How useful is a simple egg for hair. Raw egg masks for the treatment and against hair loss

Egg for hair was widely used in cosmetology even by our ancestors. This product contains in its composition a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, which provides it with a beneficial effect on the hair.

Eggs are widely used to improve hair structure due to the presence of a huge number of useful properties. The action of this product is aimed at combating fragility and dryness of curls.

With the help of masks, strengthening is provided, and the elasticity of the hairs for the treatment of dandruff is recommended to use egg protein. It also helps to eliminate problems with split ends. With the help of the product, you can qualitatively moisturize the scalp.


Since eggs belong to the category of natural products, they are characterized by a minimum number of contraindications. They are not recommended for use only with individual intolerance to the components or the presence of allergic reactions.

Rules for the preparation of funds

Egg-based masks at home should be prepared in strict accordance with the recipe. Means are prepared on the basis of egg white or yolk. You can also use both components of this product in some recipes.

The application of drugs should be carried out not only on the skin, but also on curls. To ensure the highest possible effect of masks, it is recommended to rub them into the epithelium with massage movements.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of any medicine, after applying it, a cap or plastic bag is put on the head. Next, the head is wrapped in a towel. The duration of use of a particular drug depends on its components.

Recipes for hair masks are presented in this video:

Keeping the mask longer than the specified time is strictly prohibited, as this may lead to unwanted effects. To wash off the preparation, it is necessary to use warm water, to which a small amount of lemon juice is first added.

After the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to use a hair dryer to dry the hair.

How to wash your hair with an egg

For hair washing, the use of an ordinary egg is recommended. The yolk of this product foams very well, which makes it possible to replace shampoo with it.

Thanks to this procedure, not only the cleansing of the hair is ensured, but its smoothness and silkiness. Depending on what kind of hair a person has, for one procedure it is required to use from 1 to 3 yolks.

You can also prepare a special shampoo from the yolk. This component is mixed with cognac and hop cones and infused for a week in a dark and cool place.

Effective masks

There are a variety of egg-based recipes that are easy to use. This allows a person to choose the most suitable option for themselves.

For the preparation of funds, it is necessary to use not only the egg, but also additional components:

  1. Cognac. The drug is widely used to accelerate the growth of curls, regardless of their type. A medicine is prepared on the basis of several egg yolks. They are mixed with vegetable oil and cognac, which must be taken in a few tablespoons. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair. A plastic bag and a towel are put on top. After 50 minutes, the drug is washed off.
  2. Glycerol. The product is recommended for use with excessive dryness of the hair. Castor oil is mixed with the yolk in equal amounts. A small amount of glycerin and vinegar is introduced into the composition. Initially, the mask must be rubbed into the skin of the head, and then distributed along the length of the hair. After 20 minutes, the medicine is washed off with shampoo.
  3. . Egg yolk is recommended to be mixed in equal proportions with honey and vegetable oil. The drug is used to improve the condition of excessively dry curls. The medication is applied with massage movements. To achieve a high effect, the head must be wrapped. After an hour, the medicine is washed off.
  4. Yogurt. One egg is taken and beaten. The resulting mixture is diluted with yogurt in a ratio of 1:1. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp, and after 40 minutes it is washed off. Used medicine to fight dandruff.
  5. Mayonnaise.

    The drug is used for excessively damaged curls. This component is mixed with arnica, honey, egg yolk and olive oil. After mixing the composition, it is recommended to use it within 20 minutes.

  6. Aloe. The use of the product is recommended for excessively oily hair. Aloe juice, burdock oil, honey and yolk are taken and mixed. A teaspoon of calendula tincture is introduced into the composition. You need to keep the remedy for several hours. With its help, health is ensured, as well as intensive growth of curls.
  7. Lemon juice. A medicine is prepared on the basis of several egg yolks that are beaten. After that, a small amount of lemon juice is added to the mixture. With the help of this tool, not only shine is provided, but also the nutrition of the hair. It is recommended to use the medication for excessive oily hair.
  8. Olive oil. The yolk of one egg is thoroughly mixed with olive oil. The composition is applied to the hair and wrapped. After half an hour, it must be washed off. The use of the drug is recommended if a person has dry, brittle and damaged hair.
  9. Gelatin. This component must be poured with hot water and left to cool and swell the composition. After that, a tablespoon of olive oil and a chicken egg are added to it. The drug is applied to the hair for 45 minutes. With regular use of the mask, the fastest possible growth of hair will be ensured.
  10. Mustard. The use of the drug is carried out to eliminate excessive hair loss.

