Washing powder test. What are washing powders and how to choose them correctly

All housewives want the washing machine to work as long as possible and perform its functions with high quality. Few people think that the service life is affected not only by compliance with the rules of operation, but also by the choice of powders for automatic washing machines. How to choose the right detergent so that it can wash clothes well and at the same time does not harm equipment? We will try to answer this question in this article.

General requirements for washing powder

Often, when buying household chemicals, we are guided not by common sense, but by advertising broadcast from TV screens. Most consumers choose washing powder exactly according to this principle: the hand habitually reaches for a familiar color label with a well-known name. Sometimes the decisive factor is the low price or reviews of friends. Unfortunately, the last thing the buyer thinks about is the effect of the powder on the condition of the washing machine.

When choosing a detergent, it is worth considering not only its cost, hypoallergenicity, washing quality, but also the effect on the internal elements of the machine. Many manufacturers add phosphates to the powders, designed to reduce water hardness. Despite certain benefits, additives adversely affect the service life of some parts of the equipment. It is impossible to check the presence of phosphates in home products, and unscrupulous companies may not indicate information about them on the label.

Often, housewives draw conclusions about the properties of washing powder based on the results of washing, which is not always true. The powder must meet the following requirements:

  • do not contain hazardous additives;
  • do not cause allergic reactions and other skin irritations;
  • qualitatively wash things from pollution;
  • wash out well from fabric fibers;
  • do not leave sediment on the internal parts of the machine;
  • give linen freshness and a natural pleasant aroma;
  • do not clog filters.

If a laundry detergent meets the above criteria, it can be considered a high quality product. Next, we will tell you what to look for when choosing a powder for an automatic washing machine so that it meets each of the requirements.

What you need to know about powders?

Any powder consists of chemical compounds. In the composition of the product, surfactants are usually in the first place. They react with fats and other contaminants, dissolving them and removing them from clothing. These are the main components that play the role of soap and ensure the washing process. Other ingredients include dyes, fragrances, bleaching agents, fragrances, enzymes, anti-scale active additives, etc. Today's popular biopowders and laundry detergents for baby clothes contain a lower percentage of surfactants (compared to conventional ones).

Powders vary in the content of various additives. But how to make sure that among them there are no substances dangerous to humans? Pay attention to the packaging - it should have a special mark of conformity. If it is, then the product has been tested and received a safety certificate. Unfortunately, on fake funds you can also find a similar sign applied without the permission of the checking organization.

Experts advise choosing laundry detergent in boxes rather than plastic bags (the latter are easier and cheaper to fake).

To answer the question of which powder washes better, you need to pay attention to the ratio of all components. Usually expensive powders have more additional additives designed for different types of contaminants. The more special components in the product, the more stains and dirt it can overcome. But this is just a theory. In practice, the testing of washing powders for the quality of washing is not included in the list of procedures mandatory for manufacturers. And if the product has a safety certificate, this does not mean that it will be able to wash clothes with high quality. By and large, you can only find a good product by testing products from different brands.

How to choose the right washing powder for an automatic machine

To choose the right detergent, you need to consider the type of fabric you plan to wash, as well as the type of soiling. For white things, you will need a powder with a bleaching effect, and for colored materials, you need to choose products that can maintain the saturation of tones. When you need to wash delicate fabrics, use a gentle liquid washing machine detergent that rinses completely off your clothes. This will extend the life of your favorite things. Also determine the degree of soiling of clothing. If you are constantly dealing with very dirty things, it is better to buy a powder with a lot of additives to help remove stains. The main characteristics of the detergent are usually highlighted in large print on the packaging.

For washing in automatic mode, you need to choose a special powder for an automatic washing machine, which forms less foam than a hand wash. If this rule is not observed, excess foam in the drum can lead to damage to the parts of the unit. Therefore, choose a powder with a special designation "Automatic" on the package.

Whenever possible, it is best to give preference to powders that say "non-toxic" or "environmentally friendly." They are less harmful to human health, because they do not contain hazardous substances.

The powder should contain less than 5% surfactants and less than 12% phosphates.

Before using the selected powder, you should read the instructions. Do not exceed the norm: this accelerates the wear of the unit parts. Manufacturers often specify the maximum allowable amount of powder in order to increase consumption and, consequently, sales. The following dosage can be considered sufficient for washing: 1 tbsp. l. powder per 1 kg of loaded things, i.e. 1.5-2 times less than what is written in the instructions. It will not be superfluous to also observe the following rules:

  • when using a liquid detergent, the water temperature should not be higher than +60 ℃, and pre-washing is not required at all;
  • if you wash a small amount of things, the amount of powder must be proportionally reduced;
  • for washing children's clothes, add the product not to the powder compartment, but directly to the drum to things (this will increase the effectiveness of the product).

