Professional products for shine and radiance of hair. Lemon juice is an instant help for dull hair. Using Lemon Juice for Shiny Hair. How to add shine to hair at home using professional products

Healthy strands that reflect shine are always in style, no matter the length or degree of smoothness. Therefore, many women spend huge sums of money to purchase products to add shine to their hair, or visit beauty salons to give their curls beautiful view with help special procedures. However, not everyone can achieve the desired effect, so use the tips on how to achieve the shine of the strands at home.

In order to return beautiful and healthy look your hair, it is not at all necessary to spend exorbitant amounts. You can take care of your hair at home, which is sometimes much more effective than salon procedures.

Glitter and shimmer is the reflection of light from a smooth surface. And since a flat surface reflects better light rays, then straight strands look more shiny than wavy curls or curls. Therefore, for greater shine, hair must be given smoothness.

Fact! On dark-colored hair, shine is noticeable much better than on light curls.

5 tips to make your hair shiny at home:

  1. Brush properly. You need to comb your strands with a brush with a thick, but short natural bristles, slowly running through each strand 25-30 times, starting from the tips. Professionals call this combing polishing, because during this procedure the scales of the hair cuticle are smoothed, and the hairs begin to shine.
  2. Apply special line cosmetics. Each well-known brand There is special means for hair shine with vitamins, collagen, betaine, plant extracts, natural oils etc. High-quality professional products will help restore the shine to your hair and give it a natural shimmer.
  3. Get henna dyed. Processing strands with colored or colorless henna guarantees shine, strengthening and growth of hairs, getting rid of dandruff. In addition, henna does not damage the structure of the hair shaft, unlike chemical dyes.
  4. Add sourness. If you change the neutral environment to acidic, then the cuticle will be smoothed and, accordingly, the hair will shine. Therefore, balms and conditioners are added fruit acids, essential oils or citrus extracts. At home, you can also add a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice.
  5. Apply natural masks. The effect of the most expensive industrial masks is much less than fresh homemade masks prepared a few minutes before use. Therefore, do not be lazy to prepare a mixture that is useful for hair and always give preference to natural remedies for hair shine.

Consider best masks for shine and smoothness of hair, which are easy to prepare at home.

Homemade masks will help restore shine to hair

Beauty, shine, smoothness and health of hair can be achieved by using improvised inexpensive ingredients for making homemade masks. They differ in the method of application and the main components. Each mask is aimed at achieving a certain result and a positive effect:

  1. For shine and smoothness. Gelatin will help straighten curls and return shimmer to dull strands. Dilute 1 tbsp. food gelatin in 20 ml of warm boiled water, add 10 ml of balm. Distribute the mixture along the length of the hair and leave for 50-60 minutes, putting a plastic cap and a towel on your head. wash away warm water. Apply 1-2 times a week.
  2. For shimmer and growth. Cognac - excellent tool to give the curls a natural shimmer and accelerate their growth. Mix 2 tbsp. cognac and 2 tbsp. olive oil, heat up to 35-40 degrees, add 1 yolk, mix thoroughly. warm mask apply to the roots, and then distribute along the length, wrap the head with polyethylene and a towel, leave for 45-50 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.
  3. For gloss and strengthening. Egg - universal remedy for hair. Mix 1 egg with 1 tbsp. glycerin (sold in a pharmacy), add 1 tsp. natural honey, beat until smooth. Apply to hair for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure weekly.
  4. For shine and softness. Dairy products will give curls a special shine and softness. Mix 3 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives or 3 tbsp. 10% sour cream, add 1 tbsp. coconut oil. Apply the mask on the strands and leave for 30-35 minutes. Rinse with shampoo and balm.
  5. For shine and volume. Mask for blondes: 2 tbsp. natural honey + 1 tbsp. castor oil. mask for dark hair: 2 tbsp cocoa + 50 ml of milk, heat until cocoa is dissolved. Masks are applied to the roots, then distributed along the length. The exposure time of the mixture on the head is 40-60 minutes. Washes off with regular shampoo.
  6. For gloss and silkiness. Mix 2 tbsp. balm, 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed aloe juice and 1 ampoule of B vitamins (B1-B3, B6, B12). After washing, apply the mask to clean wet hair and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can repeat this procedure 1-3 times a week.
  7. For shine and hydration. This mask is liked to be used in the Mediterranean countries. Cucumber grate on a fine grater, squeeze the juice, add 1 tbsp. fine salt, mix with egg white. Apply the mixture to slightly damp hair, leave for 30-40 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Homemade masks that restore shine to dull curls are versatile and suitable for all hair types.

