How are acid burns treated after washing. What does it look like and what to do with a chemical burn of the skin? What substances neutralize the action of various acids

Acid burn is a lesion of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, internal organs and mucous membranes with liquids with a pH of less than 7.5. Emergency first aid for acid burns will preserve the integrity of the integument, eyes, larynx, and respiratory tract in case of chemical injury.

Burns of this type occur when the rules of technique for use are violated when working with hazardous liquids. According to ICD 10, such lesions are assigned codes T20–T30, depending on the location of the damage.

Acids, alkalis are widely used in households. You need to know how to help yourself and others when in contact with caustic liquids.

According to medical statistics, 15% of household injuries are chemical burns. Of these, 10% of cases have intentional causes. This is either an attempt at suicide or mutilation of others. A small number of injuries occur after contact with plants (with cow parsnip).

Burn features:

  1. Distinguish between strong and weak acids. The former have a pH value of less than 3 units. They cause extensive tissue damage.
  2. After contact with an aggressive liquid, a scab is formed, which is distinguishable from healthy tissues.
  3. The degree of damage depends on the acid, its concentration, duration of contact, its individual properties and ability to penetrate tissues. A concentrated product will cause a more extensive and deep damage to the skin and subcutaneous structures.
  4. Some acids (sulphuric) in contact with the moisture contained in the skin, generates heat. This intensifies the damage to the skin.
  5. Burns of this type of eyeballs, respiratory tract, digestive tract are classified as serious injuries.
  6. Burns of various types of aggressive substances have characteristic symptoms. By the appearance of the injury, it can be assumed what substance it was inflicted. A sulfuric acid burn cannot be confused with an acetic or carboxylic acid injury.
  7. The degree of damage depends on the quality of first aid. Sometimes symptoms appear on the 2nd day after the injury.


The degree of damage depends on the concentration of aggressive substances, the duration of exposure and the depth of tissue damage, the quality of first aid.

Degrees of chemical injury:

  1. At the first stage, only the upper layer of the epithelium of the arm, leg, and body is affected. After removal of the aggressive substance, hyperemia of the surface is observed. Within a few days, healing occurs. As a rule, drug treatment is not required, scars do not form.
  2. At the second stage - a blister forms, the deeper layers of the skin are affected. The prognosis is good, but seeking medical attention is a must. With quality first aid and following the doctor's recommendations, scars do not form.
  3. At stage 3 - extensive burnt areas with the formation of necrotic zones. Treatment is inpatient only.
  4. At stage 4 - muscles, fiber, bone structures are affected. The prognosis is unfavorable.

A separate classification is required for chemical lesions of the esophagus, respiratory system, digestive tract, throat,. Damage to these organs refers to severe trauma. It is impossible to determine the depth of impact of the caustic substance on the tissue at the stage of examination of the victim. Such patients require hospitalization in a medical facility.

First aid

In case of a burn, care and first aid consists in neutralizing aggressive chemicals, removing them from the skin.

The assistance algorithm is as follows:

  1. Remove clothing in the affected area.
  2. Wash the affected area with plenty of running water. The processing time is at least 15 minutes. If emergency care is delayed - this may be the time taken to free the victim from clothing - rinse should be at least 40 minutes.
  3. Do not wipe the burn area with a cloth or napkins.
  4. If the burning sensation does not stop, continue flushing.
  5. Proceed to neutralize the aggressive substance. For this, alkali is used. In everyday life, a weak solution of soda, laundry soap is used. Some substances - fluoride, phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur - require specific neutralizers. The probability of their use in everyday life is small.
  6. First aid for a burn with sulfuric acid differs little from the algorithm when exposed to hydrochloric, salicylic, acetic and other chemically active substances.

If aggressive chemicals are swallowed, the victim should be given a weak solution of soda to drink. This is 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water. In case of damage to the eyes, face and area of ​​​​the visual analyzer, treat the tissues with a large amount of running water.

In case of inhalation of vapors of aggressive substances, remove the victim to fresh air, rinse the oral cavity with an alkaline solution. This is the only possible first aid.

What substances neutralize the action of various acids

The principle of neutralizing aggressive acids is preserved - exposure to an alkaline solution.

Acid Substance-neutralizer
sulfuric At home, only a solution of baking soda, laundry soap.
Nitrogen A solution of baking soda.
Boric, citric, acetic are weak acids. Only capable of causing significant harm to the body when it enters the gastrointestinal tract A solution of baking soda. If it enters the digestive tract in a hospital, it is indicated to use magnesium bicarbonate.
Salicylic - used for peeling For home treatment, they sell products containing no more than 10% salicylic acid. Simply rinse with plenty of water.
Carbon or carbon is an extremely weak compound. In the presence of heat, it decomposes into water and carbon dioxide. Does not need neutralization, is an unstable compound.

Further treatment and healing prognosis

The treatment of chemical injuries is handled by a combusiologist. Treating an acid burn is a complex process. It is impossible to predict how deeply tissue has been damaged.

The scab comes off only after 2 weeks. Under it there is a wound surface. The regeneration rate is low. Perhaps the formation of extensive scars that need to be smeared with special means.

General treatment method:

  1. Anesthesia - analgin, paracetamol, ibuprofen. In severe cases, drugs are given by injection.
  2. Healing ointments - Sudocrem, Panthenol,.
  3. Vitamin complexes to accelerate regeneration processes.
  4. Physiotherapy - at the stage of epithelialization of the wound surface.