    This tool provides improved blood supply, as well as stimulation of hair growth. Chicken yolk is mixed with salt and mustard. They need to take a tablespoon. The product is applied to the head for 5 minutes.

  11. . Due to the universal properties of the drug, the growth of curls is activated. Take half a banana. Its pulp must be ground with pulp and mixed with chicken yolk and a tablespoon of honey. After applying and wrapping the head, the medication must be kept for 40 minutes.
  12. Yeast. With the help of the medicine, not only excessive hair loss is eliminated, but also the fight against baldness is carried out. A few tablespoons or other vegetable oil is recommended to be mixed with a spoonful of honey. A pinch of dry yeast, two egg yolks and a teaspoon of cognac are added to the mixture. The procedure is recommended one hour before shampooing. Through the constant use of the mask, severe prolapse can be eliminated.
  13. Cabbage juice. A small amount of cabbage is passed through a meat grinder. Juice is squeezed out of the resulting slurry with the help of gauze. To prepare the mask, a tablespoon of the product will be enough, which is mixed with cognac, honey and egg yolk. The resulting mass is applied for 1.5 hours to wet hair. To achieve a lasting effect, regular use of the drug is recommended.
  14. Daisies. A tablespoon of the flowers of this plant is poured with 0.5 cups of boiling water and insisted for several hours. After straining, the broth is mixed with egg white and beaten until foam is obtained. The agent is carefully rubbed into the epidermis and held for 20 minutes until completely dry. The use of the product is recommended for healing the procedure.
  15. Sour cream. This , which can be applied to any type.

    Sour cream is mixed with an egg in equal amounts until a homogeneous consistency and applied to the head for 40 minutes. It is necessary to wash off the drug with hot water.

How to wash your hair with an egg, see this video:


The egg is a nutritious product that can be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Egg-based masks are characterized by ease of preparation and application, which makes it possible to carry out procedures at home.

In order to avoid the occurrence of undesirable consequences, an allergy test must be carried out before using a certain remedy.

An egg for hair is a real storehouse of vitamins and other valuable substances. For this reason, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, filling it with life-giving power and giving it a healthy shine. Shampoos and masks based on this amazing product can be used to care for curls.

Egg for hair - benefits

This product has many valuable features. What is useful for an egg for hair, yolk or protein is determined. These components can be used individually or in combination. Which option is more acceptable depends on the problems that this cosmetic product should help to cope with. To enhance the action, additional components can be introduced into the composition of the mixture.

Hair yolk - benefits

The inside of a chicken egg contains many vitamins, mineral compounds and other valuable elements that have a beneficial effect on the bulbs and the root system. In addition, eggs for hair loss can be used. Such an impact is possible due to the fact that the following elements are present in this product:

  • retinol - helps to cope with dull hair, split ends and dry seborrhea;
  • biotin - gives strands shine and gives them splendor;
  • pantothenic acid - prevents the appearance of early gray hair;
  • iron - increases blood circulation, thereby accelerating hair growth;
  • lecithin - helps moisturize the strands and restores damaged cells;
  • cobalt - accelerates hair growth and prevents the appearance of early gray hair;
  • choline - tones and nourishes curls;
  • antioxidants - normalize metabolic processes.

Due to this multifaceted chemical composition, the yolk has the following effect on the hair:

  • eliminates ;
  • fights skin itching;
  • saturates the strands with shine;
  • reduces brittleness;
  • prevents the appearance of early.

Before using this product, it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications:

  1. Yolk masks are not made for oily hair.
  2. You will have to refuse cosmetics based on such a product with individual intolerance.