Folk remedies for hair shine

In addition to masks, there are other recipes using folk remedies to give hair shine, elasticity and smoothness:

  • If the hair is light, then a decoction of chamomile will help restore the radiance. Apply one cup of strong chamomile decoction to wet, clean curls, hold for 30 minutes, warming the head with polyethylene and a towel. Then rinse with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.
  • If the hairstyle is dark, then coffee will help to add gloss. Brew 2 tbsp. natural ground coffee, strain and apply a warm drink on wet strands for half an hour. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  • If the mop is red, then vegetables will help make it shiny. Mix half a cup carrot juice and half a cup of freshly squeezed beetroot juice. Apply the mixture to the strands, put on a plastic cap and warm your head with a hairdryer in cold air mode for several minutes, hold for another 20 minutes and rinse.
  • Infusion of birch leaves. To rinse the hair, pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tbsp. chopped birch leaves, leave for 20-25 minutes. Use for rinsing after shampooing.
  • Apples for rinsing. Pour the peel of 3-4 medium-sized apples with 1 liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cool the decoction, strain and use as a rinse after taking a bath.
  • Herbal decoction. Pour into 0.5 liters of boiling water, 1 tbsp. nasturtium, dried marigolds and rosemary. Boil for 25 minutes. Use as a rinse after shampooing to make hair shiny and smooth.
  • After graduation water procedures hold clean hair under running cold water. From this procedure, the pores of the hair shaft are closed, which makes the hair look smoother and shinier.

Few people now make homemade shampoos - basically everyone uses purchased ones. But even if you buy the most expensive bottle, after washing, the shampoo will still leave a little “chemistry” on your hair, which will gradually dry out both the strands and the skin under the hair, causing dandruff and allergies.

Rinsing your hair will help to completely clean each curl: homemade recipes will not only help you say goodbye to the “periodic table”, but will also heal split ends, brittleness, loss of brightness, hair loss, and dandruff.

But not only shampoos harm the beauty of the hair - even the water itself washes out the protein from the hair, “undermining” it. A properly selected rinse recipe will thicken the keratin “shell”, so that your “mane” will become fuller and thicker, and each strand will become silkier and softer.

How to rinse your hair: the best homemade recipes

Any of these compositions is not only suitable for dousing a washed head, but also replaces the air conditioner.

Rinse your hair with vinegar

Buy this product if you have normal or oily hair. Apple cider vinegar washes away not only “chemistry” and dirt, but also residues sebum: goodbye, bored oily sheen! Rinsing smoothes the scales of the hair, so that the “mane” literally begins to sparkle.

Ingredients: 50 ml apple cider vinegar for 1 liter of water. Instead of the latter, you can brew a decoction of the herb that suits you (2 large spoons of herbs per liter of boiling water). If you are a blonde, brew green tea, chamomile or linden. If a brunette - rosemary, nettle, oak bark. Rinse your hair with this composition after you wash it.

  • Vinegar for hair: useful properties, recipes for rinsing and masks

Rinsing with essential oils

Compositions with esters pleasantly flavor the hair, and improve external beauty. But do not forget: for each hair there is an ether.

Yes, girls with oily hair should choose citronella, sage, bergamot, geranium, mint, pine or eucalyptus, clove or ginger, lemon, tea tree, lemon balm, cedar or cypress, cajuput, juniper or verbena.