The healing prognosis for acid burns is more favorable than for alkaline burns. But the duration of rehabilitation depends on the type of substance, its concentration, the age and condition of the patient, and the location of the injury.

Lesions of the respiratory system, mucous membranes, digestive tract, eyes recover more slowly than in areas of the skin.

When does tissue necrosis occur?

Necrosis is the destruction of tissues under the influence of external or internal factors. Acid necrosis is called coagulation - protein molecules fold under the action of an aggressive agent.

Chemical necrosis is the result of a complex injury. It includes:

  • thermal damage - many acids emit heat when interacting with water;
  • tissue dehydration - substances are hypertonic solutions;
  • coagulation or folding of proteins under the influence of hydrogen ions contained in the substance.

Acid necrosis is a characteristic feature. This is a black charred surface. Under the action of nitric acid, the site of necrosis looks like a yellow-brown plate.

Tissue necrosis occurs with prolonged exposure to a damaging agent, with the ingress of concentrated solutions of strong acids - sulfuric, nitric, hydrochloric, a mixture of "aqua regia". Weak compounds, such as carbonic, citric, acetic acids, do not cause tissue necrosis.

The consequences of necrosis are disability. Long recovery period, operations to reconstruct the skin, the formation of scar tissue (can be found in the photo on the Internet).

Burn - tissue damage caused by local thermal, chemical, electrical or radiation exposure.


Chemical burns are caused by exposure to the body concentrated acids (hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric, acetic, carbolic ) And alkalis (caustic potash and caustic soda, ammonia, quicklime), phosphorus and some salts of heavy metals (silver nitrate, zinc chloride, etc.).

The severity and depth of damage depend on the type and concentration of the chemical, and the duration of exposure. The mucous membranes, skin of the perineum and neck are less resistant to chemicals, the plantar surfaces of the feet and palms are more resistant.
Under the action of concentrated acids on the skin and mucous membranes, a dry, dark brown or black, well-defined scab quickly appears, and concentrated alkalis cause a moist gray-dirty scab without a clear outline.

First aid for chemical burns depends on the type of chemical.

For burns with concentrated acids (except sulfuric) the surface of the burn must be washed with a stream of cold water for 15-20 minutes. Sulfuric acid, when interacting with water, generates heat, which can aggravate the burn. Washing with alkali solutions gives a good effect: soapy water, 3% solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water).

Places of burns caused by alkalis, it is also necessary to rinse well with a stream of water, and then treat with a 2% solution of acetic or citric acid (lemon juice). After treatment, an aseptic bandage or bandage moistened with solutions that were used to treat burns should be applied to the burned surface.

Burns caused by phosphorus differ from burns with acids and alkalis in that phosphorus flares up in air and the burn becomes combined - both thermal and chemical (acid). It is better to immerse the burnt part of the body in water, remove pieces of phosphorus under water with a stick, cotton wool, etc. You can wash off pieces of phosphorus with a strong stream of water. After washing with water, the burnt surface is treated with a 5% solution of copper sulfate, then the burn surface is covered with a sterile dry bandage. The use of fat, ointments is contraindicated, as they contribute to the absorption of phosphorus.

Quicklime burns cannot be treated with water, lime is removed and the burn is treated with oil (animal, vegetable). It is necessary to remove all pieces of lime and then close the wound with a gauze bandage.

The action of acids and alkalis on mucous membranes, including when taken orally, is described in the section

A chemical burn is a consequence of direct contact of body tissues with chemical reagents. Such an injury can occur as a result of a violation of the technological process at work, neglect of safety precautions, as well as accidents at home or during a suicide attempt. The face, hands and digestive organs are most often affected. How to properly help with a chemical burn in order to prevent the occurrence of complications?

Classification of chemical burns

The severity of chemical damage to tissues depends on:

  • forces and mechanism of action of a substance;
  • quantity and concentration of the substance;
  • the duration of exposure and the degree of penetration of the substance.

Chemical burns are divided into 4 degrees:

Burns can be caused by:

  • acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, nitric, etc.);
  • alkalis (caustic soda, caustic potash, etc.);
  • gasoline;
  • kerosene;
  • salts of heavy metals (zinc chloride, silver nitrate, etc.);
  • volatile oils;
  • phosphorus;
  • bitumen.

The most destructive effect is concentrated solutions of alkalis and acids, which most often refer to III and IV degree burns.

Acid burns

An acid is a chemical compound with hydrogen that turns a litmus strip red, and is capable of converting to a salt when hydrogen is replaced by a metal.

Acid burns are usually shallow. This is due to its effect on protein clotting: a scab is formed at the site of the burned tissues - a clearly defined dry crust of gray or brown color covering the burn site, formed from clotted blood, which prevents the substance from penetrating deep into the tissues. The rate of blood coagulation increases as the acid concentration increases.

Alkali burns

Hydroxides of alkaline earth, alkali and some other elements are called alkalis; these include bases that are highly soluble in water. During electrolytic dissociation, alkalis decompose into OH- anions and metal cations. In case of contact with alkali, a deep penetration of the substance into the tissues is observed, since a shield in the form of a solid crust is not formed. As a result of an alkaline burn, a soft whitish eschar without clear boundaries is formed.

