To remove shellac at home. How to remove gel polish (shellac) at home without a special liquid. Where can I buy special tools

Manicure is an integral part of the appearance of every modern woman. Manufacturers of various coatings delight the public with new products, one of which is Shellac (shellac) - a combination of varnish and gel for nails.

The advantage of this coating is that it is a kind of "golden mean" between the usual varnish and nail extensions. Shellac is applied relatively quickly - in the salon the whole procedure will not take more than 40 minutes, such a coating will last an average of 2-3 weeks.

It is worth noting that such a long "life" of shellac is offset by some difficulties in removing it. Unlike ordinary varnish, you can’t get rid of it with a few strokes of a cotton pad..

A specialist in a nail salon will quickly and efficiently remove the coating, but this, firstly, costs money, and secondly, it takes time.

Means and methods for removing shellac at home

It is quite possible to remove shellac at home, for the procedure you will need some manicure devices:

  • Coating remover: acetone, concentrated liquid that removes regular non-gel polish, a special "wash" for shellac, isopropyl alcohol.
  • Foil, polyethylene, disposable manicure wraps.
  • Disks from cotton wool and cotton wool itself.
  • Styluses from orange tree, pusher.
  • Polishing file.
  • Care products for restoring nails- oil, nourishing cream.

If you have the opportunity to purchase a professional shellac removal kit, do not miss it. As a savings, you can get by with the above items.

The key method of how to erase shellac yourself at home is quite similar to salon manipulations.

Cotton wool treated with a remover is applied to the nails, wrapped and fixed for 10 to 15 minutes.

After shellac is easily removed manually or with an orange tree stick, with soft mechanical movements.

In some cases, you can use another method, simpler, when the nails are simply dipped in a container of acetone. This is not as gentle and safe as the first option, but if there are no allergic reactions to the solvent, it is quite suitable.

What is important to know

Often there are cases when, after a home procedure, you come to see a doctor and restore destroyed nails. Unfortunately, thin and fragile nail plates, sensitive skin do not always withstand aggressive removal of the coating.

If there is a predisposition to an allergic reaction to gel polish solvents, carefully study the composition, purchase gentle professional liquids or wipes.

The second important nuance is the exposure time of the compress on the nails. When doing the first procedure, it is recommended to keep the wrappers for about 15 minutes. This is the average duration of the dissolution of the gel coating.

Pre-treatment of shellac with a sanding file will help to reduce time. This will help to remove the top layer of the coating, which contributes to the rapid dissolution of the gel. In addition, this will reduce the risk of irritation from the action of acetone on the skin.

Tools for removing gel polish: what to choose

There is an alternative to all the materials necessary for removing gel polish, which is very convenient. In the absence of what you need, you can always choose something similar, but is there a difference and what should be preferred? To answer these questions, it is necessary to consider in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of various means or tools.

Acetone based nail polish remover. If you buy products with acetone to remove ordinary varnish, then you know exactly how the nails and skin around the nail plate react to them. Acetone - perfectly dissolves the gel coating of shellac, but negatively affects the health of the nails.

The composition of liquids based on acetone should include protective and nourishing components: vitamin E, herbal extracts, oils


Means without acetone are not effective. There are many reviews of women who are against acetone-containing products, as it is possible remove shellac at home liquids without acetone. In fact, such products actually help if the composition contains isopropyl alcohol or an acetone substitute.

Foil, cling film or plastic bag. Wrapping the nail plate is necessary so that the dissolving liquid does not evaporate. What to choose from the above is everyone's business, the main condition is tightness and reliable fixation.

Special wipes designed for fast and high-quality coating removal. This is a great option for those who apply shellac regularly and want to save time on removal.

There are always instructions for use on the package, the wipes themselves are already impregnated with a special high-quality shellac remover.

It is enough to wrap the nail plate with a napkin, and the packaging of the napkin itself, which has a thin foil coating, will help to fix the “compress”. There is an adhesive strip on the surface of the package, remove the protective film from it and fix the wrapper on your finger.

Where can I buy special tools

Applying shellac to nails is no longer a rarity, and therefore there are many means for removing gel polish. You can buy the right one in a nail salon, specialized or general cosmetics store. In addition, online stores often offer more attractive prices than retailers.