TOP 5 washing powders: an overview of popular brands

We have compared several of the most popular brands of detergents so that you can choose the one that suits you best.

washing powderTidecolor(“Tide Color”) for colored clothes is an old-timer in the household chemicals market. It actively fights dirt and is suitable for all automatic washing machines. Due to the absence of bleaching components in the composition, the powder does not damage the fibers of colored fabrics and helps to maintain the saturation of the tone. It is characterized by good foaming, so it is necessary to carry out several stages of rinsing. The detergent is available in the form of powder, gel and laundry capsules.

washing powderAriel("Ariel"), like the previous sample, has been maintaining its leading position in the household chemicals market for quite a long time. The manufacturer positions the product as a means for effectively removing even old stains. The brand has a wide arsenal of products designed for different types of fabrics. Thanks to this, white things remain white, and colored clothes do not lose their saturation of tones even after repeated washings. The composition contains flavors that give things a light, stable aroma (for example, "Ariel Mountain Spring"). Various enzymes present in the composition make it possible to maintain the effectiveness of the product even in cold water. According to the manufacturer, Ariel powders also contain components that prevent the formation of scale and rust in the washing machine. A wide range of additives in these laundry detergents justifies the cost, which is in the above-average category.

Trademark Losk ("Losk") specializes in the production of universal detergents suitable for white and colored fabrics. The manufacturer's line includes powders that gently wash items made of natural silk, wool and synthetic fabrics. Losk laundry detergents are famous for their composition with a large number of additives. For example, Losk 9 Automat contains 9 active enzymes that effectively remove stains of various origins. According to customer reviews, the product gently removes dirt without harming the fibers of the fabric, and also has a pleasant aroma. The price of brand washing powders is in the middle category.

Domestic manufacturer "Eared nannies" produces detergents for washing children's clothes. The main advantage of the powder is that it can be used to clean things even for newborns. The tool has a hypoallergenic composition and is well rinsed out of clothes, so it will become indispensable for allergy sufferers. It contains active additives that reduce the hardness of water and protect the elements of the washing machine from rust. The powder is suitable for different types of fabrics (except wool and silk). The product has an unobtrusive floral aroma. Eared Babysitter Powder is recognized as one of the best cleanser options for children's clothing.

Detergent "Laska" in gel form suitable for many types of fabrics, including wool and silk. The manufacturer's line includes several types of products designed for a wide color palette. As indicated on the packaging, after washing, the clothes do not fade in the sun. Liquid detergent "Laska" is designed for use in water of different hardness, which distinguishes it from competitors. The gel is sold in a 1 liter plastic container with a molded handle for ease of use.

The range of washing powders on the market is huge, the products differ both in characteristics and in price indicators. If you choose household chemicals, taking into account both general requirements and your own preferences, you will be able to buy a high-quality powder that does not harm the washing machine.


We suggest watching a video that tells how to choose the right powder for a washing machine, depending on the type of clothing, type of fabric and other criteria:

Fresh lemon is good for more than just tea: clean stains from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

In order for the washing machine to serve you as long as possible, while bringing as few problems as possible, it is not enough just to follow the recommended rules for using the appliance (although this is certainly one of the most important factors). Equally important is the correct choice of detergents, especially washing powder.

Usually housewives give preference to any one brand, changing it no more than once every few years. At the same time, they can be guided by a variety of considerations - a favorable price, a pleasant aroma, brand awareness, etc. But when choosing a washing powder, we rarely think about how our choice affects the condition of the washing machine.

In this article, we will tell you about how low-quality laundry detergent can damage the washer mechanism and what criteria a high-quality laundry detergent must meet. We will also try to give you some recommendations on choosing a washing powder, which, we hope, will help you navigate the huge variety of products on store shelves.


When choosing a washing powder, we have to solve several problems at once, because the purchased product should not only wash things well, be safe for households, but also carefully “treat” the internal parts of the washing machine.

A good laundry detergent should meet the following basic requirements:

  • cope with different types of pollution;
  • wash clothes well, giving it freshness;
  • dissolve well and wash off with water;
  • do not contain hazardous components;
  • do not cause allergies and irritation on the skin;
  • do not settle on the internal elements of the washing machine;
  • do not clog filters.


The quality of washing powder is largely determined by its chemical composition. In addition to the main active ingredient, most washing powders contain various additives that provide a pleasant aroma, conditioning effect, scale prevention, etc.

Powders that have passed the appropriate certification should not contain aggressive chemicals; All components of such products must be safe for human life and health. Among experts, there is an opinion that phosphates, which are added to washing powder to reduce water hardness, can be harmful, so phosphate-free household chemicals are now being actively produced and sold.