Salts of heavy metals

Heavy metals are considered to be a group of chemical elements that are similar in properties to metals and have a significant atomic weight or density. These include mercury, silver, copper, zinc, lead, cobalt, cadmium and bismuth.

Lesions caused by this group of substances often superficially and clinically resemble the result of contact with acid: the substances do not penetrate deep into the tissues, stopping in the upper layers of the skin.

Providing first aid for chemical burns

An important feature of chemical burns is that it is impossible to immediately determine the degree of damage. The reason for this is the fact that the reagent is absorbed into living tissues within several hours (sometimes days) after direct contact.

Based on this, it becomes possible to accurately establish the diagnosis only after 7-10 days after the accident. By this time, in most cases, the process of suppuration of the scab begins, so you need to know what to do with a chemical burn.

First aid for chemical burns of the skin

Skin contact with acid or alkali is the most common type of chemical injury both at work and at home. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic rules for first aid for chemical burns.

First aid for chemical eye damage

Any chemical eye burn is a serious injury and requires mandatory examination and treatment by a doctor. Regardless of the type of substance, in most cases such injuries are accompanied by a strong reaction to light, tearing and cutting pain, and sometimes even loss of vision.

  • In the event of eye contact with a chemical, the most important first aid measure is to immediately flush with copious amounts of water. To do this, spread the eyelids with your fingers and hold the eye under running water for 10-15 minutes to remove the reagent. In this case, you should not waste time looking for neutralizers, since immediately rinsing the eyes with water is much more effective. However, if alkali is affected, milk can be used to neutralize.
  • Next, apply a dry bandage of bandage. But the main thing is to immediately consult a doctor.

Chemical burn of the digestive system

The main symptoms of a chemical lesion of the digestive system are severe pain in the mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach, vomiting of bloody mucus and particles of burnt mucous appears. If the reagent gets on the upper part of the larynx, the victim begins to suffocate.

In the esophagus, the affected area spreads very quickly, so it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim as soon as possible, which consists in neutralizing the chemical reagent that has got inside.

Professional medical care

Regardless of the depth and nature of the lesion, in the event of a chemical burn, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the reagents often quickly spread deep into the tissues, and in a short time a first-degree burn can turn into a second or third burn. In addition, if more than a third of the body is affected, then often a person dies in the first few hours after injury due to the development of a shock state and organ dysfunction.

In some cases of damage by chemical reagents, the help of qualified specialists is necessary:

  • when signs of a state of shock appear (loss of consciousness, blanching of the skin, respiratory failure) in the victim;
  • the size of the wound exceeds 7.5 cm in diameter;
  • damage deeper than the upper layer of the skin;
  • the legs, groin area, buttocks, large joints were affected;
  • complaints of the victim of significant pain, not eliminated by painkillers.

Burn - tissue damage caused by local thermal (thermal), chemical, electrical or radiation exposure. The most common are thermal burns resulting from exposure to high temperatures (flame, hot steam, boiling liquids, red-hot metal).

Degrees of burns

There are four degrees of burns:

    First degree: on the damaged area there is redness, swelling, burning sensation is felt. Only the superficial layers of the skin are affected.

    Second degree: blisters filled with a yellowish liquid (blisters) appear on the skin, severe pain.

    Third degree: necrosis of the skin (formation of a scab).

    Fourth degree: charring of tissues to the bones.

The severity of the burn is determined depending on the depth of the lesion and on the area at the same time. In addition to violation of the integrity of the skin, large burns are accompanied by general phenomena, such as shock, toxemia, damage to the nervous and vascular systems, loss of blood plasma. Regardless of the degree, burns of 25% of the body surface are very dangerous; burns on half the surface of the body are often fatal. With deep burns, pain may be absent due to damaged nerve endings.

First aid

    Remove the damaging factor! Extinguish burning clothing by any means possible (douse the person with water, wrap him in a blanket, coat and lay him on his back so that the flame does not spread to the head), remove the victim from the high temperature zone, remove or cut off smoldering clothing (however, do not try to remove matter, stuck to the skin)

    Cool down the burn

    1 and 2 degree - cool with running water for 10 - 15 minutes

    3 and 4 - clean wet bandage, then cool with the bandage in still water

    cover with a damp bandage

    rest and anti-shock measures

Signs and symptoms:

    Redness of the skin - 1 degree

    blisters appeared - 2 degree

    wound - blisters burst - 3 degree

    charring and lack of sensitivity - 4 degree

What not to do:

DO NOT lubricate with oil, cream, ointment, protein, etc.,

DO NOT apply foam (panthenol) to freshly burned.

DO NOT tear off stuck clothing.

DO NOT pop bubbles.

Remove all things from the burned area of ​​the body: clothes, belt, watches, rings and other things.

Cut off the stuck clothes around, it is impossible to tear off from a burn.

We are hospitalized if:

The area of ​​the burn is more than 5 palms of the victim

Burns in a child or an elderly person

Third degree burn

Burnt groin area

Mouth, nose, head, respiratory tract burned

Burned two limbs


1 palm of the victim = 1% of the body A respiratory tract burn is taken equal to 15% of a first degree burn

First aid for burns with acids and alkalis

Chemical burns are caused mainly by acids and alkalis.