With the choice of styluses, napkins and cotton pads, problems are unlikely to arise. But choosing a liquid to remove shellac, pay attention to the domestic brand Severina, which is often used in salons. It includes a whole range of protective components, and the cost is very democratic.

Next on the "best of the best" list is CND enriched with vitamin E complex. Lafitel- a universal remedy, jojoba oil was added to its composition to strengthen the nail plate. Due to the small volume of the bottle, it is quite cheap.

We follow step by step instructions

Probably, the first time to wash shellac from nails will seem like a long and complicated process, since at home everything needs to be done independently and carefully.

Saved by the fact that the procedure has been worked out more than once by professionals and has its own step-by-step instructions. Following the recommendations based on the experience of many masters, it will not be difficult to remove a resistant coating.

Standard Shellac Removal Method

Step 1. Wash your hands thoroughly to degrease the surface of the shellac.

Step #2. Apply a nourishing cream to the skin around the nail plate to protect against the aggressive effects of acetone.

Step #3 The compress is applied only to the surface of the shellac, avoiding contact with the skin. To do this, use cotton wool, half a cotton pad or a special napkin. The compress is pressed tightly against the nail.

Step #4 Pre-prepared strips of foil, polyethylene or film wrap the fingers to half and fix. The wrapper must adhere well and be airtight to keep the solvent from evaporating. At this time, you can do a light massage, fingers and nails, this contributes to the intensive removal of the coating.

If there is pain during the compress, the wrapping must be removed immediately. Don't endure pain, saving time and money for removing gel polish


Step #5. After 15 minutes, remove the foil and compress in the same order as applied. After removing the wrapper and fleece from the first nail, immediately proceed to remove the shellac.

Coatings should be removed in pieces that are easy to pick up with an orange stick or pusher. Gently scrape off any remaining polish, one at a time from each nail. If the shellac is not partially removed from some nails, repeat the wrapping procedure on them.

Step #6. After removing the entire nail coating, treat the surface with a polishing file and make a nourishing mask on the nails, rub in oil and cream. This will help to quickly restore the nail plate, which still suffers from mechanical stress and various chemical solvents.

Quick shellac removal method

The second method, showing how you can erase shellac at home, is more aggressive, but quick and easy. You will need a professional nail sponge. It will protect the skin of the hands and cuticles, but will provide solvent access to the nail plate.

Previously, as in the previous method, it is necessary to degrease the hands and the surface of the nail coating, for this it is enough to wash them with soap and water. The top coating must be cut with a special grinding file. Then a nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the fingers, this will protect against the harmful effects of acetone.

Pour the solvent into the bath- any of the previously listed will do, but, as a rule, acetone is used. Wrap your fingers with special sponges so that the letting side covers the nail plate. Then, the fingers are dipped in the solvent for 10 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, gently release the fingers from the compress and wrapping, removing the shellac with a stylus or a plastic stick with a blunt end.

The final stage- polishing and caring procedure, you can rub oil into the nail plate and cuticle skin.

Naturally, when removing shellac from nails on your own at home, especially if you wash it for the first time, you can make mistakes such as choosing the wrong remedy or improper removal of the compress.

What you need to know, for a positive result:

  • Never use commercial grade acetone to remove shellac. Such a tool is not subjected to additional cleansing and composition adjustment, and is likely to damage the skin around the nails.
  • Cotton wool, cotton pads or napkins treated with a special agent should be removed only with rotational movements. This contributes to the effective removal of the coating.
  • Foil can be replaced, for example, use office rubber bands.
  • If you have an allergic reaction to acetone(earlier or when removing gel polish), try using a professional gentle product, wipes or contact the salon, where a specialist will remove the coating quickly and efficiently.

Besides, lifestyle can also affect gel polish coverage, if you often come into contact with water or work on a computer every day, then the coating may peel off in a week. The same result should be expected if the hands and, in particular, the nails succumbed to a sharp temperature drop, for example, when after visiting the sauna they plunge into a cold pool.

Well, a natural parting word from any specialist is to contact only professionals in their field.