How to conduct a quality test

Testing laundry detergent at home is quite difficult because the quality of washing is only one of the criteria by which this product is evaluated. How the use of a certain washing powder affects the condition of the washing machine can only be determined through special, long-term tests.

Of course, there are organizations that conduct research on the quality of washing powders, comparing products from different manufacturers on several key parameters. Such research requires a lot of time and money, since for them it is necessary to purchase not only household chemicals, but also washing machines.

Overview of popular brands

In recent years, many studies have been carried out, the purpose of which is to analyze the quality of products in the household chemicals market and choose the best laundry detergents. We have displayed the results of these studies in the form of a table for convenience.




average price

OAO Nevskaya Kosmetika

  • suitable for all types of washing;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • does not contain chlorine

79 rub. per pack 500 g

"Eared Nanny"

OAO Nevskaya Kosmetika

  • designed for washing baby clothes;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • does not contain soap

316 rub. per package 2.4 kg

  • has a pleasant citrus aroma;
  • well removes difficult pollution, thanks to the formula "Stain Detector"

290 rub. per package 3 kg

"Color Aloe Vera"

  • is a concentrate powder;
  • keeps the color of things well;
  • recommended for washing at temperatures from 30 to 60 degrees

500 rub. per pack 1.35 kg

Procter & Gamble

  • does not contain bleaching components;
  • well washes different types of stains;

450 rub. for 3 kg

"Weasel Radiance of Color"

  • liquid detergent;
  • delicately handles fabric fibers;
  • restores color saturation

400 rub. per bottle 2 l

"Bos Plus" Maximum

JSC "Aist"

  • bleaching agent with the functions of washing powder;
  • active substance - active oxygen;
  • has a disinfecting effect

49 rub. per pack 300 g

Neon Corporation Australia

  • washing powder concentrate;
  • suitable for washing at any temperature;
  • has a caring effect

350 rub. per pack 650 g

Ariel Active Gel Capsules

Procter & Gamble

  • gel-like laundry detergent in capsules;
  • loaded directly into the drum

500 rub. per package 805 g (23 capsules)

  • Only appropriately labeled powders are suitable for use in automatic washing machines. The “automatic” mark on the package means that the washing powder does not produce abundant foam, which is harmful to washing machines, as it can damage the unit.
  • Pay attention to labels that indicate that the product has passed all the necessary tests, received the appropriate certification and is safe for health. If the package says that the powder is non-toxic or environmentally friendly, this gives it advantages.
  • The chemical composition of the washing powder should at least be skimmed through with your eyes. For most of us, this information will not say much, but you need to be wary if the product contains more than 5% surfactants (surfactants) and more than 12% phosphates.
  • You can extend the life of things if you use a different type of washing powder for each type of fabric. Of course, this is not at all economical, but for the most beloved woolen or silk items, it is still worth buying a special laundry detergent.

Where is the best place to load laundry detergent?

The washing machine has a special dispenser with a dispenser for washing powder and conditioner. Where it is located, everyone who has used a washing machine at least once in their life knows. However, some prefer to pour laundry detergent not into a special container, but directly into the drum. Is it correct?

Experts say that only washing gel or capsules should be loaded directly into the drum. In all other cases, you need to use the feeder. But housewives also often have difficulties with it, because in most models of washing machines the dispenser consists of several compartments.

Dealing with this is quite easy, you just need to fill in the legend. A flower, star, or snowflake icon indicates that this compartment is for fabric softener or rinse aid. Roman numerals or letters of the Latin alphabet indicate the washing steps. So, in compartments I and A, you need to fill in the powder for pre-soaking, and in compartments II and B - for the main washing stage.

How much powder to put in?

The recommended dosage of laundry detergent is usually listed on the product packaging, but this information cannot always be trusted. The fact is that manufacturers strive to increase sales of their products (and this is absolutely normal). In order for customers to buy washing powder more often, they need to spend it faster, and without increasing the frequency of washing, this can be done only by increasing the consumption of funds. Therefore, the packaging often indicates the maximum dosage, which can be safely halved. The standard dosage of washing powder is approximately 1 tbsp. funds for 1 kg of things.

Which washing powder is best

For washing to be successful, you should purchase an effective powder. Today I will tell you how to choose the best quality option.

Phosphate-free washing powders

All detergent components are always listed on the packaging. Basis - surfactants, synthetic erasing agents. If you are looking for a product for washing white clothes, optical or chemical (chlorine, peroxide) bleaches will not interfere. Allergy sufferers are better off staying on oxygen-containing products. These substances should not be included in the composition of children's powders.