In case of burns with concentrated acid, it is washed off with a stream of running cold water (at least 30 minutes), soapy water or a 1-2% soda solution.

The most severe damage occurs when exposed to alkalis. They are also washed off with water, or a weak solution of acetic or citric acid.

A dry, clean bandage is applied to the burned surface.


In case of a burn with quicklime, water cannot be used, but it should be washed with some kind of oil.

In case of burns with organic aluminum compounds, we do not use water, as ignition is possible.

List of funds used in first aid in cases of chemical burns with various substances.

Chemical burns: first aid for acid and alkali burns

A chemical burn is a consequence of direct contact of body tissues with chemical reagents. Such an injury can occur as a result of a violation of the technological process at work, neglect of safety precautions, as well as accidents at home or during a suicide attempt. The face, hands and digestive organs are most often affected. How to properly help with a chemical burn in order to prevent the occurrence of complications?

Classification of chemical burns

The severity of chemical damage to tissues depends on:

  • forces and mechanism of action of a substance;
  • quantity and concentration of the substance;
  • the duration of exposure and the degree of penetration of the substance.

Chemical burns are divided into 4 degrees:

Burns can be caused by:

  • acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, nitric, etc.);
  • alkalis (caustic soda, caustic potash, etc.);
  • gasoline;
  • kerosene;
  • salts of heavy metals (zinc chloride, silver nitrate, etc.);
  • volatile oils;
  • phosphorus;
  • bitumen.

The most destructive effect is concentrated solutions of alkalis and acids, which most often refer to III and IV degree burns.

Acid burns

An acid is a chemical compound with hydrogen that turns a litmus strip red, and is capable of converting to a salt when hydrogen is replaced by a metal.

See also: bruised finger. What to do with a bruised finger on the hand?

Acid burns are usually shallow. This is due to its effect on protein clotting: a scab is formed at the site of the burned tissues - a clearly defined dry crust of gray or brown color covering the burn site, formed from clotted blood, which prevents the substance from penetrating deep into the tissues. The rate of blood coagulation increases as the acid concentration increases.

Alkali burns

Hydroxides of alkaline earth, alkali and some other elements are called alkalis; these include bases that are highly soluble in water. During electrolytic dissociation, alkalis decompose into OH- anions and metal cations. In case of contact with alkali, a deep penetration of the substance into the tissues is observed, since a shield in the form of a solid crust is not formed. As a result of an alkaline burn, a soft whitish eschar without clear boundaries is formed.

Salts of heavy metals

Heavy metals are considered to be a group of chemical elements that are similar in properties to metals and have a significant atomic weight or density. These include mercury, silver, copper, zinc, lead, cobalt, cadmium and bismuth.

Lesions caused by this group of substances often superficially and clinically resemble the result of contact with acid: the substances do not penetrate deep into the tissues, stopping in the upper layers of the skin.

Providing first aid for chemical burns

An important feature of chemical burns is that it is impossible to immediately determine the degree of damage. The reason for this is the fact that the reagent is absorbed into living tissues within several hours (sometimes days) after direct contact.

Based on this, it becomes possible to accurately establish the diagnosis only after 7-10 days after the accident. By this time, in most cases, the process of suppuration of the scab begins, so you need to know what to do with a chemical burn.

First aid for chemical burns of the skin

Skin contact with acid or alkali is the most common type of chemical injury both at work and at home. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic rules for first aid for chemical burns.

  • First, the burnt skin should be freed from clothing and jewelry. However, you should not tear off anything stuck to the wound.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to wash the damaged area of ​​the skin with running water for 15-20 minutes to remove excess substance and reduce its concentration. However, wounds caused by reaction with quicklime or aluminum compounds should not come into contact with water, as these substances become much more active at the time of reaction with water.
  • It is important to remember that in the process of first aid for a burn, the acid is neutralized by washing with soapy water or a solution of baking soda. In case of alkali damage, the reagent is removed with a solution of boric, citric or acetic acid. When quicklime is exposed to the skin, a sugar solution is applied. It is unacceptable to use saturated solutions of acids and alkalis for the neutralization reaction on the skin of the victim.
  • All actions should be performed with tight gloves. It is advisable not to touch the affected skin area with bare hands: acid residues can get on unprotected hands, and touching will cause additional pain in the victim.
  • To reduce pain, a damp and cool cloth is applied to the burn area.
  • At the end, a loose, non-squeezing bandage from a bandage or from a clean, dry cloth is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.

See also: Diet for stomach ulcers: general recommendations

First aid for chemical eye damage

Any chemical eye burn is a serious injury and requires mandatory examination and treatment by a doctor. Regardless of the type of substance, in most cases such injuries are accompanied by a strong reaction to light, tearing and cutting pain, and sometimes even loss of vision.

  • In the event of eye contact with a chemical, the most important first aid measure is to immediately flush with copious amounts of water. To do this, spread the eyelids with your fingers and hold the eye under running water for 10-15 minutes to remove the reagent. In this case, you should not waste time looking for neutralizers, since immediately rinsing the eyes with water is much more effective. However, if alkali is affected, milk can be used to neutralize.
  • Next, apply a dry bandage of bandage. But the main thing is to immediately consult a doctor.