Owners of dry hair fit ylang-ylang, frankincense, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli, palmarosa, tangerine and orange, chamomile, lavender, myrrh.

Well, what if your "mane" normal type, buy calamus, vervain, cedar, ylang-ylang, frankincense, mint, rosemary, tea or rosewood, petitgrain, coriander, cypress, or pine (as ether, of course).

Ingredients: for 1 liter of water (or the same decoction of herbs mentioned above), drip 4 drops of ether.

  • Essential oils for hair: useful properties, how to choose and apply

Nettle for hair rinse

This plant is not very respected in dachas and villages, but meanwhile, nettle is an excellent beautician: it suits all types of hair, and treats a dozen problems (including hair loss), and copes with pollution with a bang. But if you are a blonde, remember: such a rinse can leave on blonde hair unexpected shade.

Ingredients: Pour 1 large spoonful of dry nettle leaves with 1 glass of water, place in a water bath, let it boil, boil gently for about 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain, add water to make enough for your hair length, and use

Chamomile hair rinse

Fortune teller flower - best friend blondes. It treats dandruff and peeling, itching, and the hair will like it - it will soften them, moisturizing each hair. If you use this herb often, it will change the shade of the hair to a sunnier one.

The recipe for rinsing from chamomile is the same as from nettle.

honey water

Don't miss this recipe if you suffer from dry, "killed" hair. Honey “sticks together” the problematic ends of the hair, restores dull hairs, makes them more obedient and more beautiful.

Ingredients: Dilute 2 tablespoons of the gift of bees in a liter of water.

Lemon hair rinse

This the remedy is suitable dull hair, since the lemon literally “highlights” them, saturating them with a healthy shine. And besides, he will finally make the restive hair obey you and lie down in the styling. Important: it will not work for dry hair, as it can only aggravate their problem; but bold and normal fit Great.

Ingredients: squeeze about 100 ml of citrus juice into a liter of water.

Rinse your hair with tea

Brunettes and brown-haired women any will do tea (green and black), and for blondes - only green. This simple ingredient will give the "mane" shine.

Ingredients: for 1 tablespoon of tea leaves - 500 ml of boiling water. Tea should be infused (5 minutes - black, 3 - green). When it cools down, pour it over clean hair.

Rinsing with beer

Did you know how rich in minerals and vitamins this intoxicating drink is? If you find a good dark beer, and not the cheapest, make it home cosmetics. She will give hair splendor, make them obedient, remove sebaceous excess, strengthen each hair, and accelerate growth.

Before use, it is better to heat the beer, and release the “bubbles” in advance. By the way, it is best to use this tool after you take a steam bath in a sauna or bath. You can use it in different ways.

1. “Bath” your hair in beer, let it “get drunk” a little on this intoxicating “cocktail”, and then rinse with clean water.

2. 100 ml of beer, 200 ml of water (warmed up) mix. Rinse hair with composition, do not rinse.

Rinsing with medicinal herbs

Herbal decoctions are a natural source of beauty and health of hair. You should choose grass based on your type and characteristics of hair. Herbs moisturize hair, saturate useful substances. The broth should be brewed at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per liter of boiling water. By mixing several ingredients, you will enhance healing properties the resulting rinse aid. Catalog below medicinal properties herbs will help you make the right choice.

Flower water and hydrosols

These products are obtained from the production of essential oils. Hydrolats have a huge range, they are extracted from almost any plant. This fashionable tool can be seen on the shelves of any cosmetics store. Rinsing your hair after washing with hydrosol, you saturate the curls with the beneficial substances of these plants, the hair becomes obedient, shiny and fragrant.

Rinsing for shiny hair

Mineral water. This leave-in rinse not only adds shine to the hair, but also removes the winter "dandelion effect" and nourishes the scalp. Important: use mineral water without gas!

  • Mineral water: beneficial properties for hair, how to apply

Decoction of apple peel. The main ingredient of the decoction contains natural wax. Thanks to this, rinsing makes the hair obedient and sparkling. Recipe: cut the peel from several homemade apples, boil in a liter of water. When cool, use immediately after washing (each).