Benefits of egg white for hair

This product is very important for curls. Without it, they become dull, thin and begin to split. The benefit of a chicken egg for hair is that it neutralizes all these disorders. Plus, this product strengthens the strands. This effect is possible due to its unique composition:

  • vitamins of group B - nourish the bulbs, strengthen them, promote regeneration and activate growth;
  • carbohydrates - saturate the strands with life-giving power and brilliance, making them beautiful and healthy;
  • fats - envelop the hairs with a protective film;
  • glucose - gives the hair shine and shine;
  • enzymes - enhance the growth of strands;
  • protein - restores damaged rods.

How to use eggs for hair?

There are several ways to use this product. For example, it can be added to homemade masks. It is also important to learn how to properly wash your hair with an egg, because this is another way to use this product.

Please note the following terms of use:

  1. It is advisable to use homemade eggs (store-bought ones are not a good option, since it is very difficult to make sure they are fresh). You can use both chicken and duck, goose or quail. The fresher the product, the better the effect it will have on the hair.
  2. When only whites or yolks are to be used, they must be separated manually or with a special tool.
  3. If the composition of the cosmetic product contains solid components, they must be crushed.
  4. Before using the protein, beat it into a foam, and only then add other ingredients.
  5. Sometimes the recipe indicates that warm components are introduced into the mixture. You don't have to heat them up! You just need to leave these ingredients at room temperature for several hours, then mix with whipped proteins.

Can you wash your hair with an egg?

This product is amazing for hair. For this reason, it is logical that some of the fair sex are interested in whether it is possible to wash their hair with an egg instead of shampoo. The answer is yes. This procedure is not contraindicated even during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The only restriction to the use of such a product is individual intolerance.

How to wash your hair with an egg?

For the first use, experts recommend using mixed options, for example, egg-oil. Whether to take the product as a whole or its individual components depends on the characteristics of the hair. For oily hair type, it is recommended to use protein, since it has a drying effect. Owners of thin or dry strands are advised to make a choice in favor of yolks. With normal hair type, it is better to use whole eggs.

Before washing your hair with an egg instead of shampoo, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Before using the yolks, films and flagella should be removed from them. This will help to avoid unpleasant odor after washing off the mask.
  2. Before you wash your hair with egg yolk or protein, you need to beat it with a mixer or whisk. Thanks to this, the "shampoo" will be easier to wash off from the hair.
  3. After using such a cosmetic product, you need to rinse your head with warm water. Washing off the hot hair egg is unacceptable, otherwise everything will curl up on the strands!
  4. After shampooing, it is not recommended to use balms for rinsing.

Recipes from eggs for hair

There are many options for homemade cosmetic mixtures, in which this product is present. What components egg hair masks consist of depends largely on the tasks assigned to them. For example, to stimulate the growth of fatty type strands, it is recommended to use a tandem: eggs with mustard. To moisturize the hair, a cosmetic mixture consisting of oil and yolk or protein can be used.

Egg hair mask at home

There are many varieties of cosmetics prepared on the basis of this product:

  • moisturizing mixtures;
  • nourishing masks;
  • dandruff formulations;
  • funds for curls;
  • mixtures to increase the density.

Egg for hair - a mask with a moisturizing effect


  • dry chamomile - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • glycerin - 2 teaspoons;
  • yolk - 1 piece.

Preparation, application

  1. Chamomile is brewed with boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Then they filter.
  2. Take 40 ml of chamomile infusion and mix with honey until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. Enrich the mass with yolk. Again, everything is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Apply the gruel along the entire length of the curls and hold for 30 minutes. Such cosmetic procedures are recommended to be done 1-2 times a week.

Egg hair shampoo at home

Natural hair care products are safe. The main condition for this is to thoroughly rinse the strands from the applied composition. This is the only way egg shampoo will not remain on the curls and nourish them with its smell. Various compositions can be used for washing the head. After washing them off, it is strictly forbidden to use a hair dryer: you need to let the strands dry naturally.

Egg for oily hair - preparing shampoo


HeadHair is an innovative oil complex for healthy hair. Stops hair loss, strengthens follicles and stimulates new hair growth. 100% natural composition from natural oils.