I advise you to refrain from phosphate-containing samples, instead of them the following components will work perfectly:

  • enzymes- biologically active substances that break down proteins, biological pollution. Enzymes lose their effectiveness when washing above 50 degrees. If the cycle is carried out at a higher temperature, the product will be useless;
  • polymers- keep dirt in the water, binding it, preventing it from re-settling on the fabric;
  • flavors– give a pleasant smell to linen (scented Persil);
  • softeners– do not allow deformation of delicate fabrics. Lanolin shows good results. With it, you can safely wash knitwear, cambric, lace, microfiber, mixed fiber fabrics;
  • defoamers- an actual thing for automatic washing machines. Excessive foam formation is categorically contraindicated, as it worsens the result of washing and often leads to a short circuit in the electrics of the machine. There may be special Matic markings on the packaging. Keep in mind that an incorrect dosage of detergents leads to increased foaming;
  • baby powders- if the packaging says " baby washing powder» the manufacturer must guarantee that it does not contain zeolites, enzymes, bleaches. The best products are presented in liquid form and contain natural soap (Eared Nyan, BabyLine). The composition may include flavors and fragrances, but they only work during washing and do not give a subsequent effect;
  • for colored linen- there is a COLOR mark on the package. Polymers work here that do not allow the dye to be washed out. They are called differently, for example, color protection system, paint stabilizer, etc. Detergents under the brand demonstrate high efficiency Ariel.

Perfect solution for washing machine phosphate-free is available in Tide powder lines. The choice should be based on the degree of soiling and the type of fabric. The main characteristic is the washing action of the powder. Expensive products contain several types of enzymes, each of which works to remove a specific stain. For those who prefer handmade, a product for hand washing should be chosen.

Which washing powder is the best in consistency

Liquid laundry detergent exhibits maximum efficiency at temperatures up to 60 degrees. If you plan to wash in cold water, you should reduce the dosage. The fact is that the product will not completely dissolve and part of it will be wasted. The conditioner can be safely diluted with water, as it is thick in consistency and the machine takes it completely.

  • Tide The brand has become famous all over the world. It belongs to the large Procter & Gamble concern. The powder has been produced since 1946 and is still popular with consumers. Today, the manufacturer's line includes washing powders for white and colored items and liquid laundry detergents;
  • Attack Multi Action is a Japanese product that is distinguished by practicality and high quality. All powders from this brand successfully cope with the task of washing dirty laundry. The composition includes an effective oxygen bleach and conditioner;
  • "Eared Nian"- the trademark belongs to the concern "Nevskaya cosmetics". The manufacturer specializes in the production of care products for children's things. The main focus of the company is on the safe composition and hypoallergenicity of products;
  • baby line is one of the brands of the German family concern Nolken Hygiene Products GmbH. All over the world, the manufacturer is known as a company that produces high-quality products for children's hygiene. In the manufacturing process, all powders undergo a thorough check and the strictest quality control;
  • Kao is a Japanese company specializing in the production of household chemicals and cosmetics. The brand produces concentrated washing powders that successfully wash out all the stubborn dirt. Optimal price-quality ratio;
  • PERSIL- German brand owned by Henkel. Today, under it, innovative detergents are produced that provide excellent results;
  • Ariel- the trademark is the flagship of Procter & Gamble. It appeared in Russia in 1993. Today these are powders with high detergent properties. With such products, the fibers of the fabric are protected from wear, there is no need for soaking, bleaching and washing.

Good washing powders for automatic machines

Powder for washing machine Tide Color without phosphates

The product is designed for high-quality washing and long-term preservation of the brightness of things. As you know, stains are less noticeable on colored fabrics, but with such a powder, you can count on the clothes to be really clean. The manufacturer offers two varieties: Tide Color and Tide Color with Lenor flavor. The product should be kept out of the reach of children and kept away from food.

To get the expected result, you must follow the recommended dosage. One wash requires 207 ml or 150 grams of powder. In addition, it is this amount of the product that will help protect the internal components of the washing machine from limescale and scale.

The product is intended only for automatic washing machines. Maximum efficiency is achieved on synthetic and cotton fabrics. Active components - enzymes, nonionic surfactants, surfactants (less than 5%). A significant plus is the absence of phosphates that cause allergic reactions. The package size can be different: 450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg. The cost starts from 201 rubles.


  • effective stain removal;
  • retains the original color of the fabric;
  • suitable for all types of fabric;
  • does not cause allergies.


  • the powder successfully copes with fresh stains. Old ones will require additional processing;
  • not suitable for children's clothes.

Laundry detergent machine Attack Multi-Action

This powder has already managed to become legendary in its own way. The product is packed in a dense square box with a volume of 900 g. The price starts from 396 rubles. The Japanese offer a concentrated laundry detergent with an improved innovative formula. It works to fix several problems.