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Chemical burn of the digestive system

The main symptoms of a chemical lesion of the digestive system are severe pain in the mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach, vomiting of bloody mucus and particles of burnt mucous appears. If the reagent gets on the upper part of the larynx, the victim begins to suffocate.

In the esophagus, the affected area spreads very quickly, so it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim as soon as possible, which consists in neutralizing the chemical reagent that has got inside.

  • After exposure to alkalis on the digestive organs, the victim is given a gastric lavage with a weak solution of acetic acid.
  • In case of acid damage, the alimentary tract is washed with a solution of baking soda.
  • It is mandatory to wash the stomach with large amounts of water to completely remove the chemical reagent.
  • After providing first aid, it is imperative to deliver the victim of a chemical burn of the digestive system to the hospital.

Professional medical care

Regardless of the depth and nature of the lesion, in the event of a chemical burn, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the reagents often quickly spread deep into the tissues, and in a short time a first-degree burn can turn into a second or third burn. In addition, if more than a third of the body is affected, then often a person dies in the first few hours after injury due to the development of a shock state and organ dysfunction.

In some cases of damage by chemical reagents, the help of qualified specialists is necessary:

  • when signs of a state of shock appear (loss of consciousness, blanching of the skin, respiratory failure) in the victim;
  • the size of the wound exceeds 7.5 cm in diameter;
  • damage deeper than the upper layer of the skin;
  • the legs, groin area, buttocks, large joints were affected;
  • complaints of the victim of significant pain, not eliminated by painkillers.

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First aid for acid and alkali poisoning

Poisoning with acids and alkalis most often occurs when they are used in everyday life. In most cases, intoxication occurs when using acetic acid, less often - alkalis and oxidizing agents. These substances cause a chemical burn: when they enter the skin, the epidermis is completely destroyed. Penetration of toxic agents into the stomach can cause cardiac arrest.

Characteristic features and types of cauterizing substances

Acids and alkalis are called caustic agents. They are used in medicine, in the production of fertilizers, household chemicals and cosmetics, for the disinfection of ponds. Acids are complex substances, which include hydrogen atoms, capable of reacting with other substances. There are oxygen-containing and oxygen-free. The most dangerous are inorganic acids (nitric, hydrochloric, sulfuric) - they contribute to tissue necrosis and the subsequent formation of scabs, laryngeal edema, and a state of shock caused by severe pain.

Organic substances (oxalic and acetic acids) are characterized by a less pronounced cauterizing, but more poisonous effect on the body. Cause disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, liver. Alkalis are bases that dissolve well in water. These are well-known lime (both slaked and quicklime), ammonia, sodium hydroxide, liquid glass.

Intoxication with alkalis is much more dangerous than the ingress of acids into the body. This is due to the fact that alkali has the ability to reach deep tissue layers and destroy protein structures. In case of poisoning, severe symptoms immediately appear. The degree and severity of poisoning with cauterizing poisons depend on how concentrated the substance was taken orally, on its dose and the general condition of the victim's body. The lethal dose of strong acids taken orally is 30–50 ml.

Characteristic symptoms

Cauterizing poisons are very dangerous to health. In case of poisoning, the victim immediately develops a complex of symptoms characteristic of intoxication. In case of ingestion of acids inside a person, the following clinical manifestations of poisoning are observed:

Burn of the mucous membrane of the larynx

  • excruciating pain in the mouth and in the esophagus, which is caused by burns of the mucous membrane;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • vomiting, accompanied by a delay in breathing, which leads to the ingestion of vomit of a characteristic coffee color with traces of blood into the respiratory tract;
  • dyspnea;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • change in the color of urine (urine acquires a cherry, brown or red tint);
  • a characteristic smell from the mouth (for example, when intoxicated with acetic acid, a strong smell of vinegar comes from the victim);
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • swelling of the larynx, which can cause asphyxia;
  • symptoms characteristic of alcohol intoxication;
  • burns and scabs around the mouth, the color of which depends on what kind of acid was taken inside: acetic gives a gray color, hydrochloric yellow-green, nitric acid gray-yellow.

If a large dose of acid has entered the body, the functionality of the heart muscle is disrupted in a short time, and pain shock develops. There is a high probability of death in the first few hours.

Inhalation of acid vapors irritates the respiratory tract. With a high concentration of toxins, acute bronchitis and pulmonary edema develop. In this case, there is a high probability of death due to spasm of the glottis. Symptoms of alkali poisoning:

  • urinary retention;
  • slow heart rate;
  • suffocation;
  • pronounced salivation;
  • convulsions;
  • pain in the mouth and esophagus, aggravated by swallowing;
  • vomiting and loose stools with traces of blood;
  • strong thirst;
  • shock caused by unbearable pain.

If the mucous membranes of the eyes are damaged by alkali, edema increases, the cornea becomes cloudy up to loss of vision. If alkali affects the skin, the epidermis turns red and swells, severe pain occurs, blisters form. The burn surface has a loose structure.

When poisoning occurs as a result of inhalation of vapors of caustic alkali poisons, there is a feeling of heaviness in the chest, suffocation, swelling of the larynx, repeated vomiting, eye burns, nervous excitement, delirium. If toxic substances are absorbed into the blood and tissues, there is a violation of the functions of the most important organs - the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver.