Egg hair masks have a lot of useful qualities. Most often they are used for brittleness and the presence of split ends, dull curls or with weak hair growth.

Recently, a variety of cosmetic innovations has been more and more pleasing to those who want to always look beautiful and stylish. And yet, we increasingly began to give preference not to professional cosmetics, but to those products that nature itself gave us. Perhaps it is the products made from fresh and healthy natural ingredients that will bring more benefits to our beauty than expensive newfangled drugs?

You can understand whether homemade masks and shampoos are suitable for you personally, but only by trying them on yourself. So, the egg hair mask that is so popular today. Let's find out if there is any benefit from this remedy and how to use egg masks correctly.

The beneficial qualities of egg masks are displayed both on the condition of the hair and on the scalp. If you regularly use such products, you can get rid of increased dryness and brittle curls. In addition, thanks to the mask, the hair will be strengthened and become more elastic, which will undoubtedly significantly improve their appearance.

If you use egg white for hair when preparing a mask, the finished product will help eliminate dandruff and heal. In this case, there is a high-quality and uniform hydration of the scalp and the curls themselves.

Since eggs contain B vitamins, they can be used in almost every mask. This beneficial ingredient will make your hair soft and silky, giving it a beautiful shine. An ordinary raw egg can also be used to treat damaged curls, for example, after dyeing or perming hair.

Advice! If you decide to seriously approach the issue of restoring your curls, use not only masks based on chicken eggs, but also homemade egg shampoo. To do this, mix two fresh raw chicken eggs and apply the resulting mixture to wet hair. Massage your head well. Leave the shampoo on your hair until it dries. Then rinse your hair thoroughly and rinse it in water to which vinegar has been added. Applying egg shampoo even once a month will make your curls beautiful and silky.

For the preparation of therapeutic masks, both egg white and yolk are used. If you add a little yogurt to the yolk, you can get an excellent hair conditioner. Such a tool is able to untangle curls so that it is easier to comb them after washing.

Quail eggs for hair health and beauty

Quail eggs for hair have no less useful qualities than chicken eggs. They can also be used to improve the appearance and strengthen curls.

Quail eggs contain much more nutrients. For example, a high content of vitamin D helps to eliminate brittle hair in a fairly short time. Moreover, the product can be used both as an external agent and consumed inside. Quail eggs are combined with various beneficial ingredients, depending on what kind of hair problem needs to be solved.

And yet it is important to know not only about the benefits of eggs for hair, but also about how to use such products. You can prepare healthy hair cosmetics at home, the main thing is to keep the proportions and use only fresh ingredients.

How to apply egg masks correctly?

Preparing a hair mask is not difficult. And yet, it is necessary to remember some nuances, without which the remedy can only harm the hair, and not benefit it. You need to carefully monitor whether protein or yolk is used in the mask, and learn how to properly separate the necessary ingredient.

Rules for the use of egg masks:

  • remove all ingredients from the refrigerator in advance so that they can warm up to room temperature;
  • so that the structure of the mask is homogeneous, it is best to use a whisk to beat the mass;
  • the composition of the mask is applied to dry hair, it is not necessary to wet them with water before the procedure;
  • rinse your hair when washing off the mask only with warm water (too hot water will turn the eggs into flakes and it will be difficult to wash them from the hair).

Advice! So that the hair does not become heavy and greasy after applying the egg mask, add a small amount of cognac to the product, in addition to the yolks. It will not only refresh the curls, but also give them a beautiful shine and a deep dark golden tint.

It is important to note that the time of exposure to the scalp and hair of the egg mask should not be less than 15-20 minutes. This is how long it takes for nutrients to enter the body. Thus, the effectiveness of the mask will increase significantly. This is especially important to know in cases where the egg is used for hair growth.

Egg-based hair masks can have different variations. When choosing a remedy, you can start from what problem with the hair is most relevant for you recently.

Mask with egg for hair growth

And the egg helps to increase the volume of hair, and also stimulates their growth. To prepare it, dilute 1 teaspoon of gelatin in 2 tbsp. spoons of warm water. When the gelatin swells, mix it with one yolk, 1 teaspoon of colorless henna and 1 teaspoon of mustard.