Hand and nail care

Contrary to the promises of manufacturers, shellac is not as harmless as they say. First of all, the nail plate is intensively polished before applying the gel, which makes it somewhat thinner, the gel polish closes the nail plate from sunlight, which in no way benefits it. What can we say about the procedure for erasing shellac, carried out both in the salon and at home.

As already described above, acetone is harmful to nails and skin.. The impact of the solvent itself or the means on its base intensively dries out the skin and nails, which leads to brittleness, brittleness and even burns. You need to understand that after such procedures, hands need protection, nutrition and hydration.

Actually, it is worth concentrating in these areas. Moisturizing masks, nourishing creams, cosmetic oils - everything will benefit and health of the hands, and, therefore, will preserve the beauty of hands and nails.

Since the cost of nail salon services is not always democratic, you can erase shellac yourself, at home. By following all the recommendations of professionals, the process will be as safe and efficient as possible.

In this video you will learn how to remove shellac at home:

The following video shows how to remove shellac without foil:

A sustainable innovative shellac manicure coating, which lasts from two weeks to a couple of months on nails, has categorically conquered the modern market for nail art products. But gel polish must be removed periodically - to apply a new decorative layer or correct the shape of the nails. How to remove persistent gel polish at home, and how to use foil?

What you need to remove varnish

To remove gel polish from nails, manufacturers offer a special tool - a remover. It contains acetone, which is necessary to dissolve the natural resins contained in shellac. Removing gel polish at home with foil and remover is a simple procedure, for which you need to have:

  • Special tool for removing shellac (remuver).
  • Foil (buy immediately a roll of food, wrapping - it will come in handy for a long time).
  • Orange sticks (manicure spatulas).
  • Grinding file, cotton pads.

If you don’t have a remover on hand, and you don’t know how to replace the branded product, you can use nail polish remover to remove the coating, but a composition without acetone will not work.

shellac removal procedure

Sometimes, instead of foil for removing gel polish, a patch, caps, manicure bottles are used, into which a remover is poured and fingers are dipped for a while. The whole process of removing the old coating with foil can be divided into three main stages, each of which can be performed at home:

  • preparatory step. The top top layer of gel polish must be sanded to give the remover good access to the decorative and base coat. With gentle movements with a nail file, remove the fixing top.
  • Nail wrap. This requires foil. How to use it? You should first prepare small pieces of foil from a roll, then moisten a cotton pad in a remover, attach it to the size of the nail plate and wrap it with foil, creating a “greenhouse effect”. The size of the foil is approximately 7x7 cm.

  • Nail cleaning. About ten minutes after wrapping, the nails can be released from the foil. Softened shellac is easy to remove with orange sticks or use a manicure spatula instead.

After completion of the procedure, nails and cuticles can be treated with a nourishing cream. The process of removing gel polish using foil takes a little time, and it will not be difficult to do it at home.

Removing shellac by other means

In the event that you do not want to use foil, a logical question arises, how to replace the foil when removing gel polish? You can more quickly remove gel polish without foil using special standard size branded wrappers. They are impregnated with a shellac remover and are simply put on each finger. After the time recommended by the manufacturer of branded wrappers, they are removed from the nails and the gel polish is removed with orange sticks. This method is much easier - you do not need to cut the foil for each finger.

How to replace the foil if there are no branded wrappers? Instead, use a medical plaster, which is in every home first aid kit. Removal of gel polish without foil is performed according to the above scheme. If you decide to use only improvised shellac removers, before using acetone, you must generously lubricate the skin around the nails with a greasy cream so as not to damage the delicate layer of the epidermis. Acetone vapors are not safe for the skin, and wrapping should be done for at least 10 minutes. During this time, delicate fingers may suffer, which side of the foil you do not seal them, and the cream will protect the skin from the penetration of acetone.

Gel polish is an excellent durable nail polish that is not so cheap, since shellac requires a starter kit and an ultraviolet or LED lamp to apply. If you can afford such a manicure, then you should acquire special gel polish removers in advance, and experiment less with your nails, using instead of branded compounds, for example, liquid without acetone.