Employees of enterprises that are in close contact with alkalis experience the so-called chronic intoxication. This condition manifests itself in ulcerative formations on the skin of the upper extremities, trophic lesions of the nail plates, the development of gastritis and ulcers, periodic diarrhea and vomiting with traces of blood.

First aid methods

In case of accidental or intentional intoxication with caustic liquids, the victim must be given first aid as soon as possible. After calling the medical institution before the arrival of the ambulance team, you should help the person remove toxic substances from the body. First aid for poisoning with acids and alkalis implies the following:

  1. Status assessment. If there is a suspicion of a through hole in the intestine and if there are complaints of unbearable pain in the retrosternal region, it is strictly forbidden to give the patient something to drink or do a gastric lavage.
  2. Gently wiping the oral mucosa with a weak solution of acetic acid or fresh lemon juice diluted with water.
  3. Apply a warm compress to the throat if breathing problems are observed.
  4. Gastric lavage in case of intoxication with acids. This can be done if there is no evidence of a through hole in the stomach or esophagus. In case of intoxication with acids, washing is carried out through a thick probe. It is necessary to use at least 6-10 liters of water, where burnt magnesia should be added (at the rate of 20 g of the substance per liter of liquid). It is forbidden to use soda. Probeless rinsing (simply taking a few glasses of water) does not work and can speed up the process of absorption of the poison.
  5. Gastric lavage with alkali intoxication. Take 6-10 liters of warm water or a solution of citric or acetic acid (1%) as a basis. If there is no probe or it is not possible to install it (with swelling of the larynx), it is necessary to give the victim some milk or vegetable oil, lemon juice.

In no case should you induce vomiting without first washing the stomach and give laxatives to the poisoned person. It is advisable to carry out the washing procedure within the first 4 hours after the penetration of toxic substances into the body.

If chemicals come into contact with the skin, rinse them for 15 minutes. Do not attempt to wipe off acid or alkali with tissue paper, as this promotes rubbing of the substance into the skin and aggravates the situation.

It is necessary to remove all the clothes of the victim, on which poisonous substances have fallen. If acid or alkali has affected the mucous membrane of the eye, you need to rinse them continuously for more than 15 minutes, then drip a solution of novocaine (1%).

Nurse puts a drip

Emergency care, which is provided in the hospital, is to neutralize and quickly remove toxic substances from the body. Intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate in the form of a solution is practiced, which prevents the likelihood of impaired renal function. To suppress the pain syndrome, the patient is injected subcutaneously with morphine, papaverine, glucose-novocaine mixture.

Alkali and acid poisoning is a condition that poses a particular danger to human life. Cauterizing substances destroy the dermis, promote necrosis of the mucous membranes, and can cause cardiac arrest or asphyxia. At the first signs of intoxication with acids or alkalis, the victim must be urgently transported to a medical facility.

First aid for burns and hydrochloric acid poisoning

Hydrochloric acid is a good solvent used in many industries. The chemical is colorless and may appear yellowish. The acid itself and its esters (hydrogen chloride) are poisonous.

Hydrochloric acid itself and its esters are poisonous.

Properties of hydrochloric acid

The poisonousness of a substance lies in the fact that in the air the liquid evaporates, releasing gas. It enters the human body through the mucous membranes and skin. If it comes into contact with the skin, the acid causes severe chemical burns. Every human stomach also contains hydrochloric acid. It helps the digestive process. People who have low acidity are prescribed drugs with this substance. Hydrogen chloride solution is also used as food additive E 507.

Hydrochloric acid and its vapors can accelerate the corrosion of metals. Therefore, it is stored and transported in special vessels.

Chemical damage to the skin

Burns occur as a result of exposure to the skin of high temperature (thermal), electric field (electric), acids or alkaline substances (chemical) and electromagnetic radiation (radiation). Thermal burns are common in everyday life.

Chemical damage to the skin is difficult to treat. The degree of harm is determined by the amount and concentration of acid or alkali, the characteristics of exposure and behavior when in contact with water or air, as well as the period of stay on the skin or mucous membranes. Physicians distinguish such degrees of severity of a chemical burn:

  • I - redness of the affected area and pain;
  • II - swelling and blisters appear with transparent contents;
  • III - necrosis of the upper layers of the skin and blisters with turbid liquid or blood;
  • IV - a deep lesion that reaches the muscles and tendons.

Doctors are more likely to encounter severe cases of grade III and IV due to the fact that the chemical composition of the substances is very toxic and acts instantly. Therefore, people should know the symptoms of an acid burn and the basics of first aid in such situations in order to keep themselves healthy or be able to provide first aid.

In case of contact with hydrochloric acid on the skin, it is necessary to rinse the area with clean water.

First aid for a burn with hydrochloric acid

As a result of exposure to the toxin, a dry, dense yellowish crust with clear boundaries appears on the skin. After the contact is eliminated, the reagent continues to cause harm, so the person needs urgent help. The first thing to do when hydrochloric acid gets on the skin:

  1. Remove clothing and other items from the burned area.
  2. Rinse the area with clean water for 15 minutes or more.
  3. If the injury burns, continue flushing the substance.
  4. After that, wash the burn area with a solution of soda or soap and water.
  5. Apply a dry sterile dressing.

It is strictly forbidden to wash off hydrochloric acid with oils, alcohol tinctures, urine. Doctors do not recommend piercing blisters on their own, touching the wound with their hands, lubricating it with cream or vegetable oil.