Stir the mass thoroughly, then apply it to the hair. The exposure time is approximately 30 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Mask with an egg against hair loss

The mask is suitable for any type of hair and effectively solves the problem of their increased loss, but only if it is not caused by serious diseases of the body.

Grate one medium-sized onion. Squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Grind one yolk with a full tablespoon of natural honey and mix the mass with onion juice. Apply the finished mask to the hair roots and skin with massaging movements. Wrap your head with polyethylene and a towel. After 1-3 hours, rinse off with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo.

Egg masks should be used 1-2 times a week, the only way they can benefit the hair. You should not expect a miracle if you apply a mask to weakened curls only once every couple of months.

Masks based on chicken or quail eggs are used by many women, as they are highly effective, inexpensive and easy to prepare. If you do not believe in a miracle remedy from an ordinary egg, be sure to try this mask on your hair. You will be surprised by the result!

Video. Egg hair mask

And now let's watch a video recipe for making a nourishing hair mask using egg yolk.

For high-quality hair care, it is not necessary to use expensive professional products.

The most useful and best are proven homemade beauty recipes. I offer you the most effective egg mask recipes for hair.

Benefits of eggs for hair

A simple chicken egg can literally do wonders for your hair:

  • eggs contain lecithin, which makes hair smooth and revitalizes. Eggs are especially useful for hair that has been dyed and damaged by hot styling and the sun;
  • the yolk is rich in vitamin B3, it will “help” the hair grow faster and give the natural shade brightness and saturation. In addition, the yolk is an ideal nutrient for dry hair;
  • egg white, on the contrary, is perfect for oily hair. It absorbs excess fat and regulates the sebaceous glands.

How to prepare egg hair masks

To maximize the effect of egg hair masks, you should follow a few rules:

  • all the ingredients listed in the egg hair mask recipe should be at room temperature. So all the components will quickly penetrate the hair structure. Therefore, shortly before preparing the mask, remove them from the refrigerator.
  • mix all the ingredients in the following order. First, eggs are beaten with a whisk, then liquid components are added (oils, decoctions, honey, juices, etc.), at the end, loose ones (henna, cosmetic clay, cinnamon, etc.). If you decide to add fruits, berries or vegetables to the mask, then you must first knead them with a fork into gruel in a separate bowl. Such a consistent addition of components will make the egg hair mask more uniform and easier to apply.
  • a prerequisite - apply only to dry hair, it simply drains from wet hair. At the same time, the hair will be clean or dirty, it does not matter in principle.
  • Rinse off the mask from your hair with lukewarm water. Hot water will literally boil the protein, and you will have to comb it out of your hair for a long time.

Egg masks for different hair types

Moisturizing mask for normal hair

Normal and problem-free hair is ideal for a moisturizing egg mask with green tea. This mask will make your hair silky and shiny.

You will need:

  • 3 medium chicken eggs;
  • green tea large leaf.
  1. Grind green tea in a coffee grinder to powder. For three eggs, you will need 3 teaspoons of this powder.
  2. Whisk the eggs until foamy.
  3. Add the tea powder to the egg mixture and stir until smooth.
  4. Distribute the egg-tea mixture through the hair, wrap it with polyethylene and leave for half an hour.
  5. Rinse off the mask with warm water, then use your shampoo.

Nourishing egg mask for dry hair

For dry, lifeless hair, an egg-honey hair mask will be a real salvation. It is best to add egg yolks to such a hair mask, which have restorative properties.

You will need:

  • 2-3 egg yolks;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil.
  1. Mash the yolks with honey until smooth.
  2. Pour in the heated oil and mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply the mask on the hair to the ends.
  4. Wrap your head in plastic and a warm towel for a warm effect. Leave the mask on for an hour.
  5. Rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Refreshing mask for oily hair

An egg mask for oily hair will eliminate excess oil and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, thanks to its absorbent components - lemon juice and aloe juice.

For this mask you will need:

  • protein 2 eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon brandy;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • ½ teaspoon of aloe juice.
  1. Whisk the protein into foam.
  2. Add cognac, lemon juice and aloe juice. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Apply the mask, rubbing into the hair roots, for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water and a suitable shampoo for your hair type.