Dark hair rinse

Black tea, nettle, sage and rosemary - such a rinse suitable for brunettes. All ingredients can be used separately or mixed in equal proportions, take 3 tbsp per liter of water. l. mixture, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes;

onion peel - ideal for redheads and brown hair. It has anti-inflammatory properties and eliminates dandruff. To rinse your hair, you need to make a strong decoction. onion peel, use warm.

Ground coffee It will help to saturate dark hair with color and give a beautiful shine. For half a liter of boiling water, you need to take three tablespoons of coffee.

Conditioners for light hair

Favorite conditioners for blondes are decoctions of herbs from chamomile, rhubarb, linden, lemon peel, lemon juice, glycerin solution, honey water.

For the preparation of rinses based on esters, blondes should pay attention to ylang-ylang and lemon oils. These products give a radiant shine to blond hair and have a slight brightening effect.

Dry hair rinse

Rinsing your hair with a glycerin solution will help make your hair soft, smooth and hydrated. The recipe for such a conditioner is simple: one teaspoon of the product per liter of cool water.

Milk. Softens, "smoothes" each curl, giving volume, and also effectively moisturizes the hair. Pour about 5 large tablespoons of high-fat milk into 1 liter of water (or the same decoction of herbs). If your hair is dry or split, also add a spoonful of honey, and if your hair is oily, then salt (a small spoon; preferably sea salt). After application, the rinse is not washed off.

Herbal decoctions for moisturizing dry hair: chamomile, calendula, linden, string, hop cones, sage, nettle, elderberry, flax seeds, birch leaves.

Birch. A decoction of birch leaves will appeal to the owner of overdried and often tangled hair. Have you been invited to the bath? Scoop water from the bowl in which the brooms were steamed and pour over your head at the end bath procedure. Among other things, such care will accelerate the growth of your braid.

Birch juice (forest, not from a store can) - an excellent hair conditioner. It treats dandruff and prevents its occurrence; softens harmful "straws" on the head; gives splendor and silkiness.

Oily hair rinse

If the hair quickly becomes dirty, decoctions of the following herbs will help: nettle, mint, plantain, pine and fir needles, coltsfoot, oak bark.

Rinse aid with addition ammonia quickly help to eliminate the problem of oily curls. To prepare it, add a teaspoon of ammonia to a liter jar of water.

Perhaps even the thickest and longest hair does not look beautiful if it loses its shine. Shining hair is one of the signs of their health. Your hair can get back its shine, but you need to figure out why it lost it.

Why does hair lose its shine?

There are two options here - either improper care or malfunctions in the body.

How do you take care of your hair? If you are using suitable means for washing and styling, if you do not tyrannize your hair frequent change hair colors, if you do not dry your hair with a hot hair dryer - they will shine. Think - do you blow dry your hair too often? Maybe your hair dye is aggressive? Or did you just choose the wrong care products?

If you are absolutely sure that your hair lives in bliss and love, but meanwhile, they do not have shine, look for the reasons inside. Sometimes dull hair is a consequence of starvation diets or lack of necessary for hair vitamins and minerals, and sometimes a sign serious illness. Eliminate health problems, eat right, do not starve - and your hair will become radiant.

How to care for hair so that it shines?

It is very important to choose good remedy for washing hair. What is your shampoo? Does it suit your hair type? For dry and oily hair, the products are seriously different, because the hair different types needed different care. Are you shampooing correctly? Is the care you give your hair enough? All this is very important questions, after all, improper washing of hair, and even inappropriate means, can make hair ugly.

If you use hair dye, choose the least aggressive - however, such dyes are usually more expensive. If you are sure that your hair looks bad because of the paint - do not save money, change it. And if you're out of money, go to natural paints- henna and basma. They do not spoil the hair - quite the contrary.

If you like to dry your hair with a hairdryer, then you should know that hot air not only speeds up the drying process, but also ruins your hair. If you have an expensive hair dryer with many settings, then choose to dry lowest temperature. In general, if you have time, let your hair dry naturally.