If hydrochloric acid gets into the eyes, a person needs to rinse with running water, and then with a solution of soda. Signs of an injury: severe burning and pain in the eyes. The clinic of the disease may also include the appearance of a scab and redness of the mucous membrane. The victim needs to see a doctor who will assess the patient's condition and prescribe a course of therapy.

Small chemical burns can be treated at home

Burn treatment

High-quality first aid increases the effectiveness of therapy and gives the victim hope for a quick recovery. The patient is examined by a surgeon, assesses his condition and the severity of the burn. Then he tells how to treat an injury at home. If large areas of the skin are affected, then the patient is left under the constant supervision of doctors.

You can treat a small chemical burn at home according to the prescribed course. The doctor advises treating the area with antiseptic agents, which do not contain alcohol. It is mandatory to use medications that help restore the normal functioning of the skin.

Clinic of poisoning with hydrochloric acid and its esters

Hydrogen chloride solution enters the gastrointestinal tract of a person at work in violation of safety rules or intentionally when attempting suicide. Hydrochloric acid enters the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, tongue and causes severe burns and poisoning. The first symptoms of damage to the esophagus and stomach:

  • acute pain in the abdomen and chest;
  • vomit with blood;
  • swelling of the larynx.

In severe cases of poisoning and in the absence of medical care, additional symptoms develop: pulmonary edema, severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver. The pain syndrome can lead to burn shock, which aggravates the condition of the victim with a possible loss of consciousness.

Symptoms of damage to the esophagus and stomach: acute pain in the abdomen and chest

The victim must be taken out of the room so as not to receive additional intoxication with toxic fumes. First aid for poisoning with hydrochloric acid is to immediately wash the stomach. The patient is forced to drink about a liter of water and induce vomiting. If a person shows symptoms of traumatic shock, they are given sedatives or painkillers.

Hydrogen chloride solution evaporates quickly in the open air. During this process, toxic haze appears in the air, which causes harm to the human respiratory tract. Symptoms of toxic fumes poisoning:

  • dry cough;
  • suffocation;
  • burning of mucous membranes;
  • damage to the teeth;
  • disruption of the stomach and intestines.

First aid for poisoning with toxic esters is free access to clean air and rinsing the throat with water or a soda solution.

With prolonged inhalation of poison, the clinic may be supplemented by toxic pulmonary edema. For its initial stage, chest pains and an unproductive cough are characteristic. If the reagent is removed, all symptoms disappear within an hour (latent period). But at this time, the lungs begin to change and lose some of their functions. Chest pain and difficulty breathing gradually return, which entail the appearance of wheezing and the beginning of the edematous process. The completion of lung poisoning is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • cyanotic or gray shade of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • shortness of breath and weak pulse;
  • sputum waste (with blood);
  • lack of oxygen in the body and others.

The victim must be immediately taken to the hospital, where the toxicologist will prescribe adequate treatment.

Treatment of acid poisoning or its vapors is necessary in the hospital

Therapy of intoxication with hydrochloric acid

To treat poisoning with liquid hydrochloric acid or its vapors is necessary in the hospital. The toxicologist prescribes symptomatic therapy. The first thing the doctor does is prescribe painkillers to eliminate pain shock.

Treatment includes drugs to stop bleeding, maintain the health of the stomach and intestines, lungs, cardiovascular system, and liver and kidneys. To prevent the development of the inflammatory process, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. The first couple of days the victim should not eat, and then he is prescribed a strict diet until the end of the course of treatment.

Prevention of poisoning with hydrochloric acid

Preventive measures help save people's lives and health. They consist in observing safety rules while working with poisons, using individual methods of protection (apron, gas mask, gloves, goggles, special suit).

The management of the enterprise must ensure good ventilation of the premises, timely informing about the leakage of hydrochloric acid and prompt evacuation. Preventive measures also include briefings and trainings on first aid and actions in an emergency.

To prevent chronic diseases, employees must undergo scheduled medical examinations, as well as provide themselves with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Chemical burns and hydrochloric acid poisoning are serious illnesses. The high toxicity of the substance makes it necessary to act immediately to save a person's life. People who deal with this poison must follow basic safety rules and be able to provide first aid.

An alkali burn is one of the most dangerous types of injury. The ingress of a dangerous reagent on the surface of the skin or mucous membrane leads to injury to the skin tissues, after which the deep layers of the dermis and fiber are affected. By nature, such a burn injury is similar to a burn from acids. The higher the concentration of alkali, the stronger its effect and the deeper the ulceration it causes.

The eschar that appears after an alkaline burn is soft, friable, passing to neighboring areas without clear boundaries and has a whitish tint. It is formed and separated slowly, and the process of wound healing under it is also delayed. In some cases, scars and ulcerations remain at the site of the wound.

Features and severity

Alkaline burns can be obtained both at home and at work. Domestic trauma does not pose a serious threat to the victim, since reagents are used at home in lower concentrations. And getting an injury at work, most often, leads to negative consequences. High-concentration toxic substances are used at working enterprises, upon contact with which a person can be seriously injured.

The depth and severity of alkaline damage depends on the following factors:

  • quantity, volume and type of solution;
  • concentration and force of influence;
  • duration of contact;
  • the extent of the injury.