Egg masks for strengthening and hair growth

An egg mask with the addition of colorless henna and olive oil will help to make hair noticeably stronger.

You will need:

  • egg yolks (one yolk will be enough for short hair, three for long hair);
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • ½ teaspoon coconut oil.
  1. Rub the yolks with henna.
  2. Add olive and coconut oils, mix thoroughly.
  3. Spread the mask through your hair. Cover your head with a shower cap.
  4. Lightly heat with a hair dryer so that the beneficial substances of the mask penetrate the hair structure better.
  5. Keep the mask for about 40 minutes, wash off with a mild shampoo.

By adding cognac and burdock oil to the yolks, you will get a very effective egg mask for hair growth.

  1. For three egg yolks, you will need 2 tablespoons of cognac and a teaspoon of warmed burdock oil.
  2. Mix all the ingredients and rub into the scalp.
  3. Leave for an hour and wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Pamper your hair with egg masks about 1-2 times a week, and they will thank you - they will become obedient, shiny and silky.


Egg hair masks - reviews of girlfriends

Irina . I add a drop of ylang-ylang aromatic oil to the mask from a beaten egg. After it, the hair not only looks great, but the aroma they have is just wonderful! I recommend!

Olga . And I do an egg-cinnamon mask. I really like it, and my hair began to grow faster.

Lena. Thank you for the wonderful hair mask recipes. At the weekend I will pamper my hair and arrange a home spa with my girlfriends!

Svetlana . I just didn’t try everything to make my hair not so dry: I used super expensive products and did various procedures in salons, which is also not cheap. The result - the hair still looked like a washcloth.

Mom advised me to apply a beaten egg on my hair, and warm it under a towel for half an hour. Believe it or not, the effect of such a mask is much better than that of salon procedures.

Anastasia . Thanks for the recipes. I will add beauty to my piggy bank.

What face and body masks do not contain yolk, protein or a whole chicken egg. This product is useful for smoothing wrinkles, and for nourishing the skin, and for moisturizing. Is it possible to use raw eggs for hair, and is their benefit great? Undoubtedly, it can be used both for washing the head and for preparing natural caring masks.

What gives an egg to hair

Reviews that hair after washing with an egg become soft and restored are not a hoax. This simple natural product for home hair care was appreciated by millions of women, both a hundred years ago and today, and, for sure, they will not forget it even in another hundred years. And the secret of the egg is simple: this is its composition, which combines substances that are very necessary and useful for hair.

The protein is rich in proteins and amino acids (albumins), lysozyme, it contains a lot of vitamins B and D, and the yolk is generally a storehouse of compounds necessary for nourishing hair and skin:

  • fats;
  • fatty acids;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • carotene.

The benefits of an egg for hair are primarily in supplying them with proteins and restoring the structure.

The protein normalizes the blood supply to the scalp, the egg yolk helps with hair loss and slow hair growth, copes with dandruff, nourishes both the hair follicles and the entire length of the hair.

The yolk is included in many recipes for home shampoos, which are recommended to wash your hair periodically, after the first wash with such a product, you can feel the result. No less useful is the use of natural masks and egg wraps, the effectiveness of which can be seen by examining reviews and testing the effect of masks in practice. Below are the most popular and proven hair mask recipes, so choose any!

Wraps with yolk

If the hair falls out more than normal and you have to clean the comb after one or two uses, then for egg wraps, take one or two yolks and mix it with 3-4 tablespoons of any of the following base cosmetic oils:

  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • olive;
  • almond.

You can also use the yolk of an egg in combination with several of them at once, since the principle “you can’t spoil the porridge with butter” applies here and the mixture of oils will only enhance the effectiveness of the mask. If you have short hair or, for example, a bob haircut, then one yolk will be enough. If you have long or medium length hair, then use at least two yolks, although their number may depend on the density of your hair and the size of the egg.

Keep the yolk-oil wrap on your head for 50-60 minutes, then you need to wash your head with shampoo.