To prevent undesirable consequences and not to spoil the nails and skin on the hands, you should listen to the advice of manicure masters:

  1. Gel polish cannot be removed simply mechanically. The base layer is securely attached to the nail plate, so the nails will be damaged by the sharp side of the tool.
  2. Which side to remove the gel polish with foil does not matter, since the foil is used to soften the gel polish without air access. Which side you turn is completely irrelevant.
  3. After the procedure, use regenerating creams, use baths with iodine and lemon (a few drops each). You can immerse your hands in them for 15 minutes to nourish your nails.
  4. If you do not know how to replace the foil, you can use ordinary cling film - it also does not allow air to pass through. Which side to wrap around your finger, it does not matter.
  5. To remove gel polish, orange sticks can be replaced with a plastic manicure pusher.

Listening to the authoritative opinion of the masters of the nail service, each owner of beautiful marigolds will be able to remove shellac on their own. But still, remove shellac with tools, compounds and devices that are designed for this.

A beautiful manicure is the pride of every girl. Recently, manicure with shellac or gel polish has been very popular. Due to its strength and durability (this design can be easily worn for 2-3 weeks), as well as the variety of colors, this tool is so loved by many young ladies.

Despite the durability of this coating, sooner or later the time comes when you need to remove it. The nail plate gradually grows, and the manicure turns from a stunning look into an unattractive picture.

You can remove gel polish in a beauty salon where such a coating was applied, or at home.

Advantages and disadvantages

The process of removing gel polish at home has several disadvantages:

  1. To remove such a coating at home, you will have to practice. From the first time it may not be possible to completely remove the gel polish, and the procedure will have to be repeated.
  2. The operation must be carried out very carefully., otherwise you can damage the top layer or the nail plate itself.
  3. You need to follow the instructions exactly so that the coating can be removed without damaging the nail.
  4. You will have to purchase a tool and accessories for removing gel polish.

Despite these disadvantages, removing shellac at home has some advantages:

  • Saving money - you do not have to pay a master in a beauty salon for this operation.
  • You can perform the procedure at any convenient time.
  • After removing such a coating, a number of strengthening manipulations for the nail plate can be carried out, after all, you do not need to immediately apply a new design to the nails.


If you decide to carry out shellac removal at home, then you need to prepare for this process. First, purchase a gel polish remover. These can be various options:

  • conventional acetone or an acetone-containing product;
  • special preparations, for example, remover- it contains vitamins and nutrients that gently remove shellac without harming the structure of the nail;
  • isopropyl alcohol or a preparation containing alcohol- Isopropyl alcohol can be purchased at a hardware store. Since this substance is very concentrated, it can lead to severe irritation of the epidermis. Therefore, it must be applied very carefully, avoiding areas of the skin. You can keep such a tool on the nails for no more than 15 minutes.

Prepare tools:

  • nail file with high abrasiveness;
  • polishing nail file;
  • cotton pads (5 pieces) or cotton wool (10 pieces);
  • orange stick;
  • foil - 10 pieces;
  • fat cream or oil to soften the cuticle.

With foil

One of the most effective and popular ways to remove shellac is to use foil. It is not only used at home, many nail artists use this method in beauty salons.

You can purchase a special foil in a roll designed for removing manicure or use ordinary food from the kitchen. If you use the usual version, then the foil must first be cut into 10 small pieces. The size should be:

  • in width they should slightly exceed the size of the nail;
  • by lenght - easily wrap around your finger.

Cotton pads also cut in half or tear off small pieces of cotton wool.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. It is necessary to cut off the top shiny layer using a nail file with high abrasiveness. This layer is the most resistant and durable, it is difficult to dissolve. And if it is not cut down, then the shellac will be very difficult to remove.
  2. Remove dust and treat the cuticle with a fat cream or nourishing oil.
  3. Thoroughly blot a cotton pad or cotton swab in a specialized gel polish remover. Press it against the nail plate.
  4. Wrap a piece of foil around your finger. So that you don’t have a question about which side you need to wrap it, the shiny side should be on top, and the matte part on the bottom, touching it with a cotton pad.
  5. Perform the same actions with the rest of the fingers.
  6. The agent must be kept for 15 minutes.
  7. After this time, you need to remove the foil. You will notice that the gel polish has dissolved and softened a little and easily lags behind the nail.
  8. Use an orange stick to remove the remnants of the coating from the nail plate.
  9. If you notice that a small amount of shellac remains on the nail, then you need to take a polishing nail file used to grind the natural plate of the nail.