Characteristic symptoms

The main symptoms of an alkali burn are:

  • sensation of a "soapy" surface of the skin;
  • irritation;
  • redness;
  • burning;
  • puffiness;
  • numbness;
  • strong pain sensations.

The longer the alkaline composition has acted on the skin, the stronger the burning, swelling of the skin, numbness or pain syndrome will be.

When the upper layer of the dermis is damaged, a superficial burn (1 degree) is formed, the characteristic features of which are skin hyperemia, burning and pain.

Enhanced clinical symptoms are observed with a burn injury with alkali of the 2nd and 3rd degree, when the area of ​​the affected area exceeds 8 cm. The deeper layers of the skin and soft tissues are damaged, a loose crust forms on the surface, under which pus is released. To eliminate the risk of developing an inflammatory process, it is necessary to start treatment.

Burns of the 3rd and 4th degrees are characterized by severe pain, the formation of blisters with fluid and blood impurities, and damage to large areas of the skin. They must be treated in a hospital.

First aid

Properly rendered first aid for an alkali burn will help prevent complications, relieve pain and neutralize the effects of a dangerous chemical.

Consider the important features of primary emergency care.

  1. Clothing that has come into contact with chemical components must be removed immediately.
  2. To completely eliminate the reagent, it is necessary to rinse the affected area under a stream of cold running water. If washing is performed immediately after receiving a burn, the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. If the first aid measures are slightly delayed, then the wounded surface is washed for 30 minutes.
  3. To remove the reagent, do not use napkins or towels soaked in water. This will only increase its penetration into the skin and aggravate the situation.
  4. If the alkaline composition has a powdery consistency, it is first necessary to remove its residues from the skin and only then rinse.
  5. Next, proceed to neutralize the effects of an alkaline solution. For this purpose, acids are used: acetic or citric.
  6. To reduce pain, a cold towel or napkin can be applied to the affected area.

A burn caused by quicklime is strictly forbidden to be washed with water. It is necessary to remove the alkali from the wounded surface and apply a small amount of vegetable oil.

In case of slaked lime damage, first washing is carried out with running water, after which the wound should be additionally washed with sweetened water (1 dessert spoon of granulated sugar per 250 ml of water).

Read more about lime burns.

In some situations, it is urgent to call an ambulance team. These include:

  • manifestation of signs of shock in the victim: pallor, shallow breathing, loss of consciousness;
  • the diameter of the affected area exceeding 8 cm, and damage to the subcutaneous tissues;
  • reagent damage to the buttocks, face, eyes, mouth, or esophagus;
  • severe pain syndrome that cannot be eliminated with painkillers.


A mild (1st degree) burn is treated with the following medications:

  • aerosol Panthenol;
  • Synthomycin liniment;
  • spray Oxycyclozol.

To disinfect the wound and exclude its infection, the following antiseptic drugs are used:

  • Dioxysol. The composition contains an antibacterial component - dioxidine and an anesthetic - lidocaine. The drug has regenerating properties. Apply 1 time per day. Do not use for a long time, because it can cause hives. Contraindicated in heart disease, low blood pressure and during pregnancy.
  • Novoimanin. It is a 1% alcohol extract of St. John's wort. Dries the wound, eliminating the process of suppuration. Has anti-inflammatory properties. It can not be used in its pure form, for the treatment of the burnt area it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.

During treatment, effective drugs in the form of an ointment are widely used:

  • Levomekol;
  • Levosin;
  • Streptonitol;
  • Sulfargin;
  • Rescuer;
  • Bepanthen;
  • Eplan.

To relieve pain, the following drugs are used:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Nise;
  • Ketorolac;
  • Nurofen.

Folk remedies

When resorting to the help of folk methods of treatment, it should be borne in mind that it is better to use medicinal decoctions of herbs, completely abandoning funds without heat treatment. Such measures are taken to avoid infection of the wound.

  1. Strong decoction of bay leaf helps relieve inflammation. You just need to brew 6-7 leaves with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Aloe juice effectively draws pus from the wound. A napkin soaked in the juice of the plant is applied to the site of the lesion.
  3. Celandine juice helps to quickly dry a weeping wound. It must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1.
  4. Used against inflammation essential oils: cedar, tea tree, eucalyptus.
  5. To speed up wound healing lotions with golden mustache juice(leaves and stem), propolis, mummy.
  6. herbal decoction.

How to prepare herbal decoction:

  • you will need to collect one of the following types of herbs: St. John's wort, plantain, calendula, cinquefoil, or sweet clover;
  • to prepare a decoction, 200 - 250 ml are added to 1 dessert spoon of herbs. boiling water and boil for about 10 minutes;
  • insist 1-3 hours;
  • Ready-made broth is washed with a burnt place when changing the bandage (twice a day).


A chemical burn is a common lesion that can be obtained in a wide variety of conditions. It is its variety that is an alkaline burn, which often affects the deep layers of the dermis and causes tissue necrosis.

The best prevention for this type of traumatic impact is the careful handling of chemicals, both at home and at work. When using alkalis, it is necessary to wear closed outer clothing and protect your hands with rubber gloves.

In cases where it was not possible to avoid exposure to a chemical reagent, it is important to properly provide first aid and begin the necessary treatment. This will help avoid complications and speed up the recovery process.