What should you eat to make your hair shiny?

A diet for any ailment and even for problems with appearance is the norm. A diet is not fasting, but a special diet. If your hair has stopped shining, you will need to include more foods containing omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Replace butter vegetable, and part of the meat - fatty marine fish. Most of the fatty acids you need are in salmon.

But from diets that are supposedly designed to remove excess fat, give up. Diets, no matter how strange it may sound, do not contribute to harmony at all. Most often, you lose harmony from an imbalance in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, or hormonal failure.

And to conjure?

Proper nutrition and proper care is, in general, all that you need. But how can our woman sit idle? What to improve appearance hair you can, using also homemade rinses and hair masks. Their effect is not very strong, not too persistent, but how aids they are not bad. Here are some recipes for those who are eager to make their hair beautiful.

1. Henna. There is nothing better than henna- her hair really shines like the sun! Henna masks, applied for only 5 minutes, will almost not dye your hair, but will add shine to your hair. Natural Iranian or Indian henna is not suitable for blondes - it gives a noticeable shade on fair hair. For you - the so-called colorless henna, senna grass.

2. Herbs also give a good effect: burdock leaves, nettle, birch leaves, sage and ordinary green tea. Brew a tablespoon of herbs with half a liter of boiling water, insist for half an hour, and then strain. Rinse your hair with herbal decoction after washing - the effect is wonderful. Blondes: nettle, birch and very dark tea do not suit you. beautiful gives green tint, birch is gray, and tea is yellowish.

3. Not bad help egg masks. A raw egg beat, mix with onion juice, or oil tea tree, or do not mix with anything at all, and soak on the hair for about 10 minutes. The hair will not only shine, you will also get rid of dandruff. Subtleties: if you are allergic to an egg, you do not need to use it; in addition, egg masks have specific smell, after them it is better to use rinsing with herbs to beat off the smell.

4. On short hair you can apply a mashed banana. His hair really shines great, but from long hair it is difficult to wash it.

5. Dry massage with coarse salt returns shine to hair. Run it once a week.

6. Oil is a good shine agent. But only not burdock, but ethereal. To make your hair shine, after drying, rub two or three drops of lavender or tea tree oil in your palms. In winter, this remedy will also remove static from the hair.

I want it right now!

If you don't fit long ways, select short. Shine to hair can be instantly restored in a beauty salon.

1. In any salon, even just a hairdresser, you can take a course of keratin masks. The mask instantly fills the hair with the necessary protein compounds.

2. Hair lamination will restore shine with the help of amino acids - one of the important components of any tissue of our body.

3. Mesotherapy is the most effective method, but it should be carried out by a trichologist. Injections of a mixture of substances necessary for shine and hair growth are injected into the scalp. Undoubtedly, salon procedures more expensive than egg masks and nettle rinses - but they also give an instant effect.

Once again, it is worth recalling that one cannot be limited only to home and salon methods. Proper care And proper nutrition are a must, while masks and saturating dull hair with substances are just aids. Treat your body with love and attention, and your hair will always delight you with a pearly glow.

Often the cause of dull hair is simply because you dry your hair incorrectly. If you use a hair dryer with a nozzle that is too wide or direct the air in a chaotic manner, the hair scales will fluff up, and your hair will look matte.

So, remember the 3 rules for drying hair with a hair dryer for shine:

1. Narrow nozzle - the air flow should be dense, clearly directed.

2. You need to dry your hair, holding the nozzle at an angle and in a downward direction, from the roots to the ends. It is this movement that will smooth the scales and make the hair shiny.


3. Always finish styling with cold air.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a universal remedy for the beauty of skin and hair. To make your hair shiny, prepare a mask of coconut oil - warm it up a little on steam bath and apply the warm product to your hair. To enhance the effect, you can wear a shower cap. And then just wash your hair as usual.