First, it removes stains with an active oxygen stain remover. Eliminates unpleasant smells, gives antibacterial effect. Colored things become brighter, white things remain white. Due to the content of the conditioner, clothes become softer. At the same time, the composition is devoid of harmful phosphates and chlorine, but contains powerful enzymes, 15% surfactants.

The powder can wash things even in cold water, which is suitable for automatic and manual washing of delicate fabrics. I can note economical consumption. For a standard wash of 4.5 kg of laundry, just one measuring spoon is enough. The product is suitable for colored, white linen, treats any type of fabric with care, including cotton, synthetics.


  • eco-friendly;
  • erases in manual and automatic mode;
  • concentrate with economical consumption;
  • works on colored and white clothes;
  • suitable for any type of fabric (cotton, linen, synthetics, knitwear);
  • the manufacturer produces an economical spare unit;
  • works well in cold water.


  • high price.

The best washing powders for children

Safe baby laundry detergent without phosphates "Eared Nyan"

The product from Nevskaya Cosmetics was developed for washing children's clothes, including clothes for newborns. He is represented in different packaging: 400/800 g, 2.4/4.5/6/9 kg. Price - from 245 rubles. Enzymes work as active components - these enzymes are able to remove stains and pollution of various origins. Whiteness is added by a mild optical brightener with a low pH value.

The product begins to work already in the soaking process and is effective in cold water.. The composition is able to remove oils, soot, blood, cocoa, chocolate, grass, that is, everything that children get dirty with. You can wash cotton and mixed fiber fabrics. Things retain their original appearance even after repeated washes. There is no soap in the powder, so it is completely washed out of the laundry. There is a gentle fragrance.


  • suitable for children prone to allergies;
  • Washes both cotton and synthetics;
  • suitable for hand and machine wash;
  • bleaches light things;
  • safe composition.

There are no cons.

BabyLine phosphate and surfactant-free baby laundry detergent based on natural soap

Laundry detergent is optimally suited for washing children's clothes, starting from the first days of a child's life. The Germans have developed a special formula based on soap. The product has undergone rigorous testing, it will not cause irritation and allergies of sensitive baby skin. It does not contain phosphates and other harmful substances. At the same time, the product demonstrates high efficiency, washes various contaminants, leaving an unobtrusive, light aroma.

The tool is suitable for any type of fabric, for colored and white linen. It is used for automatic and manual washing. This is a concentrate, so you can count on economical consumption. A bonus is the protection of the washing machine from scale. The powder is packed in a cardboard box with a plastic handle, weighing 2.25 kg. The cost is from 1229 rubles.


  • can be used from the first days of a child's life;
  • one package is enough for 20 washes even when the drum is fully loaded;
  • excellent composition based on natural soap, does not contain phosphates, enzymes and chlorine;
  • treats things delicately;
  • retains color;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • removes a wide variety of stains.


  • high price;
  • so that the soap leaves the fabric completely, it is better to run an additional rinse.

Liquid washing powders

Liquid washing powder Kao Attack Bio EX gel

Attack Bio EX is a concentrated washing gel suitable for washing clothes for the whole family.. It can be used on dark, white and colored fabrics and works well even in cold water. In practice, the composition contributes to the removal of the most difficult contaminants, even with repeated washings it blocks damage to the fiber.

Stubborn dirt, stains, unpleasant odors are removed due to the active bio-enzymes that make up the composition. The product does not contain chlorine and phosphates, the effectiveness is due to non-ionic surfactants, anionic surfactants, soap, enzymes, acrylic copolymers, optical brighteners. The gel is designed for machine or hand washing of synthetics, linen and cotton fabrics.. But, it cannot be called completely universal, it is not used on silk and woolen things.

The product is economical, one cap is enough for one washing cycle. The amount of gel should be accurately measured; if the dose is exceeded, the material can be damaged. Packaging - a convenient plastic bottle with a handle, weight - 900 g. One package of gel is enough for 20 washes. The cost is from 313 rubles.


  • completely biodegradable;
  • economical;
  • suitable for adults and children's things;
  • completely rinsed out;
  • without phosphates and chlorine;
  • removes stains effectively.


  • not suitable for delicate fabrics (silk, wool).

Liquid washing powder Tide "Alpine freshness"

This is Tide's innovative liquid laundry detergent. It is definitely worth a try at home. The product has a unique formula and gives 100% purity. You can achieve excellent results on white and colored items already in the first wash. Plus, you get all the benefits of a liquid cleanser. There will be no traces of washing powder left on clothes. The composition includes active enzymes, nonionic surfactants up to 5%, surfactants up to 15%, optical brighteners, fragrances.