If after carrying out such actions you notice a transparent base on the nails, then use a cotton pad dipped in nail polish remover.

With acetone

If there is no special gel polish remover, then you can use regular acetone. For this:

  • Pour liquid containing acetone into a shallow container.
  • Cut off the shiny layer.
  • Treat the cuticles and the skin around the nail with a fat cream or cuticle oil.
  • Dip your fingers into the acetone so that they are completely immersed in this liquid.
  • Hold your fingers for 7 - 8 minutes.
  • After this time, the gel coating should soften and easily lag behind the nail plate.
  • Use an orange stick and buff to remove gel polish residue.

Using this method, you must be extremely careful, since acetone has a very negative effect not only on the nail, but also on the skin, drying it out very much.

Specialized sets

You can also remove shellac if you buy a specific set for this operation.

It consists of the following components:

  • orange sticks;
  • sponges in the form of pockets;
  • special gel polish remover.

The withdrawal procedure is as follows:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, to degrease them.
  2. It is necessary to moisten the sponges with gel polish remover on the side that will be in contact with the nail plate.
  3. Place your finger in the pocket so that the wet side touches the nail.
  4. It is necessary to fasten the cover tightly with Velcro, carefully fixing it so that it does not sleep.
  5. After 10 minutes, you can remove the pockets. The gel polish should soften and come off in chunks. Use an orange stick to remove residue.
  6. At the end of the operation, treat the cuticle with cream or oil.

  • First remove the shellac from one hand, then from the second. Thus, it will be more convenient for you to carry out this procedure, since one hand will be completely free.
  • If you did a French manicure, then you need to keep a cotton wool with gel polish remover on the free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail without using foil a little longer, since a thicker layer of varnish is laid there.
  • After fixing the foil around the nails, place the pens with your palms down, slightly raising your fingers. These simple actions will help the fumes to collect around the nail plate without adversely affecting the epidermis of the hands.
  • If you do not plan to immediately re-coat, then it is recommended to carry out a series of procedures that can quickly restore the condition of the nail plate. These can be various salt baths, applying special caring oils, enamels or other products to the nail.

As you can see, the procedure for removing gel polish at home is quite simple.

The main rule is to be extremely careful and take your time. If you strictly follow the instructions, then you should not have any difficulties.

How to remove gel polish at home, see the following video.

gel polish continues to be one of the most popular decorative manicure products due to the increased resistance of the coating to mechanical damage and impeccable appearance throughout the entire wearing period. And the nail design, made in shades suitable for your wardrobe from a rich shellac palette, will last in its original form for at least several weeks without additional correction. But even the most impeccable nail design gets boring over time and you want to remove the gel polish in the safest way. From this material you will learn how you can remove shellac yourself at home, so that your nails rest and "breathe" after a long "imprisonment" under several layers of coating.

One of the main advantages of shellac is that to remove the coating, it is not at all necessary to file the nails and thereby expose the natural plates to mechanical damage, causing them to break, thin and delamination. You can buy a special shellac removal kit, which contains a special liquid that quickly softens the hard coating on the nails. But if you don’t have such a liquid at hand, then it’s quite possible to use other means for this procedure that you probably have at home on a manicure table. You can even remove shellac from nails with nail polish remover, and you can do without pieces of foil to fix a cotton pad with solvent.


It is advisable to remove hardened gel polish from nails with a professional tool to prevent delamination and thinning of the nail plates. The following brands have proven themselves well: Masura Liquid, CND Nourishing Remover, Nano Professional Remover, Solomeya Nail Remover Artificial, Nila Uni-Cleaner, Severina.