This part of the egg works just as well in combination with decoctions or herbal infusions, such masks perfectly moisturize and nourish, and the additional effect depends on the herb you choose:

  • oak bark makes hair stiffer and more voluminous, saves from oily roots;
  • chamomile gives softness and shine, slightly brightens natural light brown strands;
  • nettle strengthens and restores damaged curls;
  • sage saves from dryness, moisturizing;
  • calendula treats the scalp, eliminates dandruff.

You can rinse your head with the same infusions after washing.

If your goal is to enhance hair growth and make the strands more manageable, then once or twice every seven days, do a wrap with the following ingredients:

  • a mixture of castor oil with burdock 3 table. l.;
  • egg yolk 1-2 pcs.;
  • mustard powder 1 table. l.

egg shampoos

But the recipe for shampoo, it is more complex and its action is powerful, restoring damaged perms:

  • two or three yolks;
  • oils - olive and almond, 1 table each. l.;
  • honey 1.5 table. l.;
  • carrot juice 50 ml.

With this composition, it is recommended to wash your hair 2-3 times a week for a month, longer if possible, since many reviews contain information that with extreme dry hair, a longer course of treatment with such a shampoo is necessary. After application, you can additionally wash your hair with a decoction of sage or chamomile.

A nourishing shampoo for hair washing can be made using a whole raw egg, for which you need to mix it with 30 ml of rose water and a dessert spoon of cognac or rum. Apply to the head, lather with massaging movements, leave for 3-5 minutes and rinse with cool (!) Water. After washing, rinse with decoctions of herbs or warm water with the addition of rose or lemon.

To give curls shine and silkiness, you can use an egg shampoo with herbs. To do this, you need to make a strong infusion of herbs:

  • fair-haired girls are ideal for thyme, calendula, mullein, chamomile;
  • dark-haired ladies oak bark, nettle, peppermint, rosemary and sage.

To wash your hair, mix 50 ml of this decoction with a slightly beaten egg and apply with massaging movements to the roots and the entire length of the strands.

Protein masks

Egg protein nourishes, smoothes hair, makes it more manageable. The easiest way to use it is to beat it into a lush foam with a mixer, apply it on your head for 30-40 minutes, then you can wash it with shampoo and rinse.
When removing the protein mask, you need to wash your hair only with cool water with a temperature below 40 ° C, otherwise the protein will curl up and it will be difficult to wash it out of the hair.

You can smooth out curls using whipped protein and yogurt, mixed in equal volumes. And a mixture of protein with, applied twice a week, has a nutritional effect on dyed and damaged hair. For oily hair, use an egg and lemon juice wrap, a mixture with natural apple cider vinegar also works.

So that after applying egg masks you are not bothered by the smell of an egg, always rinse your head after washing with either mint, or chamomile, or water with essential oils of lemon, orange, lavender and other fragrant plants.

Whole Egg Recipes

This mask promotes hair growth:

  • break 1-2 eggs into a bowl, start beating;
  • in the process of whipping, pour in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • then add honey and yogurt 1 tablespoon each to the lush egg mass;
  • keep the composition for 50-55 minutes.

If you need to conduct a hair restoration course after a perm or frequent use of a hair dryer, curling iron or iron to straighten strands, then use the recipe for a mask that has collected good reviews on the net. To prepare it, combine one or two eggs, two tablespoons of a mixture of olive and coconut oils, a teaspoon of sea buckthorn and a glass of cognac. Do such a wrap every other day, washing it off with a cooled decoction of sage or rosemary, but instead of them you can also use cool water with these oils (4 drops of oils per liter of water).

You can charge your hair with vitamins and moisturize it with a mask that contains:

  • a raw egg;
  • 50 ml lime or grapefruit juice;
  • the contents of 3-4 capsules of tocopherol and the same amount of retinol;
  • one ampoule of vitamin B 6;
  • aloe juice or gel 2 teaspoons;
  • low-fat sour cream or yogurt 2 table. l.

Try the proposed masks, be satisfied with the result of their use and be sure to leave feedback about it.

Professional skills: Chief physician of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activity: teaching the subject "Social medicine and Health Organization", including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-examination preparation.