The tool is universal and intended for washing both white and colored clothes, for any type of fabric. The drug is very easy to dose. Only one cap is required for one washing cycle. It can be used both in manual mode and in an automatic machine, including the activator type.

The gel is packaged in a convenient plastic bottle-canister with a handle and a dosing cap. A transparent strip is applied to the packaging to control the consumption of the product. Volume - 2.47 l, which is equivalent to 5.7 kg of dry powder. This amount is enough for 38 washes. The cost is from 417 rubles.


  • gives perfect purity;
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • perfect whiteness for white;
  • care for colored clothes;
  • easy dosing;
  • leaves a fresh pleasant aroma;
  • economy.


  • to completely remove the detergent residue from the fabric, you will have to run an additional rinse.

Popular Persil brand powders

Laundry detergent PERSIL "Freshness from Vernel"

This powder compares favorably with its innovative formula, the main active substance of which are stain remover capsules. At the very beginning of washing, they quickly dissolve in water, act on stains and even the most difficult dirt. In addition, Vernel's fresh fragrance capsules are included with a soft, unobtrusive fragrance. All other components are typical: Anionic surfactants, non-ionic surfactants, oxygen bleach, enzymes, phosphonates.

It is very important to provide for the correct dosing of the product, which depends on the hardness of the water and the degree of contamination. Washing very dirty clothes in hard water will require 371 g of powder. The product is suitable for hand and machine washing, works on cotton and synthetic fabrics, suitable for light-colored clothes. The minimum packing is a cardboard box of 450 g. The cost starts from 105 rubles. A bag of 6 kg will cost 1039 rubles.


  • effective fight against stains;
  • freshness with a light aroma;
  • careful attitude to fabrics;
  • Washes well even in cold water.


  • big expense.

Washing powder Persil "Cold Zyme Lavender" with enzymes

This powder is specially designed for washing colored laundry and works on active stain remover capsules. They dissolve very quickly even in cold water and remove dirt already at the very beginning of washing. The powder is able to cope with even the most difficult pollution. I note that the composition includes special components that protect the original color. In addition, there are the familiar pearls of the fragrance from Vernel. They are able to be fixed on the fabric and give it their pleasant smell. After washing, things will not smell like powder.

The composition of the powder is represented by anionic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, phosphonates, polycarboxylates, enzymes, soap, perfume. The manufacturer recommends strict adherence to the norms for dosing the product. In practice, the product effectively copes with fresh dirt and any stains, but it cannot handle old problems, it will require the involvement of a special stain remover. It is permissible to use the product for machine and hand washing of cotton and synthetics, colored and white linen. For a package weighing 3 kg, the brand asks for 617 rubles. This amount is enough for an average of 20 washes.


  • successfully removes any fresh stains and dirt;
  • eco-friendly;
  • pleasant fragrance;
  • does not destroy the structure of tissues;
  • retains color.


  • high consumption with heavy pollution and hard water.

The best washing powder brand Ariel

Laundry detergent Ariel Color for colored and dark laundry

The powder works great in practice and gives the linen an excellent appearance and a pleasant aroma. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the tool, - it can remove stubborn stains, does not allow dirt to eat even deeper and extracts everything superfluous from the very structure of the fibers. The product brilliantly copes with its task even in cold water, retains the brightness of colors even after repeated washings.

The dosage depends on the degree of hardness of the water and the actual soiling. For soft water and small stains, 140 ml is sufficient, for hard water and a large number of stains, 320 ml. The powder is designed for hand and machine washing, can clean synthetics and cotton, dark and colored linen. The effectiveness is visible after the first application - this is how enzymes and surfactants work. For a package weighing 3 kg, the brand asks for 269 rubles.


  • does not allow dirt to eat deep into the fabric;
  • removes even old dirt;
  • works in cold water;
  • dissolves quickly;
  • leaves no residue, is washed out at 100%;
  • does not contain phosphates.


  • high consumption with heavy pollution.

Laundry detergent Ariel "Mountain spring" for light linen

The composition of the detergent includes anionic surfactants, oxygen bleach, nonionic surfactants, polycarboxylates, enzymes, zeolites, phosphonates. This is guaranteed to give excellent washing of various kinds of dirt and stains, even without pre-soaking and in cold water. You can count on the rapid removal of difficult stains - the powder literally draws dirt from the fibers of the fabric. The product gives out a soft, unobtrusive aroma, which is practically not felt on clean, dry linen. In general, an excellent solution even for the most adverse washing conditions.

The minimum dosage is calculated for 140 ml per wash, the maximum - for 320 ml. Packing - a package weighing 3 kg. The result can be assessed after the first application. The product is completely soluble in water and does not leave marks on clothes. Thanks to bleaches, white things acquire their original whiteness. The manufacturer recommends using a conditioner to make clothes extra soft. Price - from 260 rubles. The stated amount is enough for 20 washes.