Shellac remover;

Buff for polishing nails;

Thin foil (cut into square pieces);

Cotton pads (each disk is cut into four parts);

Step-by-step instruction:

❶ We treat fingers with an antiseptic and put a piece of cotton pad soaked in a special liquid on each nail;

❷ To tightly press the cotton pad to the nail, twist a piece of foil around each nail plate and fix the workpiece with an “envelope”;

❸ After 10-15 minutes, remove all the foil "envelopes" from the fingers and carefully clean the softened coating from the nail plates with a pusher or an orange stick;

❹ A thin film of shellac may remain on the surface of the nail plates, which we remove by light grinding with a nail file (literally run over each nail several times), and then treat the nails with a polishing buff;

❺ After polishing the nail plates, apply a special emollient oil to the cuticle with a brush, and then rub it into the keratinized skin;

❻ If the nails look weakened and thinned, take a strengthening bath with sea salt a few hours after the procedure, apply a mask with red pepper on the nail plates.


It is quite possible to perform this procedure at home without foil and cotton pads, replacing these materials with an ordinary adhesive plaster.

Tools and materials for the procedure:

Gel polish remover (or nail polish remover with acetone);

· Orange sticks or a metal pusher with a rounded spatula;

· Glass or ceramic nail file with fine abrasive;

Buff for polishing nails;

Adhesive plaster, cut into 10 large pieces;

Wide bowl

Vaseline or oily cream.

Emollient cuticle oil.

Step-by-step instruction:

❶ With a nail file with a fine abrasive, lightly grind the surface of the coating, removing the top layer of the top;

❷ Pour softening liquid into a bowl so that you can immerse your fingertips in it;

❸ Apply a thick layer of Vaseline or oily cream on the periungual skin;

❹ We wrap the upper phalanx of each finger with adhesive plaster and immerse the fingertips in a bowl of liquid;

❺ After 15 minutes, remove the adhesive plaster from the fingers and carefully remove the softened coating with an orange stick or a pusher, moving from the cuticle to the tip of the free edge;

❻ We polish the surface of the nail plates with a buff and rub softening oil into the cuticle;

❼ After a few hours, make a bath with warm water in which you can dissolve 4 drops of iodine and 2 teaspoons of sea salt to strengthen nails.


For the procedure, you can use acetone, which is one of the strongest solvents. But it is categorically contraindicated to use this remedy for owners of very thin, brittle and exfoliating nails. It is advisable to remove shellac without a special liquid only in emergency cases, when you urgently need to get rid of a decorative manicure, and there is only acetone at hand.

Tools and materials for the procedure:

Acetone solution (concentration not more than 60%);

· Orange sticks;

nail file with fine abrasive;

Vaseline or oily cream;

· Cuticle oil;

· Moisturizing cream;

· Wide bowl.

Step-by-step instruction:

❶ Acetone solution (60%) should preferably be warmed up a little. We fill the pan with hot water (about 1/4 volume) and place a bowl of acetone solution there (so that you can dip your fingertips into it). It is enough to hold the bowl in the pan for 3-4 minutes;

❷ Remove the top layer of shellac with a nail file, and then remove the dust with a manicure brush;

❸ To protect the periungual skin from exposure to a strong solvent, apply a thick layer of oily cream on the upper phalanx of each finger, without going over the nail plates;

❹ Immerse the fingertips in a bowl of solvent so that the liquid completely covers the nails;

❺ Keep your fingertips in the bowl for about 10 minutes. After this time, the coating will noticeably swell and begin to slightly move away;

❻ Then remove the fingers from the bowl and use an orange stick to remove the softened coating from each nail;

❼ After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, dry with a towel and apply a moisturizer to your skin. After a few hours, it is advisable to make a strengthening bath for nails.


For the procedure, a regular nail polish remover with acetone in the composition is suitable. We also need foil squares, cotton pads and orange sticks;

❶ Fold a cotton pad in half and soak with liquid, and then apply to the shellac coated nail;

❷ Pressing the cotton pad tightly, wrap a piece of foil around the fingertip, which will securely fix the cotton wool and prevent the solvent from evaporating;

❸ After 15 minutes, remove the foil from each finger and remove the shellac from the nails with an orange stick;

❹ Massage the skin around the nails and apply a special cuticle oil on it.


Very convenient disposable wipes impregnated in the form of cases. The napkin is opened in the incision area, the film is torn off and the case is put on the fingertip. The napkin is hermetically attached to the finger and within 10 minutes the gel polish is completely softened.