3. Avocado mask

Avocado is a real storehouse of vitamins and healing oils. An avocado mask is a recipe that even Jennifer Lopez uses regularly! Mash the fruit of a ripe avocado with a fork, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and evenly distribute the gruel over the entire length of the hair. healthy shine after washing you are guaranteed!

4. Beer rinse

"Live" light beer is a great way to give hair dazzling brilliance. Pure wet hair you need to rinse well in beer. To get rid of the smell, you can apply conditioner after the procedure. In addition, beer not only gives a cosmetic shine effect, but also really nourishes the hair, thanks to the yeast content. Brilliant!

5. Lemon juice

We note right away that this method is not suitable for girls with dry hair, because lemon juice tends to dry them out. But at the same time, lemon juice really knows how to give hair shine - it is enough to distribute it along the entire length, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

6. Gelatin masks

On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for "gelatin hair lamination" - and this, of course, is absolute nonsense. It will not work to make lamination with gelatin, but to give hair beautiful light shine is easy. Dilute 3 tablespoons of gelatin with 4 tablespoons of boiled water. Put the mixture in a steam bath and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let cool and apply the product to the hair, leave for 40 minutes and rinse.

7. Nettle rinse

"Grandma's" recipes are sometimes very effective! The fact that you need to rinse your hair with nettle after washing, you probably heard, but did not try. Dry nettles can be bought at a pharmacy - pour boiling water over it, let it brew and rinse your hair. They are finally starting to shine!

8. Basil infusion

Another healthy recipe homemade conditioner for hair shine - basil infusion. This seasoning is good not only in Italian dishes, but also as a folk remedy for our hair. The recipe is as follows: pour two tablespoons of dry basil with a glass of boiling water, let cool. Every time after washing your hair, rinse your hair with this infusion - and you will be happy.

Shiny hair is an indicator of beauty and health. But, unfortunately, many women, for whatever reason, are unable to maintain their hair in perfect condition. Therefore, in order to fulfill the dream of shiny curls, you should heed the advice of professional stylists.

Reasons for losing shine

There are many reasons for hair loss. Consider the most basic:

  • Hard water. Tap water contains a huge amount of salts and chlorine compounds, which destroy the hair structure. Curls become stiff, lose elasticity and shine. Hair also suffers greatly when visiting the pool and frequent use too hot water. It is better to wash your hair with warm water, and rinse with decoctions of herbs.
  • Frequent use of shampoos and other styling products.
  • Wrong brushing. To give shine to your hair, you should purchase a special comb with natural bristles, which contributes to the even distribution of sebum. And before each wash, do a head massage with it. Also be sure to wash all combs in soapy water at least once a month.
  • Frequent use of a hot hair dryer and other thermal styling products.
  • Bleaching, perm and painting with low-quality paints.
  • UV exposure.
  • Wrong diet and lifestyle. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, drink more pure water, give up bad habits and play sports.
  • Vitamin deficiency. Vitamins B and E are responsible for the shine of hair, they are found in the liver, chicken eggs, whole grains and seaweed.

Professional care products

Hair begins to shine if it is smooth and light reflects on it. The surface of the hair is naturally scaly and when the scales are directed in different sides, hair cannot shine.

Therefore, in order to give shine to curls, first of all, they must be aligned. Today there is a large number of professional tools to help straighten hair. Some fill in irregularities, while others smooth their surface.


Very often, the hair does not shine due to dryness, in which case they need to intense hydration. To do this, choose the right shampoo. It should contain plant extracts, keratins, proteins, vitamins, nutritious and silicone oils.

The pH level for a moisturizing shampoo should be around 2-3.5.

Shampoos meet these criteria:

  • Wella Enrich,
  • Wella Brilliance for colored hair,
  • L'oreal Professional Serie Expert Pro-Keratin Refill Shampoo,
  • L'oreal Elseve Color and Shine,
  • L'oreal Elseve Nourishment and Shine Crystal,
  • Schwarzkopf Professional BC Oil Miracle,
  • Vichy DERCOS,
  • Brelil Professional Numero,
  • Alloton Phyto Touch Extraction,
  • Biopoint Dermocare,
  • Clean line.