  • starts working immediately, moreover, without soaking;
  • does not leave marks after washing;
  • gives flawless whiteness;
  • effective in cold water;
  • removes even old stains;
  • prevents the accumulation of dirt in the fibers of the fabric.


  • zeolites in the composition - it is better to spend a couple of extra rinses.

An overview of washing powders and their properties is presented in the video:

The laundry detergent market is represented by many brands, from well-known brands with a worldwide reputation to small companies. Choosing the best washing powder from a variety of products is a difficult task. It should cope with stains of any complexity, wash out well from things and have a fabric-friendly composition. We have prepared a rating of the best washing powders to help you make the right choice.

Sarma-Automatic Mountain freshnessPrice 400 g - 56 rubles

Opens a list of the best laundry detergents. It is intended for washing both colored and white linen, it copes well with washing cotton and synthetic fabrics. The powder contains enzymes designed to remove impurities and a whitening component. According to the manufacturer, "Sarma" gives white linen a snow-white color, removing yellowness from it.

The product has a rather strong smell, but the dried laundry does not smell so intense.

Of the advantages of Sarma washing powder, it is worth noting that it does not contain chlorine and has an antibacterial effect.

The average price of a package of powder (400 g) is 56 rubles.

eared babysitter Price 4.5 kg - 600 rubles

The ninth place in the ranking of the best washing powders is "Eared Nanny". It is positioned as a means for washing baby clothes, but has a rather aggressive composition. The level of phosphates used in the powder is high, so it should not be used as a laundry detergent for baby clothes. At the same time, “Eared Nanny” does a good job of removing dirt and removes stains from juices, watercolors, a ballpoint pen and a felt-tip pen from clothes and linen.

Powder is used for washing all fabrics, with the exception of silk and wool. "Eared nannies" has a pleasant, barely noticeable aroma.

The advantages of the powder include economical consumption.

The cost for a package weighing 4.5 kg is about 600 rubles.

Ariel Color Price 3 kg - 490 rubles

ArielWITHcolor ranks 8th in the ranking of washing powders.

The product is intended for washing colored laundry and removing stubborn dirt. The powder copes with its task, but it does not always wash stubborn stains.

One of the drawbacks of the powder is the formation of excessive foam, which is unacceptable for products intended for automatic washing machines. Even if the dosage of powder indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging is observed, Ariel may form too much foam. The disadvantages can also be attributed to a strong fragrance.

The cost of the product is 490 rubles for a package weighing 3 kg.

Bimax 100 spots Price 3 kg - 400 rubles

On the 7th place in the ranking of washing powders is Bimax "100 spots". The product is suitable for all types of linen, with the exception of wool and silk. "Bimaks" copes well with strong pollution and is able to wash stains from coffee, grass, juices. The advantages of the powder include its cost-effectiveness.

Using Bimax 100 spots, its disadvantages should also be taken into account:

  • poor solubility of the powder in cold water;
  • with short washing cycles, it is not completely washed out of the fabric.

Ideally, "Bimaks" is suitable for washing work clothes and heavily soiled linen.

The cost of a product and a three-kilogram package is about 400 rubles.

Tide white clouds Price 4.5 kg - 490 rubles

The sixth line in the list of the best washing powders is occupied by Tide "White Clouds". The tool effectively copes with stubborn stains from chocolate, red wine, grass, coffee, lipstick, and at the same time is quite economically consumed.

Of the shortcomings, a strong smell of the powder can be noted.

The average price of the product is 490 rubles for a package weighing 4.5 kg.

Price 600-850 g - 750 rubles

On the 5th line in the ranking of the best washing powders is located Ecover Belgium NV industriweg. It is an ultra-concentrated cleaner that works well even in cold water. The powder is included in the group of environmental laundry detergents. It is hypoallergenic, completely destroyed and does not harm the environment. Does not contain dyes, fragrances, pigments and optical brighteners. Suitable for washing baby clothes.

The lack of funds is the high price.

The average cost of the product is 600-850 rubles for a package weighing 750 g.

Price 450 grams - 90 rubles

Losk 9 Total system machine "Mountain Lake" located on the 4th place in the ranking of washing powders. The product is intended for washing all types of fabrics, with the exception of silk and wool. Advantages of the powder: versatility (it can also be used as a detergent) and good washing quality. It has a strong odor, so the powder should be used with caution by people prone to allergies.

The average cost of a product for a package weighing 450 g is 90 rubles.