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High-quality application of shellac requires a skill that is acquired only in manicure courses, and the availability of special equipment (an ultraviolet lamp), so this operation is more likely to be a salon procedure. Shellac coating lasts for a long time, at least two weeks. But what to do if during this time a manicure of one color is tired or if a new image requires an urgent change in the color of the nails? If you know how to remove shellac at home, then such difficulties will not arise. It remains only to remove the old coating, and then apply a new one to the nail.

Is it possible to remove shellac from nails at home

The answer to the question is yes, because there is such a possibility. To remove shellac right at home and save money and time is a real success, but not all girls know about it. In addition, having never tried the technology, how to remove shellac from nails at home, they are afraid to do it. However, to clean nails from shellac, you do not need to have pro skills - you just need to purchase a special shellac removal kit in the store or use improvised tools, the list of which is below.

How to remove shellac coating yourself

Such a durable coating as gel polish cannot be removed with alcohol or cologne: more serious preparations will be required here. But do not be afraid - everything you need is on sale, the price of many products is affordable even for beauties with a modest manicure budget. It remains only to find out how to remove shellac gel at home, what means are used for this.

Professional gel polish remover without acetone

Many women avoid acetone because they can't stand its strong smell and believe that the chemical dries out nails and even causes cancer (the latter claim has not been proven). Therefore, manufacturers are releasing more and more acetone-free liquids, replacing the overly odorous ingredient in them with softer isopropyl alcohol or acetate organic compounds. A set with such a tool will be in demand among fashionistas.

Acetone-free liquids degrease and spoil the plates and skin, no less than products with acetone. But acetone-free products evaporate more slowly, which is convenient when you need to keep your nails wet for a while - this property is very useful when it comes to removing shellac. The most popular brands of acetone-free liquids now The most popular brands of acetone-free liquids now are Product Remover, Severina, Bluesky, CND.

Acetone nail polish remover and foil

If you can’t get rid of shellac with the help of special tools, ordinary acetone liquid will help, you just have to keep it on your nails longer - not ten, but fifteen to twenty minutes. Resourceful beauties figured out how to remove Shellac using foil at home. The liquid is applied to a simple cotton pad, applied to the nail, then fixed on the finger with a homemade metal cap.

With special wipes

These are wonderful helpers, helping to wash off the annoying coating almost on the go. Sold in sets of ten or more. They are oblong paper envelopes, inside of which there is a damp cloth moistened with a gel polish softener. The fingertip must be inserted into a sticky bag, wait the time set according to the instructions, and then wipe off the varnish.

How to replace the foil

Foil is the cheapest option, but if desired, it is replaced with reusable devices, such as thimble caps. The desired liquid is poured into them and the fingertips are lowered inside, waiting until the coating softens. Some skilled craftsmen know how to remove shellac from nails at home, fixing wet cotton wool on the nail with cellophane and “swaddling” the entire phalanx in it. But unlike foil, food film made of polyethylene does not hold its shape at all, so it is a poorly suited material for these purposes.

How to properly remove Shellac at home: step by step instructions

There are two ways to remove shellac at home. Both methods are described step by step below. The first method is useful for those who have only the simplest manicure tools and accessories at home. To remove the second method, you will have to buy special sponges in the store. Any other method will be a variation of one of these two.

  • Method number 1: How to remove shellac at home if there is no special kit consisting of chemical reagents and a certain tool (these are used by the master in the salon).

You will need aluminum foil, non-sterile cotton wool or discs, acetone liquid or isopropyl alcohol, citrus wood sticks (orange or similar).


  1. Wash your hands, they should not be traces of sebum.
  2. Separate the cotton pads lengthwise into two thinner parts or cut into four equal parts: across and again across.
  3. Cut the foil into pieces the size of a matchbox.
  4. Saturate that part of the disk with liquid, which will then be adjacent to the nail (it is more convenient if this is the center of the disk).
  5. Apply cotton wool to the nail and tightly wrap the phalanx with foil so that it is firmly fixed.
  6. Carry out this operation with each nail plate.
  7. After a quarter of an hour, release the first finger from the foil, scrape off the softened shellac with a stick.
  8. Remove the foil, scraping off the shellac.
  9. If there are areas from which the shellac has not been scraped off, you need to repeat the procedure.