Do not forget about tinted shampoos, which will help to add shine to the hair, enhance the brightness of the color and add desired shades. Such shampoos can be found in the Estel, L'oreal Color Protect, Irida Classic, Irida M De Luxe lines.


Unlike shampoo, the balm should nourish the hair as much as possible, so it is desirable that it contains vitamins, oils, fruit acids, citrus or silk extracts. In this case, it does not matter at all how it will be - washed off or not.

For getting quick results pay attention to professional balms:

  • Wella Enrich,
  • Wella Brilliance,
  • Kapous Professional Balsam,
  • L'oreal Elseve "Nourishment and Shine Crystal Instant Transformation",
  • Dove "Shine of Color",
  • Garnier Fructis,
  • Brelil Professional Numero.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a professional product, then you can add a few drops of any essential oil. Of course, you should not expect an instant result, but over time, the hair will acquire a noticeable shine.


Most sprays contain surfactants that form a protective film on the surface of the hair. It fills the voids between the scales and smoothes out defects. This makes it possible to protect curls from negative influence environment and fittings.

Professional sprays do not weigh down the hair and do not make it visually greasy. Stylists recommend:

  • Wella Shimmer Delight Spray
  • Wella Stay Brilliant Color Protection Styling Lotion,
  • Wella Enrich spray conditioner,
  • Schwarzkopf Professional BC Oil Miracle spray conditioner,
  • Brelil Professional Easy Shine Liquid Crystal,
  • Syoss Blond & Highlights spray for blonde hair,
  • Dove Nourishing Care Spray Conditioner.


Professional oils perfectly nourish the hair and, due to their composition, form a protective film on the hair, emphasizing the brightness of the color and creating reflective effect. These oils make hair silky and shiny.

  • Wella Professional Oil Reflections,
  • L'oreal Elseve "Extraordinary Oil",
  • Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure Oil Miracle,
  • Schwarzkopf Professional Blondeme,
  • Brelil Professional Liquid Crystal,
  • Brelil Professional BB Oil.


Colorless dyeing or as it is also called glazing can add shine to hair. The procedure will require special paint, the tone of which is marked as "00" because it does not have any color pigment and is completely free of ammonia.

Colorless paint helps to emphasize natural shade, add shine and for several weeks protect the hair from any aggressive impact. After dyeing, the hair becomes more silky, obedient and less split.

The procedure should be carried out once a month and with each repetition the effect of it will only increase. You can do it both in the salon and at home. To do this, you will need to purchase a colorless paint, a special activator and a fixer.

If you wish, you can opt for the means:

  • Estel Professional Essex Correct,
  • L'oreal Professional Richesse Clear,
  • Matrix Color Seanc Clear,
  • Linda Professional.

In addition to colorless paints, you can resort to using tonics or gentle paints that are precisely matched to the tone of your hair. Perfect overflows on the hair will help create innovative paints:

  • L'oreal Professional Prodigy,
  • SYOSS Professional Performance Mixing Colors,
  • SYOSS Gloss Sensation with laminating effect,
  • Wella Wellaton,
  • Linda Professional.

The most economical way to add shine to your hair is to dye it with colorless henna.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies can also restore shine to hair. Their advantage is that they are inexpensive and prepared from fresh products.


Recipe 1.

Vitamin mixture for owners of red hair. Mix:

  • 50 ml carrot juice
  • 50 ml beet juice.

Cover your shoulders with a towel or cellophane. Apply the composition to the hair and distribute well. Dry the curls with a hair dryer or wait for natural drying. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly.

Recipe 2.


  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg,
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons crushed oatmeal,
  • water.

Combine all dry ingredients and pour hot water. The mask should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Rub the product into the roots of the hair, then apply to the entire length. Cover your head with a shower cap and towel and leave for 30 minutes. Sweep regular shampoo then rinse with lemon juice.

Recipe 3.