Nordland ECO Price 1.8 kg - 690 rubles

Nordland ECO ranks 3rd in the ranking of washing powders. The product is included in the group of ecological powders, does not contain phosphates and has no smell. Suitable for both machine and hand wash. It copes well with all types of pollution. Nordland ECO decomposes by 90% and causes much less harm to the environment compared to other washing powders.

The only drawback of Nordland ECO is the rather high price.

The cost of packaging a product weighing 1.8 kg is 690 rubles.

Persil Expert Color automaticPrice 450 g - 130 rubles

Second place in the list of the best washing powders is Persil Expert Color automatic.

The formula of the product contains stain remover capsules that quickly dissolve in water and act on pollution already at the initial stage of washing. The color-protective components contained in the powder help to preserve the bright color of the fabric. Persil Expert Color is designed for washing laundry of all types of fabrics, with the exception of wool and silk. The product effectively copes with strong pollution and contains emollient components.

The cost of a package (450 g) is about 130 rubles.

Top House Super Effect Price 4.5 kg - 1200 rubles

Laundry detergent leader Top House Super Effect. It is a concentrated universal remedy. Top House is designed for washing colored and white laundry. The powder was developed taking into account the recommendations of manufacturers of automatic washing machines. Perfectly copes with pollution of any complexity and is economically consumed. According to the manufacturer, one package of the product is designed for 76 washes.

The disadvantage of the powder is the high price. For a package of funds weighing 4.5 kg, you will have to pay 1200 rubles.

Among the incredible variety of offers of washing detergents, it is difficult to decide on the best one. Every day on the shelves of supermarkets you can see hundreds of different offers, hundreds of different brands, different volumes, compositions. How to choose? Laundry detergent that you will not spend a lot of money on and has a low weight, which will soon lead to the fact that it will quickly run out. Or expensive, but, according to the sellers, very economical, without phosphates, made using the latest technology, and in addition multifunctional, which can be washed, cleaned with pleasure. Or maybe you need to take a product with various additives, enzymes, in combination with a conditioner that is specialized in use.

Rating of washing powders automatic 2017

To make it easier for you to grasp the essence of how not to get lost in the variety of laundry detergents, we will look at which products won the championship.

  • 10th place. Our top opens a tool called Almawin. This detergent can wash everything. And in a short time. Included in the list of the best washing powders for hand washing. It decomposes almost 100%. Does not affect the skin in any way. Suitable for washing children's clothes. It shows its best qualities at different water temperatures.
  • 9th place is occupied by "Myth Fresh Color". It is very economical. As a result, it has low costs. It reacts well to substances that have eaten into the fabric and removes them.

  • 8th place. An excellent laundry detergent called FEED BACK COLOR AUTOMA. It is declared as a drug that has a high level of stain removers. Suitable for washing colored laundry. Does not wash out colors, and keeps the color of things in perfect condition for a very long time. No phosphates.

  • The 7th place in this list is occupied by the Ariel Color automatic machine. According to the manufacturers, it has a Deluxe quality level (the highest level). Consists of complex chemicals that react with the contaminated area and dissolve them super effectively. Can be used in any washing machines.

  • in 6th place Burti Hygene Plus. Recommended as a drug that kills microbes, microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, hypoallergenic, whitens well. It does not contain chlorine. Included in the top 10 best washing powders for white laundry.

  • 5th place is taken by “Ecover Belgium NV industriweg”. It is an ultraconcentrate, i.e. it can be taken in a small amount and it copes with significant pollution in a short period of time at low water temperatures. Belongs to the group of environmentally friendly. Does not irritate the skin, completely decomposes, moreover, together with the packaging. It can be safely attributed to the top of the best washing powders for colored laundry machines.

  • 4th place. Occupies a product with the name Losk 9 machine "Mountain Lake". This product performs various functions: it can be used both as a washing powder and as a detergent. It is suitable for many things and purposes. Works well with any type of fabric. Its main characteristics: quality and versatility.

  • 3rd place of honor in NORDLAND ECO. It does not contain phosphates. Belongs to that group of environmentally friendly powders. Falls apart by almost 90%. Without smell. Suitable for both machine and hand wash. Perfect for any type of soiling, from any fabric. That speaks of its versatility. Included in the rating of the best washing powders for machines.

  • 2 is the drug that tops the rating of washing powders 2017 in terms of price / quality. This is Persil Expert Color automatic. It is impossible not to emphasize its main advantages. It contains special stain remover capsules that remove stains very effectively. The manufacturer emphasizes the fact that it has special components of a biological nature. Good eco product.

  • 1 place. The leader among detergents is another TOP HOUSE product - TOP HOUSE concentrated super-efficient washing powder. It has enhanced cleaning power.

What to choose? The choice is yours. In our top 10, the most worthy options were presented.