The final part of the procedure will allow you to take care of the nails and the skin around them. So, you need to rub recovery oil into the cuticles and nail plates, choosing one that is not allergic.

  • Method number 2: How to quickly remove shellac at home with specialized manicure chemicals and devices.

You will need disposable sponges with Velcro to hold, liquid to remove nail polish, scraping sticks, cuticle oil. All these items and products are sold in beauty stores as a shellac kit or individually.

  1. Hands are washed thoroughly with soap.
  2. Soak the sponge with the agent, wrap it around the phalanx, fasten the Velcro.
  3. Sponges are put on all fingers.
  4. Fill the hand bath with acetone, immerse the nails “packed” in sponges inside.
  5. Ten minutes later, the fingers are pulled out and freed from the sponges.
  6. Remove varnish with a stick. It is not recommended to use a pusher or remover tweezers for scraping, because metal tools will definitely damage the records.
  7. Lubricate the cuticle with nutritious fat.

Video: how to quickly and easily wash off gel polish yourself

There is a proverb that tells us that it is better to see once than to hear many times. This is fully confirmed by the video below. The algorithm of action, the opinions of beauties and fashionistas, affordable means for removing shellac - you will see all this. Learn how to remove shellac at home, it will turn out quickly and easily!

From shellac, nails become a little thinner, weaker, for some time they need special care. The salon master after removing the varnish will offer procedures for restoring the nail plates. A miracle will not happen, but the nails will recover faster than with home procedures, and a nail file is not needed. Experts consider sealing nails and paraffin therapy to be the most effective methods.

If financial possibilities do not allow you to take care of your nails in the salon, you will have to do it yourself by buying the necessary products in a specialized cosmetic or manicure store. It is possible to get by with simple home remedies - olive oil, lemon juice, bath salts, essential oils. Home recovery is carried out in stages.

  • Moisturizing and nourishing is carried out using an oil bath. Heat the olive oil until slightly warm and dip your nails for five minutes. Then blot your fingertips with a tissue and wait ten minutes for the remaining oil to be absorbed. If the nails after shellac are too dry, break and exfoliate, the procedure is repeated several more times at intervals of a day.
  • Whitening. After removing shellac, it is sometimes found that the nail plates have turned yellow. In this case, they are bleached with lemon juice. Citric acid not only brightens, but also moisturizes and strengthens nails. Make a lemon nail mask as follows: cut the fruit in half and dip the ends of the fingers into the lemon pulp for a couple of minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Strengthening. Baths with sea salt enriched with essential oils will help. Such salt, designed specifically for hand care, is found in some lines of cosmetics, for example, PRO Manicure, DNC, Blanc Bleu. An analogue of a special remedy can be ordinary sea salt from a pharmacy, but then you will have to add a few drops of essential oil to the bath, preferably orange.

In almost any online store that sells shellac kits, there are also products for the recovery period. Such preparations contain organic and chemical complexes for the restoration, strengthening and resuscitation of nails. Most often on sale there are restorative compositions for nails of the following brands:

  • oils PN-Nourish Nageloil and Nail Hardener (Germany);
  • resuscitator "Horsepower" (Russia);
  • base coat after Restoration acrylic (USA);
  • pencil Talika Nail Regenerator Serum (France).

Where to buy and how much do shellac removers cost?

The easiest way to buy a shellac remover at home is to visit specialized stores for manicure products. Finding them is very easy - every self-respecting outlet of this profile has at least an online page, or even an entire online store. These can be both stores with a wide range of products selling products for all types of manicure, and specialized ones, aimed only at selling products for shellac.

Lady Victory is a large wholesale and retail beauty products company. It has representative offices in the Russian Federation and several online stores. The Moscow company store is located in the Dubrovka shopping center at 13, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya St. Lady Victory online store addresses:


Shilak.rf is an online beauty products store with a focus on selling shellac products. It sells shellac products for almost any brand. An online store consultant will explain how to remove shellac at home. There are equipment (UV lamps) and materials for nail repair on sale. The store is located at Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 6a. Delivery works throughout Russia.

The pivot table will help determine the prices.