  • 1 teaspoon of tea
  • 3 tablespoons hot milk
  • egg yolk,
  • 0.5 teaspoon of honey.

Brew tea in milk, add egg yolk and honey. Mix the ingredients and apply to the hair along the entire length. Wrap your head in a warm towel. Wash off with shampoo after an hour.

Recipe 4.

  • 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil,
  • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt.

Blend the ingredients in a blender. Apply the mixture to clean hair, spreading over the entire length. Cover your head with cellophane. Keep the mask on your hair for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Recipe 5.

Grind the pulp of the watermelon. Lubricate the hair and scalp with the resulting juice. Cover the curls with a shower cap and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair and rinse with a solution of lemon juice. Curls should dry naturally.


For home procedure hair lamination will need:

  • 1 tablespoon gelatin
  • 6-8 tablespoons of water or milk
  • baby shampoo,
  • balm,
  • avocado or almond oil.

Pour gelatin with warm boiled water and mix well. Cover the container with a lid and leave to swell for 15 minutes. Then mix again. The main thing is that there are no lumps of gelatin left, otherwise it is very problematic to comb it out of the hair. If lumps have formed, you should put the container with gelatin in a water bath and warm it up a little, stirring constantly.

After cooling, the gelatin mixture should be divided in half. Mix one part with shampoo in equal proportions (1:1). It is very important that the shampoo was the same amount with the mixture, otherwise the hair after the procedure may become brittle.

Mix gelatin with shampoo well and apply to dry hair along the entire length. Keep the mixture on your hair for 40 minutes, wrapping your head with cellophane and a warm towel. After the set time has elapsed, you need to lather the shampoo that has already been applied to the hair, and rinse your head well with warm water.

While the hair is drying, take the second part of the gelatin and combine with the hair balm in equal proportions. And if possible, add 5-7 drops of avocado or almond oil. Apply the product only to the length of the hair, avoiding the roots. It is important that the composition covers each strand.

You can keep the balm on your hair for 40 to 120 minutes, be sure to cover it with cellophane and a warm towel. In conclusion, you need to wash your hair with a large volume of warm water without shampoo and let your hair dry naturally.

You can repeat the lamination procedure after 30-40 days.

natural oils

To add shine to hair, any oil is suitable: olive, jojoba, burdock, avocado, almond, castor, coconut, grape seed.

Recipe 1.

If you treat curls with any oil for half an hour before washing your hair, your hair will be protected from drying out and the adverse effects of aggressive chemical substances. Before using the oil, you need to slightly warm it up and apply it to the hair and scalp with massage movements.

Recipe 2.

For the aroma combing procedure, you will need any essential oil and a wooden comb or comb with natural bristles. Apply a couple of drops of essential oil to the comb and comb your hair thoroughly from roots to ends for 5-10 minutes. This procedure fully replaces the head massage, and the hair after it will shine and smell wonderful.

Recipe 3.

To make an oil hair wrap, you need 2 tablespoons of warm burdock oil and 1 egg yolk. Mix the ingredients and apply to your hair. Wrap in cellophane and cover with a towel. Wash off with warm water after 60 minutes.


Recipe 1.

Lemon juice rinse will help to achieve instant shine of hair. Dilute the juice of one lemon in 0.5 liters of warm water. Rinse your hair with this liquid after washing. But after such rinsing, be sure to rinse your hair again with clean water.

Recipe 2.

The same effect will be obtained if, instead of lemon juice, vinegar is used in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

Recipe 3.

Pour the peel of several apples with 1 liter of water and boil. Rinse hair after cooling. With regular use, the curls will gain shine, become more voluminous, and smell pleasant.

Recipe 4.

Shine light curls chamomile infusion will help. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers with 1 liter of hot water, insist and strain thoroughly. Add the infusion to the water with each rinse of the hair.

Recipe 5.

For shine dark hair a decoction based on strong coffee or tea is recommended. Brew 2 tablespoons of natural coffee or black tea in 250 ml of hot water and let it brew until cool. Then strain the broth and rinse your hair with it after washing.