contamination is very strong, it is recommended to use ammonia in pure form, holding the chain for about the same amount of time. There is another option. Mix a part of ammonia with two parts of hydrogen peroxide. You need to leave the gold product in the solution overnight, be sure to cover the container with a tight lid. In the morning, rinse the product under running water.


Brushing with toothpaste jewelry- a very popular way. To work, it is enough to rub the product with paste and carefully walk over it with a toothbrush. After that, rinse the jewelry properly in running water and leave it on a soft cloth until complete drying. It is recommended to cut the bristles of the brush beforehand so that the chain does not get tangled in them.


For chalk cleaning you will need to do next mixture. From chalk in the form of powder, petroleum jelly, soap shavings and water, gruel is kneaded. Each ingredient is taken in the same proportion. The composition is transferred to a soft cloth, which carefully wipes all the details of the decoration. After finishing work, rinse the product thoroughly and dry it in the open air.


There is no need to talk about the prevention of contamination on gold items as such, since it was already mentioned above that gold itself cannot react, the impurities used by jewelers are to blame. It could be:

  • copper;
  • silver;
  • nickel and other options.

The future strength of the product and color depend on what is included in the alloy. Over time, due to the presence of such extraneous additives, the decoration darkens. Therefore, when buying, be sure to pay attention to the sample. The higher it is, the smaller the amount of ligature (metals mentioned above) will be in the composition. Accordingly, the chances of blackening in the future will drop significantly.

An example would be 327 sample. She says that pure gold in jewelry is contained in an amount of 32.7 mg, the remaining amount to one hundred is base metals and silver.

concelebrate good service as a preventive measure, polishing products can. For this, a tablespoon of laundry soap is enough, which is previously rubbed on a fine grater. Crushed chalk and a tablespoon of warm water are added to it. With the help of the resulting slurry, transferred to a cotton pad, polishing is performed.